TEE Trans Europ Express 1973-1981 - Spotlights on 8 Trains - 8 Züge
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- The TEE network was set up in 1957. All trains were 1st-class-only and required a special supplement payment. In 1974 the TEE network comprised 45 trains, connecting 130 cities. By 1984 most services were abandoned and replaced by the new international EuroCity network which provides 1st and 2nd class service.
Bellissimo vedere i vari TEE che si sono susseguiti nel tempo,un filmato storico da rivedere migliaia di volte!!!
Grazie, troppo gentile! Nonostante nel passato ho perso troppe altre occasioni 😢.
Danke für die historischen aufnahmen, besonders gut gefallen mir die parallelfahrten in Italien!
Die Parallelfahrten kommen nochmals in neuer Digitalisierung, HD wenn UA-cam das wieder anbietet.
Very very impressive TEE-trains, especially the double-compositions of the railcars. 👌👌👌
Thank you for great video! I am a Japanese and like train travel in Europe. Although I have not experienced to ride TEE, this movie feels me somehow nostalgic.
You are welcome! Perhaps one day it might be possible to create a better and completed version of the video in HD as I already tried with some of the Italian TEE trains.
I really appreciate your videos, they are like time capsules. And the E444 is one of my favourite locomotives.
Right, certainly the old E444, the so called "turtle", is an italian "bellezza".
I love this video! I rode the Mediolanum several times in 1977-1978.
Thanks! I rode the Diesel Mediolanum, built by Breda, a few times in 1963-1967. The quality of the kitchen was extraordinary. Unfortunately I have no film-clip of this train.
Superbe !
Et le settebello … je m en lasse pas 🤩
Bellissimo video. I treni rapidi con le carrozze grigie e beige con la banda rossa o blu, li hanno utilizzati come Inter city fino a pochi anni fa. Ma anche altro materiale rotabile me lo ricordo ancora quando ero piccolo. Amo i treni e viaggiarci. 😇😍
Wow. What nostalgia! I remember as a child in the late 60's and early 70's being taken by my Father to visit my folks in Poland from London. We would travel Dover to Ostend by ferry, then Ostend - Bruxelles - Aachen - Berlin - Frankfurt An Der Oder - Poznan. We'd see the TEE trains in the various stations we passed through. They looked so futuristic!
From London to Poznan by train during iron curtain times? I didn't believe it, but there was a through-train called "Hoek-Warszawa-Express", departing London Liverpool Str 10:20, Hoek van Holland 19:06, via Utrecht CS, Hannover (1:18/1:30), Berlin (Zoo 6:29, Ostbf 7:15/7:40), arriving Poznan Gl 11:11 (summer 1969).But this train wasn't yours. Your train must have been the "Oostende-Wien-Express" in combination with "Ost-West-Express" from Jeumont (french border) to Moskwa with coaches from (London) Oostende to Warszawa, departing London Victoria 11:00, Oostende 16:57, via Bruxelles Nd (dep. 18:25) , Aachen (20:20/21:26, your coaches changed here), Köln (22:10/22:18), Hannover (2:02/2:19), Berlin Ostbf (8:23/8:40), arriving Posnan Gl 13:14 (train D 1105) or 13:52 (train D 105) [summer 1969]. On your way you might have seen at Liége TEE 25 DIAMANT (DB VT 11.5) from the oposite direction , both trains arr. 19:29, dep. 19:30/19:33.
Almost. From memory (it’s a long time ago) we passed through Berlin mid-evening (I remember the contrast between the bright lights of the west and the darkness of the east), and Frankfort in the middle of the night. I don’t remember changing coaches in Aachen. But then...”the mists of time..”!
Ok, I merely tried to find your train in the timetables, it seems that I havn't been successful. If you remember the night, it may serve as orientation to know that it took 1 hour from Berlin to Frankfurt/Oder (80 km) and 3 hours and abt 40 min more to Poznan (Berlin - Poznan 260 km). What about this one: Train 711 (no information about ferry from Dover) Oostende dep 9:51, arr Liège 12:22. Changing (by foot) to D 247 Paris - Warszawa, dep Liège 12:33, Aachen 13:23/42, Berlin Zoo arr 22:43, Berlin Ostbf dep 23:58, Frankfurt 1:05/28, Poznan 4:41 (summer 1971)?
