All politician likewise city mayor if they are rich than their finance should be audited annually because no such public servant can be wealthy unless they are corrupt and crook
This has gone on for too long. No wonder the RINO's are freaking out along with the Democrats. When HRC lost, we dodged a bullet. Thank God for President Trump! May the SWAMP be drained. Many people from the SWAMP need to go to jail and worse. Treason = the Death Penalty.
@Bambi Palmer POTUS Trump was already a billionaire before being elected as public servant so his wealth is not public money, Also not asking for their tax returns but individual financial transaction during their term in a public office
Me too. When I exposed a 2 dollar ink cartridges was charging our unit 20 dollars and more, I could not get anyone in the chain to fix it. The whole system is overcharging the tax payers. Those who get in bribe their way in like he says in video.
But with what laws, THEY who are to be held Accountable probably won’t enact laws, self-policing themselves . Really interesting, for sure and what it describes.
I'd vote for Adam. As a Libertarian, this has always been out of control...but anymore, it's a list of conflicts-of-interests longer than the Great Wall of China.
@@MissAllyson707 PRAYING that IF it is GOD's WILL something like this will COME TO BE, & only THEN can this USA become what, I believe, GOD has meant it to be
Adam said, "Congress needs to hold these people accountable". Congress doesn't enforce the law; the president's job is law enforcement!! All Congress does is make the laws! If the prosecutors or the President doesn't enforce the laws, do we have any laws!? That's where we are now....... no one is enforcing the laws!!!
Thanks i was just about to write the exact same thing... I was thinking vice president! We do need to get rid of the "FAKE BANK" . If every American threw one small stone at them we could literally bury The Federal Reserve.... BUILDING!!!
Oh! Yes indeed he most definitely needs to join Pres Trump Team ASAP He's a very powerful dollar cruncher to deal to those fraudulent corrupt thieiving liaring Aholes
Wow, you said so much that I needed to hear❗️We really need to insist on complete transparency and not allowing unions in all governmental jobs. Standard job pay with a 1 1/2% addition.
Jean, to further your point. We have all Fallen victim of a false narrative. The main tool that's been used against us to create this false narrative is, omission of information. K through 12 Public School is a 17000 hour indoctrination program. More important than what your children learn is what is left out. Example, after 17000 hours the average graduate has not studied the two things our country operates with, the way our Democratic Republic is supposed to function and capitalism.
fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
I believe. the reason for guards at WH .is because the Democrates know they stole The Election and they think we. Are coming a after them That is guilt they knew Trump was stopping them but it was taking longer than 4 years.. Another 4 years and the Swamp would have been drained ...thank you for this. It tells me l've right for along time? Biden is realy taking us to the cleaners and will as fast as he can. before he hands. Us (the U.S) over to China .l believe we have Communist in the W.H. right now telling Biden what and when and how to do it ..and nobody is stopping them.Thank You again Sir for at least some truth we don't see that very often..Trump tried so hard. and they.tried to distroy him ...🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Absolutely agree that this man is very good candidate for President of the United States of America! He has found the problems with government and hopefully he can help fix them. But everyone knows how much B.S. he will be put through just to run for office. Sad & SICK is our government. 😤
He wouldn't make a minute in that cesspool. He requires Credibility and responsibility of the Elite. He be freaking murdered. But I do agree. In all actuality, he has more power as he now stands. needs to start seeing transparent accountability of the CAFR1 money all levels of government have. It is an account of invested tax dollars with compounded interest. It is required to be reported by Federal Law in their Comprehensive Annual Report but the accounting too complicated for most to identify and understand. It should be published in the newspaper but the press refuses to publish articles on those accounts. One city said to have used some of the money to support their preferred candidate. Flint never had to drink leaded water. They could have used CAFR money with a small portion from that account. I believe this is why states Govenors are removing elected officials and replacing them with corporate people. Most of you know nothing of CAFR money. Look up Walter Burien and in YT unless removed but he has their own web site. Mr. Burien takes phone calls. Do not approach any gvmt alone about these accounts. Go safely in a group of citizens who plans to monitor those funds. Estimated to be cumulatively over a trillon countrywide.
The breadth and scope of corruption in the United States is unimaginable and sickening. Thank you Andrzejewski for bringing this to light by 'opening the books' at the fed, state, and local levels. We can start to clean up this mess beginning at the federal level: destroy the federal administrative state and return power to the states.
The states are no better than the Fed. In fact, for many years Fla. Was governed by democrates and the corruption was terrible. Now that Gov. DeSantis has been installed our state is out of debt and more importantly the government. has restored the state and built it up to what it is today, one of the most desirable places to live! We love our governor here and support his efforts to make Florida even better. I would personally support Mr. Andrezeski to be a part of potus's new cabinen5 team at reducing gov't. waste and making America prosperous for all American citizens!
Even worse is the special arrangements between the United States AirForce and the FBI to commit crimes unimaginable under the cover they are protecting the nation from terrorists foreign and domestic when in fact are in the business of smuggling tax free valuable items large, small tax free into the United States including human cargo for special needs!!! Billions of missing military building supplies and heavy duty equipment the FBI is now blaming on poor bookkeeping !!!Billions of dollars of the tax payers taxes put into a fully corrupted FBI that claimed that your tax savings went directly into their overseas bank accounts went missing ????
I just want to cry So many people and children are homeless, hungry and in desperate need for just food, clothing. Veterans and children should be put at the FRONT OF THE LINE. NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
@Douglas that's what they did to the native american who had no immigration policies and the liberals set up courts and started the morality by our standards alone witch means they move it around no matter if you meet their demands they change the rules. it was the liberals of the time that added into the constitution the reduction of humanity to slaves think about that as they now desire we all follow their rules . say tomorrow if a rational person who does not have a sliding morality said ok ok i give in there are as many genders as you can think up. you can bet they would go back too two genders reality and then call you crazy. the idea is to never ever let you in to the masters house. there are a crap ton of conservatives that let themselves be set to only represent a small minority . those are rinos most true conservatives have no chance
Bingo! It's right in front of our eyes when schools that are closed down have to keep the cafeteria open to feed students whose parents can't afford to feed them two meals a day! Something's wrong with that picture!
This Adam guy is absolutely incredible to listen to. No notes - all those names and figures are stored in his head. I can't see him reading a teleprompter. And delivered with accuracy and passion and not a little humour. And flowing with virtually no hesitations or mistakes. This guy must be a genius! Or at least have a photographic memory.
I seen the same thing. I would imagine he's neck deep into numbers. Being that passionate about one's purpose is easy to remember the. Core of one's ideas.
No his father was a teacher who taught his family like a true parent should His parents poured into him and nutured him. That is what parents are supposed to do. Good parenting and good education results in successful outcomes with children.
We all talk about how bad our presidents and our government is we need to quit talking and get someone in there that will help the American people talking does not do any good
This and so much deeper and wider spread, also truth in news reporting. The stupid general public believe all their twisted lies.. They do not check truth in real time, such as listening to the president then check the media lies and distortions. They take for ganted themedia lies. hick Think agenda 21, the United Nations, one world government, Democratic agenda etc......taking over America for their own sick Agenda. We will all pay the consequences then. I guess only then will they wake up! Only when it is to late. Thank you for your talk.
A pre-1980 example: NASA (AMES Research, Moffett Field, Mtn View, CA) padded their budget with a 5-story, 5-sided silo for 'bargaining purposes' if Congress wanted to cut their budget. It sailed thru -- the bldg stood empty, unfit for use.
Working as an Independent, he can be more successful, and not be controlled or negatively labeled. Watch video from 38:00, the White House is using this organization’s information in resolutions!!
Michelle Jones... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
7 what are we supposed to do about this? Any suggestions? Any hope, anything? Or we just basically sol? Does knowing change anything? 🤯not looking good for the people huh? They have their own armies, money talks, baloney walks.They are making plans to get rid of us & use robots. No cost labor. So pray & hope to be taken up soon by God & watch it all crumble? God is still on the thrown. End times seem here & JB or new China President is just a puppet. They know not what they do. (Or maybe they do) sheep’s follow. In the end God wins!! And that means we win through our victory in Christ. I pray this is not end times, but it looks pretty suspicious to be. I’ve heard so much & seen so much my brain is on overload. Trump was a small chance we could have had a chance to at least try to change the country & the world. Do I think he’s involved? No. Who else could he trust with the soc media, msm & swamp against him? He had to go with people he knew, tried to avoid adding to swamp. But they had irregularities in voting, which in the end & now they got him & are onto more. The evil drips from their mouths & their actions. So great info but no one has thought of a solution.
