Poland is dangerous and racist with neo nazies thats what i heared in the media, its much safer to visit the middle east where basically the religion of peace rules everything! #HUN#POL
@@JamesyboyExperiment Is THAT right? Wow ... what city, town or village, please? I've been to London thrice, and all over Yorkshire, as well. Not too much East of England I don't reckon.
Greetings from Poland-and from oldest Mountains in Europe- Swietokrzyskie Mountains, if you wonna cheap journey -come to our mouintains :) all this places are in short directions-till 100 km,check: Holly Cross(real part of it) in Łysa Góra Temple, Park of Miniatures-Sabat-Krajno, for kids: European Museum of Tale-Pacanów, and more for kids; Museum of Toys and Play-Kielce, Museum of Polish Villages in Tokarnia, Bałtów JuraPark-Jurassic Park, Chęciny Castle, Krzyżtopór Castle, Kadzielnia Rocks in Kielce, Military Museum in Skarżysko-Kamienna City, Paradise (Raj in Pl)-Cave (most beautifull cave in the world) Amazing "Devils Rocks"-Niekłań Wielki- from Jurassic Period- they have got beetwen 50-200 milion years! If you dream is to see real prehistoric culture-come to our poor Region :) Thanks for reading my comment :)
Feel free to contact me if you will need some help near Warsaw here in Poland. I was in Russia on Fifa Wolrd Cup 2018 and made 7000km by motorcycle with my girlfriend as a passenger. Met only kind people there and would like to be there much more times!
Poland dangerous? LOL. It's the safest country for women in Europe and 3rd in the world. It also has lower crime rates than neighboring Germany... I have no idea where people get this opinion about Poland.
@@jorgesevil1137 Well, there are many data bases. This one for ex.: fra.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/data-and-maps/survey-data-explorer-violence-against-women-survey
@@Maciek77777 i am asking for seriously statistics. I personally been attacked few times in Poland ( I have been living there not even 1 year) whereas in Uk- second year I am here and nobody ever abused me, even by words.
@@jorgesevil1137 This are real statistisc. U know what isn't? One persons subjective opinion. Go back to school and learn basics. Then ask for reality u cant even accept.
I am English. I trace my family history back 650 plus years . I have always loved my country and would have never considered living in any other country_ . ....... However given my time again and given the way I see my country going I would move to Poland in a heart beat ! . We have a huge amount to thank the Polish for . Highest kill rate during the battle of Britain ! . thats right folks they fought and died to help keep our country free . Hard working , honest , polite , charming, patriotic , Christian , the list just goes on and on . Beautiful country . stay proud and stay safe Poland. God bless you all .
Greetings from Poland-and from oldest Mountains in Europe- Swietokrzyskie Mountains, if you wonna cheap journey -come to our mouintains :) all this places are in short directions-till 100 km,check: Holly Cross(real part of it) in Łysa Góra Temple, Park of Miniatures-Sabat-Krajno, for kids: European Museum of Tale-Pacanów, and more for kids; Museum of Toys and Play-Kielce, Museum of Polish Villages in Tokarnia, Bałtów JuraPark-Jurassic Park, Chęciny Castle, Krzyżtopór Castle, Kadzielnia Rocks in Kielce, Military Museum in Skarżysko-Kamienna City, Paradise (Raj in Pl)-Cave (most beautifull cave in the world) Amazing "Devils Rocks"-Niekłań Wielki- from Jurassic Period- they have got beetwen 50-200 milion years! If you dream is to see real prehistoric culture-come to our poor Region :) Thanks for reading my comment :)
I'm a Romanian in the UK. Love and respect to my Polish brothers. If you look in history, you'll see that we really are deeply connected. God bless the UK and Poland!
Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving us a comment. We are travelling to Romania this week - hold tight for the vlogs....Thanks Corinne and Adam 🙂
Btw not a dig for you guys just stating facts, its really nice you have discovered Poland, I wish you alot of fantastic trips to Poland, Ps I love Manchester!
National pride is a good thing especially the kind which is shown by Poland. Lack of National pride leads to the kind of screwed up situations present in Germany, France and Sweden. The EU bureaucracy that is in power is undemocratic and is not accountable to the people that they purportedly represent. But they are doing there best to deprive smaller nations of there rights to self determination and governance. When these smaller usually Eastern European nation's resist they are slandered and ridiculed by the EU in an attempt to bring them in line. Nationalist Spirit is good. The level I saw in Poland last year was electrifying and gave me hope for the youth of my own country.
viehoo59 I co z tej reklamy mamy ? Polska nie jest ciekawa turystycznie w porównaniu do większości krajów Europy południowej/zachodniej. Najbardziej przyciągająca cecha naszego kraju w porównaniu do tych „dalszych” europejskich sąsiadów jest to że u nas jest tanio - co wiąże się głównie z tym że Polska nie jest zbyt bogata. Nie mamy także żadnych szczególnie dobrych uczelni na skali europejskiej. Dla tego kończy się na tym że w zasadzie nie przyciągamy tych ciekawszych i normalniejszych turystów/ studentów/ migrantów, lecz tych gorszych lub czasem zwyczajną hołotę. Jak dotąd polska jest bardzo interesująca dla Pakistańczyków/Hindusów którzy zalewają wszystkie większe polskie miasta, dla ubogich Ukraińców, dla studentów którzy więcej chodzą do baru niż na uczelnie i zdecydowanie nie interesują się Polską dla wykształcenia czy lokalnej kultury, lecz raczej dla dziewczyn i alkoholu. A zalewu turystów nie ma i nie będzie, biorąc pod uwagę brak atrakcji i infrastruktur. Co mnie reklamowanie Polski aby przyciągać więcej takich ? Ja dziękuję.
Tylko ze to rzady polskie razem z mieszkancami zrobili przez 25 lat w kraju tak ze jest jak oni opowiadaja. Gdybysmy mieli takie rzady jakie miala Ukraina albo Bulgaria nie byloby takiej reklamy. Ale w Pl wszystkiego zlego winien jest zawsze rzad. "Wina Tuska".
I am Dutch. We loved Poland. It feels like our country when we were children. Safe and harmonious. Quiet and clean, even in the big cities. People are friendly. The atmosphere on the streets is calm. Nobody is looking to rob you or beat you up or harass you because you are white or a woman without a headscarf. The parks are safe after dark. Even drunk people are harmless. Just pissdrunk. 😂
Actually, there is. I can assure you about it based on my own personal life. You may have different experience and it is your right to express your opinion but it is silly to claim that everyone is an enemy. Cheer up!
Co z tego, że jesteś zwykłym robolem? Jesteś przez to gorszy czy o co chodzi? Czy może stereotypowy polski robol to rasista, burak i cebula? To że jest kilku takich, to nie może świadczyć o świadectwie narodu.
waldi n - Ja jestem handlowcem i przedsiębiorcą, ale powiem ci, że bardzo szanuję ludzi pracy. Nie lubię jak ktoś nazywa siebie czy innych "robolami", bo to ludzie pracy i można być z tego dumnym. Bez pracy tych ludzi nie mielibyśmy prawie nic w tym kraju. Tak jak inżynierowie, tak jak chemicy, tak jak lekarze czy bankowcy, lub policjanci tak też ludzie pracy są potrzebni. Ja ciebie waldi szanuję i dziękuję ci za robotę, którą robisz - niezależnie jaka to praca.
I am from africa and I v been in poland last month, belive me Every stéréotype u heard about Poland is wrong, it's a really beautiful country and people are incredibly friendly and nice....I will never forget this beautiful country.....if you want go there, never think twice, just be respectful to the people and the culture....and keep smile in your face :)
@Slavic Pilled i don't want to live among you also i love my country and my pepole and it's the best country in the world don't get over excited .. I have contributed in your economy in my short stay so you need me not the opposite Ps: I don't want you to like me so don't 🙃
@Slavic Pilled Myśleć możesz, co chcesz. Ale zanim coś napiszesz publicznie, zastanów się, chłopie. Robisz nam smród po prostu. Polityka nie polega na tym, by obnażać w sieci wszystkie swoje myśli.
I'm American and have been many places. Poland was just wonderful. Excellent food. The old buildings.....amazing. A proud people and I actually felt their culture. Love it. Nice folks, for sure. My family is several generations from the U.K. London..I used to love. I don't feel as if I am in London when there.....I have not decided what it has become...not sure. Congrats Poland on your choice to keep Poland. Polish. So comfortable and relaxing.
@@burlhorse61 Of course. Multiculturalism it's shit, is the beginning of the social plague. We love our christian/western culture, and we will fight everyone who's gonna threat our way of living. Europe to the Europeans.
Poland is amazing I fully agree with your discription of this beautiful country. I have visited Poland 5 times in the past 6 years. Absolutely love the place, people and food ❤
Everything you said was very true, I also visited Poland last month and I can say that I've had a pretty similar experience. Thanks for dispelling the lies about Poland being "Authoritarian" and "Racist"
It's a small price to pay for sovereignty. I'd rather have corrupt politicians from my own country running everything than corrupt bruxelles politicians doing it instead.
@@lukabosanac2671 Brussels does a lot and even more, compared to the Polish government. Without the EU, visiting Poland would be much more lackluster, due to the visa requirements. In the case of Polish government, far right basically bought their votes, promising an equivalent of the British Child Benefit. What we got in exchange is a massive damage to the quality of life in the country. Go figure why many Poles emigrate.
Poland is absolutely wonderful, people act so genuinely towards one another that it is very refreshing. And when it is Christmas time they decorate so beautifully I mean beautifully it's gorgeous. Poland is wonderful.
