Johnny Depp defamation trial testimony VS Amber Heard - victim or perpetrator

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @gemmacgregor
    @gemmacgregor 2 роки тому +36

    Pausing to make a comment about why his childhood trauma was relevant and not sympathy seeking. It seems to have shaped the way he handled conflict and stress. By retreat. Also, it shows how what Amber would verbally attack him with were his tender areas that to you or me might seem insignificant. To him they were a part of his deepest pain and weaknesses.

    • @carolinecoy3164
      @carolinecoy3164 Рік тому +1

      And very demeaning. She knew exactly what she was doing. It was her way to get him to stay for the fight.

  • @Jaggededge112
    @Jaggededge112 2 роки тому +34

    The audio tapes I’ve heard were pretty bad though. Amber yelling at him and admitting to hitting him and throwing glass bottles at him. Also she states he runs away like a coward. What abuser runs away instead of fighting? I know I was abused and he didn’t run away ever.

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому +2

      She has video of him being abusive toward her. It’s both of them. He’s trying to play the sympathy card.

    • @Jaggededge112
      @Jaggededge112 2 роки тому +2

      @@debshaw680 I haven’t seen that. Do you have a link?

    • @Jaggededge112
      @Jaggededge112 2 роки тому +20

      @@debshaw680 are you talking about the video where she’s screaming at him and he’s slamming cupboard doors and yelling back? He isn’t being violent towards her he isn’t touching her he isn’t throwing anything at her he walks away. She’s steadily screaming and baiting him and calls him coward for walking away from the fight. She isn’t scared of him. She isn’t a victim.

    • @bellycurious
      @bellycurious 2 роки тому +5

      @@debshaw680 , the cabinet slamming video? He said in the video it has nothing to do with her. And she smirks at the end of the video. Nop, just nop.

  • @gearupgifts
    @gearupgifts 2 роки тому +17

    What a mess..... I remember seeing Johnny at some event back in '17 or '18 and the journo asked him how he was. He replied "I'm confused, and I want to go home" (ie back to Vanessa Paradis his previous wife of some 20 years or so). He said just yesterday in the court about marrying Amber "I married my mother". It's very likely that Johnny was subconsciously drawn to Amber because she was indeed very like his mother. There is no doubt she is aggressive and abusive as there are so many testimonies from other people also stating that. I don't think she could believe her luck when the A list Hollywood superstar, Johnny Depp showed an interest in her and I think she did an Amanda Holden (Amanda married Les Dennis who was doing Saturday night TV at the time just so she could get famous then binned him off like trash when she did get famous). I think Amber is just as shallow and married Johnny just to improve her profile and for no other reason. Can't help but feel so sad for Johnny. Sadly he can't "go home" (back to Vanessa) but he needs lots of love around him. Poor guy..... He just needs a cuddle....

  • @shaz8486
    @shaz8486 2 роки тому +21

    In MY opinion…I think AH was the aggressor…..if JD was an abuser the women would be coming out of the woodwork screaming abuse … they always do, BUT ……the women are coming out and saying he was never abusive at all. I believe once an abuser, always an abuser ! I was in a DV situation for four years, it was not nice fearing for your life or when the next beating would be for the top you had, on or the way your hair was cut ….
    I BELIEVE JD is innocent, I have NOT watched any of the trial, but other females are saying he has never been abusive, I believe them, it just doesn’t suddenly happen, it’s in the person, and after many relationships I don’t believe he would have never ever been abusive, otherwise all the women would be running to defend AH ….you can have all your psych degrees, but after living with DV …… it changes your perspective on lots of things. I have heard there is a recording of AH abusing JD, he walked away, he if was an abuser that alone would have set him off….sorry I don’t agree with everything you say.

  • @EllenAre321
    @EllenAre321 2 роки тому +6

    I'm sorry but who is a witness claiming he regularly abused amber? I have been watching and all the witnesses I have watched, never saw Johnny being the abuser, including 4 police officers who saw no injuries or marks of any kind the day of the supposed abuse that made her get a restraining order. She is the abuser

  • @melg4759
    @melg4759 2 роки тому +4

    I think the reason why it is relevant his abusive relationship with his mother, and the fact that he watched his father take it. He later said he took it because his dad did, and he didn’t want to be a coward and walk away. So I think those details make it easier to understand why he stayed.

  • @brasschick4214
    @brasschick4214 2 роки тому +5

    Considering Johnny has had relationships without any DV.
    Amber Heard has been accused of DV abuse prior.
    Past history goes to future behaviour.
    Not to say that their marriage was not messy and both carry some responsibility.
    He has lost a lot due to her allegations coming out in a post-Me Too environment and she has gained a higher profile and profited. This needs to be factored in as well.

  • @amymarez8120
    @amymarez8120 2 роки тому +6

    JD’s past abuse history isn’t relevant? C’mon doc. Of course it is. It explains why, if he’s innocent, that he stayed with her for as long as he did, and further didn’t defend himself initially against her. Probably due to the shame he felt at being abused by another woman who was supposed to love him

  • @shelly4975
    @shelly4975 2 роки тому +12

    I never comment but have to say that my ex abuser goes around bad mouthing me etc claiming that I abused him as I really don't think that perpetrators actually believe that they are in the wrong ever and are justified in their actions. I too believe that this couples relationship was 6 of one and half a dozen of the other .

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому

      In these situations, it takes two to tango.

    • @RebeccaLynn378
      @RebeccaLynn378 2 роки тому +2

      @@debshaw680 I have seen you comment a few times and it is clear you are an AH supporter.
      If a woman was in Johnny Depp's place and a man in Amber Heard's place, would you say it takes two to tango? I don't think you would. A man CAN be a victim/survivor of DV and never have struck/kicked/choked/etc. a woman.

  • @kumkumjain9997
    @kumkumjain9997 2 роки тому +4

    any older woman wil tell u amber is a "type" of hunter...she hs worse problms thn depp

  • @LisaRichards_123
    @LisaRichards_123 2 роки тому +2

    The makeup Amber’s lawyer claimed she carried in her purse in 2017 in her opening statement did not even exist till 2017.

  • @kumkumjain9997
    @kumkumjain9997 2 роки тому +3

    regular drug taking makes u a jekyll +hyde person

  • @ZeroOne46
    @ZeroOne46 2 роки тому +5

    I agree that we don't know whether he's innocent or guilty. But you spoke of video footage and witnesses not being present, but there's audio recordings and text messages. They don't tell the whole story but they do add some credibility to some of what he's saying. Not sure what you thought of those in conjunction to his testimony but...???

