For A Deaf Son - Full Documentary - Captioned

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • When Thomas Tranchin was one year old, his parents discovered he was profoundly deaf. His father, a filmmaker, produced this program (in video diary format), which originally aired on PBS. The program tells of a family's journey through a maze of emotional, educational, political and social factors as they face life-changing decisions. Includes interviews with family members, audiologists, and others. The "speech versus sign language" conflict is documented in detail. Oral, manual, and cued speech approaches are outlined and supplemented with viewpoints from a variety of sources as Tommy's parents struggle to find the best way for their child in this rare glimpse into the difficult choices faced by hearing parents of deaf children.
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  • @bigboi2007
    @bigboi2007 11 років тому +191

    This documentary really hurt my heart. You can see Thomas' frustration festering because he has no system of communication and can't interact with his family and other individuals he's closest to. We hearing folks MUST stop viewing sign language as a second class communication system, that's privileged A.F!
    R.I.P Thomas :'(

  • @alecto-aniruddha9344
    @alecto-aniruddha9344 8 років тому +71

    RIP Thomas Tranchin, 15, born on September 8, 1988 and passed away on December 9, 2003.

  • @MamaCatCat
    @MamaCatCat 11 років тому +132

    UGH! "So if the child has to choose between what comes naturally and more easily of course they are going to choose the easier route." You mean like YOU did?? YOU took the route that was easier for YOU? Even knowing that it would be harder for the child? Whatever!!! :( They should have let him sign.

  • @dothedo3667
    @dothedo3667 8 років тому +12

    That mom just doesn't understand, and just doesn't want to change her mind! Wow, seriously?!

  • @lilblacklamb222
    @lilblacklamb222 8 років тому +12

    what a sad documtory my daughter has speech delays and hearing issues. i always signed with her as a baby by the time she was 2 she could say she hurt and where all in sign and maybe one or two words shes 9 now and her hearing is better and her speech is getting there...i couldnt imagain her not being able to tell me what she was feeling or what she wanted for the frist 4 years of her life when she couldnt speak that well

  • @valeriavinogradova1648
    @valeriavinogradova1648 10 років тому +42

    It´s so sad when a child can´t communicate with his family! Actually, this child couldn´t communicate with anyone properly what makes everything even more sad. I don´t understand parents who seem to wish their child was able to hear instead of accepting his deafness and doing their best to understand his nature and deaf culture. It is very important to give your deaf child opportunity to think, learn things, create concepts in his mind - that is what should be developed and not his capacity of making sounds..
    But I think Tommy's father was able to understand the importance of using sign language for a deaf child. I hope he also managed to explain it to his wife later..
    I live in Russia and oralism still dominates here and it really makes me upset that people here have almost zero opportunity to give their children proper education in sigh language.
    And I can't help but have tears in my eyes because of what happened to the poor child. RIP, Tommy.

  • @midgepaws264
    @midgepaws264 9 років тому +19

    "If you choose to learn American Sign Language, and to only communicate in American Sign Language, you are part of that deaf culture. However, if you choose to learn spoken English, you can be part of the American culture."
    Being part of deaf culture is un-American?? Deaf culture falls outside of American culture? So if you communicate only with ASL, do you automatically lose your citizenship? This is NOT what Switched at Birth has taught me.

  • @BaraTheVeggie
    @BaraTheVeggie 9 років тому +12

    so hard to watch... damn

  • @catherinemchugh4478
    @catherinemchugh4478 10 років тому +15

    this video broke my heart. i can understand that this must have been extremely difficult as parents living in a hearing world with no understanding of a deaf and visual world but i can't help but feel that with all the research that had been done that this child didn't receive the full benefit of what has been shown. it is obvious Thomas' frustration trying to communicate with his parents yet unable to makes me sad. doesn't it seem so obvious that the children that were able to sign able to communicate without problem? Thomas' mother seemed to limit her son. she wanted to force speech onto him because it would be easier for her. it seemed Thomas' father was more open to the idea of him learning sign language. im not saying they failed Thomas. i know there is more awareness now what would be best for a deaf child and as parents they asked what would be recommended for thomas, yet the schools let the parents down and therefore letting thomas down. reading comments i can see Thomas apparently has taken his own life. i so hope this is not true. :-(

    • @hthumbs4072
      @hthumbs4072 10 років тому +15

      That mom was ignorant and closed minded. That poor child.

