“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” ― G. Michael Hopf Those Who Remain
Good times don't create weak men. Weak fathers, single mothers, arbitrary divorce, divorce courts, the welfare state, unending warfare, unnecessary foreign affairs.....and the list fucking goes on. Stop blaming shit you CANT FIX and grow a set of fucking balls and start blaming shit you CAN FIX. Lazy ass americans like you are ONLY HELPING ENSLAVE US bro.....stop it would ya ;P
Virtue signalling has always been a human phenomenon. Westerners used to do so via religion & public benevolence. Christianity is no longer a cultural force & private charity has been replaced by taxpayer funded government intervention.
I like this remark, that intellectuals (I think it is about marxists here) are they who pointed certain values as superior, and they don't take the practical responsibility for what they propagate. I think it is very true this days. The commons pay for what intelectuals propagate.
@@arthurrobey4945 I think difference between intellectual and political level of this problem is that Hitler, as a politician, bore responsibility for his disastrous decisions while nazi intellectualists did not. The same is with communism. Intellectualists have power without responisbility (or only with some weak kind of moral responsibility). By the way Hitler also regarded that the earth rounds the sun and fact that Hitler had this opinion does not undermine its validity.
@@nieznanyzonierz2955 Was Hitler responsible for the actions of his enemies? My understanding is that the victors' tales are heavily weighed by rationalizations. Why? I get hysterical reactions from people if I question the approved narrative. The volume of emotion is an indication that the truth lurks just below the surface. We are most adamant about things we are least sure of.
It's been a hot minute since I've read it, but I believe that this is one of the main points that Thomas Sowell brings up in Intellectuals and Society. The work of public intellectuals begins and ends with ideas, and they're never held accountable for the consequences of any actions or policies based on their ideas. They have power and authority without responsibility, which is ultimately destructive to society.
The Germans were used and taken advantage of, twice, leading to two world wars, and in both instances, it can be traced directly back to banking and oil from outside Germany. As Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law called them, "a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power," and these people were centered in London and New York City. The first world war was over one thing, the oil found in Persia in 1908, and over who would take it, British/US interests, or Germany. WWII was essentially a replay of WWI, pitting Germany against Russia, hoping to attack them from the rear, taking it all, while spreading Rhodes' original idea of imperialism across the globe, and controlling the money supply of the world. Even worse, and what most do not understand, is that the Roman Catholic Church played a huge role in it, as their idea, since the Reformation, was to bring back a feudalist type of government around the globe so they and the nobles could retake control. Socialism, at its heart, is nothing but rebranded feudalism, and the first step toward communism. Socialism was a product of the RCC and the Jesuit universities. Quoting Curtis Dall, FDR’s son-in-law's book, "My Exploited Father in Law": “For a long time, I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations - One World Money group… Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared “ammunition” in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support. The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus neatly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. "The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public [sheep] by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market… The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.”__From internet quotes. Quoting John F. Hylan: "The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation. To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. "They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business. "These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."__John F. Hylan, 1922 speech, former Mayor of New York City (1918-1925)
Vicki k: This problem has been going on since the Inquisition hit Spain, and the Reformation started. First, the Jesuit Order formed, and it is well known that they formed from the Cult of the Virgin, and the Alumbrados. The Alumbrados survived in small groups, making its way into France, especially within the Jesuits. The Alumbrados is defined as "the Illuminated." By 1773, the Pope suppressed the Jesuit order, and the radical troublemakers went underground until 1814. Adam Weishaupt was one of them, in Ingolstadt Germany. They joined forces with Jacob Frank's Sabbateans (aka Frankists or Donmeh), who claimed to convert to Christianity, as the Rothschild family did, and several other "Court Jews" who were in this group. The Court Jews were bankers to the nobles, and they converted to receive baronages. This is how Frank became wealthy and received his baronage. The Court Jews also believed in the ideology of the heretical sect known as the Sabbateans. Anyhow, this cabal, between the Sabbateans and suppressed Jesuits was known as the Illuminati, and it was formed in 1776. They were later behind the French Revolution, as Robespierre and Rousseau