A Battlefield Veteran’s Thoughts on BF2042

  • Опубліковано 11 тра 2024
  • Well, it's safe to say I was excited for Battlefield 5, or 2042 as we know now. In spite of every let down that the industry of gaming has given me over the last 10 years, I still held some hope for what this game would become. Regardless of how much hype and excitement there was, only time could tell how things would play out- and boy, has time told.
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  • @flip6skater
    @flip6skater Місяць тому +6

    Worse battlefield in the entire franchise… pretty much all that needs to be said lol

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      FAIR ENOUGH! 🤣

    • @flip6skater
      @flip6skater Місяць тому +1

      @@DeltaPrime95 good video none the less

    • @shawnyscore6988
      @shawnyscore6988 29 днів тому +1

      Maybe. But I have a blast playing it and it get roasted way more than it deserves. Some loved hardline and some hated bf1! Though crowd!

  • @Alex-K94
    @Alex-K94 Місяць тому +4

    Also a vet here. Loved the old titles. Bad company with story and multiplayer. But BF 3 and 4 are the ones that got me. Played BF4 with my buddy (which I met in BF4) for months without a break.
    People keep telling me.
    "But the launch was bad!"
    Yes it was. I know.
    But the kept fixing it. And it turned out great.
    BF1 had great atmo but the WW1 stuff aint for me. Same with BF5 but the game was bit worse.
    But 2042 was also horrible at launch... still is on PS4. PS5 it works fine... but the feeling is not there. The maps are bad, the guns are mid at best with some op guns in between and don't get me started on all the stuff that came from cod. Skins, finisher moves, specialists and stuff like that.
    If people like that stuff... ok... I guess.
    But this is not a real Battlefield anymore. The bait with portal was also trash. Still kinda is.
    I gave it chances enough. But after like 100 hourst I can say... it is not good.
    Ok shooter but very bad Battlefield.

  • @shawnyscore6988
    @shawnyscore6988 29 днів тому +1

    I played bf3 back in the day.. because of life I missed out on. Bf4-1-5. I wasnt that big of a fps fan back then. During the pandemic, I got into Warzone with friends and I loved it. After a rough night one day I decided to try battlefield five. it was free on PlayStation. Oh my God, the revelation.! I loved every minute of it , the immersion the graphics. And keep in mind that I was not aware of all the backlash the game got. I tried a finished product and it was great. It was just simply amazing. Since then, I’ve played many hours of Battlefield 5 Battlefield 1 in Battlefield 4. I tried to make up for the lost time and I’m now a real battlefield fan. I can’t stand playing cod or WZ now. I was so hyped for 2042. It was a letdown, but I saw potential. There is many things behind-the-scenes that we just don’t know. Nonetheless, it was a really bad product at lunch. But I stuck it out hoping for the best. Season after season it was better but never what I’ve hoped for. It never shined as much as I thought it could have. But I really do think it got roasted way more than it deserved. Battlefield one was a masterpiece. But after 1300 hours on 2042 my opinion is that I really had a blast with 2042 and I still do. It’s not the battlefield I was hoping for. But I had so many great battlefield moments playing it. There is still no other game like it on the market. so I hope EA and dice have learned something and that they’re going to bring their A game next time around. A functional game at lunch because first impressions are everything. I respect that some hate 2042, but there is a lot of people that are just riding along the hate train without even knowing what they’re talking about! I am forever now a battlefield fan!

  • @kazielbonn
    @kazielbonn Місяць тому +2

    I've played Bf1942, Bf Vietnam, Bf2, Bf2142, Bf3, Bf4, Bf1, Bf5 and Bf2042. For me the pinnacle was Bf2.
    Bf5 kind of captured the Bf2 vibes somewhat and also had some great additions like the prone positions, but the era, in my opinion, just can't compete with a modern setting. I was really hoping that Bf2042 was going to go in the same direction, just with a modern setting. However, what we got was a game trying too hard to be a CoD clone. Shame really.

