Calvinists + Fundamentalists LOVE SATAN'S DOCTRINE | Dr. Gene Kim

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI)
    Resources: Hi, I'm Dr Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI) and I pastor a church at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. My channel publishes videos that focus on wrong doctrines, dispensationalism, end times and KJV as the only word of God. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please subscribe!
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    Pastor Gene Kim
    San Jose Bible Baptist Church, CA
    #BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Endtimes #Christianity #BibleStudy


  • @georgestratikopoulos2089
    @georgestratikopoulos2089 5 років тому +32

    Thank God all sinners can be saved !

  • @MrTrecamp1
    @MrTrecamp1 5 років тому +33

    When you know exactly who Gene is talking about, it makes the sermon that much better😂😂

    • @a.p.9387
      @a.p.9387 5 років тому +2

      Darenegadegeneral right 😂

  • @merrygreco3122
    @merrygreco3122 5 років тому +43

    It took fasting and prayer to deliver me from this possession of sexual depravity but with deliverance my memories from childhood came back. The memories showed me where it started. How it started with surviving abuse and why I couldn't just choose to stop. I had to be delivered. It's a possession.

    • @merrygreco3122
      @merrygreco3122 5 років тому +19

      And actually I need to add this. It took watching you and devoting most of my days to learning and reading the Bible and even listening to the Bible while working. It took that to realize I did have a possession. I've been saved for 13 years but was told we can't be saved and possessed. It took all of that to realize I'm tortured because I needed to be delivered. You have to fast. Fasting and you teaching the truth led me straight to the truth of Christ and his power to shine a light on the beast put inside me and pull it out. The years of guilt and shame led me to thinking my only choice was to take my own life. It was inside me. It was taken out. I really need to thank you for telling the hard truths. It saved me. I'm not it's slave anymore.

    • @a.p.9387
      @a.p.9387 5 років тому +1

      Merry Greco this is me I wish u could email me I could use some Christian support 😏 if u don’t mind

    • @michellemiller4742
      @michellemiller4742 5 років тому +1

      @@merrygreco3122 this has answered a lot of my inner questions! Thank you!

  • @phillipsbubble8244
    @phillipsbubble8244 5 років тому +15

    In time he will shed HIS light on all darkness +

  • @mr.kjbbeliever3478
    @mr.kjbbeliever3478 5 років тому +14

    Amen pastor, you just mopped the floor with Calvinism and fundamentalists false doctrines. Thanks for sharing the truth.

  • @allanhoey9011
    @allanhoey9011 5 років тому +13

    Pastor Gene you was on fire ,fighting for the lost sheep.I hope your coughing condition will be aided by the The Lord Jesus Christ Almighty himself

  • @phillipsbubble8244
    @phillipsbubble8244 5 років тому +8

    Glorification to god only!!!!!! For he sees all that is hidden in filth and beauty +

  • @arlette2722
    @arlette2722 5 років тому +17

    Several calvinist I've talked to have told me that God gives people faith that we can't have faith on our own because we are dead in sin they use romans 3:11. They say it's impossible to believe in God unless he makes us believe. They misinterpret Ephesians 2:8-2:9 and say that faith is a work and believing is a work so we can't say we believed and that got us saved. They say God made us believe because we are predestined to believe and non believers are predestined not to believe. I completely disagree with them....
    Just thought I'd share.

