Dr. Kharrazian is a genius, his book 'Why isn't my brain working?' has been the kickstart of my own functional health journey 12 months ago, and it's not an exaggeration to say I probably wouldn't still be alive today if I hadn't encountered his work through my chiropractor's guidance.
Tom, love this interview Datis K!! As a youth I was heavily pilled up when my family emigrated to Toronto. My parents trusted the doctors @ Sick Kids Hospital who were well intentioned. Little did my parents know, the doctors back home, South America, was advising a more natural solution, whereas the Docs in Toronto were into pills, or should I say drugs, again, well intentioned as per their training At age 13, after suffering from high blood pressure due 2 high dosage of meds, and making my 2x a week visit to my Doctors, I decided I will take my own health into my own hands when I'm an adult After my deep dive into what makes a person healthy, sans supplements, I've boiled it down to these few principles, much of what you've covered: 1. Get yo' 7-8 hours, restorative sleep! If u wake up tired, u didn't get proper, restorative sleep 2. Eat whole foods, ditch anything in a box with a barcode (processed foods) 3. Ditch the 3 whites - white flour, white sugar, white salt ... ditch processed, refined foods 4. Exercise - if u eat every day, then exercise . every . damn . day ;) 5. Eat colourful veggies n a diverse whole foods diet, coz we are more microbiome than human cells - that's right, humans are the host for our microbiomes and our microbiota controls our mood, immune system and over all health n wellness 6. Yes, eat to support your microbiome 7. Hydrate - find out how much you need 2 drink per day depending on your exercise level n body type 8. Gotta love dem Indian food - eat spices 4 better life ;) 9. No hate . No jealousy . No negativity . No anger ... cultivate a good-God-like character. 10. Get ur EGO in check - EGO is good when one is the master 11. Before you eat, give thanks, be grateful - good, healthy foods eaten with a BAD attitude is destructive 2 our body 12. LOVE . Yes, LOVE .... LOVE conquers all ... if u can't do a thing with LOVE, ditch it ... if u don't LOVE the peeps/cohorts/boss/company/family/friends, consider ditching 'em or create distance until u can cultivate a LOVING relationship with what you abhor 13. No wo/man is an island - surround ur self with peeps who will uplift and level you UP 14. Be Grateful - daily, praise someone, tell someone something nice - be grateful 4 what u have - there's a trick 2 being grateful, don't just say, "I'm grateful for .....," rather, FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART. If you can't feel gratitude in ur heart, saying u r grateful is just lip service - FEEL GRATITUDE!! 15. Do something 4 someone anonymously a few times a week 16. Have fun . Allow ur inner child 2 come out and play every . single . day 17. What brought u joy in ur childhood will bring u joy in your adulthood Tom, love ur channel and have learned soOOOooo much from you and your guests - keep up the fantastic job my dear chap ;)
2 years ago I began having intense nausea and vomiting that would last 12-36 hours each episode every month. I lost over 50lbs in 10months and felt horrible. Eventually I eliminated gluten, dairy, nightshades and greasy meats. Finally after 2 weeks I began feeling better. This episode was VERY informative, cant wait to read the book.
Datis' book was the first integrative health book I read 10 years ago. This man is incredible. He has a several year wait list to see him. I have no stomach issue with gluten but severe dizziness and vertigo from gluten. My brain cant handle it at all. Scary sometimes.
Dr. Datis Kharrazian is brilliant, I really enjoy learning so much studying under him in advanced functional medicine. So glad you had him on your show to give more awareness with common issues that people don’t realize are happening or attribute to “aging”.
My health started to get really bad, inflammation in my fingers, lower back pain, very low energy, irritability. Everything was such an effort, getting through a day was like hell. I am not sure what worked to get better but I think giving up alcohol and coffee completely was the main thing that helped me. Now when I feel like a drink of coffee or beer, I just imagine what I went through and the cravings go away. It was probably hardest to give up coffee because you can have one now and then and be completely fine but that once a week coffee becomes 2-3 times a week, then everyday, then I was having 2-3 per day to stop being tired. For drinking alcohol, I only had a maybe 2-3 beers on a Saturday night but I noticed how tired I felt the next day and often depression lasted a week afterwards which sent my health spiraling down. I think the binge drinking during my 20s damaged my liver or something. Anyway, as I get older, I just know everything adds up. Everything you eat, the exercise you do, the way you act to others, it all comes back to you sooner or later. If you're feeling tired or down, take it on the chin, don't look for stimulants because you will be rewarded with a good night's sleep and that will propel your next day!
Man, your post really resonated with me! I'm pretty much in the same boat and it's SO difficult cutting coffee and alcohol. I've been struggling for years, but now I think it's coming to a head where if I can quit now I know my life will be drastically different for the future. Good to hear someone shares my struggles! Stay strong brother!
I have a question braw. Did you experience symptoms from coffee? Like an inflammatory response or do you think you were just overworking your adrenals? Like a correlation to increased cortisol levels. Chronic Lyme Disease, active viral issues and food allergies have caused me hell for years but I've made mad progress. Coffee is the only thing I haven't been able to quit for a period of time. I'm dead tired every morning of my life and feel like I absolutely need it but it causes this manageable reaction that I can deal with and yeah, it's probably the addiction part of my brain cuz I fucking love it and drink way too much. Thanks braw.
Hi Retro, Thanks for the lengthy chat.. From my experience I’m 62 now and active as a house renovation builder so physically I’m fit IMO. I was like you beer and coffee and cakes snd chips etc etc.. I’ve always been slim . When I noticed I was dragging my feet I’d eat loads of fruit and switch to Tea and scotch... for the alcohol hit. It’s the same result but Tea is an anti inflammatory as in a antihistamine. The fingers getting swollen is a form of gout or fluid retention from lactic acids. If you increase your vitamin C intake with Hesperidin www.wellandgood.com/hesperidin-benefits/ If you follow this protocol it has huge benefits.. happy days G
32 minutes in and the information is great. Main takeaways; everyone is different and allergic to different foods however a diverse diet is good for immunity/the microbiome. Conclusion - get a blood test and speak to a good nutritionist to customize a diet for you.
I love that you drag people threw the weeds. It is probably the single most educational part of your videos for me and makes me love you as an interviewer.
Thank you for bringing Long Covid into this discussion. As a person w LC (formerly healthy, athletic, no priors) I developed Myasthenia Gravis, an auto-immune disease. There are so many of us out there and the medical community don't have answers....
@@tigerspiritjourney unfortunately, when i got Covid, there was no vaccine. it was early 2020 and my lungs collapsed to the point that i had to be put on a ventilator for nearly one month. A few months after that nightmare, i was diagnosed with MG. Are you vaccinated?
