Driver's Eye View - Dobšiná to Rožňava - (Slovakia)

  • Опубліковано 30 жов 2018
  • It’s already been a long day and we still have two more branch lines to visit including this one before continuing to the beautiful town of Kosice. It’s hard to believe that this wonderful network of railways still exists almost intact, carrying mainly freight, although some of the lines still see a limited passenger service. We join the driver in the cab of our affectionately named “Grumpy Diesel” for the run from Dobšiná to Rožňava through attractive mainly rural landscape, punctuated with occasional industrial complexes, towns and villages.
    Track gauge 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) - Original video taken on 2nd July 2018. Tour organised by RTC.
    Map at 00:29 by Peter Pogány - licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International


  • @milankanka5329
    @milankanka5329 5 років тому +2

    Veľmi prekrasne natočené video 😉😉😉😉.
    Pochvala a palec hore 😉😉😉😉😉.
    Perfektné super 😃😃😃😃😃.

  • @milankooo1978
    @milankooo1978 Рік тому

    thank you for this video, but also for your other videos, you have filmed in Slovakia. I'm slovak and train lover, and I think this is a very nice presentation of beautiful slovakian countryside as you venture and observe that beauty from the train. Also your videos are a beautiful memory of these places, as some of these tracks are no longer operated by train company anymore, due to lack of passengers, so your videos are the only possibility how to experience it again, at least virtually. keep on the good work!

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  Рік тому +1

      Hi, Slovakia is a beautiful country, Europe’s hidden gem, especially the High Tatra Mountains. This was one of my all-time favourite rail tours and a wonderful way to see the Slovakian countryside. It's a shame that some of the railway lines traversed on this tour are no longer in regular use. I'm glad you enjoyed these videos. Thank you. Tim.

  • @viliamgrancak9085
    @viliamgrancak9085 3 роки тому +2

    Vďaka za toto video! 🤩👍Pripomenulo mi časy, keď sa na tejto trati dalo cestovať vlakom. 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  3 роки тому +2

      Dobrý deň, som rád, že ste si to video užili. Miestni ľudia boli veľmi nadšení, keď videli vlak na starej železničnej trati, myslím, že to bolo mnoho rokov, čo bola trať naposledy použitá. Bol to najneobvyklejší zážitok a veľa zábavy.
      Hello, I'm pleased you enjoyed the video. Local people were very excited to see a train on the old railway line, I think it had been many years since the line was last used. It was a most unusual experience and a lot of fun.

  • @radekt9013
    @radekt9013 5 років тому

    Moc krásné video, ta krajina kolem trati nemá chybu.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Děkuji, jsem rád, že se vám to líbilo video. Slovensko je krásná země.

  • @slycat1939
    @slycat1939 5 років тому

    As all your videos are Awesome. Trying to catch up on videos this week. Thanks for sharing. Take care God bless.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Thank you, I hope you are enjoying Slovakia. It's always good to hear from you. Take care. Tim.

  • @vijaybagha5943
    @vijaybagha5943 5 років тому +1

    So nice to watch the landscapes...Thanks...

  • @dedguru
    @dedguru 2 роки тому +1

    My dad’s family immigrated from Dobsina. We spell it Thomas, but then probably Tomas.

  • @arnesw2647
    @arnesw2647 4 роки тому +1

    Very nice ride. Thanks

  • @BorisLu
    @BorisLu 5 років тому

    Super video!

  • @jed11343
    @jed11343 5 років тому

    nice train ride, excellent video

  • @KOLEJ22DrogaPrzygody
    @KOLEJ22DrogaPrzygody 5 років тому +2

    MIODZIO film kompletny łapka 138. Jedziemy dalej

  • @ferroviedeltrentino2300
    @ferroviedeltrentino2300 5 років тому +1

    A really nice video! :-)

  • @vb8259
    @vb8259 5 років тому +1

    Nádherné video! 👍👍👍

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому


    • @vb8259
      @vb8259 5 років тому


    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Thank you, I enjoyed watching it. I have a lot of good reasons to return in future, Slovakia has a lot to offer.

  • @quintoflyer
    @quintoflyer 5 років тому +1

    very interesting thanks

  • @azhur1395
    @azhur1395 5 років тому +1


    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Привет, Словакия-прекрасная страна.