  • @hannojaanniidas9655
    @hannojaanniidas9655 2 роки тому +2

    The point Dr Das makes about how whether one is a Depp or Heard fan influencing one's opinion of the testimony both gave on the stand has much merit. On a different matter I really enjoyed Kevin Spacey's performance in the series "House of Cards" until allegations of sexual misconduct were made against him by several men through the #MeToo movement and, quite suddenly, I could no longer watch the series. I can't explain my reaction, but let me leave that aside. In the case of Depp vs Heard (as much as I've followed it), my intuitive feeling is that Depp was more truthful in his testimony than Heard. Depp's illustrators (the gestures that he made with his hands) were synchronised with his words when he described how a bottle thrown at him by Heard flew past his head, whilst Heard used her left hand to illustrate how a telephone she claimed Depp threw at her that left a bruise on her right cheek. Depp normally answered the questions that he was posed to lawyers, rather than the jurors, but Heard often turned toward the jurors when she gave her answers, and gave them a stunningly emotional display that switched off as she turned back to the lawyer to hear the next question. Under cross-examination she often showed contempt and disdain (assymetrical movements of the muscles around the mouth). The facial expression of emotions fade but, in Heard's case, these often seemed to switch from one to another depending on whether she was speaking to the jury or listening to the lawyer. This is bizarre behaviour and most people are able to pick up on it, as humans have been reading body language longer than we've had verbal speech. All of this said, Heard's answers were long, detailed and, in places, contradictory whilst Depp's answers were shorter and the cadence of his speech more consisent, even under cross-examination, which is always more stressful. He did engage in severity softening when he spoke about his abuse of alcohol and drugs, but he didn't deny it either. In summary, I believe Depp left a more believable and honest impression of a flawed though mostly truthful person, whilst Heard seemed incredible, even outrageously manipulative at times.

  • @donnamaria3887
    @donnamaria3887 2 роки тому +2

    My mother was a bi-polar manic depressive & Alcoholic for 13yrs of my life, she frequently told me that i was an abortion that she was 1 week too far gone to go through with it!! I was regulary beaten and verbally abused. Never shown or told love and so became emotionally detatched, However i went into a nursing career which i excelled at.
    My older brother however plays the mental health card and is a total Narccist (sorry about the spelling) he borders on being a Sociopath!! I have NO relationship with him and the mother died 4yrs ago thank god. My heart and soul is pure with so much love.

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +1

      Because you survived without support doesn't mean others like your brother don't deserve support. Please reverse your thinking, it's so damaging and unnecessarily so. Your mother was also the product of trauma and a lack of empathy. Break the chain. Respect your brother's humanity, you are not better than him. He deserves help. Neither of you deserved abuse.

    • @donnamaria3887
      @donnamaria3887 2 роки тому +1

      @@joshuataylor3550 I am Stronger because i survived!! My brother became equally as abusive to me and broke several of my bones! Cutting ties helped me to heal and to realize that my life did mean something! I have emense empathy toward victims of abuse, However i refuse to feed into my brothers games!! Whom may i add does NOT dare try with my older sister! I am a loving indipendant woman who went on to shower both my children with love.

    • @CrystalShadow
      @CrystalShadow Рік тому

      You are an earth angel! Look after yourself and do not feel bad about removing toxic people including family from your life. ❤❤❤

    • @CrystalShadow
      @CrystalShadow Рік тому

      @@joshuataylor3550he’s an adult and toxic. She deserves to protect herself.

  • @NKA23
    @NKA23 2 роки тому +4

    I don't think that the abuse Mr. Depp had to endure (allegedly) during his childhood is irrelevant to this case, even if he's innocent. People who were abused as children don't only often become abusive themselves later in life, but also often end up with abusive partners as well, even if themselves don't become abusive. It would explain why he stayed with Ms. Heard even after she began to abuse him. I don't know if he really never hit Ms. Heard, but I do think, that if he did, it was in self-defense, as she was diagnosed to suffer from NPD, BPD and ASDP, which can explain why she possibly lied about him abusing her, why she possibly is lying during this trial as well and even why she might actually believe that he even sexually assaulted or raped her (she DID chop off one of his fingertips though). People suffering from BPD sometimes retrospectively change their opinions and even their memories about if a sexual encounter was consensual or not or if they had attacked somebody or if they had to defend themselves. People suffering from NPD and/or ASDP are VERY often patholigical liars and TYPICALLY blame others for conflicts or troubles they originally initiated themselves. She claimed (during several trials and while being interviewed by police) that Mr. Depp abused her so regularily, that she was scared of him all the time during vast parts of their marriage and that she was too afraid to even talk to him, especially in any challenging manner, as he would then "explode" and abuse her again. Witness telling that they saw her provoking and/or verbally and/or physically abusing Mr. Depp without him "exploding" are also very important to this case, because if she lies about her having been afraid to even talk to him, she might lie about everything she says about his behaviour during their relationship. To win this case , Mr. Depp doesn't have to prove that he's innocent, he just has to cause reasonable doubts that he's guilty of what Ms. Heard has accused him. Yes, people having problems with substance abuse CAN become victims of violence, they CAN be gentle, non-violent people and they CAN be abused by their partners, even if they are males and their partners are females.

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому

      You’re saying anyone can become and do anything for good or I’ll. 😆 You can’t believe either of them.

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому

      Borderline? Oh, ya, I could agree with that. Narcissist? Histrionic? mmmmmmaybe, but she is a famous movie star. Antisocial? I just don't see it. She's definitely somewhere in cluster b land, though

    • @NKA23
      @NKA23 2 роки тому

      @@ttrainor70 Most people suffering from personality disorders don't just show "pure symptoms" of one PD, but usually a combination of two or more PDs, with one being more distinct. Somebody who has a combination of NPD and BPD would probably show behaviour patterns very similiar to somebody with an ASPD, but less tending towards breaking the law on a regular basis and in various ways. On the other hand, she might even be a functional psychopath. Pathological lying, blaming others on conflicts or troubles one has initiated oneself and playing the victim to ruin somebody else's life and career wouldn't be unheard of in regard to female functional psychopaths. She basically prophesized what has happened to Mr. Depp up to this point, when she told him "Nobody will believe you, because I am a woman and you are a man". The problem is, that her lies (if she's lying about their relationship) have grown so big by now, that she cannot backpaddle, as that would destroy her own career and reputation. At this moment, she is clearly still the "winner" of their toxic marriage and the equally toxic end of it.

  • @janealdworth4341
    @janealdworth4341 2 роки тому +3

    she has admitted on audio to abusing him, his ex's have come forward to defend him. you have done this video on one side, AH hasn't been questioned yet.

  • @Doc-Martens
    @Doc-Martens 2 роки тому +5

    I think its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other with those 2

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому

      Not really though, Amber said Johnny is an abuser and Johnny said she lied. Only one is right.

    • @Doc-Martens
      @Doc-Martens 2 роки тому

      @@joshuataylor3550 they both are abusive to each other its a toxic relationship they both have issues so yes both can be the perpetrator ive seen it many times

  • @HurricaneScully
    @HurricaneScully Рік тому

    I'm a new follower. I came from Kimberleigha's channel. Absolutely love your videos

  • @JosephineKyle
    @JosephineKyle 2 роки тому

    Your joke about taking over the world made me literally chuckle out loud. Well done. Inserted fast and without fanfare. Very dry. Loved it!

