Gold still remains the most conductive, least reactive metal known to mankind so I think It's going to remain on top the charts for a little while into the future.
Guy’s speaking the Truth but it not for everyone to hear . Read his books and decide for yourself . I read rich dad years ago and it made no sense to me . I read it again years later and it changed my life . You have to be ready to receive the real truth . It gone hurt a lot of people to hear it .
@@BOZ_11 All the wars are about gold. It is used perpetually to maintain feudal slavery. Gold is used to generate fractional Reserve, fractional Reserve generates paper that is intentionally released in order to crash it and then back to gold, it is a Perpetual cycle of mental illness. I just call it the Gold Fever. For some reason people have a mad desire, like a true psychological disorder and they become possessed in the gold Chase. It's not unlike a raccoon who will not release their hand from a trap if they have something shiny.
Robert has ridden the customary waves of investing through the years and he's benefitted accordingly. He admits that he is no smarter than you nor I-but he has been pervasively more focused and committed. When the crash comes his real estate holdings will be worth a tiny fraction of their current value. His tenants will be unable to afford his rents, his properties will fall into disrepair and his creditors will call his loans. His intellectual property asset class will also decline in value because investment in patent/product development will slow dramatically. Ownership of a patent becomes just another debt/liability if it never comes to fruition. Gold's future is no more certain than tomorrow's weather (it too is subject to gross manipulation), but I would rather own it than anything else. Your reality of how all of this plays out and who wins in the end is relative to the depth and duration of the coming "reset".
countrys will never use gold as money again how could they fund stuff ? even military spending would have to be cut back causing lots of job losses, the gold standard puts a cap on the size and expansion of an economy and the supply of gold is to unstable to be a consistent measure of wealth
trent jenkins it’s a hedge against debt. It doesn’t need to necessarily be used as money. It’s a hedge against inflation too. Listen to what he says not the blurb
@@MetalBum against the public debt ? thats the fuel for inflation ( government spending creates jobs and eventually wage gains ) that becomes bullish for the dollar and bearish for gold unless inflation turn into hyperinflation and that isnt likely to happen its a very bad unlikely bet.
@@trent3727 that is partially correct and partial wrong Trent. Yes gold does reduce corruption and over expansion of military power. However it also increases in purchasing power as products become produced more efficiently unlike Fiat which is limited in it's ability to maintain purchasing power. It does to some degree in tech for example but not housing or clothing etc If you would like to see this what I consider poetic experiment. Put 1500 in a safety deposit account with one ounce of gold. Hold both for 5 years and see which one has more purchasing power then come back and let us know Don't over think this stuff sir as well Good luck to you.
@@trent3727 also ironically gold gas been discovered at about the same rate of population growth. Which is fascinating. Once there are say 100, billion humans we'll be finding it on astroids...I bet the same ratio of gold to population will be the same... which is why it's great money.
I read a few of his books. He means become an expert in what you invest in so you can make money in it. Find something that works, and you are interested in it. Love it, or at least put in the time to be good at it. Don't just pay someone else, or they will talk you out of much of your returns for their pockets. He advice is "wisdom" not direction. More for the middle class masses than brokers, traders etc. More think about it, than do this or that.
Periculum Esse thats like saying buy some crayons so that you can become an expert using crayons so that you can get the full value of your crayons? Yeah... thanks for that useful tidbit...
His book has changed my view of wealth, but I disagree with " Gold is God's money" , Gold is an element, just like sand, water, wood, without human consensus, none of them is money. Any area that come with human consensus, there is a bubble and lie associated.
He means that Gold is a naturally occurring material, hence made by God and not man. Thousands of years ago, civilizations traded gold. The Richest man that ever existed had wealth based entirely on Gold.
@@fromthewavs7131 Still, the value of it is what human being has given. To the nature, anything in this universe is the same. My point is, to be wealthy, not because of God's money, it's to hold some material that HUMAN think it can hedge risk. Rich people are doing the opposite to the crowd, when everyone think GOLD is trending up, rich people sell it to you, when you think $TSLA and $NFLX are trending up, they sell them to you. Do not follow anyone's idea without understanding, have to have independent thinking skill, blindly follow anyone only leads you to the money trap that rich people made.
To the people who disagree with me, my point is: to the people who live in the uncivilized forest, they are financial free naturally, they collect nature they consume nature they return nature, that is life based on God's money. It is inevitable to fall into human-made trap, if you live in the modern society you'll never get rid of it, but to have independent thought in order to distinguish the true or false of a story that rich people or politicians narrate, can protect you fall softly.
I have been hearing about gold in past at least 6 years as if it will goes way up very soon. But price of gold is not doing much up until now. If someone's prediction has not been happened in past 6 years, That is considered as a bad suggestion?
That's great and all but gold doesnt produce anything. It just sits there and the hope is someone will pay for it for more than you bought it in the future. It's good to invest in something that will actually produce something and not just speculation.
Ermmm u must live in a parallel universe because on earth right now gold is used in almost every single phone laptop computers cars machines etc etc do u really think gold has no use haha braindead is what you are
I think what's new is that he is predicting a market crash. I'm seeing a synchronized campaign from people who come on TV predicting a huge crash. Seems phony to me. Crashes happen when no one expects it. Here everyone and their grandma seems to know that a crash is coming and being given the chance to "..safely exit a sinking ship". Looks like the big fish are trying to get people to panic and offload their stocks and then the market might go further up. If the market were to really go down, the smart money wouldn't be out there telling others to sell their stocks, they'd keep the pretense of a bull market alive and start selling their own stocks to you at higher prices. Here they are doing just the opposite. They are telling you to sell your stocks, and guess who's buying?
"But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led away from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains." 2Timothy 6: 9, 10
He is Not buying gold,he sells gold,he's investing in Mines to harvest gold to sell. Gold is not an investment,commodities are Not investments. He sells gold,he doesn't buy it.
