He wrote tht comment 5 years ago the video waz made 15 years ago, meaning this video was made 10 ago when he posted the comment, so he saying bakK in the good days when videos go str8 2 the point he's using this vid as an example
There is nothing you could do for a hip dysplatic dog. Surgery costs huge 3 lakhs in India. Only thing you could do is provide joint supplements , pain killers can't be used for long so only supplements
Same with my lab 6yr old some times while walking suddenly he bends his legs and he will be lying on the ground and after some days again he walks as if nothing ever happened. Can you please tell me which supplements are you using ? Currently my vet advised me to use petjoint tablets when ever he walks like this and vetpro mobility dry food
I had a girl rott at about 2 year , her Hip dysplasia kick in , but I reduce her weight and fed her fish oil and she live to be 8 before her kidney shut down , she was a smart rott that came from a puppy mill , no regret ,still in my heart ,joy 1.
Hip dysplasia and other joint issues in dogs are so common today. Any way to help educate pet owners as to what symptoms to watch for is extremely important and this video does an excellent job on this. The sooner the health issue can be identified, the better chances that the pet will have a more pleasant life.
in purebreds mostly. and yet, breeders continue to breed, and people continue to buy them (meanwhile millions of perfectly good dogs, with BETTER genetics, are destroyed)
I’ve had my dog (simba) since 2011. He was always a ball of energy jumped 6 ft fences his whole life, climbed every tree in my yard in chewed on them until I had to get them cut down… Now he’s a old man and I’ve noticed him folding up like a lawn chair when he tried to walk up my two porch stairs.. or swaying left to right when trying to walk … it’s sad😢to see him fading away.. I’m pretty sure his hips are going/gone out… I don’t even know why I wrote this.. just sucks that they only live this long
Took my girl over to the lake since they don’t have dog pools. To relieve her of the pain by letting her float while holding her. Decompresses the whole body.. Poor baby doggies💝
I think my boxer has this. She started limping off and on in the last month. When she exercises it gets worse. She has some days where you don’t notice. Some days you do notice. I read it could be a partial ACL tear too. We’ve waited a few weeks now to see if it’ll go away. Next step is taking her to the vet.
Video was very informative as I can see the symptoms mentioned in my pet . A request if the kind of treatment and measures that can be given to help them lead a better comfortable live with less pain
dude deadass the day I got my 12 week old labradoodle I had a feeling something was up... still do a few weeks later... idk she just is very clumsy, runs weird, sensitive joints... idk just awkward when she’s active
My German shepherd/ great Pyrenees mix. 110 lbs seemed to get hip problems over night. Out of nowhere where's he's struggling to get up and navigate stairs.
Thanks for this video. We're getting ready to start the process of diagnosis of some kind of hip problem in our shepherd/beagle mix puppy. It's kind of overwhelming, but knowing what we're in for sure helps a lot. :)
@tehkittehcat i wouldn't worry about it now as your dog is only 3 months old and the bunny hopping is most likely due to his/her muscles not being developed yet. From my vet studies, the bunny hopping is something seen more in adult dogs. Probably at 1 yr old your vet will recommend to you to get an x-ray of your dog's hips and check for possible hip dysplasia then.
Good to know. It seems like my dog hip is so far out that it's not grinding or not bothering him for now . It has improved by itself. The Pet Store gave me credits for another dog so now I also have a Huky.
my moms sheltie has this but luckily shes only a year and a half old. Vet said keep the weight off and dont let her overeat along with exercise it shouldnt be much of a problem for many years.
My 1 year old lab suddenly developed a limp in her hind left leg. It's not all the time. She did it for a day or two several weeks ago. Then, one day, she woke up as if nothing was wrong. The other day she started again. There's no apparent pain, no injury, nothing in paw or pad, nails look okay. "Drawer movement" in leg is okay. She doesn't recoil when I touch her leg or paw. I took her to vet, and they couldn't find a problem. I'm at a loss. I suppose the next step is sedation and x-ray.
It could be over training as my dog comes everywhere with me in the summer but I'm less active in the winter so going from fields upon fields every summer to just walks around thd block a few times a day in the winter is why I think my dog has a back left hind limp now but it comes and goes but usually comes after a chasing the ball type of walk, she is 10 years old now though but God it is heartbreaking knowing she does not have many years left now 💔 😢
My oldest son suffers from seizures and takes medical cannabis, so my male malinistic rottweiler is is med partner lol it's funny watching them both dose but it's made a life change in both my son and my little pal! Best of all I Kno it's all natural all organic because I Kno exactly what goes into it's growing 😁😁
my dog is a labrador and he is around three months old,i saved it from the streets...he was about to die,he had a terrible pneumonia he almost couldnt breathe.i took him to the local vet and after a succesful treatment we save his life...but since i got him hes been walking weird,the vet says its because of his age,that he is too young,but im not sure.he doesnt look to have any kind of pain and he goes upstairs and downstairs with no problem but i want to be sure
It could be his food. Gluten (wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/brown rice) may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb. Carrageenan/Xanthum gum may hurt the gut lining and antibiotics. Nitrites may hurt and oxides/chlorides/carbonates may not help.
Yes and thousands of dollars later...😢 veterinarians are up there with Lawyers and Dentists. Not saying services should be free, but how do they sleep at night knowing their mark ups?
Thanks, My Lady wouldn’t get up when I called her. I checked on her she was just laying there. I went to assist her to get up and she bit at me never! Had she done this poor baby must be in so much pain she is old and get stiffness sometimes but not this She refuse to eat or drink anything.
