My Message To Pro-Choice Conservatives | Ep 922

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @LoveLivesHere12
    @LoveLivesHere12 9 місяців тому +85

    I think it’s super humble of Allie to think back on how she used to think about abortion versus how she sees it now.

    • @notinuseanymore92493
      @notinuseanymore92493 9 місяців тому +2

      Same! Loved that. Lots of respect for Allie Beth

    • @AprilAnnette
      @AprilAnnette 9 місяців тому +4

      Completely! I used to be in that same position and by the grace of God, He helped me see.

    • @beepbopboop3221
      @beepbopboop3221 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes. I also used to be prochoice in high school, but I was young and naive. I learned more, and now I know better. I happened upon eugenics while writing a history paper on Darwin in college.

  • @Mollydollyyyy
    @Mollydollyyyy 9 місяців тому +125

    I had an abortion when I was 23 because I "wasnt ready." I was socialized to believe that it was a normal and acceptable procedure, and even my own mother encouraged it. I went the medication route and passed the 4week pregnancy at home. Even though I was high as hell off the painkillers they gave me, the second I was holding the little orange yolk sac in my hand I knew I committed a crime against humanity and nature. Im 30 now and still not healed from it. It completely destroyed my mental health and I plummeted into an existential crisis that Im still working through. I wasnt raised around any form of Christianity and I am using tools like this podcast to hopefully find my way. Please pray for me. I did the best I could with the information I had at the time, and it was wrong.

    • @ginagonzalez8923
      @ginagonzalez8923 9 місяців тому +27

      God knew what was going to happen even before you did and He loves you completely anyways and has forgiven you completely and if God forgives you in full please forgive yourself. You can turn this into a powerful testimony to help others who are now going thru what you went thru. Amazing grace how sweet the sound.. praying for you❤

    • @claudetherabbit
      @claudetherabbit 9 місяців тому +21

      The whole point of Christianity is that we ALL have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. We all deserve punishment and eternal separation from the God who created us. But “for God so loved the world that he sent his only Son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for all your sins (and mine), including your abortion. He paid for that with His life because he loves you. All you are required to do to receive forgiveness is accept the gift of His sacrifice. I’m so sorry for what happened, but there is redemption for you and you don’t have to carry that burden. I’m praying for you ❤

    • @Mollydollyyyy
      @Mollydollyyyy 9 місяців тому +3

      @@claudetherabbit I just have trouble believing that God is all forgiving and accepting. I committed the ultimate sin in an act of selfishness. Should God not judge me? Why shouldn't I do it again and again and just receive the gift repeatedly? I have so many questions. It can't be this simple though.

    • @BM-fz9yc
      @BM-fz9yc 9 місяців тому +23

      @@Mollydollyyyy you absolutely can be forgiven. To answer you question of why can’t you just do it again and again if that’s the case - because true repentance isn’t just saying “I’m sorry” or feeling bad. It’s a genuine change of heart, mind, and behavior. Someone who truly changes their heart on an issue is unlikely to do it again and again.

    • @andreagiesbrecht611
      @andreagiesbrecht611 9 місяців тому +16

      Look to the Apostle Paul as an example. Look at the work God did in him when he repented! All of us have committed grevious sin of some form. Upon repentance, you are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and the slate is wiped clean!

  • @becomingjane786
    @becomingjane786 9 місяців тому +58

    My cousin was born in 1980 with trisomy 18. She was deeply loved and cherished by her parents, four siblings, and our extended family. On her first birthday our family came from all points of the country to celebrate her life and the joy she brought to us. When she was fourteen months old she passed away in her sleep in her crib at home. She went immediately into the arms of Jesus and I look forward to seeing her in heaven. God created her in His image and all of her days were ordained by Him before there was yet one.

    • @kristiwerling4574
      @kristiwerling4574 9 місяців тому +6

      Aww, how much better than aborting! 😢

    • @crissiemartin135
      @crissiemartin135 9 місяців тому +2

      One day you will see your cousin in heaven made whole

  • @lisalp356
    @lisalp356 9 місяців тому +61

    I was told my oldest child had a neural tube deformity and asked if I wanted an abortion. I declined. They pressed me to do more invasive testing, which I also declined. My child was born without any deformity, very healthy, and almost 2 lbs larger than they expected. There's a reason why medicine is called a practice.

    • @samyo6033
      @samyo6033 9 місяців тому +6

      Praise God! I love hearing these amazing stories!

    • @lorysipel6823
      @lorysipel6823 9 місяців тому +3

      Praise the Lord 🙏🏻

    • @alex43223
      @alex43223 8 місяців тому +1

      That is amazing ❤️❤️❤️

  • @alissahhodges5854
    @alissahhodges5854 9 місяців тому +39

    My daughter was apparently not compatible with life. They wanted me to abort. Ruined our pregnancy and birth. Shes five and beautiful. She walks and runs when they said she wouldn't. She started speaking this year and shes incredibly smart always throwing us curve balls. We chose life because God chose us to be her heroes!❤

  • @blindworldcreature
    @blindworldcreature 9 місяців тому +41

    Also, I seem to remember a woman on Facebook, way back, years ago, who had a similar diagnosis, where the baby wouldn't survive to term, and she and her husband went on an epic road trip, went to all the places, and took many pictures... so that they would have the "full experience" (so to speak) of having those memories of traveling as a family, with their child, as she was pregnant. This woman, in my unwanted opinion, should make the most of this precious, short amount of time she has with her child.

