The Neuroscience of Consciousness - Anil Seth

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @marcobiagini1878
    @marcobiagini1878 3 роки тому +9

    I am a physicist and I will provide solid arguments that prove that consciousness cannot be generated by the brain (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). Many argue that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, but it is possible to show that such hypothesis is inconsistent with our scientific knowledges. In fact, it is possible to show that all the examples of emergent properties consists of concepts used to describe how an external object appear to our conscious mind, and not how it is in itself, which means how the object is independently from our observation. In other words, emergent properties are ideas conceived to describe or classify, according to arbitrary criteria and from an arbitrary point of view, certain processes or systems. In summary, emergent properties are intrinsically subjective, since they are based on the arbitrary choice to focus on certain aspects of a system and neglet other aspects, such as microscopic structures and processes; emergent properties consist of ideas through which we describe how the external reality appears to our conscious mind: without a conscious mind, these ideas (= emergent properties) would not exist at all.
    Here comes my first argument: arbitrariness, subjectivity, classifications and approximate descriptions, imply the existence of a conscious mind, which can arbitrarily choose a specific point of view and focus on certain aspects while neglecting others. It is obvious that consciousness cannot be considered an emergent property of the physical reality, because consciousenss is a preliminary necessary condition for the existence of any emergent property. We have then a logical contradiction. Nothing which presupposes the existence of consciousness can be used to try to explain the existence of consciousness.
    Here comes my second argument: our scientific knowledge shows that brain processes consist of sequences of ordinary elementary physical processes; since consciousness is not a property of ordinary elementary physical processes, then a succession of such processes cannot have cosciousness as a property. In fact we can break down the process and analyze it step by step, and in every step consciousness would be absent, so there would never be any consciousness during the entire sequence of elementary processes. It must be also understood that considering a group of elementary processes together as a whole is an arbitrary choice. In fact, according to the laws of physics, any number of elementary processes is totally equivalent. We could consider a group of one hundred elementary processes or ten thousand elementary processes, or any other number; this choice is arbitrary and not reducible to the laws of physics. However, consciousness is a necessary preliminary condition for the existence of arbitrary choices; therefore consciousness cannot be a property of a sequence of elementary processes as a whole, because such sequence as a whole is only an arbitrary and abstract concept that cannot exist independently of a conscious mind.
    Here comes my third argument: It should also be considered that brain processes consist of billions of sequences of elementary processes that take place in different points of the brain; if we attributed to these processes the property of consciousness, we would have to associate with the brain billions of different consciousnesses, that is billions of minds and personalities, each with its own self-awareness and will; this contradicts our direct experience, that is, our awareness of being a single person who is able to control the voluntary movements of his own body with his own will. If cerebral processes are analyzed taking into account the laws of physics, these processes do not identify any unity; this missing unit is the necessarily non-physical element (precisely because it is missing in the brain), the element that interprets the brain processes and generates a unitary conscious state, that is the human mind.
    Here comes my forth argument: Consciousness is characterized by the fact that self-awareness is an immediate intuition that cannot be broken down or fragmented into simpler elements. This characteristic of consciousness of presenting itself as a unitary and non-decomposable state, not fragmented into billions of personalities, does not correspond to the quantum description of brain processes, which instead consist of billions of sequences of elementary incoherent quantum processes. When someone claims that consciousness is a property of the brain, they are implicitly considering the brain as a whole, an entity with its own specific properties, other than the properties of the components. From the physical point of view, the brain is not a whole, because its quantum state is not a coherent state, as in the case of entangled systems; the very fact of speaking of "brain" rather than many cells that have different quantum states, is an arbitrary choice. This is an important aspect, because, as I have said, consciousness is a necessary preliminary condition for the existence of arbitrariness. So, if a system can be considered decomposable and considering it as a whole is an arbitrary choice, then it is inconsistent to assume that such a system can have or generate consciousness, since consciousness is a necessary precondition for the existence of any arbitrary choice. In other words, to regard consciousness as a property ofthe brain, we must first define what the brain is, and to do so we must rely only on the laws of physics, without introducing arbitrary notions extraneous to them; if this cannot be done, then it means that every property we attribute to the brain is not reducible to the laws of physics, and therefore such property would be nonphysical. Since the interactions between the quantum particles that make up the brain are ordinary interactions, it is not actually possible to define the brain based solely on the laws of physics. The only way to define the brain is to arbitrarily establish that a certain number of particles belong to it and others do not belong to it, but such arbitrariness is not admissible. In fact, the brain is not physically separated from the other organs of the body, with which it interacts, nor is it physically isolated from the external environment, just as it is not isolated from other brains, since we can communicate with other people, and to do so we use physical means, for example acoustic waves or electromagnetic waves (light). This necessary arbitrariness in defining what the brain is, is sufficient to demonstrate that consciousness is not reducible to the laws of physics. Besides, since the brain is an arbitrary concept, and consciousness is the necessary preliminary condition for the existence of arbitrariness, consciousness cannot be a property of the brain.
    Based on these considerations, we can exclude that consciousness is generated by brain processes or is an emergent property of the brain. Marco Biagini

