2024 saw me ditching some expensive drive pedals and basing my board & sound around the cheap Joyo AC Tone - another Vox AC-30 emulator. It’s great - and has 6 knobs so is highly tweakable (more so than the Nux ‘63). If you want the Revolver Beatles sound on a budget, it’s a good place to start. Nice video as always - I always get GAS though 😂
Yeah, the AC tone is brilliant. I love that whole amp sim line as they sound great and are really cheap so if anything did go wrong then it's not going to cost an arm and a leg to replace. I'm going to have to put a warning at the start of these videos that they may cause gas 😂😂
I did my redo my board this past summer. I bought the Demon Rev/Dly and Mod Workstations to add. I’ve been super happy with both and the options they provide. The price was good too.
The top Bassic Human Needs are BPC's UA-cam channel ( gets the best sounds from pedals & for analysis), Affordaboard for having great pedals & hosting fab pedal makers. Look forwards to 2025's reviews 👍
Im definitely buying all the new behringer line when there finally in stock in the USA I finally got there dual phase and wasn't that impressed but got the octave divider early on and love it but am stoked to get the bass master and the univibe I have a great univibe but it's a bit on the expensive side and its really big and I wouldn't want to take it to a gig so if the behringer is good it will make a great replacement
@BudgetPedalChap the demonfx makes a duel boost. Which is a 33 on one side and an EP booster on the other. With my orange amps that would be killer....ive had the EP boost in the past. And the guptech grindr which is another fortin clone.
Great video, really enjoyed that. Also Affordaboard are a great company, so helpful, knowledgeable, enthusiastic. 👍✌️😊💜
Cheers gent. Yeah, I've really lucked out getting such a great sponsor to work with 👍
@@BudgetPedalChap 🙏🙏👍👍👍😊😊💜💜
2024 saw me ditching some expensive drive pedals and basing my board & sound around the cheap Joyo AC Tone - another Vox AC-30 emulator. It’s great - and has 6 knobs so is highly tweakable (more so than the Nux ‘63). If you want the Revolver Beatles sound on a budget, it’s a good place to start. Nice video as always - I always get GAS though 😂
Yeah, the AC tone is brilliant. I love that whole amp sim line as they sound great and are really cheap so if anything did go wrong then it's not going to cost an arm and a leg to replace. I'm going to have to put a warning at the start of these videos that they may cause gas 😂😂
I did my redo my board this past summer. I bought the Demon Rev/Dly and Mod Workstations to add. I’ve been super happy with both and the options they provide. The price was good too.
Yeah, you get loads for the money. It's a great one stop shop 👍
The top Bassic Human Needs are BPC's UA-cam channel ( gets the best sounds from pedals & for analysis), Affordaboard for having great pedals & hosting fab pedal makers.
Look forwards to 2025's reviews 👍
😂😂 you clocked the shirt then. Cheers for the kind words my gent, here's to 2025 👍
Im definitely buying all the new behringer line when there finally in stock in the USA I finally got there dual phase and wasn't that impressed but got the octave divider early on and love it but am stoked to get the bass master and the univibe I have a great univibe but it's a bit on the expensive side and its really big and I wouldn't want to take it to a gig so if the behringer is good it will make a great replacement
I've got confirmation that the brassmaster and the vibe will be arriving soon, so there will be demos out very soon 👍
Put the Hello Kitty/tone Hamer through a mono synth and be amazed. Industrial tones for years.
@@jumpingman8160 oooh, I didn't even think of that 🤘
@BudgetPedalChap splattery fuzz goes great with synths for disgusting filter riding. Also super dope for drum samples.
4 x MojoMojos and a PG Mojomojo
@@peterhall4852 😂😂 that would be "top 5 greatest pedals of all time"
@@BudgetPedalChap I'm using my PG MJMJ as a treble boost. No bass or gain. Amazing solo sound.
Demon Fx Fuzz Works 7
I think that demo was done in 2023 on this channel. Great pedal though 👍
Didn't like my nux pedals...sounded too brittle..if you have dark amp I'm sure they're great
I set my amps quite neutral I think, maybe I do put them a bit darker as I'm always using single coils? Any of the other pedals pique your interest?
@BudgetPedalChap the demonfx makes a duel boost. Which is a 33 on one side and an EP booster on the other. With my orange amps that would be killer....ive had the EP boost in the past. And the guptech grindr which is another fortin clone.