@@amywilhelmkastingconnell1139 May I suggest praying to God. I don’t believe God will allow the world to be ruled by Lucifer’s minions. Don’t reply. I am not interested
@@amywilhelmkastingconnell1139 The solution is to make a total commitment to Jesus and establish a disciplined prayer life filled with much daily prayer. Jesus said, "My house shall be called the house of prayer" (Matthew 21:13). He didn't say a house of preaching or teaching or of fellowshipping... He said a house of prayer. We wouldn't be in this mess if Christians had bothered to obey that command. But this apostacy was prophesied by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 who warned that Christians in the last days would be "bearing the form of religion, but denying the power thereof." The other solution is to be as far away from the cities as possible and do some prepping. It really looks like we are going into end time events. God have mercy on us all.
Adam's father taught CIVICS at the elementary school I attended. He was incredible - patriotic and intelligent - and it's no surprise to me that his son, Adam, possesses those same traits (whether by nature or nurture can be debated).
In 1963...Civics was a mandatory High School course. Had to take it and had to pass it before one could graduate......and multiple choice questions IT WAS NOT!!!
Mr Emann... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@@GodsCommandmentsAreTruth I am aware of most of what you covered in your comment except I haven't focused my research on the religious aspect as much as you, although i was aware that the pope is definitely towards the top of the pyramid, so to speak, if not the very top. I think a lot of people, especially those who are highly faithful would find it hard to perceive the possibility that the very foundation of their system of faith, is corrupt. It's this wide spread cognitive disonance that allows for this to be possible and continue. It's the same for every other corrupt system as well.
Wow my Lord protect this man and his family we pick up murals of protection a hedge around him and his family in Jesus Christ name. Thank you Lord for his boldness.
Susan Beyancourt... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
😢😢😢... Rest in peace, Mr Andrzejewski. Didn't know of you until an hour ago when I started watching this. Filled with hope, I searched you up to learn more about you and the important work you're doing only to find we have already lost you.
I'm overwhelmed by this presentation. The swamp is deeper than I thought. This presentation should be shown to seniors in American Government classes in high school.
Same. It seems impossible to sort through, yet he’s done it. I’m glad he’s young and passionate about this and pray he and others like him can soldier on despite how frustrating this must be.
And he hasn’t even entered in the provable evidence of corruption within the FBI, CIA, NSA and all of the other alphabet agencies!! This is just about waste. Imagine if this covered the political actions that included funds that were so called legitimate!! For many, it’s not about short term financial gains!!
Under Donald Trump /Joe Biden/shemale Barrack drone Killer Obama..the Selling of Land by Washington County And Tax Office April and Surveyor Scott Young for Mass Foreclosure and Auctions for No One Matters But Thiefs ..welcome to Washington County Auctioning Your House For Mass Profit....your 911 service doesnt work..your dying..beaten cops do not come..they see thief and can arrest them but instead the thief, is praised great job for stealing evidence on land loved by evil neighbors and crimes honored by crime Trump family Washington County...Zack Morton n Scott Young.. with two phones they stole for evidence was massive ziply helping keep me from getting income ..with my mortgage paerwork stolen for cops who asked for pin on phones. Google errased my evidence on both phones. Plus i was beaten bloody knee by thief cops wont come .TED CRUZ in on this with Ron Johnson and Mitch Mconnell. Waste bankrupt your profitting evil jerks
Washington state, and the thieves... dumped drugs on the streets, stole jobs, CPS splits families, steals kids. Courts so bad Judge Gordon Godfrey grays harbor county Washington the worse judge in the nation... it's online.... coke head, stealing kids in , family court... Elma Washington the judge was paid to send certain boys there where they were beaten tortured and raped.... it's documented... Thieves. LIARS, sex deviants, wash8ngton state has a huge swamp too.....
Never once did I hear "uh, uh" ... what a great speaker, and what a great leader; our country needs true Patriots like this gentleman. I have NEVER been this informed!
I have by many different forms and he is very light on the real corruption.. goes much much deeper and multinational US scandals of total scams and aid kick backs... goes back 40 years , becomes extreme 20 years ago.
Ruth Sinks... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@@NeonNotch swamp got deeper his first day in office. Can’t wait til you all start crying mr potato betrayed u. He didn’t even need your vote. But hey if 85 mil voted for him honestly then shouldn’t worry right? 😂
>leonard fogle Yeah leonard, your idea was spot-on 6 months ago when you wrote it - but it's now eight months later and still nothing has been done to make the miscreants suffer the consequences. I'm giving up.
Looks like the total idiots in the country have elected to most corrupt politician ,beside the Clintons, to the Presidency. Lots of luck suckers ever getting back to free society. The banana republic is at hand with the corrupt media , politicians md now Fidel Biden. The saving solution grace will be a total runaway inflation where the money will be worthless and civil war will reset to who knows.
And this man is fabulous! it horrifies me to see how much of our money has been wasted. Share this with people you know are rick of the fraud, and waste.
/Do you think that any Dem or Lib would change any of their political positions after listening to him. Maybe 1 out of 1/2 million. There is some truth in the saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks'.
@@dr.redpill353 Thank you for posting your link. I went to it, listened, and have already subscribed. Now, get some sleep and have that second cup of coffee!
Thank you for doing this. I'm in Canada but fully understand the global impact that your work has... especially to your closest aly. Those of us that seek out truth fully appreciate your efforts.
Neville Reimers... if you want more Red Pill knowledge... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
We need to go further than that. We need to get rid of the people who are promoting this type of spending and who are making laws that are hurting the American people.
People with guts are gonna need to do more than talk because the government doesn't care what you say or think. In fact they're starting to silence you. Wrong think is here.
Especially when our young men and women get send to "stupid wars" and when they come back "hurt" or "needed real support", the government either ignore them or try to shut them up for talking about the wars and then labeled them with "PDSD" and further caused these veterans to not able to get employment due to PDSD!
Trump's our President...and instill ALL Votes are VOTED and are All legal...Then will Biden BE CALL the President in my home...for now, he is still called Ex-Vice President, Joe Biden!!!
This is deviation from the corrupt politians in this debacle!!!! We the PEOPLE are being raped!!! By corruption. We the PEOPLE want Truth justice and freedom from oppression punish the GUILTY ones!! We can not continue to do this waste,waste and wastes of our tax dollars!!! I predict a war on politicians who is in the very near future,. It will be diturmental to us all!!!
@@yy-oo4xl Karen step across the pond come here to America... We can fight here... We are the greatest warriors in the world... English girls accents melt me like butter...
things are actually a thousand times worse than what he is describing , 10 years ago Chicago university reserachers found 28 trillions were missing from the federal government books . imagine what the total is now We paid 4 trillions for the afghan army and government on top of the 2 trillions for the war itself .
@@DOPEDOGTOPDOG I do not know where you get your information, but I do not doubt it. Our government is corrupt beyond belief. Donald Trump tried to expose the Deep State corruption and he as targeted by the Deep State and their propaganda wing of the Democrat party the Fake News.
Ma Jua... fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
WOW! I was the Mayor of a small town in Oregon, and I was on the Oregon Mayor's executive board. I never received 1 cent! I wish I had known about a website that could have exposed this information.
What happened to him. I was googling to see his progress since this video and found that he had passed away 2 months ago. I am very depressed to find this out.
Lucky LB... fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Remember what he said! It's not only Washington DC, but all of our local government also. It's up to us to make sure that our state and local officials are good and decent people who will do the right thing. Praise God "God bless America ".
One of the most informative presentations I’ve seen. This is the reason President Trump was victimize by the swamp in the 2020 election! He is calling out their waste abuse and corruption.