    • @Naomi_OB
      @Naomi_OB 9 місяців тому +1

      Beautiful ❤

  • @beepbopboop3221
    @beepbopboop3221 9 місяців тому +37

    Ally, using disability as a reason for abortion is just eugenics. I say this as a mom of an adopted son with trisomy 21. This was a step parent adoption. I'm thankful that my husband's ex chose life for my son and daughter (unaffected fraternal twin). Trisomy 18 is welcome at our trisony 21 support group. I have no doubt the group in this woman's area would support her. Many families lose their trisomy 21 baby to heart defects. It (birthing babies the parent has been told will die) can and has been done. I have friends who chose life, knowing their baby had a life expectancy of hours rather than decades. It was hard. No one is saying it is easy. It isn't.

    • @simfimpim
      @simfimpim 9 місяців тому +1

      Do you also think that medical cures for diseases or disorders is eugenics? If not, why not?

    • @thefuturista7836
      @thefuturista7836 9 місяців тому

      @@simfimpimAre you being serious?
      A medical cure heals a person. An abortion kills a person. Do these two things sound like the same thing?
      The only way a human can think an abortion is okay is by dehumanizing the baby in the womb. The baby in the womb isn’t seen as a person and then the day she’s born she suddenly magically transforms into a human being who has human rights. That doesn’t make any sense to me.
      What makes perfect sense however is that humans find it really easy to kill other humans when we don’t have to look them in the eye. Few mothers would kill their own baby if they held her in their arms and looked her in the eyes. It’s easy to kill your own child through abortion because you don’t have to look your child in the eyes. It’s also very easy for a pilot to drop a bomb from a war plane on hundreds of people and kill them because he didn’t have to look them in the eyes.
      Killing humans with a bomb is evil and wrong. Killing a baby in the womb through abortion is evil and wrong. Healing a disease is loving, it’s caring for another human being.
      Do you understand that your view of human life is very similar to the view in 1940s Germany? The German government didn’t just send Jews to the gas chambers, they also sent many disabled people to die, and gay people. The view was that both gay people and disabled people aren’t normal and it would be loving and kind for them to die because it isn’t loving for an abnormal person like that to have to live this life.
      The decision to send a baby with a genetic condition to die isn’t very far from the world view I just described.
      Humans have the capability to do things like what was done in Germany during the Second World War. God commands us to not take another human life.
      In the end you will have to decide, will you listen to God or do you think that you deserve to decide who lives and dies?
      When we decide to take on the role of God horrific evil always becomes the result.

    • @simfimpim
      @simfimpim 9 місяців тому

      @beastbombshell3589 I am not picking and choosing? I asked a question.

    • @beepbopboop3221
      @beepbopboop3221 9 місяців тому

      @simfimpim Abortion is based in the eugenics, which Margarett Sanger was a firm believer in. The goal of planned parenthood is to prevent inferior races (her words not mine) from procreating. This is why many planned parenhoods are in minority neighborhoods or poor neighborhoods (poor irish immigrants experienced just as much racial discrimination). No, medical care in general is not eugenics. Look up more on eugenics. Treating conditions doesn't impact inheritance. This is America, so it doesn't go to the next step of sterilizing people, but it has in the past. Also, the majority of conditions don't have cures, only treatments. The industry doesn't make money from cures.

    • @beepbopboop3221
      @beepbopboop3221 9 місяців тому

      @simfimpim and beastbomb answered your question. They weren't talking about you picking and choosing.

  • @susantasker6120
    @susantasker6120 9 місяців тому +73

    When you think about the act of the abortion and how the innocent baby reacts it’s SICKENING! I do not understand how so many people think abortion is an option !

    • @daughterofthemosthigh3366
      @daughterofthemosthigh3366 9 місяців тому +10

      It is because they still have so much darkness inside themselves.

    • @Mollydollyyyy
      @Mollydollyyyy 9 місяців тому +8

      @@daughterofthemosthigh3366 I had an abortion. I was misinformed. I was socialized by modern society to believe it was a viable option. I was just a sheep and completely misguided. I didn't feel a darkness inside me until after I had done what I did.

    • @sandycartwright521
      @sandycartwright521 9 місяців тому +10

      As a woman that murdered my child twenty five years ago. I am so thankful for Gods Grace. I’ll go to my grave fighting for innocent babies. Cruel??? Cruel is waking up to a nightmare of your baby screaming from a bucket “Mommy save me.” I was diagnosed with PTSD. I’m sick and tired of so called Christians acting like it is ok. GOD HATES THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD!! Those of you that are ok with stabbing babies in the head and sticking their brains out HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! I used to think the same way. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home. When I had my nervous breakdown I had to come clean to my family and admit what I had done. It destroyed me. I don’t care who does what to me. I won’t shut up and I won’t be quiet. I’ll be sharing my testimony online soon. I want to express gratitude the trauma it left. Because it’s never told.

    • @sandycartwright521
      @sandycartwright521 9 місяців тому +1

      @@MollydollyyyyDo you have PTSD from it? I did. Sometimes still do. The aftermath is never told.

    • @sandycartwright521
      @sandycartwright521 9 місяців тому +1

      @@MollydollyyyyGod Bless you for sharing.

  • @KatMcCollum
    @KatMcCollum 9 місяців тому +35

    God bless Allie Beth Stuckey, defender of life 🙏🙏

  • @jessovh5834
    @jessovh5834 9 місяців тому +5

    I too had a complete change of heart regarding abortion “rights.” The problem, however, with the pro-life movement is that their laws insist that the mother should not be held responsible for the murder or their child. I cannot reconcile that.
    If the one person with the most power over her child’s life won’t be held legally and morally responsible and accountable for their murder, we won’t get anywhere trying to save babies in the long run.
    The abolitionist position is the correct perspective, and if we care about the preborn, I pray that we all choose to do something to protect them. Even if it’s as simple as using our voices. ❤

  • @JasmineScott930
    @JasmineScott930 9 місяців тому +29

    Amen Allie! Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us to "choose life so our children may live". We either agree with God or we don't, and as Christians we should always be on the Lord's side.

