RESTORE Workshop - Evangelism

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • This is a workshop and discussion about Evangelism that was presented as part of the virtual 2020 RESTORE Conference. The workshop is facilitated by Aaron and Brooke Allsbrook.


  • @shrilreid3130
    @shrilreid3130 Рік тому

    Hey, it's 2 years latter and your worship service is so far the best I have seen online. But honestly that is because Adonai and the Ruach HaKodesh brought me to your service.
    I was baptized Catholic as an infant because my dad was Catholic but at 11 years old we were living in my mom's hometown of Waco, TX. My mother's mother (grandma) was Seventh Day Adventist and was a staunch observer of the Seventh Day Sabbath. I went through bible study and then converted. So I worshiped on Shabbat and followed the food laws, but as I grew up I began to question why the food laws but not the feast.
    However as many young adults life seemed to run away or maybe I was running from a destiny that Adonai chose for me. You seei had a deep spiritual connection with Yeshua and the Ruach HaKodesh since my baptism, it was put on my heart that even though I had siblings the parents care later in life would fall to me also I would be a Watchwoman. During my adulthood I had some bad experiences that left me with severe PTSD .
    So suffering from that along with guilt for not giving my time to Adonai and avoiding my fate. In 2018 I was living in South Baja Mexico I developed a blood clot and after surviving 2 Pulmonary Embolism my husband and I drove a (very dangerous for me) 1500 miles to the San Diego Veterans Hospital. Upon arrival they found my blood clot was so large it was from knee to groin with a 90% blockage and 10 Pulmonary Embolisms. I should not of survived and I knew it was because it was time for me to prepare for his plans.
    My husband and I moved back to Texas, I checked in to VA Hospital in Waco and got my PTSD under control began reading my Bible again but I needed more then Seventh Day Adventist were, I could not understand when and why they seemed to worship their prophet more then Adonai. I wanted to be closer to Yeshua be like him . I could not worship on the wrong day and most Christian congregations are more concerned with doctrines and rules, much like the pharisees.
    I purchased the Complete Jewish Bible And for the first time read the bible cover to cover. Things were instantly more understandable and the Ruach HaKodesh has always communicated with me and it let me know I was on the right track but it did not lead me, I had to do the work. In 2020 I became aware of the signs and seasons.
    I baught a house, moved in and a month later was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, 2021 I had double mastectomy, chemo therapy and radiation. All the time studying and learning more became connected to the only worship of Yeshua that made sense and that was Messianic Judaism.
    I have developed some connections in the middle east too here the news the US does not tell us. I keep tract and report prophetic events as they accure, I have been actively pursuing to the best of my ability the charge I was given, having already completed the care of my parents till thier death. I decide I was a Messianic Gentile started keeping my first feast this fall and I worshiped with you for Sukkot and have been joining you all for Shabbat ever since.
    The Ruach HaKodesh has been guiding me and sent me to you (surprise, lol), thank your congregation for me because it is there love and enthusiasm that makes you all feel like family.
    Shalom, Sherri Reid Ermoian

  • @spencer_jackson542
    @spencer_jackson542 2 роки тому +1

    I really like your video on how you came to Jesus