@@busterbiloxi3833 you haven’t been listening have you? I used to be Democrat but Democrats are a BIG LIE! It hurt at first to admit this fact, alas it is TRUE! You need to do some research to discover the truth
Thank you, UA-cam for finally suggesting this after so many months... I am in a state of disbelief and awe at how polarized this country is and moreso how disgustingly power hungry our politicians have become.
Not all are corrupt. Clean sswsmp and start. Fresh. The leader Pelosi shummmer AoCoretec n her other CORRUPT buddies need to go. AoCortez go have hubby a million gov contract it's a conflict of interest
Because he proves you can be succesful, honest and contribute to society at the same time. The swamp doesn't want to put in that kind of effort to reap the rewards.
The swamp can not be the rule, but God is over everything and in control. Lets keep doing our part and overcome evil with good! Our President is showing us all an example of keep advancing!
We should all Share This in the entire world so people that are sleeping will wake up and vote out all these government money sucking criminals in our government's agencies across America and let all leaders of World know how they can fight.
Don't take this the wrong way but that mentality seems to be how we got here rather than how we get back out because it is looking to others especially in the form of bloated bureaucratic abominations to fix the problems they cause thus far has been pretty counterproductive. Power corrupts and that looks to be unavoidable so from my perspective it is individuals and personal responsibility and not the consolidation of power but rather the atomization of power into as many hands as possible hopefully all the way down to the individual level that gets us out of this mess and everybody taking ownership of it instead of thinking it's caused by another and fixable by another. I am the source of my problems I am the solution to my problems and that only happens when I feel the responsibility for all of the above
We need leaders who have the same integrity and communications skills that this man has. However I believe that he is needed educating young people at Hillsdale. I believe Donald Trump cannot be bought and is the answer for exposing the Deep State corruption in government. They do not hate Trump, they fear him and will stop at nothing to stop his return. That includes killing him if they can.
finally after 20 years of telling the people that all government spending needs to be made public, someone has heard the call. I am so happy, because so much of our labour goes to the super rich which are the parasites of our societies. Thank you SIR.
They call themselves 'elite'. They are like the crabs at the bottom of the bucket pulling everyone down because they refuse to help anyone but themselves, they will always steal money and opportunity away to fuel their insane egos
Wayne Coker... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@Sonia Estevez that's is so true it's terrible, the homeless is suffering the poor is suffering man listen him it makes my heart bleed, so much waste and these people do not care, they have million dollar home's over there heads, America is full of homeless people it's sad and run down City's, the American people need to wakeup out of sleep out of slumber and again they want to put a corrupt person in the white House, they will continue to waste and bleed America while the poor and homeless suffer, Biden will sell America to China and America will become a third world country.
Holding these individuals accountable would be great but l haven't seen anyone prosecuted yet. The Democrats have destroyed individuals and families, i.e. Trumps' family and others in the hope of placing fear amongst them. I keep praying for Trump to thoroughly clean up the swamp...unfortunately it's deeper than he thought!
This has opened my eyes so much! I knew the swamp was bad, but nothing like this.. Thank you for what you do and even though I am on a fixed income I will start supporting your organization… America should thank you…
WiliS S... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Adam, even though this presentation is four years old, I think you should send it on to Elon Musk. Thank you for taking the time and dedication to do the research you do and to advocate for transparency the American taxpayer should expect nothing less.
When I was a teacher in a low income school district, I saw millions of federal dollars spent on programs that lasted only a year, consultants who charged thousands for two-hour seminars that were useless, and dozens of administrative cronies making $400,000.00 + salaries. None of it helped our students' achievement.
BINGO, top heavy schools; Associate Supt's, Assistant Principals per grade, Consultants, workshops, BULLLLsh.... programs (math especially) payers screwed again
This whole world problem we are having show so much but people are like frogs in slow boiling water so to speak.. we have become so blind. Glad for great awakenings
Cool Flame the phrase I hear “if it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care”. They don’t care Hunter Biden gets a sweet deal, they don’t care Barracko gave up Stevens to save re-election, they don’t care mitt Romney probably had a part in not pointing this out at the time, they don’t care abortions are up to live births in Virginia, they think socialist is just a popular person at a party. No wonder bill gates pharmaceuticals are working closely w China to speed up the process to get rid of the greatest generation; all’s he will have left will be these sow boys and me toos.
Adam Andrzejewski is Brilliant! his epic performance today will be the standard and the model to follow for Government accountability, not only in America but around the world. Let's all join his efforts now and demand our tax dollars are put to a good use, for the sake of our future generations. What an example of a true American Patriot and a successful entrepreneur! Hats off to you Sr.!
Gabriela D... fyi... it's the Papacy that promotes Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Very proud of this young man and his Polish roots. He makes his Polish ancestors proud . Freedom does not common free. St. Maximillian Kolbe stated Without sacrifice there is no LOVE. He also stated When the society goes against the dogma of the church and Jesus Christ you have the responsibility to obey God''s law. Kolbe was offered a deal by the Nazis because of his German heritage (His father was German) but he refused.He stood for Jesus Christ and it cost him his life. May Jesus protect you and your family.
Yeah, it's too bad that the Biden Admin hasn't figured out how that transparency thing works? Seems like Joe mentioned something about being transparent in 2020, but then never heard another thing about it??!! What is apparent is that when Donald Trump was president, he was as transparent as they come. From day one, he couldn't fart without someone telling the mainstream media, "Something smells Fishy, in the White House!"
And the only thing those investigators could come up with was just a lot of Hot Air from the Democrat Party! Nothing here to see folks, just another Falsified Witch Hunt!
I love listening to Him & His colleagues. I regret not paying enough attention to what I have been ignorant, but have suspected for many years. Almost 85 years old, God willing, but now forwarding to grand children & friends. God bless you & yours.
👍 May the LORD God bless you and make his Face shine upon you in these last days my friend for he is GOD the Lord who is our God and not another for what we could not do God did do in the person of his only Son he ever had and he was a Jew . King David said it so beautifully in Psalm 22 , behold the Lamb of God and also in ISAIAH 43:12,13. and JOHN who also was a Jew in JOHN 8:56 and in EXODUS 6:3 by the scribes of Moses and finally Revelations 21:22 . I Love ISRAEL who seek the Face of the Lord by the Holy Bible and I Love our father Abraham who said unto his own son after he came down from the Mountain : Son God will supply a Lamb. PEACE ✌
If you can afford the costs to do so. I like that they offer free classes online but I don’t think it’s enough to earn credit for certificates of BS/BA or MS/MA though.
Gods Watching... fyi... it's the Jesuits and the Vatican that promote Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
That was one of the most impressive speakers I have ever heard, not just heard ,but felt . Sir , you truly exemplify the kind of integrity that only comes from being genuine. Inalienable right , can only be nutured from people such as you . Thank you,. I can only hope if ever I could help spread this knowledge to better our society in the future.
Pete Emge... fyi... it's the Papacy that promotes Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Club of Rome, the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet: If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it. Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD? Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism. If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience. If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers. Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon: Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies: Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@Pete emge I have to know that you are able to use the "Share" button under the video, to share this video on Facebook and in several other ways. Such as Twitter, Messenger and Texting! So feel free to share this information with everyone you know!
I worked in education at a high school for decades. In order to purchase supplies, like paper, calculators and binders, you had to use approved vendors. It seemed to me the only way to be an approved vendor, the company had to have ties to a district or school administrator. I could always find places, like Walmart, that sold the items needed at a much reduced price. I constantly argued that any store selling the items we need should be considered approved, we should be saving taxpayers money at every opportunity. Over the years I sent many emails about this and rarely even received a reply.
As a veteran and government employee I have witnessed exactly what this man is talking about.
All politician likewise city mayor if they are rich than their finance should be audited annually because no such public servant can be wealthy unless they are corrupt and crook
This has gone on for too long. No wonder the RINO's are freaking out along with the Democrats. When HRC lost, we dodged a bullet. Thank God for President Trump! May the SWAMP be drained. Many people from the SWAMP need to go to jail and worse. Treason = the Death Penalty.