Just Great , love it!
WOOOOWWW. UNa parola FANTASTICO! il TEE non l'ho mai visto di persona (sono nato nell'86) e dal video dovevano essere SIGNORI TRENI!!
Si, erano "signori treni", solo prima classe, e si mangiava da papi, normalmente. Mi riccordo ancora un pranzo nel "Mediolanum", quello vecchio, tipo ALn 442/448, che purtroppo non si vede nel video, un pranzo con un "Gorgo", che scappava ..., come i treni TEE un paio di anni dopo.
Salve..video veramente bello.. Ricordo un viaggio Firenze Roma con il Settebello, anni fa.... Grazie
Magnifique véhicules à faire rêver
Beautiful trains.
T.E.E. 1973-81 Trans Europ Express in red and yellow blood and custard livery. The diesel TEE train looks awesome
Well, the livery was the taste of the 50s and 60s. The German Diesel VT 11 was disigned in 1955/56 by MAN in Nürnberg. 40 years later in Italy the train was called "il nasone", the big nose.
Tolle Aufnahmen, vielen Dank!
Ich kann mir selbst nicht erklären, warum ich den "Rheingold" nicht in meiner Sammlung habe. Wäre ich auf Zack gewesen, hätte ich um 1966 den "Rheinpfeil" mit E 10, Domcar und Buckelspeisewagen, alles in Blau/Beige, bei Fürth oder Nürnberg mit Vaters Uhrwerk-Kamera aufnehmen können. Später, um 1976 (das Interesse galt freilich der Dampflok), war mir der Rheingold mit E 03, aber ohne Domcar, wohl zu gewöhnlich. Wie auch immer, Dank für den Besuch.
Era decisamente un altro modo di viaggiare. Migliore, di sicuro.
E per dire il vero, meno veloce di oggi.
@@s3sextel viste le premesse tecniche si difendevano bene
La bella stagione dei TEE...
Ein schöne Erinnerung an den guten alten TEE schade das es diese Züge nicht mehr gibt .Sehr schöne alte
Aufnahmen Und Daumen weit nach oben :-) LG Ulli
PS Gratuliere zu dein 1000 Abonnenten auf das es bald 2000 werden
Danke Uli für die Bewertung und die guten Wünsche. Bin mit meinem alten Krempel ja nur ein Nischenanbieter, da brauche ich mir keine Sorgen um die 2000 zu machen. Aber ich freue immer über Kommentare wie deinen. Viele Grüße , W.
Non buttate questi meravigliosi filmati storici.
Che meraviglia
Straordinario questo video! Da cineteca!! Naturalmente sarà fra i miei Preferiti per sempre!! I TEE, una generazione di treni stupendi che, secondo me, è decaduta troppo velocemente! Per non parlare del Settebello, un vero mito su rotaia! Meno male che adesso il Settebllo lo stanno ripristinando ;) Grazie W. per questi filmati stupendi. Ciao, Gian ;)
Caro Gian, dovresti dormire di notte e non guardare il mio video. Anche per me i TEE sono stati sempre una cosa affascinante. Peccato che nel video mancano treni importanti come i Aln della Breda o il "Rheingold" con E 03 e la carrozza panoramica. Pazienza. Grazie per il tuo commento. Ciao, W.
ciao W. so bene che la notte dovrei dormire ma spesso durante il giorno non ho il tempo necessario per vedere i video che mi vengono inviati ed il tuo valeva sicuramente la pena d'essere visto immediatamente. so bene che mancano i binati Breda /(ALn 442/448) ed il Rheingold ma, tutto sommato, hai messo le pietre miliari del trasporto TEE di quegli splendidi anni. vedo che concordiamo sul fatto che i TEE siano stati treni irripetibili e che sia un peccato non averli più in circolazione in ERuropa. un caro saluto ed a presto con nuovi filmati. ciao W d a G ;)
Altri tempi. Dove le amministrazioni fertoviare disponevano di vagoni con scompartimenti. Nel 2018 mi sono fatto 12 ore nei vagoni attuali. Una sega totale.
the first one was World's shortest Trans Europ express
I am not quite sure what do you mean, shortest train or shortest line. The shortest line was TEE 87/88 "TICINO" Milano C - Zürich HB, 293 km; the second shortest was TEE 56/57 "BAVARIA" München Hbf - Zürich HB, 355 km.