@@GrapeWrath Nope. My 2X vaxxed husband gave me Omicron in late January. I know this because I work from home, rarely going out, and he works with many people in his restaurant who were sick about a week before he caught it, then after about 5 days, I got sick with it... I had encephalitis, headache with severe burning scalp and upper back pain, plus conjunctivitis, and stomach flu with a candida yeast over-growth, night sweats, and tachycardia. Then after those 10 days, finally only the burning scalp and upper back pain and tachycardia and super fatigue remained in March. I still have brain fog these days ( forgetting common words etc) from the brain inflammation, and now my hair is shedding by handfuls every day, as the hair follicles were damaged by the inflammation...I had no lung issues during the worst of it, and only lost taste/smell for a couple days...I take lots of supplements these days and must be very careful what I eat....Plus, working outside in the garden has helped a lot. I hope you get better asap! Cheers from Sweden🙂
Woah… wait, WHAT??!! Yikes! This is the first presentation I’ve come across that EXPLAINS why things I eat affect my mind and mood so much. Everyone talks about that it DOES. But few explain the mechanisms so that I can begin to control it for myself. Geez… I gotta watch this one twice!
Had stomach issues ..tested negative for Celiac..took myself off gluten..within one week my stomach problems were gone..a year later went back to eating gluten..just diagnosed with Lupus …Sjogrens..and MOG ..joint pain..dizzy brain fog..White lesions on brain but don’t match MS ..The speaker is right on the money will all he is saying..Very Wiseman..I think it’s time to go gluten-free again..see if my symptoms decrease ..
🌸 For years I was sick, feeling lethargic and getting worse, until I began seeing information like this on UA-cam. I’m so glad information like this is available so people can help themselves break free from not just illnesses, physical limitations but past ignorance. Yes I’ve to my doctors but after blood tests they went no further and I felt maybe it’s in my head only. Finally I began implementing certain things I learnt. Believe it or not I began seeing physical and felt mental changes in as little as 1-2 weeks. It’s horrible when you can’t find a way out and solutions are so simple you couldn’t see it before. I don’t need any medicine to feel better, it only helped with symptoms anyway. I am healthier now with more energy than I’ve ever had in my youth and over years I’ve improved both mind & body, so much I have a better quality of life.
Hi! Very happy to read you changed your mental state. Which where the things you implemented? I had a brain tumor removed and doctors keep telling me all went perfect and I don't have any sign of further physical problems but I suffer from intense headaches and brain fog as well as bad mood. They say it my be depression but i escaped from one years ago and it's not psiquiàtric. It you could facilitate the changes you made would mean a world to me. Thank you!!
#Tom, you’re awesome! You’re an excellent interviewer and an active listener. I appreciate when you take in complex information and repeat it but in your own words for your audience to understand. So good!
I’m someone who only watches your channel occasionally, this was a top notch episode. I consume tons of bread and milk and have some health issues as a young man, chronic pain. This convinced me to experiment with my diet to see if that may help me improve.
Wheat is soaked in roundup to desicate it (dry it) that’s why it destroys the cells in your body leading to leaky gut. In America they banned this in some European countries
I've been there dude. Diet changes EVERYTHING. Eliminate sugar and carbs from your diet. Read about keto diet and intermittent fasting. It will change your life
Absolutely perfect interview, Datis’s clarity is very helping. What a phenomenal researcher 👨🔬 Thanks 🙏🏻 a lot, I will use theses precious infos to help myself.
I've been watching brain and gut interviews for years, this interview is the most complete one ever. Best part was, "protocols are inefficient", amazing!!!
Amazing information and desperately needed. I just tripped across Dr. K and am pursuing his products and information. I already knew some of it, and have attempted to follow the base concepts for years, but it is a tremendous battle. He has clarified many issues we can aim at now. Thank you for this interview. Just amazing.
The DK knowledge basket is so deep and so wide that it blows my friggn mind every time I hear him speak. Invaluable & empowering if you want to tame the relapsing remitting hamsterwheel of autoimmunity. Powerful ♡
Protocols are inefficient: PERFECTLY SAID! I have suffered from food intolerance all my life! As a child, I found ways not to eat as the food was causing constant pain, and I associated food with pain. I was bloated and constipated for more than half of my life, brain fogged, inability to focus, low mood and demotivation were normal for me. I experimented with all possible diets: keto, low carb, vegan, vegetarian and food combining. I got the most significant positive impact from quitting gluten and dairy, not fearing carbohydrates and supplements were a game changer for me. But it all comes down to: BIOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALITY!
How do you test for these intolerances? I have no health insurance and a lot of those same symptoms you described on a daily basis. There’s seemingly no way for me to get screened and know how to get better.
@@MightySuperb1000 If you can't test, there is something easy and cost free that you can do at home. Avoid all the foods you think you react to ( the most common are : gluten, dairy and eggs) for two weeks . Then reintroduce one food at the time and pay close attention how do you feel in the next 12 hours. If you don't want to do the two weeks "cleanse", you can still try to analyse how do you feel after ever particular meal. I hope this helps.
I am writing a book now because all my patients get confused from internet information 😏 I was paralyzed when I was 27 I had to rebuild my brain soul body and mindset. Here is the thing - eat pro and pre biotics, eat vegetables get annual physical and blood work, drink beer root juice shots with your cardio, drink moringa water and olive leaf tea, pasture raise completely boiled eggs (not half fried), eat seeds in portion, kiwi is great fruit use it along with berries, do not eat raw tomatoes cook them to lycopene can be release, try to cook your green instead of eating raw like Saag, eat high ANDI score raw vegetables like cucumber raddish onions - Every morning make lemonade with saffron punch of salt and honey ,drink decaf coffee for flavonoid, add organic clean dark chocolate in your diet, alcohol is neurotoxic, rotate seeds that you eat, drink kefir or small portion of cottage cheese - drink matcha tea if you can afford it, go out in sun it will increase serotonin and melatonin - in salads have high quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar - don’t run in cities where traffic gives out toxic fumes drive to a park if possible or work out at home, smell rosemary oil twice a day if possible - use organic Amla oil , moringa oil, vitamin e , black sesame oil for your hair and also you can put in water with saffron and massage your face - kiwi and papaya are great skin chemical exfoliate you can make it’s masks at home- and listen to 40hz biurnal vibrations from UA-cam - meditate 5 mts twice a day - have fun and be thankful and remember life sucks until it doesn’t and then it sucks again- remove the condition of absence of pain in order to feel fulfilled - life is not a race it’s a dance - share it with many and try do good- forgive ❤and if you can be happy for no reason you won’t need a reason to be happy -I teach NTN meditation to corporations that I created for myself when I had stroke I was paralyzed when I was 27 year old in residency - I healed my brain - my skin- my soul - I am 44 and look feel much younger with lifestyle changes - throw away synthetic air fresheners and perfumes- ‘- ‘-make them once a month on your own so they are good for you - do not cook in non stick and do not heat plastic - know your food combination - eat amla once a day and four prunes , one cloves a day - make Indian curry with Indian spices including turmeric and eat at least once a week - and if you wana live forever learn how to cook bitterguard or make its juice along with bottle guard- all what I mentioned will heal you back - also practice pause - before you are about to say something eat something and do something- ask yourself WHY, is it good for you and others , pause will save your life and pause depends on your PFC thickness and you can increase its thickness by meditation, beet root juice, walking, sun, olive leaf tea and walnuts but if you have to pick one - meditation it increases your pre frontal cortex and listening to 40hz Biurnal vibrations- Yoga also releases your hear and now neurotransmitter- the only two supplements you need is 2 grams of krill oil and 5000 units of vitamin d3 (unless you have hyper parathyroidism or ckd) discuss with your doctors - you got this 🙌 remember what holds you back does not exist- also know you were not designed to be content and happy- you were biologically designed to be restless it’s called hedonic adaptation- your mind will keep coming with desires so you can create more situations towards something or someone and the purpose you are here is that you can LEARN through GROW through those situations - there is nothing fair about pain that came or will come your way- it was not about Justice or convenience it’s about life pushing you in tough situations- when you are in those situations- I ask you to do something stupid - write on your diary every single day- what can I learn if I remove the expectation of life to be fair- how I wana be when I get out of this hellhole - and then take help from as many people as possible- we are all product of Higgs field giving mass to energy - we are more than one so we can help each other - you will always have option to be brave and when you can not be brave - grieve mourn scream cry but while you do all that do a lill good for yourself and or someone else - soon your actions will be taller than your pain - I promise you that it’s true - take care ❤
Mr bilyeu's explanation as he's beginning to understand Dr. K's breakdown of everything is so freaking relatable i love it!!! Subscribed just for that then the content is another reason I just subscribed! I've got a feeling I'm about to start binge watching in my off time!