were of them. The underground cabal had moved from Germany into France. They hid within the Martinist Order and the Jacobin Club, on top of taking over and radicalizing the Grand Orient de France and Memphis Misraim, which created the great schism in Freemasonry that is still there today. It is why US/UK Freemasons are banned from associating with them. It was a Columbian Illuminati (NY) member from the US, Thomas Paine, who left for England, and his writing started the Chartist uprising. These uprisings and underground groups led to Marx, another Sabbatean/Donmeh, creating Communism. Marx's father was another convert. www.scribd.com/doc/30408550/Quotes-About-the-Jesuit-Order-From-Famous-People In 1890, Cecil Rhodes, a Martinist connected to the Grand Orient, started a secret underground organization known as the Society of the Elect, aka, the Cliveden Set and the Roundtable Group. He also stated that it would be based upon the Jesuit's Constitutions. It consisted of the money men of London, and later, New York City. They were behind putting Teddy Roosevelt in office, along with his cousin, FDR, and they started the progressive movement. This group created the Pilgrims Society as their first front organ, thus, creating the "special relationship," and it went on to create the RIIA, the CFR, the Federal Reserve, the League of Nations, the National Federalists, the UN, and the EU. These are the globalists. Read this NYT article from April 1902 about Rhodes' society: timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1902/04/09/101945773.pdf The German Communists split, one into a less radical group, known as the National Socialists (Nazis). Adolph Hitler was a Catholic, and he wrote about how he used the Jesuits as the basis for the creation of the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party leader, Hermann Göring, visited the Pope, and they signed an agreement. In 1942, the Vatican Bank (IOR) was formed, and it laundered the Nazi money and gold. It was members from Rhodes' group that financed the Nazi Party. churchandstate.org.uk/2016/03/the-alliance-between-the-cia-and-the-vatican/ It has been a fight between the Protestant liberty movement and Catholics/Sabbateans since the Reformation. Ask yourself, why would a church need its own nation-state, bank, and military? Also, ask yourself, if the Rothschild family ever made any loans to the RCC, and what is the Black Nobility?
"The US and UK had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution." Maybe you should read the works of Professor Antony Sutton. Trotsky was sent from America to Russia, and the same people were behind sending Lenin. After Trotsky and Lenin arrived, the group sent a fake Red Cross mission, with $1 million cash, to pay for the revolution. Those same British and American bankers and industrialists not only wrote the new Soviet Union's first five-year plans, but built huge factories in Russia, (GAZ, built by Ford, is an example), and started their oil business, during the Great Depression. The records that prove all of this are at the Hoover Institute and Sutton included them in his books. Professor Carrol Quigley, who once taught Bill Clinton at Georgetown, verified this groups existence. The same group of bankers and industrialists was outed in the New York Times, in 1902. It was founded by Cecil Rhodes, and they put Teddy Roosevelt, along with his cousin, FDR, in the presidency.
It doesn't matter where Trotsky was born, but he was in NYC when he was sent to Russia. The NYT article was by a Rhodes associate, and he helped start it.
For those of us outer Hajnals who faced different selection pressures one can only look upon the west, the Nemci especially, shake their head and think - have a people ever existed who are both so seemingly smart and so stupid at the same time?
I've noticed this with a number of Europeans, especially when they pontificate about America. They usually have no clue what's going on in their own nations, and will swear up and down that everything is fine over there.
To be honest, I didn't think this was a particularly good talk. At the end of it, I didn't think he had actually said anything of value as to why Europeans are so naive.
So all the varied corporations of feudal Europe created a natural selection pressure for cooperative people good at being employees and "people pleasers," and lots of their descendants are more than happy to throw open all the gates. This is a great analysis. Thank god for the countervailing clearsightedness of modern Americans, East Germans, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Austrians and Hungarians.
he actually did, namely that the question is false to begin with ... also, by rephrasing the question at the end, he totally gave away that europeans are, indeed, somwhat "naive" (if you read between the lines) ... but the more interesting question is, to him, why we are still managing to be comparatively peaceful and productive in western europe. I find that question rather intriguing.
The better question is: Why are western Europeans so well educated? This leads to questions such as: Why do so few Muslims earn Nobel prizes? What undermines creative thought in China and India? Obviously there are exceptions. But the future belongs to the educable and the educated.
Your video playback is tampered with probably by UA-cam. When I hit play it immediately stops, and this happens over and over and over again. I then tried to fastforward to the middle of the video, then it played for about 20 seconds and automatically stopped again.