    • @matseattle
      @matseattle 9 років тому +3

      Often Hearing mother do not always understand or know about how to raise deaf boy. if I have a deaf children We can communicate American Sign Language. Dont need poor symathy. Raise and send to deaf school often a great program. Sign Exact English might not the best choice. Use ASL and don't force deaf children to oral training is very 90 percent failed. I have a hearing daughter of two. I have no problem with my daughters. 90 percent Hearing parents do have a deaf child or more than one. due to family tree do have a several deaf family generation. Doctor always tell hearing parent to send the children to wrong place for school for the deaf children. 46 state do have a deaf school.. Great program.

  • @DeafCanadianGal
    @DeafCanadianGal 11 років тому +3

    When was it made in? And I am curious what's new with Thomas??? I am Deaf, myself and raised oral then started learning ASL in my teen years. I use ASL more but still talk when I feel like. I am proud of who I am... It would be nice to see where Thomas is at in his life, does he use ASL or oral? The most important thing is to be himself and be happy... :)

  • @Isaid25
    @Isaid25 10 років тому +3

    great documentary.

  • @auti34
    @auti34 8 років тому +3

    it very hard for most deaf people to read lips it always best to learn asl an speech
    an to not teach a deaf or a child with hearing imparment asl is like not letting a hearing baby learn to talk

  • @jonasbrothersrockist
    @jonasbrothersrockist 7 років тому

    Family has some deaf family and hearing family.

  • @airplaneoverhead
    @airplaneoverhead 11 років тому +1

    What happened?

  • @candiaki214
    @candiaki214 10 років тому +5

    I have said this before in other places but while i do agree that using a spoken language is very useful i dont think its right to pick one or the other. If i have a deaf or hard of hearing child yes i would want them to speak if possible and i can admit to the fact that i would force them to learn and practice but if the prefered sign fine. At home school with friends and family we would sign too, or you wouldnt be invited. I am not sure if i would get a CI for my child even if it was the only way for them to hear at all because i myself am against nonlifesaving surgery but HA sure leave it off when your home just wear it to Speech therepy and when you go out for emergencies. Btw i am hearing with no kids. And i see signing as a good language to know and a way to make life a little easier for those without full hearing and those who cannot speak

  • @LeikoUltreras
    @LeikoUltreras 9 років тому

    Nice very :)

  • @xRainbowCloud
    @xRainbowCloud 7 років тому +117

    This was painful to watch. That poor kid was denied a language by his own parents because they couldn't accept he couldn't be what they wanted him to be. The mother, especially, was incredibly selfish and self-involved in her logic and decision making. The father, at least, was attempting to find solutions to help his son, but he didn't push very hard to get it soon enough.
    I'm not deaf, but I am visually impaired and have Asperger's, and I can respect the struggles deaf people go through in order to fit in somewhere, the obstacles they face in order to communicate, and I know if I had a deaf child I would never deny them of a world where they can express themselves. I would want them to learn and use sign language (BSL, though, not ASL) as their first language, and, yes, I would want to try to help them learn to hear much as they can, if possible, and attempt speech, so that when they were old enough they would then have the choice to either be bilingual or to pick one or the other - I would want them to be able to cope in both worlds, to communicate in both worlds, and enjoy what both worlds have to offer, but, ultimately, I would want to set them up enough so that they could choose their own path, what's right for them. The mother here claims to want for her son, but she wants only for herself, and I don't need to be deaf to see that - she deprived her own son of language and put him in a prison she helped create where he was isolated and alone, trapped, and it was so devastatingly obvious how much he longed to break free of it.

  • @MrOnionterror
    @MrOnionterror 10 років тому +147

    I think the mother's in denial, thinking that if he learns to sign he'll be Deaf, rather than just deaf. I don't understand why she can't let him go to a deaf school to learn ASL and speak to him at home. That's what millions of immigrant families do all over the world- speak their native language among themselves and use English at school.