  • @karenmacnel1789
    @karenmacnel1789 2 роки тому +1

    I didn't get the impression his history of abuse was offered as an excuse but as context to help inform an opinion in a "he said she said" case no?

  • @robynbleazby7971
    @robynbleazby7971 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for your information. I have found it very interesting and educational

  • @CV-2411
    @CV-2411 2 роки тому +2

    Am not a fan of depp . The only thing that makes me think he's not lying is that all those audios and videos were recorded by amber without his knowledge and none of those show that he ever hit her or verbally abused her. On the other hand, amber knew she was recording so there's all possibility that she was careful not to say or do anything that would make her look bad. We don't need psychological or psychiatric knowledge to understand this simple thing. It's common sense.

  • @oem8530
    @oem8530 2 роки тому +1

    I haven't read a single comment that says JD is innocent because they are a fan, because he is good looking, because he presents well or badly etc...thank god most people who comment are seeing a man who is a victim of malignant narcissistic abuse by a woman in this case,but it could be anybody in any situation doing this not just DV, and many people are either too distracted to really pay attention as to what is going on, or worse are sort of ignorant of this vile kind of abuse and are themselves sort of manipulated by society which is itself to a good degree gaslit to the truth and so the perpetrators go generally unpunished or rewarded, because people don't know how to look and how to correctly interpret what they see. It's extremely painful for someone who went through it and survived it by miracle after years of mental illness and ptsd. I really hope JD can win it,most people don't realize how important this trial is for the good of society in the future, but it's certainly not those who comment on JD's deposition videos wishing and praying. I also have no definitive grounds to assume this but my heart sank a bit at the idea that a CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST would overall come across as rather superficial and condescending, talking with a great degree of self confidence about things that by and large are not even true, and couldn't even find 1 second to acknowledge the existence of this horrific dynamic. When they tell you that not all mental health professionals understand or even know malignant narcissism and it's deadly implications exist, they are sadly right. I hope I am wrong concerning this particular case.

  • @BecBec295
    @BecBec295 2 роки тому +2

    I think you're maybe not aware of all the information that is in the public domain in this case. When I first heard about the allegations against Johnny Depp I was horrified and it changed my view of him. Just like the information on Mel Gibson, Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby changed my views of them, pretty much immediately. However, when the recordings came out, and all the other information on Amber Heard came out I realized that this was most likely an exception to the rule that we should always believe victims. The evidence against both is not equal.

  • @Dink1963
    @Dink1963 2 роки тому

    Love the info, your style, your vibe

  • @erikavaleries
    @erikavaleries 2 роки тому

    What kind of regional UK accent is yours?! Love it and the channel

  • @kerry7216
    @kerry7216 2 роки тому +2

    Sounds like the relationship was toxic for both of them, I defer judgement to the experts

  • @mamagold7200
    @mamagold7200 2 роки тому +1

    Listen to the audio recordings

  • @1957es
    @1957es 2 роки тому +2

    AH ‘s case has just started. She is the only witness so far. So other than what you heard or read prior, there have been no witnesses called for the defense other than Amber’s expert who was hearing one side so therefore no one but from the London trial could have accused Depp in a legal setting. Amber’s sister walked out of her deposition. Why? She would have been a major witness for Amber. Elon Musk and James Franco were expected to testify for her and aren’t. Why? Beard’s parents said the TRO was only done for legal reasons and they loved him (from a text.) Her father and exBFF voluntarily handed over their phones with their text messages to be used by the Depp team. You obviously have only watched Depp’s testimony and are making a silly point that you can’t judge a book by its cover. I was no fan of Depp. Couldn’t even watch more than ten minutes of any Pirates movie but I think she’s a “Gone Girl.” Probably all the “silly”people defending him in the comments are doing so because they have watched the whole trial, unlike you and it’s clear she prevaricates. I’m gone girl. Maybe your other videos are better but this was clickbait.

  • @kernowarty
    @kernowarty 2 роки тому +1

    Does he say "hello cool or cruel world"?

  • @kittysparkleeyes
    @kittysparkleeyes 2 роки тому +2

    i don't presume to know if johnny is innocent or not , though i do like him as an actor. we do need to hear what Amber Heard has to say too. that said , it'd interesting that DESPITE being an actor too, AH does come across quite unpleasant and not likeable. you would think she would do more to present herself in a sympathetic light.

  • @julieo4580
    @julieo4580 2 роки тому

    @A Psych For Sore Minds what is your opinion on so many people who are able to get prescriptions for Provigil and Nuvigil? I’m narcoleptic and I had to jump through hoops to get anything prescribed and then I hear all these people take nootropics like it’s ibuprofen. It’s crazy!! And especially if there’s any comorbidities like mental health issues.

  • @theifysnightmare1316
    @theifysnightmare1316 2 роки тому +3

    im under no illusion, they are both as bad as each other, their relashionship was toxic for them both, but i feel like Johnnys got the worse of it and Ambers recived nothing for how she equally abused him, her whole attitude rubs me up the wrong way throughout this, her arragance and the fact shes had no reprocusions when theres evidence against her just makes me mad.

  • @susanann843
    @susanann843 2 роки тому

    So if you think he is this abusive man why have all his other partners come out and said so?

  • @bjppage1186
    @bjppage1186 2 роки тому +1

    Just reading a articles instead of actually making up his mind

  • @markgado8782
    @markgado8782 2 роки тому

    You need to add a "boom" on your last finger point during intro, just b4 ominous.. 😉✌

  • @susanann843
    @susanann843 2 роки тому +1

    He also said he would hide away from his mother through fear I had a very unpredictable mother and believed what he said she has shown to be a lier Australia 🇦🇺 he constantly tied to get away from this woman, I personally didn't stop been afraid of her until I was in my 30 and to say what happens in your child hood donent matter I have to respectfully disagree with you I suffer with mental health problems myself, sorry but I would always beleave JD over AH

  • @bleedingbitzy
    @bleedingbitzy 2 роки тому

    I respect all your opinions until you plugged shaun Atwood. Please can you give your opinion on him and Daddygate incident. Exploitation of a vulnerable woman

  • @deborahmulkey1627
    @deborahmulkey1627 2 роки тому +1

    Why does it have to be one of them is lying?
    What if they're both abusers and drink and do drugs which exacerbates or amplifies their stressors?
    They are two sides to the story.

    • @danielx555
      @danielx555 2 роки тому

      And the thing that Depp's attorneys must prove is that Amber Heard did not believe that she was a victim of abuse at the time that she said she was. Clearly she was awful, especially as their relationship fell apart, but I would wager that she believed that she was being abused.

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому +1

      Because it is a defamation suit, which by definition involves lying. In this case, Amber is the alleged liar. We'll hear both sides of the story as the trial continues but it's not looking good for Amber so far

  • @user-tf3je6vi4q
    @user-tf3je6vi4q Рік тому +1

    This was not a very good video, you keep talking that he is an actor, so is amber. I hope you have heard the audio- ? AH is the only one who has been arrested for dv of a former partner.