@@callmekc9793 powoli bo powoli, ale zmienia się na lepsze. Kiedyś temat tabu, teraz przynajmniej się o tym głośno mówi i walczy o swoje prawa. Trzymam kciuki, żeby tolerancja w Polsce była tak znakomita jak właśnie pierogi xD
Rzejdi, it depends what you mean. Poland is known for the vodka consumption, but we drink less vine for example. French ppl drink a lot, but different sort of alcohol. One survey says that 13% of French ppl drink every day (www.pourquoidocteur.fr/Articles/Question-d-actu/21867-Alcool-13-Francais-boivent-jours). I've found an other source which claims that on average, French ppl who are more than 15 yo drink sth around 12 l of pure alcohol every year. Only ppl from Austria (12,2 l) and Estonia (12,3 l) drink more than them (in Europe ofc). Polish ppl consume on average sth around 10,3 l of pure alcohol every year.
@@78musiksphere => I assure you that idiots usually don't have much money to spend let alone invest. And we surely can do without 'their investments'. Most of those "invest" money in booze, prostitutes and sometimes in toilets (when they need wee)
Great video. I’m from the US but currently in Germany due to my husband’s job. We went to Krakow last year, and loved it. This past weekend we went to Gdańsk and Warsaw. I love everything about Poland-the people, the food, the history; I feel safe there. I could see myself retiring in Poland.
As a second generation Australian whose father was Polish I have been watching your videos back to back as inspiration for saving to visit for a 6 week tour of Poland. I love your vlog! (And I love the food although I’ve never tried oscypec but can’t wait to chew down some of those on my future trip!) I get emotional watching the food as my grandmother passed away a few years ago and I really miss her food! You guys nailed it! Come to australia some day!!
Thank you for warm words about Poland. Because of communism lasting for nearly half a century, Poland is a forgotten country in Europe. Thanks to people like you, we have the opportunity to show you how beautiful and rich in history and tradition Poland is.
@Adam Leszek Nowakowski Tak, zostali. Komuś w RAF-ie puściły nerwy jak dowiedział się o braku zaproszenia ;-) Wbrew temu so się obecnie opowiada mieliśmy wielu przyjaciół wśród angielskiego dowództwa i byli oni zniesmaczeni polityką własnego rządu, ale RAF był wyjątkowy nawet pod tym względem. Gdy dowiedzieli się, że naszych nie zaproszono to się po prostu wściekli i urządzili zupełnie nieangielską awanturę ;-)
My eyes start crying... I am from Poland, but I've been living in the UK since 2009. It's breathtaking feeling, when you hear so many good things about your country. I am happy, that you have spend a good time in Poland. I wish, more people will visit Poland soon. Thank you for this. I have already share this on my facebook.
Co nie rozumiesz? Juz tak kurwa do reszty stales sie bardziej angielski niz polski?flat jest?jest.Garden mosz?mosz? Brekfast z fasolą wyjebaną na jajko jesz?jesz.. wiec nie becz i nie udawaj greka bo chocbys kroczył ciemną doliną zawsze rozponany bedziesz jako polak mój ty drogi Anglicki Januszu
@@sksks9012 rozbawiłeś mnie jak mało kto. Uspokój się trochę. Nie rozumiem o co chodziło w powyższym komentarzu. Ponieważ pytanie dlaczego, i stwierdzenie, że bilety są tanie, nie ma nic do mojego komentarza, więc wybacz że nie Zajarzyłem. Nie jem angielskiego jedzenia i nie czuje się Anglikiem, za kilka miesięcy wracam do Polski, a piszę po angielsku, żeby uszanować parę, która wystawiła tego vloga. Pozdrawiam
I have not heard so many good things about Poland for a long time;) Thank you. You are so kind youtubers. Sorry for bad comments towards you, but as you said these people are everywhere and they are just frustrated with their life, sad people who want to drag you down. They treat the same other Poles too, so please do not take it personally. Thank you for spreading a good word about visiting Poland. Good luck with everything xx
Hey there. Thank you so much for your kind words, we really appreciate them. Thanks so much for watching and commenting,. We really really enjoyed our tour of Poland 🙂
I loved your Poland videos. I have friends in Poland and sometimes go twice a year. I am American, and you know most people in the US only go to France, Italy and the IK when traveling Europe, and it’s a shame because thinking that there’s nothing worth seeing outside of those countries are missing out on great travels. Oh yes, Poland has awesome pastries and chocolates! So happy you enjoyed your trip!
Hi Dawn - thanks so much for your kind comment - it really means a lot to us that you enjoyed that series. We totally agree that many travellers to Europe probably focus on the better known destinations and are missing out on some real gems. Polish food is on our top 5 of world cuisines to date!! We have just been to Ukraine and they have some similarities to Polish cuisine too. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by to say hi to us 😍
I do not understand this why people from western countries think that Poland is poor . It is like the last information pepole have about Poland is from 1989 :) I do not get it. Last year I have spend 3 months in Luxemburg. People there were talking to us about for example trams as it was some kind of magical thing that they have or about those exclusive shop called auchan that we should check. On one hand it was funny but on the other hand it iritates me as f....k. So thank you for those videos. I hope at liest some people will open their eyes not only about Poland but other beautiful countries in our rergion. Thanks again:) P.S Sorry for me English:)
I think the reason people have these opinions about Poland, is the fact that so many of us migrate to western coutries and take really low paid job, often living in terrible conditions, such as few people in one room. From lets say English person perspective it must create simple and logical explanantion - if so many of Poles are 'happy' to work and live like that, what they have in UK, must be much better than what they have in Poland. I think if the roles were reversed and Poland had many foreigners from certain country that we dont know much about, working in low paid jobs mainly and accepting bad living conditions, we would automatically delevop an opinion that their country MUST be a lot, a lot worse than ours, which is obviously not true... I am just saying that it is kind of logical to come up with conclusion like that and to be honest I cant blame the English for thinking this.. On the other hand i dont know any English person who would visit Poland and not change their mind about their preconceptions. There is no point of getting frustrated and offended, We are creating a certain image in western europe, and we cant expect everyone to know exactly what the reality in Poland is and what really drives us to do what we do and live like we live abroad. We are not better at being judgemental towards other nations either so,..
I agree that our salaries are smaller than in so called western countries and based on this thay can assume that Poland is poor but they talk tu us like we have no idea what is internet and asking questions if we have mcdonald in Poland. THose are questions I do not understand. A german dude asked my friend how to book planeticket to Poland like you know there is some special different way to do it becouse you are going to Poland:D It seems that for some people we are like Game of thrones wildlings born on the wrong side of the wall:D
hahahahah, i get you and it can be annoying, i was asked by a nurse few years ago if we have cars in Poland...I really didnt know what to say, was so shocked... However all i am trying to say is, that this is due to the lack of knowledge, awareness rather than something they say to upset or bellitle us. Whenever i heard questions like that i really didnt feel they ask to offend, rather they show their lack of knowledge, education in UK is not on very high level and many people dont know where each country in Europe (never mind the rest) is on the map, they confuse countries with cities etc (not all of them of course, but many, especially working class), so its better not to get offended. There is no point. They dont mean anything bad by it, they are just exposing themselvs, so
The architecture in Poland does look amazing! A mixture of tons of new fancy bulidings and a renovated, beautiful historical bulidings there! Poland is a heart of european heritage.
It's a shame that we have the communits utilitarian blocks of flats everywhere. It's extremely difficult to find a place that doesn't have any. It makes sense why they're here, the place had to be rebuilt after the war, and living in them is way comfier than it might seem, but damn do they look boring and bland.
Well, it's not a news that Poland doin' great when it comes to developed infrastructure. Poles do care about thier country that's why all these villages, towns and cities looks so good and so rich.
To be honest, what does it mean to have a lot of money? If you mean money to have a car? Yes, we have cars, money to travel? Yes, we travel (quite a lot), food, goods, house? Yes, we have all of this. Everybody has different perspective of money. One British friend of mine came to Poland and he told me " You have a very low economy because everything is so cheap" So what did I respond? We have a very good economy, because everything has reasonable price that everybody can achieve.
polish economy is going good BECAUSE EU pumped in Billions of Euro !!! poland is LOW technology country producing mostly fruits , vegetables meat and poultry . , spare parts for greman car industry and furnitures for Ikea , Polands export strenght depends on VERY LOW wages payed to workers !
I am black BRITISH married to a strong Polish woman and our daughter speaks and writes Polish. We always get a warm welcome from friends and family when we stay and have never experienced any real problems having travelled all over Poland. Great people and great Country with long lasting traditions.
@@ghua - Polacy tak jak każdy inny naród żyjacy na ziemi, żyjacy w swoim własnym kraju ma naturalne prawo przetrwać. Ma naturalne prawo zachować swoją tożsamość etniczną, językową czy też kulturową formującą się od początku istnienia człowieka. Nikt nie ma najmniejszego prawa tego zniszczyć dlatego mam nadzieje, że doczekamy się rządu który będzie miał na uwadze to jak niebezpieczne dla istnienia narodu polskiego są to kobiety.
Hubert Szadurski Ma prawo przetrwac, więc TY ożeń się z Polką i naróbcie dużo dzieci. Ale nie masz prawa narzucać swojej woli innym osobom. Każdy poślubia kogo zechce, a konsekwencje to nie twoja sprawa - czy sa dobre, czy złe.
a beautiful country with astonishing history, no criminality, good food, nice welcoming people, a country with an amazing economy, really booming country. Visit it!! This is a voice from Stockholm, Sweden
Praga is not dangerous, it was in late 90's but today despite few blocks it is more like hipster disctrict. I am really glad that you guys liked Poland that much. Next time visit Olsztyn it is my favourite city in Poland :) Cheers!
I’m from Canada and a couple of years ago I visited Krakòw in Poland and I didn’t know what to expect. My parents thought it would be dark and gloomy because that’s how it was during Soviet times but we were shocked at how beautiful and lively it was. The people were very nice but I was really surprised at how little everything cost. Everything cost about a third or even a quarter of what the exact same thing would cost back home, so if you’re visiting Poland anytime soon I’d suggest you should do some shopping while you’re there.