"Because in one hour such great riches have been devastated!" Revelation 18: 17 "He sounded with His voice; the earth proceeded to melt" Psalms 46: 6 "The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell...." Revelation 16: 19 Christendom vs Muslim, and Muslim vs Jewry. WARS and financial collapse occur together. When Christ preached the Kingdom of God for three and a half years in the First Century; did He tell us that we only needed a collection of silver and gold and we would be OK when the Great tribulation arrived? NO. He said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." Matthew 6: 33. This is important. The present system 'passes away' with the distress that is already visible. Romans 9: 28 The system that is arriving to replace it doesn't require us to gather up collections of metals. Isaiah 2: 18-20 This is a waste of our resources. Isaiah 55: 1 when the new arrangement appears: "Hey there, all you thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price." The fiat currency system melts down at at time of wars and wrath Psalms 46: 4-6 Revelation 11: 18. Jeremiah 25: 24-26. The present system FAILED; IT IS OVER Romans 9: 28 and it won't be coming back. The time of man's rule over man is over . YES, we do know what will happen, and what the true God is doing about it. The solutions are completely written in prophetic Scripture. The new system, called God's Kingdom takes over the affairs of man with Justice, righteousness and mercy. Those who inherit this new system don't need collections of metals. Such collections will be 'thrown away' with loathing Isaiah 2: 18-20. So what is needed? Faith is needed John 3: 16 Romans 10: 13-15. Knowledge is needed Matthew 17: 17, 3. Righteousness is needed; as we turn away from wrong conduct in true loyalty. 1Corinthians 6: 9-11. These spiritual qualities we learn from our Exemplar and King Revelation 12: 10 Christ Jesus. He arrives at the Sunrise Malachi 4: 2 Revelation 16:12 Daniel 11: 44, 45 very soon. But collections of metals are for those people who don't really know what is happening when the present system fails; is over; and is replaced by God's Kingdom under Christ. Matthew 25: 31, 34. Romans 9: 28. So these people are wasting their resources, and are the central point in a profit-making enterprise.
So, why did Yahweh ask Moses to build tabernacle overlaid by pure gold? Or why was Aaron's breastplate full of precious stones? Don't you know that each precious metal or stone containing mysterious power to contact divine realm? Jews come to tabernacle and Aaron's breastplate with Urim and Tumim in order to receive God's speaking and guidance. You have to do more research concerning tabernacle and Aaron's Aaron's ephod and breastplate.
Dra O have you experienced a bear market? All I’m saying it shakes out all the weak investors/retail investors. Can you handle the heat in the kitchen?
Itsofficial I’m loving this bear market, cheap shares, and soon the real estate market will drop with everyone losing their jobs, landlords can’t pay their mortgage and it’ll cause a lot of foreclosures to happen, once that happens the real estate market will crash
So people are ok with saying cash has value because we believe it has value. So, is what sets gold apart the fact you can manufacture it? Why does gold have more value than cash in people's eyes?
it only took a couple years after the gold standard was abandoned and we had the arab oil embargo. Then the years of stagflation . I t only ended because Reagan started the tax cuts; It took a year or so for the economy to get traction again and grow without inflation. Agree with Robert about the importance of gold. It keeps things grounded. Look what happened to Venezuela and runaway inflation.
I have seen one video in which Warren Buffett says that instead of investing in gold he would prefer to buy businesses that will create him cash flow. Gold will not create any type of cash flow.
KVT ? Warren Buffett willl invest in them when no doubt. Kinesis also offers a yield on holding gold. See the 11 3 minute videos. It might be your place.
Look into Berkshire Hathaway’s balance sheets! Warren Buffett says buy good, simple, cash generating companies when the price is low, well guess what he ( and by extension Berkshire) haven bought anything substantial in a long time. They have just been stacking up a massive cash balance and waiting. There is a pretty significant penalty for holding 122 billion dollars in cash, yet that is exactly what Buffett is doing. I would say that that is a pretty good indicator that one of the smartest investors out there thinks that the market is over valued!
I guess what bothers me is guys like this seem to tell us being rich is just so easy. I think the back story for these guys is they had help. And probably won't admit it.
One can ask the same about paper money, which is printed without real hassle, therefore one can state.. if paper money is wealth and it is free printable by those in charge...then what kind of game are we actually playing here on earth...when it is printable...are we not just looking at a game with regulations and rulez which we have made 'reality' When you can print wealth as easy as you can close your eyes, and you make PEOPLE work for that 'money' You just made slavery 3.0 in the easiest way possible without the hassle of physical force like the old ages. Welcome to slavery where the printers have made you to believe you are free and that you need education to make a living(which is printed free btw) so that you can save money(which is printed free) to eventually buy a house so that you can pay it off for the next 30 years with 'yes you get it( money that is printed free) If you print it free anyways..might as well just give the house and save the hassle of printing the money to buy the house... But some people don't want to work and they are very they made a system where we are the workers and they are the collectors. They created a blue print to establish and maintain this 'game' of theirs and they know they only have a couple things against them= Collective conscious==>solution==>keep them divided How? By making schools and sell the notion of education. What in reality is happening==>Disconnect from parents==>division from own peers and seclusion ==>eventually the individual trough hurt has lost trust in other humans==>remains disconnect==>in order to fill that void in them==>they go and search for a mate==>someone they can trust and become what they are to become==>only it is connection between 2 humans ==>which is perfect, because now you have instead 1 big group of 5 billion people. You got 2.5 billion GROUPS existing out of 2 PEOPLE VS (their worst nightmare) 1 GROUP existing out of 5 billion PEOPLE Welcome to divide and conquer 3.5 and i just scratched the surface... In order to keep it must disrupt EVERY and ANY 'Healthy humanitarian LOVE ' and reduce it to 1 person at most... Easiest way..put lots of people together with no moral education or long term humanitarian vision which include brotherhood/love/respect/justice/truth/righteousness.. All these character traits need to be destroyed or at least not be maintained and worked at. Eventually each individual will run with a feeling/idea ME vs the WORLD. Whoever thought evil didn't because noone learned you since you were born on this planet..WHAT EVIL LOOKS LIKE..and if you are not teached and will not be able to DISTINQUISH....easy to be fooled, yet thinking each of them is wise and smart. Because those who are in control..are not gonna teach you how to destroy them... Masters of deceptions Generation after generation. What happens when the blind leads the blind.... Rule#1 Keep them blind Rule#2 the offspring of the first will continue the line of blindness. Rule#3 Maintain to keep the 2nd-XXXth generation blind Rule#4 Now it becomes their way of life and reality ,and everything that goes against it is seen as a treat by those who are blind Rule#5 Help them destroy their enemies that want to free them Rule#6 He who lives in the dark for eternity will despise any form of light ,for he is not adjusted anymore to it. Rule#7 Sit back and relax and enjoy all luxury and goods of life Rule#8 we have earned it Disconnected you ARE! And we shall keep you Disconnected :)
I am dissabled from years hard masonry work,at 50...chronic pain fibromyalgia alcohol drugs past 20 to get through day...been ripped off almost killed and suicidal...I am borrowing $ because I have no retirement or income... I think gold silver are going to soar how do i buy physical and use it as backup to increase my borrowing power to capitalize if this happens ? Suggestions? I already have a Judge ...I need just little taste of relief for the finish...Any the house gives strategic income for
Gold is Gods money. Gold is mentioned 417 times, silver 320 times and the ... The Bible often mentions kings and queens paid in gold and silver. the Bible says God created the world and the elements within it. Gold is depicted as an asset of value. “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.” Gold and silver are products of God - they are not a creation of man.