  • @Krissy19986
    @Krissy19986 10 років тому +74

    I could barely watch this w/o crying, i understand the problems with both forms of commuication. But the Mother talks about limiting him, but by only using voice that is EXACTLY what she has done, limited him. He is so fustrated because he can't tell you whats wrong, what he wants. WHY CANT HE HAVE BOTH, learning sign language does not mean not learning speech. Theres Total Communication, he could have been learning so much more than "Airplane" and "Baseball." Why, For what? What does it prove, no matter what hes still want him to learn and communicate...why does it matter how? Why does it have to be so exclusive?
    RIP Tommy, we hope you found you voice before you left us :(

  • @nyeahsquidward5275
    @nyeahsquidward5275 7 років тому +23

    i don't like that lady

  • @ihategoogle2382
    @ihategoogle2382 9 років тому +18

    What the mother does not realise, is that there's a certain window for a child to learn a language fluently. She's afraid that he will not learn speech if he doesn't start early, but she doesn't realise that even if he learns to pronounce word, he can't learn language properly. A child does not learn language when you tell him, that's an apple, that's a truck, etc. He learns it by hearing people talk, and Thomas does not have that.

  • @emilygarcia1539
    @emilygarcia1539 11 років тому +32

    Hi! An Audiologist at my school said the last update he got was that Thomas, as a teenager was severely depressed and took his own life :( He took his life in 2003, at the age of 15.

  • @mrj.kottari8453
    @mrj.kottari8453 6 років тому +21

    Around 14:30 I spontaneously yelled "JUST LET HIM SIGN AND LEARN ASL!! 😫😫" at my mobile device...
    If he was taught signing and he went to Deaf School starting from kindergarten year, I'm quite sure he wouldn't have committed the awful thing to himself in 2003....

  • @Mebako
    @Mebako 10 років тому +54

    The mother is doing her son a disservice by not giving him the option to learn all venues of communicating. She means well, but she's so stuck in how she doesn't want to have to accommodate to his way of speaking - very sad! Cant wait til this summer til I begin my 1st course of ASL!!!!!!!!!!

  • @auti34
    @auti34 8 років тому +19

    hello not everyone can learn to talk

  • @marquezrobinson7492
    @marquezrobinson7492 7 років тому +33

    The part when the mother was in denial made me cry because I got a real sense of how devastating it would be to not be able to communicate with your own child but then it was very reassuring when they decided to choose ASL

  • @sally-annebrown2341
    @sally-annebrown2341 6 років тому +19

    That poem about the dandelion was enjoyable. I am partially deaf and smiled as i understood what was being narrated

  • @fanwood1977
    @fanwood1977 11 років тому +9

    Hey Parents come on dont feel pity about your son Thomas is deaf. Be proud about your son Thomas is deaf. Thomas wants you choice to learn American Sign Language for his life. Please learn ASL now for your own son's sake also his brother must go to ASL classes to communicate everyday will development better faster education with Thomas for sure 100% guarantee. It is really easy and fun to learn ASL. All deaf is belong to ASL. Believe or not all hearing babies learn signs faster than talks. YES

  • @francishouse1277
    @francishouse1277 10 років тому +27

    What a sad (though realistic) documentary, made even sadder when I learned that Thomas committed suicide at age 15. Research shows that regardless of what track the parents choose for their Deaf child so long as they are involved, engaged, and committed, the child has a greater chance for success later in life. I wanted to strangle a couple of "professionals" who basically stated that ASL would not enable Deaf children to communicate with hearing people, but that speech would (the mom pretty much agreed with her constant denials). Such an arrogant and narrow viewpoint just shows how small-minded they are. It was frustrating to repeatedly witness the mom and speech teacher talking behind Thomas as if he could understand them. For all their research, the parents just needed to commit to something and remain involved, then who knows, perhaps his suicide could have been avoided.

  • @grandma2maj
    @grandma2maj 11 років тому +12

    Such an unbiased and excellently put together film! So sad to learn what happened to Thomas though at age 15.

  • @electrogeek77
    @electrogeek77 9 років тому +15

    This bothered me from the start. What was supposed to be about Thomas' experience, turned out to be a big "woe is us" production about his hearing family. (We've had similar "stories" from allistics in the autistic community)

  • @petsmart1000
    @petsmart1000 11 років тому +8

    i agree with you Jarred, hearing people think it's easier for the kids to learn to speak orally rather than learning to speak with ASL, but they are so wrong, it's not easier for the kids, it's easier for the parents, the hearing people, how would they feel if they couldn't communicate orally? it would be so hard to try & let people know what they want or need or tell them how they feel. they should let their kids learn ASL w/out a doubt. it's really sad they won't let the kids learn ASL. :(

  • @davecunningham6103
    @davecunningham6103 6 років тому +7

    Tommy would be 30 now. I wonder how and where he is?