Well, to be honest it's not so cheap for us. Actually our politicians are into socialism and even if for you it's cheap, for us it's really not. My aunt was living in Canada, she was working in the hotel and got paid like 5x higher than she would in Poland. I don't mind Polish people to be poor or whatever, but compared to Canada, UK or USA we got much more lower salaries, that's why everything is cheaper and that's why young people emigrate out of Poland. Conditions in your countries are much more better when compared to ours even if it looks like the country is cheap and we got a lot of money in big towns, we really do not.
@@poower7 It is obvious that your political idiosyncrasies puts you into ridiculous matrix which is against facts. Live standard is rapidly increasing just during last four years and it is seen in migration dynamics. More Poles comes back than emigrate. I went back 5 years ago from Sveden and my incomst now are higer than in Scandinavia.
Lol, more and more people are leaving this country, the fact that you came back here doesn't change it. Working here without qualificstions will not grunt you enought money to pay a rent for a flat in normal condition, cheapest flats in bigger cities will be able, but you won't pay a Bills and have enought Money for food. It is not happening in for example England. Inflation is getting higher and higher in Poland. Also you must be idiot to compare scandinavian countries with a tone of social for people, to Poland xD. People are getting money for children here, also when you are the elder you got one more payment of your rent and that's all. When you are over 21 and don't have children you have no social and The goverment drain Money from you to pay they retarded investition which gave them The support of old people and uneducated patological families
@@poower7 Besides you are rude neandertal obviously you don't rely on the facts but on superstitions. Statistics show prevalence of returns over migration and higher grown salaries than inflation. Your knowledge about economy and social reliances is childish. You must be very young or intellectually inefficient. I recommend you to begin with "The Economics Good and Evil" and of course to work on your manners.
575agon $$$$, minimum wage in Poland is 400 euro, for example if you work in Lidl as seller in capital, you can earn 600 euro xd ect but prices... 400+ euro if you want rent a one room flat in capital :P That is why many people go abroad to save money, and many of them stay abroad forever, because they do not want to earn 75% less when they return to Poland.
@@KikoPL that used to be the case however the economy is booming, and wage is giving up and its not 75 less maybe in 2010 it was now its only 15 to 20 % but i wouldnt rather take the 20 % less but know i live in my own safe country unlike france
I am Polish living in Uk. Poland is a good looking country and quality of life and incomes are getting better. Uk never experienced communizm . Thats the reason why incomes in Uk are better. And remember- Poland is cheap for you guys but its quite expensive for people living and earning money in Poland
Thank you so much for all your kind words about my country. I am very glad you enjoyed your stay in Poland. I have been following you guys for some time and I really enjoy your videos. I agree that pierogi and deck chair would look good together, Lol. You are a lovely couple. Take care
Hi Olimpia - thank you so much for your kind comment. We had a great time in Poland and really enjoyed filming our experiences there. We are so pleased to hear that you enjoy our videos, this means so much and makes are journey so much more worthwhile. Glad you like our emblem idea!!! Best wishes to you - Corinne and Adam 🙂
Thanks for your video`s. Totally agree with your summary. We watched some before we went. Have just returned after 16 nights very good. Had an 8 day Interrrail ticket for Poland and visited Gdansk, Sopor, Malbork, Torun, Poznan, Gniezno, Warsaw, Lublin, Zamosc, Krakow and Zakopane. All very good, thanks for the tips
I'm glad to hear that not only poles enjoy our food and as many can see now we are not the richest country but we have all what needed and more, tnx for kind words, You are always welcome!
After growing up in Poland and visiting it quite often as a Canadian, I must admit that your fair-minded, honest and well-edited video puts Poland in a new perspective for me. In short, I appreciate its positives more by being forced to see, compare, and conclude: hey, relatively speaking, the country measures up to many other more renowned tourist destinations. Great, much appreciated job.
My wife and I went to Wroclaw 20 years ago and Zakopane 2 years later. Both trips were great and the only downer was getting knocked out of the chess competition I entered, by a nine year old. He cheated by being better than me.
Hey Paul - just to let you know - we are heading back to Poland next week and doing a road trip where we will be including Wroclaw and Zakopane!!! Can't wait🙂🙂
I'm Irish and married to a Polish girl. I go over about three times a year and absolutely love this country. Beautiful warm summers and ski resorts in the winter. So much vodka to choose from and the food is to die for. Very traditional people and they love their culture. Wroclaw central market square and Zakopane are my favourite places.
Hey Bobby - thanks so much for your comment - interesting to hear your experiences and we agree. We are heading back to Poland next week and doing a road trip where we will be including Wroclaw and Zakopane!!! Can't wait🙂🙂
Two facts: 1. Polish highways and reonvated roads are one of the best in Europe! Seriously - wherever you go infrastructure is all new or renovated! 2.They are a powerhouse when it comes to video game industry! No wonder they are rich when they invest so much in infrastructure and hi-tech industry!
Totally agree with your Polish review - I love Poland so much so me and my wife got married in Poland in July 2019 we are both Scottish but love the country we plan to live there one day 😊 but visit regularly at the moment
Hey Gary - how cool - really interesting to read your comment. Where did you guys first go in Poland? What inspired you to go.....last question....where about's to you choose to marry? 😎😍
After 7 years, I came back to my city Warsaw and I was shocked! Poland is developing at a huge pace. It's clean, safe, lots of attractions, great food, everything! I had the impression that I was going through a mistake to another country not Poland. I was so impressed that I did not want to go back to home in England .... sorry England! 😉
Poland is one of The safest countrues in The world. Don't say Anything about this country if you were not There. There are less homeless people than in one American City and we respect all countries .
Love you guys and thanks for all warm words about our country :) Please come visit us regurarly, pop in for long weekends and holidays, you will always see and experience something new and exciting. See you on streets of Poland!!!
Everyone should know fact the western countries will erase until 2050. Becuase their working females are borning not enough babies to regenerate population. So their goverment need milions of third world imigrants every generation. That is why every Liberal democracy will change into islamic state, only matter of time. How to fix that? women right or birth control should be banned if we want to survive.
Great video !!!!!! Poland poor hahah the UK in the dark ages oposed to Poland. Yes it does seem the media have perceived Poland to be very poor, my Girlfriend is polish so have been visiting for 8 years now and visited many places, the transport is second to none, food, beer, transport, architecture is fantsctic and people are so proud of their amazing country.
Nice video, sad that you didn't see polish environment- Puszcza Białowieska, Tatry Mountains, Bieszczady and lots of Polish National Parks- next time you need to see this! You saw Poland only from the City view but the real Poland is hiding in forests behind the trees and mountains ;)
It's very nice to see people who find Poland interesting and hospitable coutry rich in heritage and nature. Your vlogs made me more proud of my motherland and nation. If you consider come back one day I recommend to see Toruń, Wrocław, Poznań, and Masurian Lake District.
Hi Maciej - thank you so much for your kind comment. We are so glad you enjoy are videos and to know that they have brought you something so positive means a lot to us and makes our journey so much more worthwhile. We would love to visit all the places you suggest and hope to one day in the future 🙂
Poland is a beautiful country. Beautiful mountains, the sea, highlands, lowlands, forests, lakes, cities and villages. 💕💕💕 The country is getting stronger. The Poles are hard-working, family-oriented and like cleanliness. Meet Poland 😘
Just returned from beautiful Poland, economy is booming, booming, booming ! and the main aspect of visible success it's not just major cities , but even in smallest villages i could clearly see tremendous growth: machinery, walkways, village centers, new stores, new construction. Unemployment clearly hit the lowest numbers in many years.
Piotr Szewczyk I am a 5th generation Polish American and am coming for the 100th anniversary in Warsaw before going to meet distant relatives in the north west.
@@noelkosobucki9722 I live in north west Poland and I'm going to Warsaw on 11.11, too. If I were to meet you in the capital or back in north west, I'd like to buy you a beer.😀
This won't make it to mass media lol, because is real & honest 👍 Just why we love you, please stay true to your ❤ Bet I express my opinion on behalf of many subscribers. Yep pierogi rule! Anytime anywhere, even in South Florida 😉
Hi. I've lived in England for 11 years. Im coming back to Poland. Not that I seek for english people not being prejudiced as I am feeling ok as a polish person and I'm proud to be polish but I'm glad you went there to see it for yourself. Where I am now I have a lot of Brits being so prejudiced that I dont even try to talk to them about Poland anymore. I just dont care anymore :) You seem to be very normal . Thanks for the video. Take care of yourself.
#KamilDebek Don’t simplify Brits as a whole spec. Visit Scotland one day. I am a Pole staying in Scotland for the past 14 years and trust me once you had experienced Scottish sense of being inclusive society the only answer to „Prejudice” will be „Huvny a Scooby”. Failté gu Dun Eidean! #indyref2
Thank you guys for such a genuine and precise movie. Indeed Poland is a beautiful country with values and it's history. I don't trust social media as they are forecasting whatever is easier for them. Thank you once again and I hope you will be back to Poland.
Nice summary of your travels - looks amazing - and Poland is definitely on our radar😊👌. Good job !! We're planning to drive through Poland when we start our drive around the world - You'll have to come with us for that leg of the trip !!!!
Poland is one of the safest country , I am a Filipina living here in Poland, I like here, very silent and peaceful place... so I love Poland. God bless this country .
Hi Jaszmeldz - thanks so much for watching - interesting to hear you are Filipina - we are now in the Philippines for the first time - videos coming soon 😍
Thank u for a good words :) Poland isn't different than other countries in the world. USA as well :) everywhere there are rich, middle class and poor ppl, homeless, thugs etc. Better or worse places. The same as everywhere :) but we became unity and we saved our nationality and our non changed values for years even if EU wanted changed that. No Way :) btw I advice to find out something about our history. Ww2 and ppl like Pilecki and Karski and especially our post war history during soviet occupation. Read about Doomed Soldiers and about their executioners. I bet u didnt knkw that but these are the stories about true heros and their fight of freedom and democracy. Damn if we only could had Hollywood here :) cheers.