@@Leqzis_D-luqz I'll get some heat, no doubt, but gold is NOT 'God's money'...sounds like what you're saying is that gold is royalty's money (and royalty wrote the bible, and has always been trying to get their hands on your gold and silver, and mine, LoL)
He has been investing gold since 2008 bet he lost so much when gold has dropped so much since the markets recover, the stock market will always get higher with inflation ... and stock market has always been high always and only lows during recessions which occurs once a while
N L no he was investing in gold since the late 1960s. He’s up tons on gold silver. He even mentioned in a interview he bought his first gold coin for $50
My personal opinion is it’s not going to take 2022-2025 for this to meltdown. Derivatives again will be the culprit. Hyperinflation, yes pensions lost, stock crash, everything implodes. Rood to roota explains this in great detail.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment? 26 Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto [a]the measure of his life? 28 And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Setelah pertama kali aku baca buku why A student work for C student hidupku menjadi lebih terang karena aku sangat naif, meskipun aku belum lulus universitas dengan tepat waktu. Aku rasa saya adalah orang yang punya pemikiran terbuka dan lebih paham dengan pendidikan uang dari teman-temanku yang lain. Aku sedang ingin membuat bisnisku sendiri untuk kedepan, tanpa robert mungkin aku akan seperi ayahku yang bekerja hingga pensiun namun selalu menghemat pengeluaran dengan cara yang agresif. Aku tau bahwa aku bisa lebih baik
Love Robert but there is no way you can predict the future example people have been saying that the economy is going to crash however they've been saying it for the last 6 years if you keep saying something over and over and over again eventually you're right does it mean you predicted the future
Yeah, these 'Broken Clock Prophets' are amusing. I also like how some in the media keep talking about how we've been in a bull market for 10 years, but in 2009 I don't remember very many who believed it.
Von Martin to solve physical problems you have to bigin mentally and spiritually. . Thats why when people make profit they get so currupt and lose themselves.
Gold & Silver have been considered sacred in the ancient Hindu holy scriptures from time immemorial. It's said that in this 'Kaliyugam/Vedic timeline' GOLD will rule.
Chris Nipper Please know the difference between an investment and speculation ....bitcoin is pure speculation and the only reason people put money into it is because they think they can get rich quick ... if there was no one getting rich from bitcoin would you honestly still say it’s the best investment of the century ?
توم ريتشاردز This comment is gold lol Kudlow for sure!! I remember the 2007 video w kudlow and Schiff and others and everyone but Schiff was laughing, thinking the bubble would never burst. No one to bail them out this time and the IMF is broke!!
Throw in some dire predictions which are far enough in advance so as no one recalls them and then promote your new books! Yes a very sound strategy to enrich oneself. I wonder if he could let me know if it was going to rain next week? Surely easier to predict than a major financial calamity.
Here’s why Gold n Silver are good investments .. when the stock market crashes paper money loses value . Gold n Silver won’t , so you sell Gold n Silver and get your moneys worth .
Chris Gilliam Man Stuff so why are all the banks n millionaires buying Gold all of a sudden ? You really think they’re buying it just to lose money or are they actually smarter than the average middle class ?
@@cameronsmith7881 Nobody is buying gold all of a sudden. You're listening to the same crap that has been repeated for decades. None of this is new lady, I've been around this block a few times.
Chris Gilliam Man Stuff I guess you’re right . Why would people wanna buy stupid ol gold . He must be tellin us to buy gold to trick us into becoming poor 😂😂😂
We've heard it said that wheat will become more valuable than gold. The same is true for clean water (Berkey filters) and toilet paper. The best advice on creating eternal abundance can be found in the final chapters of Revelation. Carry on y'all, carry on!
4:10 LOL at the headline “kiyosaki has been calling for the market to crash for awhile now.” Bitcoin was $8200 when he laughed at it, it’s down $1000 now. RK went bankrupt at least once. I wonder how rich he really is. And if so, it’s because he bought a lot of cheap leveraged multi family which will have problems when market crashes after 2020-22 as well!
True gold will always keep its value een prices go down or up a bit and the same for real estate.. the rest are not real assets unless its a legitimate business
I think he was saying that God create Gold. That’s why he said gold is God’s money. It was here before, and it will be here after. And yes, streets of gold in heaven.
Poor old man is losing it.. He said he bought $300,000,000,000 worth of real estate ... I think he was off by an order of magnitude... Father time is undefeated and this man has lost it
But the centralbanks will just print more and more money to avoid a stock market crash. I think the big risk is extreme inflation, even if we havnt seen it so far despite alot of money printing.
if the world goes tits up and gold is the only currency, then how long you think your going to hold onto your gold when 8 billion people come after it ???