    • @enolala
      @enolala 2 роки тому

      Could not read your long but very very nicely organized reflection / mirroring the contradictions of a mind prospecting herself throughout her own language and perspective. Noam Chomsky’s work is coming to my mind while reading your very interesting study of this question I would add the work of Étienne Klein about « time « and it relativity… how can we talk about anything correctly as we do not even know yet exactly how to talk about time relatively to consciousness… sorry for my English :)

    • @victorrybin1201
      @victorrybin1201 2 роки тому +2

      *Many argue that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, but it is possible to show that such hypothesis is inconsistent with our scientific knowledges.*
      is it because "it feels miraculous"? all data from neuroscience show that consciousness is function of the brain (brain damage studies, stimulation of brain etc.)
      *In summary, emergent properties are intrinsically subjective*
      why? wetness of water is an emergent property, and it's as objective as the molecules H2O. in fact, wetness is More objective, because everybody feels it the same, while atomic models are changing, and they are just an arbitrary way of describing the reality underlying wetness.
      *without a conscious mind, these ideas (= emergent properties) would not exist at all.*
      why? if Wetness is just a Concept created by the brain, then our models of atoms are also just Concepts (and you can explain the underlying reality further, diving into the sub-atomic particles and string theory). what does it have to do with consciousness?
      *It is obvious that consciousness cannot be considered an emergent property of the physical reality, because consciousenss is a preliminary necessary condition for the existence of any emergent property.*
      you're saying that an emergent property (e.g. wetness) is somehow more arbitrary than the components. where's the difference? - every underlying component also has emergent properties. they are not less "arbitrary"
      *since consciousness is not a property of ordinary elementary physical processes, then a succession of such processes cannot have cosciousness as a property.*
      this is the emergence 🙂. every neuron is not conscious, but all together they are.
      the 3rd argument seems the same - it neglects emergent properties. "if computation is a property of a calculator, then there must be many little computations throughout it...". but at a lower level it's moving electrons in the circuit🤷‍♂.
      *self-awareness is an immediate intuition that cannot be broken down or fragmented into simpler elements*
      but there are many levels of consciousness. a person can be less or more conscious:
      *does not correspond to the quantum description of brain processes*
      why do you need to bring the quantum processies? the neurons sending signals up their axons can be enough to create consciousness, no matter what every individual supatomic particle is doing.
      your arguments #2,3 and 4 are based on the unacceptance of emergent properties (without consciousness). and the only real argument is #1:
      "emergent properties are Arbitrary, therefore they need consciousness to exist" it begs the question:
      1. consciousness arbitrarily creates emergent properties...
      2. therefore consciousness is not an emergent property.
      but it can be:
      1. consciousness feels emergent properties (e.g. wetness), as well as the compounds (atoms)

