It seems like from here key sticking points are democrats want to repeal the $10,000 state/local tax reduction (presumably for blue states with high taxes like CA and NY), republicans want company's liability to be limited (being pro-business and all), and Trump wants the payroll tax cut (though it also sounds like this isn't a deal breaker for him)
It seems like from here key sticking points are democrats want to repeal the $10,000 state/local tax reduction (presumably for blue states with high taxes like CA and NY), republicans want company's liability to be limited (being pro-business and all), and Trump wants the payroll tax cut (though it also sounds like this isn't a deal breaker for him)
And it has nothing for the payment protection that Jaya was trying to implement. Just another bailout from the purple aliance.
essvee86 “Jaya”? I googled and she’s a Filipino singer, no involvement with payment protection