Ayreon - Aquatic Race (The Source) 2017

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Aquatic Race from the new Ayreon album "The Source".
    Order: lnk.to/Ayreon
    [Chronicle 3: The Transmigration]
    [The Ship's Crew:]
    Get ready for takeoff and forget the 'Frame
    Get ready to shake off all the guilty chains
    Our ship is departing to a far-off place
    Our saga is starting, an aquatic race
    [The Historian:]
    Our world is ruined, Captain: no turning back
    Their fate is cruel, Captain: their future black
    Last Day is here, Captain: they lost all power
    The end is near, Captain: It's zero hour
    Our time is short, Captain: we need to leave
    We're all aboard, Captain: we're all complete
    All set to go, Captain: switch engines on
    Set your controls, Captain: we leave at dawn
    [The Opposition Leader:]
    This time we won't depend on cold machinery
    I always knew where that would lead
    This time we plan ahead and form our strategy
    No computers, no machines
    [The Diplomat:]
    Hibernation now begins, our minds allowed to dream
    Eternity will course through our veins
    Transformation will set in, the Source is flowing free
    Augmenting our brains, forever... forever!
    [The Historian:]
    Our final chance, Captain: our final leap
    We'll be in trance, Captain: we'll be asleep
    What will we dream, Captain: will it seem real
    What will we see, Captain: how will we feel
    [The President:]
    I say we change our ways and learn from the past
    We cannot make the same mistakes
    I say we start today, this chance may be our last
    Our people's futures are at stake
    [The Counselor:]
    Rejuvenation will begin, our thoughts allowed to stray
    Infinity will liberate our minds
    Immortality sets in, wash our fears away
    Leave all our doubts behind, forever
    [The Chemist:]
    Let the fluid in, wash away
    Immerse yourself into this realm of liquid dreams
    Everlasting life, drown away your past
    Allow yourself to drift beyond the bounds of death and reach out for infinity
    [The Biologist:]
    Get ready for takeoff astronomer: and forget the 'Frame
    Get ready to shake off astronomer: all the guilty chains
    Our ship is departing astronomer: to a far-off place
    Our saga is starting astronomer: an aquatic race
    [The Ship's Crew:]
    Get ready for takeoff and forget the 'Frame
    Get ready to shake off all the guilty chains
    Our ship is departing to a far-off place
    Our saga is starting, an aquatic race
    [The Chemist:]
    Embrace our future home beneath the tides
    Soon we will be one with our new ocean world
    Time without an end, life without a care
    Allow yourself to sail beyond the fringe of time and reach out for eternity
    #ayreon #arjenlucassen


  • @Keltaani
    @Keltaani 7 років тому +85

    My goodness, I love every single bit in this song.
    The chorus sounds so "retro", the riffs kick ass, James and Tobias answering each other is heck of a fun, Tommy Karevik is epic, Michael Erikssen's and Simone's parts are so beautiful I almost cried, Tommy Rogers sounds so calming yet kinda haunting at the same time, and I just looove Floor and Hansi's duet.
    How the heck is it possible to fit so much variety and awesomeness into one single song? :D

    • @againstthemodernworld3253
      @againstthemodernworld3253 5 років тому +4

      Fantastic summation. And it helped me understand and appreciate the song better, Thank you!

    • @daroldteitzel1649
      @daroldteitzel1649 3 роки тому +2

      Yes a great take on this otherwise complicated masterpiece. Still loving this in 2021

  • @robsonel56
    @robsonel56 2 роки тому +7

    James Labrie and Tobias Sammet just stole the show in this song! This is the best perfomance from both of them in years. Specially Labrie.

  • @jekoddragon6227
    @jekoddragon6227 7 років тому +61

    "This time we won't depend on cold machinery
    I always knew where that would lead"
    Yeah... :P

    • @EhrenCG
      @EhrenCG 7 років тому +31

      The age of shadows has begun...

    • @jonathanmelton8835
      @jonathanmelton8835 7 років тому +13

      ya they will eat those words :)

    • @branlopgar
      @branlopgar 3 роки тому +1

      The Forevers when the Age of Shadows began: "Ah sh*t, here we go again"

    • @Metalton95
      @Metalton95 2 роки тому

      @@branlopgar ..and yet they said "we never saw this coming" lol.

