Heaven Is Not Our Destination

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @steveflaws6748
    @steveflaws6748 2 роки тому +6

    To know him is eternal life

  • @elmerfudd1883
    @elmerfudd1883 Рік тому +4

    Quote: Heaven isn't about mansions. It's about being with someone you love - FOREVER!

    • @johnrborges2363
      @johnrborges2363 Рік тому

      Jesus wouldn't have promised a Mansion for you and your loved ones unless he said so, and He did. If he said he would give us a mansion, which he has promised us from his lips, you will have one.
      John 14 says : 1 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know."

    • @elmerfudd1883
      @elmerfudd1883 Рік тому +1

      @@johnrborges2363 "I go to prepare a place for you . . . that where I am, there you may be also. Good enough for me!

    • @scottwojack
      @scottwojack Рік тому

      ​@@johnrborges2363 You have not read the scripture properly. Heaven is not the Father's house, the temple is. What is the temple, but the church. So Jesus is saying in my church are many homes where I can dwell, but I must go away so they can be prepared. That an allusion to the indwelling of the Spirit. Jesus says this when he uses the same word mansion in verse 23, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. Jesus did promise a mansion and that's you as a home for the Holy Spirit and not a place in Heaven.

    • @radioactive4242
      @radioactive4242 5 місяців тому

      It's all mythology

  • @taibiservent
    @taibiservent Рік тому +2

    I agree! cause the bible tells us that we don't go to heaven...in fact Heaven and God the Father comes to a renewed earth (New Jerusalem) w/Jesus as king and believers in a renewed resurrected body

    • @angel-ij4xv
      @angel-ij4xv 9 місяців тому +1

      exactly people think we go to heaven forever not true god is going to create a new earth

  • @t0nyr4m0s
    @t0nyr4m0s 6 місяців тому

    Wow, I'm glad that someone else arrived to the conclusion that I have. Well said guys.

  • @raylenepearce8566
    @raylenepearce8566 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this episode in your Podcasts. Tom Wright's 'Surprised by HOPE' is a wonderful intro into where we go after we leave life here and I was able to pick up your explanations through his teaching also. Our final destination is the New Heaven and the Restored Earth and won't that be something! I'd like to hear what you have to say about Time and Space and being Outside of Time and Space.

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому

      Glad you enjoyed it Raylene. David and I (Paul) disagree about the concept of being outside of time and space, but perhaps that would be a good podcast because we disagree!

  • @kelslo74
    @kelslo74 Рік тому +1

    So many things taken as allegory,which begs the questions, was there a literal world flood? Did was Jesus born of a virgin? Did Jesus literally rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven?!

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  Рік тому

      On this topic yes there are a lot of things that are taken as allegory. That's because they are things that haven't been seen or experienced. How do you describe something that is beyond our scope of experience and understanding? The Bible is full of poetic imagery to give a sense of things that are beyond our scope of experience and understanding.
      That doesn't translate though to suggesting that we should just question everything in the Bible as being possibly just allegorical. The virgin birth and resurrection of Jesus were experienced and witnessed in real time.

    • @johnrborges2363
      @johnrborges2363 Рік тому

      🧑🏻Kelslo74 - - You said you beg the question of such, and such. In time you will receive the Spirit of God which will open your eyes as a child and answer all your questions, and to believe simply by faith in the words God has written. Read: (Ephesians Chapters one and two), and with a little effort, and not much reading your questions will be answered. Peace in Christ! JB 🧑🏻
      🧑🏻 I personally believe everything really happened in the Bible, not to mention things to come, like The Antichrist 666, Mark of the Beast. and the Rapture [the vanishing of believing humans] and the great tribulation, a test for those who refuse Jesus by faith; all of this is soon to come.
      🧑🏻The Story of the whole Holy Bible is summed up in this:
      🧑🏻"The Bible is the story of a Holy God teaching sinful man to trust in Him by faith alone; since the day he created man faith and obedience was all God wanted from us.
      Peace in Christ Jesus! JB 🧑🏻 Get all your questions answered by reading things yourself in the Bible. 🧑🏻 Bye!