    • @Me-hf4ii
      @Me-hf4ii 9 місяців тому +3

      All of Deuteronomy 30 seems very relevant to this discussion.

    • @thisistheday597
      @thisistheday597 9 місяців тому +3

      Amen, sis! I advocate at a grassroots level for pro life causes in my area. Not just because I'm a conservative. But because my identity is hidden in the Life Giver, Jesus Christ. Having said that, I see a lot in the political sphere and the one thing I always remember is the being a conservative does not mean you are Saved. We are seeing many conservatives move away from the all life is precious or life begins at conception debate to now suddenly compromise in the name of "having common ground". It's wicked. But this is where everyone and everything is going. We must remember that this world is passing away, but only God's word will stand forever.

    • @amylynnhunt55
      @amylynnhunt55 9 місяців тому +2

      Long ago, when I was in Pro Life groups in University, we often used Proverbs 24:11-12. "Rescue those being taken away to slaughter..."

    • @amylynnhunt55
      @amylynnhunt55 9 місяців тому

      Long ago, when I was in Pro Life groups in University, we often used Proverbs 24:11-12. "Rescue those being taken away to slaughter..."

    • @amylynnhunt55
      @amylynnhunt55 9 місяців тому

      Long ago, when I was in Pro Life groups in University, we often used Proverbs 24:11-12. "Rescue those being taken away to slaughter..."

  • @liamjames5470
    @liamjames5470 9 місяців тому +6

    As a mother of three I can’t imagine wanting to end their life while in the womb. I got pregnant with my first at 19. I was scared shitless that something was going to happen to me or my first. I had an amazing ob. I’ve had him now for all three of my babies. He’s the only one I trust now. If I can be a mother at 20 there’s no excuse for anyone not to take care of their child. I’m now 23 years old with kids. A three year old, two year old and a soon to be two month old. When I had my very first ultrasound at 6 weeks even then you can see that they are a little human being and how formed they are. With my first you could see her move a bit as well.

  • @sandridgelibby
    @sandridgelibby 9 місяців тому +12

    I also had all of your exact same views on abortion as a Christian. And do you know who changed my mind? You. I started watching you about a year and a half ago and God has used you to change my mind on so many things. I have been a born again, Christian for decades, but my political and social views were always moderate, and then they slowly started becoming more liberal mostly because of my empathy for others. Then God revealed to me that the Bible and his truth, no matter how harsh it may seem at times it is empathetic and loving. The truth is what is actually love.
    After listening to you, and some others, I am way more conservative than I have ever been. ❤ God laid it on my heart, that I was looking at social issues from a political, democracy type standpoint instead of a Christian biblical standpoint. Keep preaching the truth, Allie. It reaches people. It reached me.

  • @amandawelsh6766
    @amandawelsh6766 9 місяців тому +12

    I also used to be like you with exceptions on abortion. I was taught until a certain point it's not a baby and just a clump of cells. I changed my perspective that it's still preventing the potential of life and changed my views. But then, with my first pregnancy, at an ultrasound between 8-9 weeks, I remember thinking , "they lied to me!" I could tell my baby was a life. He was fully formed, very tiny, but a life! I could even see his little personality starting to form 🧡. With the Texas case, I looked up that diagnosis, and sometimes it gets misdiagnosed. I had this thought , "what if you abort your baby only to find out they never even had it?!" And if they do, and their life might be short-lived, you still gave them a chance. And I believe those days with that baby could be beautiful as long as they may last. Not easy, but you still had time with your child 🧡.

    • @Me-hf4ii
      @Me-hf4ii 9 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, all the medical research I have read on that condition is that it is impossible to know how severe the condition is or it’s t until the baby is born.
      It can be mosaic (meaning not all the cells are affected). And it can be non-mosaic without heart significant involvement. Neither of which is knowable until birth. And in both those cases, the life expectancy is decades.
      And like you said, it could also be a misdiagnosis. Which is way more common than you’d expect.
      She just deprived her daughter of what was quite possibly decades of full life 😞

    • @sandycartwright521
      @sandycartwright521 9 місяців тому

      Imagine having that ultrasound and them not telling you it www a heartbeat. It happens in these clinics all the time.

  • @michellebaker6302
    @michellebaker6302 9 місяців тому +8

    MY STORY IS IDENTICAL when it comes to the rape/incest exception! Also a comment on Facebook! Mine was on a friend's post. It said something along the lines of, do the circumstances of conception change the facts in relation to whether or not the unborn child is in fact a child? A child worthy of life and protection? That changed my view.

  • @jamieneumann8330
    @jamieneumann8330 9 місяців тому +17

    I am just sick and angry about this woman in Texas! Five months along IS A BABY. She’s a coward and she’s killing a human!!!

    • @Me-hf4ii
      @Me-hf4ii 9 місяців тому +7

      She’s killing her daughter 😞

    • @Nineteen-Eighty-Four
      @Nineteen-Eighty-Four 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@beckster3388 since when is murder a "human right". This woman's life was also not at risk at all. You obviously don't know about this case.

