Video Announcement - The search for the Whitest WHITE

  • Опубліковано 22 тра 2024
  • Hey everyone,
    this is an announcement of incoming video I am currently working on.
    I already covered the 'blackest BLACK' research with my previous one, but to narrow the albedo range for PBR materials and make this research complete I still need to cover the 'whitest' part.
    This research wouldn’t make much sense without actual samples, and some of these can be really tricky and expensive to access, therefore
    I would like to thank to:
    - Pro-Lite Technology UK ❤️, which is the UK and Ireland distributor of Labsphere Spectralon, for providing the sample of actual Spectralon OMG!!!!
    - Nix Sensor ❤️ folks for providing sample of Gore DRP - OMG again !!!
    - Also would like to thank to Amelia Evershed ❤️ - an amazing Materials Artist at Ubisoft for providing me a few actual White Cliffs of Dover rocks.️
    This is the list of all samples I plan to measure and compare:
    - Spectralon is one of the 'whitest' non-fluorescent (non emissive) physical substances on Earth
    - Gore DRP Light Diffuser - another one of the brightest substances available on Earth
    - Black2.0 from Culture Hustle - purchased with next day delivery option about a week ago and still waiting for arrival. Their Black4.0 paint appeared to be just some marketing bs, so don’t have much hope for this one, but I have heard that their white is actually better, so definitely worth to compare.
    - Standard white spray - Plasti-kote 3100 - it’s the same brand and type of paint I used in search for Blackest Black, just white. Don’t expect much from it except being waterproof and just white-ish.
    - Standard acrylic white paint - RATEL - also don’t expect anything special from it, but who knows. The paint apparently can't be purchased anymore, but since I already have it, why not test it.
    - Rock sample taken from a famous White Cliffs of Dover. I guess this is probably the whitest type of natural rock/mineral so definitely worth to try. Its really bright to be honest.
    - OBA enhanced and non-OBA paper - I am still searching for best samples - with these I plan to cover optical brightening agents in more detail as its incredibly interesting subject
    - White Correction Fluid - Tipp-Ex. I just found it in a store during shopping for 4£ and decided to add it to this comparison.
    - probably some of every day substances like sugar or salt or maybe even a toilet paper - even just to use them as a white reference.
    Since I am still at sample collection and preparation phase, feel free to drop ideas of some must haves I missed for such comparison - I mean things which don’t cost fortune and won't do any harm to me
    Measurements are going to be taken with Nix Spectro2 color spectrometer.
    Its going to take me a while to make this video as I really want to dive deep inside color this time, but I hope its going to be worth waiting.
    Cheers and luckily, see you when it gets released!
    #whitestwhite #research #nixsensor #spectralon #goreDRP #pbrmaterials


  • @AliasA1
    @AliasA1 Місяць тому +1

    Man I've tried for years to get my fingers on spectralon for classroom use with no luck. Very excited for this, I'd love to find an alternative (I want to show my 3D shading students the difference between "white" and actual WHITE.)

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому

      Will do my best to make this comparison as informative as possible. Even considering some serious magnifications. Yeah, I am so happy I reced samples from these companies for this video - it would not be ever complete without them. Sill a lot of work ahead, especially as mentioned I am still in sample collection phase as a few left - like whitest OBA and non OBA samples of paper and fabric etc. Cheers!

  • @Barnyz
    @Barnyz Місяць тому +1

    Great teaser, im sure the dog is going to be the whitest white, cant wait to find out 😀😀😀

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому +1

      Thanks Barnyz, he just told me that isn't really interested to be measured and will bite my hand off if I try ;P

  • @krzysztofm484
    @krzysztofm484 Місяць тому +2

    Cześć Grzegorz. Oglądałem kiedyś sporo twoich filmów, ponieważ sam zajmowałem się grafiką 3d (głownie wizualizacje w 3ds max), sporo eksperymentowałem z fotogrametrią, przeważnie metashape lub 3ds Zephyr. Jeden z testów ostał się u mnie na kanale (nie jestem youtuberem). Doceniam warsztat i efekty, które uzyskujesz, sporo się od ciebie nauczyłem. Chciałem podziękować za wiedze i doświadczenie, którymi się dzielisz. Ostatnio po długiej przerwie wrociłem do metashape'a ponieważ byłem na wyjeździe z nowym telefonem i wpadłem na pomysł, żeby sprawdzić czy zdjęcia i klatki z filmów 4k będą wystarczającej jakości do uzyskania zadowalających rezultatów. Efekty są bardzo obiecujące biorąc pod uwagę, że wystarczy telefon i nieporównywalnie mniej czasu niż z lustrzanką. Nie jest to oczywiście pełen profesjonalizm, ale miło jest mieć model 3d oprócz zjd. czy nawet filmu. W każdym razie chętnie pooglądam twoje filmy i sam coś podziałam. Pozdrawiam