It is not naivety alone. It is also the fear that their teachers, the MSM, the authorities, etc might be wrong. You see Western Europe after losing its methaphysical religion retained a secular version of it. Just imagine what would happen if now even that remain of religion is robbed from Western Europeans? The poor things might have to start thinking by themselves without the sureties of the Progress cult and their clerics. Just imagine the stress on their brains and testicular fortitude
3rd Wave Feminism is one of the methods by which the policy of the destruction of nation states is being implemented. Feminism isn't a cause in itself; it's merely a tool of communism, which seeks the destruction of the family unit.
Both communism and Islam are totalitarian ideologies. After the demographic majority changeover, Islam will see the feminists sent home, never again to leave without male permission. Hence the commie term: Useful Idiots. Perhaps watch the Yuri Besmenov interviews here on YT.
hes a quite interesting guy, read bits and pieces of his book about "left- and rightwingers" (Linke und Rechte). 17:00 hes so right about "virtue signalling", a very interesting way to put it. ... also, how he rephrased the actual question at hand, from his point of view, was also enlightening: why are we STILL so peaceful and productive?
... until the last Generation Xer retires in 2050, by which time the demographic majority change will've occurred. The welfare state will collapse from no longer being funded by the high tax payers who keep it going until then.
Hmm. Very interesting. Am I correct in understanding that, in terms of the Five Factor Model of human personality -- the Big Five --, this guy is suggesting that there was a selection for a higher level of Agreebleness in Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
This is not even exaggerated. And it's really simple. When telling my Job Coach about how i struggled with people from Antifa at my last job she just fell out of the air as if she never knew what Antifa or communism/socialism is. She actually thought those types were "right wing extremists" because they are so aggressive. While i am actually akin to the conservative side, ergo right wing. If people can't even make a difference between radical left and radical right then we are talking about naivety yes. and oh yeah : "Islam is a religion of peace".
Just checking in. Nothing has changed, expect there are probably less westerners since we last had a listen .... proportionally speaking. Given time this video will date.
Is this just hacked to death with bad editing or is there something wrong with the guys mike ? Could not even finish watching it it became so annoying and confusing.
Well, you either fight or develop, i.e. cannot have both at the same time Problem is = when develop too much you literally forget how to fight, and when fighting too much you literally forget how to develop That's basically the same thing, when everyone was "against Russia" in the last few years people asked me = why are you defending them ?, to which I replied = imagine if we were about to be attacked by Aliens = would you care of any of those "2nd grade policies" such as gay rights, political correctness and shit or would you just go home, buy a gun, go to the local "martial arts expert" and study self-defense classes So yeah = the "lesson of the day" is = don't be a judgmental asshole and ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT *everyone does their best with what they got* .. ALSO, here's the "list" (from best to worst) in development/diplomacy 1 = Well developed country is better Isolated (easier to defend it's "policies" and "tradition") 2 = Well developed country is AT RISK when cooperating 3 = Bad developed country is better when cooperating (meaning they're open to improve) 4 = Bad developed country is worse when isolated (though not always true cause not always a friend is a true friend of yours) IT ALL COMES DOWN to whether you're at a "currently good position" and you like to preserve the status quo OR you're in bad shape and have to change things for quite a while.. Western culture LITERALLY PLAYED WITH FAITH (i.e. they risked their already well-developed state to become better [mathematically proven it's a HUGE RISK with LOW GAIN]) but they did it anyway (in favor of those very few that had an apparent GAIN/PROFIT of it).. Basically when you're at 98% there's literally 49:1 chance that things will blow up when trying to reach that 100% as opposed to when you're at say 60% where the chances of a change to actually improve things are at around 10/25.. It's quite a SIMPLE MATHS really.. Long-story-short = WHEN IN FAVOR OF CHANGES ASK YOURSELF WHAT IS THE RISK/GAIN FACTOR AND DON'T BE AN UNGRATEFUL SPOILED BRATT TOWARD THOSE THAT GAVE UP EVERYTHING SO YOU'RE WHERE YOU'RE AT AS OF TODAY Haven't you ever, like literally ever thought the HYPOCRISY of the whole thing and ask yourselves about the MOTIVES OF CHANGE, like, here's a small "fact" that should LITERALLY BLOW YOUR MIND but whatever: *THE VERY FOUR COUNTRIES IN PRESENT DAYS THAT PROMOTE GAY RIGHTS AND SUCH ARE THE VERY FOUR COUNTRIES THAT UNTIL VERY RECENTLY WERE OR EVEN ARE EVEN THIS DAY TODAY SOME SORT OF APPARTHEID STATES* 1 = US 2 = Israel 3 = RSA 4 = Germany Like, ALL THOSE COUNTRIES WERE APPARTHEID STATES at one point in time (recently or even till this day today)..