    • @marcobiagini1878
      @marcobiagini1878 2 роки тому +2

      @@victorrybin1201 You wrote:” all data from neuroscience show that consciousness is function of the brain (brain damage studies, stimulation of brain etc.)”
      Neurology is concerned only with finding correlations between psychical experiences and brain processes, and correlation does not mean causation. The problem of determining the origin of consciousness arises on a much deeper level, one that neurology does not even come close to. My point is that if we rationally analize our scientific knowledges about cerebral processes, on the basis of the laws of physics, we understand that the properties of consciousness are incompatible with the properties of brain processes and therefore the hypothesis that consciousness is an emergent property of such processes is inconsistent.
      You wrote:”wetness of water is an emergent property, and it's as objective as the molecules H2O. in fact, wetness is More objective, because everybody feels it the same, while atomic models are changing, and they are just an arbitrary way of describing the reality underlying wetness.”
      Wetness is only an arbitrary and subjective classification that describes only approximately the external reality; in fact, the concept of wetness does not indicate the exact positioning of the molecules. Wertness is subjective because it referes to how the physical reality APPEARS to our conscious mind, and NOT how the physical reality is by itself and in itself.
      Wetness, like all the alleged emergent properties, is intrinsically a subjective concept, since it is based on the arbitrary choice to focus on certain aspects of a system and neglect other aspects, such as microscopic structures and processes, and it is an approximate description of the physical reality.
      Wetness, like all te alleged emergent properties, is a simplied description of underlying processes and an arbitrary abstraction of the actual physical processes.
      Therefore, every emergent property requires a consciousness from which to be conceived.
      Therefore, that conceiving consciousness cannot be the emergent property itself.
      Conclusion: consciousness cannot be an emergent property.
      You wrote:” you're saying that an emergent property (e.g. wetness) is somehow more arbitrary than the components. where's the difference? - every underlying component also has emergent properties. they are not less "arbitrary" “
      Yes , they are arbitrary because arbitrariness refers to the possibility of choosing among more than one options; we can describe macroscopic phenomena through the fundamental laws of physics or through simplified macroscopic models (the so called “emergent prperties). On the contrary , microscopic processes can be described only through the fundamental laws of physics. The point is that the microscopic laws of physics (quantum mechanics) are the most fundamental laws we know capable to predict systematically natural phenomena (except consciousness). From the microscopic laws of physics it is possible to derive the macroscopic laws and to explain all macroscopic phenomena (except consciousness), while the reverse is clearly false; from the macroscopic laws it is not possible to derive the microscopic laws and to explain microscopic phenomena. This is sufficient to prove that the fundamental laws of physics have a special role in understanding the universe.
      Besides, we know for sure that macroscopic laws and macroscopic descriptions are certain NOT REAL, because they do not describe the external reality as it is in itself, but they are only APPROXIMATE descriptions the external reality (which means WRONG descriptions), and the same is true for our perceptions, such as visual perceptions (we know that objects are different from what we see). Even if there were more fundamental laws than the present laws of physics, this would be irrilevant; in fact macroscopic laws as well as any emergent property, remain
      simplified descriptions of underlying processes and arbitrary abstractions of the actual physical processes.
      Therefore, every macroscopic law or emergent property requires a consciousness from which to be conceived.
      Therefore, that conceiving consciousness cannot be the macroscopic laws or emergent property itself. Emergence itself is just a category imposed by a mind, so the mind can't itself be explained as an emergent phenomenon. Therefore, if we want to try to explan consciousnes , we must start from the microscopic laws of physics; however, my arguments prove that this is not possible, because consciousness is irreducible to the laws of physics and to cerebral processes.

      You wrote:”but there are many levels of consciousness. a person can be less or more conscious”
      This is irrelevant; my point is that the phenomenological characteristic of consciousness of presenting itself as a unitary and non-decomposable state, not fragmented into billions of personalities, is incompatible with the quantum description of brain processes, which instead consist of billions of sequences of elementary incoherent quantum processes; such brain processes do not identify a single global unit.
      You wrote:” why do you need to bring the quantum processes?”
      Because all brain processes are quantum processes and therefore any attempt of explantion of the orign of consciousness must be coherent with our scientific knowledges about quantum processes.
      You wrote:” the neurons sending signals up their axons can be enough to create consciousness, no matter what every individual supatomic particle is doing.”
      The neuron is only a simplified conceptual model that approximately describes billions of sequences of microscopic quantum processes; therefore the neuron and all the properties attributed to it are ideas that only exist in a conscous mind. Therefore the hypothesis that the neurons sending signals up their axons can create consciousness is inconsisyent because consciousness is a neceaasary preliminary condition for the existence of the neuron (=simplified conceptual model).

    • @victorrybin1201
      @victorrybin1201 2 роки тому

      ​@@marcobiagini1878 your argument sounds like a spin on idealism: "every abstract concept is a thought in the mind of god", but instead of god you're adding the non-physical soul, and instead of abstrat concepts - emergent properties.
      but how do you support the premise that *emergent properties don't exist without mind* ? it seems unintuitive that water is not wet unless somebody is experiencing it. or you can push this thinking further and simply say nothing exists (including basic particles) unless somebody experiences it 🤷.
      do you concider atoms from which wetness emerges, as yet another level of emerging properties, which is created by subatomic particles, like quarks, neutrinos etc? what do you think can be the basic non-emergent thing - is it strings from the string theory?