    • @BM-fz9yc
      @BM-fz9yc 9 місяців тому +6

      @@beckster3388it is murder. You are intentionally killing an innocent human. Not a right. Also I feel like people confuse life with lifestyle. She’s not saving her “life” - she’s saving her lifestyle

    • @Femmefatale1990
      @Femmefatale1990 8 місяців тому

      Technically god already did

  • @connihudson1578
    @connihudson1578 9 місяців тому +5

    Thank you, Allie, for speaking truth. Thank you for standing firm for truth in the world of lies.

  • @adriennehart7453
    @adriennehart7453 9 місяців тому +9

    I would loveeeeee to see you debate mama doctor jones. She’s a left wing OBGYN here on UA-cam.

  • @vellichor7676
    @vellichor7676 9 місяців тому +6

    Sending my love. Unsure if you see these, but my wife and I stand with you.
    Many, such as Cernovich, say that strict Pro-Life stances will cost votes. Perhaps he's right? Many in America are spiritually lost, so perhaps with voters he's not wrong. But the Pro-Life stance is that this is murder; how can you trade life for votes? Absurdity.
    Praise be to God. Thank you Allie.

  • @GratiaPrima_
    @GratiaPrima_ 9 місяців тому +12

    Hello all. God bless Texas.

  • @thefuturista7836
    @thefuturista7836 9 місяців тому +2

    I only read two chapters in the Bible today and twice it was mentioned that we are not allowed to take a human life.
    My toddler and I read the Ten Commandments where “Do not murder” is easy enough for a toddler to understand. I read a chapter in Genesis where God specifically mentioned that he will punish any human (or animal) who takes a human life. When something as simple as “Do not murder” is suddenly okay according to some conservatives they clearly aren’t saved and probably not even conservative for real.
    The Bible is clear that those who deny God will hate what is good and love evil. A woman willing to ask a doctor to kill her own child in the womb is a clear picture of what “loving evil” looks like.
    Thank you Allie for continuing to speak about this important topic!

  • @dietschegroosmame3596
    @dietschegroosmame3596 9 місяців тому +5

    Let’s not confuse holiday songs with Christmas songs. Huge difference.

  • @Teal_Seal
    @Teal_Seal 9 місяців тому +4

    Just a friendly reminder that we’ve ALL fallen short of the glory of God. I’m seeing in some of these comments a slightly “holier than thou” attitude. When the Pharisees brought the woman committing adultery forward, whatever he wrote in the sand made ALL of them drop their rocks. ❤

    • @lynpatricia6854
      @lynpatricia6854 9 місяців тому

      It's righteous anger.

    • @Teal_Seal
      @Teal_Seal 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lynpatricia6854 That’s what the Pharisees said too

  • @StaceyMcDonald
    @StaceyMcDonald 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Pro-Life/Pro-choice, Allie. That was convicting for me. I appreciate your boldness in speaking truth.

  • @gsmenendez
    @gsmenendez 9 місяців тому +2

    Me too Allie! I had the same views 5 years ago about pro life rights and just want to say thank God for people like you that boldly speak the truth! God bless you and your family!

  • @stacyreynolds2955
    @stacyreynolds2955 9 місяців тому +10

    Radical and extreme right alongside you! Thank you for speaking truth and staying strong for babies and families! 🤍

  • @brat7776
    @brat7776 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for covering this. I love World Watch. We subscribed for our homeschool students a few months ago & absolutely love it.

  • @Allisonfahrenbach
    @Allisonfahrenbach 9 місяців тому +2

    Allie- I too was a former subscriber to the “pro lifer with exceptions” mentality. I appreciate your transparency here. And as an aside- rant more often. I love it!

  • @texasmom131
    @texasmom131 9 місяців тому +2

    FWIW, my friend’s granddaughter was born with the same condition. She lived a little bit motor than a year and iced suddenly after amazing the doctors with her progress. The mom was pressured RELENTLESSLY to abort. Another friend carried to term and gave birth to an anencephalic daughter who only lived an hour.

  • @jsshay01
    @jsshay01 9 місяців тому +6

    I hate that song, too!! A mom is dying and we want to sing about buying her Christmas shoes?? Can’t take it. Please!

  • @wissawa333
    @wissawa333 9 місяців тому +7

    Taylor Swift actually DID sing Last Christmas on her 2007 Christmas album 🤣 it was the first time I had ever heard that song and didn't know she didn't write it until years later when i heard the original playing in a restaurant and thought, "ah something is covering Taylor's Christmas song." 😂

    • @Teal_Seal
      @Teal_Seal 9 місяців тому +3

      And I’ve never heard TS’s version 😂 Wham’s Last Christmas always takes me back in a good way 😄

    • @BenRebekah
      @BenRebekah 9 місяців тому

      Same!! 😂 can't believe Bree didn't know that

  • @Elisa98438
    @Elisa98438 9 місяців тому +3

    My friends 4 year old has trisomy 18. She’s thriving.

  • @flower18777
    @flower18777 9 місяців тому +2

    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
    Matthew 10:22
    Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
    Matthew 5:11‭-‬12 KJV
    It picking up speed now. We are the salt of the earth. Keep on shining the light of Christ ❤

  • @kityzsRULE
    @kityzsRULE 6 місяців тому

    Allie, I cannot thank you enough for speaking truth in a world full of "comfortable" lies. Thank for calling out people for being stupid. Because until we know the truth, we ARE stupid. Just like before we know Christ, we are blind!
    No matter the back lash continue to run the race God has bestowed upon you knowing that you will receive the reward in the end♥️

  • @Mandadee2012
    @Mandadee2012 9 місяців тому +2

    YESSSSS!!!! ITS THE VERY WORST!! What in the world?!?!? What dying mother wants a pair of shoes?? And what parent is letting their kid leave and miss out on the last moments of their mother’s moments of life?!?

