Harloff, Smith, Campea and Ellis... you all are a huge reason I love Collider and Schmoes! Harloff- you're such a great leader that sits back and lets the crew work their magic without being overbearing. John- you bring common sense to the internet LOL I love whenever you're brought into discussions. Tiffany- You're so much fun and I can tell how much work you put into your craft on everything you host/star in. Ellis- You're the life of the party and bring levity to your projects. 👌 I appreciate you all and please keep all of your shows going in this wonderful manner 💯💯💯
One comment I have to say and in all due respect to the rest of the Collider Hosts. I really always liked the way John Campea says things out from left field. I would always try and wonder what Johns response would be to a topic, and out of nowhere he will come up with something that makes you really think about something in a different way. I like your style John.
Favourite John Williams piece ever- Binary Sunset. Favourite Star Wars pieces- Binary Sunset, Throne Room Theme Song and Duel of Fates Even in the prequels he had amazing work- Across the Stars, Anakins Fall (or whatever it is called), as I said Duel of Fates, and the song played when Anakin marches on the Jedi Temple (also used a lot in the Republic Comando game and it was dope). Among so many more themes.... so many more. Even in the SW prequels, for me, John Williams was always a master at work.
this is exactly why ellis and i need an mtg podcast. omg so much love. im an izzet mage myself, ill take ALL the turns lol also, you guys are just great thanks so much for all the coverage you do, starwars and otherwise.
Reasons why she is Luke's daughter 1: padme 1 bun, Leia 2 buns, Rey 3 buns 2: anakin lightsaber became Luke's becomes Rey's and it called out to her! 3: she is crazy strong in the force 4: Rey’s life on Jakku is an intentional echo of Anakin and Luke’s childhoods on Tatooine. 5:Rey’s natural aptitude for technology and flying ships is a callback to Anakin and Luke’s talents. 6:Rey being the daughter of Luke and Kylo Ren being the son of Leia makes the trilogy a story about the legacy of the Skywalker family. 7:mirroring beats from the original trilogy and will not be able to resist echoing the most famous moment of The Empire Strikes Back. 8: Kathleen Kennedy said there will ALWAYS be a skywalker and leia and Luke are old and Kylo isn't coming back to the light... So in the end Rey will be a skywalker
while i also believe rey will be a skywalker, I would like to play devils advocate for another theory: Rey, along with Lukes murdered padawans, are force births, like Anakin Skywalker in Episode 1. 1. The empire almost wiped out the force by committing a genocide against the Jedi, leaving only Luke and Leia as the only known force sensitive people in the Universe( I do acknowledge that it is entirely possible that there are force sensitive people in the Universe we have not seen.) 2. Luke's padawans were slaughtered by Kylo Ren. If I take that story at face, and go with the evidence shown in the original trilogy, (taking my assumptions stated above that the only force sensitive people left are Luke and Leia) where did Lukes padawans come from? Now, in canon (albeit the prequels) the force has created life, i.e. Anakin, to bring balance to the force. Well, if the force can create life, and did so to create a balance in the force, then couldn't it create a few more force births as a way to maintain balance. That would explain both Reys origins as well as the origins of the slaughtered padawans. 3. Luke looked perplexed, and slightly disconcerted when Rey arrived on the island with his saber. If Rey was his daughter, there are a multitude of feelings that could have been on display: joy and/or shock are the first that jump to my mind. Regardless, i don't see Luke being perplexed at the sight of his daughter, or even his padawan. Rey could have never met Luke. Perhaps he is perplexed a powerful stranger came in the millennium falcon, holding his fathers and his own light saber. Nonetheless, I also believe that she is a Skywalker, I just had to throw an alternate theory on the tirefire of speculation.
I just don't see how that would be a dramatic moment. OMG my father is a jedi who destroyed the death star, defeated the sith and is a legend, noooooooooo.
Favorite John Williams score:: E.T. theme moon bike ride- I get chills everytime. I remember going to Universal Studios in L.A. and hearing the E.T. theme I think it was the 15 or 20th anniversary. The music was just playing on a loop. The music gave me the chills every time. It just starts quiet and builds like you're getting lighter and lighter then it hits- you're flying.
Dunno if you watch GoT or keep track of the theories, but you should have seen the dumbass theories people had about a character being someone else because of which hand she used to toss a bag of money IN ONE MOMENT. People will dig for anything in hopes that they figure out a secret before everyone else does.