I felt the same when i visited Poland, Great food, decent roads, friendly people, shops with things in them( instead of loads empty, like my local town) summer= better weather than UK. All in all great place.
ive been to warsaw twice, great experience, i find polish people to be proud of their country and i understand there is concerns of racism, but poland has no terrorists, crime is low, its clean, inexpensive and interesting. its a great place to visit.
Thank you very much for visiting my country and spending time to make your videos! It's so great to hear that you enjoyed your visit. I hope you will come back soon. Next time, I recommend you visiting Łódź, if you haven't been yet. Best wishes for you!
I always have a lot fun when I see people who didn't know almost anything about Poland before they first arrived here. And then... they're fully shocked. "Ohhh how beautiful everyting looks, what a modern infrastructure, how clean it is, how can it be that architecture is so great, why there is so many fancy houses" and so on :))) Ofcource I am not talking about you, but about many foreigners who's first reaction is: oh God, I had no idea that Poland is rich and developed country :)
It's fun how You guys say it is cheap and affordable in Polnad while we - Poles, complain about high prices all the time. Anyhow, we are glad you liked it here :) Greetings
Ah....thanks so much, we are so pleased you have enjoyed the series - we have enjoyed making it and to know it has been a success means so much. Thanks for watching 🙂
Thanks guys for your very appreciative video of my country. That's really kind of you to share some of your experiences during your stay. You seem like a very nice and positive minded couple!
Thank you guys for those kind words about my motherland. Poland is the safest destination now on map of Europe no doubt about it. I will just add some politics here because I can :) Poland would be a very rich and powerful country today but due to wars and communism after it never happened and it is like it is now. No one never pumped money into Poland after war, Poland rebuilded itself with its own hands. Our goods and treasures are still located in Germany, Russia and even in Great Britain. It is an absurd that us Poles are burdened with paying compensation to Jews for what the Germans did to them in our territory. I personally suffer from the great victory parade in England after WWII because polish pilots who were fought and defended England , they never been invited however, the rest of the world was. I am talking about 303 squadron btw... Why the British government has appropriated the glory for deciphering the ENIGMA while British never succeeded in deciphering it ? It was decipher by the polish man. Not so long ago, after all this years the British government officially admitted that the Poles had deciphered the Enigma. That is very sad...
There is a film about the 303 squadron called hurricane and it depicts the truth about ww2 and the one man from chech republic who saved britiain, gladly recommend and thanks for thinking poland is great, it really is a beatiful country
"Not so long ago, after all this years the British government officially admitted that the Poles had deciphered the Enigma." Can you drop us a link for that? I'd like to see that for myself. That would make my country liars. Turing as well. As for the victory parade, that was a pretty disgusting thing to do-thought I was told it wasn't all down Britain though.
Just answered my own question, not quite how you portrayed it though Maciej, but of national pride in there:) But yes indeed they did indeed help and that needs to be recognised.
Oh my god the food looks so good I've gotta go over if only for the good food and drink! Perogi sound so good. I think that's a great national symbol :D really enjoyed your series guys
Hey everyone - we have been nominated for Top 5 Travel Vloggers for 2019 - please vote for us at deathbyvlog.com/vote/ 🙂
Poland is dangerous and racist with neo nazies thats what i heared in the media, its much safer to visit the middle east where basically the religion of peace rules everything! #HUN#POL
Mates, are you Eastenders?
@@SuiGenerisAbbie Ha.... No! East of England 😀
@@JamesyboyExperiment Is THAT right? Wow ... what city, town or village, please? I've been to London thrice, and all over Yorkshire, as well. Not too much East of England I don't reckon.
@@SuiGenerisAbbie We come from a city called NOrwich about 100 miles from London
I’m Russian. Poland is my favorite country to visit so far. And I’ve been to many EU countries.
Cool - that's great to hear
Greetings from Poland.....me and my husband are going to visit your country soon!!!!🤗
Anna Lukina+ Я сердечно приглашаю наших братьев-славян в Польшу
Greetings from Poland-and from oldest Mountains in Europe- Swietokrzyskie Mountains, if you wonna cheap journey -come to our mouintains :) all this places are in short directions-till 100 km,check: Holly Cross(real part of it) in Łysa Góra Temple,
Park of Miniatures-Sabat-Krajno,
for kids:
European Museum of Tale-Pacanów,
and more for kids;
Museum of Toys and Play-Kielce,
Museum of Polish Villages in Tokarnia,
Bałtów JuraPark-Jurassic Park,
Chęciny Castle,
Krzyżtopór Castle,
Kadzielnia Rocks in Kielce,
Military Museum in Skarżysko-Kamienna City,
Paradise (Raj in Pl)-Cave
(most beautifull cave in the world)
Amazing "Devils Rocks"-Niekłań Wielki- from Jurassic Period- they have got beetwen 50-200 milion years!
If you dream is to see real prehistoric culture-come to our poor Region :)
Thanks for reading my comment :)
Feel free to contact me if you will need some help near Warsaw here in Poland. I was in Russia on Fifa Wolrd Cup 2018 and made 7000km by motorcycle with my girlfriend as a passenger. Met only kind people there and would like to be there much more times!
Poland dangerous? LOL. It's the safest country for women in Europe and 3rd in the world. It also has lower crime rates than neighboring Germany... I have no idea where people get this opinion about Poland.
Usually, the media.
Lol. Where did u take ur statistic from?
@@jorgesevil1137 Well, there are many data bases. This one for ex.: fra.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/data-and-maps/survey-data-explorer-violence-against-women-survey
@@Maciek77777 i am asking for seriously statistics. I personally been attacked few times in Poland ( I have been living there not even 1 year) whereas in Uk- second year I am here and nobody ever abused me, even by words.
@@jorgesevil1137 This are real statistisc. U know what isn't? One persons subjective opinion. Go back to school and learn basics. Then ask for reality u cant even accept.
Poland is the BEST! As a hungarian it's like my second home
Ah cool - great to hear you love both so much. We have had fun visiting both countries over the past year 🙂
Actually are Hungarians brothers
Cause you are our btothers:)
YES fucking love you Hungarian bros
Very good my bratan
I am English. I trace my family history back 650 plus years . I have always loved my country and would have never considered living in any other country_ . ....... However given my time again and given the way I see my country going I would move to Poland in a heart beat ! . We have a huge amount to thank the Polish for . Highest kill rate during the battle of Britain ! . thats right folks they fought and died to help keep our country free . Hard working , honest , polite , charming, patriotic , Christian , the list just goes on and on . Beautiful country . stay proud and stay safe Poland. God bless you all .
Well said!!! Great country!!
it is nice to hear that the English know and appreciate our (Polish) heroes.
Eno Chono thank you for helping to keep my family free . a debt we can never repay !
Thank you David, have a nice Day mate. Greetings from Poland. :)
Greetings from Poland-and from oldest Mountains in Europe- Swietokrzyskie Mountains, if you wonna cheap journey -come to our mouintains :) all this places are in short directions-till 100 km,check: Holly Cross(real part of it) in Łysa Góra Temple,
Park of Miniatures-Sabat-Krajno,
for kids:
European Museum of Tale-Pacanów,
and more for kids;
Museum of Toys and Play-Kielce,
Museum of Polish Villages in Tokarnia,
Bałtów JuraPark-Jurassic Park,
Chęciny Castle,
Krzyżtopór Castle,
Kadzielnia Rocks in Kielce,
Military Museum in Skarżysko-Kamienna City,
Paradise (Raj in Pl)-Cave
(most beautifull cave in the world)
Amazing "Devils Rocks"-Niekłań Wielki- from Jurassic Period- they have got beetwen 50-200 milion years!
If you dream is to see real prehistoric culture-come to our poor Region :)
Thanks for reading my comment :)
I'm a Romanian in the UK. Love and respect to my Polish brothers. If you look in history, you'll see that we really are deeply connected. God bless the UK and Poland!
Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving us a comment. We are travelling to Romania this week - hold tight for the vlogs....Thanks Corinne and Adam 🙂
Ray Roman aww sending much love from polish people 💕
Uk sponsored partitions of Poland in order to look after their trade with Russia and others
Btw not a dig for you guys just stating facts, its really nice you have discovered Poland, I wish you alot of fantastic trips to Poland,
Ps I love Manchester!
Best wishes to you too!
Been to Poland. They are so welcoming and polite. Their cities are clean. It is simply bursting with culture and national pride.
Totally agree!!!
Thanks, respect for you 😁
that national pride is a great thing!
why is it not?
National pride is a good thing especially the kind which is shown by Poland. Lack of National pride leads to the kind of screwed up situations present in Germany, France and Sweden.
The EU bureaucracy that is in power is undemocratic and is not accountable to the people that they purportedly represent. But they are doing there best to deprive smaller nations of there rights to self determination and governance.
When these smaller usually Eastern European nation's resist they are slandered and ridiculed by the EU in an attempt to bring them in line. Nationalist Spirit is good. The level I saw in Poland last year was electrifying and gave me hope for the youth of my own country.
oni zrobili więcej dla reklamy naszego kraju niż wszystkie nasze rządy razem wzięte...thank you.
Wow, thank you so much!!!!!!!🙂
viehoo59 I co z tej reklamy mamy ? Polska nie jest ciekawa turystycznie w porównaniu do większości krajów Europy południowej/zachodniej. Najbardziej przyciągająca cecha naszego kraju w porównaniu do tych „dalszych” europejskich sąsiadów jest to że u nas jest tanio - co wiąże się głównie z tym że Polska nie jest zbyt bogata. Nie mamy także żadnych szczególnie dobrych uczelni na skali europejskiej. Dla tego kończy się na tym że w zasadzie nie przyciągamy tych ciekawszych i normalniejszych turystów/ studentów/ migrantów, lecz tych gorszych lub czasem zwyczajną hołotę.
