For prevention, I’ve been using seamless sock liners for a couple decades. They’re definitely not a “catch all” solution, but I’ve found they help very much. The only time I’d use a bandaid *after* a blister has occurred, is if I’m worried about tape painfully sticking to my skin at the blister site. Sometimes the non-stick pad of the bandaid can be handy to go *under* the tape I put over it, and the tape prevents the bandaid from coming off. This would only be for certain circumstances, but sometimes it’s been a handy method. But to Cheer’s point, it all boils down to what works for each individual in the particular situation.
For prevention, I’ve been using seamless sock liners for a couple decades. They’re definitely not a “catch all” solution, but I’ve found they help very much.
The only time I’d use a bandaid *after* a blister has occurred, is if I’m worried about tape painfully sticking to my skin at the blister site. Sometimes the non-stick pad of the bandaid can be handy to go *under* the tape I put over it, and the tape prevents the bandaid from coming off. This would only be for certain circumstances, but sometimes it’s been a handy method. But to Cheer’s point, it all boils down to what works for each individual in the particular situation.
Great insights!!