@Bambi Palmer POTUS Trump was already a billionaire before being elected as public servant so his wealth is not public money, Also not asking for their tax returns but individual financial transaction during their term in a public office
Me too. When I exposed a 2 dollar ink cartridges was charging our unit 20 dollars and more, I could not get anyone in the chain to fix it. The whole system is overcharging the tax payers. Those who get in bribe their way in like he says in video.
Yep 👍
This guy is spot on. I am cheering from my living room.
Hold them all accountable.
But with what laws, THEY who are to be held Accountable probably won’t enact laws, self-policing themselves . Really interesting, for sure and what it describes.
And today, now, more than ever.
Swamp is so deep!
@Sonia Estevez 😓😓😓🙏🙏🙏
@@yoeliard what about Texas and America
He said, "Make America Accountable Again." This man needs to run for President on this platform! 🇺🇲
I'd vote for Adam. As a Libertarian, this has always been out of control...but anymore, it's a list of conflicts-of-interests longer than the Great Wall of China.
Vice president 💜
It’d be wonderful to have President Trump get this guy working for our new government when he gets back in the White House. Can’t wait! ❤️🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸❤️
@@MissAllyson707 PRAYING that IF it is GOD's WILL something like this will COME TO BE, & only THEN can this USA become what, I believe, GOD has meant it to be
Adam said, "Congress needs to hold these people accountable". Congress doesn't enforce the law; the president's job is law enforcement!! All Congress does is make the laws! If the prosecutors or the President doesn't enforce the laws, do we have any laws!? That's where we are now....... no one is enforcing the laws!!!
Every American needs to hear this!!!!
This guy NEEDS to be part of the Presidential Team!
Thanks i was just about to write the exact same thing...
I was thinking vice president!
We do need to get rid of the
"FAKE BANK" . If every American threw one small stone at them we could literally bury The Federal Reserve....
Oh! Yes indeed he most definitely needs to join Pres Trump Team ASAP He's a very powerful dollar cruncher to deal to those fraudulent corrupt thieiving liaring Aholes
Of course they already know all this.
Along with Sidney Powell
I say WELL DONE young man! Sign him up!!
It's all theft. People need to be held accountable.
It's left and right. People are the problem, they love power and money to much.
@@jacquelinevanderkooij4301 ~ Down with people!
Jacqueline van der Kooij , I believe it's Politicians, Not just People! People are Supposed to Control Politicians!
Vaclav Haval, NO!! Corruption is built into People!
It's grand theft!
It is very difficult to act on a corrupt government when we are not informed. Thank you for doing this.
Wow, you said so much that I needed to hear❗️We really need to insist on complete transparency and not allowing unions in all governmental jobs. Standard job pay with a 1 1/2% addition.
Jean, to further your point. We have all Fallen victim of a false narrative. The main tool that's been used against us to create this false narrative is, omission of information. K through 12 Public School is a 17000 hour indoctrination program. More important than what your children learn is what is left out. Example, after 17000 hours the average graduate has not studied the two things our country operates with, the way our Democratic Republic is supposed to function and capitalism.
'Sounds like very shy /polite clapper response.
Jim Da sounds like not telling the truth about CoronaVirus. Worrying about re-election instead of the American people.
@@michaelvoelkl4682 I saw a printed list, every election year for the last 25 years there's either been a pandemic or major event.
I didn’t even know you guys existed!! How desperately America needs you!! 🇺🇸
Hillsdale College is the Light upon the Hill.
Monumential work & message!!
fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
I believe. the reason for guards at WH .is because the Democrates know they stole The Election and they think we. Are coming a after them That is guilt they knew Trump was stopping them but it was taking longer than 4 years.. Another 4 years and the Swamp would have been drained ...thank you for this. It tells me l've right for along time? Biden is realy taking us to the cleaners and will as fast as he can. before he hands. Us (the U.S)
over to China .l believe we have Communist in the W.H. right now telling Biden what and when and how to do it ..and nobody is stopping them.Thank You again Sir for at least some truth we don't see that very often..Trump tried so hard. and they.tried to distroy him ...🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Don't count on that
@@donnalawson806 it’s not over till it’s over! WWG1WGA 🙏❤️✊
Adam Andrzejewski is a HERO and he should run for a president one day
Absolutely ! Adam has my VOTE for sure ! What a Awesome POTUS he would be !
He's a dork
Absolutely agree that this man is very good candidate for President of the United States of America! He has found the problems with government and hopefully he can help fix them. But everyone knows how much B.S. he will be put through just to run for office. Sad & SICK is our government. 😤
He wouldn't make a minute in that cesspool. He requires Credibility and responsibility of the Elite.
He be freaking murdered.
But I do agree. In all actuality, he has more power as he now stands.
Sounds like he can do more for the good of the country from what he's doing now....
This man is a breath of fresh air. The world needs more people like him. needs to start seeing transparent accountability of the CAFR1 money all levels of government have. It is an account of invested tax dollars with compounded interest. It is required to be reported by Federal Law in their Comprehensive Annual Report but the accounting too complicated for most to identify and understand. It should be published in the newspaper but the press refuses to publish articles on those accounts. One city said to have used some of the money to support their preferred candidate. Flint never had to drink leaded water. They could have used CAFR money with a small portion from that account. I believe this is why states Govenors are removing elected officials and replacing them with corporate people. Most of you know nothing of CAFR money. Look up Walter Burien and in YT unless removed but he has their own web site. Mr. Burien takes phone calls. Do not approach any gvmt alone about these accounts. Go safely in a group of citizens who plans to monitor those funds. Estimated to be cumulatively over a trillon countrywide.
Pray he stays strong we need him more than ever
This man is only ONE!!! He can talk only, he can't change nothing in this country....
Surprise he still alive
@@MQT69 Bigger surprises just ahead.
The breadth and scope of corruption in the United States is unimaginable and sickening. Thank you Andrzejewski for bringing this to light by 'opening the books' at the fed, state, and local levels. We can start to clean up this mess beginning at the federal level: destroy the federal administrative state and return power to the states.
The states are no better than the Fed. In fact, for many years Fla. Was governed by democrates and the corruption was terrible. Now that Gov. DeSantis has been installed our state is out of debt and more importantly the government. has restored the state and built it up to what it is today, one of the most desirable places to live! We love our governor here and support his efforts to make Florida even better. I would personally support Mr. Andrezeski to be a part of potus's new cabinen5 team at reducing gov't. waste and making America prosperous for all American citizens!
Perhaps that's where we'll end up. I'd vote for regional governments that diminish the power of the Federal monster.
Even worse is the special arrangements between the United States AirForce and the FBI to commit crimes unimaginable under the cover they are protecting the nation from terrorists foreign and domestic when in fact are in the business of smuggling tax free valuable items large, small tax free into the United States including human cargo for special needs!!! Billions of missing military building supplies and heavy duty equipment the FBI is now blaming on poor bookkeeping !!!Billions of dollars of the tax payers taxes put into a fully corrupted FBI that claimed that your tax savings went directly into their overseas bank accounts went missing ????
I just want to cry
So many people and children are homeless, hungry and in desperate need for just food, clothing. Veterans and children should be put at the FRONT OF THE LINE. NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
Amen Sunny, AMEN
I want to fight back not cry,
@Douglas that's what they did to the native american who had no immigration policies and the liberals set up courts and started the morality by our standards alone witch means they move it around no matter if you meet their demands they change the rules. it was the liberals of the time that added into the constitution the reduction of humanity to slaves think about that as they now desire we all follow their rules . say tomorrow if a rational person who does not have a sliding morality said ok ok i give in there are as many genders as you can think up. you can bet they would go back too two genders reality and then call you crazy. the idea is to never ever let you in to the masters house. there are a crap ton of conservatives that let themselves be set to only represent a small minority . those are rinos most true conservatives have no chance
Yeah but remember you are just a sheep, We all are just their dumb sheep! They made Planet of the Apes about us!
Bingo! It's right in front of our eyes when schools that are closed down have to keep the cafeteria open to feed students whose parents can't afford to feed them two meals a day! Something's wrong with that picture!
No cards, no teleprompter, no notes. This is a guy who knows his stuff. Best listen to him.
He had 7 pages of notes he said he couldn't read them.
@@misty5805 was about to say...