    • @ZiggyMandarr
      @ZiggyMandarr 7 місяців тому +1

      And then they let humanity do it.
      Ya kinda feel like they'll do it again even after the New Migrator breathed life back into Y?

  • @80sDUDE
    @80sDUDE 7 років тому +53

    My god, one of the best songs in the album... yeaaa

  • @TruthaGamers
    @TruthaGamers 7 років тому +36

    I didn't hear a Hansi & Floor duet since Age Of Shadows, and it's AWESOME, my favorite part of the song. Thanks for this masterpiece Arjen!

    • @carlosluismendez7392
      @carlosluismendez7392 7 років тому +2

      Yeah and is the only song where he is not back in the mix.
      To be honest still very underused. He is capable of much more, just listen fiddler on the green.

  • @jonatanfredes1031
    @jonatanfredes1031 7 років тому +88

    Get ready for takeoff
    and forget the 'frame
    get ready to shake off
    all the guilty chains
    our ship is departing
    to a far-off place
    our saga is starting
    an aquatic race

  • @TheMagicianThing
    @TheMagicianThing 7 років тому +32

    I've always wanted to hear james labrie and tobias sammet sing together, thank you arjen

    • @ysmaelmarks2397
      @ysmaelmarks2397 7 років тому +3

      Labrie as the Historian. =)

    • @TheMagicianThing
      @TheMagicianThing 7 років тому +2

      in this song he's the first one you hear after the epic intro :) followed by tobias sammet :D

    • @LooKerHood
      @LooKerHood 6 років тому +2

      Mauricio José Osuna Mauricio José Osuna 1:05 - 1:32 LaBrie & Sammet duet. You're welcome.

  • @WreckInSilenceRecords
    @WreckInSilenceRecords 4 роки тому +5

    James labrie and tobias sammet together on the same track?! What an unexpected combination. Best of prog and power metal both contributing to the great ayreon!

  • @juneguts
    @juneguts 7 років тому +34

    This might be my favorite Ayreon song.

  • @Metalton95
    @Metalton95 7 років тому +24

    The opening riff, chorus, Kareviks parts (love his calm falsetto vibrato's), Tommy Rogers calm (foreboding and dark?!) parts with the clean guitar.. this is another masterpiece of a song!

  • @johndrawing1176
    @johndrawing1176 7 років тому +8

    Superb arrangements in this song, especially from Simones part onwards, so beautiful.
    And with Tommy Rogers inbetween the majestic duets with Floor and Hansi, totally out of this world!

  • @dejanzabaljac6950
    @dejanzabaljac6950 7 років тому +8

    This is by far the best musical novel in the planet universe!
    Whole album is awesome,and story is quite unique. You should make movie or write the friggin book.
    And by the way i love your Star One album.

    • @pobesnelikrastavac1
      @pobesnelikrastavac1 4 роки тому

      Drago mi da jos neko od nasih prepoznaje genija kao sto je Arjen Lukansen.
      "The source" je istinsko remek delo ,a harmonije koje slazu ovi sjajni pevaci su izuzetne.
      A Floor je cudo prirode !

  • @TarksGauntlet
    @TarksGauntlet 7 років тому +15

    Arjen you mad man! Thank you! My CD wasn't likely to arrive in the mail today, and there was no way I was listening to an illegal leak of it!

    • @conradpham
      @conradpham 7 років тому +4

      This, this is a legal leak. Only to prove that Arjen is absolutely mad.

    • @FiXato
      @FiXato 6 років тому

      Conrad Phạm not mad; just understands his audience, and how the public has changed in general. Contrary to the average dinosaurs still running the music industry. Kudos for being progressive in more ways than just your music, Arjen!

    • @nightmareTomek
      @nightmareTomek 6 років тому

      I agree, he's not mad. But forthcoming. His first concern isn't money but distributing his music, unlike some other musicians/disc companies.

  • @angelowentzler9961
    @angelowentzler9961 2 роки тому +3

    I have so many favourite Ayreon songs and with every new one I encounter I think "surely THIS will be never be surpassed" and then next album he f-ing does it again.
    Brilliant song.