+Boinks She would have been 14 when Kylo massacred Luke's Jedi wannabes. Rey was left on Jakku when she was about 4. Why would Luke abandon her 10 years before the massacre? Also she was left in the care of that guy who she sells her shit to. Would Luke really leave her with that scumbag and not the old dude that Kylo killed in the village?
Steven Spielberg was also the person that got George Lucas to hire John Williams for the first Star Wars when Lucas only wanted to use Classical Music. Thank you for saying what you did about Williams. To this date, no one in the industry can stamp their movies the way John does, and none can really do those chase scenes in such a huge orchestral way that Williams can. They just do not have the chops! BTW Rey's Theme from The Force Awakens is brilliant. On first hearing it you think, really, that's the theme, then you realize that it's actually massive, its an adventure theme as well as being feminine and it's tied so closely chord wise to the Force Theme. The Force Awakens has such a great score!!!
Duel of Fates, Across the Stars, Battle of Heros, Imperial March, Han and the Princess, Rey's theme, March of the Resistance, The Hologram/Binary Sunset, and many more are my favorite Star Wars music alone.
As a huge Star Wars fan and watching the third act of "Revenge of the Sith" over and over again; I can say with confidence, Rey does have the same or similar LiGHT SABER fighting stlye as Darth Sidious. Someone with Sidious fighting stlye had to train Rey as a child. That being said, Luke Skywalker did not train Rey.
The idea that's she's the daughter of two dark side users who were killed by Luke is quite interesting, it would create an interesting dynamic between the characters. Rey coming from a dark side background sounds great in my opinion. Not sidious though, that's really out there and dumb.
Great show! Keep up great work. Due to Bloodlines Time line and comments from Urban Acolyte. I do not believe Rey is a skywalker anymore. I am kinda hoping related to Obi Wan.
wonder if we'll get an update. Rey (as a child) was on her way to LUKE and had to be dropped off? Snoke being one of two first humanoids to interact with the force?
interesting theory going around is that old tree seen in those pics is a very old force tree like the one in dagobah,but this is a light side one whereas the one Yoda mentioned was filled with the dark side.the force must be in balance so if there is a dark side tree there must be a light side one. theroy is Luke explains the history of the Jedi to rey as part of her training. there was once,thousands of yrs ago a brother and a sister,they found the tree and were the first to be touched by the force,both were lightsiders until the brother became jealous of his sister and killed her. he became the first sith and so ashamed of his crime he left and went to live in a cave where a tree grew above it,that is the tree on dagobah.but the force brought back the girl from the dead because she was the first to touch it and the first force user,she cannot die just be reincarnated time after time untill her brother is reincarnated too and they finally duel to the death,only then will the force be truly in balance. Luke believes rey is the reincarnated girl and is the true chosen one of the force and snoke is the brother. kylo ren is just a wannabe,hes not part of the prophecy but then finds out the truth and helps rey who redeems him.
Oh my god i love this panel so much! John talking about clubbing a baby seal, Mark calling John a nerd, and i'm only 12 minutes in. 😂😂😂 My stomach hurts from laughing.
I think the prequel scores are freaking incredible! They just weren't done justice by the films themselves. The mustafar fight, the anakin/padme love theme, the trade federation theme, they're a few examples of the music that lives up to the Star Wars legacy, even though the movies don't complement the emotions those pieces evoke like the originals did
The prequel soundtracks, from a musical standpoint, are way more complex and original than the OT music. The original scores were so ripped off from existing classical pieces (particularly Holst) but the prequels were new and fresh and much more complex.
I wouldn't get my hopes up for any Star Wars game made by EA. They have proven time and time again that they cannot resist making half a game, releasing it at full price, then charge you 60 more dollars for a season pass if you want the whole game.
EA is a publisher not a developer. They don't make games, they have developers under their belts that do. They have their best studios making Star Wars games. I'm sure they're taking their time because of the battlefront backlash.
Loved your discussion of John Williams and agree entirely. It does sadden me a little that the ET score has dropped out of that discussion, though. ET overall seems to have faded into the background, but I think a discussion of John Williams is a fitting time to 'remember' that movie - the score was incredible and, imho, a major contributor to that film's success and appeal. Just saying. Great vid though.
Campea is 100% on Ahsoka as usual. They can't kill her off ambiguously. If she dies it'll be on screen, they can't have her walk quietly into the darkness and think we're gonna deduce that was her death scene. Filoni's trying to create suspense and surprise by saying she might be dead but if they really wanted to create suspense and surprise they should have let us see her collapse at the end rather than walk into the darkness.
in G.I.Joe cartoon they used the Tie Fighter sound fx. I had an episode on tape and I used to listen to that part. And it's so bad you can hear Darth Vader breathing.