    • @marcobiagini1878
      @marcobiagini1878 2 роки тому +3

      @@victorrybin1201 You wrote:” but how do you support the premise that emergent properties don't exist without mind ? it seems unintuitive that water is not wet unless somebody is experiencing it.”
      You can analyse every example of an alleged emergent property, on the basis of the laws of physics, and you can easily show that such emergent property is only a simplified conceptual model that we use to approximately describe underlying microscopic processes.
      For example, wetness is only an arbitrary and subjective classification that only approximately describes the external reality; in fact, the concept of wetness does not indicate the exact positioning of the molecules. An approximate description is a wrong description, and no entity exists by itself corresponding to such wrong description, simply because it is a wrong description and, as such, it can exist only as an idea in a conscious mind. Wetness is subjective because it referes to how the physical reality APPEARS to our conscious mind, and NOT how the physical reality is by itself and in itself. On the other hand, the laws of quantum physics are very counter-intuitive and they have proved that the physical reality is very different of what we perceive through our senses.
      Wetness, like all the alleged emergent properties, is intrinsically a subjective concept, since it is based on the arbitrary choice to focus on certain aspects of a system and neglect other aspects, such as microscopic structures and processes, and it is an approximate description of the physical reality. Wetness, like all the alleged emergent properties, is a simplified description of underlying processes and an arbitrary abstraction of the actual physical processes. Therefore, every emergent property requires a consciousness from which to be conceived. Therefore, that conceiving consciousness cannot be the emergent property itself. Conclusion: consciousness cannot be an emergent property. In other words, emergence is a purely conceptual idea that is applied onto matter for taxonomy purposes. On a fundamental material level, there is no brain, or heart, or any higher level groups or sets, but just fundamental particles interacting. Emergence itself is just a category imposed by a mind, so the mind can't itself be explained as an emergent phenomenon.
      You wrote:” or you can push this thinking further and simply say nothing exists (including basic particles) unless somebody experiences it ?. do you concider atoms from which wetness emerges, as yet another level of emerging properties, which is created by subatomic particles, like quarks, neutrinos etc? what do you think can be the basic non-emergent thing - is it strings from the string theory? “
      The microscopic laws of physics (quantum mechanics) are the most fundamental laws we know capable to predict systematically all natural phenomena (except consciousness). All natural phenomena (except consciousness ) are reducible to the laws of physics, which means that they can be explained as a direct consequence of the laws of physics WITHOUT making addictional assumptions. The present laws of physics could be an approximate version of more fundamental laws; this is however irrilevant. In fact, the current laws of physics explain with great accuracy all chemical and biological processes, including cerebral processes. Devolopments in physics are expected to refer to high energy processes or cosmology, but it is unreasonable to hypothesize that we will find new laws of physics that will change our descriptions of biological processes. The point is that we do not need new laws of physics to explain biological and cerebral processes, and such processes are perfectly reducible to the current laws of physics, while consciousness is not.

  • @infrerioralveolar
    @infrerioralveolar 3 роки тому +12

    UA-cam is my biggest teacher in life

    • @rosarioibarra1002
      @rosarioibarra1002 3 роки тому
      This information will make you question everything you thought you knew about your body, mind and psyche. What we have been made to believe it’s desease or illness is actually your mind healing the body.

    • @405OKCShiningOn
      @405OKCShiningOn 2 роки тому

      Yes thank you youtube, I'm a student of life too.

  • @iraidaermakova2042
    @iraidaermakova2042 4 роки тому +12

    After this lecture, in particular after he mentioned that our brains predicts the majority of the reality, I think I now understand why people with symmetric face/body are more attractive for us and why we like music!
    Basically, as i see it, for our brains it is much easier (less energy costly) to render symmetric faces, because prediction rate is very high in this case and on feedback we have less things to "re-render".
    Same with the music. Our brains might have easy time when listening to music, because music obeys math and easily to predict.
    And in opposite, imagine how it is "annoying" for our brains to look at the person with not very symmetric face and to deal with fixing our prediction when rendering it.
    I think this can be considered for a lot of things that we "like" or "prefer". For example, we prefer to be in a community of ppl that share our believes, which can be seen from our brains perspective that they need to do less work to predict these ppl, less work to "understand" them or be "understandable" by them (need to share less context), which is very energy cost efficient.