Dr. K just explains in great detail the mechanism and Toms summary is “the body says I’ve had enough of this shit, I’m making antibodies and going HAM?” Dr.K “yep.”
I am the mystery weird patient....my symptoms are so bad at times my whole body including my orbits and scalp hurt. What usually triggers my inflammation is physical activity that is beyond what I can handle. But it isn't always. I can do stuff and have no problem, then a week later, I am devastated doing the same thing I did a week ago. I thought I had lymph cancer at one point because my pain was extreme and everywhere. I was assured it was not cancer but they put me on methotrexate until my liver started to fail. I hope that this mystery of Autoimmune disease is finally figured out to where doctors everywhere know how to properly treat it. Thank you DR. Kharrazian you are doing such important work. I am going to change my diet and see if my symptoms improve enough to go off medication. I had tested for scillac disease, I was told I didn't have it. But I am finding that the testing can be wrong.
I worked in a high-stress profession twenty years ago, I wasn't sleeping, and my diet was exactly stellar. I retired and started working a semi-technical job, I did OK at the beginning, but after twelve years my ability to do the job had slipped to constant mistakes. I suspected dementia, nine months ago a neurologist diagnosed the same just by my behaviors. I was given a brain scan but the doctor said there was no indication of brain damage. I'm being proactive here just my diet really needs to change.
“”In the neurological scientific literature, gluten sensitivity is considered a neurological disease, it just happened that gastroenterologists found it first” = MIND BLOWN!
This isnt bleak. It turned my life around with brain injury and cancer. Some people cant handle change. Some just want to complain, its just easier. I did years of research to cure myself because the idiot traditional doctors were clueless. Concussion clinics and neurologists absolutely worthless. So sad.
@@terrik8581 You took my words out of context. This Dr. Was so back and forth, and to me it was as if everything was bad for our brains.I’ve worked 34 years with brain injury patients ( recently retired) so that is not what I meant. All the interviews that I have ever watched, this was one that I didn’t enjoy nor learned from the guest. Tom had to break every thing down( and I understand a lot of neuro- brain information. I’m happy that you benefit from this, but for me, and I am entitle to express myself) it was bleak to me that almost everything was bad for our brains according to this Doctor. Be blessed!
Thank you Tom and Dr Karrazian for this video. It has helped me to tie some things together, after a car accident, a Dr overdosing me on antibiotics getting candidiasis/acetylhide/leaky gut and Vagus nerve issues the events have given me a very expensive education ( in many ways. ) I've had to troubleshoot my conditions on my own out of distrust of main stream Dr.s' who are mostly taught to medicate and treat symptoms. I hope one day you can have Dr Eric Berg on your show it may benefit millions of people and both of you may get even more subscribers to your channels.
SUCH a great one. Love his humility. Often wish you’d interrupt less Tom, but yea, I’ll subscribe thanks to this video. Well done on finding good people to interview. Do consider interviewing Morley Robbins sometime, regarding Copper and Magnesium.
For those less familiar with the terminology; I, for one, GREATLY values Tom’s interruption (respectful) gives clarity as he’s confirming his understanding that also helps many of us.
Thank You!💕this was a amazing knowledge. This has opened my eyes to how I have gotten where I am today . I feel now I have the correct knowledge to start a positive road to healing!! 💕🙏
Ahhh, Datis!!! I know you from when you were being mentored by Dr Harry Eidenier from Biotics Research Corporation! Harry did a great job with launching your BEAUTIFUL MIND! I’m so happy that you can carry on the research and further our scientific information and knowledge with YOUR expertise in the field of Biological Science and Nutritional Applied Science!
Dr. Kharrazian has the patience of a saint. 😅😂 Tom interrupted him throughout the interview. I love that Tom is asking clarifying questions but let the man finish his sentence and complete his thought before asking.
Fluorine and it's derivatives like fluorine aluminum, fluorine hydrogen. Break down barriers in the gut. And pass aluminum to the brain. The periodic table is fundamental to scientific literacy
I have been following @Tom Bilyeu for yearns in search of motivation (dopamine) surges with not much holistic improvement in my part. My doggedness and @Tom Bileu's consistent effort have paid off. You, my dear sir, have managed to have brought the most important guest that has dramatically transformed the trajectory of my life. I was the union of all the case studies, for hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, gut inflammation, brain inflammation, cognitive decline, especially as it pertains to focus, and all affiliated symptoms. He said them. I had them. For helping me make sense of the complex condition that has plagued my life for the past 5 years and wreaked havoc on my life, at all levels, I CANNOT thank both of you, the guest Dr. Kharrazian and the host Tom, enough. God Bless!
I actually had to go whole 30 to AIP to now paleo and have been able to reintroduce some things like beans rice and nightshades. But my body doesn't tolerate sugar at all only coconut sugar maple syrup and honey. This is such an interesting video alreadt I'm not even half way through it yet
I had a ganglioma tumour removed from the brain a year ago. Surgeons made a great job and I don't have any sequel though I fight with extreme brain fog and headache almost every day. A year of low activity ( only a couple of subjects of my engineering degree) has let me to prepare but this month I will have economic help no more and I am a bit afraid. I got rid of alcohol (i only used to drank a pair of glasses a week), tea, and coffee, I have an sleep hygiene as well as make low intensity exercise and try not to eat sugar. I will be quite lost if I finally find myself unable to perform well in high cognitive demanding situations due to the brain fog. I still having a high IQ ≈145 but brain fog literally brings me to the level of conversation of old time weed smokers, it's frustrating and for this reason I want to thank you for giving me some answers to questions which doctors say have no solution
I got the privilege of being able to go to the cannabis science conference in 2018. And they actually have figured out how to reverse auto immune, at least they had started to figure it out. One of the cannabis nurses was speaking on how they can no longer find biomarkers in her labs for auto. Immune. They found that people with cancer and most diseases are deficient in canabinoids. They made a concoction for that same cannabis nurse of which cannabinoids she was Deficient of and now they can't find any signs of her autoimmune. This was done in California at USA first cannabis clinic!
