I'm assuming those are drawings from the book? If so, it is beautiful. Manuscript illustrations have this wonderful tactile quality. You can practically feel the pages just by looking at the art.
I am not a practitioner or parishioner of the Sufi religion but I am a lifelong practitioner of the art of magick and I can tell you the video from what I can know about magic as it relates to the topics the author has discussed relating to numerology numbers magical squares alchemy and the rest are accurate I cannot speak on the Jinn aspect, but I can tell you the rest is correct and this video was done very well far better than I expected!
Hello angel of light. I wanna know more about your practices if you don't mind. I have so many questions I wish to ask. Will you inreach me with your many years of experinece? do you have an email?
@@Mosw42 My God is the one true God the true way of worship, Jesus Christ was the Messiah he spoke the word of God directly you on the other hand follow the teachings of Mohammed the false prophet ; a warlord who use religion as a weapon to control the unwashed filthy ignorant masses & manipulated them. You follow a lie for what you think is God the all mighty, the thing you worship is not my God not the true God you on the other hand worship Lucifer a fallen Angel Incarnate a bastardization of the faith, and they use that word loosely. My God grants salvation yours is a god of death and destruction you think you worship the one true God and you are nothing more than a tool of a dark God masquerading as a God of peace.
Wait until you find out that the name "Allah" is a shortened version of one of the 60 names given to Marduk. So many in this world mean well by trying to be devout and studying what they know, but many dont study anything outside of their faith or its origins, and its to their detriment.
this books reminds me about a book that had almost same property at nusantaran archipelago. some people says the person who apply the knowledge of the book will get what the book teaches like teleportation, able to see the djinn world etc but the user will either will become insane or his/her soul will unable to pass on or stuck between human world and hereafter upon his/her death if I'm not mistaken.
@@Pseudometrik It's been a while but if I'm not mistaken the name of the book is "Hakikat Insan" by Haji Ahmad Laksamana. Tbh I don't know if that book had English translation or not because the book is published on the 80's
No, the restriction isn't because someone may summon something. But rather because it is an evil. Angels of Harut and Marut were sent to babylon with magic as a test. Those who used it had no good in the hereafter. So we remain away from evil no matter how insignificant so as not to fall into it later. To explain easily would be to say, to prevent a cascading event one must stay away from something that begins the chain reaction with.
Harut and marut shared the knowledge of magic to one individual or a tribe (I forget), and they used it for good for a long time until it somehow got used for evil (I think it was by jinn?). You are right, it was used as a test - but it wasn't inherently evil, it turned evil with people's intentions
Never approached magic without the protection of god. Whatever you do as a magician should only be destined to praise god and creation. You have free will to do what’s right exactly and kabbalah studies. There’s nothing satanic unless you workship the evil.
Impressive explanation and illustrations, to date the best I've seen on youtube of this famous mysterious book. Most of the book seems like sufi and higher consciousness learning. Some of the ending chapters, like you said, dwelve into areas where the situation could become uncontrolable and a false sense of security or partnership with an entity could make the requestor go down an unfamiliar or unkown path. It's hard to trust other humans let alone trust unseen entities haha. But again, a knife could be used to put butter on toast or could be used to harm someone. All depends on usage I guess. But imo better to stay away from magic, pacts, partnerships with the unknown to protect one's life and sanity. But excellent video, much appreciated and many thanks.
Yes in many cultures an extended act of purification is needed just for what you are trying to summon to even pay attention to you. Even then they may not appear if they do not deem you worthy of an audience. Best case they show up. Worst case they show up to kill you. I would rather they not answer than to show up as something my mind couldnt process and then die a horrible death. Not for the novice indeed.
I am an Exorcist it is very dangerous I have seen a doctor life ruined because of this book the fact nothing happen yet does not mean it will not happen repent before I is too late.