Jak dotąd polska jest bardzo interesująca dla Pakistańczyków/Hindusów którzy zalewają wszystkie większe polskie miasta, dla ubogich Ukraińców, dla studentów którzy więcej chodzą do baru niż na uczelnie i zdecydowanie nie interesują się Polską dla wykształcenia czy lokalnej kultury, lecz raczej dla dziewczyn i alkoholu. A zalewu turystów nie ma i nie będzie, biorąc pod uwagę brak atrakcji i infrastruktur.
Co mnie reklamowanie Polski aby przyciągać więcej takich ? Ja dziękuję.
Tylko ze to rzady polskie razem z mieszkancami zrobili przez 25 lat w kraju tak ze jest jak oni opowiadaja. Gdybysmy mieli takie rzady jakie miala Ukraina albo Bulgaria nie byloby takiej reklamy. Ale w Pl wszystkiego zlego winien jest zawsze rzad. "Wina Tuska".
@@RobbytSon zarobki 3x nizsze srednio niz w krajach zachodnich. Tak, to wina tuska, kaczynskiego i reszty.
I am Dutch. We loved Poland. It feels like our country when we were children. Safe and harmonious. Quiet and clean, even in the big cities. People are friendly. The atmosphere on the streets is calm. Nobody is looking to rob you or beat you up or harass you because you are white or a woman without a headscarf. The parks are safe after dark. Even drunk people are harmless. Just pissdrunk. 😂
I'm from Poland and it's eo sweet what are you saying about my country. Thank you guys 😊
It is our pleasure!!!
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@@uyulle A ty erudyto naucz się pisać w języku ojczystym!!!!!
@@uyulle Może ty prymitywie!
me to
Thank you British friends for debunking myths and negative stereotypes about Poland.
You are welcome!
"British friends"? There is no something like this!
Actually, there is. I can assure you about it based on my own personal life. You may have different experience and it is your right to express your opinion but it is silly to claim that everyone is an enemy. Cheer up!
I'm not trying to make any friendship with Anglosacons (not only British). I don't trust them, don't want to hear their compliments.
There is a simple fix to it: don't watch their videos and you are done.
Jestem zwykłym robolem ale rozumiem że im się w Polsce zajebiście podobało.To cieszy.Pozdrawiam.
Bo nie muszą tam żyć za złotówki... 😁 😂
Co z tego, że jesteś zwykłym robolem? Jesteś przez to gorszy czy o co chodzi? Czy może stereotypowy polski robol to rasista, burak i cebula? To że jest kilku takich, to nie może świadczyć o świadectwie narodu.
@@banita9448 chodziło o to że słabo zna angielski ...
waldi n - Ja jestem handlowcem i przedsiębiorcą, ale powiem ci, że bardzo szanuję ludzi pracy. Nie lubię jak ktoś nazywa siebie czy innych "robolami", bo to ludzie pracy i można być z tego dumnym. Bez pracy tych ludzi nie mielibyśmy prawie nic w tym kraju. Tak jak inżynierowie, tak jak chemicy, tak jak lekarze czy bankowcy, lub policjanci tak też ludzie pracy są potrzebni. Ja ciebie waldi szanuję i dziękuję ci za robotę, którą robisz - niezależnie jaka to praca.
I spent 20 days in Poland in the summer of 2016. Amazing place and amazing people.
Hi. Thanks for watching and leaving us your thoughts - we totally agree with you 👍
So you know where to go next summer :D
I am from africa and I v been in poland last month, belive me Every stéréotype u heard about Poland is wrong, it's a really beautiful country and people are incredibly friendly and nice....I will never forget this beautiful country.....if you want go there, never think twice, just be respectful to the people and the culture....and keep smile in your face :)
That was our experience - great country!!!!!👍🙂
i'm african but the thought of going to Poland never crossed my mind-and i've travelled to the popular european cities(mostly west)
"Just be respectful to the people and the culture" amen brother
@Slavic Pilled i don't want to live among you also i love my country and my pepole and it's the best country in the world don't get over excited .. I have contributed in your economy in my short stay so you need me not the opposite
Ps: I don't want you to like me so don't 🙃
@Slavic Pilled Myśleć możesz, co chcesz. Ale zanim coś napiszesz publicznie, zastanów się, chłopie. Robisz nam smród po prostu. Polityka nie polega na tym, by obnażać w sieci wszystkie swoje myśli.
I'm American and have been many places. Poland was just wonderful. Excellent food. The old buildings.....amazing. A proud people and I actually felt their culture. Love it. Nice folks, for sure. My family is several generations from the U.K. London..I used to love. I don't feel as if I am in London when there.....I have not decided what it has become...not sure. Congrats Poland on your choice to keep Poland. Polish. So comfortable and relaxing.
Yes, Poland has such a chilled vibe. Great country!!👍
so you blaming uk immigration for london being multicultural
@@burlhorse61 Of course. Multiculturalism it's shit, is the beginning of the social plague. We love our christian/western culture, and we will fight everyone who's gonna threat our way of living. Europe to the Europeans.
@@trapped146 how come you cant string 2 sentences together?-and you wonder why they have to employ immigrants
Poland is amazing I fully agree with your discription of this beautiful country. I have visited Poland 5 times in the past 6 years. Absolutely love the place, people and food ❤
Yes, it makes you keep coming back for more!!!
Love Poland. They not afraid to stand up for what’s right and look after their people.
Everything you said was very true, I also visited Poland last month and I can say that I've had a pretty similar experience.
Thanks for dispelling the lies about Poland being "Authoritarian" and "Racist"
That's basically what they want you to see. Underneath that cute tourist façade, there's nothing but corruption.
It's a small price to pay for sovereignty. I'd rather have corrupt politicians from my own country running everything than corrupt bruxelles politicians doing it instead.
@@lukabosanac2671 Brussels does a lot and even more, compared to the Polish government. Without the EU, visiting Poland would be much more lackluster, due to the visa requirements.
In the case of Polish government, far right basically bought their votes, promising an equivalent of the British Child Benefit. What we got in exchange is a massive damage to the quality of life in the country. Go figure why many Poles emigrate.
I don't know, seems like you're just biased because you don't like the right wing. Every indicator shows that Poland is getting better by the day.
Poland is absolutely wonderful, people act so genuinely towards one another that it is very refreshing. And when it is Christmas time they decorate so beautifully I mean beautifully it's gorgeous. Poland is wonderful.
Thanks Scott - couldn't agree more 🙂🙂
Hmm. It is beatifull but it is homophobic.. Its not ideal for me, a Bisexual in Poland. At least we have pierogis!
@@callmekc9793 powoli bo powoli, ale zmienia się na lepsze. Kiedyś temat tabu, teraz przynajmniej się o tym głośno mówi i walczy o swoje prawa. Trzymam kciuki, żeby tolerancja w Polsce była tak znakomita jak właśnie pierogi xD
@@paulina6k Tak. Zgadzam się. Pierogi są wyśmienite.
Thank you for beatiful words about Poland. Nice video :-)
Thanks so much for your comment - we have really enjoyed our Poland trips and getting to more about this wonderful country 🙂
I'm okay with idiots thinking we are poor racist and all that means they will never visit
and we do not drink a lot of vodka. Russians does.
Rzejdi, it depends what you mean. Poland is known for the vodka consumption, but we drink less vine for example. French ppl drink a lot, but different sort of alcohol. One survey says that 13% of French ppl drink every day (www.pourquoidocteur.fr/Articles/Question-d-actu/21867-Alcool-13-Francais-boivent-jours).
I've found an other source which claims that on average, French ppl who are more than 15 yo drink sth around 12 l of pure alcohol every year. Only ppl from Austria (12,2 l) and Estonia (12,3 l) drink more than them (in Europe ofc). Polish ppl consume on average sth around 10,3 l of pure alcohol every year.
... and they won’t spend their money nor invest. Ok, stay poor Poland.
@@78musiksphere => I assure you that idiots usually don't have much money to spend let alone invest. And we surely can do without 'their investments'. Most of those "invest" money in booze, prostitutes and sometimes in toilets (when they need wee)
Poland is so underrated!
It really is - not for long though!
It is so underrated
Poland is a beautiful Country
Agree. Such a beautiful country!!! Thanks Yvonne
Great video. I’m from the US but currently in Germany due to my husband’s job. We went to Krakow last year, and loved it. This past weekend we went to Gdańsk and Warsaw. I love everything about Poland-the people, the food, the history; I feel safe there. I could see myself retiring in Poland.
Wow!! We love those places!! Glad you had a great time there, we did too!!! Thanks for watching🙂
As a second generation Australian whose father was Polish I have been watching your videos back to back as inspiration for saving to visit for a 6 week tour of Poland. I love your vlog!
(And I love the food although I’ve never tried oscypec but can’t wait to chew down some of those on my future trip!) I get emotional watching the food as my grandmother passed away a few years ago and I really miss her food! You guys nailed it!
Come to australia some day!!
Thank you for warm words about Poland. Because of communism lasting for nearly half a century, Poland is a forgotten country in Europe. Thanks to people like you, we have the opportunity to show you how beautiful and rich in history and tradition Poland is.
Thank you!!! Is it such a great country!!!
Thank You :D You're more than welcome in Poland hope u vist us again all the best
Thanks so much and we wish you all the best too - Adam and Corinne 🙂
WalecGT shared on Facebook. thanks guys x
my dear brits, just returned from Poland after 3 glorious weeks, amazing economy , booming , booming country !!
Glad you had a great time!
Actually our economy is thrash tbh
@Adam Leszek Nowakowski Tak, zostali. Komuś w RAF-ie puściły nerwy jak dowiedział się o braku zaproszenia ;-)
Wbrew temu so się obecnie opowiada mieliśmy wielu przyjaciół wśród angielskiego dowództwa i byli oni zniesmaczeni polityką własnego rządu, ale RAF był wyjątkowy nawet pod tym względem.