How could that work at a state level?
Audit All monsters in Any sort of Power!! We See what’s going on!!! Is it to late to fight these Monsters!!
@@sharonameskamp6893 You fight to your last breath no matter what.
This Adam guy is absolutely incredible to listen to. No notes - all those names and figures are stored in his head. I can't see him reading a teleprompter. And delivered with accuracy and passion and not a little humour. And flowing with virtually no hesitations or mistakes. This guy must be a genius! Or at least have a photographic memory.
I agree...I felt bad that he wasn't getting the applause that he paused for...because he certainly deserved it!
I seen the same thing.
I would imagine he's neck deep into numbers. Being that passionate about one's purpose is easy to remember the. Core of one's ideas.
No his father was a teacher who taught his family like a true parent should His parents poured into him and nutured him. That is what parents are supposed to do. Good parenting and good education results in successful outcomes with children.
We all talk about how bad our presidents and our government is we need to quit talking and get someone in there that will help the American people talking does not do any good
Telling the truth is easier than trying to remember your last lie.but this guy realy is amazing. And briliant.❤from🇿🇦
So sad that Adam passed away a few months ago - just short of seeing this dramatic transition and his dream come true. God bless his memory.
He did?
This needs to be the #1 story across all media for the next decade. If you dont fix this, none of the rest matters
This and so much deeper and wider spread, also truth in news reporting. The stupid general public believe all their twisted lies.. They do not check truth in real time, such as listening to the president then check the media lies and distortions. They take for ganted themedia lies.
Think agenda 21, the United Nations, one world government,
Democratic agenda etc......taking over America for their own sick Agenda. We will all pay the consequences then.
I guess only then will they wake up!
Only when it is to late.
Thank you for your talk.
The media's throughout the world need to be investigated and exposed
You'd first have to drain the media swamp before they will ever report on it they are the swamp gas reporting hallucinations
So now that we know this true what's being done about it?
This man needs to be working with the POTUS to eliminate waste in the Government! NOW!
Yep great ideal.
A pre-1980 example: NASA (AMES Research, Moffett Field, Mtn View, CA) padded their budget with a 5-story, 5-sided silo for 'bargaining purposes' if Congress wanted to cut their budget. It sailed thru -- the bldg stood empty, unfit for use.
Trump only hires establishment neocons though.
He is. Seen the part just before questions. The President started with the Whitehouse budget and is pushing DOD.
Working as an Independent, he can be more successful, and not be controlled or negatively labeled.
Watch video from 38:00, the White House is using this organization’s information in resolutions!!
This man is not only impressive, he and his organization have done a great service to the American people. Thank you and God bless you.
Thank God for you!! Thank you thank you!!
Michelle Jones... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
7 what are we supposed to do about this? Any suggestions? Any hope, anything? Or we just basically sol? Does knowing change anything? 🤯not looking good for the people huh? They have their own armies, money talks, baloney walks.They are making plans to get rid of us & use robots. No cost labor. So pray & hope to be taken up soon by God & watch it all crumble? God is still on the thrown. End times seem here & JB or new China President is just a puppet. They know not what they do. (Or maybe they do) sheep’s follow. In the end God wins!! And that means we win through our victory in Christ. I pray this is not end times, but it looks pretty suspicious to be. I’ve heard so much & seen so much my brain is on overload. Trump was a small chance we could have had a chance to at least try to change the country & the world. Do I think he’s involved? No. Who else could he trust with the soc media, msm & swamp against him? He had to go with people he knew, tried to avoid adding to swamp. But they had irregularities in voting, which in the end & now they got him & are onto more. The evil drips from their mouths & their actions. So great info but no one has thought of a solution.
@@amywilhelmkastingconnell1139 May I suggest praying to God. I don’t believe God will allow the world to be ruled by Lucifer’s minions. Don’t reply. I am not interested
@@amywilhelmkastingconnell1139 The solution is to make a total commitment to Jesus and establish a disciplined prayer life filled with much daily prayer. Jesus said, "My house shall be called the house of prayer" (Matthew 21:13). He didn't say a house of preaching or teaching or of fellowshipping... He said a house of prayer. We wouldn't be in this mess if Christians had bothered to obey that command. But this apostacy was prophesied by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 who warned that Christians in the last days would be "bearing the form of religion, but denying the power thereof."
The other solution is to be as far away from the cities as possible and do some prepping. It really looks like we are going into end time events. God have mercy on us all.
It’s 2024 and I’m just hearing this and it’s really well done . I will be sharing it . Thank you
Share this video. It needs to be seen by about 330 million people in the US.
I just posted it to Facebook. See how long it goes before it gets censored.
All Democrats first.
Adam's father taught CIVICS at the elementary school I attended. He was incredible - patriotic and intelligent - and it's no surprise to me that his son, Adam, possesses those same traits (whether by nature or nurture can be debated).
In 1963...Civics was a mandatory High School course. Had to take it and had to pass it before one could graduate......and multiple choice questions IT WAS NOT!!!
This man needs bodyguards for sure! God bless him and protect him and his family 🙏
I support Hillsdale. They give honest evaluations.
This guy is freakin AWESOME! Why can't we have people like this running for political office!
cuz the swamp would immediately smear and destroy them. 2 days, gone. thats why
@@JeffMTX you're exactly right! I guess what I meant was it would be nice if this was the kind of people we had in our government offices.
See the Monkey experiment?
How good people get transferred into bad people.
Ie> politicians.
Mr Emann... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@@GodsCommandmentsAreTruth I am aware of most of what you covered in your comment except I haven't focused my research on the religious aspect as much as you, although i was aware that the pope is definitely towards the top of the pyramid, so to speak, if not the very top. I think a lot of people, especially those who are highly faithful would find it hard to perceive the possibility that the very foundation of their system of faith, is corrupt. It's this wide spread cognitive disonance that allows for this to be possible and continue. It's the same for every other corrupt system as well.
God Bless you for finding and exposing this horrific corruption. Your Canadian supporters are Praying for Divine Intervention.....
Mollie Hemingway, MarkHemingway VictorDavid Hanson, JohnSteeleGordon #TwoMoores
Wow my Lord protect this man and his family we pick up murals of protection a hedge around him and his family in Jesus Christ name. Thank you Lord for his boldness.
Amen! 🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Susan Beyancourt... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Doesn't already have his own golden idol for you to bow down to?
Amen 🙏
😢😢😢... Rest in peace, Mr Andrzejewski.
Didn't know of you until an hour ago when I started watching this. Filled with hope, I searched you up to learn more about you and the important work you're doing only to find we have already lost you.
I'm overwhelmed by this presentation. The swamp is deeper than I thought. This presentation should be shown to seniors in American Government classes in high school.
Same. It seems impossible to sort through, yet he’s done it. I’m glad he’s young and passionate about this and pray he and others like him can soldier on despite how frustrating this must be.
Enviar sCNN,,,MSN; ABC ETC
Send it to the ones that defend money to Ucraine.
And he hasn’t even entered in the provable evidence of corruption within the FBI, CIA, NSA and all of the other alphabet agencies!!
This is just about waste. Imagine if this covered the political actions that included funds that were so called legitimate!!
For many, it’s not about short term financial gains!!
And congress so they can see how crooked they are
Wow that guy has energy and enthusiasm. I thought he was about 40, but he said he's 50. He must have a very clear conscience. Great work. Outstanding.
Under Donald Trump /Joe Biden/shemale Barrack drone Killer Obama..the Selling of Land by Washington County And Tax Office April and Surveyor Scott Young for Mass Foreclosure and Auctions for No One Matters But Thiefs ..welcome to Washington County Auctioning Your House For Mass Profit....your 911 service doesnt work..your dying..beaten cops do not come..they see thief and can arrest them but instead the thief, is praised great job for stealing evidence on land loved by evil neighbors and crimes honored by crime Trump family Washington County...Zack Morton n Scott Young.. with two phones they stole for evidence was massive ziply helping keep me from getting income ..with my mortgage paerwork stolen for cops who asked for pin on phones.