  • @HaleyFromToronto
    @HaleyFromToronto 9 місяців тому +4

    I do have an issue with any side holding a political figure up to such a standard that it becomes idolization. Its totally fine to prefer a candidate, but when people start flying flags and holding these people up soooo high, it becomes an issue.

    • @smdpenguin
      @smdpenguin 9 місяців тому +1

      YES! I learned early on as a kid that holding people up on pedestals would lead to only disappointment. There was a woman at my church that I just thought the world of and thought she could do no wrong. I lifted her up on some type of pedastal where I didn't realize at the time, but I was idolizing this woman. And then she ended up doing so much harm to my family and I had a moment where I I lifted her up and pride really does come before a fall. And I remember thinking that I never wanted to do that again. You can admire someone, but don't lift them up before God. Not ever.

  • @alyssagraham202
    @alyssagraham202 9 місяців тому +4

    Up until 2014 I listened to the Phil Vischer podcast. I went on a trip and when I came back it was literally like God was telling me not to listen to it anymore. I didn’t listen to a single episode after that. I’m so glad I stopped listening. He has gone off the deep end. It’s really sad. I loved VeggieTales

  • @kellyberggren2007
    @kellyberggren2007 9 місяців тому +3

    Phil Visher produced Shack, Rack and Bennie (the Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) about 3 people who stood for their beliefs in the face of possible death. He apparently didn't take in the Truth of the story. This story says stand and live out the Truth of your faith and in spite of the consequences! They said "God can save us from this death but even if He doesn't we will NOT worship your idol . Stand Christians! Stand even if you're the only one. Lovingly, calmly, confidently live out your faith, even politically!

  • @GratiaPrima_
    @GratiaPrima_ 9 місяців тому +5

    The Christmas takes: my unpopular opinion is that A Christmas story is AWFUL!!! Two hours or highly annoying cynicism. Ew, ew.

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ 9 місяців тому

      Ugh, typos. Two hours OF annoying cynicism.

  • @Yard_Sale
    @Yard_Sale 9 місяців тому +1

    I love this, Allie!!! Thank you for your strong stance and being truly pro-life!

  • @well-dressed-bird
    @well-dressed-bird 9 місяців тому +1

    This is the difference between being pro-life and an abolitionist. Pro-lifers are inconsistent, ununififed, and make compromises. Abolitionist are consistent in wanting to abolish abortion across the board and that in cases where the life of the mother is at stake, the medical procedure needed will be a different procedure entirely. This is why those who hold that position should detach themselves from the term pro-life because you're actually an abolitionist.

  • @susanheath7849
    @susanheath7849 9 місяців тому +3

    It takes a lot of courage to take this stance on abortion. Bottom line, what you are saying is so true. Thank you

  • @calliehagood
    @calliehagood 9 місяців тому +2

    I listened to the podcast but had to come over here specifically to tell Bri THANK YOU! I have NEVER liked that song. It's too icky and sentimental and not in a good way. Thank you for standing on the right side of this issue. 😂

  • @sydneyevan1333
    @sydneyevan1333 9 місяців тому +1

    Soooo I was going to buy the do next right thing crew neck but unfortunately it is not 100% cotton and polyester does not hold long term. If you ever change the fabric supplier I will surely purchase!
    *Polyester is an endocrine disruptor and I have been eliminating it from my wardrobe

    • @sydneyevan1333
      @sydneyevan1333 9 місяців тому

      @beastbombshell3589 polyester after continuous exposure does have effects. We absorb these chemicals through our skin. Not only that, polyester does not hold up after washes and begins to pill and the texture is no longer soft but static-y

  • @veronica368
    @veronica368 9 місяців тому +6

    I read the description of your show, Allie. I wonder who is influencing this Texas mother to want an abortion. If only a God-fearing Christian could talk to her, and convince her otherwise. It seems like she is determined to abort her baby

    • @christianpethukov8155
      @christianpethukov8155 9 місяців тому +4

      Oh yeah, the chick is taking glamour shots and playing the victim.

    • @freeconsciousness7789
      @freeconsciousness7789 9 місяців тому

      What do you mean, who is influencing her? Satan.

    • @christianpethukov8155
      @christianpethukov8155 9 місяців тому +2

      @@AvaAdore-wx5gg She is no victim, that's for sure. Looks like an arrogant feminist seeking to score points for her side. Your snark has no truck here.

    • @bishoponyembu9173
      @bishoponyembu9173 9 місяців тому

      Not true. ​@@christianpethukov8155

  • @lindab.1625
    @lindab.1625 9 місяців тому +1

    I don’t have a problem with the song. Maybe we should ask Newsong who sing it and I believe wrote it what their intention is for the song. I watched the Christmas Shoes movie with Rob Lowe and it ended me. I balled my eyes out. The dad holds the mom in his arms and dances with her just before she dies and the boy watches how happy the shoes made her and dancing with his dad one last time. There is a sequel to it where the son grows up and becomes a dr. ❤️

  • @Mandadee2012
    @Mandadee2012 9 місяців тому +2

    The Christmas songs question has one of two answers. All I want for Christmas is you, or Christmas shoes. Either are contenders for the literal worst 😜

  • @jillpantano3911
    @jillpantano3911 9 місяців тому +1

    I agree with Bri- “Christmas Shoes”is emotionally manipulative.