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 5 років тому +6

      Arlene Sanchez, we are predestined, but it’s not as if God just randomly chose some people He would save & others He decided to let perish like some people try to make you believe. Ephesians 1: 4-6 “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having PREDESTINATED us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved”.
      God is omniscient and before He laid the foundation of the world, before He ever created mankind, He knew which of us would have a spirit who would believe in, love, and accept Christ as our Lord, and He knew who would have a rebellious spirit and never accept Christ as their Savior, so He sealed those He knew would become Christ’s. As we were born into the world, at some point in our life the Father called those He had sealed to come to Christ for salvation and we obeyed. He then sealed us with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption & He gave us to Christ, “All the Father has given me I shall not lose one of them”. This is why scripture says “No man can come to the Son unless He is drawn by the Father”, because the Father is the one who sealed those He knew would accept Jesus. God did not choose who to save & exclude others, we made the choice to accept or reject Christ using our free will, and God in His omniscience simply knew before man was even created the choice concerning Christ we would each make using our free will.
      Sometimes a person may not be called by the Father until right before they die, because it’s completely the Father’s choice at what point in our life He calls us to Christ. I don’t know much about Calvinism, but I do know we are predestined for salvation, but it’s predestination by our own choice to accept Christ. A lot of people use this predestination to condemn Abba Father YHWH as some evil God who chooses who to save & who to go to Hell using the “eenie meanie miney mo” system of choosing & it’s usually one of the atheists who have, by their own free will, hardened their heart to Christ. Maybe they don’t understand Abba Father’s omniscience, or maybe they just try to convince as many as possible that the God they deny even exists is evil. So Father YHWH is involved with calling those He sealed to come to Christ, but salvation is ultimately dependent upon the choices we make with the free will we’re given & whether we have a defiant rebellious spirit towards God or a loving accepting spirit towards Him. God doesn’t interfere with our free will because if He did that would make Him a liar if He says He gives free will but then snatches it from us because we are choosing our own destruction with it. God doesn’t lie, so He allows us to excercise the free will He gave us without interference, even if it means we have used it to sentence ourselves to eternal damnation.

  • @Reed-Publications
    @Reed-Publications 5 років тому +10

    It's awesome to see you preaching on this subject! Keep up the good work!

  • @larryannunzio9715
    @larryannunzio9715 5 років тому +11

    So glad you are my pastor. An I'm from Oregon. Thank you for everything you do. Do not stop preaching a good word of God. You really opened my eyes to the world to many Calvinists and false prophets out there that mislead Our Father sheep

  • @jamescallender591
    @jamescallender591 5 років тому +7


  • @Jamilinna
    @Jamilinna 5 років тому +11

    This is my church for sure

  • @brendankhoma4126
    @brendankhoma4126 5 років тому +6

    Like I said in one of your previous video, I hunger for your posts! Thank you pastor

  • @3x-Karma-Rox
    @3x-Karma-Rox 5 років тому +9

    Yes, I noticed. I tried a Fundamental Baptist Church that wasn't up to par.

  • @rafaymago1
    @rafaymago1 5 років тому +9

    The sad part of of the calvinist is that even that is interpreted acording to the reader, and not guided by the holy spirit, because it was not inspired by the Holy Spirit (by God) I pray for them as I love them as any other person who I am supposed to present the same gift I had received by our Father through Jesus christ. I sadly can say that some of the ones I talked to are bound and lied by the devil (the lord rebuke thee) and let them think that they are unworthy of such salvation.

  • @rishindren_2151
    @rishindren_2151 5 років тому +4

    After a long time silence, you just came out like son of Lion of Tribe Judah.. roaring just like our Father, Christ..

  • @tinanguyen9487
    @tinanguyen9487 5 років тому +9

    Amen! Thanks pastor.

  • @maryc87121
    @maryc87121 5 років тому +4

    Amen & Amen Pastor K... "ALL" means All !! EVERYONE & ANYONE has the privilege of obtaining eternal life. Why?? B'cuz Jesus Christ who is the only one whom is sinless & holy died for "ALL" to have that privilege.. No body or No-one is predestined for wickedness or for hell & there is not a sin that God will Not assist you conquer nor Forgive !.. Everyone makes that choice for themselves while in their flesh!! "EACH WILL REAP WHAT THEY SOW HERE, GOOD OR BAD"..TRUE BAC'S WILL PAY RIGHT HERE & NOW IN THEIR FLESH. SO, NO IT'S NOT BAD LUCK, A GENERATIONAL CURSE, OR A JINX, ITS PAYMENT FOR SIN !! The Lord Will NOT Be Mocked !! Either way, Everyone & Anyone may repent & become a child of God if they so "choose" to... Shame on those disgusting modern day Pharisees, there is indeed a special place in Hell for them & they will indeed receive the greater damnation for leading sheep astray just as Jesus Christ said they would. . Never stop fighting the Good fight Pastor K & True KJV Bible Believers World Wide!! We Know who & what we're fighting for!!

