Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, Thailand



  • @barbarakulig-filipov4837
    @barbarakulig-filipov4837 9 місяців тому +1

    Nisam sigurna da ovi slonovi su srecni, kao sto ovi turisti.

    • @andrewnoble2955
      @andrewnoble2955  9 місяців тому +1

      You can look into these sanctuaries… they supposedly rescue these elephants from carnivals and work and try to give them a good life in these sanctuaries. They tried releasing them back into the wild but they don’t survive. So they pay money to rescue the elephants. Seems like a really cool service they do. Elephants did seem happy. I was impressed.

    • @barbarakulig-filipov4837
      @barbarakulig-filipov4837 9 місяців тому

      Nije dovolno biti impresioniran.
      Svaki od ovih slonova ima svoju tuznu pricu. Kako ukrotiti slona divlju zivotinju? Odgovor je jedan: brutalne tresure. Phuket je ocigledno sanktuarium gde one nisu potpuno slobodne. Preporucujem pogledajte Elephant Nature Park tamo slonove zive slobodno i srecno. Niko ne prisiljava da se kupaju sa turistima. Kao sto znate one su drustvene zivotinje, tamo imaju grupe gde se deca sloncici ugraju. Turiste pripremaju hranu, hrane nih kupanje slobodne itd. U ovom parku zive i drugie zivotinje, zbrinjavaju pse i mackie.
      Mislim svaki bliski kontakt coveka sa ovakim slonovima stvara veliki stres. Dovolno da vodic povuce ga za uvo on mora da bude poslusen.
      AZIJA JE RAJ ZA TURISTE, A PAKAO ZA SLONOVE ( tigrove, majmune, zmije itd).
      Veliki pozdrav iz SRBIJE

    • @andrewnoble2955
      @andrewnoble2955  9 місяців тому +1

      I think this place takes good care of the elephants. Seems like they are giving them a better life than they had and creating good awareness about places that aren’t taking good care of elephants. The model they use of bringing in money from tourists to rescue more elephants from poor conditions is a good model.