Allah SWT. berfirman: وَاتَّبَعُوْا مَا تَتْلُوا الشَّيٰطِيْنُ عَلٰى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمٰنَۚ وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيْمٰنُ وَلٰكِنَّ الشَّيٰطِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا يُعَلِّمُوْنَ النَّاسَ السِّحْرَ وَمَآ اُنْزِلَ عَلَى الْمَلَكَيْنِ بِبَابِلَ هَارُوْتَ وَمَارُوْتَۗ وَمَا يُعَلِّمٰنِ مِنْ اَحَدٍ حَتّٰى يَقُوْلَآ اِنَّمَا نَحْنُ فِتْنَةٌ فَلَا تَكْفُرْۗ فَيَتَعَلَّمُوْنَ مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُوْنَ بِهٖ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهٖۗ وَمَا هُمْ بِضَاۤرِّيْنَ بِهٖ مِنْ اَحَدٍ اِلَّا بِاِذْنِ اللّٰهِۗ وَيَتَعَلَّمُوْنَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمْ وَلَا يَنْفَعُهُمْۗ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمُوْا لَمَنِ اشْتَرٰىهُ مَا لَهٗ فِى الْاٰخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَاقٍۗ وَلَبِئْسَ مَاشَرَوْا بِهٖٓ اَنْفُسَهُمْۗ لَوْ كَانُوْا يَعْلَمُوْنَ "Mereka mengikuti apa yang dibaca oleh setan-setan pada masa Kerajaan (Nabi) Sulaiman(Solomon). Sulaiman itu tidak kufur, tetapi setan-setan itulah yang kufur. Mereka mengajarkan sihir kepada manusia dan apa yang diturunkan kepada dua malaikat di negeri Babilonia, yaitu Harut dan Marut. Padahal, keduanya tidak mengajarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang sebelum mengatakan, “Sesungguhnya kami hanyalah fitnah (cobaan bagimu) oleh sebab itu janganlah kufur!” Maka, mereka mempelajari dari keduanya (malaikat itu) apa yang (dapat) memisahkan antara seorang (suami) dan istrinya. Mereka tidak akan dapat mencelakakan seseorang dengan (sihir)-nya, kecuali dengan izin Allah. Mereka mempelajari sesuatu yang mencelakakan dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Sungguh, mereka benar-benar sudah mengetahui bahwa siapa yang membeli (menggunakan sihir) itu niscaya tidak akan mendapat keuntungan di akhirat. Sungguh, buruk sekali perbuatan mereka yang menjual dirinya dengan sihir jika mereka mengetahuinya"(QS. Al-Baqarah : 102). Semua orang agama apapun, jika terkena gangguan Jin maka bisa disembuhkan dengan ayat Alqur'an, tetapi jika disalahgunakan maka juga bisa mencelakakan manusia. kemudian kenapa Dajjal nanti bisa memiliki kemampuan sihir, kekuatan & kecepatan seperti Mukjizat Nabi Sulaiman(Solomon) AlaihiSallam?... Ada tertulis dalam suatu Hadits, Dajjal nanti memiliki lengkap Kitab/Sunduk/Tabut(ilmu2)Nabi Sulaiman yang dicuri Harut & Marut. Kitab Shams Al-Ma'rif adalah bagian sedikit dari referensi Kitab Nabi Sulaiman. Freemason/Illuminati/Yahudi/USA dari dulu memulai pencarian itu, lihat peta Timur Tengah : Irak, Afghanistan, Palestina, Suriah, Libanon, dan invasi negara selanjutnya....
Nusantara (Malays archipelago) people on 14-15th century has learned this (book) and made a their version book name called tajul muluk, even though its in islamic written and got medicine created, methodology, astrology and numerology people rely it on the shaman and talisman to create any desire they requested, therefore it will lead it to shirk (because they depend on the person who expertise with the book method) , so whatever you do (or learn) please rely it on Hadith s.a.w and Al-Quran, i think some of them learning (book in tajul muluk) has been mixed up with Hinduism magic too. So be careful. Don't lost faith and shirk to Allah. Because from Allah we seek help and guidance , Insya Allah brother and sister.
There is nothing strange about the talismans if you actually study Shams Al-Ma'arif. They contain the divine names of Allah. Each Arch Angel is associated with a Jinn King and assists the Angels in their purpose from Allah. Yes, some associations with Jinn can be used for less than good purposes, but only with the blessing of Allah. Just as business, politics and education can be used for not entirely good purposes.