  • @lanchal1
    @lanchal1 11 років тому +2

    Oh dear - what a waste of time to learn words from someone who hides mouth with hand!
    Sign a words for Mother/Father/Brother and his sign vocabulary will grow quicker than learning the words by sounds

  • @polydipsiac
    @polydipsiac 7 років тому +7

    43:58 my favorite quote.

  • @angelawinters5530
    @angelawinters5530 8 років тому +19

    Really ASL is Truly and Amazing True Language !!!!!!!! Deaf is an Amazing Culture how can a mother be so selfish really !!!!!!My son is Deaf and he is perfect God does not make mistakes !!!!Should love her soon for who he is not what she wants him to be.....the same as everyone else !!!!! My child is a Grift from God !!!! Embrace his Deaf culture and love him !

  • @SignWorldTV
    @SignWorldTV 11 років тому +1

    Your documentary film is an experience to watch. I applaud your dedication in making this film for Thomas. Can you make a sequel on how he is doing now at the age of 12 years old? I would love to see how his life has transformed using ASL, english and speech? Thank you!

  • @paulgoedecke8458
    @paulgoedecke8458 9 років тому +4

    My wife is an ASL Interpreter, pidgeon, Signed English, and a transliterator. She knows Cued Speech as well. She has and is working with the deaf, we have a deaf son and brother n laws. One of my brother in laws learned the same way Thomas did and has done well but had a mother who was there for him. He later learned ASL but can communicate with hearing people very well. Our experience of over 35 years shows that no matter what a deaf person learns, they need a support system hopefully first with their family then with others.
    ASL is one of the hardest languages to learn especially for the hearing community as it is based upon the French language/linguistics which is opposite of English. What is important is that the family can communicate. ASL being so hard and extensive (especially with the varying dialects), hearing parents leave it up to interpreters or school officials to communicate to their own child. They typically have sent their children off to deaf boarding or day schools which then further divide the family.
    In my family experience we have relied on total communication using Cued Speech for education since it is easy to learn and allows one to communicate in English directly. Our son also was able to get a CI which enabled his hearing ability. We also used Signed English and ASL for social contexts. We only wish we had learned Cued Speech when he was young.
    Some in the Deaf Community want ASL hegemony over all other forms of language which we have run into many times. Some certifying organizations will only allow ASL to be certifiable especially for professional interpreters. They say ASL is the "Deaf" language like it is sacred or something. That if you get a Cochlear Implant you are somehow a "traitor" to the Deaf. My wife had a deaf friend who used Cued Speech and went to Galludett Univ. When she got there the other students beat her up because of that. But we have seen the educational effects of ASL only philosophy and stand against it because of the fruit we have seen. Most ASL only persons only reach lower elementary age level of education which has limited their ability to be successful. They can barely write and understand English. Thus, many get a "Deaf Only" mindset trying to isolate themselves from the larger community making their social and economic situation even worse. Many if not most are on SSI or other type of welfare. This is sad.
    On the other hand, those we have met that have mastered Cued Speech have reached the highest levels in education being able to understand, write and speak well in the English language. They also use ASL, Signed English or Pidgeon to communicate in social contexts. I guess our point is to use everything and all things to better the lives of our children. This in our experience is the means where the deaf can be set at liberty to everything God has for them rather than being limited and dependent upon others.

  • @marquezrobinson7492
    @marquezrobinson7492 7 років тому +3

    That kid was very adorable

  • @BlindLed
    @BlindLed 11 років тому +2

    Thank you for helping to promote better needed sensitivity and understanding!

  • @susannerivera1643
    @susannerivera1643 11 років тому +4

    Very inspirating, I can't image how beautiful these stories I love!! It is true that I am proud of being deaf, not bother me for what God gives sign language to Deaf world!

  • @charlottemccall6856
    @charlottemccall6856 9 років тому +2

    These parents are so courageous to share their story. As the parent of a deaf child I appreciated this documentary so much when he was little. I haven't watched it for years and it still touched my heart when I saw it today.

  • @elenoraw.h.7857
    @elenoraw.h.7857 8 років тому +1

    I am only watching this since in my ASL class, the speakers are like a whisper. So, no one can here anything, and our teacher is also deaf so he can't really get that we can't hear anything. Now I have to watch this on my own time to fill a paper out because of our crappy speakers

  • @topgoose4818
    @topgoose4818 6 років тому

    Simpsons ASL 2 sucks