Say hi to your wife. This was a gluten talk. I was hoping for material on brain inflammation, encephalitis. He knows a lot but he should notice his health lifestyle right now I think. Metabolic is his area so he should be able to update his lifestyle relatively quickly.
Thank you- ever since the discussion of long covid began i have been thinking of viral-vector autoimmune disease. I wonder if the medical industry is being protective or something about talking about this. Thank you for talking about it!!
Datis is amazing!! He breaks down complex info very well. How can I be a part of this man's clinical research? I have a rare nuerological tumor. There was mention of mylein sheath nerve by surgeons which he just mentioned due to inflammation in the body from food sensitivity. Feel like the best diet is air and water now. Jk
So eliminate gluten and build new neural pathways.Anti inflammatory diet and supplements such as turmeric, blueberries, salmon fish oils omega 3 are all good for inflammation in the body. Excersise ,meditation, management off stress.
Man, this discussion what kind of a trainwreck. Tom, my man, I know you get excited, but you gotta stop interrupting people with questions the instant they pop into your head.
a person w/chronic stress from decades of chronic pain and illness with normal cortisol levels, is that adaptation or is that adrenal burn out or a combo of both?
He came close to mentioning it at 31:30 - 33:00. It's the most reckless way to go. Farm animals are unnaturally bred. Beef is the #1 cause of auto-immune disease. Meat = too much fat & protein that isn't handled well by the body. A healthy low-inflammatory diet is a fruit-based diet with greens, and small amounts of potatoes and maybe grains. See the Carboraider Diet.
I have horrible gut issues(leaky gut, gastritis) & I feel it affecting my brain. I'm not sure if I have a brain disease or not. I'm not sure what to do man. I've been dealing with this for years & no doctor seems to know as much as Dr. Kharrazian smh I truly do need help. I struggle everyday with this.
Go see a naturopath they will change your life! Or if you can not afford that, try a autoimmune/paleo diet as Dr. K said, or even a Pegan diet from Dr. Mark Hyman who I recommend you follow too.
😂 now if someone told me to hold coffee in my butt would help my vagus nerve when i very first started Experiencing auto mune symptoms id be thinking they were nuts! Butt after this explanation I'm dying this is so hilarious i wonder do you use any coffee or is there like a specic kind or method to these??!
Hi! Do you know if it’s true that antioxidants interfere with chemotherapy?? Is it not a good idea to drink green tea for instance , while going through chemotherapy? I heard something about this recently. Thank you.
There are European countries that have a huge bread culture. People don't seem to have any problems and gluten allergy is basically unknown. So, there must be something beyond gluten itself. Is it the glyphosate in our diet?
@@cthornton523 At risk of sounding like my grandma, when I grew up, there were no peanut allergies. People mainly ate carbs (bread, potatoes, pasta, fruits) and were skinny without organized fitness industry. Parents made sure kids had all childhood diseases as these strengthened their life forces. With all "advances" in medicine and nutrition, why have 250 pound children become the new normal? Something is dangerously wrong with this "progress". Time to analyze, what.
Hi i have a question here about the leaky brain. I wish to know if you have a leaky brain you not suppose to take L-Theanine? Or what could it be the issue if you have GABA degeneration and you take L-theanine and when you do you feel your symptoms gets worse
I have seborrheic dermititis and I really don't know what's causing it. What type of blood test would it be most helpful to figure out whether some kind of food or other component is resulting in this kind of skin issue? My doctors have literally told me it's genetic and the only thing I can do is treat the symptoms but surely that's not true right?
Dr. Kharrazian is a genius, his book 'Why isn't my brain working?' has been the kickstart of my own functional health journey 12 months ago, and it's not an exaggeration to say I probably wouldn't still be alive today if I hadn't encountered his work through my chiropractor's guidance.
Tom,u r a genius
Wow cool thank you for recommendation!
I love this book. His online courses are expensive though.
Very glad to hear that and I believe that it certainly was NOT an exaggeration.
@@mdlwn1123 Thanks mate. Have this book as well. Great stuff. Have a great day.
Tom, love this interview Datis K!!
As a youth I was heavily pilled up when my family emigrated to Toronto. My parents trusted the doctors @ Sick Kids Hospital who were well intentioned. Little did my parents know, the doctors back home, South America, was advising a more natural solution, whereas the Docs in Toronto were into pills, or should I say drugs, again, well intentioned as per their training
At age 13, after suffering from high blood pressure due 2 high dosage of meds, and making my 2x a week visit to my Doctors, I decided I will take my own health into my own hands when I'm an adult
After my deep dive into what makes a person healthy, sans supplements, I've boiled it down to these few principles, much of what you've covered:
1. Get yo' 7-8 hours, restorative sleep! If u wake up tired, u didn't get proper, restorative sleep
2. Eat whole foods, ditch anything in a box with a barcode (processed foods)
3. Ditch the 3 whites - white flour, white sugar, white salt ... ditch processed, refined foods
4. Exercise - if u eat every day, then exercise . every . damn . day ;)
5. Eat colourful veggies n a diverse whole foods diet, coz we are more microbiome than human cells - that's right, humans are the host for our microbiomes and our microbiota controls our mood, immune system and over all health n wellness
6. Yes, eat to support your microbiome
7. Hydrate - find out how much you need 2 drink per day depending on your exercise level n body type
8. Gotta love dem Indian food - eat spices 4 better life ;)
9. No hate . No jealousy . No negativity . No anger ... cultivate a good-God-like character.
10. Get ur EGO in check - EGO is good when one is the master
11. Before you eat, give thanks, be grateful - good, healthy foods eaten with a BAD attitude is destructive 2 our body
12. LOVE . Yes, LOVE .... LOVE conquers all ... if u can't do a thing with LOVE, ditch it ... if u don't LOVE the peeps/cohorts/boss/company/family/friends, consider ditching 'em or create distance until u can cultivate a LOVING relationship with what you abhor
13. No wo/man is an island - surround ur self with peeps who will uplift and level you UP
14. Be Grateful - daily, praise someone, tell someone something nice - be grateful 4 what u have - there's a trick 2 being grateful, don't just say, "I'm grateful for .....," rather, FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART. If you can't feel gratitude in ur heart, saying u r grateful is just lip service - FEEL GRATITUDE!!