You can't guarantee just as VetVid said. In all it is an inherited trait. My labs mother didn't have this.. But my lab has it. It broke my heart to find this out. But the mother had the recessive gene and well my lab now has this. In all have the dog well checked by a Vet. And know that when they are young its tough to peg because they are still forming and growing. In all its like luck of the draw. In all I would save for a year or 2. To have a reputable breeder. ;)
I am completely and utterly discouraged with our veteranian. My pitbull/lab is a rescue who I saved from death at appx 2 months old. She will be 10 yrs old next month. Before rescuing her, she was bullied by kids and also attacked by dogs who put a hole in her neck. That hole turned into a massive abscess with a blood infection. She was barely alive when I found her. In any event, she is now suffering from some sort of pain, either in her right knee or hip area. She has always shook due to anxiety but now it's really bad because of some sort of underlying condition. Our vet dr. said it's likely from arthitis due to old age. Yet, there were never any x-rays taken or any other tests done by him. He simply felt around her leg and back, then chalked it up to arthritis, never saying where the arthritis is located. I've been to him repeatedly with her because she's clearly in pain (yet full of life in her face) so he gave her a prescription of Rimadyl. She's been taking this medication twice a day for months and it's not really helping. She wants to run and play but can't. Honestly, I am so lost about this issue. Can't afford taking her to a new vet, so I'm stuck with him. Again, my girl is full of life except she's unable to run/play without further injuring herself even more. -Feeling helpless in Oregon
I have an older German shepherd going on 15 and she pisses herself and won’t get up for 10-20 minutes. She extends her claws and just scrapes the floor. Not sure if it’s hip displasia or something else.
Mine did the same thing for about 3 weeks. I wondered why she did that. I took her over to the lake since they don’t have dog pools. To relieve her of the pain by letting her float while holding her. Decompresses the whole body❤
My GSD doesnt have any of the symptoms of HD, however, I pulled her leg oddly the other day by accident (she pulled away while I was trying to lift it to check a tick bite) and I heard a pop. I put her on her back and checked the range like you did in 2:16, but heard no popping and felt no shifting. Still taking her to the vet, but I'm now very worried. Could this be an indication of HD? It's the first and only time her legs have ever made a sound.
my 4 month old corgi has this i know this for a fact because when he walks ive holded my hand among his hip and one side pops now the vet is out of town i would like to know what i can give him for the pain but he doesn't seem to be showing any discomfort of any kind he still plays very often and runs but he is very clumsy.
Can this set in in a matter of a few days my dog is 12 however he has not slowed down at all he had the energy of a one year old his whole life loves to run then last week it seems overnight he suddenly can’t run at all he walks slowly and kinda weevils and wobbles a bit as he walks it sort of looks like in my eye anyway as he is walking along slowly it kinda looks as though his front legs and rear ones are slightly not in sync with one another and it causes his front to stumble to one side or the other idk something is not functioning properly back there like my yellow lab you see him gradually start having joint and muscle pain over time he just suddenly one day not able to run and walk like he’s in slow motion I have a vet appointment but not for few days yet he’s been like this week an half now an hasn’t improved at all so I don’t think it gonna fix itself hope they can do. Something he looks so bummed out cause I haven’t taking him anywhere as I always do every weekend we go in the bush his tails down not smiling very quiet moving slow keeping fingers crossed they can fix whatever is wrong
tonight my 8 yr old golden retriever was laying down & got up but her back legs were doing weird things, she could walk at all and her back legs were stumbling, she walked on our wood floor and was sliding around like the back legs couldn't walk that well, this was a sudden thing. Took her out into the yard and once she managed to get onto the grass she was suddenly find & running around & she then relieved herself. Been a few hrs & she's been ok, anyone know what this is???????
The video describes etiologies. You will need to first research your breed and breeder history. Even with this, there is no guarantee. Other causes such as trauma are difficult to prevent.
My small 6 year old Teacup Chiwawa Fiona has all these signs. But she seems to be in no pain. Should i take her to the vet? Is there a possibility she would have to be put down? PLease answer A.S.A.P. Thankyou!
great video helpful yet hurtful we all hate to see our other kids ( quadrupedal ) hurt in any way ...but we do what we can and, what we got to do to make them stay at their best !! there love is so unconditional ....
I've just taken on a mastiff who is 11 month old. I've noticed a limp on his front leg and that telltale bunny hop at his rear legs, while telling him to sit I noted there was a click on both sides which can be felt when he sits. There is a fair bit of limping when he plays with my German Shepherd although still being young he continually wants to play. Being a mastiff he has still to put on his bulk although at this age he is already five stone and the hight of my German Shepherd, she isn't the small sized Shepherd either. I believe all dogs should be given all the chance of life until it is no longer benefiting their life or are in extreme pain. Any ideas on the way forward with him. He is great with the GSD and follows my younger daughter everywhere. Already taking on his roll of protector in the family within a week of being here.
I have a 2 year old American Bulldog. She defiantly has her on and off days with her hips. Someday's she will not won't to move, she can barely jump on anything, and when you touch one of back legs( when it's the day she doesn't want to move) she whimpers and this dog never whimpers.
My dog is a Golden Retriever and he's about 13 years old. In January we've noticed he's been having troubles getting around. We've trimmed his claws but his hips still seemed weak. We took him to the park one day and he tried to chase after a squirrel but failed. I'm not sure if it's Hip Dysplasia or if it's just that he's old. If it isn't Hip Dysplasia, can we do anything to add strength to his legs? Like steriods or something that we can put in his hips/legs, or any kind of surguery?
I have a german sheperd puppy, who is 5 months old now. i noticed that his hind legs are pretty weak, he drags both his hind legs while walking.. and it seems like it opens up facing outwards, left leg towards left and right leg towards right.. i remember someone telling me its an east west position.. wht does that means? What could possibly the issue with my puppy? he has been having such since he was 3 months old perhaps?