  • @susanann843
    @susanann843 2 роки тому +1

    I think your wrong and yes I know your a professional but in this case I think your wrong the way JD got away from his mother was to hide as he tried to do with AH and she would not allow him to get away from her I don't know him but I could see his reaction to be true me and my sister had no were to hide but would if we could.

  • @sylviahall5667
    @sylviahall5667 2 роки тому

    I did not know about Johnnys background so I did not think I’m guilty os innocent because I listened to what Amber said and as a victim of domestic abuse both t

  • @elizabethgulley7044
    @elizabethgulley7044 2 роки тому +1

    Would it not be the most difficult thing to have a trial with 2 ACTORS on both sides? They lie for a living. They get into character and learn their lines. If I were a judge idk what I would believe.

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +1

      This isn't logical, non-actors are also capable of acting. Judges and juries only analyse the evidence.

  • @carolinecoy3164
    @carolinecoy3164 Рік тому

    I get you're a phycologist and all, and thats what you're analysing. But surely you can have an opinion on a whole as a normal person looking at this. Thats what everyone else has done. You are a person aside being a phycologist

  • @sylviahall5667
    @sylviahall5667 2 роки тому

    Physical and violent abuse so nothing she said seemed to ring true sorry it’s in to parts but my fingers go there own way in old age

  • @sunnymoondog
    @sunnymoondog 2 роки тому +1

    I'm stunned that so many people are 100% on his side.

    • @Jaggededge112
      @Jaggededge112 2 роки тому +2

      I’m stunned people are on Ambers side.

  • @araconteur3737
    @araconteur3737 2 роки тому

    Dear doc,
    Sorry to have to do this, I am an asshole and it's hard to not point out what went wrong here, I'm like Sheldon Cooper and I must inform you thustly or my mind won't shut up and let me relax. It was only a week into the trial and there was 5 more weeks of trial. Even tho you do say that "I'm not saying he is guilty (but) I'm not saying he is innocent" thing is that this is kinda like one of those statements where there is a "But,...." And like we say over here "ignore everything before the 'but' because everything after is what they really mean."
    This is a career minefield of a topic to try and cover. One slight mistake and you're career is over and I'm not saying you're doing anything "wrong" but possibly doing something "incorrectly". You are dismissing everything related to Johnny Depp and his testimony and performance on the stand. Seems like you relied on the media narrative too much. Sometimes journalist ain't objectively journalists, they are sometimes paid propaganda sellers. Hell, look at Fox News if you need an example. And, that trial in England was more like a shakedown. And ambers assertions that were accepted purely on the honour system and not actually verified before ruling and the fact that the judge automatically denied him to be able to appeal his ruling and him having personal connections to the owner of the publication Johnny was suing (didn't his son work there?) All these factors.dint create a conspiracy theory, but they do hint strongly at possible corruption and what we call here "racketeering" and there would be plenty enough circumstantial evidence to have the FBI investigate that judge .. or is it barrister. ...? Is a barrister a judge or a lawyer... ?.statistics analysis would be off the chart if the various mitigating factors were all calculated to determine a rate of probability for fraud and corruption. Anyway, it seems that court statements on two separate continents seem to prove there are many discrepancies that negate the legal reason for why he lost there.
    "Nobody would donate the entire $7 million divorce settlement to charity and then lie about it"- some supposedly impartial British "judge"
    "Is it true that you have still not donated the $7 million in full that you pledged to the two charities that you have publicly stated that you already did donate in full?" - Camille Vasquez, professional critical thinker.
    " Yes I did, I pledge the entirety in ful" amber heard on the stand committing perjury.
    "Miss Heard, did you donate the money in full?" Critical thinker
    "Yes, that is corre, I pledged the money in full" -some fool with dunning Kruger syndrome
    "Miss Heard, MISS HEARD! with all due respect did you pay them the money or not?"- Critical thinker.
    "Yes, I did pledge the money?" - Fool
    "Miss Heard, that.was not my question pledge and donate is not the same, did you pay the money?" - critical thinker
    "I use pledge and donate synonymously" - fool
    "Well I don't, why don't you pay them the money?" Critical thinker
    "Because Johnny is suing me"- fool
    "Miss Heard, you had over a year after receiving the full settlement before Johnny filed his lawsuit. Why didn't you pay it within that year?"
    "That's not how pledges work it kinda like a mortgage and you lay a little bit over a long peri" fool
    "No further questions....." Critical thinker interrupting her before she can try and con the jury after she got her to prove how much of a liar and a fraud.
    This trial greatly affected me and gave me hope that maybe critical thinking can return again and media narratives aren't just accepted without them also providing objective proof other than fake staged false evidence they could have had an expert debunk easily, but they let her use the honor system.
    Still love ya man, but I hope you took this back. This is reminiscing of "Dr" Todd Venti.
    "It's not the mistakes the man makes that determines his character And whether he is honorable. It's his ability to know when to take accountability and correct the mistake and make things right is whether he has any real honor. The most important lessons in life are learned by the price paid by the mistakes we made.
    It's very saddening that no expert either had the professional insight to see thru this lazy con. Or even sadder that none had to courage to speak up if they were aware of it.
    My too many cents....
    Are you familiar with the Legendary comedian and standup philosopher that is known as "Doug Stanhope"? When he put that article online outing amber and risking a multimillion dollar lawsuit to speak the truth was when I was confident that amber heard should not be automatically allowed to use the honor system to defame without any questions. I greatly admire Mr Stanhope for almost 20 years and he is one of the greatest satirists of all time and was confident that he would have never done that unless he objectively knew something. I recommend that you look him up and see for yourself. And he is in the process of suing Amber heard for her suing him claiming he was lying when she was. It was in a public record so it's libel and the statute of limitations was restarted because the evidence was not discovered till recently.
    This kinda scenario and seeing them fool intelligent experts really worries me for the future. What happened to critical thinking? Is it passe now? What if I was innocent and was being accused? It took miliions of dollars and super hero like lawyers and the entire free world screaming justice for Johnny and he still wasn't awarded his requested damages that he more than deserved.
    "Yeah, that pendulum just doesn't swing that way. It automatically only swings to the side of the female by default every time. We'll see what happens but I'm it getting my hopes up"-.Bill Burr June 2022.
    Statistically speaking, an alcoholic and drug enjoyer is more times than not the abuser in a toxic relationship. But like you said " the only thing we know for sure is that we know nothing at all" but you also seemed to be strongly projecting that your money was already bet on one statistical factor. And, an assumption that because he is an actor made his perceived genuineness to be automatically assumed to be more likely an act based on his resume and not factual evidence.