    • @a.1441
      @a.1441 4 роки тому +2

      This is a really awesome viewpoint

    • @AleatoricSatan
      @AleatoricSatan 3 роки тому +1

      You are actually extremely close... Your observation on beauty is spot on! It's about prediction modeling (same as music and rhythm pattern-matching). The community aspect however, has to do more with the brain trying to relate and "emulate" the existence of others, and what they are going through. This is how empathy works. And with empathy we get to care for those around us and build communities, on which societies and civilizations are based on...

    • @Maxinator11-11
      @Maxinator11-11 3 роки тому

      Your viewpoint makes sense.

    • @daniel9973
      @daniel9973 2 роки тому

      I have never understood why people believe the idea that symmetry is the most important factor in attraction. An elderly person can have a perfectly symmetrical face, but they will not be attractive to a young person. A youthful unsymmetric face wins every time. In fact, if you use computers to make celebrity faces more symmetric, they become less attractive.

  • @soulmuzings8844
    @soulmuzings8844 5 років тому +6

    Great video!! found you through suggested videos. I just started a UA-cam Channel not long ago and very interested in the human evolution and spirituality topic. Keep following your passion and creating great content. Sending you good vibes and lots of love 💖

  • @misterfosterdulles
    @misterfosterdulles 5 років тому +7

    I've really been into this lately... as a yoga person and breath awareness breath worker... Combined with excellent nutrition... I've been noticing that the yogis called the ancient psychic skills "siddhis"
    . And though I do not pursue my meditations yoga practice and breath awareness skills for the sake of acquiring interesting psychic experiences... I can say I've been having some most interesting psychic phenomena in my life and it keeps getting more and more interesting and more diverse as long as I keep enjoying the breath excellent nutrition rigorous exercise and Humble living standards with self compassion and compassion for others

    • @trezvoumlje
      @trezvoumlje 5 років тому +1

      Are you doing prana yama, wim hof kind of thing or holotropic breathing?

    • @akhilsantosh4332
      @akhilsantosh4332 3 роки тому

      Yes, following yama and niyama plays an important role in cultivating compassion

  • @Meejateacher
    @Meejateacher 3 роки тому +3

    1:13:31 “we don’t have a clock in the head.” Research suggests we have a range of different temporal awareness systems, e.g. demonstrated by our ability to sync to rhythmic patterns.

    • @Liusila
      @Liusila 3 роки тому

      Maybe a clock is different from a metronome though? He did mention 24 hours which is a kind of a “clock” we have though.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      Every neuron maintains a particular rate of discharge.
      This makes it pretty easy to imagine the source of our temporal ability.

  • @johnfraser8116
    @johnfraser8116 3 роки тому

    So good and enlightening. Thank you!

  • @antonylehmann9327
    @antonylehmann9327 3 роки тому +12

    I am not sure this lecture provides evidence that the brain produces consciousness. It seems more reasonable to me that the brain is something in consciouness along with everything else. In fact there can be nothing outside consciousness. I would point Anil to the teachings of Francis Lucille and Rupert Spira as a starting point and then also Bernardo Kastrup

    • @marcodallolio9746
      @marcodallolio9746 3 роки тому

      And the unsolvable debate between the two forms of monism goes on

    • @2msvalkyrie529
      @2msvalkyrie529 3 роки тому +3

      Rupert Spira !? ! Are you serious?
      Who else do you recommend ?
      Deepak Chopra . ? Lobsang
      Rampa ?

  • @pauljohnston
    @pauljohnston 3 роки тому +2

    Fascinating that scientists want to repeat all the errors of the philosophers. So 1) all we can be absolutely sure of is that we are conscious 2) we cannot really know that other people are conscious 3) we do not have any contact with reality (things in themselves); we only know our inner reception of things. Very strange.

  • @user-lu9hq6jv4v
    @user-lu9hq6jv4v 3 роки тому

    Consciousness is without limitations of coarse one can not define it.

  • @mofogie
    @mofogie 4 роки тому +3

    I really wish this guy would get to the point more. always several prefaces before a statement

    • @BreakDown1996
      @BreakDown1996 3 роки тому +2

      He adds an abundance of context to unify his points. Nothing wrong with that...