    • @johnrborges2363
      @johnrborges2363 Рік тому

      @@thestoryandtheshape - 🧑🏻You forgot to mention the simplicity of believing the Bible by "faith," as a child, yes as a child we must believe (all things, as is, as are, in the Holy Bible). But by the wisdom of man, and to try to convince a person by mans reason, you are battling with faithless words and worldly terms.
      We must mention the word "faith" as Paul mentions it regularly.
      "What is faith? Faith comes when you seek the answers for yourself trying to believe what you are reading, letting the spirit convince you, and if the Christian giving you the gospel tells you that you must believe, not just come to terms, reasons and surmising of faithless rhetoric, then you must either believe it, or not.
      For, it is by faith we are saved, and so it is by faith we believe in what we read in the Bible, as is.
      (1st Cor. one) Paul say in this scripture, "We preach foolishness to the wise." Because to the wise of this world faith has no merit nor reason, nor sense. Read 1st Corinthians chapter one and see.
      Peace in Christ! 🧑🏻

  • @maureena119
    @maureena119 2 роки тому +1

    I will pray for you Brother. God bless you n hopefully oneday you will see his light n the Truth.

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому

      Always appreciate prayers Maureen!

    • @jeremybriggs6951
      @jeremybriggs6951 Рік тому

      What do you mean by that?

    • @maureen.a9065
      @maureen.a9065 Рік тому

      @@jeremybriggs6951 this video message is senseless..wen Jesus said he's going to prepare a place for us...he literally meant it n he's also referring to rapture..as well as the homes (mansions) he going to prepare for each of us . This is the BLESSED HOPE..the taking away of his Bride..
      Wen I first watched this video ... It's not correct of how Jesus n our Father Almighty have been understood. There's alot of deception in this video message n I strongly disagree 🙏.

    • @scottwojack
      @scottwojack Рік тому +4

      @@maureen.a9065 You have not read the scripture properly. Heaven is not the Father's house, the temple is. What is the temple, but the church. So Jesus is saying in my church are many homes where I can dwell, but I must go away so they can be prepared. That an allusion to the indwelling of the Spirit. Jesus says this when he uses the same word mansion in verse 23, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. Jesus did promise a mansion and that's you as a home for the Holy Spirit and not a place in Heaven.

    • @radioactive4242
      @radioactive4242 5 місяців тому +1

      It's all mythology

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому +1

    This absolutely supports the non-rapture, which is a word that’s not even found in the Bible. Just more false doctrine the parable says that the tares will be taken and burned. Not the wheat, the wheat is to be left in his kingdom. He is going to remove everything that offends out of his kingdom. And if you want to be part of a “rapture,” then you are the one offending.

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

    The kingdom of God is in you and me

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

    Since the body of Christ, us, is the bride. it’s safe to assume the city that John is describing is us. Built on the 12 foundations of the apostles.

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

    It’s pretty obvious from the extreme confusion in the comments that it is time for the Lord to come back and when he goes back in the clouds, it’ll be clouds of confusion because that’s all we have today. But we do have the word of God we do have a light unto our path read show yourself approved. Line upon line precept upon precept. You can’t just circle one verse and run with it.

  • @pper93
    @pper93 Рік тому

    Yes, the bible is very clear about the destiny of humans. All eventually go to the grave, there is no 'soul' that goes to heaven at death. Ezekiel 18 v.20: " the soul that sinneth it shall die....the only part of us that returns to God is the spirit of God that keeps us alive, as as Ecclesiastes points out there is no conscious part of us that returns to God. " the living know they must die, but the dead know not anything.." Ecclesiastes ch9v5-6 ..
    "Man that is in honour & understands not is like the beasts that perish." psalms 49 v.20 ...quotes from the NT which indicates the same teaching: John 3v13: " no man has ascended into heaven..." On one occasion jesus said in answering the people's questions..." whither I go , ye cannot come" !! JOHN 7 v.33 -34 & ch.8v. 21...acts 2 v.34 ...: for David is NOT ascended into the heavens..."
    As you've alluded to the Heavenly kingdom & references there are in the bible to a Heavenly reward is to be understood in this context that these blessings originated in heaven but are to become a reality when jesus returns to earth! The state of death then is a rest in oblivion until jesus returns to raise his people from the dead, from the time of Abel who was killed by his s brother, right down to our own
    days see 1corinthians15 & 1thessalonians ch4 v.14-16.
    I would be very interested to hear your research on how the Trinity has sneaked into Christianity & how it has confused the believers into believing a lie! ??