  • @debshaw680
    @debshaw680 2 роки тому +2

    They were both problematic. He has drug and alcohol issues. People choose to treat others badly as much as people teach others how to treat them.
    Boohoo. Blaming it all on a dead mother. My life was like that. I’m not an abuser. He chose it.

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +2

      He's not an abuser, he suffers from substance use disorder.
      You can't compare your trauma to someone elses.

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому +1

      I know you wouldn't say that if he was a woman and Amber a man

  • @danielx555
    @danielx555 2 роки тому

    I don't know where this is all going to end up, but they mutually abused each other and they had a horrific, violent, drug-oriented marriage. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that he struck her, as she struck him, and I don't see how he can claim that her statements are defamatory. But that's just me.

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому +1

      Yep. It's just you

    • @danielx555
      @danielx555 2 роки тому

      @@ttrainor70 I agree. Most people believe that although he struck her frequently, it is defamatory to say that he struck her.

  • @erinlovesleggings
    @erinlovesleggings 2 роки тому +1

    I’m a victim of extreme abuse & I don’t like questioning women who come forward… that is traumatic enough & hard to confront your abuser in court. On the other hand, who made all of those audio recordings of them arguing? Amber sounds really bad in them… she wouldn’t let him leave & wanted to continue the arguments & even admitted to hitting him & called him a baby. She doesn’t seem completely innocent in this. It’s hard to tell how anyone would act after being abused & everyone behaves differently…but she doesn’t seem to be nervous or even upset sitting in that chair. I couldn’t even look at my abuser when I took the stand…it was terrifying. She doesn’t seem nervous n she even looks to be stuck up & arrogant. But I can’t judge cuz I don’t know her.
    I think her lawyers are terrible & I think they may both be guilty. It definitely was a toxic relationship with verbal abuse. I don’t know about the pics that are going around either…I heard Botox can leave some bruising in the same areas. And why did she not donate thd 3.5 million she said she would to the ACLU?
    I just don’t know…. But if she is lying it just makes it more difficult for women to come forward. When the police were there, they didn’t see anything that was out of the ordinary. They are required by law to press charges if they see any type of marks on a victim. This whole case is crazy

  • @doradebosco
    @doradebosco 2 роки тому +58

    Abusers typically isolate their victims. Johnny let Amber's sister and friends live in the adjacent penthouse suites rent free for years! No abuser is going to do that. I don't know how anyone whose listened to all the recordings of Amber Heard and followed this case closely can think she's innocent.

    • @4everu984
      @4everu984 2 роки тому +6

      Great point!

    • @limner123
      @limner123 2 роки тому +6

      Also, she mocked him hanging out with his friends, which is how my ex initially started to cut me off from connections. It’s a subtle but effective method.

    • @PureSparkles22
      @PureSparkles22 2 роки тому +6

      Amber wouldn't even let Johnny spend time with his daughter Lily-Rose and threw a tantrum caught on tape

  • @auntijen3781
    @auntijen3781 2 роки тому +14

    I really love that Depp started out being mocked for having to wear an eye patch but went on to being the most lucrative actor portraying the most famous "artistic invention" of an eye patch wearing pirate that ever was... Straw into Gold, indeed!
    *Pirates only wore eye patches at sea, to be aclimated to the darkness below deck from the brightness above deck should they have a problem to attend to navigating quickly between both lighting environments.

  • @julieo4580
    @julieo4580 2 роки тому +27

    Can’t like til I watch the whole video. I grew up in such a similar house as JD described and to have to rehash the abuse is so exhausting and traumatic. He’s absolutely a survivor and I have no doubt after hearing the recording of her that she’s abusive and manipulative. It’s glaringly obvious to anyone who has been in a similar situation.

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому

      So am I. No domestic abuse. Are you? He’s got addiction issues including alcohol.

    • @loverainthunder
      @loverainthunder 2 роки тому

      I agree.

  • @ladylarry75
    @ladylarry75 2 роки тому +20

    as a child of an abusive parent, this shaped me to be so reluctant to ever do that to anyone else, and has left me in more than one relationship where i was a victim again. i know how horrible it is and wouldn't want anyone else to go through that, abusive people take advantage of that for sure.

  • @mandyD
    @mandyD 2 роки тому +49

    I've watched the whole trial so far. From listening to loads of recordings of them arguing, she harassed, and provoked him. He says he wants to remove himself from the confrontation; she shouts that he is walking away. IF she was abused, why would she "pick a fight"? IMO she is at least guilty of being very annoying. I don't like the way she spoke of his kids either. Nasty woman. Just to clarify, I am not a Johnny fan, haven't seen his movies, but am growing to like him.

  • @szendrich
    @szendrich 2 роки тому +22

    I beg to differ that supporters of Johnny Depp are influenced by his acting persona. I never even heard of Johnny prior to this trial, simply because I don't watch the genre of films he makes. I was drawn to it when I saw the 2016 deposition by Amber Heard and, as a victim of domestic violence myself, I knew she was lying, or exaggerating, or generally acting a part. That's when I started looking into the case and discovered details of how Johnny himself was constantly abused by Amber. Did you know, for instance, that she threw a vodka bottle at him with such force that she severed part of his middle finger? He needed reconstructive surgery on it that took over 6 months of constant attendance. That was just one instance of the abuse he suffered at her hands. Then there was the fact that Johnny had never before been accused of violence by other female partners, including the mother of his two children. On the other hand, Amber was even charged with assault at one point, I believe against one of her former partners. So it's the facts that we're looking at not the actor. Also, Johnny's recent testimony has been consistent. He appears to be credible, honest and kind in all his behaviour. And this includes with Amber's family members, friends and his own family and children. Amber used his addiction to opiates (which wasn't even his fault!) and his alcohol use to reinforce her fake accusations. You might want to see the actual trial in order to asses Johnny as he deserves. Like I said, I didn't even know who he was until all this emerged recently. I hadn't even been following the divorce proceedings, so my opinion is purely objective. ... I watched this video on Shaun Attwod's channel and I am now subscribed to yours.

  • @ttrainor70
    @ttrainor70 2 роки тому +6

    You talk about guilt or innocence, but you know that Johnny is the plaintiff, right? I'm more interested in analysis of Amber's apparent borderline behavior

    • @deborahmulkey1627
      @deborahmulkey1627 2 роки тому +4

      Yeah I'm a psych nurse I'm guessing borderline personality d/o is at least part of the problem

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому +4

      @@deborahmulkey1627 I used to work in a state mental hospital. The schizophrenics were respectful and easily redirected, while the borderlines were aggressive and defiant.

