Pastor, I thank you so much for this teaching. I’m frustrated that in Christian circles the misunderstanding regarding the topic of predestination is so prevalent and the people who are willing to die on the hill that some are chosen and some are not, with a fatalistic view of these texts. I sit in a life group where the leader has been set free and delivered through the misinterpretation of predestination (also the belief in total depravity) therefore it’s very difficult to challenge as well as many other mindsets then that accompany that foundation. I’m wondering if you could help me understand foreknowledge more clearly, as that often comes up as well in these discussions. It really grieves me to listen to him teach this to new or less mature believers who struggle with unsaved loved ones and the idea then that perhaps they haven’t been “chosen” to inherit eternal life even in the face of the scriptures stating God’s will that everyone come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Thank you!
I also pray for you Pr Daniel Batarseh for all your ministries.
You had transformed me closer to God by your teaching. I am hungered for God’s Words. In all things give thanks to God.
God will use you mightily. Greetings from Malaysia
Pastor, I thank you so much for this teaching. I’m frustrated that in Christian circles the misunderstanding regarding the topic of predestination is so prevalent and the people who are willing to die on the hill that some are chosen and some are not, with a fatalistic view of these texts. I sit in a life group where the leader has been set free and delivered through the misinterpretation of predestination (also the belief in total depravity) therefore it’s very difficult to challenge as well as many other mindsets then that accompany that foundation. I’m wondering if you could help me understand foreknowledge more clearly, as that often comes up as well in these discussions. It really grieves me to listen to him teach this to new or less mature believers who struggle with unsaved loved ones and the idea then that perhaps they haven’t been “chosen” to inherit eternal life even in the face of the scriptures stating God’s will that everyone come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Thank you!
Ephesians 1:15-23