Because they are heavily manipulated and because of the concept of charity. And it is not easy to be the most succsessful race on the planet while the others are doing pretty bad.
"Western europe became capitalist in 19th century" Loans were being done back in the 1400s from banks, even in the presence of usury being sin. "Europeans are more co-operative." Until you look at indians and the japanese. So, I don't get the need for those claims, if they're so easily proven false with basic counter examples.
You guys act like whites have no agency whatsoever. Jews tend to be liberals and it is really annoying but you ignore all the white liberals who have the exact same goals. You also ignore all of the Jews on the right that constantly fight for western civilization.
Not naive, more trained over generations to be more docile . After all those countries were around each other for hundreds of years longer then the u.s It only makes scence that traditions of being more cool handed rather going back to strait warfare with the nations on the regular. At some point cultures do mature.
We are not naive we evolved little bit faster and don’t waste time on too much “passion” like you like to call it but it is actually pure laziness and victimhood. Also the only difference in all Europeans is Capitalism versus Communism. Usually Northerners prefer to work and own and Southerners don’t they drink espresso and enjoy the sunshine and big governments. 😂😅 well you guys in Middle East have similar problems between guys who invent and work and guys who’s philosophy is child marriage and genital mutilation ..😂😂 go figure 😂😂 am really optimistic, finally everyone should build their own Countries so we can realistically say who is naive and who is just lying 🤥😁
@@temperateortropical161 turkey was a Greek land inhabited by the Greeks ..that's why they are not middle eastern nor European , Mongolian tribes converted to Islam killed millions and stole lands this is simply turkey .. facts should be told as it is
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf Those Who Remain
Very true.
Good times don't create weak men.
Weak fathers, single mothers, arbitrary divorce, divorce courts, the welfare state, unending warfare, unnecessary foreign affairs.....and the list fucking goes on. Stop blaming shit you CANT FIX and grow a set of fucking balls and start blaming shit you CAN FIX.
Lazy ass americans like you are ONLY HELPING ENSLAVE US bro.....stop it would ya ;P
Peace and plenty breed cowards. Hardness ever of hardiness is mother.
Thanks, Shakespeare!
So you agree with bringing millions of 3rd world and middle eastern refugees into Europe?
Women are also part of the labour force now though. There was a sacrifice, results unknown
Virtue signalling
Virtue signalling has always been a human phenomenon. Westerners used to do so via religion & public benevolence. Christianity is no longer a cultural force & private charity has been replaced by taxpayer funded government intervention.
He states here 16:50 that the phrase has been re-purposed.
Because they have been protected by the American security blanket since 1950.
“Public virtue is a ghost town where any one can walk in and declare themselves sheriff”.
Saul Bellows.
I like this remark, that intellectuals (I think it is about marxists here) are they who pointed certain values as superior, and they don't take the practical responsibility for what they propagate. I think it is very true this days. The commons pay for what intelectuals propagate.
That was Hitler's criticism of democracy. No one bears any responsibility for disastrous decisions.
@@arthurrobey4945 I think difference between intellectual and political level of this problem is that Hitler, as a politician, bore responsibility for his disastrous decisions while nazi intellectualists did not. The same is with communism. Intellectualists have power without responisbility (or only with some weak kind of moral responsibility).
By the way Hitler also regarded that the earth rounds the sun and fact that Hitler had this opinion does not undermine its validity.
Was Hitler responsible for the actions of his enemies?
My understanding is that the victors' tales are heavily weighed by rationalizations.
I get hysterical reactions from people if I question the approved narrative.
The volume of emotion is an indication that the truth lurks just below the surface.
We are most adamant about things we are least sure of.
