如何成为茶行业的领袖?曼德拉黄家驹如是说!How to Become a Leader in the Tea Industry?Mandela and Wong Ka Kui, as they say

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • 在谈论如何成为行业领袖之前,让我们先回顾一下曼德拉的故事。曼德拉出生于1918年,家境优越,但目睹了南非的种族隔离政策,激发了他追求平等的决心。他经历了监禁、斗争,最终成为南非第一位黑人总统。黄家驹为他创作了歌曲《光辉岁月》,歌颂了他的奉献精神。学习曼德拉的故事和这首歌,我们明白成为领袖需要坚韧不拔的精神,不怕困难,努力追求自己认为正确的事情。作为茶商,我们也应该坚持初心,提升茶叶品质,服务消费者,这是成为行业领袖的关键。
    Today, let's talk about how to become an industry leader. Recently, at a gathering with friends at a club, after the party, we sang karaoke. A classmate's rendition of "Seas of Years" deeply moved me, reminding me of the late South African President Mandela. Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, into a privileged family, but witnessing the apartheid in South Africa sparked his pursuit of equality. He endured imprisonment and struggle, ultimately becoming South Africa's first black president. Beyond's lead singer, Wong Ka Kui, inspired by Mandela's story, composed the song "Glorious Years," praising his spirit of dedication. Learning from Mandela's story and this song, we understand that becoming a leader requires unwavering determination, fearlessness in the face of difficulties, and relentless pursuit of what we believe is right. As tea merchants, we should also uphold our original intentions, improve the quality of our tea, and serve consumers, as this is the fundamental path to leadership in our industry.