    • @ttrainor70
      @ttrainor70 2 роки тому

      @@deborahmulkey1627 Shizophrenics were usually picked up under the vagrant laws and borderlines were there either for suicide attempts or assaults on husbands/children

  • @theblackrainbow1
    @theblackrainbow1 2 роки тому +4

    I think that Jonny's backstory about the abuse in his childhood from his mother is very much relevant . He has this as a model of a family and this explains why he put up with Amber's behaviour . Why he didn't walk out sooner . When you see it at home your whole life it becomes the norm and you recognize it intuitively and you are likely to be drawn to it and put up with it

  • @jooliagoolia9959
    @jooliagoolia9959 2 роки тому +4

    Having been raised in a very similar situation, I can say people can't begin to imagine what a childhood like that could possibly be....
    It takes an incredibly strong person to make it thru and not continue the cycle of abuse, especially with partners....
    Soo proud of Johnny for finally saying ENOUGH and go to court.

  • @Steph-dz9jb
    @Steph-dz9jb 2 роки тому +4

    My thoughts on JD giving his childhood history was to show his learned avoidant tendencies and make the case that they fueled AH’s narcissistic tendencies to the point of verbal abuse and physical violence in order to keep him engaged in her rants when he wanted to retreat.
    I have little sympathy for AH although we haven’t heard her side here yet. She seems to have lied many times and she has even admitted doing so on a recording as well as being physically violent towards JD.
    It was a volatile relationship and both parties are probably guilty of, at least, some actions and words that no one would want to be publicly aired. But, so far, there is no confirmed physical violence on the part of JD and it is likely AH just wanted to advance her career and destroy his ‘on the way out the door’ of their marriage.
    More evidence about the article may come out soon and it should win this case for JD. Unfortunately even if JD gets his career back, AH has cost us all the end of The POTC and Fantastic Beasts.

  • @johannaleonard9951
    @johannaleonard9951 2 роки тому +11

    I think johnnys background is relevant imo as he was explaining his reaction to abuse from his mother translated to his reaction into his marriage with amber

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому +2

      Please. If everyone who was physically and emotionally abused in an extensive way acted out with violence to others… half the country would be dead or in jail.

    • @kurkdurks6123
      @kurkdurks6123 2 роки тому +4

      Well if he hadn’t spoken about it Ambers defence would have presented it and ripped him apart so may aswell get ahead and stop those sly little rats getting there hands on some simple information and turning it into some whole other thing.

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +2

      Your lack of empathy is exactly why the abused act out and don't recover. Even if you're in the small portion who survived abuse and recovered with no support doesn't mean everyone should/can. You are not better than any other human on this earth. We are all going to die.
      There is direct relevance of his mother's abuse to his abuse by Amber.

    • @johannaleonard9951
      @johannaleonard9951 2 роки тому +1

      @@debshaw680 I feel like you haven’t been watching 🤔

  • @pebbles4715
    @pebbles4715 2 роки тому +6

    Obviously we are not involved with Depp or Heard, we’re spectators in a “he said, she said” case. Both of them are actors, both have had successful careers and, by all accounts, both have dabbled with drugs and alcohol. With that said I am aware that Heard has been convicted of abuse against her now ex wife. There’s also footage of her sister basically stating that bruising she has on her arm was done by her sister Amber. There’s also evidence that after promising publicly her divorce settlement (from Depp) she would pay to two different charities. Both charities have confirmed that this has not been gifted to them as promised by AH. Obviously this doesn’t mean AH is guilty of violence towards JD, however I haven’t heard anyone (except AH) accusing JD of violence or abuse in any way, in fact it’s quite the contrary. We (as in the public) don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, we’re not privy to their private lives. I’m by no means qualified at all in legal matters, nor am I as anywhere near as qualified as you Dr Das, (hope you don’t mind the shortened version of your name, but I really don’t know how you spell your surname, sorry) however, I’m a now retired “old school” a&e nurse. I was in a very abusive relationship that lasted 10 years. Moving on ,I find it incredulously worrying that Depp is explaining his awful childhood, basically to most of the world. I did think that in explaining how his father would punch a wall or door when he felt angry, that maybe this was to prove he’s basically doing what his father did, taking his anger out on an inanimate object as during the uk case against the sun news paper, photos were shown of damage that was allegedly smashed up by Depp. Also there was LA police footage from the attending officers body-cams, that showed nothing out of place, no breakages, no marks on Heard, the demeanour from Heard herself showed there didn’t appear to be an any signs that an altercation of any sort had taken place. JD does appear to be very broken. Assuming his version of events is true, it would have huge negative effects on the Me Too movement. Now assuming AH’s version of events is true, this would also have a very negative effect for men suffering domestic abuse, as we already know, men find it harder to come forward and speak out about this. Obviously JD isn’t an idiot, but if he’s deemed the guilty party, surely he must know that one deformation against him, (the sun news claim) is bad but two would have very serious ramifications for his career, his life style, his children’s mental and emotional well-being and he also stands to loose vast sums of money. In my humble opinion, which ever way this case goes, there’s no winners. Furthermore, many judges and juries have convicted the wrong person, I know this isn’t a criminal case, but the possibilities are still exist to get it all wrong. Either way Depp and Heard are two people that never ever should have got together. He was basically a middle aged man, whom was famous and adored, while she was a much younger beautiful woman with an upcoming career. But anyway, great video, many thanks, really enjoy your quite unique content. 🌹

    • @shivasgirl1609
      @shivasgirl1609 2 роки тому +3

      I just wanted to let you know that Das IS the good Dr's last/surname. He IS known Dr. Das, so no need to apologise.
      I also wanted to say that I too had read that Amber had been arrested for assaulting her ex-wife but not CONVICTED. (the caps are for emphasis ONLY - I'm not shouting, lol) I think, at the time, her wife recanted her assertions that Amber had assaulted her. That, however, is not unusual behaviour for victims of abuse.
      Thank you for your comment, interesting & with good points!

    • @debshaw680
      @debshaw680 2 роки тому +1

      They’re both actors. You’re going off anecdotal evidence rather than actual proof. I’m astonished the judge is allowing it.

    • @pebbles4715
      @pebbles4715 2 роки тому +2

      @@shivasgirl1609 thank you for your reply, it’s actually nice not to have a condescending reply. And I totally agree with you about victims retracting their complaints, it happens on so many occasions and I’ve done it myself when I was in an abusive relationship. In my case he was my children’s father, I didn’t want to break my family up, I desperately wanted to believe him when he’d promise it would never happen again. Only it did happen again and again until I couldn’t take anymore. Sadly this happens in so many cases. I’ve not long subscribed to this channel so I wasn’t aware of the doctors surname, so I appreciate you letting me know. Many thanks.

    • @pebbles4715
      @pebbles4715 2 роки тому +1

      @@debshaw680 to be honest I’m in agree with you about the judge allowing this to continue. However I have seen the Los Angeles police bodycam footage. It’s actually on UA-cam, it was released by the police department concerned. Having watched that, I believe it to be true as I can’t see any reason for the police to lie and put out untrue footage.

  • @terid3569
    @terid3569 2 роки тому +3

    Yes his childhood needed to be said. I’m a DV/SV. Survivor and had a childhood like JD and if you haven’t lived that than you will never get it.