Google errased my evidence on both phones. Plus i was beaten bloody knee by thief cops wont come
.TED CRUZ in on this with Ron Johnson and Mitch Mconnell. Waste bankrupt your profitting evil jerks
I would LOVE to see this organization go after California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Ronald Smith Sacramento! The capital too!
Ronald Smith wait until the Cal figures come out, oh boy do they now how to spend tax dollars!
Washington state, and the thieves... dumped drugs on the streets, stole jobs, CPS splits families, steals kids. Courts so bad
Judge Gordon Godfrey grays harbor county Washington the worse judge in the nation... it's online.... coke head, stealing kids in , family court...
Elma Washington the judge was paid to send certain boys there where they were beaten tortured and raped.... it's documented...
Thieves. LIARS, sex deviants, wash8ngton state has a huge swamp too.....
please, pray for my child who has moved to CA recently.
United We Stand as One ❤❤❤
Never once did I hear "uh, uh" ... what a great speaker, and what a great leader; our country needs true Patriots like this gentleman. I have NEVER been this informed!
This is absolutely refreshing to see someone actually doing something for the american people....G-d Bless this man....and keep him safe😇
A woman did speak at the end told him what a great speaker he was, asked how she can learn more and thanked him.
And he’s not reading a script either...brilliant
I have by many different forms and he is very light on the real corruption.. goes much much deeper and multinational US scandals of total scams and aid kick backs... goes back 40 years , becomes extreme 20 years ago.
Unbelievable but accurate. The Swamp is large and growing.
Yup, but Biden will drain it. He already sent the swamp monster packing and soon he’ll send it to prison! Biden 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ruth Sinks... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@@NeonNotch swamp got deeper his first day in office. Can’t wait til you all start crying mr potato betrayed u. He didn’t even need your vote. But hey if 85 mil voted for him honestly then shouldn’t worry right? 😂
More like a cesspool!
Next time just post the cliff notes for your message, genius.
And try and leave out the nonsense.
This needs to go around the United States at lighting speed so everyone can watch this
>leonard fogle Yeah leonard, your idea was spot-on 6 months ago when you wrote it - but it's now eight months later and still nothing has been done to make the miscreants suffer the consequences. I'm giving up.
absolutely agree with you, would love to get a complete manuscript of his speech
Looks like the total idiots in the country have elected to most corrupt politician ,beside the Clintons, to the Presidency. Lots of luck suckers ever getting back to free society. The banana republic is at hand with the corrupt media , politicians md now Fidel Biden.
The saving solution grace will be a total runaway inflation where the money will be worthless and civil war will reset to who knows.
WE can't make America GREAT again until our politicians are held accountable.
Reposting 🇵🇱🇺🇸♥️
Wow Hillsdale is like a lighthouse in a sea of swamp monsters
And this man is fabulous!
it horrifies me to see how much of our money has been wasted.
Share this with people you know are rick of the fraud, and waste.
LMAO I'll bet you think Trump University was a real pinnacle of learning as well.
@@OldDunollieman apparently you know nothing about Hillsdale College.
Incredible! Everyone should listen to this guy. Just love him. Praying that God protect him and his family.
/Do you think that any Dem or Lib would change any of their political positions after listening to him. Maybe 1 out of 1/2 million. There is some truth in the saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks'.
@@dannymueller8217 Probably not Danny! People are so intent on their beliefs and their dogmatic ways. I just found him better than most. :)
@@dannymueller8217 ___
Danny it’s not them he’s trying to change is to bring awareness to those who aren’t
Amen and amen!
@@dannymueller8217 6
America need this kind of person, integrity, honesty, and not scared to voice the truth! Sounds like POTUS!!!🙏🙏🙏
@@dr.redpill353 Thank you for posting your link. I went to it, listened, and have already subscribed. Now, get some sleep and have that second cup of coffee!
@@neoncat9573 :) Much appreciated. Thanks for your patriotism and faith and love of your neighbors.
Yes he does sound like a one termer so I agree for once
TRUMPISM Gave America Four Years of Lies and Corruption !!!
Rubin report
Thank you for doing this. I'm in Canada but fully understand the global impact that your work has... especially to your closest aly. Those of us that seek out truth fully appreciate your efforts.
This young man is SIMPLY BRILLIANT ,how refreshing to hear someone. Speaking the truth
Neville Reimers... if you want more Red Pill knowledge... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Listen people
I want to help work for u
AMEN brother. It is evident this man has a love for truth
We need to go further than that. We need to get rid of the people who are promoting this type of spending and who are making laws that are hurting the American people.
This man needs to be on Every News Station .
i wished someone would put it on the news.
Share it on your social media...we are the news now.
It won’t happen in the United States because USA media is bought and corrupted
@@mackenziek1 as soon as your network becomes big enough to make any impact you have the algorithm control who sees you.
@@OSOFLHP so what? The more people see this, the better we all are.
People with guts are gonna need to do more than talk because the government doesn't care what you say or think. In fact they're starting to silence you. Wrong think is here.
Those he has a book published
We need to have a microscope up every politician's ass to see where the money came from and where it went to
I am a supporter of Hillsdale College !!!!
I agree, America should fight for their Veterans!! Oh, and let's not forget our elderly (American Citizens).
@The Patriot Marine>>>> We are now more worried about communists in our WH than we are own health....
Especially when our young men and women get send to "stupid wars" and when they come back "hurt" or "needed real support", the government either ignore them or try to shut them up for talking about the wars and then labeled them with "PDSD" and further caused these veterans to not able to get employment due to PDSD!
Thank you.. I’m a single senior and I’m scared for the future. My mom is still living also. California is the worst.
and everyone wants to dumb them and retied folks in a lake, swamp, facts show that too many vets are homeless.
Trump's our President...and instill ALL Votes are VOTED
and are All legal...Then will Biden
BE CALL the President in my home...for now, he is still called
Ex-Vice President, Joe Biden!!!
What an impressive speech. Thank you so much for your work sir.
This is deviation from the corrupt politians in this debacle!!!! We the PEOPLE are being raped!!! By corruption. We the PEOPLE want Truth justice and freedom from oppression punish the GUILTY ones!! We can not continue to do this waste,waste and wastes of our tax dollars!!! I predict a war on politicians who is in the very near future,. It will be diturmental to us all!!!
American people must stay together and fight this evil corruption!
Not just usa the uk is the same
@@yy-oo4xl Karen step across the pond come here to America... We can fight here... We are the greatest warriors in the world... English girls accents melt me like butter...
We only know what we are told we know all about fake news put we all need real news that we can all trust in America
Sensible we must be UNITED
@@thekingsilverado9004 we are just talking so far. Talking is not helping.
Open the books!!!...what a great vision!...thank you!
SIR , YOU ARE A HERO. We can only imagine what happens in other countries.
This is a sham to placate the public: why havnt we heard of him before. NOT FOOLED!!!!....
He lives in my state I know who he is. Illinois
things are actually a thousand times worse than what he is describing , 10 years ago Chicago university reserachers found 28 trillions were missing from the federal government books . imagine what the total is now
We paid 4 trillions for the afghan army and government on top of the 2 trillions for the war itself .
@@DOPEDOGTOPDOG I do not know where you get your information, but I do not doubt it. Our government is corrupt beyond belief. Donald Trump tried to expose the Deep State corruption and he as targeted by the Deep State and their propaganda wing of the Democrat party the Fake News.
Same thing that is happening here!
Thank you for an amazing job and opening America's eyes!
Ma Jua... fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
This been going on for so many years, those running our country has been in control for 50 year's if not longer
@@theresamcgaughey3358 the job is up for grabs if you're intersted
@@theresamcgaughey3358 has
This needs to be aired on prime time tv everyday for a year
This is a great idea I don't know how to make it happen but maybe you do let me know.
nobody watches prime time tv anymore
@@NaughtyBitts the ones that still do are the exact ones who need to see this. That was the point.
@@themikeanic1535 my point is that nobody would see it because nobody watches 😂
@@themikeanic1535 😐 but nobody’s watching
I was the Mayor of a small town in Oregon, and I was on the Oregon Mayor's executive board.
I never received 1 cent!
I wish I had known about a website that could have exposed this information.
I'm going to pray for this man's life.