I took my Chihuahua to the veterinarian and he put her down he said there was nothing he could do for her and there was no treatment or medicine I wish I would’ve got a second opinion so the veterinarian decided to put my dog to sleep forever don’t know if I made the right decision but I could not afford to take her for a second opinion It’s not easy having a dog especially when they get sick and when you don’t have the money to pay hospital bills surgeries can be very expensive thousands of dollars yeah I don’t think I would ever own another dog again 😢😢
Is it ok to let my dog go up and down stairs? I’ve heard that it is bad but I’ve also heard it’s actually good for them and I don’t know which source to trust
Is there any way to prevent hip dysplasia? I'm going to buy a german shepherd puppy but I do not have enough money to buy from expensive breeders that breed hip dysplasia out of the litter so I will have to buy one from someone that isn't a professional breeder which is risky.
Sometimes a sedative will help to get your dog to the vet. If not, ask your veterinarian about glucosamine, nsaid's, adequan, and stem cells. Also, diet may play a big role. Good luck.
Hi , My dog has bilateral grade 3 hip dysplasia an vet suggested t go with FHO surgery for both hips at one go so that pet put uses both legs normally post Op. Also, he mentioned that if we do it together it will be better for dog as he will go through trauma at one go. But I am not sure if we should do it one after another or at one go. Appreciate expert guidance here
We recommend you follow the guidance of your veterinary surgeon. The procedure can depend on the size and weight. It is never a bad idea to get a second opinion before such a procedure.
I have a seven year old Chihuahua and sleeps with us. In the morning he could hardly walk and stood all day in his bed. But some short time he gets better. He eats well and do his biological waste very normal. Any comment will help. Tomorrow to the vet. Thank you Doctor.
My friends just got a Border Collie puppy she's about 6 months old &her front and back legs don't move independently. She moves just like a rabbit. she has no 'gate' to her movement. She is the runt, born first and none of her other siblings had this issue. We tried putting her in a tub with high water to see if she would swim and she was having trouble. Any opinions?
my dog is 15 yrs old saluki cross breed with sloping back arch part...what are my treatment options? currently we are giving it bonerise HD...i want to mention this...my dog suddenly developed this back part sloping low ground posture after it had siezures caused out of benign spleen mass..it survived surgery but after surgery also in same low hip posture..plzhelp advice
Can someone please give me some advice? I have 3 months old husky puppy and i am afraid that he has hip dysplasia. I never saw him bunny hopping but he oftenly walks very weird with his hips swinging left-right . He also doesnt let me to strech his left foot. When i stretch his right fot i pull it all the way with him relaxed but when i take his left foot he starts kicking. Can hip dysplasia be cured? Im not sure if he has it and im taking him to vet soon so ill tell him to check that out
I have a 14 year old miniature Schnauzer who developed signs of hip displasia about six months ago. It deteriorated until she couldn't squat to poop or pee, without falling into it. Then it got to the point where she had to drag her rear legs behind her inorder to be mobile. I couldn't stand watching her struggle just to walk. I prayed about it, and eventually came up with the idea of disolving 100 mg of Gabapentin in two quarts of her drinking water. Almost overnight, she quit dragging her legs. As time went on (about three weeks now), she is able to walk again. It is still difficult for her. She can't jump up on the sofa, and she has trouble with the poop squat and sometimes comes back in with a poopy butt, so I have to clean her up. She can now run when she gets excited. I lift her up and down on the sofa. But if she really wants to get down, she does, although its more like a crash landing, but it doesn't seem to phase her much. She is her happy little self again because of Gabapentin. This is not an advertisement. Just a testimony of how God heard my prayers for my dog who has been with me for fourteen years. None of our prayers go unheard.
God is good my dog just started showing pain last week as soon as I noticed I made an appointment with the vet. I found out this past Monday he had hip dysplasia and have been praying all week about it. Where can I buy this?
@@georginacuriel790 from your veterinarian. A GSD requires at least 300 mg 2x daily for the nerve pain. She made it soynd like she invented something. I mean why pyt it in the water bowl just gice the dog the damn pill!
My seven-month-old rottweiler is showing signs of hip dysplasia. She is booked for x rays and I’m worried for her, even though her vet has said that with surgery she should be able to go on to live a good, fun-filled life.
@@gabriellab1537 Thanks for asking. As it turned out, it wasn’t hip dysplasia but a torn ligament, and she is perfectly fine now, thankfully. I hope your rottie is okay - they are such beautiful dogs.
My Vet said Salmon Oil helps with the pain in the joints and I give her Glucosimine treats for joints , and she is almost 7 and does the rear bunny hop , and is much wobbly when she gets up off the floor , My male is fine and very fast ,Hip Dysplasia Really Sucks
So I have a rott and he's 11 yrs. But he's mean and can't go to the vet so is there something we can do for him, we already know tht he has hip displasia but there's nothing we can do for him
I live in Las Vegas , NV. I made a bad mistake of buying a German Shepard at Pet Pros, one of our local pet stores. It's been 2 months and x ray he has an extreme case of hip dysplasa. Nevada Lemon Law only gives 10 days for owner to get a refund. Only option I have on the contract is a full credit for another dog which I do not want to risk. Do I have other legal options?
Brother , just keep your Shepard and learn to love them , treat them kindly and understand the pain , bottom line , puppy store are bad breeding ,stay away .
Why would you give up your dog because of this? There are quite a few non expensive ways to help your dog maintain a good quality of life with hip dysplasia. The most important of which is exercise and stretching.
My German Shepard has hip dysplasia. There is not doubt about it. So an examination would be pointless for him. I dont know what yo do, i have been giving him pain medicine, but it seems that it is making no difference. My mother and father just say that he needs to be put down, but that is non-sense! there must be something! please help
Is it possible that a cold nap in FL made my 7yo rottweiler hurt more? I have NEVER heard him scream upon trying to get up...& whimpering when hes not moving. He's just so sore. Usually, he only hurts after he plays & bounces around. I'm HOPING its just the cold weather & hes not in permanent pain. I dont wanna euthanize my buddy.
i'm currently studying orthopaedics in vet school and we learnt that the Ortolani test is for hip subluxation and the click is actually a good sign because it means the dorsal acetabular rim has integrity. When there isn't a clunk sound and more of a grating or sliding feeling then that is more of a problem.