What he forgot to mention...... Invest in what you love.... and learn every single thing you can about it so you know what the fu@k you're doing Financial IQ
It has always been that, a piece of paper, with or without gold standard. It is a matter of who you trust. Try out a trustless monetary system like Bitcoin. It stands for itself through computational power, very strong power.
Dra O you have to figure that out yourself. The buyer provides the silver and the seller provides the product equal to how much silver you offered. Pretty simple.
Money’s not everything,it’s the only thing 🤣🤣🤣 bitcoin is the language of Jesus, never forget that.🤣🤣🤣 and when he got a little bit bored he created chain link, seek first the kingdom and all these bitcoins shall be chainlinked on to you.
What is the real TANGIBLE VALUE OF THE DOLLAR? From 1900 to 2010, the dollar fell from 1500 mg to 25 mg. $ 48.22 per gram of gold. The 1900 dollar is worth $72.33 but the 2010 dollar is 1.67 cents. 1,500 milligrams divided by 100 cents = 15 grams per 1 cent in 1900. 25 milligrams divided by 15 grams = 1.67 cents in 1900. But now they say the 2019 is worth 21.09 milligrams so that's 1.4 cents in 1900. STOP PRINTING MONEY AND START MINING GOLD AND SILVER!
Gold still remains the most conductive, least reactive metal known to mankind so I think It's going to remain on top the charts for a little while into the future.
It's been on top for thousands of years. That's not changing
Actually silver is the best conductor of electricity but Gold is still more precious and rarer than Silver. Save both
It's been on top since the beginning of humanity
@@juanzamarripa3778 silver tarnish. Gold doesn't.
Guy’s speaking the Truth but it not for everyone to hear . Read his books and decide for yourself . I read rich dad years ago and it made no sense to me . I read it again years later and it changed my life . You have to be ready to receive the real truth . It gone hurt a lot of people to hear it .
this guy wants a return to the tried and tested gold standard failures of the past. The great depression happened during a gold standard
@@BOZ_11 Gold = feudal slavery and perpetual war.
@@TobeornottooB damn right on the first point, I can't lay war at the feet of gold though; we do that with or without gold
@@BOZ_11 All the wars are about gold. It is used perpetually to maintain feudal slavery. Gold is used to generate fractional Reserve, fractional Reserve generates paper that is intentionally released in order to crash it and then back to gold, it is a Perpetual cycle of mental illness. I just call it the Gold Fever. For some reason people have a mad desire, like a true psychological disorder and they become possessed in the gold Chase. It's not unlike a raccoon who will not release their hand from a trap if they have something shiny.
@@unlockwithjsr oil is just an excuse to invade country boundaries by extraterritorial private corporations, oil is not scarce in any way.
Congrats for having Robert on. CNBC can’t stand people who preach common sense and words of wisdom
Common sense? Kiyosaki? I don't see it, though I could be wrong.
Robert is a honest, modest, middleclass raised human, which i took as my mentor to give me the determination to fight poverty
This could be your next step. Gold always risk free
@@santo3720 yeah listen good. His the only one speaking public about poverty. Move on loser, you judge before knowing
@@santo3720 It is in plain sight Santo for those who take the time to see,
Honest? Charlatan
He has been talking about the market crashing since 2017. He will be right if he continues indefinitely
You can’t time a market .
The world economy is in horrible shape. The US economy is total garbage right now
@@matthewsolomon1919 What's wrong with the economy? Things are pretty darn good atm.
@@matthewsolomon1919 The economy is in great shape.
@@Sesamestreet9080 if u call a recession every year, you're not smart
Gold is God Money
Silver is Gentlemen Money
Cash is Corrupt Money😂😂
Robert has ridden the customary waves of investing through the years and he's benefitted accordingly. He admits that he is no smarter than you nor I-but he has been pervasively more focused and committed. When the crash comes his real estate holdings will be worth a tiny fraction of their current value. His tenants will be unable to afford his rents, his properties will fall into disrepair and his creditors will call his loans. His intellectual property asset class will also decline in value because investment in patent/product development will slow dramatically. Ownership of a patent becomes just another debt/liability if it never comes to fruition. Gold's future is no more certain than tomorrow's weather (it too is subject to gross manipulation), but I would rather own it than anything else. Your reality of how all of this plays out and who wins in the end is relative to the depth and duration of the coming "reset".
Mental Chow well said
He has plenty of gold and silver to protect himself in the very risk he has in real-estate that you mention.
I started watching Robert when he was on Yahoo, so, he knows what he talk about
countrys will never use gold as money again how could they fund stuff ? even military spending would have to be cut back causing lots of job losses, the gold standard puts a cap on the size and expansion of an economy and the supply of gold is to unstable to be a consistent measure of wealth
trent jenkins it’s a hedge against debt. It doesn’t need to necessarily be used as money. It’s a hedge against inflation too. Listen to what he says not the blurb
@@MetalBum against the public debt ? thats the fuel for inflation ( government spending creates jobs and eventually wage gains ) that becomes bullish for the dollar and bearish for gold unless inflation turn into hyperinflation and that isnt likely to happen its a very bad unlikely bet.
@@trent3727 that is partially correct and partial wrong Trent. Yes gold does reduce corruption and over expansion of military power. However it also increases in purchasing power as products become produced more efficiently unlike Fiat which is limited in it's ability to maintain purchasing power. It does to some degree in tech for example but not housing or clothing etc
If you would like to see this what I consider poetic experiment. Put 1500 in a safety deposit account with one ounce of gold. Hold both for 5 years and see which one has more purchasing power then come back and let us know
Don't over think this stuff sir as well
Good luck to you.
@@trent3727 also ironically gold gas been discovered at about the same rate of population growth. Which is fascinating.
Once there are say 100, billion humans we'll be finding it on astroids...I bet the same ratio of gold to population will be the same... which is why it's great money.
So if I buy gold with fake money then resell when it goes up won’t I be left with more fake money?