    • @SimbaWaNyika
      @SimbaWaNyika 3 роки тому +1

      @@BreakDown1996 it's unnecessary distraction. I have watched many of his youtube lectures on consciousness and frankly I don't see how his reference to Voyager1 adds context. First, he is wrong to claim that earth's 🌎 position in the universe and evolution are the other two fundamental mysteries on the level of consciousness. Indeed these 2 are hardly footnotes in the big questions of science.

  • @rursus8354
    @rursus8354 2 роки тому

    I prefer that consciousness is maldefined. Perhaps it is related to "qualia" which is just a reasoning error. E.g. "red" is not an experience: it is a negotiated social construct on experiences that are essentially non-comparable, you can say that they are relation-less nodes in a network of relations.

  • @johnking6624
    @johnking6624 3 роки тому

    It would have been much better if we could have seen the diagrams.

  • @skitzoweirdo5313
    @skitzoweirdo5313 3 роки тому

    I think a lot of us focusing on understanding perception and consciousness are underestimating emotional reactions, also produced in the brain. This is another reason why the vision impaired can probably help a lot with neuroscience more so than the same old what do all of us with eyesight believe based on what we have seen, see, and predict to see.😈-mjm

  • @NahashMichael
    @NahashMichael 3 роки тому

    Ultimately what he means is if you can accept the existence of consciousness, you are conscious.

  • @amyagate
    @amyagate 3 роки тому +2

    Yes, this dude is all over the place other than the important theme. Nonetheless, this is a topic that embodies an enormity of traditional learning, consciousness which many are already awakened to, plus it would take a course or a degree to get it - although some people get it lightening fast! But, yes this dude is going off on tangents that lead to his sort of point. He should try reverse stream of conscious. He can’t but I’ve found that’s a great practice to master which I have. Well, sadly all over the place!

  • @paddydiddles4415
    @paddydiddles4415 2 роки тому +1

    Anils research is certainly relevant to ESP experiences/phenomena, it’s just that he doesn’t subscribe to the woo woo interpretations

  • @Bichonfrise369
    @Bichonfrise369 2 роки тому

    An this is what professional think.

  • @skgan4739
    @skgan4739 3 роки тому

    What is "Consciousness" made of ? -- is it an integrated material energy that can made sense of data & information in order to form a judgment or opinion of what is?

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      Being conscious is the process in which the brain analyzes signals arriving from the sense organs and then, depending on the results of the analysis, sends signals to the muscles to move the body away from danger and towards food.
      Of course what's going on is more complicated than outlined in that sketch
      but the important idea to grasp is,
      what's going on is a process, not a something.

  • @mahaalsaadi8173
    @mahaalsaadi8173 2 роки тому

    What is mean the end of conscience?

  • @teromartikainen9315
    @teromartikainen9315 5 років тому +5

    So there is no afterlife

    • @nickmane8152
      @nickmane8152 5 років тому +7

      Why would there be?

    • @justinwinter4908
      @justinwinter4908 4 роки тому +6

      It's like asking "how was life before you were born" there was nothing, just like after death.

    • @justquitebored
      @justquitebored 3 роки тому +2

      @@justinwinter4908 because you know beyond a doubt. right. it's that you don't remember. like a dream, it happened, but just cuz you forget doesn't mean it doesn't exist. people think they know everything. people barely remember what they had for breakfast last week let alone what happened before we remember.

    • @finallyanime
      @finallyanime 3 роки тому +1

      @Brett Sylvester ...yeah just like how people didn’t know wtf UV rays were before we figured out how to measure them. Or germs before we actually knew they existed. Smh. Believe what you want man doesn’t matter what I say anyways. If you think a human soul just appears for no reason you have fun with that

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      The word itself is a very terse contradiction.

  • @suddenseer9013
    @suddenseer9013 3 роки тому

    Closet thing to a block diagram "consciousness detector" I have seen.

  • @dipankarmallick5543
    @dipankarmallick5543 3 роки тому

    I better read thr transcript...🙏🙏🙏

    @GUPTAYOGENDRA 4 роки тому +1

    1. Consciousness is holding the same place in the universe what it holds in my dream.
    2. My dream (Including me and others, who were living in my dream) was imagined, seen and known by consciousness, which was independent of my dream.
    3. The universe(Including me and others who are living in the universe) is imagined, seen and known by consciousness, which is independent of the universe.