  • @z.s.r.h
    @z.s.r.h 9 місяців тому +2

    it's truly weird to me whenever i meet a liberal christian. my best friend has sort of been lost to the movement, though thankfully she's still pro life. i met a girl from a bible study tho who was 100% pro LGBT+, pro abortion, very social justice oriented... i was baffled.

    • @pbmechura
      @pbmechura 9 місяців тому

      I am pro-life, . I am a Christian. I have known God my whole life. I voted for Biden. I am pro life but there are other issues the Republican Party stands for that I find contradict my Christian faith.
      There are more than 300 verses on our responsibility to care for the poor and work for justice. Over 50 about welcoming foreigners into our land/home. There are 7 mentions of homosexual behavior in the Bible- for comparison. None about abortion obviously but a few that tell us we were knit by God in the womb (not black and white but good enough for me).
      I think God had intention when he emphasized certain things in Bible more than others. So I look at the spread of issues in our country, and I see one side against abortion, but then also wanting to build a wall, send back illegal immigrants while further restricting legal immigration, not wanting to contribute their wealth to insure the poorest in our country have healthcare, and wanting to stop giving aide to countries suffering famine, genocide, disaster. Oh, and wanting to make sure everyone who wants a gun has one. And I don’t see Jesus.

  • @CelesteLouque
    @CelesteLouque 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you! You are awesome!

  • @karisbellisario619
    @karisbellisario619 9 місяців тому +1

    Pro-choice and conservative should not be in the same sentence.
    Conservatives should be about conserving life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conserving the nuclear family as the foundation of government.
    I also do not understand why we adopt the left’s wording such as pro-choice. That is pro-killing.
    I am about choices…who one sleeps with. How ones has sex with wisdom. How one demonstrates self control and waits. I am not pro-death because the baby is inconvenient, unwanted, or Mama is again wanting to put herself first in a perpetually selfish era. Wait another 7 months and have the Baby and then move on.

  • @Pighill
    @Pighill 9 місяців тому +1

    58:45 I was 13 when Home Alone came out. I remember it got bad reviews from the critics, but it still became the biggest box office hit of 1990.

  • @sjchoate1993
    @sjchoate1993 9 місяців тому +1

    Mariah wrote one of my favorite Christmas songs: “Jesus, Born on This Day.” Avalon has a great take on it with Jana Long.

  • @elizabethwright7979
    @elizabethwright7979 9 місяців тому +3

    “I’m just not jiving with that” lol I will be using that

  • @itsjenagain
    @itsjenagain 9 місяців тому +15

    No such thing as pro-choice conservative.

    • @pbmechura
      @pbmechura 9 місяців тому

      There are plenty of pro-choice conservatives, it’s pro-choice Christian’s that shouldn’t exist. I know conservatives that are atheist, pro-choice, and are only against abortion after first trimester once a baby can feel pain (which is only 8% of abortions). They don’t believe in a God so they don’t believe there is any “soul” so to speak. It’s hard to argue against early abortion to an atheist because all of my reasons are based on my faith.

    • @aln5832
      @aln5832 3 місяці тому

      @@pbmechurathe embryo is part of the human race and has developed senses by 6 weeks. They aren’t conservative, they aren’t trying to conserve anything. They probably just don’t like wokeness, but will whine if they can’t get an abortion.

  • @jenniferrhoades8956
    @jenniferrhoades8956 9 місяців тому +1

    David French et. al. should be reminded about that slippery slope. But they won't listen because they really don't care. They idolize clout and its trimmings. That's their idol and god. No one should be fooled by their bloated words when it just boils down to being more concerned with being liked and just plain old cowardice.

  • @memom3x
    @memom3x 9 місяців тому +2

    I 100% agree with Bri 😂 Christmas Shoes is 🙅🏻‍♀️

    • @jpears1367
      @jpears1367 9 місяців тому

      Yuuup! It’s about time someone said it!

  • @stringsattacked
    @stringsattacked 9 місяців тому +1

    I think The Star is really cute too! Some inaccuracies as they compressed the timeline for dramatic purposes, but I really like the way they handled the character of Joseph, and the soundtrack slaps 😊

  • @lorimast
    @lorimast 5 місяців тому

    How do you not understand the meaning of Christmas Shoes? When you give a gift, is it about the gift? This child wanted so badly to show LOVE to his mother who is dying. He went to the store and was just a bit short on cash. He begs the cashier to PLEASE help, it's a gift for my mom. The man behind was so affected by the love this child has for his mom, he gives the money. Then he realizes the crazy rush in life is not important. What is important? The love and how we treat each other. The love of Jesus Christ is what we are to show others. He could have brushed it off and sent the kid on his way. But instead this man gave more than a few pennies. He gave this child a Christmas memory that he will NEVER forget. It gives me chills every time I hear it. I love the real story behind this simple gift.

  • @lauratownsend2040
    @lauratownsend2040 9 місяців тому +3

    Beautiful rant!!

  • @kellycase4212
    @kellycase4212 9 місяців тому +1

    I think the song was made for a movie and then started being played on the radio if I remember right. I think it was a Hallmark movie.

  • @GenXfrom75
    @GenXfrom75 9 місяців тому +2

    Fact: *you cannot be a pro abortion rights Christian.* You can call yourself that but you cannot, in fact, be both.

  • @lindasteinbrenner8065
    @lindasteinbrenner8065 9 місяців тому +1

    My sons love Home Alone.. me not so much. It also makes me anxious with a child left behind. But I think the house is beautiful and right here in Northern Illinois.
    We have a radio station that plays Christmas music starting at the end of October.. yikes! But they play that Last Christmas I gave you my heart song constantly!!