  • @anirudhviswanathan3986
    @anirudhviswanathan3986 7 років тому +7

    Yeah, Labrie is so much more comfy doing no DT stuff. Seems to be loving doing Ayreon, even if he isn't even a major character.

  • @ioio5050
    @ioio5050 5 років тому +3

    Lyrics in italiano:
    [The Ship's Crew:]
    Pronti al decollo, dimentichiamo il 'Frame
    Preparatevi a liberarvi dalle catene della colpa
    La nostra nave è pronta a partire per un luogo lontano
    La nostra saga ha inizio, una razza acquatica.
    [Lo Storico:]
    Il nostro mondo è in rovina
    Non si torna indietro
    [Lo Storico:]
    Il loro destino è crudele
    Il loro futuro è oscuro
    [Lo Storico:]
    Il Giorno del Giudizio è giunto
    Hanno perso tutto il potere
    [Lo Storico:]
    La fine è vicina
    è l’ora zero
    [Lo Storico:]
    Il tempo è quasi scaduto
    Dobbiamo partire
    [Lo Storico:]
    Siamo tuti a bordo
    Siamo al completo
    [Lo Storico:]
    È tutto pronto per partire
    accendi i motori
    [Lo Storico:]
    Imposta i controlli
    Partiamo all’alba
    [Il Leader dell’Opposizione:]
    Questa volta non dipenderemo
    da fredde macchine
    Ho sempre saputo dove ci avrebbe condotto
    Questo volta abbiamo programmato tutto
    Niente computer, niente macchine
    [Il Diplomatico:]
    Ora comincia l’ibernazione
    le nostre menti possono finalmente sognare
    L’eternità scorrerà tra le nostre vene
    La trasformazione avrà inizio
    La Source scorre libero
    Potenziando il nostro cervello, per sempre…
    per sempre!
    [Lo storico:]
    La nostra ultima possibilità
    Il nostro ultimo salto
    [Lo storico:]
    Saremo in trance
    [Lo storico:]
    Quello che sogneremo
    Sembrerà reale
    [Lo storico:]
    Cosa vedremo?
    Come ci sentiremo?
    [Il Presidente:]
    Cambieremo il nostro modo di essere
    e impareremo dal passato
    non possiamo ripetere lo stesso errore
    Cominciamo oggi,
    questa potrebbe essere la nostra ultima possibilità
    È in gioco il futuro del nostro popolo
    [Il Consigliere:]
    Il ringiovanimento inizierà
    i nostri pensieri possono finalmente vagare
    L’infinito libererà le nostre menti
    L’immortalità si fa strada, lava via le paure
    allontana i nostri dubbi, per sempre
    [Il Chimico:]
    Lasciate entrare il fluido, fate che lavi via
    Immergetevi nel regno dei sogni liquidi
    La vita eterna, annegate il vostro passato
    Lasciatevi andare alla deriva oltre i confini
    della morte e raggiungete l’infinito
    [Il Biologo:]
    Preparatevi per il decollo
    Dimenticate il 'Frame
    [Il Biologo:]
    Pronti a scrollarvi di dosso
    Le catene della colpa
    [Il Biologo:]
    La nostra astronave è in partenza
    verso un luogo lontano
    [Il Biologo:]
    La nostra saga ha inizio
    Una razza acquatica
    [L’Equipaggio della Nave:]
    Pronti al decollo, dimentichiamo il 'Frame
    Preparatevi a liberarvi dalle catene della colpa
    La nostra nave è pronta a partire per un luogo lontano
    La nostra saga ha inizio, una razza acquatica.
    [Il chimico:]
    Abbracciate la nostra futura casa sotto le maree
    Presto saremo tutt'uno con il nostro nuovo oceano
    Tempo senza fine, vita senza preoccupazioni
    Lasciatevi trasportare oltre il limite del tempo
    e raggiungete l’eternità

  • @GoatMee
    @GoatMee 6 років тому +7

    Opening riff sounds like it's been here for ages, it's so monumental. Also this is my not yet 5 year old son's favourite song to sing along in the car. \m/

    • @JohnnyBros80
      @JohnnyBros80 6 років тому

      Opening riff is a rip-off from Magellan's "Estadium Nacional". Listen carrefully at 1:04.
      Obviously, I don't think is a plagiarism, but a tribute to one of the greatest (and underrated) prog band of the past, and to the memory of Trent and Wayne Gardner.