It's been a hot minute since I've read it, but I believe that this is one of the main points that Thomas Sowell brings up in Intellectuals and Society. The work of public intellectuals begins and ends with ideas, and they're never held accountable for the consequences of any actions or policies based on their ideas. They have power and authority without responsibility, which is ultimately destructive to society.
@@arthurrobey4945 said the man who is responsible for WWW2 and the Holocaust - then shot himself.
The worst guy to copy quotes.
Because the pill and three generations of near total security.
The Germans were used and taken advantage of, twice, leading to two world wars, and in both instances, it can be traced directly back to banking and oil from outside Germany. As Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law called them, "a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power," and these people were centered in London and New York City.
The first world war was over one thing, the oil found in Persia in 1908, and over who would take it, British/US interests, or Germany. WWII was essentially a replay of WWI, pitting Germany against Russia, hoping to attack them from the rear, taking it all, while spreading Rhodes' original idea of imperialism across the globe, and controlling the money supply of the world.
Even worse, and what most do not understand, is that the Roman Catholic Church played a huge role in it, as their idea, since the Reformation, was to bring back a feudalist type of government around the globe so they and the nobles could retake control. Socialism, at its heart, is nothing but rebranded feudalism, and the first step toward communism. Socialism was a product of the RCC and the Jesuit universities.
Quoting Curtis Dall, FDR’s son-in-law's book, "My Exploited Father in Law":
“For a long time, I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations - One World Money group… Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared “ammunition” in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support. The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus neatly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
"The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public [sheep] by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market… The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.”__From internet quotes.
Quoting John F. Hylan:
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation. To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.
"They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business.
"These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."__John F. Hylan, 1922 speech, former Mayor of New York City (1918-1925)
craxd1 very thought provoking answer
Vicki k: This problem has been going on since the Inquisition hit Spain, and the Reformation started. First, the Jesuit Order formed, and it is well known that they formed from the Cult of the Virgin, and the Alumbrados. The Alumbrados survived in small groups, making its way into France, especially within the Jesuits. The Alumbrados is defined as "the Illuminated."
By 1773, the Pope suppressed the Jesuit order, and the radical troublemakers went underground until 1814. Adam Weishaupt was one of them, in Ingolstadt Germany. They joined forces with Jacob Frank's Sabbateans (aka Frankists or Donmeh), who claimed to convert to Christianity, as the Rothschild family did, and several other "Court Jews" who were in this group. The Court Jews were bankers to the nobles, and they converted to receive baronages. This is how Frank became wealthy and received his baronage. The Court Jews also believed in the ideology of the heretical sect known as the Sabbateans. Anyhow, this cabal, between the Sabbateans and suppressed Jesuits was known as the Illuminati, and it was formed in 1776. They were later behind the French Revolution, as Robespierre and Rousseau were of them. The underground cabal had moved from Germany into France. They hid within the Martinist Order and the Jacobin Club, on top of taking over and radicalizing the Grand Orient de France and Memphis Misraim, which created the great schism in Freemasonry that is still there today. It is why US/UK Freemasons are banned from associating with them.
It was a Columbian Illuminati (NY) member from the US, Thomas Paine, who left for England, and his writing started the Chartist uprising. These uprisings and underground groups led to Marx, another Sabbatean/Donmeh, creating Communism. Marx's father was another convert.
In 1890, Cecil Rhodes, a Martinist connected to the Grand Orient, started a secret underground organization known as the Society of the Elect, aka, the Cliveden Set and the Roundtable Group. He also stated that it would be based upon the Jesuit's Constitutions. It consisted of the money men of London, and later, New York City. They were behind putting Teddy Roosevelt in office, along with his cousin, FDR, and they started the progressive movement. This group created the Pilgrims Society as their first front organ, thus, creating the "special relationship," and it went on to create the RIIA, the CFR, the Federal Reserve, the League of Nations, the National Federalists, the UN, and the EU. These are the globalists.
Read this NYT article from April 1902 about Rhodes' society:
The German Communists split, one into a less radical group, known as the National Socialists (Nazis). Adolph Hitler was a Catholic, and he wrote about how he used the Jesuits as the basis for the creation of the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party leader, Hermann Göring, visited the Pope, and they signed an agreement. In 1942, the Vatican Bank (IOR) was formed, and it laundered the Nazi money and gold. It was members from Rhodes' group that financed the Nazi Party.