  • @jaym1244
    @jaym1244 Місяць тому +1

    Been playing Battlefield since the release of BF1942. Have played every release since then with the same bunch of guys, every Saturday night and that's going on 21 years! BF2, 3, 4, and BFBC2 were our favorites. None of us really cared for BF1 or 5. We just didn't like the WW1 or 2 era weapons. Now, we've been playing 2042 since release, never missing a Saturday. Yes, it was a shitshow for the first 2 years but we stuck it out for the same reason. Playing old, outdated games suck. Obviously, BF2042 was not the "Love Letter to the Fans" like they said it was going to be. The lack of basic legacy features, even till this day just boggles the mind! They had a working recipe for this franchise and they basically just threw it out the window! Whatever the mistakes were, in the decisions EA/Dice made in creating 2042, I'd like to think they learned their lesson and the next installment will be back to more of what made Battlefield the best FPS in the gaming industry. Sadly, I don't think that will happen. For the first time, I am not looking forward to the next BF release. Unfortunately, I think this franchise has run its course. Gone are the days of actually getting real content. With the "Live service", we probably can expect to see one to two maps and a weapon or vehicle or two per season now. They are more in tune with the younger generation of player who cares more about skins than anything else. And that's a money maker for EA. BF2042 is not great but it is still fun. And your right, EA fixed a lot of shit to get it to the state it is today. We went back to BF4 last weekend and we actually missed some of the features that are in BF2042. Like Vehicle drops, the Plus System. Heck, even the movement in BF4 felt slow and clunky. 2042 had so much potential, especially portal. And even though I'm not expecting much from the next release, I still have hope, but we'll see.

  • @OoDeucexoO
    @OoDeucexoO Місяць тому +1

    I've played BF since BFBC1, but I haven't touched 2042 or whatever it was before that one, last one I put in any decent number of hours into was BF1. In my opinion, the biggest issue with recent titles is the lack of simplicity, and the maps have become too big. The most common criticism I got from friends coming from COD was the map size back in BC1/2, but quite honestly I never felt like they really were all that overwhelmingly large. Each map for each mode flowed effortlessly. I played a decent amount of Rush, Conquest and the squad modes in BC2 and BF3 (less so in BF3). Once BF4 rolled around I lost serious interest, because the map sizes became overwhelmingly large, and contrary to popular opinion, I don't think 64 players makes games more fun. Chaos for the sake of chaos isn't fun to me, there no structure, no skill, no tactics, no coordination involved. They introduced gimmicks that made it annoying as well, like levolution and the constant weather changes that impacted gameplay.
    I went from playing Conquest, Rush and squad rush to strictly domination in BF1, because of how idiotically large maps were and how poorly designed they were. A prime example of this is that one map in the desert with the train, and for whatever reason they put objectives in the middle of the desert with no cover whatsoever. I felt like the Domination maps became so big they were just shy of being the same size of a BFBC2 conquest map at times...
    These are the biggest gripes I have, and they're what ruined the title for me. I'm just glad that I got to experience BFBC up to BF3. I consider BFBC2 and BF3 to be two of the single greatest Battlefield titles that have ever existed, and it saddens me because I don't think we'll ever have FPS titles like that again where the simplicity, the map design, the vehicles, the few but wildly effective unlocks and class-specific equipment, all worked so well together. DICE doesn't realize this either, and it's the reason why almost the entire original development team left. Bigger maps, more unlocks, more vehicles, more levolution, more weather, more this and that, don't make BF a good game... I would trade early terrible BF3 rubberbanding and hit reg over modern shooters any day of the week.

  • @thepepchannel7940
    @thepepchannel7940 Місяць тому +3

    Been playing since battlefield 3 came out. Clocked 700hrs in 3, 900 in 4 and about 500 in 1.
    For me it’s something about the game design and atmosphere. The game feels really “floaty” and “light” whereas 3, 4 and 1 felt very heavy. Both in colors, general atmosphere and movement of vehicles and players.
    Also really not a big fan of 128 players, the hero characters are kinda dumb to me and the flying wingsuit character can eat a dick.

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      we both started at the same time then! dont you just wish you could go back sometimes? bf3 was just heaven man. you def hit it with the atmosphere, its a night and day difference between the roots of the franchise. i actually enjoy the 128p just because im a fan of the chaos but thats about it! as a vehic player, plz dont even get me started on the wingsuit girl. it takes 1 person with a couple of brain cells to 1 shot c4 any ground vehicle from anywhere on the map with that operator. ive had games where theres 4 or 5 of them and theres nothing i can do

    • @thepepchannel7940
      @thepepchannel7940 Місяць тому +2

      I do wish to go back sometimes yeah, but it’s also because (like you, assuming from the 95 in your username) I was a teen then and gaming hit different in general.
      I don’t have the illusion the next Battlefield will be a return to anything resembling pre-Bf5 games. Which is sad, because the winning formula is actually quite simple and by overcomplicating systems like in Battlefield 2042 they fucked it up.
      I feel like I was one of the only people in the world who, when the Battlefield 2042 “hype” trailer dropped, was not at all impressed. To me it felt like cheap fan service, without showing anything about the game at all. It had the same wackiness factor as the original Bf5 trailer, but for some reason the internet had decided then and there that it was gonna be the second coming of Christ. My EA-fuckery radar was already going off

  • @hillbillypb1522
    @hillbillypb1522 Місяць тому +4

    i've been on board the battlefield train since 1942. Pre release I did not like the sound of 2042 and didn't rush out to buy it because I knew from past experiences EA/DIce model is to put out whatever at a premium price and fix it later. I just bought 2042 like a month ago on steam for 8 bucks. After all the updates, i'd say it was worth about 8 bucks. I will not rush out and buy the next one. It'll be crap until they patch it up. SOP for this "AAA" gaming company.
    You are correct though, if they updated 3 bad company and 4 nobody would buy any other battlefield game, which is why they won't do it.