    • @GoatMee
      @GoatMee 6 років тому

      I was referring to the guitar riff starting at 0:15.

  • @CJC15
    @CJC15 7 років тому +7

    Might be my favorite Ayreon song...DAMN it's so good.

  • @willcole1450
    @willcole1450 7 років тому +14

    Definitely one of the bests on the album!

    • @IcsulX
      @IcsulX 7 років тому +5

      Every song is one of the best on the album Haha

    • @rodrigonzalez
      @rodrigonzalez Рік тому +1

      The Human Equation 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @InfotechmobileCa
    @InfotechmobileCa 7 років тому +2

    Thank you M.Lucassen ! I feel in love recently with 01011001 (Part 1), I knew your music but never took time to listen.
    The choirs with Hansi, (GB fan here) just got through me.
    Wise move to upload this album yourself, instant buy on iTunes after 30 seconds :)
    Put the link up there !

  • @VeinMichal
    @VeinMichal 7 років тому +5

    How the hell can you add as much greatness to the album as Karevik?!

  • @conradpham
    @conradpham 7 років тому +5

    That Jansen - Kursch duet has a magical golden gleam in it

  • @SocksAndPuppets
    @SocksAndPuppets Рік тому +1

    imagine telling ELEVEN people to hit those notes.

  • @cristianc6005
    @cristianc6005 Рік тому +1

    Para mi, una de las mejores del album, toque de ilusion como esperanza, pero tambien toque oscuro y perturbador, y las vocales lo mejor de todo. De verdad una masterpiece como dicen.

  • @OwlyOwlman
    @OwlyOwlman 7 років тому +5

    One of my favourites from the album, and album I absolutely love by the way!

  • @TheAudio24
    @TheAudio24 7 років тому +13

    Is it just me or does the part from 2:00 to 2:25 sound like Roy Khan.

    • @villaki
      @villaki 7 років тому +2

      It totally does! I was a big Kamelot fan back in the day, and I always thought of Karevik as a Khan "mimic". Definitely changed my mind after listening to TToE, the last K album and this mastrpiece; the guy is massive! Still, I dream that Roy's heart and poetry return to Kamelot.

    • @LFLLima54
      @LFLLima54 7 років тому +4

      Check Seventh Wonder out! The entire band is really good. Mercy Falls is a good start.

    • @GoatMee
      @GoatMee 7 років тому +1

      Mercy Falls is awesome, I clicked with it and had it in my car on "repeat all" for months. Tears for a Father is one of my favourite ballads of all time.

    • @Dropeth
      @Dropeth 7 років тому +6

      But mike eriksen sings in that part, not karevik

    • @villaki
      @villaki 7 років тому +1

      Well obviously. I just got sidetracked by Karevik's ability to sound like that too. I do mean it as a compliment, for the record.

  • @khalood1111
    @khalood1111 7 років тому +4

    Mike Mills' Forever at 2:27 is just amazing

    • @khalood1111
      @khalood1111 7 років тому

      I know but I think this is his voice

  • @Timzdametal
    @Timzdametal 7 років тому +2

    How good is this song! I can't believe how awesome this album is. And that intro is just beyond insane.

  • @rutgerhoutdijk3547
    @rutgerhoutdijk3547 7 років тому +4

    That intro reminds me of 'Can I play with madness'

  • @peturvelinov3018
    @peturvelinov3018 7 років тому +3

    never have i ever loved anything as much as i love ayreon!

  • @magica44
    @magica44 7 років тому +3

    As of this message no one has said how the drums make this a killer tune...of course the vocals and arrangements are amazing, but listen to drum melodies... Heavenly music!

    • @hellothere4485
      @hellothere4485 6 років тому

      Ricardo Zavala You're bloody right!!!!