  • @bagussatriachannel
    @bagussatriachannel 5 років тому

    Nice video

  • @christianloffler9084
    @christianloffler9084 5 років тому +4

    Beautiful Landscape! I was at New Years Eve 2017 there and there was much snow.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому +1

      I'd love go back and do this trip in winter, I imagine it looked beautiful under a blanket of snow.

    • @christianloffler9084
      @christianloffler9084 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 Cool, did you drove the train?

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Hi, I didn't get to drive this one, although it would have been an interesting experience.

    • @fptrains5775
      @fptrains5775 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 does this train still go past there because I was born in roznava

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      @@fptrains5775 Hi, this was a one off special trip that took place on 2nd July 2018. I am not sure if it is possible to travel to Roznova by train today, although I believe freight is still transported by rail.

  • @evacervenova1736
    @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

    nevidela som všetky vaše videa, a tak neviem či ste už z tej trasy robili video, ak nie, tak doporučujem trasu tisovec - pohronská polhora - ozubnicová želenica, krásna príroda a technická rarita a tiež trasa hronská dúbrava - cez kremnicu, turček do martina a vrútok, krásna príroda, tunely, prípadne trasa hronská dúbrava - banská štiavnica, paráda, prajem veľa odberateľov a krásnych zážitkov z cestovania,

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Ahoj, tu je odkaz na videá, ktoré som urobil na dovolenke na krásnom Slovensku -
      Stále mám ešte veľa videí, ktoré sa majú nahrať na UA-cam. Ďakujem za odporúčania, z ktorých som na tejto ceste cestoval.

    • @evacervenova1736
      @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 dakujem za odkaz na vaše videá a už som našla aj trasu tisovec - zbojská, boli ste, je to paráda, že??, k tejto trati mám aj trochu iný vzťah, praprastarý otec môjho otca financoval výstavbu tejto trati, predkovia mi pochádzajú z gemera

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      @@evacervenova1736 Máte Rodinné odkazy na túto železničnú linku, a to prostredníctvom svojho dedka?
      Je skvelé, že všetky tieto železnice stále existujú na Slovensku, žiaľ veľa podobných liniek uzavreli vo veľkej BRITÁNII, mojej domovskej krajine. Naozaj som si užil návštevu Slovenska, ľudia sú veľmi priateľskí a scenéria je krásna.

  • @evacervenova1736
    @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

    joj paráda, toto trasou som cestovala denno denne v lete ked som tam bola na prázdninách, chodili sme - sestra, ja a starkovci na rybačku, takže tie staničky všetky poznám, pekná spomienka na detstvo, dakujem

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Ahoj, je to krásna oblasť. Pamätám si, moje detstvo dovolenka s láskou, chôdza a rybárčenie boli jedny z najlepších spomienok, to bolo vždy slnečno.

    • @evacervenova1736
      @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 ja si na tej trati ešte pomätám železničné vozne s drevenými lavicami, z ktorých sme so sestrou nedočiahli na zem a kývali sme nohami hore dolu, starkovci bývali v rožnave na baníckej kolonii a pravidelne každý den sme chodili na rybačku na rieku slaná, smer: gemerská poloma,betliar, nižná slaná, vyšná slaná atď. na všetkých staničkách nás výpravcovia poznali, jaj to boli krásne časy, bezstarostné detstvo, súhlasím je to krásna oblasť, škoda že sa tam už asi nedostanem, vašim videom sa mi prinavrátili krásne spomienky, vrelá vdaka

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Dobrý deň, mám použiť Google Translate. Dúfam, že môžete pochopiť ma. Neskôr na tejto dovolenke som cestoval v zachovalej železničnej-auto s drevenými sedadlami, ako je ten, ktorý opisuje, budem nahrávať video pred Vianocami. Keď som bol mladý som strávil veľa bezstarostné dovolenky v severnom Walese, časť Veľkej Británie, ktorá vyzerá veľmi podobne ako Slovensko, s horami a docela riek. Šťastné dni.