Hi, my dog behaved the same way one year before we diagnosed him with hip dysplasia, but at the time we didn't have a clue and just assumed he got it from all the running. Please take your dog to the vet for a check anyway.
Sir .My dog is street dog. It falls down frequently while walking. His age is 11 months. He falls down while passing potty and pee too. When he was of four months he was attacked by another street dog. Please suggest me Physiotherapy for him.
my chiweenie was fine and now suddenly very distant from me. you can definitely see a change in his gate and isn't walking alot or easily. there is a loss of balance in his ass end. he hasn't pottied for two days except he peed once yesterday without hiking his leg (he always hikes). I can hear him crying under his breath. not sure if it's this or spinal or even the worst of the worst, being liber disease or cancer. He isn't a very active dog at all. He lays on me and sleeps all the time but he is also 8 years old. There's been a history of him pooling blood in the past that was intermittent, but hasn't happened in several months. I don't want a vet to guess what's wrong based on his breed and common issues with that. how many vets actually put a dog under anesthesia and do that movement test and how many miss it with just x-ray? I need him better. he is hiding under stuff and not having anything to do with me. Help
My dog bunny hops the stairs, but the stairs are big and tall and she is a German shepherd puppy, would that be bad? And also when I pick her up after she sleeps I think I accidentally held her somewhere and she cries
My 2 month old german shepherd does bunny hop to get around quickly, gets quite tired easily and doesn't want to play that much. Is it just because she is young or something else?
Hello doctor! Sir I m from india and I have a jarman Shepard female dog and she have wounds on hip . I have tried so many medicine but can't success plz help me sir plz
My Australian cattle dog doesn’t use his back right leg AT ALL, he puts all of his weight on one side and is unbalanced, very stiff. Blood tests were fine, took an X-ray and says he’s got spinal arthritis, but all of his symptoms mimic hip displaysia? I’m so confused :( any advice would be appreciated
Hips, knees, and spine can all present with similar clinical signs. A thorough physical and neuro exam should pinpoint the problem. I assume they checked for a Cranial(Anterior) cruciate injury in the knee? There is Vetvid video on that injury.
Hello Dr: My Akita is only 2yrs old, but sometimes he get leg cramp on the left side, when I massage it I feel the nerve switch back to where it suppose to be. We go hiking/walking 3times a week. Do u know why he gets leg cramp?
May be normal at 3 months old. Ask your Vet during your visit when they recommend evaluating the hips and back. This is a breed predisposed to Hip and Spinal issues.
My golden is only 7 years old and the thought of putting him down is just heartbreaking and surgery is not an option because we can’t afford it. I’m heartbroken and I don’t know what to do
Hi great video i have a 3yr old german sheprehd and i noticed that today he is walking slow he wants to lay down and he seems to be in some pain from his legs. He still seems fine in other things but yesterday he was doing well. What do you think it may be thanks
man 10 years ago there wasn’t clickbaiting or rambling about nonsense. straight to the point! good ol days eh?
Blame youtube. They only promote videos that are over 10 minutes unless the video is by someone famous.
This entire video is 2.5 minutes long wtf are you on about 😂
He wrote tht comment 5 years ago the video waz made 15 years ago, meaning this video was made 10 ago when he posted the comment, so he saying bakK in the good days when videos go str8 2 the point he's using this vid as an example
There is nothing you could do for a hip dysplatic dog. Surgery costs huge 3 lakhs in India. Only thing you could do is provide joint supplements , pain killers can't be used for long so only supplements
Same with my lab 6yr old some times while walking suddenly he bends his legs and he will be lying on the ground and after some days again he walks as if nothing ever happened. Can you please tell me which supplements are you using ? Currently my vet advised me to use petjoint tablets when ever he walks like this and vetpro mobility dry food
I had a girl rott at about 2 year , her Hip dysplasia kick in , but I reduce her weight and fed her fish oil and she live to be 8 before her kidney shut down , she was a smart rott that came from a puppy mill , no regret ,still in my heart ,joy 1.
my 9months gsd is suffering from light intermittent pain..Can i contact u for few tips and guide to comfort him
So sorry for your loss. Our 11 year old german Shepard / keeshond was just diagnosed with hip dysplasia today.
Hip dysplasia and other joint issues in dogs are so common today. Any way to help educate pet owners as to what symptoms to watch for is extremely important and this video does an excellent job on this. The sooner the health issue can be identified, the better chances that the pet will have a more pleasant life.
It may be because people are spaying and neutering their dogs at much higher rates
in purebreds mostly. and yet, breeders continue to breed, and people continue to buy them (meanwhile millions of perfectly good dogs, with BETTER genetics, are destroyed)
I’ve had my dog (simba) since 2011. He was always a ball of energy jumped 6 ft fences his whole life, climbed every tree in my yard in chewed on them until I had to get them cut down… Now he’s a old man and I’ve noticed him folding up like a lawn chair when he tried to walk up my two porch stairs.. or swaying left to right when trying to walk … it’s sad😢to see him fading away.. I’m pretty sure his hips are going/gone out… I don’t even know why I wrote this.. just sucks that they only live this long
I'm sorry friend, me too with my girl
Took my girl over to the lake since they don’t have dog pools. To relieve her of the pain by letting her float while holding her.
Decompresses the whole body..
Poor baby doggies💝
HOW DO WE TRY TO FIX IT! I appreciate you free service. Thank you
I think my boxer has this. She started limping off and on in the last month. When she exercises it gets worse. She has some days where you don’t notice. Some days you do notice. I read it could be a partial ACL tear too. We’ve waited a few weeks now to see if it’ll go away. Next step is taking her to the vet.
Just found out our Golden Oshie has hip dysplasia. Great video for understanding exactly what it is and how it affects our pup. Thanks!