@@s3sextel Shortest train.
Bellissimi tempi.
Greetings from Pisa Italy!👍
Wäre schön wenn das wiederkommen würde. Man ist ja offensichtlich damit beschäftigt. War damals schon ein gute Idee
(Es gab schon damals gute Ideen)
Uno spettacolo!
great video, somthing else as steam, ;-)
Indeed, much more comfortable and up to date at that time (but I like the steam engine!)
Omg what memories of my old good times. Video favoloso. Ricordo benissimo il Mediolanum e l'Adriatico trainati dalla mitica Tartaruga Sprint E444. Nota: Non manca il Rheingold trainato spesso da un DB103 con la stessa livrea delle carrozze TEE?
Si, purtroppo che manca il RHEINGOLD, ma non avevo la possibilità di registrarlo 😢
Magnifique !
amazing true history
Zu Deutsch: Genießen, sich erfreuen 😀 Dank für den Kommentar.
Good evening,
I've seen his movie and I'd like to use some pieces for a small celebratory video on TEE. Obviously she would be cited as author and then I would add the video link.
Sehr schön. Schade, daß der niederländisch-schweizerische TEE fehlt.
Ja, das bedaure ich auch. Es fehlt leider auch der Rheingold und der italienische Triebwagen von Breda, ex Mediolanum. Wer besaß in den 60ern schon eine ordentliche Filmkamera?
How about this nice train TEE between Amsterdam and Basel.
Bellissime le carroaze rosso-crema della TEE e i grigi-rosso-crema Italiani. Le Italiane non erano ancora le Gran Comfort o sbaglio?
Se non sbaglio io, le carrozze italiane TEE GC erano le prime (1972) delle "Gran Confort", quasi i prototipi, certamente con variazioni per i percorsi internazionali. Le prime carrozze GC per il servizio interno (livrea "Bandiera") entravano in servizio un anno dopo (1973).
Sehr schön!!!
Grüße aus Leipzig!
Danke. Ein Allgäuer in Sachsen? Grüße nach Leipzig
Yes. Oberdorf-Martinszell -> Altusried -> Ulm -> München -> Leipzig. Mit noch ein paar Zwischenstationen. Und die MoBa immer mit dabei.
Weiß genau wo Oberdorf ist, einerseits heht's hinunter zum Seehof, andererseits zum Adler.
Den TEE Bavaria von Zürich über Lindau nach München kannte ich nicht. Dürfte von allen TEE wohl der langsamste gewesen sein. Und dazu ohne Aussichtswagen. - Heinz
Ja, das trifft sicher zu. Von Sept. 1969 bis 9. Febr. 1971 wurde als "Bavaria" ja zunächst der dieselelektrische Triebwagenzug schweizerisch-holländischer Produktion der 50er Jahre eingesetzt. Dieser Einsatz endete mit dem schlimmen Unglück bei Aitrang, bei dem 26 Reisende und zwei Lokführer starben. Der Zug war bei Dunkelheit und leichtem Nebel mit 132 km/h unterwegs. Die heute durch Indusi gesicherte Kurve ließ als HG aber nur 80 km/h zu, hätte mit Komforteinbußen aber noch mit 105 durchfahren werden können. Die in der Folge mit 210 bespannten TEE waren dann eigentlich nur eine Ersatzlösung.
@@s3sextel Immerhin haben dafür die SBB einen speisewagen umlackiert und auch im innenraum umgebaut.
Bavaria war schon ein Begriff. Schon der Name allein. War damals ein Dreikäse hoch. Aitrang war schon ein Schock.
Looking for online archived timetables for the TEE routes. Can anyone point me to these historical lists?
Which year would you like to have? Please send email.
TEE timetables from summer 1982 and winter 82/83 (Italy) you will find here:
I cannot see, if there are further TEE trains inside France.
Thanks for the info - much appreciated. The Rheingold in particular I was interested in. I wanted to compare current ICE timings with 1980's TEE schedules.
Sbaglio o quel effetto sonoro inquietante a 7:12 proviene dai giochi Silent Hill?
Sento un camion che passa.
Looks almost real! Ha, Ha I have these versions of the TEE in Marklin.
Stupendo video. UP
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la soria della Ferrovia in Europa