  • @PureSparkles22
    @PureSparkles22 2 роки тому +3

    Amber admitted on tape to abusing him. case closed

  • @dsever64
    @dsever64 2 роки тому +3

    I'm so happy to have "found" you via Mr. Black. Your interview with him was incredible! Looking forward to diving into your content :-)

  • @fallon7616
    @fallon7616 Рік тому +2

    He hangs around with Marilyn Manson, is into really strange behavior like the death of his friend in his club.
    He is not your run of the mill guy. Fascination with Vampire's. Lots of issues here and his open drug abuse is well known.
    As far as Amber, typical Borderline 👍💕🇱🇷

  • @charlsgrimaux
    @charlsgrimaux 2 роки тому +2

    He did talk a lot about his childhood to bring the begining of his substance abuse. It is to explain when and why he has a long history of drug and alcool abuse.

  • @Lulublu43
    @Lulublu43 2 роки тому +2

    I don’t think most people have come to the conclusion that JD was innocent just because he is in a few films. I watched the trial and originally thought that AH was telling the truth. The EVIDENCE presented at the trial changed my mind. I think you’re doing your subscribers/watchers a disservice 🤷‍♀️

  • @kumkumjain9997
    @kumkumjain9997 2 роки тому +2

    depp is a good exmpl of money +fame preventing him frm spiritual knowledge..

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому

      Absolute no evidence for what you just said, why are you encouraging baseless claims UA-cam psychiatrist man?

  • @NKA23
    @NKA23 2 роки тому +1

    @A Psych For Sore Minds: Would you please consider doing a more detailed analysis of the footage used in this trial, that shows Mr. Depp rampaging in his kitchen? But please don't analyse Mr. Depp, but rather Amber Heard, who filmed the scene. I personally think that she gives away a lot of clues about her personality by the way she filmed it and her behavior while she filmed it. I'd love to hear, what you can make out of it.

  • @kendallneason3645
    @kendallneason3645 2 місяці тому +1

    You certainly seem highly invested and passionate about your career. Good for you!
    I watched the trial with an open mind but quickly realized that it was quite clear, after hearing Heatd testify, that she was clearly guilty.
    I do think both parties childhoods were fascinating as it gave a sense of who these people are and what they experienced as children.

  • @Mazzaaaaman
    @Mazzaaaaman 2 роки тому +1

    To answer your question. Do I care about Johnny Depp because he's famous. Do I care basically because he's Johnny Depp. The answer is no. I'm not a fan. He gets on my nerves with the slow, slow cadance of his voice, his affected demeanor, the over done dandy thespian act. Having said that, I watched the trial from start to finish. She's the aggressor, she's the abuser.

  • @EllenAre321
    @EllenAre321 2 роки тому +1

    I love u and ur channel! And I agree with what u are saying but I also will not ever b convinced that amber is telling the truth. And I think the reason for telling jd childhood is to show that he has always left the violent situation, always leaves to let everything calm down which he still does to this day, with amber, admiringly following room to room to room trying to fight

  • @rhonda3071
    @rhonda3071 Рік тому +1

    I think Johnny Depp’s lawyers had him talk about his childhood abuse so the public could see that he was drawn to a woman just like his mom to marry with the unconscious hope to resolve his trauma.

  • @randibeal8591
    @randibeal8591 2 роки тому +1

    I can't believe johnny would all of sudden become a wife beater. I'm not saying he's perfect but she's lying.

  • @shae2924
    @shae2924 2 роки тому +3

    Sympathy vs empathy. As a survivor of childhood abuse I have a huge amount of empathy for Johnny.
    What I see a lot of people not speaking about is the attraction of BPD and NPD relationships

    • @gabbythompson6912
      @gabbythompson6912 2 роки тому

      Amber is also a Survivor of abuse as a child. Her father beat her, and were addicts as well

    • @CrystalShadow
      @CrystalShadow Рік тому

      @@gabbythompson6912and she became an abuser like her father

  • @kumkumjain9997
    @kumkumjain9997 2 роки тому +1

    dontuthink these peopl shd b "banned" frm marrying again +again?

  • @BridAnderson
    @BridAnderson 2 роки тому +1

    Great channel and content. I came here from ICMAP and staying for the interesting insights. I really like the way you sum up and provide a conclusion at the end of each video. Keep it up. Cheers

  • @LizJones0
    @LizJones0 2 роки тому +1

    New subscriber so very late to comments! Thanks again for your balanced view on this case. I watched every moment of this case because I was home, ill with Long Covid. The media bias in this case was astounding.
    I watched with interest, knowing very little sbout either of them. When some of JDs extremely vile texts were shown, I couldn't belive that people were actually making excuses for this or even saying they were fabricated. I come from a family of very generous and humble-seeming passive aggressive types and, at the very least, it wouldn't surprise me if he has this kind of personality. Whether there was sexual violence or not is still impossible to say as there wasn't enough evidence but, from what I saw, there was most likely mutual abuse.
    People forget or don't know that this can be in the form of very subtle things like withholding, silent-treatments, controlling financially, sulking or speaking badly about someone behind their backs in order to smear then to others. And some people who display these traits can come across as saintly to other people rendering the victim unbelievable.
    JD was also caught out in a lie on cross examination but somehow, that was ignored whilst Amber Heard's every minute facial expression or slip-up was scrutinised and analysed. She came across poorly on the stand. She seemed to be overly dramatic and not particularly likeable so, of course she gets the rougher end of it. She did goad him and wasn't particularly pleasant but I think this over-shadowed what I suspect was a large amount of virtue-signalling by JD which, in turn distracted from some of his very unsavoury behaviour.
    Both experienced abusive childhoods yet JD was afforded sympathy because of that. Not many afforded AH with that same consideration.
    Neither came across well, but we should definitely not give someone a pass and make excuses for abusive behaviour just because they seem so nice.

    • @amithorpe
      @amithorpe Рік тому +1

      this the one.

    • @Catbooks
      @Catbooks Рік тому +2

      Couldn't agree more. I was shocked by the overwhelming response that JD was some kind of uwu victim, when we've known for decades he was an abusive alcoholic, prolific drug abuser, and had a very dark, violent side. It's like people got amnesia about him all of a sudden. I hate conspiracies, but it was so obvious this was an orchestrated campaign. At first it puzzled me because usually you'll see a variety of opinions, not virtually EVERYONE repeating the same things. I saw it with testimony I'd just watched myself, and the responses were so off, it was laughable. Not just some, which is normal, but ALL of them! That interested me and made me look closely into it all.

    • @CrystalShadow
      @CrystalShadow Рік тому

      @@Catbooksliar no one ever said that about him

    • @CrystalShadow
      @CrystalShadow Рік тому

      Never meant for her to see, ranting between friends due to her insanely abusive behaviour. You’re a saint I guess. 😅

    • @Catbooks
      @Catbooks Рік тому

      @@CrystalShadow You must be too young to remember it. Everyone else has known it for a long time.

