The Politics of Hell - Zealots at the Gate | Episode 23

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • “Hell is actually pretty underrated. I mean it, when it comes to democratic life, a belief in hell is quite helpful.” Shadi kicked off a recent public lecture with this rather unexpected and provocative statement. In a time when democratic debate is becoming increasingly judgmental, where citizens wish to condemn and literally sentence one another to damnation, Shadi wonders (out loud) if a belief in a delayed judgment, one that belongs to God alone, could potentially lessen our need to exact total judgment in the here and now.
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  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    Hello I hope and trust you and your loved ones are doing well…! I was raised with people making an effort as with any relationship with it be a wife or a friend or a relationship… I was very fortunate to grow up in Toronto at a time and believe it or not they were still a lot going on between protestants and Catholics never mind bringing any other religions into it because in reality in Toronto Catholicism was huge And when you had someone come into that circle who came from another life in essence we didn’t know we were 6-7-8 years old… It’s a bit deep on this conversation but I have to say I just dropped in so I can’t make assumptions and I must in essence listen first and foremost is my father said you have two Ears And one mouse which means that you need to listen twice as much as you need to talk again I am simply attempting to make my Introduction to a video I was introduced to on behalf of yourselves.. I will sit and listen and I hope that it makes sense because as mentioned it certainly grab my interest watching your video and it’s not like anything to the degree here is a heavy duty Muslim guy and he’s a heavy duty Christian guy and you know let’s go at it or something like that I’m not interested in that I’m attempting to find similarities between everyone everyone wants to breed everyone loves their children everyone needs to eat, When taken down to the basics that’s what it is however I do find some differences I am in Canada and it’s nothing directed towards Muslims by any means or Catholics or any other religion it’s simply where did as when my forefathers came to Canada from Ireland Scotland England France and believe it or not on the eastern coast of Canada there was an introduction to an African asset to our family where am I English/Scottish grandmother met a black man who is she deeply loved and who he was incredibly proud and they had 13 children And I am a byproduct of those 13 children going back into 1911 I wasn’t born in 1911 however my mother was.. I want to hear everyone’s thoughts because as I mentioned my concept within myself is to find similarities not differences so much we all love our children we all wish to look after our families and we all look to eat so I’m somewhat pacified to a degree with regards to this channel I could be totally wrong and I’m speaking out of emotion right now however for some reason I just got this gut feeling
    At this point I’d like to thank both of you for having me even if I don’t believe or agree with your thoughts I still wouldn’t eliminate them or those ideas because everyone deserves the same like all the stuff going on and religion and politics is really different and although many will say that it’s similar and it’s integrated within each other and yes I don’t disagree with that however for example here in Canada… there are a lot of discussions going on and I wouldn’t say so much protest anymore but campouts and believe it or not a Canadian flag got lowered at a university in Ottawa and they raise the flag of the Palestinian people in Canada that’s not right I mean you can certainly have the Canadian flag and then bring up at Palestinian flag below it but we are Canadians first and foremost someone to take down the flag that’s a defeat and this isn’t the direction that things need to go and then there’s also this whole “Woke” process again I got a feeling a gut feeling about the two of you and your discussions I have merely touched the surface but I certainly hope that this is some thing that I can believe in such as your channel and your genuine personalities and your actual and realistic once and needs someone can go on and say I need to listen to rock ‘n’ roll music because they work for a rock ‘n’ roll music station for example even though they may not like it However it provides them with a living so they become oh I love this rock ‘n’ roll song and I love this rock him but the person is not genuine to their beliefs and they could turn around just as easily and say you know what this crap I hate it there’s no classical requirements if you know what I mean I’m rambling now and going off on a tangent…..

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    How about my 6000 cent opinion you know usually someone says it well here’s my two cents well in the texting that I’ve done on this channel it’s probably 6000 cents by no easily but that’s OK the most important part is communication

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    Sounds to me at 50 minutes 42 seconds that we’re starting to get into your ability or willingness to get into “woke” 😂 deal And I’m not certain whether I appreciate a couple of use however I will listen and I will comment but the reality is back in the day it was only performers for example in a hockey team or football team or a baseball team or swimming team it was only the performers who got awards well with all this “woke” nonsense and started back in the 90s… Where this came from was new mothers and I saw a lot of it my kids are over 30 years old now however going back to pick up the grandkids occasionally the mothers have completely turned a small job into a massive job where they need to assistance in the house to change diapers and to look after the children well the mother is attempting to get five minutes of peace she’s got five minutes of peace all day every day and it’s just a whining procedure where when the woman becomes 54 years old she automatically starts her internal clocks and it is out to get as much as she can and she wants to be away from her husband because she never wanted to be there to begin with everyone grows up like she’s looking for the prince specifically back in the 60s and when a so-called prince came about and when the prince was in love he would do everything and he would bust his ass to look after his princess yeah Ronica part in my relationship percent which lasted 30 years I still remember specific words because I just have a mind like this but my wife and I and I explained the situation I’m not looking for a regular job I do stuff I was in the military but aside from that I was doing welding in the Caribbean underwater welding and I was doing A lot of different things but I never never ever was unfaithful to my wife that was to the point where she told me that we need to talk about the situation is now that our children are through University and moving on into the world and my wife was apparently my partner my best friend and she said 30 years ago I don’t care what it is as long as we’re together if we have to live in a tent but this is the plan and this was the plan and this is what we were going to do her words and I can call them I don’t care if we’re starving as long as we’re together and if we need to live in a tent then that’s what it takes but I did not by any means come across to her and make lies or deception and see oh I have this business job or whatever I told her I’m a steamfitter but I want to create or re-create my father in my uncles business and work on steam boilers in churches and in hospitals basically any commercial or industrial buildings or structures and my wife said I don’t care we can be sitting in a tent well the agreement that we had was if I have time I’ll wash the bathroom floor a wash the shower off and do the kitchen floor I wash the sink and the cabinets and if she had the time she would do the same unfortunately it came to a point where between us and our agreements where she said oh you want me to wash the bathroom because I’m a woman I said it’s got nothing to do with that we’re partners and if you have time then you look after this if I have time I’ll look after that but my wife became very desponded and in essence it was a total scam it was a lie and she figured on meeting the steamfitters/plumber and his family business has got a history so I’m gonna hook up with him and I’m going to claim that I’m going to do this that and the other and support the family my mother told me and this is all hearsay however my mother told me Three weeks after I brought this woman home that she’s no good but it’s impossible that she’s no good because she’s from the prairies which is your plain’s…… In the US we have the prairies you have the plans we have identical I’m in Saskatchewan looks exactly like Montana north and South Dakota Minnesota they look exactly like Alberta and With regards to people it doesn’t really matter whether you’re on the American side or the Canadian side really doesn’t matter because we’re still the same Americans don’t appreciate Canadians because they don’t feel as though the Canadians did what they were supposed to do as far as partnership well you can look back with regards to how many Canadians died in Korea and how many Canadians died in Vietnam because there were all kinds of draft Dodgers in the US but there were 35,000 Canadians that volunteered And war US patches on the uniforms even though they were Canadians they were threatened with if you go there I don’t know whether or not we can accept you back that was the response I got from there basically their mommy and daddy and the country that they came from it was like OK well if you go there then don’t come back that’s basically what the Canadian government was telling them but they did it anyway and I’ll love them for it forever