  • @maryfitz7174
    @maryfitz7174 Рік тому

    Can anyone please help me understand? I’ve heard some say This is heaven, meaning earth,now. We choose to live with Christ so we’re living in heaven now. Do you agree with this? How could the evil that’s in our world be part of God’s house? People, even Those who choose Christ, are affected by evil here. Or...Are you saying later.... not this present situation, but when Satan is no longer part of our world, no evil, but ONLY God’s will .

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

    Heaven is an allegory, describing a state of spiritual, thinking, compared to earthly thinking, and living

    • @kelslo74
      @kelslo74 Рік тому

      I will assume you think hell is one as well.

    • @lmcpainting916
      @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

      @@kelslo74 being without God, for eternity would be hell!

    • @johnrborges2363
      @johnrborges2363 Рік тому

      If you're a Christian and you are assuming ideas about what you don't know, because you don't read, you are a flakey baby and haven't grown spiritually mature. We see right though you. So please read your new testament again.
      Christians believe in heaven by faith in Christ and solidly by what is written therein, the Word. Peter says, "And add to your faith knowledge." Also, don't be the type of person or Christian that wants things read to him, read for yourself, you are grown up, and you are responsible for your own self and your own salvation. Grow in Grace.
      Be strong in your faith, read your New testament, NOW! JB 🧑🏻

  • @MrMurfle
    @MrMurfle 23 дні тому

    Absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord. Where is the Lord? Heaven, where the dead faithful of the last 2000 years reside.

  • @lmcpainting916
    @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

    Very good guys!

  • @trea319
    @trea319 Рік тому +1

    fellows.....where do I begin? ...you say it isnt a literal city...rev21:10 thru 21:27 give a description and measurements of the walls...the 12 gates that shall never close....streets of gold..a river of the water of life flowing from the throne of GOD and the lamb.you quote rev21:22 but you leave out half the verse ..and i saw no temple therein,For the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY and the Lamb are the temple of it.V23and the city had no need of the sun,neither the moon to shine in it;For the Glory of God did lighten it ,and the Lamb is the light thereof.......same as genesis 1:3-......this light was the word......the sun and moon are created in v16......REV18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book,If any man shall add unto these things,God shall add unto him the plagues, that are written in this book..V19And if any man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy,God shall take away HIS PART OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE and out of the HOLY CITY and from the things which are written in this book......there is nothing NEW under the sun.....hopefully you do NOT DELETE THIS COMMENT AS WAS DONE ON YOUR NEWEST VIDEO PROCLAIMNG THIS SUBJECT...

  • @nomadicrecovery1586
    @nomadicrecovery1586 4 місяці тому

    Kind of totally ignoring all of the near death experiences that have empirically documented the fact that we leave our bodies and do float off into a heavenly room realm

  • @vossjumper2064
    @vossjumper2064 2 роки тому

    Me too, four and no more!

  • @nomadicrecovery1586
    @nomadicrecovery1586 4 місяці тому

    A lot of assumptions here no actual fact, and also you are wrong in that the Jewish thought always was of some type of life after death and sheol. Sheol was not just a dirt was an actual place. We went to await judgment, two different sides, good and evil, reference Jesus Lazarus parable
    Do some homework on that. The Jews absolutely believed they would be going to a spiritual place after death.

  • @stephenbarnigham5192
    @stephenbarnigham5192 Рік тому +1

    "Unless a man be born-again he can NOT see the kingdom OF HEAVEN! The born-again are heirs to the kingdom of heaven! And heaven and earth where initially created as one before the fall,and as it was in the beginning,so shall it be in the End! Eternity is outside of the spacetime continuum of this fallen world! When a believer passes over into eternity, we pass over INTO the kingdom of heaven! Which is a New heaven and a New Earth! Sorry,mate,but you do NOT know what you are talking about! God bless you!