He's now with the Lord
Amen love this action OPEN THE BOOKS.
@@sofly7634are you serious ??? Not one bit surprised
What happened to him. I was googling to see his progress since this video and found that he had passed away 2 months ago. I am very depressed to find this out.
wow! Love it! "Our military fights for us, we need to fight for them."
Lucky LB... fyi... the Jesuits and the Vatican are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
they would kill us if given the order. The generals would make sure. You can bet on that.
Remember what he said! It's not only Washington DC, but all of our local government also. It's up to us to make sure that our state and local officials are good and decent people who will do the right thing. Praise God "God bless America ".
God Bless 🇺🇸
Edith, exactly. Many politicians get rich in government offices. Seems the biggest reason for most is potential for wealth.
State and local officials lie also. They say one thing and do another.
the government is to big and out of control. Today money is their god.
@@kevingallagher4150 Money has always ruled Democrats and republican party members. I'll vote for your projects if you're going to pay me
We need a 2023 update! Where are we at this time...get this guy back !!!!
Thank God there are still men of integrity that live with integrity and expect a society of integrity. Thank God!
There are plenty of men with integrity!
Please run for office sir
Thank GOD@@brucechaffin6512
@@glendavis1266 That may be true, but remember the old saw -- "when men of good will do nothing ........" ?
THIS IS REQUIRED VIEWING! This man presents amazing factual material.
This man giving the speech needs to be hired immediately the government.
@Tony Berkopes
One of the most informative presentations I’ve seen. This is the reason President Trump was victimize by the swamp in the 2020 election! He is calling out their waste abuse and corruption.
Totally correct.
There would be 'some' change in the American purse if D. Trump is selected President. Roll on Trump....Bye Sleepy Biden.
But Trump is the SWAMP. He is a false Christian who used his tenure in office to financially benefit. Long live Nancy Pelosi!
@@busterbiloxi3833 you haven’t been listening have you? I used to be Democrat but Democrats are a BIG LIE! It hurt at first to admit this fact, alas it is TRUE! You need to do some research to discover the truth
No use moaning about the DEMAGOGUE Trump! Thank God, he's no longer in the White House!
Thank you so much for open our eyes to see the things that been hiding from us , May God bless and protect you and your family ❤️🙏🏼
Thank you, UA-cam for finally suggesting this after so many months... I am in a state of disbelief and awe at how polarized this country is and moreso how disgustingly power hungry our politicians have become.
We need more people like Adam to monitor the government's spending.
It's not a wonder why the Pentagon hated Trump. And it wasn't because of his "mean talk".
Go go Hillsdale College....
And Donald John Trump
Sir you are an amazing person .Keep the good work up. 👏
Oversight Committees point out the fuckery, but NOTHING GETS DONE EVERRRRRR
I feel so good to know we have people like him doing good things for us.
They are more like him out there we just don't realize it.
@@mariannemarek6683 because he is Polish ❗️I am Polish also ❤️🇵🇱❤️🇺🇸❗️🌹
This of the best presentations Ive ever seen..
All normies need to see this.
There is actual hope in the world with true gentleman as this.
Not all are corrupt. Clean sswsmp and start. Fresh.
The leader Pelosi shummmer AoCoretec n her other CORRUPT buddies need to go.
AoCortez go have hubby a million gov contract it's a conflict of interest
@@perfectomartinez5289 likely story.. Lemme know when it happens
I wont be holding my breath..
What good can they really do? Take your time, be optimistic....
Because he proves you can be succesful, honest and contribute to society at the same time. The swamp doesn't want to put in that kind of effort to reap the rewards.
The swamp can not be the rule, but God is over everything and in control. Lets keep doing our part and overcome evil with good! Our President is showing us all an example of keep advancing!
We should all Share This in the entire world so people that are sleeping will wake up and vote out all these government money sucking criminals in our government's agencies across America and let all leaders of World know how they can fight.
Fight skunky election
Why would ANY honest person dislike this presentation?
Probably all the people, he is talking about, don't like being spoken about.
Stupid voters.
This guy is great.
We need more government intervention in your lives. Roads, schools, hospitals and defense. No government - no civilization. Do you understand?
@@busterbiloxi3833 yes, we understand that we need more corruption from corrupted politicians that make up the corrupted government
This is 4 years ago... and I just hear it today! Should be on every tv channel!!!
This man needs to run for office. Every one of his videos is incredible he’s honest he’s funny he is a people’s man for sure
Don't take this the wrong way but that mentality seems to be how we got here rather than how we get back out because it is looking to others especially in the form of bloated bureaucratic abominations to fix the problems they cause thus far has been pretty counterproductive. Power corrupts and that looks to be unavoidable so from my perspective it is individuals and personal responsibility and not the consolidation of power but rather the atomization of power into as many hands as possible hopefully all the way down to the individual level that gets us out of this mess and everybody taking ownership of it instead of thinking it's caused by another and fixable by another.
I am the source of my problems I am the solution to my problems and that only happens when I feel the responsibility for all of the above
Thanks Mom🙏🏻
No, he's fine where he is lol
I agree but dems will do anything FOR THEM. To be in power till their ambitions WITH politics FULLFILL.
We need leaders who have the same integrity and communications skills that this man has. However I believe that he is needed educating young people at Hillsdale. I believe Donald Trump cannot be bought and is the answer for exposing the Deep State corruption in government. They do not hate Trump, they fear him and will stop at nothing to stop his return. That includes killing him if they can.
finally after 20 years of telling the people that all government spending needs to be made public, someone has heard the call. I am so happy, because so much of our labour goes to the super rich which are the parasites of our societies. Thank you SIR.
They call themselves 'elite'. They are like the crabs at the bottom of the bucket pulling everyone down because they refuse to help anyone but themselves, they will always steal money and opportunity away to fuel their insane egos
finally the truth ! i have not heard this in many years you said -- GOD GIVE US RIGHTS ! thank you !
Wayne Coker... fyi... the Papacy is the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
This man is fantastic ! ! He has nailed the truth !
this should be playing on repeat on us tv everyday .
This gentleman is an amazing speaker and an instigator for much needed change. Kudos to you and your continued work.
@Sonia Estevez that's is so true it's terrible, the homeless is suffering the poor is suffering man listen him it makes my heart bleed, so much waste and these people do not care, they have million dollar home's over there heads, America is full of homeless people it's sad and run down City's, the American people need to wakeup out of sleep out of slumber and again they want to put a corrupt person in the white House, they will continue to waste and bleed America while the poor and homeless suffer, Biden will sell America to China and America will become a third world country.
Holding these individuals accountable would be great but l haven't seen anyone prosecuted yet. The Democrats have destroyed individuals and families, i.e. Trumps' family and others in the hope of placing fear amongst them. I keep praying for Trump to thoroughly clean up the swamp...unfortunately it's deeper than he thought!
This should be heard on every station that airs news.
Great to know there are solid, honest people in this world shedding light upon the darkness that is corruption. God bless.
Adam for President !
This has opened my eyes so much! I knew the swamp was bad, but nothing like this.. Thank you for what you do and even though I am on a fixed income I will start supporting your organization… America should thank you…
Is there any wonder why ordinary people are jaded and not knowing the truth of why.. this report is so important.
WiliS S... fyi...the Papacy is the Deep State. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
WiliS S
Too many people are clueless what's going on. That's why they didn't care for President Trump.
They only listen to the MSM which would never expose these things because they are a part of it.
Finally I can listen to an interesting lecture in a University without censorship
Praise the Lord!
Adam, even though this presentation is four years old, I think you should send it on to Elon Musk. Thank you for taking the time and dedication to do the research you do and to advocate for transparency the American taxpayer should expect nothing less.
What an incredible presentation! Thank you Adam for all your hard work in exposing all this corruption.
Praise the Lord!
The only problem is that nothing seems to change. The swamp needs drained & fast!
Nowhere near enough and literally no democrats would
Not many it's easier to follow then think
Im downloading to listen while I drive. add me to the knowledgeable list ! I spread the word. Do not trust the govmt !
They won’t do anything about it, Obama filled the swamp so tight and deep u cant fit a peanut in it
This should be the only thing shown on TV for a month. Non stop, every channel!🤔
@Fred Peterson Its coming soon. WWG1WGA.