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому +1

      oh you a VET VET 🤣 i got scammed when it came to the marketing for 2042, i was down bad.. i wasnt NEARLY as optimistic as i was for any other BF but they still got my ass when i should have known better from BFV.. im trying to be more like you lol, they wont get me next time, but everything you said is absolutely on point

    • @hillbillypb1522
      @hillbillypb1522 Місяць тому +1

      @@DeltaPrime95 bf 4 was a disaster of a launch, thats where I got burned. I learned that lesson then. You learned it with 2042.
      Lesson Learned 👍

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      YOU KNOW WHAT, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! i remember bits and pieces but yes bf4 was definitely not up to par on release, great point!

    • @Alex-K94
      @Alex-K94 Місяць тому +1

      I love how your comment reads like you started playing Battlefield in 1942 and now you are now here playing this at an age of 98 or something. 😅

    • @hillbillypb1522
      @hillbillypb1522 Місяць тому +1

      @@DeltaPrime95 that was over 10 years ago, in gaming thats ancient history, lol

  • @Murderofbaralles5841
    @Murderofbaralles5841 Місяць тому +1

    I’ve been a Cod player since the OG MW2. Never touched a battlefield game. It wasn’t until battlefield 1. COD:IW wasn’t what we wanted. So gave BF1 a shot. And my goodness, was it amazing. I don’t need to explain how good it was. I’m surprised its graphics from 2016 is still good today. Anyways got hooked on BF now. BF5 released, it was ok. Still fun. It was like coming from a luxury Mercedes to a Lexus if I could describe it. Then Bf2042 was announced and there was lots much changes but the trailer made it look cool. Bought it. Disappointed. Don’t need to explain. Got my refund. 2023 game was free on PS monthly games. Gave it a shot. And I don’t enjoy it at all. To me it’s just went from unplayable to playable. That’s it. Not much fun. I still play the heck out of BF1 sometimes BFV but 2042? Yea even offered free I don’t play it. Preferred to play COD newest $70 DLC sequel to MW2 than 2042. That’s says a lot. There’s my opinion.

  • @OodldoodlNoodlesocks
    @OodldoodlNoodlesocks Місяць тому +1

    Been playing Battlefield since 1942. 2042 killed my interest in the franchise. Stopped playing before the first content drop. I wasn't bothered by the removal of classes or the inclusion of the clowns. My issue with it was that it was yet another broken mess from Dice Sweden. Battlefield 2 was broken at launch. 2142 was broken at launch. Battlefield 4 was broken at launch. Battlefield 5 was broken at launch. I was just tired of it cause I knew they were going to spend so much time trying to fix the game and it was still going to be a lesser game with less content than any of the games that came before it and in typical modern EA/Dice Sweden standards, I knew they were going to drop support in a couple of years and that's exactly what happened.

  • @garybryant4293
    @garybryant4293 Місяць тому +2

    It was trash when it came out man for real. The f****** thing would crash, it was a big empty mess

    • @garybryant4293
      @garybryant4293 Місяць тому +1

      But don't get me wrong and now I love it

    • @j4gerb0mblitz
      @j4gerb0mblitz Місяць тому +2

      I’ve never felt so much regret as I did when I bought the game day 1 and played my first match.

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      on EVERYTHING it was

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      man i installed the beta after dropping like 100 for whatever edition was and i was like 'they got my ass again'.. at least you waited until release day 🤣

  • @user-bv3qt2jt2v
    @user-bv3qt2jt2v Місяць тому +3

    just look at those maps...

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      what would you say is the biggest thing you dont like about the maps?