  • @JocelynTonello
    @JocelynTonello 8 місяців тому +1

    There’s a movie about that song Christmas shoes that you need to watch to fully appreciate that song

  • @lorihayes4120
    @lorihayes4120 9 місяців тому

    Can we do an episode interviewing Bri? We love her!! Great episode as always, Allie!

  • @pianogal853
    @pianogal853 9 місяців тому +3

    59:52 I've never seen Home Alone - I doubt I missed anything 😅

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ 9 місяців тому +2

      Ooooh, you have!

    • @lgist1810
      @lgist1810 9 місяців тому

      I forced myself to watch it last year...once was enough 😅😂 but now I understand all the references

  • @podpoppersplace
    @podpoppersplace 9 місяців тому +1

    I’m with you! Abortion is so wrong. 😔

  • @Ms000anna000
    @Ms000anna000 9 місяців тому +3

    I love Allie and Bree!! I'm sorry if I spelled the name wrong!

  • @pianogal853
    @pianogal853 9 місяців тому +7

    I so appreciate that you say things plainly 😂

    • @taylourreed5560
      @taylourreed5560 9 місяців тому

      Yep! Abstinence, contraception, adoption, and parenthood

  • @christiesmith3335
    @christiesmith3335 9 місяців тому

    Watch "the very first Noel" with Andy Griffith narrator, AMAZING!! Such a terrific family Christian Christmas movie

  • @e.y.3336
    @e.y.3336 9 місяців тому +1


  • @Ness10514
    @Ness10514 9 місяців тому

    I was listening on Spotify but I had to come here to comment. I 100% agree with Bri! Christmas Shoes is THE WORST CHRISTMAS SONG! Lol 😂

  • @Blueberryfarmgirl
    @Blueberryfarmgirl 9 місяців тому

    I would love it if you would consider interviewing Doug Wilson to discuss Christian Nationalism.

  • @TillyTortilla0216
    @TillyTortilla0216 7 місяців тому +1

    4:26 to call pro life extreme is to say being anti-murder is extreme

  • @CalebHembree
    @CalebHembree 9 місяців тому +3

    Could you have Dr John Lennox on your podcast?

  • @alyssagraham202
    @alyssagraham202 9 місяців тому +1

    Agree with the worst Christmas songs. Also why does she need shoes if she can’t get out of bed. Taylor Swift did do Last Christmas like a decade or more ago. Also agree with Love Actually

  • @kellycase4212
    @kellycase4212 9 місяців тому +1

    I do not like Christmas Shoes either 🤣

  • @hangtoughhomestead2229
    @hangtoughhomestead2229 9 місяців тому +1

    We have a Constitutional Republic. We are not a Democracy. Just as when we acknowledge that the preborn baby is a separate person, and the only innocent party in the abortion/murder debate.....words matter. They mean different things. You are younger than we are and therefore may not realize that in America, it was taught in our schools and spoken in our conversations....that we are a special nation 'because of' our checks and balances. The 'Constitutional Republic' was always spoken of in defense of our liberties. Whereas, when we speak of our 'Democracy,' we are no different than a 'mob'....where numbers rule....rather than the law of the land with it's checks and balances...that protect each individual's liberties.
    Allie, we are not chastising you. We thank you for what you do. We are just trying to open the eyes of Americans that we must not use the 'talking points/language' of the enemy to our Constitution...even inadvertently. ......Loud enough....often enough....and the lie of 'Democracy' will be believed 'at the expense of' our Constitutional Republic. You fight for our Constitutional rights. Please fight against the language that is dissolving it.....We must not let the 'mob' rule.

    • @pbmechura
      @pbmechura 9 місяців тому

      Some of the worst countries in the world are constitutional republics. Look up counties with highest freedom index- Democracy is the common thread. We are both, and definitely should be proud to be democratic. I personally don’t take pride in our country being a republic, but to each their own.

  • @Naomi_OB
    @Naomi_OB 9 місяців тому +1

    Bree for the WIN!! The song is 100% manipulation of people's emotions at Christmas to make money. And as a mom, of children who have lost their father, this song is one of the worst.
    My LEAST favorite song is" Do They Know its Christmas" /Band Aid. Newsflash -- they NEVER have snow on Africia, and they most likely don't even celebrate Christmas!! Another pull on heartstrings based on false premises. 😂

    • @bishoponyembu9173
      @bishoponyembu9173 9 місяців тому

      Africans don't celebrate Christmas? Wtf😅😂

  • @whatthecrud
    @whatthecrud 8 місяців тому

    I don't know how we got to this place, but I think the issue of abortion has brought out the worst in humanity. It's had a trickle-down effect that we've seen happen. So many elderly were treated horribly during the pandemic--like their lives didn't matter because they were physically more vulnerable. Now we're seeing assisted suicides become a thing. When did physical prowess become the end-all/ be-all of our identities as humans worthy of dignity and respect? And, when did we become a society where rapists feel safe enough to commit atrocious crimes like rape, knowing that there's a good chance they'll get away with it? Maybe putting the punishment of a rape onto an innocent baby is just a cop-out for a culture that promotes rape- culture and doesn't deal swiftly and harshly with a rapist.

  • @bribricruise3256
    @bribricruise3256 9 місяців тому

    why do Americans keep referring to democracy? Do they not understand that America is a constitutional republic. Yes there is a huge difference. it's actually quite scary that most Americans don't know this and they're allowing democracy to seep into their nation which will ultimately destroy it.