I thought disney accidentally released some photo art and at the bottom it revealed the name Rey Skywalker ... great show as always keep up the great work .
Guys I love this show so much! GREAT discussion this week and it's nice to see our friends gathered together for the Coucil :) I wonder if maybe Rey might be sorta like Anakin in that she is "another" chosen one. However by that I don't mean is she destined to turn to evil. Only that she is another chosen one. Maybe there is one of these type of people born once per generation...
You're so right about John Williams. Imagine Star Wars with a Tron like futuristic synth score. Wouldn't have worked. Williams's score sets emotional markers through the entire film and cements it as a classic.
Tiffany does realize that Gandalf came back after falling during the fight with the Balrog right? You actually get to see exactly what happened when he fell. Plus he plays a pivotal role after that.
Rey going to the dark side would be PERFECT. We need to see what it's like to truly believe a character is good and then watch her/him descend to darkness. We didn't get that with the Prequels because we knew where Anakin ended up and the performances/script were just flat.
+Harrison Snellgrove of course they can talk about it but they should've just did what John did and say it was bs because that's the truth and they were overreacting just because it was Star Wars. It's okay to discuss dumb news but don't make yourself look as stupid as the idiots who fucken reported it.
For the Marvel film in relation to songs or pieces of music for characters (Or sound, not sure where it should be categorized) but the Winter Soldier theme/ rif is AMAZING, when he's on screen and they play it... Gold! You know its for him! And I think DC is doing the same thing for Wonder Woman. Listen well when their onscreen and you'll notice its really character related. Not on a Williams level but still, its there.
So, Tiffany Smith, the reality is that we actually do see Gandalf's heroic death. He fought with the Balrog all the way into the Foundations of Stone and up the Endless Stair and ultimately where he defeated the Balrog and fell himself at Zirakzigil.
From what I read, Cory Barlog didn't say he lifted ideas from the scripts, only that the way they made Palpatine sympathetic inspired how he approached Kratos in the new game. Inspiration based on how a character is made sympathetic is very different from lifting whole plots, scenes, etc from existing works. He doesn't need permission to be inspired by something vague like making an unsympathetic character sympathetic by showing them mistreated in their past. Writers do that all the time. What I find odd is that Kratos already had a sympathetic motivation in the original games. So how is it new to give him another one?
Speaking of John Williams and his amazing body of work, if you didn't know, he wrote the music for the classic Lost In Space TV series (specifically, all of the black and white episodes) and it is amazing! Fantastic themes that foreshadow a lot of the iconic themes that he would do later in his career. Check it out! :)
When Kylo Ren began mind-reading Rey he said he could see the island she dreamed about when she tried to sleep. Something Luke left for her, maybe to try to find him later in life?! Daughter... possible... yeees
Hi, what about Leia? If we might see Alderaan, maybe we will see the Princess, would be fun to see her at the end of the movie ( Rogue ) recording her message to Obi-Wan in the corvette. What do you think? Thanks for your work.
I try to sit through these Jedi Council videos in between Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst, and Plinkett Reviews, but I can never last more than 20 or so minutes in.
The family lines have been right in front of everyone's eyes....When Palpatine invited Anakin to sit with him in the theatre, he told Anakin the tragedy...and in the story he related, he said...Plagueis had the power to CREATE LIFE... Palpatine learned this and used it to create Anakin in Shmi Skywalker...Palpatine placed Anakin's mom on Tatooine in slavery to monitor his birth and eventually use Anakin for his own purposes...remember what Palpatine said at the end..."We shall be watching your progress..."...the clues are everywhere. Palpatine is the father of Anakin...the grandfather of Luke...the great grandfather of Rey....because Rey is Luke's daughter. There were artist paintings that were titled....and Rey's painting was titled, Rey Skywalker. Eight will likely go into the death of Rey's mother which will explain the break-up of the Jedi academy that Luke started...and I'm sure that Snoke/Palpatine and/or Ben Solo had something to do with the death of Rey's mom. Yes...Snoke is Palpatine...he is not dead, but physically worse from the explosion on the second Death Star. All will become clear....! Thanks Guys! Great vid and awesome to see Campea! Mark, Kristian and the awesome Tiffany Smith...the best expert that happens to be a woman! All of you ROCK!