    • @evacervenova1736
      @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 aha myslela som, že ste slovák nakoľko s rušnovodičom v tomto videu ste pekne rozprávali slovensky, na moje odpovede použite google prekladač, ja ho používam tiež, ked si chcem prečítať komentáre k vašim videám , ktoré sú v angličtine. prajem krásny večer a veľa fanušikov

    • @evacervenova1736
      @evacervenova1736 5 років тому

      vláčiky s dreveným interiérom sa volajú "červené hurvínky" a ešte jazdia ako atrakcia na trase rožnava - dobšiná, na googli sa dajú nájsť aj obrázky
      „Červené Hurvínky s nezameniteľným dreveným interiérom boli kedysi symbolom osobnej prepravy v Československu. Po 2. svetovej vojne ich za tri roky produkcie vyrobili takmer 550 kusov. Stali sa najrozšírenejším motorákom tej doby a v prevádzke vydržali vyše 30 rokov. Dnes ich opäť vídať na mimoriadnych nostalgických jazdách,“

  • @user-of8ky7tv7c
    @user-of8ky7tv7c 5 років тому +1

    저 푸른 초원위에 노래가 생각나는 영상이네요~~항상 즐감하고 있습니다 ,,,

  • @adordorath3823
    @adordorath3823 4 роки тому +2

    Ešte šťastie, že v Dobšinej je píla, už by bola trať zrejme zrušená. Takto má aspoň charakter vlečky. Pred rokmi chodil do Dobšinej aj Os.

  • @gideongoosen2493
    @gideongoosen2493 3 роки тому +1

    Beautiful region. Love the landscape. The white flowers along side the track , are they perhaps arum lilies?

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  3 роки тому I looked at this article and paused the video to see the wild flowers, they look like Arum Lilies. The countryside in Slovakia is full of wild flowers.

  • @fptrains5775
    @fptrains5775 5 років тому

    Veľmi Pekne

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      It was a very nostalgic trip, just how I imagine British branch lines looked in the 50's and 60's.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      @@fptrains5775 Rožňava looked a nice place, I wish I'd had more time to visit some of the places this train went to. Although the Dobšiná end of the line did not appear to be well used, there were plenty of signs of freight activity along the line.

  • @robertcoleman4861
    @robertcoleman4861 5 років тому +2

    Another great vid thanks tim,Part of it is like the upper hunter valley nsw around the liverpool ranges,Is this line a regular passenger service line,The driver really gives the train horn a workout,One day i would like you to do a video in country nsw that's if you can find a
    rail line still open? cheers bob.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Hi Robert, I'm pleased you enjoyed it. I would love to cover some of the lines in NSW, but it probably won't be from the cab, Australia appears to have rules similar to the UK as far as cab-ride videos are concerned, although we are fortunate here in that some drivers post good cab-ride videos. So far I am not getting a positive response from Queensland Rail for my trip from Brisbane to Longreach, which surprises me a little as adverts for Australian tourist trains often feature on my videos. I was also hoping to feature the line to Cairns as well, but I'll probably go to NZ early where Kiwi Rail are more helpful, they realise travellers UA-cam videos lead to people booking trips. There is still time before I travel, maybe Queensland Rail will surprise me. New South Wales is a great tourist destination, my visit to the Blue Mountains was all too brief, I must return to spend more time appreciating the area, there is a lot to see and do.

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 Hi Tim. You may have better luck if you first contact whoever is the current minister for tourism in Australia and point out the popularity of your channel and how much good publicity Australia would get from having cab-view videos posted to your channel.
      I doubt that the minister could directly override the rules, but he may be able to suggest procedures which will allow you to apply officially for permission with a good chance of getting it.
      Since Australia is currently holding an election, it may be worth waiting a few weeks before trying to contact the minister for tourism.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      @@melkiorwiseman5234 Hi thanks for the suggestion. I Emailed, phoned and wrote to the correct departments at Queensland Rail. They just sent back a questionnaire to fill out, they also required me to take out insurance of 10 million Australian Dollars to cover any damage my equipment might cause - just how much damage can a small GoPro camera cause? I arranged cover for the maximum I could get for a reasonable price in the UK, 5 Million Sterling. The Queensland Rail staff I met were all very friendly, polite and helpful, but I never got a reply from their publicity department. New Zealand and Australia have gone the same way as the UK, all reasons for not being bothered are blamed on Health and Safety. The minister for tourism might have been a better bet, but it is more likely I will chose to visit Country's with a more relaxed attitude to Health and Safety, appreciating the value of helping UA-cam creators to get good footage.

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 5 років тому

      @@Timsvideochannel1 I have to agree. It's a pity.