For just being a little over 200 years old this country is going down the corruption road in record speed.
Share it!,WE THE PEOPLE have all the True Power,WE MUST USE IT OR LOSE IT!
yip we want the truth the books, what a concept. It's our money I do not understand why we want to just give it away. I love you Adam !!!
Did a great job knows his stuff. He doesn’t need a script writer at all. He’s a very smart man, thank you so much for educating us.
Just vote for President Trump is the greatest President of my lifetime!
@Help The Rose we need him back home, Poland!!!
God bless this guy
When I was a teacher in a low income school district, I saw millions of federal dollars spent on programs that lasted only a year, consultants who charged thousands for two-hour seminars that were useless, and dozens of administrative cronies making $400,000.00 + salaries. None of it helped our students' achievement.
BINGO, top heavy schools; Associate Supt's, Assistant Principals per grade, Consultants, workshops, BULLLLsh.... programs (math especially) payers screwed again
It shows in the younger generations.
This whole world problem we are having show so much but people are like frogs in slow boiling water so to speak.. we have become so blind. Glad for great awakenings
Cool Flame the phrase I hear “if it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care”. They don’t care Hunter Biden gets a sweet deal, they don’t care Barracko gave up Stevens to save re-election, they don’t care mitt Romney probably had a part in not pointing this out at the time, they don’t care abortions are up to live births in Virginia, they think socialist is just a popular person at a party. No wonder bill gates pharmaceuticals are working closely w China to speed up the process to get rid of the greatest generation; all’s he will have left will be these sow boys and me toos.
Understand. Thanks for sharing. STAND up Patriots Stand. Enough
Waiting anxiously for the video entitled : "The Death of the Swamp" !!!
Adam Andrzejewski is Brilliant! his epic performance today will be the standard and the model to follow for Government accountability, not only in America but around the world. Let's all join his efforts now and demand our tax dollars are put to a good use, for the sake of our future generations. What an example of a true American Patriot and a successful entrepreneur! Hats off to you Sr.!
Gabriela D... fyi... it's the Papacy that promotes Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Very proud of this young man and his Polish roots. He makes his Polish ancestors proud . Freedom does not common free. St. Maximillian Kolbe stated Without sacrifice there is no LOVE. He also stated When the society goes against the dogma of the church and Jesus Christ you have the responsibility to obey God''s law. Kolbe was offered a deal by the Nazis because of his German heritage (His father was German) but he refused.He stood for Jesus Christ and it cost him his life. May Jesus protect you and your family.
Yeah, it's too bad that the Biden Admin hasn't figured out how that transparency thing works? Seems like Joe mentioned something about being transparent in 2020, but then never heard another thing about it??!! What is apparent is that when Donald Trump was president, he was as transparent as they come. From day one, he couldn't fart without someone telling the mainstream media, "Something smells Fishy, in the White House!"
And the only thing those investigators could come up with was just a lot of Hot Air from the Democrat Party! Nothing here to see folks, just another Falsified Witch Hunt!
Keep up you’re help for our. Citizens God bless you…. Bev😘
This was the most informative report on budget reform I have ever heard. Adam Andrzejewski should be extreamly proud of the work he has done.
sad to hear Drr Tom Coburn passed soon after this
This presentation is so important for every American to hear TRANSPARENCY
I love listening to Him & His colleagues. I regret not paying enough attention to what I have been ignorant, but have suspected for many years. Almost 85 years old, God willing, but now forwarding to grand children & friends. God bless you & yours.
This is the place to send your kids for real college.
@MichaelKingsfordGray No joke! We are ALL learning more through UA-cam!
It's not cheap and their entrance standards are high.
👍 May the LORD God bless you and make his Face shine upon you in these last days my friend for he is GOD the Lord who is our God and not another for what we could not do God did do in the person of his only Son he ever had and he was a Jew . King David said it so beautifully in Psalm 22 , behold the Lamb of God and also in ISAIAH 43:12,13. and JOHN who also was a Jew in JOHN 8:56 and in EXODUS 6:3 by the scribes of Moses and finally Revelations 21:22 . I Love ISRAEL who seek the Face of the Lord by the Holy Bible and I Love our father Abraham who said unto his own son after he came down from the Mountain : Son God will supply a Lamb. PEACE ✌
@@RegineAteliers "When you pay for quality, you only cry once" - Steve Harrigan
If you can afford the costs to do so. I like that they offer free classes online but I don’t think it’s enough to earn credit for certificates of BS/BA or MS/MA though.
I have NEVER heard such a fabulous speech. Genius.
Breaks my heart that we still have done nothing towards fixing these issues and in fact this has gotten worse.
Gods Watching... fyi... it's the Jesuits and the Vatican that promote Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Council of 300, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
Okay tell me, what exactly are YOU doing about this?
@@cece3194 It's not what he is doing. It's what we people need to do. 🔥
@@helenwright7275 Look at these reports and contact Federal legislators.
You let Jesus be delivered to the Jews
Out standing , wow what a concept, complete integrity. Genius . God bless you , a true American , thank you ADAM
thank you Hilladale for bringing us this...
How Trump Filled The Swamp
We must pray for this man, he is a strong person!
That was one of the most impressive speakers I have ever heard, not just heard ,but felt . Sir , you truly exemplify the kind of integrity that only comes from being genuine. Inalienable right , can only be nutured from people such as you . Thank you,. I can only hope if ever I could help spread this knowledge to better our society in the future.
Pete Emge... fyi... it's the Papacy that promotes Climate Change... they are the Deep State. They are the power that is "subverting" society behind the scenes. They are like an Aspen Grove with many trees but one root system. The Illuminati, the U.N., the EU, the WEF, the CFR, CIA, NSA, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the "banksters," the Club of Rome, the Council of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media are just some of the trees that make up that grove.
They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve their goals (problem, reaction, solution). And as Catechism 2188 shows, part of their solution for society's problems is a Sunday law. That's also why they promote Climate Change. It's about getting non-religious people on board with a Sunday law for the sake of lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet:
If you go to you can read a free pdf Bible study that talks about the coming conflict between God's seventh-day Sabbath vs. the Pope's man-made Sunday sacredness. It identifies the two beasts of Revelation 13, the anti-Christ, and what the Mark of the Beast is all about and how to avoid getting it.
Btw... if you are not convinced about the Jesuits and the Vatican... did you know both of Trump's nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court went to the same elite Jesuit high school in Bethesda, MD?
Think about the power it takes to pull something like that off. And Trump's latest appointment to the Supreme Court (Amy Barrett) is also Catholic. The Papacy is looking to implement their social teaching called "the common good." It's ideology is Collectivist in nature and is opposed to the American concept of Individualism.
If you're still not buying the Papacy is the Deep State... go into Google images and type "Vatican City snake head audience hall." As you look at that picture... think about where the Pope is sitting when he talks to the audience.
If you're looking for more Red Pill knowledge about the global elite, Dr. Walter Veith is a great resource. He was into the occult world before becoming a Christian and has some very well documented PowerPoint presentations that are loaded with pictures and are real eye openers.
Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon:
Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies:
Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars:
@@SabbathWasSetUpAtCreationGen2 Thank You Sir! Very well stated!
@Pete emge
I have to know that you are able to use the "Share" button under the video, to share this video on Facebook and in several other ways. Such as Twitter, Messenger and Texting! So feel free to share this information with everyone you know!
@@SabbathWasSetUpAtCreationGen2 let us not forget the wealth of knowledge hidden from view within their archives...
I worked in education at a high school for decades. In order to purchase supplies, like paper, calculators and binders, you had to use approved vendors. It seemed to me the only way to be an approved vendor, the company had to have ties to a district or school administrator. I could always find places, like Walmart, that sold the items needed at a much reduced price. I constantly argued that any store selling the items we need should be considered approved, we should be saving taxpayers money at every opportunity. Over the years I sent many emails about this and rarely even received a reply.
Corruption has always owned procurement control‼️💯‼️💥‼️🇺🇸‼️💰‼️😮🤔🤨😕😮💨💯🚫🐂💩