  • @TerencePalmer
    @TerencePalmer 5 років тому +7

    Eventually, all scientific disciplines will acknowledge the reality of the human spirit as an entity with ontological status that uses the brain as its means of communication. You may be heading in the right direction, but you still have a long way to go my dear Dr Anil Seth until science overcomes its reluctance to overcome the taboo of using the word 'spirit' as a testable hypothesis.

    • @arejay00
      @arejay00 5 років тому +4

      Might have got this wrong, but isn't this thinking one of his key points? Isn't talk of "spirit" here exactly that of "Elan Vital" in explaining life? Why is it even needed in the first instance when we talk of consciousness?
      Let's do the hard work first and see if "Spirit" -- a magical X for consciousness -- works as a placeholder in the same way "Elan Vital" was for Homostatis, metabolism, etc for explaining life. Invoking things like "spirit" seems at best placeholder talk in our understanding of consciousness at this stage in the game.

    • @shershah6074
      @shershah6074 4 роки тому

      @@arejay00 actually the word is homeostasis.

    • @Chalee137
      @Chalee137 3 роки тому

      @@arejay00see Iain McGilchrist to see just how left brain Anil Seth is. Lost in a hall of mirrors.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      There's no such thing as Consciousness.
      Being conscious is a process.
      Process is an abstract entity.
      Abstract entities are immaterial,
      why our thoughts feel aethereal.

  • @daveulmer
    @daveulmer 5 років тому +6

    That thing that is called by Your Name is an Intelligent System. Your body is made up of trillions of intelligent systems. There are literally 100's in each cell of your body. Intelligent Systems are systems of both Knowledge and Understanding. DNA contains knowledge and cell machinery is made up of Understanding Engines that use energy to understand knowledge. All intelligent systems organize their knowledge in a framework of Ten Directors which are knowledge concepts. The ten directors are: Name, Authors, Purpose, Environment, Language, Configuration, Operation, Owners, Market, and Value. You can adjust knowledge in these ten concepts and change your life. Enjoy !

  • @Liusila
    @Liusila 3 роки тому +1

    1:47:45 that ESP lady lol

  • @rmcgill49
    @rmcgill49 4 роки тому +1

    10.20 Chutzpah! No mystery left to life? I know he doesn’t quite say that. Happy to disagree

  • @saintjosephterrorofdemonsp6132
    @saintjosephterrorofdemonsp6132 2 роки тому

    We are wonderfully made!
    Science will prove true - the One True Faith - the one holy Catholic apostolic Church is God through imperfect baptized Christians!
    Without God and His love, our existence doesn't make sense!
    (Btw: Macro-evolution has never been proven! Where is the empirical evidence!? Faith and science are complementary not enemies!
    "I think therefore I am" is wrong philosophy!
    We did not create ourselves! The correct order is "I am, therefore I think!"
    The invisible and the visible!
    Catholicism is the science of saving souls!
    Nihilism has no hope!
    Life is a gift from the Holy Trinity!

  • @chomskysarmy3965
    @chomskysarmy3965 3 роки тому +1

    The most interesting insight Chalmers identifies is that science cannot study consciousness because it is an objective pursuit, whereas conscious experience is always subjective. That's why it's a hard problem. I can know my own consciousness but I cannot know for sure that other people are conscious even if they look and sound very much like me. There are no insights in this talk and the title is ridiculous. There is no neuroscience of consciousness.

  • @gregorybascom6215
    @gregorybascom6215 3 роки тому +1

    the brain doesn’t produce consciousness & it’s more a byproduct of consciousness itself...Through that the brain does have consciousness... nth outside of consciousness but what emanates & animates it... we’re left to fill our experience with reality to multi realities of it... 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @AstroSquid
    @AstroSquid 3 роки тому

    The brain and the spine is an antenna for conscious... Bam, problem solved.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      Thinking of one's self as a remotely controlled mechanism
      raises questions as to the nature of the medium
      that conducts the signals that must flit to and fro
      between the source and your brain/spine antenna.
      And wouldn't there be a significant delay
      between what you see and your reaction
      if the source exists beyond the solar system?

    @GUPTAYOGENDRA 4 роки тому +2

    Consciousness is associated with “Thinking” and is independent of “Thinking”.
    This thought is understood only by Consciousness.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      There's no such thing as Consciousness.
      Being conscious is a process.
      Process is an abstract entity.
      Abstract entities are immaterial,
      why our thoughts feel aethereal.