  • @gardnersmith3580
    @gardnersmith3580 5 років тому +1

    Bardotka has a wasp nest in her horn 12:18. Stops for mom and baby. 12:38. Nice. That engineer has eyes like a hawk.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому +1

      He'd given the horn a good workout on this trip. It was a really nice moment when the driver stopped to wave to the mum and her youngster.

  • @marcosantonio1006
    @marcosantonio1006 2 роки тому

    Assistir TimsvideochanneI1 em: 02/06/2022, ás 16:55 minutos, Quinta-Feira. Estado de Pernambuco-Brasil. Ainda conhecendo Slovakia, junto com você e o tim. Le desejo, boa viajem, neste belo vídeo marcado de muita emoção! Boa sorte a todos e bom embarque a quem assisti.

  • @marcosantonio1006
    @marcosantonio1006 2 роки тому

    Mas uma vez eu comento, que estações nos trechos que o Tim filmou existem... Dá até para notar, que algumas estações são até mesmo antigas. Mais não vi nenhum pessoa, esperando o trem de passageiros. Notei, que existem até alguns trechos, vagões estacionados nos pátios, mais não vi,...Pelo menos o vídeo não mostra" atividades de trem de passageiros." Alguém sabe porque?

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  2 роки тому

      Olá, os serviços regulares de passageiros cessaram há 10 anos ou mais, a linha é usada para trens de carga sazonais ocasionais. O trem de passageiros mostrado é uma corrida especial para os entusiastas da ferrovia.
      Hi, regular passenger services ceased 10 or more years ago, the line is used for occasional seasonal freight trains. The passenger train shown is a special run for railway enthusiasts.

  • @amettampatitv8450
    @amettampatitv8450 5 років тому

    Sledujem vaše video o železniciach na Slovensku a dúfam, že sa budete pozerať na moje video o železniciach v Indonézii

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Ahoj, dúfam, že sa teší moje videá o Slovensku. Budem sa pozrieť niektoré z vašich videí ukazujúcich indonézskej železnice na víkend. Najlepšie želá od Tim v Anglicku.

  • @chucksandos8939
    @chucksandos8939 5 років тому +1

    Hello Tim, I very glad to returning in Slovakia thip with your shoting camera! :-) Well, very nice this green hills landscape, having rare villages. Very nice! Thanks again. Chuck
    P.S. Yesterday aftermoon and here Sun was opened, and I has an evenings good walking. But sunset now is about 5 PM, because I returns at night, and at 31/10 is began the satan's night -- Halloween maski-show and here, hehehe... Questuion: in UK has penetrapes of this mental influence? :-)

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Its good to be back editing videos taken in Slovakia, its a beautiful country, looks a nice place to live. We have Halloween here, its just a bit of fun, an excuse for a knees up and a get together with old friends, people don't see it as the devil's night, even my wife and I went to a Halloween dance with the women dressed as witches and the men dressed in whatever old cloths they could find at the back of the wardrobe, with some of the wife's lipstick daubed on to look like blood. We must have looked really daft. Take care. Tim.

    • @neilforbes416
      @neilforbes416 5 років тому +1

      Halloween really means nothing to Australians. It was only ever celebrated by ex-pat Americans and Australia dabbled with it as a novelty, but the novelty has now well and truly worn off. Nice video, though!(getting back on subject!).

    • @chucksandos8939
      @chucksandos8939 5 років тому

      Good morning, Tim! Well, be "looked really daft" is not huge problem. Sure, in world when people cannot recognise sense between good and bad, and most importantly between good and evil, all these things seem to be “innocent”. Let me remind you of the parable about slow frog cooking :-) If you prefer, I may give an article for information about root of this evil. But its not symple reading... Take warm. Chuck

    • @chucksandos8939
      @chucksandos8939 5 років тому

      ​@@neilforbes416, Well, so "Vivat Australian!" (c) :-)

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      You explained the slow frog cooking parable in an earlier comment and I fully understand where you are coming from. We can only hope the kids mentally jump out of the pot before it is too late.

  • @neilforbes416
    @neilforbes416 5 років тому

    The infrastructure of this railway does not appear to be much, if anything. The "station" at Vlachovo Obec, for example, is nothing more than a paved strip on one side of the railway line, with no shelter or ticket office, or anything beyond that paved strip. Nothing like what you or I am used to in Britain or Australia.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      We are used to all the paraphernalia it that goes with a railway, but I can't help feeling that the cost of all the extras like station buildings, high platforms, fences and over the top railway crossing have contributed to so many becoming uneconomic and closing. Better to have a basic railway, than no railway.