  • @russellcraddock3529
    @russellcraddock3529 Рік тому

    I think that both of you go back into your Bibles. Go to the book of Ecclesiastes ! ! ! chapter 12 V 6-8 find out what GOD says when a person dies! Let me help you when the silver cord breaks that is your spinal cord break instantly your spirit body steps out of your flesh body you return to FATHER GOD WHO CAME FROM. YOUR FLESH BODY RETURN TO THE GROUND FOR YOU WILL NEVER EVER NEED IT AGAIN! BUT WHEN YOU ARRIVE YOU'LL SEE JESUS AND HE WILL CHECK THE BOOK TO SEE WHAT SIDE OF A AREA CALLED PARADISE ONE SIDE IS WHERE LAZARUS IS WITH MOSSES AND ABRAHAM AND THOSE WHO OVERCAME SATAN AND HIS FALSE TEACHING THEY KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S WORD AND BELIEVE AND IN CHRIST AS WELL ! OR YOU HAVE ANOTHER SIDE. WHERE THE RICH MAN WENT TO AT HIS DEATH REMEMBER LIKE CHAPTER 16 TELLING ABOUT THE TWO SIDE'S. WITH A GULF IN THE MIDDLE RICH MAN DIDN'T MAKE IT BECAUSE HE LOVED ONLY MATERIAL WEALTH. DIDN'T CARE ABOUT GOD WORD OR JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR! HE THOUGHT HE COULD BUY HIS WAY IN! BUT NOT SALVATION FOR THAT WAS FREE FOR THE BELIEVERS. IN CHRIST BUT IT COST CHRIST HIS LIFE FOR HE DIED SO EVERYONE SINS CAN BE FORGIVEN! Remember also when Jesus was on the cross and in-between the two criminal s one said you can save others but you can't save yourself kept on and on? The other one said shut up this man has not done nothing he is INOCENT of any crime as for us we deserve everything we are getting! Then turning his head saying LORD REMEMBER ME WHEN YOU COME INTO GLORY JESUS REPLY SAYING TODAY ILL WILL SEE YOU IN PARADISE THEN HE GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT! NOW FOR THE PERSON WHO SAID THEY ARE A REBORN CHRISTIAN IN JOHN 3 V 3-5 IT SAYS IN THE MANUSCRIPTS. YOU COME FROM ABOVE IN THE BAG OF WATERS NOW WHAT HAPPEN WHEN A WOMAN IS ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH. ? THE BAG OF WATER BREAK AND THE NEW LIFE IS BORN FOR EVERYONE MUST COME THROUGH THAT BAG OF WATER AND ABOVE THE ONLY ONES WHO DIDN'T WERE THE FALLEN ANGLES WHO REFUSE TO BE BORN IN THAT WAY LEFT HEAVEN TO SEDUCE THE DAUGHTER'S. OF ADAM CAME TO THEM HAD OFFSPRING S WITH THEM AND WERE DESTROYED BY NOAH'S FLOOD. SOME ESCAPED. AND KING DAVID HAD TO KILL GOLATH AND HIS NEPHEW LATER ON HAD TO DO IT AGAIN THEY ARE COMING BACK AGAIN WHEN THE ANTICHRIST RETURN SETTING HIMSELF UP AS THE FAKE CHRIST. BUT TRYING TO CONVINCE EVERYONE HES JESUS CHRIST! AND A LITTLE SIDE NOTE. IF THE ANTICHRIST PRETENDING TO CLAIM CHRIST ROLE PINCH YOURSELF AND IF YOU FEEL PAIN LOOK OUT THE FAKE CHRIST HAS ARRIVED. BE VERY CAREFUL DON'T BE FOOLED ! As for women and men keep your head covered with the armor of GOD put it all on to shield. You from the devil and his darts of lies HALF-TRUTHS and FALSE TEACHING. Ephesians chapter 6 V 11 tell us why!!!! When the true Christ returns 2d Corth. Chapter 15 v 50 and the following telling of his return along with ZACHARIAS chapter 9 V 10 the second advent when Jesus touch down on. The mount of olives everyone still in the flesh will be in their spiritual bodies. And the millennium period begins lasting for 1000 years 2d Peter chapter 3V 7-8 tell us about this EVENT. And at that time all of the roles that SATAN played throughout time the serpent the TEMPTER deceiver. Little horn Devil abandon Apollonia Lucifer and others will go in to the lake of fire and Satan will be alone thrown into a pit where soul s. Can look over and see the true Satan saying is this the Main who deceive the whole world? And just before the end of the millennium he will be released and to see if anyone is crazy enough to follow him again! Then at the end. GOD great white thrown Come s to earth. Judgment will be Read either be rewarded s or punishment means that lake of fire is open up again for the last time and SATAN his angels and all who haven't made it after being taught the truth of God still won't listen all go into the lake up in smoke forever and ever never to be thought of again Psalm 37 V ,7. 20 34 Tell the results the lake is closed and those remain will join FATHER AND CHRIST AND THOSE WHO MADE IT THIS IS HEAVEN WHENEVER GOD IS THAT IS HEAVEN!

