🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00:13 *📋 Introduction to Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD)* - Overview of Leaderless Group Discussion as an assessment tool, - Explanation of the LGD process where a group of 4-6 individuals discuss a relevant topic. 00:01:27 *🎯 Key Competencies Assessed in LGD* - Assessors look for how individuals contribute to achieving the group’s goals, - Important skills include effective communication, problem-solving, and structuring discussions. 00:03:32 *💡 Preparation Tips for LGD* - Focus on specific skills like verbal communication and teamwork, - Be yourself, contribute meaningfully, and actively listen to others. 00:05:39 *🚫 Behaviors to Avoid in LGD* - Avoid negative non-verbal behaviors, interrupting others, and unilateral decision-making, - Display emotional intelligence, respect others, and maintain self-awareness. 00:08:15 *🎯 Final Advice and Conclusion* - Take the discussion seriously and show enthusiasm, - Assessors want to hear how you engage in group discussions and contribute constructively. Made with HARPA AI
Terima kasih banyak bapak atas ilmu yang diberikan! Insya Allah besok saya akan mengikuti LGD dan setelah menyimak penjelasan dari bapak, saya percaya diri besok akan lancar🙏🏻
🎯 Key points for quick navigation:
00:00:13 *📋 Introduction to Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD)*
- Overview of Leaderless Group Discussion as an assessment tool,
- Explanation of the LGD process where a group of 4-6 individuals discuss a relevant topic.
00:01:27 *🎯 Key Competencies Assessed in LGD*
- Assessors look for how individuals contribute to achieving the group’s goals,
- Important skills include effective communication, problem-solving, and structuring discussions.
00:03:32 *💡 Preparation Tips for LGD*
- Focus on specific skills like verbal communication and teamwork,
- Be yourself, contribute meaningfully, and actively listen to others.
00:05:39 *🚫 Behaviors to Avoid in LGD*
- Avoid negative non-verbal behaviors, interrupting others, and unilateral decision-making,
- Display emotional intelligence, respect others, and maintain self-awareness.
00:08:15 *🎯 Final Advice and Conclusion*
- Take the discussion seriously and show enthusiasm,
- Assessors want to hear how you engage in group discussions and contribute constructively.
Made with HARPA AI
Terima kasih...
bismillah Selasa ini Test sampe hari jumat lancar dan diterima kerja aamiin
Terima kasih banyak bapak atas ilmu yang diberikan! Insya Allah besok saya akan mengikuti LGD dan setelah menyimak penjelasan dari bapak, saya percaya diri besok akan lancar🙏🏻
Sama-sama Pak Fais...
Terima kasih banyak pak atas sharingnya karena telah membantu banyak orang. Semoga Bapak selalu sehat dan senantiasa dalam perlindungan Tuhan, Aamiin.
Sama-sama, Aamiin...
Terima kasih ilmunya pak, sangat bermanfaat untuk mempersiapkan LGD
Sama-sama, semoga lancar dan sukses...
Terima kasih banyak sharingnya. Daging sekali ❤
Sama-sama Bu Diana, semoga bermanfaat...
Matur sembah nuwon pak eko
Nggih sami-sami Mas Ali...
Mantap, singkat padat dan jelas.
Terima kasih Pak Dahman, semoga bermanfaat...
Terimakasih Bapak atas ilmu yang luar biasa, sehat dan bahagia selalu.
Aamiin. Sama-sama Bu Dwi, semoga bermanfaat...
Terima kasih.. sangat bermanfaat👍👍
Sama-sama Pak Yoez
Terima kasih Pak Eko, sangat edukatif materinya. Salam kenal
Sama-sama, semoga bermanfaat...
ilmu yang luar biasa pak, terimakasih
Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat...
terima kasih bapak, sangat bermanfat.
Sama-sama Pak Richi...
mantap pak, ilmunya sangat bermanfaat 🙏
Terima kasih....
Terima kasih pak Eko
Sama-sama, semoga bermanfaat...
Terimakasih ilmunya Bapak.. Bismillah bsk lgd.. 🙏
Sama-sama Pak....
Makasih ilmunya pak ekoo🙏🏻
Sama-sama Bu Dinda, semoga bermanfaat...
bapak terima kasih yaa, sebelumnya deg-degan banget mau lgd. tapi sekarang jd lebih tenang dan percaya diri!
bapakk terima kasih yaa. sebelumnya deg-degan banget mau LGD. tapi nonton ini jadi lebih tenang dan percaya diri:)
Sama-sama, semoga LGD-nya sukses...
Terimakasih pencerahan nya Pak
Sama-sama Pak, semoga bermanfaat...
Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat...
Terima kasih Pak Agus...