Core Strength & Stability

  • Опубліковано 9 бер 2024
  • Build core strength, balance & stability in a fun, safe environment.
    Yoga Pilates Yogalates full length workout
    Help release tension in the back by using a foam roller.
    Props: Large fitness ball or Pilates ball, foam roller.
    Here's a breakdown of the key poses in this workout and their benefits:
    1. **Mountain Pose (Tadasana)**:
    - Benefits: Establishes alignment and grounding, improves posture, increases awareness of body and breath.
    2. **Seated Pose with Palms Resting on Thighs**:
    - Benefits: Promotes relaxation, cultivates mindfulness, encourages deep breathing.
    3. **Shoulder Rolls (Upward and Downward)**:
    - Benefits: Relieves tension in shoulders and neck, improves circulation, encourages relaxation.
    4. **Neck Stretches (Right Ear to Right Shoulder and Left Ear to Left Shoulder)**:
    - Benefits: Releases tension in neck muscles, increases flexibility, reduces stiffness.
    5. **Seated Side Stretch**:
    - Benefits: Stretches the side body, opens the intercostal muscles, improves breathing capacity.
    6. **Seated Forward Fold**:
    - Benefits: Stretches the spine and hamstrings, calms the mind, relieves stress and anxiety.
    7. **Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)**:
    - Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the legs, hips, and spine, improves balance and stability, stimulates abdominal organs.
    8. **Seated Arm Floats**:
    - Benefits: Improves shoulder mobility, enhances circulation in the arms, releases tension in the upper body.
    9. **Goalpost Arm Movement**:
    - Benefits: Strengthens the arms and shoulders, opens the chest, improves posture.
    10. **Interlaced Arm Stretch**:
    - Benefits: Stretches the chest and shoulders, improves flexibility in the upper back, relieves tension.
    11. **Supported Downward Facing Dog**:
    - Benefits: Stretches the entire body, particularly the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings, relieves tension in the back and neck, calms the mind.
    12. **Three-Legged Dog with Hip Pulses**:
    - Benefits: Strengthens the legs, glutes, and core, improves balance, enhances circulation.
    13. **Supine Leg Stretch (Single Leg Stretch)**:
    - Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and calves, releases tension in the lower back, improves flexibility.
    14. **Dynamic Bridge Pose**:
    - Benefits: Strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, opens the chest and shoulders, improves spinal mobility.
    15. **Marching Movements**:
    - Benefits: Engages the core muscles, stabilizes the pelvis, improves coordination.
    16. **Legs Extended with Toe Taps**:
    - Benefits: Strengthens the core muscles, particularly the lower abdominals, stabilizes the pelvis.
    17. **Dynamic Bridge Pose with Glute Pulses**:
    - Benefits: Further strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, enhances stability and control.
    18. **Foam Roller Exercise**:
    - Benefits: Increases mobility and flexibility in the spine, releases tension in the back muscles, promotes relaxation.
    19. **Breathing Exercises (Gratitude Meditation)**:
    - Benefits: Calms the mind, cultivates mindfulness and gratitude, promotes emotional well-being, enhances relaxation response.
    Overall, this sequence incorporates a range of poses and movements that promote flexibility, strength, balance, and relaxation, while also encouraging mindfulness and gratitude.


  • @erinmenut
    @erinmenut  3 місяці тому

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