‘Containing the Divine Names of Allah’ does not negate shirk (associating Allah with others). Mentioning Allah first and THEN mentioning the names of djinns/saints or others is a deception by Satan, to make it seem like it’s a valid invocation. Allah has perfected the faith in the final scripture (Quran) and through his final messenger (prophet Muhammad), and what is permissible /not permissible is only what has been clearly outlined in the Quran and Authentic Prophetic Narrations (Hadith). Witchcraft is specifically prohibited in Quran, and Talismans specifically prohibited in the Hadith. Praises, prayers, worhship, sacrifice and invocations are all only for Allah, and we can invoke His Divine Names. Allah may assist you however He wishes, be it trough angels, animals, djinn, humans of others. But only invoke Allah and Allah alone. This is the fundamental creed of tawheed and true monotheism that has existed since the beginning of time.
@@ameenkamal1691 How is using the Divine Names shirk? They are Allah's Divine names, not the names of intermediaries or other gods. It is only in your furtive imagination that Shams Al-Ma'arif requires the veneration of saints and jinn, it requires the veneration of Allah himself. It is also only in your imagination that people use Shams Al-Ma'arif for sorcery, yes it is possible, but it would take a lifetime of reading, understanding and practice to actually do so. I might add that as the publication is banned in much of the Arab world, so how would somebody who could comprehend classical Arabic even read the book? Why are you invoking Christian notions borrowed from Milton's Paradise Lost to twist the divine words of Allah as found in Al-Qur'an? Your arguments can only make sense by a flight of fancy which includes notions of Iblis, hierarchies of Jinns, Jannah and Jahannam. In short it is your own shadow which is demonising this holy book.
@@TheMagicofJava did i say using Allah’s Divine Names as shirk? Read properly again what I wrote. I said ALONGSIDE other names. Who’s names are those? Are you denying that the conjuration methods do not involve mentionining names of beings other than Allah? The invocations involve veneration of names not known in the Quran or Sunnah (both of which you completely ignore, which is alarming), so the names mentioned have questionable meaning/source as there are no backing or references to the Quran and Sunnah. The fact that you mention ‘intermediaries’ and ‘other gods’ is also alarming as there are no intermediaries or other ‘gods’- there is only One and Only God. Allah state that He is closer to us that our own jugular vein so in Islam we have no intermediaries. Everyone has direct access to God- unlike other religions which as rabbis, priests, bishops, popes etc. It is my imagination that the book is used for sorcery? Why are you assuming you know my imaginations? Look at other forums regarding this book and see what most questions are pertaining to? Most people are looking for ways to invoke beings in the unseen realm! Also, what ‘Christian notion’ are you accusing me of? Me ‘twisting the divine names of Allah’ ? What are you going on about with these blind accusations. My comment can be read plain and simple. are you perhaps possessed by poor understanding that you cannot comprehend what I wrote? As a Muslim, I merely state what Allah has said in the Quran that He has perfected the religion. I also state what the Prophet pbuh has said that we are to hold on only to the Quran and the Sunnah. There is nothing remotely Christian in this. Also, the ‘notion’ of Iblis, Jins , Jannah, Jahanam are all mentioned in the Quran. If you say these are my ‘flight of fancy’ then you have strayed far. For none of this comes from my own imagination. It is ok; by your answers, I know where you stand. May we all be guided aright by Him, and may we be saved from the plans and deception of Satan.
@@ameenkamal1691 1 Yes I am completely denying that other names are used in association with Allah, maybe with the exception of Malaikat. 2 I said it does not use intermediaries or other gods, please read what I write and not get so triggered. 3 Yes it is your imagination that the book is used for sorcery, it has been used as a devotional book by the majority of Muslims since it was written. 4 You have taken a few small parts of Al-Qur'an and convoluted these with a complex Christian demonology outlined in Milton's Paradise Lost. In short this is not Al-Qur'an, nor Islam, but a flight if sheer fancy. 5 I am a very devout Muslim from the Muslim majority and have no time for such politically inspired views from a relatively modern sect. Yes, I do pray to Allah five times a day and to Allah alone. I do not practice anything that could be described as sorcery, but believe that we all need to find our path not be bullied by members of your sect.
Fact check my comment after reading , i heard that al buni has 20+ religious books and non of them has to do with magic , so what you said makes sense , why would a muslim scholar all of a sudden write an evil occult book and sell his akhera?
The most annoying thing ever is when you're trying to watch a profound video like this one, and then all of a sudden, a stupid YT ad comes on trying to sell you stupid crap! Ugh!
They want your concentration broken thats why they do it. If youre watching on your phone though, switch it to Auto Play, and watch it from your feed, not clicking on the video. On the plus side, no ads and you can still fast forward or rewind to where you want. The downside is you cant pause it.