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    I don’t care for the “WOKE” stuff.. however reality must be the only result and honesty at that point you know as I mention you get an active member of the community and let’s say for example they lose their job and they begin to drink when everything was good they were at church every Sunday and the community was able to keep tabs on everyone well just a hypothetical situation again do you have a fellow who breaks his back to earn Currency to provide for him and his family and everything is great so he loses his job at the corner mine in northern Virginia and just as an example… this fellow is now in essence outcast he will be helped he will be all I’m so sorry this happened to you all I’m so sorry can I help you can I is there anything I can do and a lot of it is just simply words of which come from nothing behind them and it’s kind of like going to a funeral for example and saying oh you know if there’s anything we can do for you but the person who mentioned it doesn’t actually expect a follow up call it’s merely a statement of oh I’m so sorry… anything we can do but it is not genuine it’s not genuine at all and it’s even gotten worse since the keyboard commandoes I am not a keyboard commando I am 70 years old and I’ve seen a lot of stuff go down and it’s been unfortunate for many parts of it and I saw children of people and I could almost and I hate to say it but I could put it in a situation where I would see the children at four orfive years old and it’s just simply that’s going to be a bad kid and I just knew it and sure enough truth came about I wish I didn’t know I wish I was a liar I wish that I could make better sense of things however you know when your stomach you can get cramps in your stomach and you know when you talk to people and you know somethings not right people just have that everyone has it especially animals like dogs and cats they know exactly what’s going on even before the storm comes in and the wind starts to pick up or whatever the case may be but my point being the concept years ago was heaven or hell well there’s many places in between not that I want to be anywhere in between them.. But I don’t care for this woke crap and the nonsense because it’s not realistic it’s not honest it’s what’s called a cop out and I’m not interested in any of it however I am more than willing to be open to conversation but when someone no matter how you turn it they are the victim and they were just simply the victim and there’s no way out of the rabbit hole well at some point you have to learn just to walk away from it and move on

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    Human beings must have a superior being perhaps bad analogies however realistic where something happens healthwise to a family member the first thing that a person says oh God or Allah or Jesus or whatever their beliefs are I wouldn’t take it from anyone however it’s important that human beings have a being to pray to when all hell breaks loose.. Quite honestly if people on this planet were led to believe that they truly don’t have a superior being someone they can pray to someone they can rely on someone they can talk to and make sense of situations if they didn’t have them the world would go crazy and it’s important, And regardless of religion that someone has a God which people if they are devote to the religion they believe and they will pray and they believe that this may help and I mean we must have a superior being, Otherwise as I Mentioned earlier if there’s no superior being the world will just lose it … honest concept going back in the day was that religion could blind a particularly tribe and or a county or in area region province etc. to believe in something that is not tangible you can’t touch it you can’t touch religion you can only feel it and people can only trust it and believe in it however people honestly believe that if they won’t get into particulars but if they commit crimes and heinous crimes on top of it that if they pray to their God that their God will deliver them from hell simply because they for example with the Catholics confessed to a priest that doesn’t really in my opinion that doesn’t make things better if somebody did some bad as a person and as a soul And with regards to a soul this is where things get a bit deeper perhaps I have said way too much here for my initial introduction however I am anxious and I know or Am aware!

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    Yeah exactly if God turns his head then the opposite of North is what…..???

  • @ConstContact
    @ConstContact 3 місяці тому

    With regards to the comment at eight minutes 15 seconds if people don’t believe in hell it’s not so much about that as it is the belief of the fact that there is a superior being and if you don’t behave yourself you are outcast and becoming outcast is basically a sentence to Hell by a society and or a population if you don’t help yourself and you push away advances from the local community as they mention it takes a village to raise a boy and with that boy goes off on a tangent as many do especially sent Internet and everything else that boy is cast into a space that really doesn’t mean anything it’s a it’s a void in essence and if sent there the boy is left To suffer and wallow in their own agony where the locals/society turns their back on the person not willing to help them not willing to talk to them and they get outcast to a bad place to a dark place and people have called this place hell…When your left to your own devices and you have no one to turn to I would consider that hell!