5:00 Yess, robert also see it
Thanks, i always make money
Invest in what you love.... proceeds to list everything worth value. Yeah....
I read a few of his books. He means become an expert in what you invest in so you can make money in it. Find something that works, and you are interested in it. Love it, or at least put in the time to be good at it. Don't just pay someone else, or they will talk you out of much of your returns for their pockets. He advice is "wisdom" not direction. More for the middle class masses than brokers, traders etc. More think about it, than do this or that.
Periculum Esse thats like saying buy some crayons so that you can become an expert using crayons so that you can get the full value of your crayons? Yeah... thanks for that useful tidbit...
There are ways to make money with what he mentioned.
What if you love pussy
Gold is God money Triple OG can't go wrong with God's money the first the middle and the last on point 👍
Smart man got me into real estate ten years ago. And now got me into gold and silver.
I thought this was rich dad poor dad channel, but no, this is bloomberg
Chan Ninja ....
Chan Ninja very observant.
Savers keep saving because they don't know what else to do.
His book has changed my view of wealth, but I disagree with " Gold is God's money" , Gold is an element, just like sand, water, wood, without human consensus, none of them is money. Any area that come with human consensus, there is a bubble and lie associated.
Panda Love water isn’t an element neither is wood.
No he is true because thousands of year human trade using gold, paper money less 200 year, and its easy to manipulate
He means that Gold is a naturally occurring material, hence made by God and not man. Thousands of years ago, civilizations traded gold. The Richest man that ever existed had wealth based entirely on Gold.
@@fromthewavs7131 Still, the value of it is what human being has given. To the nature, anything in this universe is the same. My point is, to be wealthy, not because of God's money, it's to hold some material that HUMAN think it can hedge risk. Rich people are doing the opposite to the crowd, when everyone think GOLD is trending up, rich people sell it to you, when you think $TSLA and $NFLX are trending up, they sell them to you.
Do not follow anyone's idea without understanding, have to have independent thinking skill, blindly follow anyone only leads you to the money trap that rich people made.
To the people who disagree with me, my point is: to the people who live in the uncivilized forest, they are financial free naturally, they collect nature they consume nature they return nature, that is life based on God's money.
It is inevitable to fall into human-made trap, if you live in the modern society you'll never get rid of it, but to have independent thought in order to distinguish the true or false of a story that rich people or politicians narrate, can protect you fall softly.
This man knows what he's talking about
@Dra O it's good to save and invest what you can.
Gold silver real estate. Tangible assets you own
@@ibrarali9369 iam
I have been hearing about gold in past at least 6 years as if it will goes way up very soon. But price of gold is not doing much up until now. If someone's prediction has not been happened in past 6 years, That is considered as a bad suggestion?
Gold has gone up. It's a hedge vs the debt collapse
Did he say he bought 300 billion dollar worth of real estate or 300 million dollar worth?
That's great and all but gold doesnt produce anything. It just sits there and the hope is someone will pay for it for more than you bought it in the future. It's good to invest in something that will actually produce something and not just speculation.
Worse still... you have to pay someone to look after it
Ermmm u must live in a parallel universe because on earth right now gold is used in almost every single phone laptop computers cars machines etc etc do u really think gold has no use haha braindead is what you are
Don’t have to watch the video! Robert has been repeating himself for years!!!!! Lol
Most still hasn't take heed tho
Yes he repeating himself but stil 80% of the people still don’t understand it
ruanorafa Rich Dad poor son?
I think what's new is that he is predicting a market crash. I'm seeing a synchronized campaign from people who come on TV predicting a huge crash. Seems phony to me. Crashes happen when no one expects it. Here everyone and their grandma seems to know that a crash is coming and being given the chance to "..safely exit a sinking ship". Looks like the big fish are trying to get people to panic and offload their stocks and then the market might go further up.
If the market were to really go down, the smart money wouldn't be out there telling others to sell their stocks, they'd keep the pretense of a bull market alive and start selling their own stocks to you at higher prices. Here they are doing just the opposite. They are telling you to sell your stocks, and guess who's buying?
He started pumping silver at its all time high after convincing people to get into real estate before that crashed
"But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led away from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains." 2Timothy 6: 9, 10
At 2:00 he says " gold is Gods money" . To prove this the first and last commodity mentioned in the old testament is Gold .
also in the quran gold and silver
@@Ahmad-os3si , I didn know .
Rich Dad Poor Dad.... One of the best book I've read.
When you say buying gold? Is it like buying real physical gold and silver?
Robert Kiyosaki is truly a Gentle and a Pious soul.
long live Robert Kiyosaki!
5 months later...guess he was right. Why couldn't others see this?
I wish I would of got out of the mkt earlier. Too bad I'm just watching this now
He is Not buying gold,he sells gold,he's investing in Mines to harvest gold to sell.
Gold is not an investment,commodities are Not investments.
He sells gold,he doesn't buy it.
"Because in one hour such great riches have been devastated!" Revelation 18: 17 "He sounded with His voice; the earth proceeded to melt" Psalms 46: 6
"The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell...." Revelation 16: 19 Christendom vs Muslim, and Muslim vs Jewry.
WARS and financial collapse occur together.
When Christ preached the Kingdom of God for three and a half years in the First Century; did He tell us that we only needed a collection of silver and gold and we would be OK when the Great tribulation arrived? NO. He said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." Matthew 6: 33. This is important. The present system 'passes away' with the distress that is already visible. Romans 9: 28 The system that is arriving to replace it doesn't require us to gather up collections of metals. Isaiah 2: 18-20 This is a waste of our resources. Isaiah 55: 1 when the new arrangement appears: "Hey there, all you thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price." The fiat currency system melts down at at time of wars and wrath Psalms 46: 4-6 Revelation 11: 18. Jeremiah 25: 24-26. The present system FAILED; IT IS OVER Romans 9: 28 and it won't be coming back. The time of man's rule over man is over .