It has been a fight between the Protestant liberty movement and Catholics/Sabbateans since the Reformation. Ask yourself, why would a church need its own nation-state, bank, and military? Also, ask yourself, if the Rothschild family ever made any loans to the RCC, and what is the Black Nobility?
"The US and UK had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution." Maybe you should read the works of Professor Antony Sutton. Trotsky was sent from America to Russia, and the same people were behind sending Lenin. After Trotsky and Lenin arrived, the group sent a fake Red Cross mission, with $1 million cash, to pay for the revolution. Those same British and American bankers and industrialists not only wrote the new Soviet Union's first five-year plans, but built huge factories in Russia, (GAZ, built by Ford, is an example), and started their oil business, during the Great Depression. The records that prove all of this are at the Hoover Institute and Sutton included them in his books.
Professor Carrol Quigley, who once taught Bill Clinton at Georgetown, verified this groups existence. The same group of bankers and industrialists was outed in the New York Times, in 1902. It was founded by Cecil Rhodes, and they put Teddy Roosevelt, along with his cousin, FDR, in the presidency.
It doesn't matter where Trotsky was born, but he was in NYC when he was sent to Russia. The NYT article was by a Rhodes associate, and he helped start it.
"We have no proof." Again, read Prof. Sutton, or listen to his lectures. There is plenty of proof.
Rahim! Best man! Gonna watch the video in its entirety.
For those of us outer Hajnals who faced different selection pressures one can only look upon the west, the Nemci especially, shake their head and think - have a people ever existed who are both so seemingly smart and so stupid at the same time?
the rootcause of their 'naivity' is a mix of cowardice and arrogance
Pity about the quality of the recording, it kept cutting out in the 2nd half. But very interesting and informative.
I've noticed this with a number of Europeans, especially when they pontificate about America. They usually have no clue what's going on in their own nations, and will swear up and down that everything is fine over there.
Because all the rebels and crazies moved here, to the U.S.
To be honest, I didn't think this was a particularly good talk. At the end of it, I didn't think he had actually said anything of value as to why Europeans are so naive.
I was fascinated by the historical perspective, but he seemed to jump from the middle ages to the 60's, leaving a broad gap.
Our empathy is being weaponized and is being used against us.
loved this
The audio qulity gets pretty bad during the second half, couldn’t hear the speaker completely at times.
Amazing talk though!
I have been wondering that very same question for a few years now...
So all the varied corporations of feudal Europe created a natural selection pressure for cooperative people good at being employees and "people pleasers," and lots of their descendants are more than happy to throw open all the gates. This is a great analysis. Thank god for the countervailing clearsightedness of modern Americans, East Germans, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Austrians and Hungarians.
Excellent upload.
This guy goes all over the place to answer the question but doesn´t really answer it.
he actually did, namely that the question is false to begin with ... also, by rephrasing the question at the end, he totally gave
away that europeans are, indeed, somwhat "naive" (if you read between the lines) ... but the more interesting question is, to him, why we are still managing to be comparatively peaceful and productive in western europe. I find that question rather intriguing.
Elvis Pelvis : Not for much longer. The welfare state that conceals deep problems will collapse within decades.
His description of virtue signalling being where someone else bears the cost of virtue hits the nail on the head.
Amazing how people have to dance around all these factual issues in fear of crossing the PC line.
His Austrian accent is killing me :-)
Was the audio bad for anyone else at the 15:45 point or so or was it just me?
The better question is: Why are western Europeans so well educated? This leads to questions such as: Why do so few Muslims earn Nobel prizes? What undermines creative thought in China and India? Obviously there are exceptions. But the future belongs to the educable and the educated.
Your video playback is tampered with probably by UA-cam. When I hit play it immediately stops, and this happens over and over and over again. I then tried to fastforward to the middle of the video, then it played for about 20 seconds and automatically stopped again.
1:44 you forgot „Kartoffel“ (potato), which is basically the n-word for germans and austrians.
This observation become more and more pertinent. Now we are kneeling how more domesticated can you get.
This is the most intense comments section I’ve ever come across
It is not naivety alone. It is also the fear that their teachers, the MSM, the authorities, etc might be wrong. You see Western Europe after losing its methaphysical religion retained a secular version of it.