15. Do something 4 someone anonymously a few times a week
16. Have fun . Allow ur inner child 2 come out and play every . single . day
17. What brought u joy in ur childhood will bring u joy in your adulthood
Tom, love ur channel and have learned soOOOooo much from you and your guests - keep up the fantastic job my dear chap ;)
Zahinda, thank you I agree with listed. Thank you for making the to make the list 😸 you have a quite a lot of wisdom 👍🏽💫👍🏽
Awesome love list
Perfect advice!!
I learned a lot from this interview… would love to see this guest come back on the show.🙌
2 years ago I began having intense nausea and vomiting that would last 12-36 hours each episode every month. I lost over 50lbs in 10months and felt horrible. Eventually I eliminated gluten, dairy, nightshades and greasy meats. Finally after 2 weeks I began feeling better. This episode was VERY informative, cant wait to read the book.
Datis' book was the first integrative health book I read 10 years ago. This man is incredible. He has a several year wait list to see him. I have no stomach issue with gluten but severe dizziness and vertigo from gluten. My brain cant handle it at all. Scary sometimes.
Hi, how are you feeling now because I have the same problems I need some advice please reply thank you
Dr. Datis Kharrazian is brilliant, I really enjoy learning so much studying under him in advanced functional medicine. So glad you had him on your show to give more awareness with common issues that people don’t realize are happening or attribute to “aging”.
My health started to get really bad, inflammation in my fingers, lower back pain, very low energy, irritability. Everything was such an effort, getting through a day was like hell. I am not sure what worked to get better but I think giving up alcohol and coffee completely was the main thing that helped me. Now when I feel like a drink of coffee or beer, I just imagine what I went through and the cravings go away. It was probably hardest to give up coffee because you can have one now and then and be completely fine but that once a week coffee becomes 2-3 times a week, then everyday, then I was having 2-3 per day to stop being tired. For drinking alcohol, I only had a maybe 2-3 beers on a Saturday night but I noticed how tired I felt the next day and often depression lasted a week afterwards which sent my health spiraling down. I think the binge drinking during my 20s damaged my liver or something. Anyway, as I get older, I just know everything adds up. Everything you eat, the exercise you do, the way you act to others, it all comes back to you sooner or later. If you're feeling tired or down, take it on the chin, don't look for stimulants because you will be rewarded with a good night's sleep and that will propel your next day!
Man, your post really resonated with me! I'm pretty much in the same boat and it's SO difficult cutting coffee and alcohol. I've been struggling for years, but now I think it's coming to a head where if I can quit now I know my life will be drastically different for the future. Good to hear someone shares my struggles! Stay strong brother!
@@UtikaCollarThanks a lot. It helps so much to give them up. Good luck with it! It's hard at the start but well worth it.
Very true! Eventually it all adds up.
I have a question braw. Did you experience symptoms from coffee? Like an inflammatory response or do you think you were just overworking your adrenals? Like a correlation to increased cortisol levels. Chronic Lyme Disease, active viral issues and food allergies have caused me hell for years but I've made mad progress. Coffee is the only thing I haven't been able to quit for a period of time. I'm dead tired every morning of my life and feel like I absolutely need it but it causes this manageable reaction that I can deal with and yeah, it's probably the addiction part of my brain cuz I fucking love it and drink way too much. Thanks braw.
Hi Retro,
Thanks for the lengthy chat..
From my experience I’m 62 now and active as a house renovation builder so physically I’m fit IMO.
I was like you beer and coffee and cakes snd chips etc etc.. I’ve always been slim . When I noticed I was dragging my feet I’d eat loads of fruit and switch to Tea and scotch... for the alcohol hit. It’s the same result but Tea is an anti inflammatory as in a antihistamine. The fingers getting swollen is a form of gout or fluid retention from lactic acids. If you increase your vitamin C intake with Hesperidin
If you follow this protocol it has huge benefits..
happy days
Heal the gut. Keep it healthy. Thanks for bringing it! 👍
32 minutes in and the information is great. Main takeaways; everyone is different and allergic to different foods however a diverse diet is good for immunity/the microbiome. Conclusion - get a blood test and speak to a good nutritionist to customize a diet for you.
I love that you drag people threw the weeds. It is probably the single most educational part of your videos for me and makes me love you as an interviewer.
This is the best doctor to explain the whole situation so many people are in and how to void it thank you Tom for put this up for us all
Thank you for bringing Long Covid into this discussion. As a person w LC (formerly healthy, athletic, no priors) I developed Myasthenia Gravis, an auto-immune disease. There are so many of us out there and the medical community don't have answers....
Lol did u get the 💉
@@jameslave98 what is the 'lol' all about in the beginning of your question?
@@GrapeWrath Without the LOL, it's a good question... Did you have the vaccine?
@@tigerspiritjourney unfortunately, when i got Covid, there was no vaccine. it was early 2020 and my lungs collapsed to the point that i had to be put on a ventilator for nearly one month. A few months after that nightmare, i was diagnosed with MG. Are you vaccinated?
@@GrapeWrath Nope. My 2X vaxxed husband gave me Omicron in late January. I know this because I work from home, rarely going out, and he works with many people in his restaurant who were sick about a week before he caught it, then after about 5 days, I got sick with it... I had encephalitis, headache with severe burning scalp and upper back pain, plus conjunctivitis, and stomach flu with a candida yeast over-growth, night sweats, and tachycardia. Then after those 10 days, finally only the burning scalp and upper back pain and tachycardia and super fatigue remained in March. I still have brain fog these days ( forgetting common words etc) from the brain inflammation, and now my hair is shedding by handfuls every day, as the hair follicles were damaged by the inflammation...I had no lung issues during the worst of it, and only lost taste/smell for a couple days...I take lots of supplements these days and must be very careful what I eat....Plus, working outside in the garden has helped a lot. I hope you get better asap! Cheers from Sweden🙂
Woah… wait, WHAT??!!
Yikes! This is the first presentation I’ve come across that EXPLAINS why things I eat affect my mind and mood so much.
Everyone talks about that it DOES.
But few explain the mechanisms so that I can begin to control it for myself.
Geez… I gotta watch this one twice!
Had stomach issues ..tested negative for Celiac..took myself off gluten..within one week my stomach problems were gone..a year later went back to eating gluten..just diagnosed with Lupus …Sjogrens..and MOG ..joint pain..dizzy brain fog..White lesions on brain but don’t match MS ..The speaker is right on the money will all he is saying..Very Wiseman..I think it’s time to go gluten-free again..see if my symptoms decrease ..
Hi Chix, how are you doing? Did getting off gluten help you?
🌸 For years I was sick, feeling lethargic and getting worse, until I began seeing information like this on UA-cam. I’m so glad information like this is available so people can help themselves break free from not just illnesses, physical limitations but past ignorance.
Yes I’ve to my doctors but after blood tests they went no further and I felt maybe it’s in my head only. Finally I began implementing certain things I learnt. Believe it or not I began seeing physical and felt mental changes in as little as 1-2 weeks.