YES, we do know what will happen, and what the true God is doing about it. The solutions are completely written in prophetic Scripture. The new system, called God's Kingdom takes over the affairs of man with Justice, righteousness and mercy. Those who inherit this new system don't need collections of metals. Such collections will be 'thrown away' with loathing Isaiah 2: 18-20.
So what is needed? Faith is needed John 3: 16 Romans 10: 13-15. Knowledge is needed Matthew 17: 17, 3. Righteousness is needed; as we turn away from wrong conduct in true loyalty. 1Corinthians 6: 9-11. These spiritual qualities we learn from our Exemplar and King Revelation 12: 10 Christ Jesus.
He arrives at the Sunrise Malachi 4: 2 Revelation 16:12 Daniel 11: 44, 45 very soon. But collections of metals are for those people who don't really know what is happening when the present system fails; is over; and is replaced by God's Kingdom under Christ. Matthew 25: 31, 34. Romans 9: 28. So these people are wasting their resources, and are the central point in a profit-making enterprise.
So, why did Yahweh ask Moses to build tabernacle overlaid by pure gold? Or why was Aaron's breastplate full of precious stones? Don't you know that each precious metal or stone containing mysterious power to contact divine realm? Jews come to tabernacle and Aaron's breastplate with Urim and Tumim in order to receive God's speaking and guidance. You have to do more research concerning tabernacle and Aaron's Aaron's ephod and breastplate.
All y’all saying it won’t crash. Once we hit a bear market can you live thru it or get wiped out? It’s easier said than done TRUST ME
Dra O have you experienced a bear market? All I’m saying it shakes out all the weak investors/retail investors. Can you handle the heat in the kitchen?
I’m loving this bear market, cheap shares, and soon the real estate market will drop with everyone losing their jobs, landlords can’t pay their mortgage and it’ll cause a lot of foreclosures to happen, once that happens the real estate market will crash
Aamir Basir facts. What’s happening is a once in a century opportunity!
Dra O how is everything holding up?
So people are ok with saying cash has value because we believe it has value. So, is what sets gold apart the fact you can manufacture it? Why does gold have more value than cash in people's eyes?
"Savers are losers" - sounds like he means "save" in real estate, commodities, cryptos, etc.
Well in investments you understand very well
Saving in cash, during inflation is silly. Don't save - invest. Its wisdom.
@@periculumesse1525 very well put, thank you!
Don’t save in cash in bank
@@MetalBum Same
it only took a couple years after the gold standard was abandoned and we had the arab oil embargo. Then the years of stagflation . I t only ended because Reagan started the tax cuts; It took a year or so for the economy to get traction again and grow without inflation. Agree with Robert about the importance of gold. It keeps things grounded. Look what happened to Venezuela and runaway inflation.
I have seen one video in which Warren Buffett says that instead of investing in gold he would prefer to buy businesses that will create him cash flow. Gold will not create any type of cash flow.
It can, read up on how
KVT ? Warren Buffett willl invest in them when no doubt. Kinesis also offers a yield on holding gold. See the 11 3 minute videos. It might be your place.
Look into Berkshire Hathaway’s balance sheets! Warren Buffett says buy good, simple, cash generating companies when the price is low, well guess what he ( and by extension Berkshire) haven bought anything substantial in a long time. They have just been stacking up a massive cash balance and waiting. There is a pretty significant penalty for holding 122 billion dollars in cash, yet that is exactly what Buffett is doing. I would say that that is a pretty good indicator that one of the smartest investors out there thinks that the market is over valued!
Not God's money. Its God's creation. 🤦♂️
Not if money is your God!
What are the names of his Gold mine and Silver mine on Toronto Stock exchange? Somebody knows:))?
FakeGoldMine and FakeSilverMine. Shhhhhhhh
God's money is love and his wallet is your understanding.
Mr k is the king 👑 of investing
gold is not Gods money.. money was invented by humans that worship materials.
You understand what he means!
Come on!!!
Thank you this was very helpful and informative 👍👍
Golds going to go through the roof
Get paid for holding it. Kinesis is offering a yield on gold and silver along with free storage
I guess what bothers me is guys like this seem to tell us being rich is just so easy. I think the back story for these guys is they had help. And probably won't admit it.
Pistol Pete
Don’t worry about their story... focus on yours :)
All the best with your journey mate
Read his book, rich dad poor dad
Did he say he bought 3 billion of real estate or 3 million?
300 billion
300 million
I think he wanted to say "trillion" but knew we'd call him a liar so instead rounded down to "billion".
jeremiahwasabullfrog lmaoo
Gold? What actually value does it have?
One can ask the same about paper money, which is printed without real hassle, therefore one can state..
if paper money is wealth and it is free printable by those in charge...then what kind of game are we actually playing here on earth...when it is printable...are we not just looking at a game with regulations and rulez which we have made 'reality'
When you can print wealth as easy as you can close your eyes, and you make PEOPLE work for that 'money'
You just made slavery 3.0 in the easiest way possible without the hassle of physical force like the old ages.
Welcome to slavery where the printers have made you to believe you are free and that you need education to make a living(which is printed free btw) so that you can save money(which is printed free) to eventually buy a house so that you can pay it off for the next 30 years with 'yes you get it( money that is printed free)
If you print it free anyways..might as well just give the house and save the hassle of printing the money to buy the house...
But some people don't want to work and they are very they made a system where we are the workers and they are the collectors. They created a blue print to establish and maintain this 'game' of theirs and they know they only have a couple things against them=
Collective conscious==>solution==>keep them divided
By making schools and sell the notion of education.
What in reality is happening==>Disconnect from parents==>division from own peers and seclusion ==>eventually the individual trough hurt has lost trust in other humans==>remains disconnect==>in order to fill that void in them==>they go and search for a mate==>someone they can trust and become what they are to become==>only it is connection between 2 humans ==>which is perfect, because now you have instead 1 big group of 5 billion people.
You got 2.5 billion GROUPS existing out of 2 PEOPLE VS (their worst nightmare) 1 GROUP existing out of 5 billion PEOPLE
Welcome to divide and conquer 3.5 and i just scratched the surface...