  • @sonjamoleski4865
    @sonjamoleski4865 Рік тому +1

    You need to read the Bible!!?

  • @kevalincowri586
    @kevalincowri586 Рік тому


  • @michaelkester6227
    @michaelkester6227 2 роки тому +1

    Really enjoyed it, gentlemen!!! Yes, the earth is flat...do some research into it?

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому

      Glad you enjoyed it Michael! I asked Siri if the earth is flat and she said that according to wikipedia the earth is nearly spherical. Does that count as research?

    • @walkervilleunitingchurch3515
      @walkervilleunitingchurch3515 2 роки тому

      Hi Michael, hope you're doing well. I'll get back to you about the flat earth.

  • @gusposey8218
    @gusposey8218 2 роки тому +1

    You know this is nonsense, right? Please tell me this is an elaborate scam and not a legitimate expression of what you believe.

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому

      Au contraire my friend, we believe this is biblically accurate. But you're welcome to share your reasoning if you have a different perspective.

    • @maureena119
      @maureena119 2 роки тому

      Definitely a misled interpretation of our God. Heaven is REAL! N so will be the RAPTURE.

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому

      Maureen, did you actually watch the video? We never said heaven isn’t real.

    • @maureen.a9065
      @maureen.a9065 2 роки тому

      @@thestoryandtheshape yes I have.n to be frank...you are misleading viewers on your perception of heaven. Everything you have mentioned is a completely destroying the real faith n hope of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are confused with your facts. 🙏.. I pray God intervenes n leads you in the correct order of your understanding the Bible. N Hell for sure exists. .

    • @lmcpainting916
      @lmcpainting916 Рік тому

      It’s so sad that multitudes of people are going to believe in false doctrine, this video is closer to the truth than anything I’ve seen in a while . How will the meek inherit the earth if they’re gone and where are you going to a spaceship?

  • @dennismelton2261
    @dennismelton2261 2 роки тому +1

    The Bible clearly teaches that born again people will go to Heaven John 3:1-5, John 14 and plenty more, we will not go in these mortal bodies because Flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Dennis church of Christ minister 🙏

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for your comment Dennis. John 14 was addressed in the video. John 3:1-5 says nothing about going to heaven... but later in the same discussion Jesus says to Nicodemus in vs 13, "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man."

    • @dennismelton2261
      @dennismelton2261 2 роки тому +1

      @@thestoryandtheshape since man is made in the image of God and God of Heaven breath into man Genesis 1:26 it only goes to reason that God would save man or make a way through Yeshua The Christ for man to be saved. Ecclesiastes 3 and 4(chapters) clearly teaches that the Spirit of man goes back to God in Heaven, for when God breath into the earthl y shell (body) of man God breath His Essence into man, and man became a living Soul.
      This why when One is born again we are born again from within that is a renewed mind and a clean Spirit 1 John 1:5-7 as well as 2 Corinthians 4:16 , though the outward man (Physical body ) is perishing or dying the INWARD Man (The Spirit/Soul) is being RENEWED Daily, how is this? By the Blood of Christ 1 John 1:5-7. Being that man is a 3 part being (body ,Soul and Spirit) 1 Thess. 5:23 it stands to reason why the Spirit and Soul of man that has been born again would be in Heaven since both Spirit and Soul are from God YAHWEH and the Spirit is of His Essence, only the body is from the dust , therefore cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but a New Heavenly body as told in 1 Corinthians 15. So the logic that man cannot go to Heaven after being saved and remaining Faithful (Revelation 2:10)is totally false and denies the Power of Almighty God to Save.
      Dennis church of Christ minister 🙏.

    • @thestoryandtheshape
      @thestoryandtheshape  2 роки тому +3

      Dennis just wondering… did you actually watch the video? Based on your comment, my guess is no.

    • @maureen.a9065
      @maureen.a9065 2 роки тому +2

      @@dennismelton2261 well said.. 🙏Amen!! God has mentioned everything in the bible. .

    • @dennismelton2261
      @dennismelton2261 2 роки тому +1

      I read the headline that's enough for Me

  • @nomadicrecovery1586
    @nomadicrecovery1586 4 місяці тому

    Kind of totally ignoring all of the near death experiences that have empirically documented the fact that we leave our bodies and do float off into a heavenly room realm