This book can only be read in arabic, u can NOT invoke jinns in other languages, from shams Al marif, these jinn u Summon are some of the most powerful in their world, it’s nothing to play with, when comparing to other books, it is the most powerful dangerous book in the world, when it comes to summoning jinn
@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276Do not be stupid when a devil comes to you who will not be your servant. He will do you a favor in exchange for the many things you lose and do for it
This is kufur the messenger pbuh said anyone who dose or believes in magic has destroyed in what has been revealed to the messenger pbuh an well have no share olin the hearafter.
I wonder what power the Jinn gets their power from or what power do they use, like ki or something else or is it like magic and texts that they recite that gives them the power? Or does it come from them? Their own life energy? I would like to know
Thank yourll for clearing that up, I always wondered how it would be in reality compared to movies and folk tales ect Allah really is magnificent in every way, he knew that if we possessed those kinds of abilities we would only fight and kill until the strongest is the king or ruler, instead the jinn worship Allah too and follow their own set of laws
Just imagen... there are so many things going on around us yet we know nothing of , jinn kings with their children inherenting their abilities and learning how to use them, it's like an enchanted Fairytale or something, there could be other universes with beings that have these powers but are like us, lol Allah said that we are ONE of the highest of his creations, not THEE HIGHEST
@@LetsTalkMythologyI assume you‘re a non muslim right? Because a muslim would warn from the sihr that this book contains. Because as you stated in the video sihr is one of the worst sins in islam. Are you christian or an atheist?
Euh burning eternally in hell?? 😂 😂 Its a test from God. Two angels brought it to the jews in the times of prophet salomon. In islam its perfectly explained 'have a look for yourself
@@iambadatnaming4731If you are Muslim then I would say you are misguided. Learning sihr(magic) is kufr and practising it is even worse. Stop misleading others
Ok watched the video and my conclusion is that am the author is.mixing Islam with witchcraft. Does not go together no matter how much hypocrites sooth themselves with whitewashed lies. Thus , the bad luck. Not an expert, just my 2 cents.
That's right, it had something that would empower the public, but the elites don't want that, it must've contained something useful otherwise why banned. If it was a useless book nobody would've cared about it.
There's one critical mistake. Angels are pure good by nature. They were created by God only to obey him. They have no will or independent deeds. They only take orders from God. They don't appear to or interact with humans without order from God. This is the Islamic understanding of angels.
In some sources (even islamic ones) there are fallen angels. Examples: According to some scholars Iblees was actually a high ranking angel. There are also Haroot and Maroot, two angels who wanted to experience how living like humans would be.
According to what Iblis did and others they had free will, didn't they? It's just about melek what would he like to do. They do take orders from Allah but they have free will.
Iblees cannot be an angel. As a Muslim we believe that angels are pure and dont have their free will. Whereas Jinns do. Also it would be a major contradiction if Shaytaan was a jinn and he disobeyed Allah when asked to prostrate to Adam (AS). He was a high ranking Jinn in the company of angels. He refused to do sajdah because he had that free will. Angels dont have that. Also Iblees has his offspring while angels cannot procreate. 🤷🏻♀️@@LetsTalkMythology
@@LetsTalkMythologyas for Harut and Marut they were sent down to teach people magic and they made it clear to whoever came to them that this is a test from Allah. anyone who learns from them will be trading their after life.
I had the book but it flew out my window and ive had to chase it. Sometimes, it returns when I'm asleep and flees again when I wake, tempting me to pursue it. Just kidding! If you want it, get it. No need for scary capping
I have a friend who has read it in Arabic and has taught others. Personally I need the translated copy to read. I have read many books including the Ghazal too. I have known my friend for 15 years and is still alive. I am searching for the translated copy.
@@Salen0243 Every one that has translated it found the errors, if you know hissab the errors right in your face. I've sat in discussions and those people educated in hissab saidthe formulaeb were wrong. Most scholars actuallt feel a sense of relief lol. Why? because they know the book can't be used for anything nefarious.
- jinnkind and mankind share this world. jinnkind and mankind have certain aspects of compatibility. jinn are the descendants of Iblis, after the destruction of their world, As mann are the descendants of Nuh (SaW) after the destruction of their world. The Religion of Truth, and The Book to guide Universally - were given to man and jinn. The supernatural entities such as "ghost" and "spirit" and "poltergeist" are jinn, and if someone want to know more about "supernatural entities", then learn about jinn, and you will find the explanation of what "supernatural entities" are. Everywhere you go is haunted, because you bring at least one "demon" with you. 😉
It got sell here in Malaysia about the book but im afraid to buy but i am so interested to it.. Can i read it as for information but not to worship it?