  • @mikem2997
    @mikem2997 5 років тому +7

    Thank you Pastor!

  • @potato3850
    @potato3850 5 років тому +5

    Pastor Gene Kim,do you have a video about Remission of sins vs forgiveness of sins?

  • @deannamorgan7586
    @deannamorgan7586 5 років тому +4

    incredible teaching. Wow.

  • @suryafong7205
    @suryafong7205 5 років тому +7

    God is a God of love but Calvinists make Him out to be an evil, sadistic being, shame on them. Thank you Pastor Kim

  • @26vino
    @26vino 5 років тому +11

    BOOM !!! Very good , Brother Kim ♫♪ Greetings from the other side of the Atlantic pond ♪♫
    -- || Calvinism and Context NEVER GO TOGETHER !!! It's a very sad , sad observation . Let's pray for them.
    -- *ROMANS **3:10** [kjb]* -
    10 As it is written , There is none righteous , no , not one : *THE FINAL AUTHORITY* ♪♪♪ AMEN !!!

  • @jerrywilliams9105
    @jerrywilliams9105 5 років тому +4

    If the truth hurts, It's Workin!!! Like I always say, it's no sin for those knuckle heads to take 2 aspirins and watch you preach. Might straighten them out!!!

  • @vincentstrycula
    @vincentstrycula 5 років тому +5

    Pastor Gene is it possible 'Mystery Babylon' consists as Mother Rome and Daughter America? "Mother of Harlots" = Church of Rome, "The lady of kingdoms (ISA 47:5)" & "daughter of Babylon (ISA 47)" = America.
    I would love to see an in depth study on Isaiah 47 and Jeremiah 50-51 whenever you get the chance.
    After studying these chapters it seems to me as America represents the "Chaldean" daughter which in other contexts goes by "Babylon" too. Verses in these chapters mention the destruction of our great walls (which are soon to be built) and that "the labor will be done in vain" (Jer51:58). Verses that point towards Us making a wrong move on Syria which in return gets Israeli severely attacked (Jer50:17-18). And also, possible darkness within our nation (Isa 47:5), possibly from a Russian Emp since they side with Syria Turkey and Iran. Also, verses mention once our borders are exposed, rebels will break into the land and destroy our store houses and slay our cattle (Jer 50:15 & Jer 50:26). Jer 50:22-25 - that America will be caught off guard with other armory and weapons. Isa 47:2 - mentioning the American industry of bridges and dams. Isa 47:3 showing thy nakedness, possibly all of the "American conspiracies"..
    This whole chapter is filled with prophecy that is soon to come like a repeat of the destruction of the walls of Jericho.
    Jeremiah 50:12 (KJV)
    "Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert."
    The mother in this passage referring to Rome which gave birth to us, the daughter which these chapters are talking about.
    Its confusing when the word Babylon seems to be used interchangeably sometimes its clear its the church other times its clear its America. I come to conclude they are both right. The mystery is the mystery religions they follow (ISA 47:6 "upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke") instead of Lord God Jesus Christ Almighty.
    Much love to you Pastor hopefully you will see these points and make a lesson on these chapters! Thank you.

    • @vincentstrycula
      @vincentstrycula 5 років тому +1

      Thank you Pastor that video certainly answered a lot. Still curious about those “wall destruction” verses and sudden attack of “silence and darkness”. These such things seem an attack on American soil which we won’t see coming. Crashing our currency as well as wrecking the country.. and then Vatican will claim answer to peace with the return of antichrist. Then kicks off 7 yr trib..

    • @vincentstrycula
      @vincentstrycula 5 років тому +1

      Of course the blessed hope will catch us away before the great trib Amen. But it seems to me we are going to see America’s judgement soon.. the current events right now are tense.