If you think these neighborhoods look great and you're thinking of making the move to Roanoke, take this quiz to see the best areas for you! 👉 tinyurl.com/yetk7kaa
You're correct, none of them are in the City of Salem, however, for discussion purposes the City of Salem is the closest "city center" to those trails to keep it simple for folks not living here just yet.
If you think these neighborhoods look great and you're thinking of making the move to Roanoke, take this quiz to see the best areas for you! 👉 tinyurl.com/yetk7kaa
That hiking stuff (McAfee's Knob & Dragon's Tooth & Green Hill Park) is not in the city of Salem...
You're correct, none of them are in the City of Salem, however, for discussion purposes the City of Salem is the closest "city center" to those trails to keep it simple for folks not living here just yet.
Stay away from Roanoke, it's riddled with crime, drugs, and homelessness. This city is the worst I've ever lived in.