Hi! What did you do about the hip dysplasia
@EnJoy ! We give our Golden joint supplements. Glucosamine and Dasaquin
@@OshiesWorld01 thank you so much! We are going to the vet later today.
@@EnJoy-ht7exdid it worked? By giving that supplements if yes how many days it took and please mention the names so that it may help thanks
One idea could be to look at the diet, and see if a change in it would improve things. Another option is to look at fasting.
Video was very informative as I can see the symptoms mentioned in my pet . A request if the kind of treatment and measures that can be given to help them lead a better comfortable live with less pain
great information! did not know that Jemaine Clement was a vet though....
Its been 3 years, is everything okay now?
dude deadass the day I got my 12 week old labradoodle I had a feeling something was up... still do a few weeks later... idk she just is very clumsy, runs weird, sensitive joints... idk just awkward when she’s active
WoW that info is awesome, thanks for sharing.
God Bless and have a great day. 🇺🇸
Glad it was helpful!
My German shepherd/ great Pyrenees mix. 110 lbs seemed to get hip problems over night. Out of nowhere where's he's struggling to get up and navigate stairs.
Thanks for this video. We're getting ready to start the process of diagnosis of some kind of hip problem in our shepherd/beagle mix puppy. It's kind of overwhelming, but knowing what we're in for sure helps a lot. :)
@tehkittehcat i wouldn't worry about it now as your dog is only 3 months old and the bunny hopping is most likely due to his/her muscles not being developed yet. From my vet studies, the bunny hopping is something seen more in adult dogs. Probably at 1 yr old your vet will recommend to you to get an x-ray of your dog's hips and check for possible hip dysplasia then.
Good to know. It seems like my dog hip is so far out that it's not grinding or not bothering him for now . It has improved by itself. The Pet Store gave me credits for another dog so now I also have a Huky.
my moms sheltie has this but luckily shes only a year and a half old. Vet said keep the weight off and dont let her overeat along with exercise it shouldnt be much of a problem for many years.
My 1 year old lab suddenly developed a limp in her hind left leg. It's not all the time. She did it for a day or two several weeks ago. Then, one day, she woke up as if nothing was wrong. The other day she started again.
There's no apparent pain, no injury, nothing in paw or pad, nails look okay. "Drawer movement" in leg is okay. She doesn't recoil when I touch her leg or paw. I took her to vet, and they couldn't find a problem. I'm at a loss. I suppose the next step is sedation and x-ray.
No, euthanasia is the the most humane next step.
I had a black lab limp with his left front leg all his life every once in a while. Never could figure it out even with xrays
It could be over training as my dog comes everywhere with me in the summer but I'm less active in the winter so going from fields upon fields every summer to just walks around thd block a few times a day in the winter is why I think my dog has a back left hind limp now but it comes and goes but usually comes after a chasing the ball type of walk, she is 10 years old now though but God it is heartbreaking knowing she does not have many years left now 💔 😢
Where do you get
@@hectic7337 hemp mobility treats off chewy are good does make a difference
My oldest son suffers from seizures and takes medical cannabis, so my male malinistic rottweiler is is med partner lol it's funny watching them both dose but it's made a life change in both my son and my little pal! Best of all I Kno it's all natural all organic because I Kno exactly what goes into it's growing 😁😁
Where do you get yours please
my dog is a labrador and he is around three months old,i saved it from the streets...he was about to die,he had a terrible pneumonia he almost couldnt breathe.i took him to the local vet and after a succesful treatment we save his life...but since i got him hes been walking weird,the vet says its because of his age,that he is too young,but im not sure.he doesnt look to have any kind of pain and he goes upstairs and downstairs with no problem but i want to be sure
Awesome! Glad to see it worked out
My rescue keeps going upstairs even if he is having hard time hopping on steps. Is that bad for him or is it a good exercise for his hind legs?
It could be his food. Gluten (wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/brown rice) may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb. Carrageenan/Xanthum gum may hurt the gut lining and antibiotics. Nitrites may hurt and oxides/chlorides/carbonates may not help.
Very good video. Thank you
Thank you so much. Great to hear.
In the clip with the dog walking at 00:48 seconds what is happening exactly with the legs
Very helpful info. Thank you x
Yes and thousands of dollars later...😢 veterinarians are up there with Lawyers and Dentists. Not saying services should be free, but how do they sleep at night knowing their mark ups?
My Lady wouldn’t get up when I called her. I checked on her she was just laying there. I went to assist her to get up and she bit at me never! Had she done this poor baby must be in so much pain she is old and get stiffness sometimes but not this She refuse to eat or drink anything.
You can't guarantee just as VetVid said. In all it is an inherited trait. My labs mother didn't have this.. But my lab has it. It broke my heart to find this out. But the mother had the recessive gene and well my lab now has this. In all have the dog well checked by a Vet. And know that when they are young its tough to peg because they are still forming and growing. In all its like luck of the draw. In all I would save for a year or 2. To have a reputable breeder. ;)
I am completely and utterly discouraged with our veteranian. My pitbull/lab is a rescue who I saved from death at appx 2 months old. She will be 10 yrs old next month. Before rescuing her, she was bullied by kids and also attacked by dogs who put a hole in her neck. That hole turned into a massive abscess with a blood infection. She was barely alive when I found her. In any event, she is now suffering from some sort of pain, either in her right knee or hip area. She has always shook due to anxiety but now it's really bad because of some sort of underlying condition. Our vet dr. said it's likely from arthitis due to old age. Yet, there were never any x-rays taken or any other tests done by him. He simply felt around her leg and back, then chalked it up to arthritis, never saying where the arthritis is located. I've been to him repeatedly with her because she's clearly in pain (yet full of life in her face) so he gave her a prescription of Rimadyl. She's been taking this medication twice a day for months and it's not really helping. She wants to run and play but can't. Honestly, I am so lost about this issue. Can't afford taking her to a new vet, so I'm stuck with him. Again, my girl is full of life except she's unable to run/play without further injuring herself even more. -Feeling helpless in Oregon
my dog probably has this the vet thinks so too what does surgery do curE forever or tepararally fix I'm not sure what surgery does
I have an older German shepherd going on 15 and she pisses herself and won’t get up for 10-20 minutes. She extends her claws and just scrapes the floor. Not sure if it’s hip displasia or something else.