  • @GenXfrom75
    @GenXfrom75 9 місяців тому

    With my last healthy pregnancy, I was 38. I went for the noninvasive maternal blood test Materniti21, with the understanding I wouldn't consent to anything invasive and would be having my baby regardless of the result. I just wanted to know to prepare in the event that my baby would have special needs upon delivery. Fortunately, the results informed me at 13 weeks that I would be having my 4th healthy baby boy 💙. I understand prenatal testing to be ready for a baby that needs extra help. But knowing it's used as an excuse to kill imperfect babies is enough to make me reconsider my opinion on all testing 😢

  • @cappylover192
    @cappylover192 9 місяців тому +3

    Allie, I’m wearing the same shirt today!!! Lol

  • @kristiwerling4574
    @kristiwerling4574 9 місяців тому

    I also HATE Christmas Shoes as well! And the movie! It's just way too sad and touching!! NOO!!

  • @daelowe5680
    @daelowe5680 8 місяців тому

    @megynkelly needs to listen to this!!

  • @caseyjean2264
    @caseyjean2264 9 місяців тому

    thank you for addressing the Kate Cox case it is being so misrepresented in the media

  • @robe4314
    @robe4314 9 місяців тому +1

    Please have Russell from Abolitionist Rising on the podcast.

  • @dragonhold4
    @dragonhold4 9 місяців тому +1

    (48:16) Is there an accurate term to describe prejudice against Christians?

  • @jimpadilla6795
    @jimpadilla6795 9 місяців тому

    "but your position is stupid".. I love this woman!

  • @nataliejetter7233
    @nataliejetter7233 8 місяців тому

    I agree with y'all about BOTH Christmas songs! (Shoesand Last Christmas)

  • @lukedornon7799
    @lukedornon7799 9 місяців тому +1

    You're both so wrong! The ABSOLUTE WORST Christmas song is obviously John Lennon's hippie anthem 'War is Over'...

  • @carlinab.4575
    @carlinab.4575 9 місяців тому +2

    Taylor Swift did cover the song "Last Christmas"

    • @sbru814
      @sbru814 9 місяців тому +1

      Hahah yup, I came here to make Allie and Bree aware of this! Even though as a swiftie, Bree should know this! 😂

  • @reys7510
    @reys7510 8 місяців тому

    Fantastic segment!

  • @kimberlymurray304
    @kimberlymurray304 9 місяців тому +6

    What about pro-lifers that refuse to call the mother to repentance and justice? Is it murder, or is it not?

    • @shooterdownunder
      @shooterdownunder 9 місяців тому +3

      She literally had an interview about it on this channel

    • @jsshay01
      @jsshay01 9 місяців тому +2

      There are many ministries who deal with women who have abortions and feel badly about it later. And they can have forgiveness. Alan and Lisa Robertson deal with this all the time as they speak for life.🙏🏼

    • @pbmechura
      @pbmechura 9 місяців тому

      Calling an atheist to repentance will just get you a strange look. Most women having abortions likely aren’t Christian’s. Or at least I would hope aren’t

  • @9807654
    @9807654 9 місяців тому +1

    Taylor Swift does have a version of Last Christmas 😂😂😂
    And I too hate those songs.

  • @aherring10
    @aherring10 9 місяців тому

    Today while contemplating the thinking of the people involved in seeking an abortion of a 20 week old fetus, baby, it occurred to me to begin using a new tack. The pro choices seem to think we are trying to punish the mother for whatever reason. No, we simply don’t want to harm a baby. The horrors affected on the Israeli babies is similar to the torture done to babies during abortion. The babies suffer pain when they are being killed. It is as simple and as horrible as that.

    • @pbmechura
      @pbmechura 9 місяців тому

      I have found that using the pain argument has worked against me in convincing someone not to abort. Pain felt by the baby is only a good argument for abortions after the first trimester. 92% of abortions are in first trimester and the earliest studies have shown that a baby could feel pain is 12 weeks (and most studies show it later than that).
      I’m just saying that relating it to pain can worsen the pro-life argument because pro-choice people love to use the fact that they don’t feel pain in arguments.

  • @AshleyChivalette
    @AshleyChivalette 9 місяців тому

    Christmas Shoes is the worst! 😂 10000% agree!

  • @candiejo3869
    @candiejo3869 9 місяців тому +1

    Agreed!! Can't stand Christmas shoes song... 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉

  • @christianpethukov8155
    @christianpethukov8155 9 місяців тому +6

    Hmmm, the title sounds a bit clickbaity....🤔

    • @Jesus.saved.me2000
      @Jesus.saved.me2000 9 місяців тому +1

      it definitely is haha

    • @dianeholden3499
      @dianeholden3499 9 місяців тому +2

      How? Seems plain and simple to me.

    • @christianpethukov8155
      @christianpethukov8155 9 місяців тому

      @@dianeholden3499 It may appear at first glance that she is implying she has changed her position recently.

    • @Pipers_hooman
      @Pipers_hooman 9 місяців тому

      ​@@AvaAdore-wx5ggthou shalt not murder. Yeah, it's in there. That WORD didn't even exist in language at the time. Nice try though. Nice mental gymnastics. Nice attempt at gaslighting. Nice playing with God's words and commands. Take it to God and repent. Liar.

    • @christianpethukov8155
      @christianpethukov8155 9 місяців тому

      @@AvaAdore-wx5gg Hey, they're strong and independent wahmen, they don't need no man....until they do. What's his is hers and what's hers is hers too.

  • @michellefrench6617
    @michellefrench6617 9 місяців тому

    Wing Santa Clause in a Helicopter! Best Christmas song EVER