In order to keep it must disrupt EVERY and ANY 'Healthy humanitarian LOVE ' and reduce it to 1 person at most...
Easiest way..put lots of people together with no moral education or long term humanitarian vision which include brotherhood/love/respect/justice/truth/righteousness..
All these character traits need to be destroyed or at least not be maintained and worked at.
Eventually each individual will run with a feeling/idea ME vs the WORLD.
Whoever thought evil didn't because noone learned you since you were born on this planet..WHAT EVIL LOOKS LIKE..and if you are not teached and will not be able to DISTINQUISH....easy to be fooled, yet thinking each of them is wise and smart.
Because those who are in control..are not gonna teach you how to destroy them...
Masters of deceptions
Generation after generation. What happens when the blind leads the blind....
Rule#1 Keep them blind
Rule#2 the offspring of the first will continue the line of blindness.
Rule#3 Maintain to keep the 2nd-XXXth generation blind
Rule#4 Now it becomes their way of life and reality ,and everything that goes against it is seen as a treat by those who are blind
Rule#5 Help them destroy their enemies that want to free them
Rule#6 He who lives in the dark for eternity will despise any form of light ,for he is not adjusted anymore to it.
Rule#7 Sit back and relax and enjoy all luxury and goods of life
Rule#8 we have earned it
Disconnected you ARE! And we shall keep you Disconnected :)
Gold is Money and Everything else is DEBT
JUST BOUGHT SHARES OF BARRICK AND NEWMONT GOLDCORP....its gonna be a gooooooood year :)
Pl CK7_0_7 lol why not buy a physical gold
@@incognitwo4235 I did too
I only have trouble understanding gold because i am so uninterested in it.
Kitty Kat Congregation Silver will also do the job although it is a highly manipulated market. But that will not be an issue, when the system reboots.
I am dissabled from years hard masonry work,at 50...chronic pain fibromyalgia alcohol drugs past 20 to get through day...been ripped off almost killed and suicidal...I am borrowing $ because I have no retirement or income... I think gold silver are going to soar how do i buy physical and use it as backup to increase my borrowing power to capitalize if this happens ? Suggestions? I already have a Judge ...I need just little taste of relief for the finish...Any the house gives strategic income for
God's money? Doubtful. In my opinion, Mr. Kiyosaki is mostly interested in building his brand....
Gold is Gods money. Gold is mentioned 417 times, silver 320 times and the ... The Bible often mentions kings and queens paid in gold and silver.
the Bible says God created the world and the elements within it. Gold is depicted as an asset of value. “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.” Gold and silver are products of God - they are not a creation of man.
@@Leqzis_D-luqz I'll get some heat, no doubt, but gold is NOT 'God's money'...sounds like what you're saying is that gold is royalty's money (and royalty wrote the bible, and has always been trying to get their hands on your gold and silver, and mine, LoL)
4.30 he said he bought $300bn worth of real estate??? But his networth is reported as $80mn
lost him at oil.
I lost him at savings
He has been investing gold since 2008 bet he lost so much when gold has dropped so much since the markets recover, the stock market will always get higher with inflation ... and stock market has always been high always and only lows during recessions which occurs once a while
N L no he was investing in gold since the late 1960s. He’s up tons on gold silver. He even mentioned in a interview he bought his first gold coin for $50
My personal opinion is it’s not going to take 2022-2025 for this to meltdown. Derivatives again will be the culprit. Hyperinflation, yes pensions lost, stock crash, everything implodes. Rood to roota explains this in great detail.
Kiyosaki's advice is good but nothing new if you read the Rich dad poor dad book.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment? 26 Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto [a]the measure of his life? 28 And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Doesn't the stock market hold more true to our debt then say million dollar homes in standard suburbs.
Setelah pertama kali aku baca buku why A student work for C student hidupku menjadi lebih terang karena aku sangat naif, meskipun aku belum lulus universitas dengan tepat waktu. Aku rasa saya adalah orang yang punya pemikiran terbuka dan lebih paham dengan pendidikan uang dari teman-temanku yang lain. Aku sedang ingin membuat bisnisku sendiri untuk kedepan, tanpa robert mungkin aku akan seperi ayahku yang bekerja hingga pensiun namun selalu menghemat pengeluaran dengan cara yang agresif. Aku tau bahwa aku bisa lebih baik
Iya deh iya
Hes stacking crypto while shilling gold
More like he’s getting more into debt and stacking gold on foreign vaults.
Love Robert but there is no way you can predict the future example people have been saying that the economy is going to crash however they've been saying it for the last 6 years if you keep saying something over and over and over again eventually you're right does it mean you predicted the future
Yeah, these 'Broken Clock Prophets' are amusing. I also like how some in the media keep talking about how we've been in a bull market for 10 years, but in 2009 I don't remember very many who believed it.
Savers who buy real estate with cash are not losers.
you dont leverage debt on properties? u fool
@@stocksstocks1614 What does that have to do with real estate ownership? Crazy
No. Life is. Gold is just there to keep men going around in circles.
Yea? you wanna spend you life chucking spears at squirrels in the forrest for your next meal?
This is a business page not a philosophy course. Its all about getting a profit
Try paying rent with love, save with wealth karma and buy food with Chakra energy. You will attract this lifestyle if you just believe hard enough.
Von Martin to solve physical problems you have to bigin mentally and spiritually. . Thats why when people make profit they get so currupt and lose themselves.
God doesn’t have financial problems. He owns the universe.
You're missing the metaphor.
Gold & Silver have been considered sacred in the ancient Hindu holy scriptures from time immemorial. It's said that in this 'Kaliyugam/Vedic timeline' GOLD will rule.
Robert it is not too late to start loving Crypto.
I wish I knew about Bitcoin when it first came out, The Best Investment of this century By Far
Chris Nipper
Please know the difference between an investment and speculation ....bitcoin is pure speculation and the only reason people put money into it is because they think they can get rich quick ... if there was no one getting rich from bitcoin would you honestly still say it’s the best investment of the century ?