Mine did the same thing for about 3 weeks. I wondered why she did that.
I took her over to the lake since they don’t have dog pools. To relieve her of the pain by letting her float while holding her.
Decompresses the whole body❤
Also, I have to life my Shepherd up so she can relieve herself. N man oh man she peed soooooooooooooo much one to her outside..poor babies huh💝
My GSD doesnt have any of the symptoms of HD, however, I pulled her leg oddly the other day by accident (she pulled away while I was trying to lift it to check a tick bite) and I heard a pop. I put her on her back and checked the range like you did in 2:16, but heard no popping and felt no shifting. Still taking her to the vet, but I'm now very worried. Could this be an indication of HD? It's the first and only time her legs have ever made a sound.
Your dog has aids
my 4 month old corgi has this i know this for a fact because when he walks ive holded my hand among his hip and one side pops now the vet is out of town i would like to know what i can give him for the pain but he doesn't seem to be showing any discomfort of any kind he still plays very often and runs but he is very clumsy.
Can you see these signs at 6 weeks of age?
Can this set in in a matter of a few days my dog is 12 however he has not slowed down at all he had the energy of a one year old his whole life loves to run then last week it seems overnight he suddenly can’t run at all he walks slowly and kinda weevils and wobbles a bit as he walks it sort of looks like in my eye anyway as he is walking along slowly it kinda looks as though his front legs and rear ones are slightly not in sync with one another and it causes his front to stumble to one side or the other idk something is not functioning properly back there like my yellow lab you see him gradually start having joint and muscle pain over time he just suddenly one day not able to run and walk like he’s in slow motion I have a vet appointment but not for few days yet he’s been like this week an half now an hasn’t improved at all so I don’t think it gonna fix itself hope they can do. Something he looks so bummed out cause I haven’t taking him anywhere as I always do every weekend we go in the bush his tails down not smiling very quiet moving slow keeping fingers crossed they can fix whatever is wrong
tonight my 8 yr old golden retriever was laying down & got up but her back legs were doing weird things, she could walk at all and her back legs were stumbling, she walked on our wood floor and was sliding around like the back legs couldn't walk that well, this was a sudden thing. Took her out into the yard and once she managed to get onto the grass she was suddenly find & running around & she then relieved herself. Been a few hrs & she's been ok, anyone know what this is???????
There is no guarantee that any dog will NOT have hip dysplasia... regardless of how expensive the breeder is.
How can this be prevented is important to know ?
The video describes etiologies. You will need to first research your breed and breeder history. Even with this, there is no guarantee. Other causes such as trauma are difficult to prevent.
My small 6 year old Teacup Chiwawa Fiona has all these signs. But she seems to be in no pain. Should i take her to the vet? Is there a possibility she would have to be put down?
PLease answer A.S.A.P. Thankyou!
I love Dr Cambridge's accent? where is it from?
great video helpful yet hurtful we all hate to see our other kids ( quadrupedal ) hurt in any way ...but we do what we can and, what we got to do to make them stay at their best !! there love is so unconditional ....
I've just taken on a mastiff who is 11 month old. I've noticed a limp on his front leg and that telltale bunny hop at his rear legs, while telling him to sit I noted there was a click on both sides which can be felt when he sits. There is a fair bit of limping when he plays with my German Shepherd although still being young he continually wants to play. Being a mastiff he has still to put on his bulk although at this age he is already five stone and the hight of my German Shepherd, she isn't the small sized Shepherd either.
I believe all dogs should be given all the chance of life until it is no longer benefiting their life or are in extreme pain.
Any ideas on the way forward with him.
He is great with the GSD and follows my younger daughter everywhere. Already taking on his roll of protector in the family within a week of being here.
Doctor.. doest this course dogs invisible?
I have a 2 year old American Bulldog. She defiantly has her on and off days with her hips. Someday's she will not won't to move, she can barely jump on anything, and when you touch one of back legs( when it's the day she doesn't want to move) she whimpers and this dog never whimpers.
My dog is a Golden Retriever and he's about 13 years old. In January we've noticed he's been having troubles getting around. We've trimmed his claws but his hips still seemed weak. We took him to the park one day and he tried to chase after a squirrel but failed. I'm not sure if it's Hip Dysplasia or if it's just that he's old. If it isn't Hip Dysplasia, can we do anything to add strength to his legs? Like steriods or something that we can put in his hips/legs, or any kind of surguery?
Hey 10 years later, can you please update on what happened, did the steroids work
I have a german sheperd puppy, who is 5 months old now. i noticed that his hind legs are pretty weak, he drags both his hind legs while walking.. and it seems like it opens up facing outwards, left leg towards left and right leg towards right.. i remember someone telling me its an east west position.. wht does that means? What could possibly the issue with my puppy? he has been having such since he was 3 months old perhaps?
Im getting my german shepherd mix puppy to the vet as he seems to have pain in his hips. Really hope its not hip displaysia hes only 5 months old😭
Does it happens if the dogs slips and accidently slplits his hind limbs ?
Possibly hip issue. This breed will also have back and knee issues. Yes, definitely have a veterinarian perform an exam and possibly an xray.
I took my Chihuahua to the veterinarian and he put her down he said there was nothing he could do for her and there was no treatment or medicine I wish I would’ve got a second opinion so the veterinarian decided to put my dog to sleep forever don’t know if I made the right decision but I could not afford to take her for a second opinion It’s not easy having a dog especially when they get sick and when you don’t have the money to pay hospital bills surgeries can be very expensive thousands of dollars yeah I don’t think I would ever own another dog again 😢😢
Is it ok to let my dog go up and down stairs? I’ve heard that it is bad but I’ve also heard it’s actually good for them and I don’t know which source to trust
If they are physically healthy, then it should be fine.