About the reshoots to Rogue One: What if gareth edwards did a "Godzilla" on Vader in Rogue One? Meaning he only showed glimpses of Vader and that's kind of what prompted the execs to suggest reshoots to reveal Darth Papi in all his glory.
A relation to Palpatine would explain why that could be Darth Plagueis's staff. Plagueis was his master, why wouldn't it be passed along. Also, perhaps that's how they introduce Mara Jade. Instead of the emperors hand she could be his daughter.
Who’s here after rise of Skywalker! She’s a palpatine
Harloff, Smith, Campea and Ellis... you all are a huge reason I love Collider and Schmoes! Harloff- you're such a great leader that sits back and lets the crew work their magic without being overbearing. John- you bring common sense to the internet LOL I love whenever you're brought into discussions. Tiffany- You're so much fun and I can tell how much work you put into your craft on everything you host/star in. Ellis- You're the life of the party and bring levity to your projects. 👌 I appreciate you all and please keep all of your shows going in this wonderful manner 💯💯💯
I miss all these shows so much! Golden age of cinema?
Highlight of my week!
It's like making love to a beautiful wife every night.
More like making love to a beautiful wife every thursday
It's like licking a beautiful pussy.
+The Lonely Traveler so what that like
Elmer Romero
Perfection depends on the woman.
Boy - this episode aged REALLY well. Tiffany Smith talking about a TV series that explored the "underworld" in 2016....Mando anyone!
I shit myself every week when this comes into my feed
Never say shit and feed in the same sentence....ever xD
You might want to see a dr. about that.
That's a lot of pants to go through.
One comment I have to say and in all due respect to the rest of the Collider Hosts. I really always liked the way John Campea says things out from left field. I would always try and wonder what Johns response would be to a topic, and out of nowhere he will come up with something that makes you really think about something in a different way. I like your style John.
My thoughts exactly!
Favourite John Williams piece ever- Binary Sunset.
Favourite Star Wars pieces- Binary Sunset, Throne Room Theme Song and Duel of Fates
Even in the prequels he had amazing work- Across the Stars, Anakins Fall (or whatever it is called), as I said Duel of Fates, and the song played when Anakin marches on the Jedi Temple (also used a lot in the Republic Comando game and it was dope).
Among so many more themes.... so many more.
Even in the SW prequels, for me, John Williams was always a master at work.
Have you guys ever considered doing a Campea vs Harloff 'All Star Wars' edition of the Schmoedown?! That would be one hell of a match!!!
They would get every question right.
+Brynjar Reynisson not really they are wrong often when they talk about the movies, plus John sucks at trivia so it might be entertaining
Kristian would smoke
John would never do it because he would get exposed
Thats bizzare what mark said about John William prequel music, I think its far better than the force awakens score.
I legitimately believed mark Ellis was in TFA
Me too, when I was in the theater, I was like WTF? How did Mark manage to avoid spilling this on Jedi Council.
+GTATipsAndGuides totally
Yup I was thinking that too 😂 and I thought Miri was really Kristian's wife
tell that to kanja club
this is exactly why ellis and i need an mtg podcast. omg so much love. im an izzet mage myself, ill take ALL the turns lol
also, you guys are just great thanks so much for all the coverage you do, starwars and otherwise.
Wow, I haven't seen John this animated in a long time. This was great!
Reasons why she is Luke's daughter
1: padme 1 bun, Leia 2 buns, Rey 3 buns
2: anakin lightsaber became Luke's becomes Rey's and it called out to her!
3: she is crazy strong in the force
4: Rey’s life on Jakku is an intentional echo of Anakin and Luke’s childhoods on Tatooine.
5:Rey’s natural aptitude for technology and flying ships is a callback to Anakin and Luke’s talents.
6:Rey being the daughter of Luke and Kylo Ren being the son of Leia makes the trilogy a story about the legacy of the Skywalker family.
7:mirroring beats from the original trilogy and will not be able to resist echoing the most famous moment of The Empire Strikes Back.
8: Kathleen Kennedy said there will ALWAYS be a skywalker and leia and Luke are old and Kylo isn't coming back to the light...
So in the end Rey will be a skywalker
Good points, especially the one about her piloting skills.
also her beating a confirmed skywalker with zero training in the force you need a skywalker protagonist
while i also believe rey will be a skywalker, I would like to play devils advocate for another theory: Rey, along with Lukes murdered padawans, are force births, like Anakin Skywalker in Episode 1.