I feel like this is one of the few billionaires that actually speaks the truth
@@discflinger7675 thank you for correcting me. I assumed since he is friends with trump then he is in a billionaires class
At this time I can say everyone predicted the 2008 crash except for Cramer and kudlow 👀🤷
توم ريتشاردز
This comment is gold lol Kudlow for sure!! I remember the 2007 video w kudlow and Schiff and others and everyone but Schiff was laughing, thinking the bubble would never burst. No one to bail them out this time and the IMF is broke!!
Throw in some dire predictions which are far enough in advance so as no one recalls them and then promote your new books! Yes a very sound strategy to enrich oneself. I wonder if he could let me know if it was going to rain next week? Surely easier to predict than a major financial calamity.
And stock market will go higher and gold lower again, all those bagholders who bought at all time high will add here
Good had been best return since 2000 last since 1971, last 100 years last 1000 years last 5000 years. Keep buying paper stocks with fake money
he is right. corporate bonds have been supporting stock buybacks.
Read up how select comfort ended up. Good case study if you're a good stock picker.
The guy fronts real estate when it was the real cause of the '08 financial crisis . what an investor .
You are ignorant.
My hero ... awesome teacher 👍
Here’s why Gold n Silver are good investments .. when the stock market crashes paper money loses value . Gold n Silver won’t , so you sell Gold n Silver and get your moneys worth .
The metals are not usually a good investment at all. You can lose money easily buying them. Stocks are better.
Chris Gilliam Man Stuff so why are all the banks n millionaires buying Gold all of a sudden ? You really think they’re buying it just to lose money or are they actually smarter than the average middle class ?
@@cameronsmith7881 Nobody is buying gold all of a sudden. You're listening to the same crap that has been repeated for decades. None of this is new lady, I've been around this block a few times.
Chris Gilliam Man Stuff I guess you’re right . Why would people wanna buy stupid ol gold . He must be tellin us to buy gold to trick us into becoming poor 😂😂😂
@@cameronsmith7881 I had a pile for years, was lucky to break even. Just understand that you can, and most do, lose money on precious metals.
I don't think God needs money.
Great guest! Thank you!
We've heard it said that wheat will become more valuable than gold. The same is true for clean water (Berkey filters) and toilet paper.
The best advice on creating eternal abundance can be found in the final chapters of Revelation.
Carry on y'all, carry on!
4:10 LOL at the headline “kiyosaki has been calling for the market to crash for awhile now.” Bitcoin was $8200 when he laughed at it, it’s down $1000 now. RK went bankrupt at least once. I wonder how rich he really is. And if so, it’s because he bought a lot of cheap leveraged multi family which will have problems when market crashes after 2020-22 as well!
True gold will always keep its value een prices go down or up a bit and the same for real estate.. the rest are not real assets unless its a legitimate business
Sheeps and goats and cattle is God’s money. Bartering is God’s money 😂
O.Alden Productions. Vagina is also Gods has been paying for it since the beginning of time
no sir. you are wrong ! faith is the only accepted GOD currency. in heaven the road is made from gold ....
I think he was saying that God create Gold. That’s why he said gold is God’s money. It was here before, and it will be here after. And yes, streets of gold in heaven.
I like his glasses.
Poor old man is losing it.. He said he bought $300,000,000,000 worth of real estate ... I think he was off by an order of magnitude... Father time is undefeated and this man has lost it
Gold, real estate, intellectual property
Kekayaan Masa depan Individu dan organisasi bahkan negara berawal dari apa yang di investasikan, inovasi dan diolah secara produktif hari ini.
But the centralbanks will just print more and more money to avoid a stock market crash. I think the big risk is extreme inflation, even if we havnt seen it so far despite alot of money printing.
He's not wrong. He only forgot that it is time in the market not timing the market.
They actually mentioned bitcoin :)
Whats bitcoin
Dude he predicted the future
How about know from mid 2006?
Be on the right frequency.
Gold is no longer the standard backing gold is not a worth shit
He told invest in what you love! I love FED and I love US bond and Love overnight repo market :-))))) not?!!
Merry Christmas Rich Dad
if the world goes tits up and gold is the only currency, then how long you think your going to hold onto your gold when 8 billion people come after it ???
tax 30 perrcent laeyea america and uspea bhi return file kare yane sirf profit pea ya income pea tax lage sub pea nahi lage
What he forgot to mention......
Invest in what you love....
and learn every single thing you can about it so you know what the fu@k you're doing
Financial IQ
The dollar out of gold standard is just a piece of paper.
Giorgio Pavelio Same for bitcoin
It has always been that, a piece of paper, with or without gold standard. It is a matter of who you trust. Try out a trustless monetary system like Bitcoin. It stands for itself through computational power, very strong power.
The farmers markets, around us, have all said that, they will trade food for silver.
@@bamboozled1618 acid test takes 2 seconds
@@bamboozled1618 it's only a couple dollars on eBay if you take silver as payment invest 2 bucks
Dra O you have to figure that out yourself. The buyer provides the silver and the seller provides the product equal to how much silver you offered. Pretty simple.
Wrong...Love is Gods Money
lightfighter25TH love cant buy nothing
Money’s not everything,it’s the only thing 🤣🤣🤣 bitcoin is the language of Jesus, never forget that.🤣🤣🤣 and when he got a little bit bored he created chain link, seek first the kingdom and all these bitcoins shall be chainlinked on to you.
4:28 the G.O.A.T. Bought the bottom 😎 Robert Kiyosaki for president 🇺🇸
What is the real TANGIBLE VALUE OF THE DOLLAR? From 1900 to 2010, the dollar fell from 1500 mg to 25 mg. $ 48.22 per gram of gold. The 1900 dollar is worth $72.33 but the 2010 dollar is 1.67 cents. 1,500 milligrams divided by 100 cents = 15 grams per 1 cent in 1900. 25 milligrams divided by 15 grams = 1.67 cents in 1900. But now they say the 2019 is worth 21.09 milligrams so that's 1.4 cents in 1900. STOP PRINTING MONEY AND START MINING GOLD AND SILVER!