  • @msprc1333
    @msprc1333 2 роки тому +4

    From the various accounts from different witnesses, it looks like there was violence and cruelty flowing both ways, though it's rarely if ever true that abuse is truly bidirectional. It can look that way when the victim is so provoked that they also start lashing out, but I think you have to ask where the power lies. Age, wealth, status and gender can be part of it, though it doesn't necessarily always follow if someone has more social power, they also have more power in a specific relationship. I'm not sure what to think but this in terms of who's more to blame but it is quite painful to watch two people destroy themselves as they try to destroy each other, there can be no winners in this sorry mess.

  • @stoicepictetus833
    @stoicepictetus833 2 роки тому

    I found an analysis from The Behaviour Panel, who are the 4 top body language experts in the world, most informative. I have to agree that going over Depp’s childhood was unusual, however, I think his lawyers are providing this info not to infer his innocence, but rather to understand how Depp could become a victim in adulthood as he was during childhood. I think that this should be brought up in all cases, so the jury can be given an explanation as to what, at least in part, has made someone behave in the way that they do. Not that an individual should be let off the hook and not convicted because of sympathy, but to prevent a narrow viewpoint of a perpetrator as ‘evil’ or ‘inhuman’.

  • @eyeamme1917
    @eyeamme1917 2 роки тому

    I think the general public doesn't understand the responses of victims of DV or that many DV perpetrators are very likeable people. Not saying he's guilty or she's innocent. My comment is about how misperceptions and lack of information can cause biases both directions. My personal opinion on the matter is that this was a toxic relationship where both people engaged in abusive behavior... thier demons didn't play well together.

  • @guennieknight1576
    @guennieknight1576 2 роки тому

    I servived horrible childhood SA and physical and mental abuse and i like Jonny made decision in my life to never be like my parents. For instance they are drug abusers and drinkers and I do neither.

  • @randibeal8591
    @randibeal8591 2 роки тому

    I really think amber has blown everything way out of proportion.

  • @sydneyhunt6681
    @sydneyhunt6681 2 роки тому

    Well he respected his dad's carm uummmmm I think she is the bad person could be wrong 🤔

  • @randibeal8591
    @randibeal8591 2 роки тому

    They are both actors and I believe johnny and amber is a bad actress and a bad liar.

  • @sharonparkhill7576
    @sharonparkhill7576 Рік тому

    Does this follow the Goldwater rule?

  • @missfittrr
    @missfittrr 2 роки тому

    Very clever name!

  • @soulfaring3285
    @soulfaring3285 2 роки тому

    I appreciate you're sharing this. I spent 14 years with an alcoholic. I am seeing so much of my ex's denial, inability to accept responsibility for his actions and adeptness at surrounding himself with enablers. I certainly can't say JD was ever abusive, my ex wasn't, so I know it is possible for a chronic black out drunk to be innocent. That doesn't mean he is.
    I don't understand people sometimes. There are still people who believe Amanda Knox is guilty! Even attorneys I watch on YT have taken JD's side before hearing his full case much less from the other side. I feel like the internet is making us all dumber.

  • @hrhplease9119
    @hrhplease9119 2 роки тому

    I just found your channel and subscribed. The first video I watched was your Dr. Grande. I do believe AH Is a liar & disgrace to true DV victims everywhere. I appreciate your point of view and unbiased presentation. We can agree to disagree, it’s called debate & very healthy for an informed & educated society. Thanks for another interesting video. 👍🏻💯🥰🕊

  • @janehealy2351
    @janehealy2351 2 роки тому

    Thank you, a thousand times THANK YOU!! I have no opinion on this issue, because I have chosen to ignore it. When celebrities are involved, especially those who are acors, nothing can be fully trusted. One can also not deny the possibility of a pulicity stunt to aid a flagging career! I don't have the answers, but I trust noone!!

  • @stacieharris6654
    @stacieharris6654 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I appreciate it very much! I came to check out your channel after seeing you on "The Disturbing Truth" with Mr. Black.

  • @steph6197
    @steph6197 2 роки тому +3

    I agree, his childhood is irrelevant. He's an actor. Let's wait until all the evidence is presented.

    • @Jaggededge112
      @Jaggededge112 2 роки тому +3

      @Auditing The Albion have you heard the audio tapes?

  • @joshuataylor3550
    @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +2

    #TeamJohnny but both troubled characters of course. The solution to the double standard you present is that we should be more sympathetic to more/all offenders who ultimately commit offenses because they didn't receive any empathy when their minds were being formed. Including Amber, not that we shouldn't be sympathetic to Johnny.
    But analysing the actual evidence so far it's obvious Amber behaved in a manipulative way at the very least, verbal attempts to control with audio tapes and physical attempts with the finger injury.
    Taking drugs does not equal domestic abuse, that's the only thing Amber has used as defence. No actual evidence of abuse.
    You're being offensive to our intelligence if you think people won't believe Johnny could be an abuser just because they like his films. We are way beyond that, you mentioned Cosby, but there's also Michael Jackson, Gary Glitter, Harvey Weinstein etc. This list is too long, intelligent people obviously understand the disconnect between academic/professional/artistic achievement and the ability to abuse.
    Why are you presenting the question is Johnny innocent or guilty? He is not on trial!! He is suing Amber for deformation because she alleged domestic abuse he claims is not true. The evidence so far suggests Amber should be defended herself in a criminal court, not a civil one. I think this was a hasty poor analysis. I guess that's the standard on UA-cam.

  • @sarahbasson3314
    @sarahbasson3314 2 роки тому +1

    Frankly they both sound toxic. I've always liked Johnny Depp, until I heard the texts he sent to Amber AND his ex-girlfriend who is also the mother of his children (he called her a "extortionate French c*nt") shows a disturbing hatred. I don't think Amber Heard is without blame either though.

  • @julielevinge266
    @julielevinge266 2 роки тому +3

    I’ve experienced severe dv, left me with ptsd.
    Found it incredible that Heard has no evidence of being abused?
    I needed so much evidence,medical reports, emergency reports of head injuries,stitches, broken bones, severe bruising,detached retina.
    Depp has multiple issues with drink & drugs,which in my experience only makes violence in a person more prolific?
    Agree that whatever happened in his past unless it includes him committing violence, is completely irrelevant!
    But people go one way or the other,violence terrify’s me!
    But if this was an ordinary case theirs no evidence of abuse so would have never come to court!
    I just feel abusers show themselves quite early,also tend to excuse/normalise it by victim shaming?
    Yet none of Depp’s numerous partners have claimed he’s was violent?I only feel interested in this case because dv has effected me.
    If Amber had medical reports & proof of injury, then I’d think Depp should pay have his career ended!
    You must know how very hard it is to get a conviction for dv?
    That’s with a lot of evidence,women still find themselves being blamed,though things are changing slowly for the better.
    Always find your take very interesting, we don’t know any of these people, only their persona’s???

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому +1

      I am so genuinely sorry to hear your experiences. It is sad people with a platform are able to defame their own victims with zero evidence.