The Great Gatsby Pas de Deux

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Septime Webre’s award-winning The Great Gatsby tells an extraordinary tale of abundant wealth, stunning excess and dark obsession. Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘Great American Novel’, with sets and costumes by Academy Award-winning designer Tim Yip and gorgeous live jazz accompaniment, The Great Gatsby overflows with extravagant dancing, decadent parties, steamy jazz music and the romantic story between Daisy and Gatsby.
    衛承天經典作品《大亨小傳》帶領我們置身紐約上流社會紙醉金迷的「咆哮二十年代」。由奧斯卡金像獎得獎大師葉錦添設計富麗堂皇的服裝及佈景,配以現場迷人的爵士樂伴奏及演唱,讓眾人沉醉於浮華的舞步、縱情的派對 、以及細味黛西與蓋茨比充滿戲劇性的愛情故事。
    Dancers: Fei Fei Ye, Matthew Golding (Principal Guest Artist)
    Strategic Partner 策略伙伴: 香港01 | 01空間
    #HongKongBallet #HKBallet #HKB #Neverstandingstill #Ballet #Dance #HKBALLETatHOME