Gdy dowiedzieli się, że naszych nie zaproszono to się po prostu wściekli i urządzili zupełnie nieangielską awanturę ;-)
My eyes start crying... I am from Poland, but I've been living in the UK since 2009. It's breathtaking feeling, when you hear so many good things about your country. I am happy, that you have spend a good time in Poland. I wish, more people will visit Poland soon. Thank you for this. I have already share this on my facebook.
Thanks for your kind comment - we are pleased you enjoyed it and got something positive from it from it 🙂
But why? Flights are so cheap now.
@@karolinar1232 I am not sure, what do you mean by saying '' but why? ''.
Co nie rozumiesz? Juz tak kurwa do reszty stales sie bardziej angielski niz polski?flat jest?jest.Garden mosz?mosz? Brekfast z fasolą wyjebaną na jajko jesz?jesz.. wiec nie becz i nie udawaj greka bo chocbys kroczył ciemną doliną zawsze rozponany bedziesz jako polak mój ty drogi Anglicki Januszu
@@sksks9012 rozbawiłeś mnie jak mało kto. Uspokój się trochę. Nie rozumiem o co chodziło w powyższym komentarzu. Ponieważ pytanie dlaczego, i stwierdzenie, że bilety są tanie, nie ma nic do mojego komentarza, więc wybacz że nie Zajarzyłem. Nie jem angielskiego jedzenia i nie czuje się Anglikiem, za kilka miesięcy wracam do Polski, a piszę po angielsku, żeby uszanować parę, która wystawiła tego vloga. Pozdrawiam
I have not heard so many good things about Poland for a long time;) Thank you. You are so kind youtubers.
Sorry for bad comments towards you, but as you said these people are everywhere and they are just frustrated with their life, sad people who want to drag you down. They treat the same other Poles too, so please do not take it personally.
Thank you for spreading a good word about visiting Poland. Good luck with everything xx
Hey there. Thank you so much for your kind words, we really appreciate them. Thanks so much for watching and commenting,. We really really enjoyed our tour of Poland 🙂
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I loved your Poland videos. I have friends in Poland and sometimes go twice a year. I am American, and you know most people in the US only go to France, Italy and the IK when traveling Europe, and it’s a shame because thinking that there’s nothing worth seeing outside of those countries are missing out on great travels. Oh yes, Poland has awesome pastries and chocolates! So happy you enjoyed your trip!
Hi Dawn - thanks so much for your kind comment - it really means a lot to us that you enjoyed that series. We totally agree that many travellers to Europe probably focus on the better known destinations and are missing out on some real gems. Polish food is on our top 5 of world cuisines to date!! We have just been to Ukraine and they have some similarities to Polish cuisine too. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by to say hi to us 😍
Dawn, how much for hostels and hotels? American in South Carolina planning a trip maybe August2020
Poland is one of the best places to live! Viva poland!
Thanks Lukas!
Poland dear Sir IS the best place to live
not for Poles like we see
Thank you!
Unless you’re gay lol
I do not understand this why people from western countries think that Poland is poor . It is like the last information pepole have about Poland is from 1989 :) I do not get it. Last year I have spend 3 months in Luxemburg. People there were talking to us about for example trams as it was some kind of magical thing that they have or about those exclusive shop called auchan that we should check. On one hand it was funny but on the other hand it iritates me as f....k. So thank you for those videos. I hope at liest some people will open their eyes not only about Poland but other beautiful countries in our rergion. Thanks again:)
P.S Sorry for me English:)
Your English is very good. Thank you for your comment. We have really enjoyed visiting your country, it has a warm cosy feel about it👍
I think the reason people have these opinions about Poland, is the fact that so many of us migrate to western coutries and take really low paid job, often living in terrible conditions, such as few people in one room. From lets say English person perspective it must create simple and logical explanantion - if so many of Poles are 'happy' to work and live like that, what they have in UK, must be much better than what they have in Poland. I think if the roles were reversed and Poland had many foreigners from certain country that we dont know much about, working in low paid jobs mainly and accepting bad living conditions, we would automatically delevop an opinion that their country MUST be a lot, a lot worse than ours, which is obviously not true... I am just saying that it is kind of logical to come up with conclusion like that and to be honest I cant blame the English for thinking this.. On the other hand i dont know any English person who would visit Poland and not change their mind about their preconceptions.
There is no point of getting frustrated and offended, We are creating a certain image in western europe, and we cant expect everyone to know exactly what the reality in Poland is and what really drives us to do what we do and live like we live abroad.
We are not better at being judgemental towards other nations either so,..
Haha, oh shit, I laughed at trams and Auchan. :D
I agree that our salaries are smaller than in so called western countries and based on this thay can assume that Poland is poor but they talk tu us like we have no idea what is internet and asking questions if we have mcdonald in Poland. THose are questions I do not understand. A german dude asked my friend how to book planeticket to Poland like you know there is some special different way to do it becouse you are going to Poland:D It seems that for some people we are like Game of thrones wildlings born on the wrong side of the wall:D
hahahahah, i get you and it can be annoying, i was asked by a nurse few years ago if we have cars in Poland...I really didnt know what to say, was so shocked...
However all i am trying to say is, that this is due to the lack of knowledge, awareness rather than something they say to upset or bellitle us. Whenever i heard questions like that i really didnt feel they ask to offend, rather they show their lack of knowledge, education in UK is not on very high level and many people dont know where each country in Europe (never mind the rest) is on the map, they confuse countries with cities etc (not all of them of course, but many, especially working class), so its better not to get offended. There is no point. They dont mean anything bad by it, they are just exposing themselvs, so
The architecture in Poland does look amazing! A mixture of tons of new fancy bulidings and a renovated, beautiful historical bulidings there! Poland is a heart of european heritage.
Would definitely agree!!
It's a shame that we have the communits utilitarian blocks of flats everywhere.
It's extremely difficult to find a place that doesn't have any.
It makes sense why they're here, the place had to be rebuilt after the war, and living in them is way comfier than it might seem, but damn do they look boring and bland.
Well, it's not a news that Poland doin' great when it comes to developed infrastructure. Poles do care about thier country that's why all these villages, towns and cities looks so good and so rich.
@@JamesyboyExperiment thanks for your comment
An perfect description of my country!
Spent six months in Bydgoszcz Poland for work. Loved the country, people, and food. Would love to go back!!!
Excellent - hope you get back. Thanks for watching 👍
To be honest, what does it mean to have a lot of money? If you mean money to have a car? Yes, we have cars, money to travel? Yes, we travel (quite a lot), food, goods, house? Yes, we have all of this. Everybody has different perspective of money. One British friend of mine came to Poland and he told me " You have a very low economy because everything is so cheap" So what did I respond? We have a very good economy, because everything has reasonable price that everybody can achieve.
That is a very good point. Thanks for your comment🙂
polish economy is going good BECAUSE EU pumped in Billions of Euro !!! poland is LOW technology country producing mostly fruits , vegetables meat and poultry . , spare parts for greman car industry and furnitures for Ikea , Polands export strenght depends on VERY LOW wages payed to workers !
Ehhhh racist.... that's it.
Pavel Oknowski And low IQ traiters like you
And simply as that: Poland is a country with high/good standard of living.
You were in most beautiful, friendly and safety country in whole of Europe...
you are welcome..hugs from Warsaw:)
no it's germany
Get Jinx you mean safety in germany? Hahhahhahahah
@@gecelerdendevrim7090 XDDDDDDD nice joke matey
I am black BRITISH married to a strong Polish woman and our daughter speaks and writes Polish.
We always get a warm welcome from friends and family when we stay and have never experienced any real problems having travelled all over Poland. Great people and great Country with long lasting traditions.
Yes, totally agree with you. Great country!!
Trevor S Thank u !
@@hubertszadurski3344 wez sie chlopie nie odzywaj, jak czytam takie komentarze to nie wiem czy smiac sie czy plakac
@@ghua - Polacy tak jak każdy inny naród żyjacy na ziemi, żyjacy w swoim własnym kraju ma naturalne prawo przetrwać. Ma naturalne prawo zachować swoją tożsamość etniczną, językową czy też kulturową formującą się od początku istnienia człowieka. Nikt nie ma najmniejszego prawa tego zniszczyć dlatego mam nadzieje, że doczekamy się rządu który będzie miał na uwadze to jak niebezpieczne dla istnienia narodu polskiego są to kobiety.
Hubert Szadurski
Ma prawo przetrwac, więc TY ożeń się z Polką i naróbcie dużo dzieci. Ale nie masz prawa narzucać swojej woli innym osobom. Każdy poślubia kogo zechce, a konsekwencje to nie twoja sprawa - czy sa dobre, czy złe.
I live in Canada all my heart longs for is to visit Poland - I think I’m in love with Poland ♥️
Hope you get to visit one day!!!😍
a beautiful country with astonishing history, no criminality, good food, nice welcoming people, a country with an amazing economy, really booming country. Visit it!! This is a voice from Stockholm, Sweden
Greatings from Poland. Thank You very much for theese words.
Hi Jacek......and you are very welcome, our pleasure!
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Praga is not dangerous, it was in late 90's but today despite few blocks it is more like hipster disctrict. I am really glad that you guys liked Poland that much. Next time visit Olsztyn it is my favourite city in Poland :) Cheers!
Thanks so much for your recommendations and thoughts.....🙂
@@beautifulcarpetdiagram Olsztyn!
Olsztyn is basically Russia
@@JaculaDudek And you are basically a liar :D
I’m from Canada and a couple of years ago I visited Krakòw in Poland and I didn’t know what to expect. My parents thought it would be dark and gloomy because that’s how it was during Soviet times but we were shocked at how beautiful and lively it was. The people were very nice but I was really surprised at how little everything cost. Everything cost about a third or even a quarter of what the exact same thing would cost back home, so if you’re visiting Poland anytime soon I’d suggest you should do some shopping while you’re there.