I have the book Shams al-Maarif and hundreds of other books that are correct and I learned this science for a long time. Someone asked if I can talk with it and increase our knowledge. I learned this science secretly for several years, and I have discipline and austerity, and I could not finish it during the conquest stage, and I used it to a small extent. And if anyone, these books I have 2000 books that I share and this book is correct because I showed it to my professor at that time and he approved it.
So basically the books tells you the basic and nothing more. You have to figure out how to use it+ how to separate good stuff and bad stuff. If you don't know how to protect your self then rip brother.
That's book for Tasawuf sessions, Mr. Ahmad Al Bunni it's describe that's could handle by human body and knowledge by the chosen one🎉isn't mirrored LHC CERN🎉?,
Why do they call it the book of the son of Moses if its evil? By the way these are not myths! I seen a half goat/bat mixed creature with red face standing on top of a portable toilet seat sleeping with its face down n eyes shut! The next time the kids opened the door it vanished! I still can't believe how it decided to reveal itself to us in iraq.
When you "climb the ladder", you can communicate with this. It is connected to here and is related to where you go when you dream. At first, you learn that it tugs on your emotional strings. The common belief is that people do rituals to bring these things into their life. What I experienced and think is that these individuals are already there from day one!!!! You have to climb that ladder and clip those strings. Essentially, you have to work hard to get your mind back.......or own it for the first time in your life. Thats what I did. Whatever this Satan thing is.....Im above it now. As we all know, dreams can be awkward and even nonsensical. Thats how this spiritual world operates. These worlds are definitely connected because climbing that ladder gives you powers here. I seem to have a martial art form where I dont have to fight. A very simple and routine life is essential. Peace.
I forgot to mention one important thing. This reality we live in seems to have been hijacked and turned into a playground for this other side. They hijacked something very beautiful and slowly turned it into the mess it is today. Get your mind back. Crowley was an idiot. He chose poorly. Everything with eyes here is extremely precious. Don't kill or harm my friends. I'm a vegan now because I'm convinced that if it has eyes, it is forbidden fruit.
@@kurosakiichigo2204 I don't think there is a book. And there is something else I can't rule out either. In 2008, I may have died in a car wreck between Peggs and Locust Grove Oklahoma. A part of me feels like it is free while still being in this weird place. Sometimes it feels like a glitch that has worked to my advantage. But, that could have been just a car accident that I survived. But it also could simply be a reward for my constant attention to that enemy we can't criticize. I never clock out!! I'll write the book when I know 100% how I did whatever the hell it was that I did. I only make decisions when I can prove something.....at least when it comes to this topic. I may have found the correct way to wage war.
@@kurosakiichigo2204 I started hearing voices in roughly September of 2008. I eventually followed those voices and let them tell me where to turn......random driving. It led me to the wreck in October. I don't know the day or the hour.....close to the 9th I think. My life has been very different from that point. I still hear the voices, but unlike those first years, it is much more manageable now. I didn't actually discover the enemy until 2014. That was like shifting gears. My focus from that point on has been to spread the awareness of that nasty group and all the sellouts. It's a big enemy. Rhymes with the word "chews". As time goes by, it feels like I keep getting faster. Currently, it is still unclear what exactly was the inciting incident was that caused this weirdness. But I feel that heart, crown, and forehead chakra on a daily basis without meditation at all.
@@kurosakiichigo2204 Everything you need to know but have never been told by David Icke is the book that you need, you can also search in UA-cam the keywords (David Icke - Remember Who You Are Session 1). it has 4 parts.