It’s horrible when you can’t find a way out and solutions are so simple you couldn’t see it before. I don’t need any medicine to feel better, it only helped with symptoms anyway. I am healthier now with more energy than I’ve ever had in my youth and over years I’ve improved both mind & body, so much I have a better quality of life.
Very happy to read you changed your mental state.
Which where the things you implemented?
I had a brain tumor removed and doctors keep telling me all went perfect and I don't have any sign of further physical problems but I suffer from intense headaches and brain fog as well as bad mood.
They say it my be depression but i escaped from one years ago and it's not psiquiàtric.
It you could facilitate the changes you made would mean a world to me.
Thank you!!
Curious to know what you changed!
#Tom, you’re awesome! You’re an excellent interviewer and an active listener. I appreciate when you take in complex information and repeat it but in your own words for your audience to understand. So good!
I totally agree with that. Tom is a very good interviewer
I’m someone who only watches your channel occasionally, this was a top notch episode. I consume tons of bread and milk and have some health issues as a young man, chronic pain. This convinced me to experiment with my diet to see if that may help me improve.
Wheat is soaked in roundup to desicate it (dry it) that’s why it destroys the cells in your body leading to leaky gut.
In America they banned this in some European countries
I've been there dude. Diet changes EVERYTHING. Eliminate sugar and carbs from your diet. Read about keto diet and intermittent fasting. It will change your life
Absolutely perfect interview, Datis’s clarity is very helping. What a phenomenal researcher 👨🔬
Thanks 🙏🏻 a lot, I will use theses precious infos to help myself.
I've been watching brain and gut interviews for years, this interview is the most complete one ever. Best part was, "protocols are inefficient", amazing!!!
This video is packed with information and is one of the best I’ve seen on these subjects. Both the guest and the interviewer are excellent.
Amazing information and desperately needed. I just tripped across Dr. K and am pursuing his products and information. I already knew some of it, and have attempted to follow the base concepts for years, but it is a tremendous battle. He has clarified many issues we can aim at now. Thank you for this interview. Just amazing.
The DK knowledge basket is so deep and so wide that it blows my friggn mind every time I hear him speak. Invaluable & empowering if you want to tame the relapsing remitting hamsterwheel of autoimmunity. Powerful ♡
Protocols are inefficient: PERFECTLY SAID! I have suffered from food intolerance all my life! As a child, I found ways not to eat as the food was causing constant pain, and I associated food with pain. I was bloated and constipated for more than half of my life, brain fogged, inability to focus, low mood and demotivation were normal for me. I experimented with all possible diets: keto, low carb, vegan, vegetarian and food combining. I got the most significant positive impact from quitting gluten and dairy, not fearing carbohydrates and supplements were a game changer for me. But it all comes down to: BIOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALITY!
How do you test for these intolerances? I have no health insurance and a lot of those same symptoms you described on a daily basis. There’s seemingly no way for me to get screened and know how to get better.
@@MightySuperb1000 If you can't test, there is something easy and cost free that you can do at home. Avoid all the foods you think you react to ( the most common are : gluten, dairy and eggs) for two weeks . Then reintroduce one food at the time and pay close attention how do you feel in the next 12 hours. If you don't want to do the two weeks "cleanse", you can still try to analyse how do you feel after ever particular meal. I hope this helps.
I am writing a book now because all my patients get confused from internet information 😏 I was paralyzed when I was 27 I had to rebuild my brain soul body and mindset.
Here is the thing - eat pro and pre biotics, eat vegetables get annual physical and blood work, drink beer root juice shots with your cardio, drink moringa water and olive leaf tea, pasture raise completely boiled eggs (not half fried), eat seeds in portion, kiwi is great fruit use it along with berries, do not eat raw tomatoes cook them to lycopene can be release, try to cook your green instead of eating raw like Saag, eat high ANDI score raw vegetables like cucumber raddish onions -
Every morning make lemonade with saffron punch of salt and honey ,drink decaf coffee for flavonoid, add organic clean dark chocolate in your diet, alcohol is neurotoxic, rotate seeds that you eat, drink kefir or small portion of cottage cheese - drink matcha tea if you can afford it, go out in sun it will increase serotonin and melatonin - in salads have high quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar - don’t run in cities where traffic gives out toxic fumes drive to a park if possible or work out at home, smell rosemary oil twice a day if possible - use organic Amla oil , moringa oil, vitamin e , black sesame oil for your hair and also you can put in water with saffron and massage your face - kiwi and papaya are great skin chemical exfoliate you can make it’s masks at home- and listen to 40hz biurnal vibrations from UA-cam - meditate 5 mts twice a day - have fun and be thankful and remember life sucks until it doesn’t and then it sucks again- remove the condition of absence of pain in order to feel fulfilled - life is not a race it’s a dance - share it with many and try do good- forgive ❤and if you can be happy for no reason you won’t need a reason to be happy -I teach NTN meditation to corporations that I created for myself when I had stroke I was paralyzed when I was 27 year old in residency - I healed my brain - my skin- my soul - I am 44 and look feel much younger with lifestyle changes - throw away synthetic air fresheners and perfumes- ‘- ‘-make them once a month on your own so they are good for you - do not cook in non stick and do not heat plastic - know your food combination - eat amla once a day and four prunes , one cloves a day - make Indian curry with Indian spices including turmeric and eat at least once a week - and if you wana live forever learn how to cook bitterguard or make its juice along with bottle guard- all what I mentioned will heal you back - also practice pause - before you are about to say something eat something and do something- ask yourself WHY, is it good for you and others , pause will save your life and pause depends on your PFC thickness and you can increase its thickness by meditation, beet root juice, walking, sun, olive leaf tea and walnuts but if you have to pick one - meditation it increases your pre frontal cortex and listening to 40hz Biurnal vibrations-
Yoga also releases your hear and now neurotransmitter- the only two supplements you need is 2 grams of krill oil and 5000 units of vitamin d3 (unless you have hyper parathyroidism or ckd) discuss with your doctors - you got this 🙌 remember what holds you back does not exist- also know you were not designed to be content and happy- you were biologically designed to be restless it’s called hedonic adaptation- your mind will keep coming with desires so you can create more situations towards something or someone and the purpose you are here is that you can LEARN through GROW through those situations - there is nothing fair about pain that came or will come your way- it was not about Justice or convenience it’s about life pushing you in tough situations- when you are in those situations- I ask you to do something stupid - write on your diary every single day- what can I learn if I remove the expectation of life to be fair- how I wana be when I get out of this hellhole - and then take help from as many people as possible- we are all product of Higgs field giving mass to energy - we are more than one so we can help each other - you will always have option to be brave and when you can not be brave - grieve mourn scream cry but while you do all that do a lill good for yourself and or someone else - soon your actions will be taller than your pain - I promise you that it’s true - take care ❤
@@dianalacour2267 he meant BEET
He talks so fast and yet so clearly.
Mr bilyeu's explanation as he's beginning to understand Dr. K's breakdown of everything is so freaking relatable i love it!!! Subscribed just for that then the content is another reason I just subscribed! I've got a feeling I'm about to start binge watching in my off time!