1. The empire almost wiped out the force by committing a genocide against the Jedi, leaving only Luke and Leia as the only known force sensitive people in the Universe( I do acknowledge that it is entirely possible that there are force sensitive people in the Universe we have not seen.)
2. Luke's padawans were slaughtered by Kylo Ren. If I take that story at face, and go with the evidence shown in the original trilogy, (taking my assumptions stated above that the only force sensitive people left are Luke and Leia) where did Lukes padawans come from? Now, in canon (albeit the prequels) the force has created life, i.e. Anakin, to bring balance to the force. Well, if the force can create life, and did so to create a balance in the force, then couldn't it create a few more force births as a way to maintain balance. That would explain both Reys origins as well as the origins of the slaughtered padawans.
3. Luke looked perplexed, and slightly disconcerted when Rey arrived on the island with his saber. If Rey was his daughter, there are a multitude of feelings that could have been on display: joy and/or shock are the first that jump to my mind. Regardless, i don't see Luke being perplexed at the sight of his daughter, or even his padawan. Rey could have never met Luke. Perhaps he is perplexed a powerful stranger came in the millennium falcon, holding his fathers and his own light saber.
Nonetheless, I also believe that she is a Skywalker, I just had to throw an alternate theory on the tirefire of speculation.
I just don't see how that would be a dramatic moment. OMG my father is a jedi who destroyed the death star, defeated the sith and is a legend, noooooooooo.
I think the dramatic moment will be who is her mother not the father
Favorite John Williams score:: E.T. theme moon bike ride- I get chills everytime. I remember going to Universal Studios in L.A. and hearing the E.T. theme I think it was the 15 or 20th anniversary. The music was just playing on a loop. The music gave me the chills every time. It just starts quiet and builds like you're getting lighter and lighter then it hits- you're flying.
Why the fuck do people think this? It's not like the way you hold a lightsaber is a trait passed on from parents...
Nor the accent
Agreed. It's a matter of training. See my comment up top.........^^^
Dunno if you watch GoT or keep track of the theories, but you should have seen the dumbass theories people had about a character being someone else because of which hand she used to toss a bag of money IN ONE MOMENT. People will dig for anything in hopes that they figure out a secret before everyone else does.
Also, Anakin holds a lightsaber the same way Rey did when she first got a hold of it.
+Logan Ferguson R+L= Rey Windu
This episode hits different after RoS
This show is the reason why Thursday is my favorite day of the week!
WELCOME BACK, TIFFANY! She brings balance to the force any time she's on.
40:16 Where the hell do you get First order from? Those are imperial Star Destroyers.
Revenge of the Sith has one of the best scores.
Always forget this is coming every week for some reason, and then when it comes out i get so happy :)
Just judging by the title I expect them to tear this theory a part.
They'll refuse to acknowledge any theory that isn't "Rey Skywalker!"
She is a Skywalker and they refuse to believe other theories because they are stupid and they would never do them
+Boinks exactly!
+Boinks She would have been 14 when Kylo massacred Luke's Jedi wannabes. Rey was left on Jakku when she was about 4. Why would Luke abandon her 10 years before the massacre? Also she was left in the care of that guy who she sells her shit to. Would Luke really leave her with that scumbag and not the old dude that Kylo killed in the village?
Interesting to have hindsight after four years and know that they were related after all.
Steven Spielberg was also the person that got George Lucas to hire John Williams for the first Star Wars when Lucas only wanted to use Classical Music. Thank you for saying what you did about Williams. To this date, no one in the industry can stamp their movies the way John does, and none can really do those chase scenes in such a huge orchestral way that Williams can. They just do not have the chops! BTW Rey's Theme from The Force Awakens is brilliant. On first hearing it you think, really, that's the theme, then you realize that it's actually massive, its an adventure theme as well as being feminine and it's tied so closely chord wise to the Force Theme. The Force Awakens has such a great score!!!
Duel of Fates, Across the Stars, Battle of Heros, Imperial March, Han and the Princess, Rey's theme, March of the Resistance, The Hologram/Binary Sunset, and many more are my favorite Star Wars music alone.
Battle of heroes and Duel of fates are two amazing music masterpieces that really made that fight in Revenge of The Sith my favorite Star Wars movie.
