We sailed on the Cotentin for the first time in June to Le Havre and was surprised by how small the lounge and the shop were. We spent most of the crossing sitting in the restaurant. The food was good, though. We prefer the Bretagne which is more spacious and more comfortable.
Cotentin is a freight vessel. It was never originally intended to carry passengers, other than lorry drivers. So you have to bear that in mind when booking a crossing on her.
We sailed on the Cotentin for the first time in June to Le Havre and was surprised by how small the lounge and the shop were. We spent most of the crossing sitting in the restaurant. The food was good, though. We prefer the Bretagne which is more spacious and more comfortable.
Cotentin is a freight vessel. It was never originally intended to carry passengers, other than lorry drivers. So you have to bear that in mind when booking a crossing on her.