    • @user-bv3qt2jt2v
      @user-bv3qt2jt2v Місяць тому +1

      @@DeltaPrime95 just compare. its like LOR and LOR amazon

      @MFGAMBINO Місяць тому +1

      The lack of attention to detail to angles and how the maps play says it all. Too much open space, lack of urban combat , and not a single naval combat map. They don’t play their own games haha

  • @mystiqueprime4809
    @mystiqueprime4809 Місяць тому +1

    Amazing video, babe! You did great!!❤ I agree with you that everyone should be able to choose their character and how they look, plus choosing the map that you want to play on would be pretty cool too. It's still a fun game, though. Keep it up ❤️

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому +1

      Thanxx ❤️ yeah, if a game like insurgency can do custom characters theres no reason a big title like battlefield cant 😐 maybe theyll realize their mistake with removing server browser but i dont have a lot of faith

  • @akinaworan3715
    @akinaworan3715 Місяць тому +3

    I've played most iterations from the Battlefield stable (including Hardline) and 2042 is the WORST ever made. Dice/EA (I'm guessing EA mostly) trying to jump on the trend train of Fortnite, CoD, Apex and what came out was a hot mess. But hey, some people enjoying it so who am I to criticise. But personally I wouldn't touch any other BF game untill they can reclaim the old glory. Wishful thinking, methinks. :-)

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      couldnt have said it better myself.. the most annoying part is how you have to judge the game on both when it first released and currently because like i mentioned its just 2 completely different things.. if you ask me any game deserves to be judged on its first impression because were paying money for a finished product. and they definitely tried to appeal to the whole twitchy shooter population. all i know is im not preordering anything else 🤬 i will not be bamboozled by marketing again

  • @M1STM4N
    @M1STM4N Місяць тому +1

    awesome video dude :)

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому +1

      it takes awesome to know awesome, thank you bud!

  • @p4nky130
    @p4nky130 Місяць тому +2

    Bf2042 is the first battlefield game that I played since it was included into the Xbox GamePass.
    I find it quite fun, but unfortunately it is literally impossible to play 64v64 or even 128v128 if you have the crossplay disabled. And when you do enable crossplay, it makes the game really unfun to play, cause keyboard players are re just so advantaged. The only game mode I can play without crossplay is TDM 16v16 and is fun, however I would really like being able to play the game at its full potential, on a huge map, without having to get focused by flanking tanks and helicopters. I don’t know if this has been an issue on older battlefield since I did not play them, and usually I am more of a PC Gamer, but my old computer cannot run bf2042 so I have to stick with my Xbox

    • @fpsplayer66
      @fpsplayer66 Місяць тому

      you literally have built in aimbot in the game and you call keyboard players advantaged. boomer.

    • @DeltaPrime95
      @DeltaPrime95  Місяць тому

      ive been wanting to get a newcomers take 🤔 im sorry youre having a hard time with crossplay- i definitely understand. while i dont think that the gap between the average mouse and keyboard player and average controller player is that big, i dont fault a single controller player for not being interested in crossplay. i think a lot of it has to do with the way people play now a days- everything is just excessively competitive, which id like to talk about in a video someday. have you tried checking out any controller guides to see if you can get more out of it? as far as the vehicle balance goes- its always been a pretty polarizing topic for all BFs. im a bit biased because im a big vehicle player, and from my pov id say 2042 leans a little more towards the anti-vehicle side. most ppl i play with know i can be a complete menace in a vehic, but honest to god, if at LEAST 2 or 3 people on the other team want me dead- its only a matter of time. add another 6 people who are mad because im doing well and theres absolutely nothing i can do about it

    • @p4nky130
      @p4nky130 Місяць тому

      @@fpsplayer66 the aim assist on controller is not really reliable on long distances IMO, and does weird things when you’re trying to aim at an enemy which is getting close to a group of people, the aim assist will randomly switch targets and it’s really a pain. And don’t even get me started on the mobility of when playing PC, way easier to strafe and be just more reactive in general. Maybe it is because I have way more play time as a PC gamer than a console player but I never have ever seen any FPS game where a controller would be advantaged over KBM, even with aim assist.

    • @p4nky130
      @p4nky130 Місяць тому

      @@DeltaPrime95 well I can definitely feel the difference, I’ve been playing on PC pretty competitively for nearly 10 years (did a little bit of Esports here and there) so my skills fells really capped when I play on a controller. However when I play with crossplay OFF, 90% of the time I end up 1st or 2nd place on leaderboard. But when I play with crossplay ON I can’t even seem to be able to get more kills than deaths.
      Regarding vehicles, since I’m only able to play TDM without the Crossplay, I am not used to play them (especially aerial vehicles) nor am I used to counter them.
      I find the TDM quite fun but I’m pretty upset not to be able to play 64 or 128 game mode without getting absolutely wrecked by the whole lobby lol
      For the records, I am level 80, playing most of my games with Mackay and SWS10 just got yesterday the red skin for the sniper from the 1200 kills and have ~20 kills missing to get the red mackay skin. Don’t know how many hours exactly I spent on BF2042

    • @Alex-K94
      @Alex-K94 Місяць тому

      ​@@fpsplayer66 the aim assist is not good. Most of the time it keeps screwing with my shots.

  • @dvazquez2016
    @dvazquez2016 Місяць тому

    Almost had me. Angry Joe? Thumbs down.