Just imagine what would happen if now even that remain of religion is robbed from Western Europeans?
The poor things might have to start thinking by themselves without the sureties of the Progress cult and their clerics.
Just imagine the stress on their brains and testicular fortitude
And Europeans used to call Americans stupid? At least we didn't destroy our nation.
I like how he ended that interesting talk.
Western Europe already transitioned to EurAfrabia. Problem solved.
I wish he would hold this talk in his very charming vienna accent.
19:00 Wretched Lot = NATO/Pentagon/EU
Who cut out all those bits and why?
Nice video!!
3rd Wave Feminism is one of the methods by which the policy of the destruction of nation states is being implemented. Feminism isn't a cause in itself; it's merely a tool of communism, which seeks the destruction of the family unit.
I debate with some muslim friends whether feminism or Islam will prevail..
Both communism and Islam are totalitarian ideologies. After the demographic majority changeover, Islam will see the feminists sent home, never again to leave without male permission. Hence the commie term: Useful Idiots. Perhaps watch the Yuri Besmenov interviews here on YT.
@Max Raider so feminism can destroy western civilization but can it destroy Islamic societies?
@Max Raider ua-cam.com/video/oUtlXqY4iKY/v-deo.html
Holy crap this guy is smart.
Andre Costin
Yeah no shit, and he’s funny
hes a quite interesting guy, read bits and pieces of his book about "left- and rightwingers" (Linke und Rechte). 17:00 hes so right about "virtue signalling", a very interesting way to put it. ... also, how he rephrased the actual question at hand, from his point of view, was also enlightening: why are we STILL so peaceful and productive?
... until the last Generation Xer retires in 2050, by which time the demographic majority change will've occurred. The welfare state will collapse from no longer being funded by the high tax payers who keep it going until then.
Hmm. Very interesting. Am I correct in understanding that, in terms of the Five Factor Model of human personality -- the Big Five --, this guy is suggesting that there was a selection for a higher level of Agreebleness in Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
Very interesting. The way he puts it... Hypermoralisation... I see it all the time.. The trope "something must be done " but what?
PFS and the Mises Institute ❤️
This is not even exaggerated. And it's really simple. When telling my Job Coach about how i struggled with people from Antifa at my last job she just fell out of the air as if she never knew what Antifa or communism/socialism is. She actually thought those types were "right wing extremists" because they are so aggressive. While i am actually akin to the conservative side, ergo right wing. If people can't even make a difference between radical left and radical right then we are talking about naivety yes. and oh yeah : "Islam is a religion of peace".
this ring true in all frequencies
Americans are nutting in agreement. Finally a european accepts that murica is the greatest place in the universe.
A feminist mom makes her son peeing while squatting.
First Last :
If he can't pee standing up, he's not a man.
Just checking in. Nothing has changed, expect there are probably less westerners since we last had a listen .... proportionally speaking. Given time this video will date.
Holy shit, that last sentence was funny
How responsible if the invention of the TV? Can humans handle the screen ?
They have had it too good for too long, weak and lazy, weak men create bad times.
Is this just hacked to death with bad editing or is there something wrong with the guys mike ?
Could not even finish watching it it became so annoying and confusing.
The thesis seems rather dubious. I'm open minded but I need better arguments than these.
'Intellectuals', nice euphemism.
I wish I could be bothered to follow this.
peasants are sheep
Its just part of a plan to mix it.
Well, you either fight or develop, i.e. cannot have both at the same time
Problem is = when develop too much you literally forget how to fight, and when fighting too much you literally forget how to develop
That's basically the same thing, when everyone was "against Russia" in the last few years people asked me = why are you defending them ?, to which I replied = imagine if we were about to be attacked by Aliens = would you care of any of those "2nd grade policies" such as gay rights, political correctness and shit or would you just go home, buy a gun, go to the local "martial arts expert" and study self-defense classes
So yeah = the "lesson of the day" is = don't be a judgmental asshole and ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT *everyone does their best with what they got* .. ALSO, here's the "list" (from best to worst) in development/diplomacy
1 = Well developed country is better Isolated (easier to defend it's "policies" and "tradition")
2 = Well developed country is AT RISK when cooperating
3 = Bad developed country is better when cooperating (meaning they're open to improve)
4 = Bad developed country is worse when isolated (though not always true cause not always a friend is a true friend of yours)
IT ALL COMES DOWN to whether you're at a "currently good position" and you like to preserve the status quo OR you're in bad shape and have to change things for quite a while.. Western culture LITERALLY PLAYED WITH FAITH (i.e. they risked their already well-developed state to become better [mathematically proven it's a HUGE RISK with LOW GAIN]) but they did it anyway (in favor of those very few that had an apparent GAIN/PROFIT of it).. Basically when you're at 98% there's literally 49:1 chance that things will blow up when trying to reach that 100% as opposed to when you're at say 60% where the chances of a change to actually improve things are at around 10/25.. It's quite a SIMPLE MATHS really..