As a huge Star Wars fan and watching the third act of "Revenge of the Sith" over and over again; I can say with confidence, Rey does have the same or similar LiGHT SABER fighting stlye as Darth Sidious. Someone with Sidious fighting stlye had to train Rey as a child. That being said, Luke Skywalker did not train Rey.
She does a thrusting forward action almost like a 'poke' just like sidious does
That just took a weird turn...
A jab is a very practical and common sense move, though it could be a form of symbolism.
Rey related to SIDIOUS? Just fucking stop it already, people.
The idea that's she's the daughter of two dark side users who were killed by Luke is quite interesting, it would create an interesting dynamic between the characters. Rey coming from a dark side background sounds great in my opinion.
Not sidious though, that's really out there and dumb.
There are worse theories mate
it isn't dumb at all.
The Kanjiklub scene was actually my favorite scene in the movie!! I loved the Rathtars!! Felt like classic Star Wars to me
Fun Fact: John Williams took inspiration for the Jaws score from Disney's "Bambi".
This weeks comics are so awesome... Star Wars brought a tear to my eye! i connected with it so much.
I LOLed hard at Optimus Prime saying "hit this bowl".
John Williams' E.T. - Adventures on Earth, IMO is by far his best. Everything he does is amazing but that one stands out to me the most.
I was exactly the same with TFA soundtrack. I was so upset and underwhelmed at first. Then it really really grew on me. Rey's Theme makes me teary
Great show! Keep up great work. Due to Bloodlines Time line and comments from Urban Acolyte. I do not believe Rey is a skywalker anymore. I am kinda hoping related to Obi Wan.
That aged well
01:03:05 - Anything above 1% is a ludicrous number.
Anyone notice that Rey's Theme is a little bit similar to Beauty and The Beast? No wonder i liked it so much. :)
John Williams : 'The Planet Krypton' from the Donner Superman films still gives me goosebumps.
No matter what you might think about Episode II, "Across The Stars" is beautiful.
I can''t believe no one mentioned Duel of Fates!!!
15:17 JURASSIC PARK, HARLOFF! HE DID JURASSIC PARK! Which I may add is my favorite soundtrack of all time.
Oh come on Mark, Duel of Fates was a jam
The title already made me go UGH. Can't wait to see Campea's reaction!
wonder if we'll get an update. Rey (as a child) was on her way to LUKE and had to be dropped off? Snoke being one of two first humanoids to interact with the force?
interesting theory going around is that old tree seen in those pics is a very old force tree like the
one in dagobah,but this is a light side one whereas the one Yoda mentioned was filled with the dark
side.the force must be in balance so if there is a dark side tree there must be a light side one.
theroy is Luke explains the history of the Jedi to rey as part of her training. there was once,thousands of yrs ago a brother and a sister,they found the tree and were the first to be touched
by the force,both were lightsiders until the brother became jealous of his sister and killed her.
he became the first sith and so ashamed of his crime he left and went to live in a cave where a tree
grew above it,that is the tree on dagobah.but the force brought back the girl from the dead because
she was the first to touch it and the first force user,she cannot die just be reincarnated time after time untill her brother is reincarnated too and they finally duel to the death,only then will the force be
truly in balance.
Luke believes rey is the reincarnated girl and is the true chosen one of the force
and snoke is the brother.
kylo ren is just a wannabe,hes not part of the prophecy but then finds out the truth and helps rey who
redeems him.
John how would you feel if the TV shows stayed as like 3 seasons with small episode counts. So it feels like comic runs.
My favorite theme by John Williams is between Superman, Yoda's theme, and Harry's Wondrous World.
Great episode, lots of laughs and good feelings!
Oh my god i love this panel so much! John talking about clubbing a baby seal, Mark calling John a nerd, and i'm only 12 minutes in. 😂😂😂 My stomach hurts from laughing.
John Campea had me dying over the Optimus Prime and Spielberg influences. LOL. Great episode so fun and loose!!!
The guys from the raid contributed behind the scenes to the fight choreography. Their part in the movie was just to reward them with some screen time.
I think the prequel scores are freaking incredible! They just weren't done justice by the films themselves. The mustafar fight, the anakin/padme love theme, the trade federation theme, they're a few examples of the music that lives up to the Star Wars legacy, even though the movies don't complement the emotions those pieces evoke like the originals did
1:02:11 it's that a tattoo Tiffany? What does it says?
The prequel soundtracks, from a musical standpoint, are way more complex and original than the OT music. The original scores were so ripped off from existing classical pieces (particularly Holst) but the prequels were new and fresh and much more complex.