Thank you!!! Yes, it is a very beautiful country👍So cheap 🙂
Well, to be honest it's not so cheap for us. Actually our politicians are into socialism and even if for you it's cheap, for us it's really not. My aunt was living in Canada, she was working in the hotel and got paid like 5x higher than she would in Poland. I don't mind Polish people to be poor or whatever, but compared to Canada, UK or USA we got much more lower salaries, that's why everything is cheaper and that's why young people emigrate out of Poland. Conditions in your countries are much more better when compared to ours even if it looks like the country is cheap and we got a lot of money in big towns, we really do not.
@@poower7 It is obvious that your political idiosyncrasies puts you into ridiculous matrix which is against facts. Live standard is rapidly increasing just during last four years and it is seen in migration dynamics. More Poles comes back than emigrate. I went back 5 years ago from Sveden and my incomst now are higer than in Scandinavia.
Lol, more and more people are leaving this country, the fact that you came back here doesn't change it. Working here without qualificstions will not grunt you enought money to pay a rent for a flat in normal condition, cheapest flats in bigger cities will be able, but you won't pay a Bills and have enought Money for food. It is not happening in for example England. Inflation is getting higher and higher in Poland. Also you must be idiot to compare scandinavian countries with a tone of social for people, to Poland xD. People are getting money for children here, also when you are the elder you got one more payment of your rent and that's all. When you are over 21 and don't have children you have no social and The goverment drain Money from you to pay they retarded investition which gave them The support of old people and uneducated patological families
@@poower7 Besides you are rude neandertal obviously you don't rely on the facts but on superstitions. Statistics show prevalence of returns over migration and higher grown salaries than inflation. Your knowledge about economy and social reliances is childish. You must be very young or intellectually inefficient. I recommend you to begin with "The Economics Good and Evil" and of course to work on your manners.
thank you both, I am Polish and I live in France, I miss my country every day, nice video
Hi Anna, thanks so much for your kind words. We are sorry you miss your country each day and are so pleased our video gave you a positive feeling 🙂
You do very nice videos about Poland 🇵🇱 appreciated for that :-)
575agon $$$$, minimum wage in Poland is 400 euro, for example if you work in Lidl as seller in capital, you can earn 600 euro xd ect but prices... 400+ euro if you want rent a one room flat in capital :P That is why many people go abroad to save money, and many of them stay abroad forever, because they do not want to earn 75% less when they return to Poland.
@@KikoPL that used to be the case however the economy is booming, and wage is giving up and its not 75 less maybe in 2010 it was now its only 15 to 20 % but i wouldnt rather take the 20 % less but know i live in my own safe country unlike france
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I am Polish living in Uk. Poland is a good looking country and quality of life and incomes are getting better. Uk never experienced communizm . Thats the reason why incomes in Uk are better. And remember- Poland is cheap for you guys but its quite expensive for people living and earning money in Poland
Yes, we understand this. Poland's future looks very promising 👍
troche przesadzasz z ta drożyzną dla Polaków
@@jizzus4842 wszystko zależy od otrzymanej wypłaty 😉
Komunizm dopiero wkracza do UK
Oj nie przesadzam. Chodzi o to ze przecietnego anglika stac na wiecej w Anglii niz Polaka w Polsce
Next trip, visit Poznan, Wroclaw and Zakopane. Thanks for spreading good word about us!
Thanks so much for your recommendations and yes we will be back for sure in the future 👍
@@JamesyboyExperiment You should visit Zakopane and spend some time in Tatra mountains. I think this is the most beautifull place in our country ;)
and Toruń!
I'm polish and live near Wroclaw but in sycow
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Thank you so much for all your kind words about my country. I am very glad you enjoyed your stay in Poland. I have been following you guys for some time and I really enjoy your videos. I agree that pierogi and deck chair would look good together, Lol. You are a lovely couple. Take care
Hi Olimpia - thank you so much for your kind comment. We had a great time in Poland and really enjoyed filming our experiences there. We are so pleased to hear that you enjoy our videos, this means so much and makes are journey so much more worthwhile. Glad you like our emblem idea!!! Best wishes to you - Corinne and Adam 🙂
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Oh wow. Praga in Warsaw used to be a dangerous place but in the early 90s.
Ah, i see, thank you!!!
Praga is still dangerous. I stay away from that area
@@mrcolemore5831 au Bałuty in Łódź
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Praga is a big district and there are dangerous places like Stara Praga or modern housing estates on the Praga's periphery
Thanks for your video`s. Totally agree with your summary. We watched some before we went. Have just returned after 16 nights very good. Had an 8 day Interrrail ticket for Poland and visited Gdansk, Sopor, Malbork, Torun, Poznan, Gniezno, Warsaw, Lublin, Zamosc, Krakow and Zakopane. All very good, thanks for the tips
Wow, you fitted some really great places in!!! Hopefully the videos helped🙂 Glad you had a good time!!!
You guys, ara the best representation of Brits , It will be nice to meet you next year in Upper Silesia -southern Poland.
Thanks so much for such a nice comment, we really appreciate your support 🙂
I'm glad to hear that not only poles enjoy our food and as many can see now we are not the richest country but we have all what needed and more, tnx for kind words, You are always welcome!
Thank you very much!! Your food is our favourite🙂
,I went to Krakow. Love Poland will go as soon as COVID over.
Poland sounds more and more appealing to me.
Such a great country!!!
After growing up in Poland and visiting it quite often as a Canadian, I must admit that your fair-minded, honest and well-edited video puts Poland in a new perspective for me. In short, I appreciate its positives more by being forced to see, compare, and conclude: hey, relatively speaking, the country measures up to many other more renowned tourist destinations. Great, much appreciated job.
Hi Mirek, thanks so much for your kind comment, we are glad that our video gave you a positive vibe...
The pleasure is all mine.
My wife and I went to Wroclaw 20 years ago and Zakopane 2 years later. Both trips were great and the only downer was getting knocked out of the chess competition I entered, by a nine year old. He cheated by being better than me.
Ha, great story!!!! Need to visit both places, thank you!!
You have to check Wieliczka - the salt mine, really interesting place, cheers! :)
Hey Paul - just to let you know - we are heading back to Poland next week and doing a road trip where we will be including Wroclaw and Zakopane!!! Can't wait🙂🙂
This is the most British review I've ever heard 😂
Great video! :) Thank you guys
Thanks so much, so glad you enjoyed it 🙂
I'm Irish and married to a Polish girl. I go over about three times a year and absolutely love this country. Beautiful warm summers and ski resorts in the winter. So much vodka to choose from and the food is to die for. Very traditional people and they love their culture. Wroclaw central market square and Zakopane are my favourite places.
Hey Bobby - thanks so much for your comment - interesting to hear your experiences and we agree. We are heading back to Poland next week and doing a road trip where we will be including Wroclaw and Zakopane!!! Can't wait🙂🙂
Two facts:
1. Polish highways and reonvated roads are one of the best in Europe! Seriously - wherever you go infrastructure is all new or renovated!
2.They are a powerhouse when it comes to video game industry!
No wonder they are rich when they invest so much in infrastructure and hi-tech industry!
Hey, that's cool!!!👍
Pozdrawiam z Krakowa. Dziękuje za miłą opinie o moim kraju / Greetings from Krakow. Thank you for the nice opinions about my country
Your country deserves it👍
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Visit Poland regularly from the UK. Love it, beautiful country and great people.
Couldn't agree with you more mate!!!👍
Totally agree with your Polish review - I love Poland so much so me and my wife got married in Poland in July 2019 we are both Scottish but love the country we plan to live there one day 😊 but visit regularly at the moment
Hey Gary - how cool - really interesting to read your comment. Where did you guys first go in Poland? What inspired you to go.....last question....where about's to you choose to marry? 😎😍
After 7 years, I came back to my city Warsaw and I was shocked! Poland is developing at a huge pace. It's clean, safe, lots of attractions, great food, everything!
I had the impression that I was going through a mistake to another country not Poland.
I was so impressed that I did not want to go back to home in England .... sorry England! 😉
We agree!!! Poland is booming!!! Great place to visit👍
Only Warsaw looks good
Have been in Poland many many times , in my opinion Poland is one of the last European countrys there is .
Thanks for your thoughts
This is true. All the rest are turning non-white
Poland is one of The safest countrues in The world. Don't say Anything about this country if you were not There. There are less homeless people than in one American City and we respect all countries .
in many ways, it looks better than many parts of the UK. Amazing place to live.
That is true.
Love you guys and thanks for all warm words about our country :) Please come visit us regurarly, pop in for long weekends and holidays, you will always see and experience something new and exciting. See you on streets of Poland!!!
Thanks Bartosz for your lovely comment. So glad you enjoy our videos - we definitely hope to return in the future. Thanks for watching 🙂
Everyone should know fact the western countries will erase until 2050. Becuase their working females are borning not enough babies to regenerate population. So their goverment need milions of third world imigrants every generation. That is why every Liberal democracy will change into islamic state, only matter of time. How to fix that? women right or birth control should be banned if we want to survive.
Great video !!!!!!
Poland poor hahah the UK in the dark ages oposed to Poland. Yes it does seem the media have perceived Poland to be very poor, my Girlfriend is polish so have been visiting for 8 years now and visited many places, the transport is second to none, food, beer, transport, architecture is fantsctic and people are so proud of their amazing country.
Totally agree with you there David!!!!👍 Great Country
Nice video, sad that you didn't see polish environment- Puszcza Białowieska, Tatry Mountains, Bieszczady and lots of Polish National Parks- next time you need to see this! You saw Poland only from the City view but the real Poland is hiding in forests behind the trees and mountains ;)
Yes, we will definitely visit these the next visit!!!🙂🙂
I'm polish and this is true
It's very nice to see people who find Poland interesting and hospitable coutry rich in heritage and nature. Your vlogs made me more proud of my motherland and nation. If you consider come back one day I recommend to see Toruń, Wrocław, Poznań, and Masurian Lake District.