Dr. K just explains in great detail the mechanism and Toms summary is “the body says I’ve had enough of this shit, I’m making antibodies and going HAM?” Dr.K “yep.”
I am the mystery weird patient....my symptoms are so bad at times my whole body including my orbits and scalp hurt. What usually triggers my inflammation is physical activity that is beyond what I can handle. But it isn't always. I can do stuff and have no problem, then a week later, I am devastated doing the same thing I did a week ago. I thought I had lymph cancer at one point because my pain was extreme and everywhere. I was assured it was not cancer but they put me on methotrexate until my liver started to fail. I hope that this mystery of Autoimmune disease is finally figured out to where doctors everywhere know how to properly treat it. Thank you DR. Kharrazian you are doing such important work. I am going to change my diet and see if my symptoms improve enough to go off medication. I had tested for scillac disease, I was told I didn't have it. But I am finding that the testing can be wrong.
Thank you Tom! You ask all the right questions. Your format is phenomenal.
And special thanks to Dr Kharrazian. 💞
Tom, thanks for asking the right questions. Those questions that ordinary people like me would ask. I love this show. Subscribed!
I worked in a high-stress profession twenty years ago, I wasn't sleeping, and my diet was exactly stellar. I retired and started working a semi-technical job, I did OK at the beginning, but after twelve years my ability to do the job had slipped to constant mistakes. I suspected dementia, nine months ago a neurologist diagnosed the same just by my behaviors. I was given a brain scan but the doctor said there was no indication of brain damage. I'm being proactive here just my diet really needs to change.
Yes, please get into the weeds. Great questions, interview, format, and conversation flow...as usual. Thank you for all your content.
“”In the neurological scientific literature, gluten sensitivity is considered a neurological disease, it just happened that gastroenterologists found it first” = MIND BLOWN!
OMG Tom I’m so glad that you are a smart guy, and you were breaking this down! If was so difficult to follow this man. This information was so bleak!
This isnt bleak. It turned my life around with brain injury and cancer. Some people cant handle change. Some just want to complain, its just easier. I did years of research to cure myself because the idiot traditional doctors were clueless. Concussion clinics and neurologists absolutely worthless. So sad.
@@terrik8581 You took my words out of context. This Dr. Was so back and forth, and to me it was as if everything was bad for our brains.I’ve worked 34 years with brain injury patients ( recently retired) so that is not what I meant. All the interviews that I have ever watched, this was one that I didn’t enjoy nor learned from the guest. Tom had to break every thing down( and I understand a lot of neuro- brain information. I’m happy that you benefit from this, but for me, and I am entitle to express myself) it was bleak to me that almost everything was bad for our brains according to this Doctor. Be blessed!
One of the best channels on UA-cam! Great information as always.
Thank you Tom and Dr Karrazian for this video. It has helped me to tie some things together, after a car accident, a Dr overdosing me on antibiotics getting candidiasis/acetylhide/leaky gut and Vagus nerve issues the events have given me a very expensive education ( in many ways. ) I've had to troubleshoot my conditions on my own out of distrust of main stream Dr.s' who are mostly taught to medicate and treat symptoms. I hope one day you can have Dr Eric Berg on your show it may benefit millions of people and both of you may get even more subscribers to your channels.
SUCH a great one. Love his humility. Often wish you’d interrupt less Tom, but yea, I’ll subscribe thanks to this video. Well done on finding good people to interview. Do consider interviewing Morley Robbins sometime, regarding Copper and Magnesium.
For those less familiar with the terminology; I, for one, GREATLY values Tom’s interruption (respectful) gives clarity as he’s confirming his understanding that also helps many of us.
Yay! That was a very good episode Tom. Back to your old interview techniques and set up. Thank you. 😀
Thank You!💕this was a amazing knowledge. This has opened my eyes to how I have gotten where I am today .
I feel now I have the correct knowledge to start a positive road to healing!! 💕🙏
Ahhh, Datis!!! I know you from when you were being mentored by Dr Harry Eidenier from Biotics Research Corporation! Harry did a great job with launching your BEAUTIFUL MIND! I’m so happy that you can carry on the research and further our scientific information and knowledge with YOUR expertise in the field of Biological Science and Nutritional Applied Science!
Dr. Kharrazian has the patience of a saint. 😅😂 Tom interrupted him throughout the interview. I love that Tom is asking clarifying questions but let the man finish his sentence and complete his thought before asking.
Favorite episode of the year! This was great fun listening to. tHanks for posting tHanks Mr. Kharrazian
Fluorine and it's derivatives like fluorine aluminum, fluorine hydrogen. Break down barriers in the gut. And pass aluminum to the brain. The periodic table is fundamental to scientific literacy
I have been following @Tom Bilyeu for yearns in search of motivation (dopamine) surges with not much holistic improvement in my part. My doggedness and @Tom Bileu's consistent effort have paid off. You, my dear sir, have managed to have brought the most important guest that has dramatically transformed the trajectory of my life. I was the union of all the case studies, for hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, gut inflammation, brain inflammation, cognitive decline, especially as it pertains to focus, and all affiliated symptoms. He said them. I had them. For helping me make sense of the complex condition that has plagued my life for the past 5 years and wreaked havoc on my life, at all levels, I CANNOT thank both of you, the guest Dr. Kharrazian and the host Tom, enough. God Bless!
I actually had to go whole 30 to AIP to now paleo and have been able to reintroduce some things like beans rice and nightshades. But my body doesn't tolerate sugar at all only coconut sugar maple syrup and honey. This is such an interesting video alreadt I'm not even half way through it yet
I had a ganglioma tumour removed from the brain a year ago.
Surgeons made a great job and I don't have any sequel though I fight with extreme brain fog and headache almost every day.
A year of low activity ( only a couple of subjects of my engineering degree) has let me to prepare but this month I will have economic help no more and I am a bit afraid.
I got rid of alcohol (i only used to drank a pair of glasses a week), tea, and coffee, I have an sleep hygiene as well as make low intensity exercise and try not to eat sugar.
I will be quite lost if I finally find myself unable to perform well in high cognitive demanding situations due to the brain fog. I still having a high IQ ≈145 but brain fog literally brings me to the level of conversation of old time weed smokers, it's frustrating and for this reason I want to thank you for giving me some answers to questions which doctors say have no solution
quit sugar, carbs. helped me with me my brain fog and so many other mental health issues. i also lost 15kgs 30 plus lbs
try high dose omega 3 as per Rhonda Patrick's guidelines.
Insane episode, thank you! So interesting.
I absolutely love your show.🙏🏾💚🍃 I need substance like this to stimulate my brain
Excellent....have heard you speak before, but this discussion is very relatable. Thank you!
