New rabbit hole commensed. One of the best ideas I've seen on youtube in a long time. Really tells you how much can trust your real world sources. I should take a convolution of the alexas in my house cause I've always wondered what's actually going on with these. I've got 3 in my house cause the girls all want to listen to music in their rooms. The wheels are going now.. What have you started Mark, What have you started!! 🤣😅
Excellent learning opportunity!!! Thank you!!!
I appreciate and enjoy your understated, yet highly informative approach. Very refreshing in today’s environment!
Great lyrics for the subject 🙂And a fascinating video - thank you very much!
New rabbit hole commensed. One of the best ideas I've seen on youtube in a long time. Really tells you how much can trust your real world sources. I should take a convolution of the alexas in my house cause I've always wondered what's actually going on with these. I've got 3 in my house cause the girls all want to listen to music in their rooms.
The wheels are going now.. What have you started Mark, What have you started!! 🤣😅
Thanks Paul... apologies to your family! 😉
No Synth V stuff ?!?!?!?
Just kiddin ;)