I wouldn't get my hopes up for any Star Wars game made by EA. They have proven time and time again that they cannot resist making half a game, releasing it at full price, then charge you 60 more dollars for a season pass if you want the whole game.
When I heard they were making a new battlefront for the new movies it made me so sick to the stomach.
+Julian Webb I actually found it exciting. I'm really intrigued by the Amy Hening game and the Respawn game.
EA is a publisher not a developer. They don't make games, they have developers under their belts that do. They have their best studios making Star Wars games. I'm sure they're taking their time because of the battlefront backlash.
+Jett Guerrilla ok Dice sucks
Loved your discussion of John Williams and agree entirely. It does sadden me a little that the ET score has dropped out of that discussion, though. ET overall seems to have faded into the background, but I think a discussion of John Williams is a fitting time to 'remember' that movie - the score was incredible and, imho, a major contributor to that film's success and appeal. Just saying. Great vid though.
Someone tell me where to find that fanpicture in the thumbnail of Rey looking like a badass warrior!
Campea is 100% on Ahsoka as usual. They can't kill her off ambiguously. If she dies it'll be on screen, they can't have her walk quietly into the darkness and think we're gonna deduce that was her death scene. Filoni's trying to create suspense and surprise by saying she might be dead but if they really wanted to create suspense and surprise they should have let us see her collapse at the end rather than walk into the darkness.
in G.I.Joe cartoon they used the Tie Fighter sound fx. I had an episode on tape and I used to listen to that part. And it's so bad you can hear Darth Vader breathing.
I thought disney accidentally released some photo art and at the bottom it revealed the name Rey Skywalker ... great show as always keep up the great work .
I'd really like to see how the rebel alliance formed after episode 3 in a future movie.
Never happen. Thats why they created the Rebels animated series, it chronicles that very subject.
I think the new "bring on the filthy" needs to be "smoke this crack". I've already heard John say that more than once.
Jurassic Park theme is definitely my favorite.
Ben Burtt also desinged the sounds for Wall-E and it was really amazing what he did with that movie.
Well, now we know. She's second cousin to Dexter Jexter and third cousin seven times removed to Wilrow Hood.
Guys I love this show so much! GREAT discussion this week and it's nice to see our friends gathered together for the Coucil :) I wonder if maybe Rey might be sorta like Anakin in that she is "another" chosen one. However by that I don't mean is she destined to turn to evil. Only that she is another chosen one. Maybe there is one of these type of people born once per generation...
guys what do you think about a Young Palpatine movie ?
0:33 How I feel every time a new episode of Jedi Council comes out! :)
Rey's Theme is my ringtone on my phone. I forward all my work calls to it while I make rounds, so I get to hear part of the song all day.
You're so right about John Williams.
Imagine Star Wars with a Tron like futuristic synth score.
Wouldn't have worked.
Williams's score sets emotional markers through the entire film and cements it as a classic.
What do you mean by the Visceral game clearly taking place after episode VI ?? Those are Imperial flags not First Order ones.
Tiffany does realize that Gandalf came back after falling during the fight with the Balrog right? You actually get to see exactly what happened when he fell. Plus he plays a pivotal role after that.
According to Hidalgo, the Kessel Run is NOT a race, even though it's competitive and they keep records of shortest distances or whatever.
whats the song in the beginning of this??
Rey going to the dark side would be PERFECT. We need to see what it's like to truly believe a character is good and then watch her/him descend to darkness. We didn't get that with the Prequels because we knew where Anakin ended up and the performances/script were just flat.
Wasn´t Campea leaving Collider? If so when? Hope he´s staying, i like his scepticism.
John Campea, hit this bowl and roll out! John, use this joint to light our darkest hour! -Optimus
I swear to god if you talk about reshoots one more fucking time.
I said the same thing last time!
I have respect for the council but they made themselves look like idiots by thinking something was going on (besides John)
+Harrison Snellgrove of course they can talk about it but they should've just did what John did and say it was bs because that's the truth and they were overreacting just because it was Star Wars. It's okay to discuss dumb news but don't make yourself look as stupid as the idiots who fucken reported it.
The reshoots' stories has nearly died out, so unless anything surprising comes out we shouldn't hear about them anymore.
I have no idea if this would work, but could Rey be related to Jyn Erso?
Loved this episode! The show got interesting again!