    • @GoatMee
      @GoatMee 6 років тому

      It's what Arjen is saying from the very beginning ... everything can change, but Ed, he just has to be in Ayreon, he instinctively knows what is best for the song, always. He is part of the foundation.

    • @rodrigonzalez
      @rodrigonzalez Рік тому +1


  • @pavleradevic2407
    @pavleradevic2407 5 років тому +1

    A whole album is a fuckin' masterpiece!

  • @AndersMidnatt
    @AndersMidnatt 7 років тому +2

    This masterpiece is to be broadcast over all the known Universe!!!

  • @DiegoArmiliato
    @DiegoArmiliato 7 років тому +1

    Holy Shit, what is this song? I can't stop hearing! Awesome!

  • @graograman002
    @graograman002 6 років тому +1

    i love this album, and i love this song. Thanks Arjen :D ! rock forever !

  • @nightmareTomek
    @nightmareTomek 6 років тому +1

    Omg the last time I was here I listened to this song 20 times in a row, before forcing myself to go to sleep. Will today be the same?

  • @justinesdepiscis343
    @justinesdepiscis343 5 років тому +1

    I love you Arjen, thank you for bringing such pieces, gives the mind a really theatrical world filled with good stories and excellent music

  • @olimpicus
    @olimpicus 7 років тому +1

    what an incredible chorus!! HOLY SHIIIIIIIIEEEEETTT!!

  • @canalefla4076
    @canalefla4076 7 років тому +1

    All my favorite singer in one song! I can't stop crying, thank you!!!

  • @riclevine5983
    @riclevine5983 4 роки тому +2


  • @daniellawrenceamram2059
    @daniellawrenceamram2059 7 років тому +3

    at 3:10 is that Simone Simons from Epica?

  • @chocolatecookie8571
    @chocolatecookie8571 5 місяців тому

    Strong guitars. 7 strings are the best.

  • @pierre-yvesmarti8078
    @pierre-yvesmarti8078 7 років тому +1

    Great song, great album...of the year?

  • @jairantoniohernandez2930
    @jairantoniohernandez2930 7 років тому +1

    Holy Sh... the intro i cannot stop listen the entire album, just 86 times in this mont 😋

  • @SandrodaSilvaTraveler
    @SandrodaSilvaTraveler 7 років тому +1

    Crazy Vocal! Shilling my spine "ad infinitum". XD

  • @againstthemodernworld3253
    @againstthemodernworld3253 5 років тому +1

    Wow! What an absolutely epic composition and performance! Nice to see some real artists with actual talent.
    I'm really looking forward to exploring this entire album and the band's other songs too. I can't remember the last time I said that about a band... You've earned my respect.

  • @ricardocontreras6640
    @ricardocontreras6640 4 роки тому +1

    Sir Arjen Anthony Lucassen, you are a master

  • @gamiztapiamiguelangel5874
    @gamiztapiamiguelangel5874 6 років тому +2

    Tommy karevik is god

  • @cosmicyiana
    @cosmicyiana 7 років тому +1

    Thank you!!!! So epic, it touches my soul!!

  • @Pnm279
    @Pnm279 7 років тому +2

    Trully awesome song!!!!!

  • @HEVELproyectofficial
    @HEVELproyectofficial 5 років тому +1

    The riff is awesome !!!!

  • @Android-uh1dm
    @Android-uh1dm 7 років тому

    My girlfriend said the beggining was a little cheesy.. I agree, but I love it .. cool as fuck

  • @Fenargol
    @Fenargol 7 років тому

    Love it that u posted some of the songs!!! Sounds really awesome btw and the story , origin of forever? :P :D

  • @CrystariumNet
    @CrystariumNet 7 років тому +1

    @3:30 HNNNNNNNGGG that transition

  • @pignagab
    @pignagab 2 роки тому

    Unaquatic race!!

  • @lucascampos4131
    @lucascampos4131 7 років тому +1

    This one is the best.

  • @Cotramjoxxx
    @Cotramjoxxx 6 років тому

    I thing the last chorus must be repeated one more time to give us more climax.

  • @gordon5064
    @gordon5064 6 років тому

    I love the harmonies at 4:47, reminds me of some songs by Queensryche on Empire

  • @LordSephirothus
    @LordSephirothus 7 років тому

    Wow! This sounds amazing! Impressive yet again.