  • @johnbruss3944
    @johnbruss3944 3 роки тому

    I was conscious of a rather unpleasant, for me, first 15 minutes which appears to be commercial promotion (seeking funding, recruiting?) of his institute, justifying his institute's work and arguing with/about supposed opponents. Very unpleasant, like a publicly broadcasted political convention. But after that, thankfully, he began to share some of his findings.

  • @ghoulunathics
    @ghoulunathics 3 роки тому

    you cannot posibly make 1 hour 49min long video from knowing nothing. because science doesn't have even remote idea what the hell consciousness is. that's a scientific fact.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      You are projecting your ignorance onto others.

    • @ghoulunathics
      @ghoulunathics 3 роки тому

      @@REDPUMPERNICKEL ooh, a pesonal insult when you lack the ability to make an argument. how ironic that you call me ignorant.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      Here's a few miscellaneous thoughts about your comment...
      If you reread my comment you will see that I did not call you ignorant.
      We are all ignorant and the size of our ignorance is vastly larger than our knowledge.
      Our comments cannot be "pesonal" because they are pseudonymous.
      That you do not know what others know
      about the science of being conscious
      is the obvious fact that makes you
      ignorant of their knowledge. Right?
      My comment was a simple observation of that fact.
      You erred in choosing to interpret it as an insult.
      If you are going to make comments on a scientific topic then it would be good for you to know that, in general, scientists and educated people use language somewhat differently than how it's used by the 'street' community (of which you are apparently a member).
      If you call someone an 'ignorant fucker' you intend to insult them.
      That's not what 'ignorant' means in educated circles.
      You are ignorant of my ability to make arguments
      so once again you are projecting ignorance
      although you might have begun to get an inkling.
      Feel better now?

    • @ghoulunathics
      @ghoulunathics 3 роки тому

      ​@@REDPUMPERNICKEL ok first of all you need to stop building a character with authority here immediately if you don't just want to seem like an arrogant fucker. we both know that science and logic doesn't build on authority.
      now i dare to claim that i know the field well enough to know that the science doesn't have a clue what the consciousness really is and where is it coming from. the science has absolutely no logical reason to believe the consciousness is created by the brain, rather than it being received by them - it favors the matter over mind for entirely for selfish and arbitrary reasons.
      therefore the title "neuroscience of consciousness" is terribly wrong and misleading, because what he is actually talking about is brain activity, which could equally well be just result of consciousness interacting with the brain/using it as a vessel.
      there's a fact for you.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      If you write like an ignoramus why are you surprised when some reader
      gets the impression that you are one?
      You asserted
      "science doesn't have even remote idea what the hell consciousness is".
      then you assert
      ""neuroscience of consciousness" is terribly wrong"
      which means you must have some understanding of why it's wrong
      which means that you know something about consciousness
      which is contrary to your initial assertion.
      Then you say it could be something else,
      "consciousness interacting with the brain/using it as a vessel"
      which means you think consciousness might be a something
      when in fact being conscious is self evidently a process
      making it an abstract notion
      and why thoughts 'feel' aethereal.
      Thus it's you who "doesn't have even remote idea what the hell consciousness is" and it's you projecting your ignorance on to others who do have perfectly serviceable theories.
      Listen to me carefully,
      decent, intelligent, well educated people don't think less of others because of other's ignorance. They know very well that pure chance gives one loving parents, intelligence and a good education in a first world country.
      Do you understand me now?

  • @kjvail
    @kjvail 4 роки тому +1

    O yea, another leftist intellectual sneering at the hoi polloi about Brexit.

    • @KevinUchihaOG
      @KevinUchihaOG 4 роки тому +8

      is that your only take away from this? triggered much?

    • @2msvalkyrie529
      @2msvalkyrie529 3 роки тому

      The Brexit vote was the biggest
      size 10 to the groin of the left -
      liberal nomenklatura since
      the Bolshevik revolution.
      The plebs actually defied the
      patronising contempt of their
      intellectual " betters " !

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 3 роки тому

      @@2msvalkyrie529 Nah, it's the psychological consequences of loss of empire and the integral delusion of superiority to the colored conquered peoples who now live next door just to rub salt into their wounded egos, all in their damaged low life imaginations.