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому +1

      Dziekuje bardzo. Zupelnie zgadzam sie z 'mobile based photogrammetry', nawet planowalem nagrac na ten temat dluzsze video. Natomiast nie przeskoczysz fizyki i jest powod dla ktorego aparat i obiektyw sa wieksze i ciezsze. Szczerze mowiac, zjecia z drona (z wylaczeniem duzych dronow jak Inspire etc), porownywalne sa do zdjec zrobionych ze sredniej jakosci telefonu komorkowego i to trzymanego w jednej rece stojac rownoczesnie na jednej nodze ;). Pozdrawiam

    • @YN3_
      @YN3_ Місяць тому

      Мобильные телефоны с глазком линзы в 2 мм, с дикой дисторсии по краям из-за широкого угла, с ужасным ГРИП из-за диафрагмы в F/1.3 полная ерунда для сканирования, даже самые дорогие, Вы правильно сказали, физику нашего мира не обмануть. А ещё уже лет пять минимум ни одной фотографии с мобильного без обработки нейросетью получить нельзя, так что это не фото, это картинки, нарисованные встроенной нейросетью по мотивам оригинальной фотографии с сенсора, которую никто никогда не увидит.

    • @krzysztofm484
      @krzysztofm484 Місяць тому

      @@YN3_ I have pixel 7 pro and i use raw files that were not "enhanced". I realize that it's not for proffesional use case. My point is that it is blazing fast and results are much better than I expected. For me it's acceptable for making souvenirs or something. I also have Nikon DSLR which i use when I want to be sure that i have best quality possible. Try to be open minded and not maximalist.

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому

      @@YN3_ as said, physics cannot be fooled and there is a reason why professional camera and lens are bigger. But it doesnt mean that you cant scan with mobile or a drone. You can and people do. Sometimes mobile or the drone are the only options. This ground surface in my video was scanned by the M2P drone and its quality is definitelly good enough:
      Of course the quality would be much higher with the camera and cross-polarisation etc. but if you really know what you do, its still fine. Mobile tools have apps and options (often called a PRO mode) which turn all these fake 'enchancements' off. Yes, you can scan with your mobile and get quite devent results.. of course it will be more challenging than scanning with serious equipment and result with lower quality.. but as long that quality is for someone good enough its totally fine. This is why I plan to record a video about that at some point, as its quite interesting subject. Recent mobile cameras can be really quite powerful... especially when you compare them to 10 years old DSLRs ;)
      So I would say, a lot depends on skill and knowledge of photographer and how much you can get from your camera, than the actual camera. Cheers!

  • @handle32169
    @handle32169 Місяць тому +1

    I'd like to see white textile with/without OBA detergent, curious if anything goes over 1.0

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому +1

      Its a good idea to add whitest textiles. Will do my best to find some samples. I plan to cover subject of OBA in detail and present OBA substances with and without ultraviolet light which makes them to illuminate. Cheers!

  • @ChillieGaming
    @ChillieGaming Місяць тому +2

    Hwy gregorz can you tell me how to scan a tile wall with grout?
    And how to extract the normal and roughness of a shiny tile?

    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому

      Hey, I guess exactly the same way I scanned a brick wall in one of my previous videos ( Roughness is way more tricky tho and to extract ityou need to do some subtraction between cross-polarised and parallel-polarised data.

  • @michalserafin6972
    @michalserafin6972 Місяць тому +1


    • @GrzegorzBaranArt
      @GrzegorzBaranArt  Місяць тому

      thats a very good idea and actually very interesting case. Unfortunately chances to get cold, frozen and clean snow I can use and measure in the UK are close to none during summer, and very challenging during winter so shamefully need to pass on this one :)