  • @MarttiR
    @MarttiR 7 років тому +3

    Probably the best piece from the whole album. Epic vocals, rythmics and melody. It is recognizably Ayreon orchestration, but on the other hand something totally different. And that is the strength. Most of this album is the "Standard Ayreon". The mediocre same-old, same-old. But this sounds totally epic! I think this will probably be the main reason I want to get this album :D

    • @macdaddychad1
      @macdaddychad1 7 років тому +7

      Aryeons same old same old is still 100X better then any music I have ever heard

    • @MarttiR
      @MarttiR 7 років тому

      Yeah, no argument there :)
      Listening it online actually made me buy the nice earbook edition, because it keeps getting better after every listen. Mark of a great album!

  • @Boalmighty
    @Boalmighty 7 років тому

    I just can't get over this song. So good!

  • @Huguitarrista
    @Huguitarrista 7 років тому

    Awesome arrangements!!! It was worth the wait.

  • @vitorvieira8829
    @vitorvieira8829 6 років тому

    Quero Eriksen no Dream Theater fora Labrie.

  • @stedoy5935
    @stedoy5935 3 роки тому

    The intro😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • @LukaFontain
    @LukaFontain 7 років тому

    Well, that's an ok song isn't it?

  • @SuperStar-sy6iy
    @SuperStar-sy6iy 7 років тому

    does not NOT get better than this

  • @fictionalsilence
    @fictionalsilence 5 років тому

    Very cool intro! :)

  • @raphaelnunes7153
    @raphaelnunes7153 7 років тому

    pow ele podia lançar logo o CD.

  • @cosmicyiana
    @cosmicyiana 7 років тому

    So epic!!! Thank you!!!!

  • @jeffreymihaly7523
    @jeffreymihaly7523 3 роки тому

    3:36 4:20 4:35 5:27

  • @TheDudaRamos
    @TheDudaRamos 6 років тому


  • @HellRiser83
    @HellRiser83 7 років тому

    What is the time signature of this track?

    • @Metalton95
      @Metalton95 7 років тому +2

      HellRaiser83 9/4 on the opening/chorus, and mainly 4/4 on the rest I think

  • @csantana1971
    @csantana1971 7 років тому +1

    Did I hear Geoff Tate on this song?

  • @sricky9
    @sricky9 7 років тому

    I like to think about this song as a tribute to Roy Khan, I mean, those voice effects, that vibrato, that falsetto from Karevik (I know he use it in Kamelot), and the way that Eriksen let his voice be free... Arjen maybe was thinking in Roy's voice and wants to do a kind of tribute, if he doesn't maybe this song is cursed for not having the right (perfect) voice (Roy's) for Diplomat/Opposite leader in this song. This is my opinion. Awesome song!

  • @laythe6564
    @laythe6564 3 роки тому

    I feel like this belongs in a final fantasy game

  • @iiniestaa
    @iiniestaa 7 років тому +3

    I hate the way Karevik stole Roy Khans unique singing that falsetto parts, remember you will always be his copy

    • @JazzyBassy
      @JazzyBassy 7 років тому +11

      He had to so he could sing in Kamelot, he still has his own style, and techniques aren't really something that can be stolen, they are like open source engines. Besides, he still has his own more pop-like techniques and grit singing from Seventh Wonder and I am pretty sure Roy Khan didn't invent that kind of technique, I bet it was used in opera works before.

    • @TheLegendsmith
      @TheLegendsmith 7 років тому +7

      If nobody 'stole' anything we'd never have any new genres and no new styles or techniques at all.

    • @ruysid88
      @ruysid88 7 років тому +15

      "His copy"... PLEASE. Tommy is a world class singer with his own and amazing style developed and improved thanks to Seventh Wonder.

    • @Dreadythedread
      @Dreadythedread 7 років тому +4

      Right, no one else ever did that in the history of man, before Roy Khan, all hail.

    • @iiniestaa
      @iiniestaa 7 років тому

      post me here a link who sings like that, indentical???????? I mean nothing bad, its just the fact.