I got the privilege of being able to go to the cannabis science conference in 2018. And they actually have figured out how to reverse auto immune, at least they had started to figure it out. One of the cannabis nurses was speaking on how they can no longer find biomarkers in her labs for auto. Immune. They found that people with cancer and most diseases are deficient in canabinoids. They made a concoction for that same cannabis nurse of which cannabinoids she was Deficient of and now they can't find any signs of her autoimmune. This was done in California at USA first cannabis clinic!
Say hi to your wife. This was a gluten talk. I was hoping for material on brain inflammation, encephalitis. He knows a lot but he should notice his health lifestyle right now I think. Metabolic is his area so he should be able to update his lifestyle relatively quickly.
I appreciate “getting into the weeds”, I really needed the simpler breakdown
Thank you what a fascinating interview love your in depth discussion
Thank you- ever since the discussion of long covid began i have been thinking of viral-vector autoimmune disease. I wonder if the medical industry is being protective or something about talking about this. Thank you for talking about it!!
Long COVID is BS
Datis is amazing!! He breaks down complex info very well. How can I be a part of this man's clinical research? I have a rare nuerological tumor. There was mention of mylein sheath nerve by surgeons which he just mentioned due to inflammation in the body from food sensitivity. Feel like the best diet is air and water now. Jk
🥩 Salt and water
Tom, love your questions and analogies. Just what i would ask.
I hope Dr K will discuss how GLYPHOSATE CAUSES LEAKY GUT by ripping holes into the lumen of the gut.
Dr. K is a very smart man.
This is a great video! Thank you
I've ordered his book ("Why Isn't My Brain Working") from listening to this interview 🙂
Never thought you’d have this guy on. With it was 3x longer.
I love Dr K!!! He's so smart 🤓
It’s amazing how the human race is still alive, with everything we’re exposed to in this world over the past 100 years!
Very useful info. Thanks a lot to both of you!
Interesting conversation, thank you so much Tom🙏❤️
This guy has talking speed!
Thank you for this info! WOW!
Amazing video!! Tom I love you!
So eliminate gluten and build new neural pathways.Anti inflammatory diet and supplements such as turmeric, blueberries, salmon fish oils omega 3 are all good for inflammation in the body.
Excersise ,meditation, management off stress.
At 25:00 -- what's the simple blood test he's talking about for diagnosis?
AGHHH!!! i know. that blew me away. never was mentioned.
mean that study where it was proved that in early Parkinson's disease we do not smell garlic, peppermint and anise. Where to find it?
Great information!
My brain is currently inflamed, can someone write the takeaway of this conversation plz
Just eat meat only. It sounds crazy but it will fix literally all of ur mental problems
yeah ✊
Eliminate gluten and dairy, heal gut. Take high dose Omega 3.
Please put the info of the guest in your info under the video as well as his book. Great interview. What is the book name?
_Why Doesn't My Brain Work?_
I have long covid and that is very helpful 🙏🏻❤️🩹✨
This guy is a ball of fun.
Great interview, thank you🙏
Dang! I just tested my smell with peppermint and now peppermint smell is everywhere. I dont love mint enough to be okay with this.
So funny!
Hey Tom, how about get Dr Gabrielle Fundaro, an actual PhD in gut health on your show.
I love this!!
What about wheat and thyroid function?
Man, this discussion what kind of a trainwreck. Tom, my man, I know you get excited, but you gotta stop interrupting people with questions the instant they pop into your head.
I was tickling his blue earth balls with my tongue
Totally agree!
a person w/chronic stress from decades of chronic pain and illness with normal cortisol levels, is that adaptation or is that adrenal burn out or a combo of both?
I'd be interested to know what the doctor thinks of the carnivore diet. That's something I'm thinking of trying to combat inflammation.
He came close to mentioning it at 31:30 - 33:00. It's the most reckless way to go. Farm animals are unnaturally bred. Beef is the #1 cause of auto-immune disease. Meat = too much fat & protein that isn't handled well by the body.
A healthy low-inflammatory diet is a fruit-based diet with greens, and small amounts of potatoes and maybe grains. See the Carboraider Diet.
I have horrible gut issues(leaky gut, gastritis) & I feel it affecting my brain.
I'm not sure if I have a brain disease or not. I'm not sure what to do man. I've been dealing with this for years & no doctor seems to know as much as Dr. Kharrazian smh I truly do need help. I struggle everyday with this.
Go see a naturopath they will change your life! Or if you can not afford that, try a autoimmune/paleo diet as Dr. K said, or even a Pegan diet from Dr. Mark Hyman who I recommend you follow too.
oh and take a bio-available probiotic!
😂 now if someone told me to hold coffee in my butt would help my vagus nerve when i very first started Experiencing auto mune symptoms id be thinking they were nuts! Butt after this explanation I'm dying this is so hilarious i wonder do you use any coffee or is there like a specic kind or method to these??!
My brain is on fire lol 🔥💯🧬 &math 💪🏼💡🔦☕️🔥🔥🔥
Where can we find the research paper Dr K is referring to? His paper?
Thanks, I needed that!. 'Preciate you Tom!!
Albumin ( egg white) allergy occurs with virtual everyone with autoimmune disease.
I believe it doesn't cause it but is a consequence of it.
How do you know if you have a gluten sensitivity?
Hi! Do you know if it’s true that antioxidants interfere with chemotherapy?? Is it not a good idea to drink green tea for instance , while going through chemotherapy? I heard something about this recently. Thank you.
There are European countries that have a huge bread culture. People don't seem to have any problems and gluten allergy is basically unknown. So, there must be something beyond gluten itself. Is it the glyphosate in our diet?
That's what my molecular biologist friend says, it's the glyphosate.
@@cthornton523 At risk of sounding like my grandma, when I grew up, there were no peanut allergies. People mainly ate carbs (bread, potatoes, pasta, fruits) and were skinny without organized fitness industry. Parents made sure kids had all childhood diseases as these strengthened their life forces. With all "advances" in medicine and nutrition, why have 250 pound children become the new normal? Something is dangerously wrong with this "progress". Time to analyze, what.
@@NYGuy2000 Agreed.
@@NYGuy2000 genetically modified plant foods+gluphosate+industry chemicals+preservatives are what screw us up Today. And RF radiations
Could it be because they are GMO free over there?
To truly fight inflammation- whole food plant based vegan!
Even better is fruit-based. I've been doing that 28 years
Hi i have a question here about the leaky brain. I wish to know if you have a leaky brain you not suppose to take L-Theanine? Or what could it be the issue if you have GABA degeneration and you take L-theanine and when you do you feel your symptoms gets worse
Could anyone put down a tdlr? Would be great
I'm assuming this also applies to people who are highly inflammed because of the vaccine-induced spike proteins?
I have seborrheic dermititis and I really don't know what's causing it. What type of blood test would it be most helpful to figure out whether some kind of food or other component is resulting in this kind of skin issue? My doctors have literally told me it's genetic and the only thing I can do is treat the symptoms but surely that's not true right?
Your best option is to go see a naturopath, they will set you on the right path.
Would it help for trigeminal nerve?
I had covid 2x in 3 months. I wonder if this is why I’m getting brain fog and low energy.