@@VetVid thank you
Is there any way to prevent hip dysplasia? I'm going to buy a german shepherd puppy but I do not have enough money to buy from expensive breeders that breed hip dysplasia out of the litter so I will have to buy one from someone that isn't a professional breeder which is risky.
He should say "hip dysplasia" is when the hip sockets are not deep enough for the ball joint causing the ball joint dislocates/slips out of socket
Sometimes a sedative will help to get your dog to the vet. If not, ask your veterinarian about glucosamine, nsaid's, adequan, and stem cells. Also, diet may play a big role.
Good luck.
Hi , My dog has bilateral grade 3 hip dysplasia an vet suggested t go with FHO surgery for both hips at one go so that pet put uses both legs normally post Op. Also, he mentioned that if we do it together it will be better for dog as he will go through trauma at one go. But I am not sure if we should do it one after another or at one go. Appreciate expert guidance here
We recommend you follow the guidance of your veterinary surgeon. The procedure can depend on the size and weight. It is never a bad idea to get a second opinion before such a procedure.
@@VetVid Thanks for your feedback. Weight is 32 kg , age is 9 months and breed is GR. Can you please suggest now.
Sedating may hurt the pet...lower Vit B12?
I have a seven year old Chihuahua and sleeps with us. In the morning he could hardly walk and stood all day in his bed. But some short time he gets better. He eats well and do his biological waste very normal. Any comment will help. Tomorrow to the vet. Thank you Doctor.
My friends just got a Border Collie puppy she's about 6 months old &her front and back legs don't move independently. She moves just like a rabbit. she has no 'gate' to her movement. She is the runt, born first and none of her other siblings had this issue. We tried putting her in a tub with high water to see if she would swim and she was having trouble. Any opinions?
my dog is 15 yrs old saluki cross breed with sloping back arch part...what are my treatment options? currently we are giving it bonerise HD...i want to mention this...my dog suddenly developed this back part sloping low ground posture after it had siezures caused out of benign spleen mass..it survived surgery but after surgery also in same low hip posture..plzhelp advice
Can someone please give me some advice? I have 3 months old husky puppy and i am afraid that he has hip dysplasia. I never saw him bunny hopping but he oftenly walks very weird with his hips swinging left-right . He also doesnt let me to strech his left foot. When i stretch his right fot i pull it all the way with him relaxed but when i take his left foot he starts kicking. Can hip dysplasia be cured? Im not sure if he has it and im taking him to vet soon so ill tell him to check that out
I have a 14 year old miniature Schnauzer who developed signs of hip displasia about six months ago. It deteriorated until she couldn't squat to poop or pee, without falling into it. Then it got to the point where she had to drag her rear legs behind her inorder to be mobile.
I couldn't stand watching her struggle just to walk. I prayed about it, and eventually came up with the idea of disolving 100 mg of Gabapentin in two quarts of her drinking water. Almost overnight, she quit dragging her legs. As time went on (about three weeks now), she is able to walk again. It is still difficult for her. She can't jump up on the sofa, and she has trouble with the poop squat and sometimes comes back in with a poopy butt, so I have to clean her up.
She can now run when she gets excited. I lift her up and down on the sofa. But if she really wants to get down, she does, although its more like a crash landing, but it doesn't seem to phase her much.
She is her happy little self again because of Gabapentin. This is not an advertisement. Just a testimony of how God heard my prayers for my dog who has been with me for fourteen years. None of our prayers go unheard.
Jeremiah Ellis
where did you get it from. I have a pressa canoria he's dragging one of his legs.
God is good my dog just started showing pain last week as soon as I noticed I made an appointment with the vet. I found out this past Monday he had hip dysplasia and have been praying all week about it. Where can I buy this?
Jeremiah Ellis that is not hip dysplasia, that is a disease known as Degenerative myelopathy
Jeremiah Ellis Amen! Where do you get that medicine?
@@georginacuriel790 from your veterinarian. A GSD requires at least 300 mg 2x daily for the nerve pain. She made it soynd like she invented something. I mean why pyt it in the water bowl just gice the dog the damn pill!
Can this happen to a two month old puppy??
@1ownjoo2 Please have your veterinarian evaluate soon.
My dog 11 months old will he develop hip dysplasia
My seven-month-old rottweiler is showing signs of hip dysplasia. She is booked for x rays and I’m worried for her, even though her vet has said that with surgery she should be able to go on to live a good, fun-filled life.
I have a 9 month old rottie and I’m worried about this. Sometimes I’ll touch her hip area and I feel like a clicking. Any update with your girl?
@@gabriellab1537 Thanks for asking. As it turned out, it wasn’t hip dysplasia but a torn ligament, and she is perfectly fine now, thankfully. I hope your rottie is okay - they are such beautiful dogs.
My Vet said Salmon Oil helps with the pain in the joints and I give her Glucosimine treats for joints , and she is almost 7 and does the rear bunny hop , and is much wobbly when she gets up off the floor , My male is fine and very fast ,Hip Dysplasia Really Sucks
Can somebody give me some tips for exercise for dog 5 year old border collie what have hips dysplosion 😕
Swimming is good because it doesn't put weight
Can huskys get it ??
So I have a rott and he's 11 yrs. But he's mean and can't go to the vet so is there something we can do for him, we already know tht he has hip displasia but there's nothing we can do for him
I live in Las Vegas , NV. I made a bad mistake of buying a German Shepard at Pet Pros, one of our local pet stores. It's been 2 months and x ray he has an extreme case of hip dysplasa. Nevada Lemon Law only gives 10 days for owner to get a refund. Only option I have on the contract is a full credit for another dog which I do not want to risk. Do I have other legal options?