For the Marvel film in relation to songs or pieces of music for characters (Or sound, not sure where it should be categorized) but the Winter Soldier theme/ rif is AMAZING, when he's on screen and they play it... Gold! You know its for him! And I think DC is doing the same thing for Wonder Woman. Listen well when their onscreen and you'll notice its really character related. Not on a Williams level but still, its there.
So, Tiffany Smith, the reality is that we actually do see Gandalf's heroic death. He fought with the Balrog all the way into the Foundations of Stone and up the Endless Stair and ultimately where he defeated the Balrog and fell himself at Zirakzigil.
Where can I find Mark Ellis on Facebook? I've looked and there are about 200 Mark Ellis's lol
From what I read, Cory Barlog didn't say he lifted ideas from the scripts, only that the way they made Palpatine sympathetic inspired how he approached Kratos in the new game. Inspiration based on how a character is made sympathetic is very different from lifting whole plots, scenes, etc from existing works. He doesn't need permission to be inspired by something vague like making an unsympathetic character sympathetic by showing them mistreated in their past. Writers do that all the time.
What I find odd is that Kratos already had a sympathetic motivation in the original games. So how is it new to give him another one?
Dual of Fates and the sound track from Episode III are the best from the prequels from John Williams. Greatness.
i love you guys. thanks for this.
3:47 am, "Aight, I'll head to bed now god damnit!"
3:48 am, Noticed a new episode of jedi council is up, "I'll be a walking zombie tomorrow".
I think Laura Dern is playing Evaan Verlaine from the Leia comic. Evaan looks like Ellie Sattler from Jurassic Park.
That baby seal bit.... I'm crying!
Speaking of John Williams and his amazing body of work, if you didn't know, he wrote the music for the classic Lost In Space TV series (specifically, all of the black and white episodes) and it is amazing! Fantastic themes that foreshadow a lot of the iconic themes that he would do later in his career. Check it out! :)
When Kylo Ren began mind-reading Rey he said he could see the island she dreamed about when she tried to sleep. Something Luke left for her, maybe to try to find him later in life?!
Daughter... possible... yeees
I'm going to the Hollywood Bowl this year! I can't wait!
Hi, what about Leia? If we might see Alderaan, maybe we will see the Princess, would be fun to see her at the end of the movie ( Rogue ) recording her message to Obi-Wan in the corvette. What do you think? Thanks for your work.
Aww i know it's non news but was hoping you would mention the Charlie cox Han Solo story, it was kinda funny
I try to sit through these Jedi Council videos in between Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst, and Plinkett Reviews, but I can never last more than 20 or so minutes in.
I got a question in any EU books or comics has a hutt ever been a jedi??
jakeisdope what book??
Not that I'm aware of. You might want to check the Star Wars wiki.
There was one Hutt Jedi. starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Beldorion
The family lines have been right in front of everyone's eyes....When Palpatine invited Anakin to sit with him in the theatre, he told Anakin the tragedy...and in the story he related, he said...Plagueis had the power to CREATE LIFE... Palpatine learned this and used it to create Anakin in Shmi Skywalker...Palpatine placed Anakin's mom on Tatooine in slavery to monitor his birth and eventually use Anakin for his own purposes...remember what Palpatine said at the end..."We shall be watching your progress..."...the clues are everywhere. Palpatine is the father of Anakin...the grandfather of Luke...the great grandfather of Rey....because Rey is Luke's daughter. There were artist paintings that were titled....and Rey's painting was titled, Rey Skywalker. Eight will likely go into the death of Rey's mother which will explain the break-up of the Jedi academy that Luke started...and I'm sure that Snoke/Palpatine and/or Ben Solo had something to do with the death of Rey's mom. Yes...Snoke is Palpatine...he is not dead, but physically worse from the explosion on the second Death Star. All will become clear....! Thanks Guys! Great vid and awesome to see Campea! Mark, Kristian and the awesome Tiffany Smith...the best expert that happens to be a woman! All of you ROCK!
have an interview with sofia boutella, kanji club guy, mark and tiffany on the panel, mind blown
About the reshoots to Rogue One: What if gareth edwards did a "Godzilla" on Vader in Rogue One? Meaning he only showed glimpses of Vader and that's kind of what prompted the execs to suggest reshoots to reveal Darth Papi in all his glory.
A relation to Palpatine would explain why that could be Darth Plagueis's staff. Plagueis was his master, why wouldn't it be passed along. Also, perhaps that's how they introduce Mara Jade. Instead of the emperors hand she could be his daughter.
thank god. it's felt like a month since the last Jedi Council.