This is a video comparing the 5 Chromatics. You have explained the advantages and disadvantages well, but sound / notes should have been added as these are the most important characteristics for a musical instrument.
Găsești la toate magazinele on-line din Romania și cromatice și diatonice. Bani să ai . Am cumpărat și eu vreo 20 de toate tipurile și mărcile (hohner, suzuki, lee oscar, tombo, seydel).
Il manque le SEYDEL DELUXE qui est le meilleur à mon avis et de très loin......durabilité des anches,inox,straigh pour la tirette (plus rapide) résine pour le sommier ......,aucune comparaison avec les précités.Seul KONGSENG peut rivaliser avec le LYRA doré (straight homes)
This is a video comparing the 5 Chromatics. You have explained the advantages and disadvantages well, but sound / notes should have been added as these are the most important characteristics for a musical instrument.
We are poor guys so we need cheap & best one to fulfill our desire. Would you please mention such harmonica? We will be obliged. Thanks.
Easttop Forerunner 1248NV is good for its price (looks very much like No 3 in this video).
I want the sazuki 4 octave. How much
Doresc o hormonica în Romania
Găsești la toate magazinele on-line din Romania și cromatice și diatonice. Bani să ai . Am cumpărat și eu vreo 20 de toate tipurile și mărcile (hohner, suzuki, lee oscar, tombo, seydel).
You didn’t play them to give me some idea of the tone
click the link for more info
Il manque le SEYDEL DELUXE qui est le meilleur à mon avis et de très loin......durabilité des anches,inox,straigh pour la tirette (plus rapide) résine pour le sommier ......,aucune comparaison avec les précités.Seul KONGSENG peut rivaliser avec le LYRA doré (straight homes)
All five harmonicas are under twenty thousand
All these five are entry level harmonica. Learn more about better harmonica
Is a $400 chromatic harmonica considered entry level?