    • @neilforbes416
      @neilforbes416 5 років тому

      Some of the stations had a raised platform, but I suspect any buildings next to those platforms were nothing more than private homes that just happened to be nearby.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Most of the branch lines we travelled along lost their passenger services 20 or more years ago, so it is remarkable that so many stations still look as though they are used. I wonder if some of the nearby houses, once belonged to the railways?

    • @neilforbes416
      @neilforbes416 5 років тому

      Those houses may well have been former ticket and booking offices but became private dwellings after the passenger services were shut down.

    • @placeholder1088
      @placeholder1088 5 років тому

      In my hometown there is one of these old station buildings and yes, it was used as a ticket office and a shelter.It belonged to a railway + it was home to the dispatcher-there was a private part and a public part of the house.

  • @Han-wh5ie
    @Han-wh5ie Рік тому

    Opnieuw een geslaagde video !
    Opvallend de structureel lange emplacementssporen in dat land.

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  Рік тому

      Hallo, ik ben blij dat je genoten hebt van de video. De lange opstelsporen geven aan dat deze spoorlijn ooit een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid vracht vervoerde.
      Hello, I'm pleased you enjoyed the video. The long sidings indicate that this railway once carried a considerable amount of frieght.

    • @Han-wh5ie
      @Han-wh5ie Рік тому +1

      @@Timsvideochannel1 Bedankt ! Dat vermoedde ik al. Je ziet het vaker op de spoorlijnen daar.

  • @luboschsch
    @luboschsch 5 років тому +1

    uz len krasne spomienky...

  • @chucksandos8939
    @chucksandos8939 5 років тому

    I regret, Tim, that in the morning, being lazy and not realizing well when I woke up, I wrote it here, and not in another suitable topic, the postscriptum about the Halloween. This is too obviously a “flammable” object, and an undoubted offtopic, which is not appropriate here... Of course, morality goes based on religion, but these questions are purely philosophical, and its not as simple as it sometimes seems. We have already debated it and dealt with them, right? And Satan is not a terrible creature -- with horns and hooves -- but rather the absence of pure white light in the human mind and soul, is it not?

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Hi Chuck, this is a railway and travel channel and we do seen to go off piste at times. Religion, Satan, God and worst of all politicians, can be very flammable subjects, probably best left to channels set up to discus such subjects. I think we know each other quite well now, maybe we should concentrate on the actual content of the videos. It a beautiful sunny, but cold day here. Take care. Tim.

    • @chucksandos8939
      @chucksandos8939 5 років тому

      Hello Tim, I think the main point to thing is to avoid train accidents with these tourist trains., is not it? But YT is 'very flammable subject' at totally... :-) So your UK Northern cold weather at first days of November are normal position, or no? Here the autumn are normal in whole, contrary two past autumns when many-many days was many poor weather... So its good case for me now. Take care. Chuck

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      November is usually the start of winter weather, not snow, just generally colder. Snow is quite rare these days in Southern England, maybe every three or four years. Tourist trains are fun, but because they are not regular, there is always a slight increase in risk, especially with a bunch of excitable British train spotters wondering all over the tracks :-) Tim.

    • @chucksandos8939
      @chucksandos8939 5 років тому

      Well, its very good that Southern England haven't snow too. And here snow is rare just in January, but excluse last two ears, of curse. And winter here going aproximaly after 20-25 Decemner only, and after 25-30 January the Sun upper on Well, its very good that Southern England haven't snow too. And here snow is rare, may just in January, but exclude last two years, of course. And winter here going such after 20-25 Decemner only, and after 25-30 January the Sun upper on sky again and warms th land, -- its as general cases and with climate norm only... :-) Have good day. Chuck
      P.S. I think this “new” terrestrial climate, which is coming everywhere, will quickly make the remnants of humanity understand that all their stupid “concerns” and political squabbles, all “economic problems” are not worth a damn none... Amen!

    • @Timsvideochannel1
      @Timsvideochannel1  5 років тому

      Hi Chuck, whilst we may not see snow very often, when we do, it can be interesting, this was taken not too far from you -
      I don't think the drivers were worrying about politics, just whether or not thy'd get to next station.

  • @BorisLu
    @BorisLu 5 років тому

    Super video!