Brother , just keep your Shepard and learn to love them , treat them kindly and understand the pain , bottom line , puppy store are bad breeding ,stay away .
Why would you give up your dog because of this? There are quite a few non expensive ways to help your dog maintain a good quality of life with hip dysplasia. The most important of which is exercise and stretching.
take him to vet and he will explain to you a bunch of options... definitely doesnt need to be put down
Okay, thank you.
My German Shepard has hip dysplasia. There is not doubt about it. So an examination would be pointless for him. I dont know what yo do, i have been giving him pain medicine, but it seems that it is making no difference. My mother and father just say that he needs to be put down, but that is non-sense! there must be something! please help
Is it possible that a cold nap in FL made my 7yo rottweiler hurt more? I have NEVER heard him scream upon trying to get up...& whimpering when hes not moving. He's just so sore. Usually, he only hurts after he plays & bounces around. I'm HOPING its just the cold weather & hes not in permanent pain. I dont wanna euthanize my buddy.
i'm currently studying orthopaedics in vet school and we learnt that the Ortolani test is for hip subluxation and the click is actually a good sign because it means the dorsal acetabular rim has integrity. When there isn't a clunk sound and more of a grating or sliding feeling then that is more of a problem.
My four year old Golden Retriever has been having twitches in her hind legs ( when shes awake) could this be an early sign of hip trouble?
Hi, my dog behaved the same way one year before we diagnosed him with hip dysplasia, but at the time we didn't have a clue and just assumed he got it from all the running. Please take your dog to the vet for a check anyway.
.My dog is street dog. It falls down frequently while walking. His age is 11 months. He falls down while passing potty and pee too. When he was of four months he was attacked by another street dog. Please suggest me Physiotherapy for him.
What if your dog is too old to be sedated?
Your pet needs a veterinarian to examine and likely take xrays to determine if hips or back problem. At that point the best therapy will be chosen.
My dog trixie had hipdsplasys and we had to put her down.She is a 13 year old rottweiler.
My dog is almost 11 but can't stand on back legs. Our last option is put her down.
Don’t EVER let your vet sedate and pop the hip in and out ! It can create a serious issue
What kind of issue?
my chiweenie was fine and now suddenly very distant from me. you can definitely see a change in his gate and isn't walking alot or easily. there is a loss of balance in his ass end. he hasn't pottied for two days except he peed once yesterday without hiking his leg (he always hikes). I can hear him crying under his breath. not sure if it's this or spinal or even the worst of the worst, being liber disease or cancer. He isn't a very active dog at all. He lays on me and sleeps all the time but he is also 8 years old. There's been a history of him pooling blood in the past that was intermittent, but hasn't happened in several months. I don't want a vet to guess what's wrong based on his breed and common issues with that. how many vets actually put a dog under anesthesia and do that movement test and how many miss it with just x-ray? I need him better. he is hiding under stuff and not having anything to do with me. Help
What did it end up being?! My husky is acting like this, he is my baby
My dog bunny hops the stairs, but the stairs are big and tall and she is a German shepherd puppy, would that be bad? And also when I pick her up after she sleeps I think I accidentally held her somewhere and she cries
My 2 month old german shepherd does bunny hop to get around quickly, gets quite tired easily and doesn't want to play that much. Is it just because she is young or something else?
I need an update.. having same issues with my 2 month old lab.. what happened to urs brother
My feelings exactly~! If the chihuahua is not having pain, why even consider putting down?
never should you put your dog down for hip pain , deal with it .
My Maltese has been reluctant to run or jump up and down on sofas in the last five days. Five years old. So worrying. To the vet...
Mine too. So sad.
my 16 week old chow chow has it. we have taken to the vet, test etc. surgery cost $5000, but we cant afford it. what should we do?
IIAlbertII What kind of surgery cost $5000? We suspect our golden puppy has it and we really want him to be healthy
I would have liked to hear some of the solutions. Pain killers? Operation? Amputation?
Hello doctor! Sir I m from india and I have a jarman Shepard female dog and she have wounds on hip . I have tried so many medicine but can't success plz help me sir plz
how early can puppy can hip dysplasia??
Is there an age where they are likely to get it??
Duke EArl if they have it it appears when they are 3 months
My Australian cattle dog doesn’t use his back right leg AT ALL, he puts all of his weight on one side and is unbalanced, very stiff. Blood tests were fine, took an X-ray and says he’s got spinal arthritis, but all of his symptoms mimic hip displaysia? I’m so confused :( any advice would be appreciated
Hips, knees, and spine can all present with similar clinical signs. A thorough physical and neuro exam should pinpoint the problem. I assume they checked for a Cranial(Anterior) cruciate injury in the knee? There is Vetvid video on that injury.
Hello Dr:
My Akita is only 2yrs old, but sometimes he get leg cramp on the left side, when I massage it I feel the nerve switch back to where it suppose to be.
We go hiking/walking 3times a week.
Do u know why he gets leg cramp?
lili M my Akita is doing the same thing, did you ever find out why he was doing it?
alexander quijano How’s he doing now
May be normal at 3 months old. Ask your Vet during your visit when they recommend evaluating the hips and back. This is a breed predisposed to Hip and Spinal issues.
My golden is only 7 years old and the thought of putting him down is just heartbreaking and surgery is not an option because we can’t afford it. I’m heartbroken and I don’t know what to do
what did u do?
Mine is 11 almost and we are considering putting her down.
@@manij1078 we had to put mine down in September 2020 due to Liver Cancer. He was 9. He would have been 10 in October
@@trrippydude sorry for your loss. I put my dog down today
Hi great video i have a 3yr old german sheprehd and i noticed that today he is walking slow he wants to lay down and he seems to be in some pain from his legs. He still seems fine in other things but yesterday he was doing well. What do you think it may be thanks
My 11 yr old boxer is starting to limp with his right hip. I can tell he's in pain. Could it be HD?
this is not a good sign my man, my girl had to get like crutches for her boxer