Hi Maciej - thank you so much for your kind comment. We are so glad you enjoy are videos and to know that they have brought you something so positive means a lot to us and makes our journey so much more worthwhile. We would love to visit all the places you suggest and hope to one day in the future 🙂
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Poland is a beautiful country. Beautiful mountains, the sea, highlands, lowlands, forests, lakes, cities and villages. 💕💕💕 The country is getting stronger. The Poles are hard-working, family-oriented and like cleanliness. Meet Poland 😘
Yes, great country!!! Looking forward to returning this July👍
Just returned from beautiful Poland, economy is booming, booming, booming ! and the main aspect of visible success it's not just major cities , but even in smallest villages i could clearly see tremendous growth: machinery, walkways, village centers, new stores, new construction. Unemployment clearly hit the lowest numbers in many years.
Great to see growth ever in those smaller villages👍
I am Polish in the UK. It' s so lovely to hear such positive, nice opinions about Poland from English people. :-)
Thanks so much Micky...glad you enjoyed the video 🙂
Hey you's 2. Great vid to round up your fun times in Poland. Congrats on all the views. Will have to catch up soon. XxX
Hey mate - thanks so much, yes we'll have to catch up at some point when we're back 😀
*POLAND is wonderful country with wonderful people!* 🇵🇱
We agree 🙂
Piotr Szewczyk I am a 5th generation Polish American and am coming for the 100th anniversary in Warsaw before going to meet distant relatives in the north west.
@@noelkosobucki9722 I live in north west Poland and I'm going to Warsaw on 11.11, too. If I were to meet you in the capital or back in north west, I'd like to buy you a beer.😀
Adam Szmit we will be Czersk\Brussy area and I O U a beer God bless
This won't make it to mass media lol, because is real & honest 👍
Just why we love you, please stay true to your ❤
Bet I express my opinion on behalf of many subscribers.
Yep pierogi rule! Anytime anywhere, even in South Florida 😉
Hey there - thank you so much for your comment. Your thoughts and opinions mean a lot to us. We are glad you enjoy our videos....Corinne and Adam 🙂
I'm glad you spent a nice time in Poland. Nice to hear warm words about my country. I hope that you will visit us again! :)
We sure will!
Hi. I've lived in England for 11 years. Im coming back to Poland. Not that I seek for english people not being prejudiced as I am feeling ok as a polish person and I'm proud to be polish but I'm glad you went there to see it for yourself. Where I am now I have a lot of Brits being so prejudiced that I dont even try to talk to them about Poland anymore. I just dont care anymore :) You seem to be very normal . Thanks for the video. Take care of yourself.
There are lots of horrible people out there who dont go and experience these countries for themselves. Poland is such a great country, thank you🙂
#KamilDebek Don’t simplify Brits as a whole spec. Visit Scotland one day. I am a Pole staying in Scotland for the past 14 years and trust me once you had experienced Scottish sense of being inclusive society the only answer to „Prejudice” will be „Huvny a Scooby”. Failté gu Dun Eidean! #indyref2
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Thank you guys for such a genuine and precise movie. Indeed Poland is a beautiful country with values and it's history. I don't trust social media as they are forecasting whatever is easier for them. Thank you once again and I hope you will be back to Poland.
You are most welcome, we are glad you like it 👍
Come back to Poland :) We are happy to have you here ;)
Nice video guys. Try visit Polish mountains and lake district next time. 👍
Thanks for the recommendation - we would love to get to the mountains, from what we have heard and seen they look beautiful
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Nice summary of your travels - looks amazing - and Poland is definitely on our radar😊👌. Good job !! We're planning to drive through Poland when we start our drive around the world - You'll have to come with us for that leg of the trip !!!!
Thanks guys - Poland would be so beautiful to drive through.....
Good choice.
i don't understand why so many British people said very negative things about Poland
The Media doesn't help😕👎
because some polish guys are drunk and annoying in the UK
Rob Robski because they are the biggest moaners you’ll ever meet. 🇮🇪
@@FireJach You should see the Brits in Kraków... Diguisting.
Maybe they are a little uneducated?
Enjoyed the tour around Poland you guys are great ty for your whole take on your experience looking forward to the next adventure
Thanks so much guys, we appreciate your support 🙂
love how authentic you are with your experiences :) James - really good deep dive into what is a must try 😂👍👍 in poland
Thanks mate👍
Poland is one of the safest country , I am a Filipina living here in Poland, I like here, very silent and peaceful place... so I love Poland. God bless this country .
Hi Jaszmeldz - thanks so much for watching - interesting to hear you are Filipina - we are now in the Philippines for the first time - videos coming soon 😍
Thank u for a good words :) Poland isn't different than other countries in the world. USA as well :) everywhere there are rich, middle class and poor ppl, homeless, thugs etc. Better or worse places. The same as everywhere :) but we became unity and we saved our nationality and our non changed values for years even if EU wanted changed that. No Way :) btw I advice to find out something about our history. Ww2 and ppl like Pilecki and Karski and especially our post war history during soviet occupation. Read about Doomed Soldiers and about their executioners. I bet u didnt knkw that but these are the stories about true heros and their fight of freedom and democracy. Damn if we only could had Hollywood here :) cheers.
Thank you for the information. Yes, you have some true heroes in Poland with lots of lost stories. 😕
actually USA has 50% living in poverty without $1000 in the bank
I felt the same when i visited Poland, Great food, decent roads, friendly people, shops with things in them( instead of loads empty, like my local town) summer= better weather than UK. All in all great place.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences 😎😍
Love Poland! Greets from Hungary! 🇭🇺♥️🇵🇱
Thank u for discovering Poland. I really appreciate your work :D
Thank you!!! We are glad that we have visited👍
ive been to warsaw twice, great experience, i find polish people to be proud of their country and i understand there is concerns of racism, but poland has no terrorists, crime is low, its clean, inexpensive and interesting. its a great place to visit.
Yes, our experience was great in Warsaw!!!
Thank you very much for visiting my country and spending time to make your videos! It's so great to hear that you enjoyed your visit. I hope you will come back soon. Next time, I recommend you visiting Łódź, if you haven't been yet. Best wishes for you!
Thanks mate!!! We are in Poland right now👍 Can't fit in Lodz this time but it is top priority when we return - thanks mate!!!!😜👍
Polish have the most incredible independent spirit.
Totally agree with you!!
I always have a lot fun when I see people who didn't know almost anything about Poland before they first arrived here. And then... they're fully shocked. "Ohhh how beautiful everyting looks, what a modern infrastructure, how clean it is, how can it be that architecture is so great, why there is so many fancy houses" and so on :))) Ofcource I am not talking about you, but about many foreigners who's first reaction is: oh God, I had no idea that Poland is rich and developed country :)
Thank you!!
It's fun how You guys say it is cheap and affordable in Polnad while we - Poles, complain about high prices all the time. Anyhow, we are glad you liked it here :) Greetings
Yes, we had a lovely time in Poland, thanks🙂
Hi there! I’m polish, and I love the way you both speak about my Country! THANK YOU !!! Always welcome 💕
You are welcome Kamila, glad you enjoyed the video
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Enjoyed whole series, thanks Guys,
Ah....thanks so much, we are so pleased you have enjoyed the series - we have enjoyed making it and to know it has been a success means so much. Thanks for watching 🙂
Thanks guys for your very appreciative video of my country. That's really kind of you to share some of your experiences during your stay. You seem like a very nice and positive minded couple!
Wow!!! Thanks so much!!! We always have a great time in Poland :) :)
@@JamesyboyExperiment I'm very glad and wish you many more great journeys to Poland and elsewhere 😃 Greetings from B'ham. 🇵🇱🇬🇧
Thank you guys for those kind words about my motherland. Poland is the safest destination now on map of Europe no doubt about it. I will just add some politics here because I can :) Poland would be a very rich and powerful country today but due to wars and communism after it never happened and it is like it is now. No one never pumped money into Poland after war, Poland rebuilded itself with its own hands. Our goods and treasures are still located in Germany, Russia and even in Great Britain. It is an absurd that us Poles are burdened with paying compensation to Jews for what the Germans did to them in our territory. I personally suffer from the great victory parade in England after WWII because polish pilots who were fought and defended England , they never been invited however, the rest of the world was. I am talking about 303 squadron btw... Why the British government has appropriated the glory for deciphering the ENIGMA while British never succeeded in deciphering it ? It was decipher by the polish man.
Not so long ago, after all this years the British government officially admitted that the Poles had deciphered the Enigma.
That is very sad...
Thanks very much for the information
There is a film about the 303 squadron called hurricane and it depicts the truth about ww2 and the one man from chech republic who saved britiain, gladly recommend and thanks for thinking poland is great, it really is a beatiful country
"Not so long ago, after all this years the British government officially admitted that the Poles had deciphered the Enigma." Can you drop us a link for that? I'd like to see that for myself. That would make my country liars. Turing as well. As for the victory parade, that was a pretty disgusting thing to do-thought I was told it wasn't all down Britain though.
Just answered my own question, not quite how you portrayed it though Maciej, but of national pride in there:) But yes indeed they did indeed help and that needs to be recognised.
Well said.
Very nice video. I love Poland. Greatings from Florida
Hey there!!! Poland is a great country!!
@@JamesyboyExperiment Yes, it is !!!! I'm German/Polish,,, more proud about Poland. Most safe country EU. Greatings from Florida
@@varden9608 That's cool!!!
It's so nice of you that you've decided to record this video. So many nice words. As a Pole I'm really flattered. Greetings from Poznań! :)
Hey there! We are so pleased you enjoyed the video - we enjoyed filming it 👍 - thanks so much for watching 🙂
Oh my god the food looks so good I've gotta go over if only for the good food and drink! Perogi sound so good. I think that's a great national symbol :D really enjoyed your series guys
Thanks so much - means a lot to have your support 🙂