Haven't you ever, like literally ever thought the HYPOCRISY of the whole thing and ask yourselves about the MOTIVES OF CHANGE, like, here's a small "fact" that should LITERALLY BLOW YOUR MIND but whatever:
1 = US
2 = Israel
3 = RSA
4 = Germany
Like, ALL THOSE COUNTRIES WERE APPARTHEID STATES at one point in time (recently or even till this day today)..
Because they are heavily manipulated and because of the concept of charity. And it is not easy to be the most succsessful race on the planet while the others are doing pretty bad.
B"H... University Tribal Adherence. Safe zones for academics shortcomings with life in general.
The cream of western manhood died in WW1 because Germany had the most highly skilled industrial workforce at that time.
"Western europe became capitalist in 19th century"
Loans were being done back in the 1400s from banks, even in the presence of usury being sin.
"Europeans are more co-operative."
Until you look at indians and the japanese.
So, I don't get the need for those claims, if they're so easily proven false with basic counter examples.
Decades of Jewish social engineering and media control.
Why are people so susceptible to this kind of control.
You guys act like whites have no agency whatsoever. Jews tend to be liberals and it is really annoying but you ignore all the white liberals who have the exact same goals. You also ignore all of the Jews on the right that constantly fight for western civilization.
Knave Child oh just shut up with Jews what an ignorant child you are 🤮
Not naive, more trained over generations to be more docile .
After all those countries were around each other for hundreds of years longer then the u.s
It only makes scence that traditions of being more cool handed rather going back to strait warfare with the nations on the regular.
At some point cultures do mature.
Plenty of great comments as to why, plus the video 😑 Life is too easy, loaded with guilt, men turned into women & visa versa
מות Death
תום (מ) Nieve
Logic in the language.
The rise of the feminine is to blame. The elevation of emotion over reason. Coupled with dogmatic PC and it's disastrous.
Propaganda has been scientifically perfected. Check out propaganda by jaque ellul
Not a very satisfactory argument: it's very culturally determinative and highly selective of the data he uses to reach his conclusion.
We are not naive we evolved little bit faster and don’t waste time on too much “passion” like you like to call it but it is actually pure laziness and victimhood. Also the only difference in all Europeans is Capitalism versus Communism. Usually Northerners prefer to work and own and Southerners don’t they drink espresso and enjoy the sunshine and big governments. 😂😅 well you guys in Middle East have similar problems between guys who invent and work and guys who’s philosophy is child marriage and genital mutilation ..😂😂 go figure 😂😂 am really optimistic, finally everyone should build their own Countries so we can realistically say who is naive and who is just lying 🤥😁
Turks are not middle eastern nor are they Austrians, Rahim 😉😉
A P M A : West Asian? In the English language Turkey is considered Asia Minor. Btw: 3% of Turkey is located in Europe.
@@temperateortropical161 turkey was a Greek land inhabited by the Greeks ..that's why they are not middle eastern nor European , Mongolian tribes converted to Islam killed millions and stole lands this is simply turkey .. facts should be told as it is
A P M A : Indeed this is evident from all the biblical place names located in Turkey, for example Ephesus.
Nice lecture but his body shape doesn't match his head's.
One assertion after another. How about making an argument?
Pile of pseudo-intellectualism.
he thinks too much
Too broad. Stay with English western countries.
The French
Fck u
Nosh ha ha I will never forgive the French for post-modernism
Interesting but you made me tired. Speak more clear and stop saying eeeh during the pauses.