Very good presentation of such a book of which I never knew about, however; Since the Author is from "Algeria" of which is considered to be in "TULTH-AL-KHALEE", there is great possibilities of the Author himself to have been possessed by a DJINN of TULTH-AL-KHALEE, referring to him as he spent his life in Egypt, Egypt is also knows for Sorcery, Black Magic and SIHR that is used and deployed negatively to harm others and therefore it is "SHIRK". It is great possibilities the Author attempt was simply to inform of the already Quranic existing knowledge of SIHR of which ALLAH warns his servants not use if they learn of it to harm others, and we also know that ALLAH gifts certain individuals with natural knowledge to counter and render SIHR null and void without even reading any other book except Quran. I will share a bit to confuse some readers more about Sufism also, consider these Two Empires "Fatimids Empire" & "Amazigh-Idris dynasty" and "ZAWYA" The Zawiya of Moulay Idris II is a zawiya (an Islamic shrine and religious complex, also spelled zaouia) in Fez, Morocco. It contains the tomb of Idris II (or Moulay Idris II when including his sharifian title. Secret knowledge is also passed on orally to those who are descendants of Sharifian "Sufi" families.
@@Man-u-flexas fake as it sounds it is very real, it hard to believe something over a comment until you see and witness it yourself the books that are being sold nowadays are all fake they do not contain the dangerous parts, you will mostly find the REAL ones in old family hand downs.
@@chandraprabhaghosh1133 bro I know many people's are fearless and disbeliever and have curiosities to check whether it's true or not , but something is warned not to use so please don't , it's not a joke even don't use Ouija board, it's really a portal to the unseen world which might cause you severe damage and then you will do nothing even after regret, so keep distance from these things, and care for your life and live a happy life and forget all negative things , hope Allah protects you from all harm
When i was 8 over 30 years ago i went to my dad's friends mum i had asthma i was in the children's hospital every other day one day my dad took me to his friends mon she made me a talisman the next week i won the cross country race my sister had warts on her hands the old lady got a eggplant put a seed in the egg plant for every wart once the seeds grew the warts disappeared
@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276 it's been hidden so people do not get themselves into something sinister. Only witchcraft and devil worshippers, freemasons know the methods and practise it.
@NooOneAtAll the copies are fake to prevent general people from becoming involved within, there's certain societies and cults that engage with black magic and devil worshipping
Very scientific explanation . It explains the danger of Sihr & Shirk , very good .
I'm assuming those are drawings from the book? If so, it is beautiful. Manuscript illustrations have this wonderful tactile quality. You can practically feel the pages just by looking at the art.
This guy is underrated
Thank you. Interesting article.
Invoking djinns and practicing magic is trading hereafter for the dunya.
The video we watching for free has a lot of knowledge, hardwork and good editing behind it. ♥️
I really appreciate your words!
I am not a practitioner or parishioner of the Sufi religion but I am a lifelong practitioner of the art of magick and I can tell you the video from what I can know about magic as it relates to the topics the author has discussed relating to numerology numbers magical squares alchemy and the rest are accurate I cannot speak on the Jinn aspect, but I can tell you the rest is correct and this video was done very well far better than I expected!
Hello angel of light. I wanna know more about your practices if you don't mind. I have so many questions I wish to ask. Will you inreach me with your many years of experinece? do you have an email?
Are you not afraid of what will happen when you're in front of Allah?
@@Mosw42 My God is the one true God the true way of worship, Jesus Christ was the Messiah he spoke the word of God directly you on the other hand follow the teachings of Mohammed the false prophet ; a warlord who use religion as a weapon to control the unwashed filthy ignorant masses & manipulated them. You follow a lie for what you think is God the all mighty, the thing you worship is not my God not the true God you on the other hand worship Lucifer a fallen Angel Incarnate a bastardization of the faith, and they use that word loosely. My God grants salvation yours is a god of death and destruction you think you worship the one true God and you are nothing more than a tool of a dark God masquerading as a God of peace.
You read Arabic? You've practiced from this book?
@@Mosw42 no, not at all
Never...ever delve into what Allah Almighty prohibits..for He knows best..
I'm dwn with it
True said, this book is dangerous for anybody, let alone Muslims..
Wait until you find out that the name "Allah" is a shortened version of one of the 60 names given to Marduk.
So many in this world mean well by trying to be devout and studying what they know, but many dont study anything outside of their faith or its origins, and its to their detriment.
@@AnthonySmith-gr8pfWhat are you yapping bro? Allah means god in arabic dumbass
@@AnthonySmith-gr8pf didn’t Rome created Christianity.
this books reminds me about a book that had almost same property at nusantaran archipelago. some people says the person who apply the knowledge of the book will get what the book teaches like teleportation, able to see the djinn world etc but the user will either will become insane or his/her soul will unable to pass on or stuck between human world and hereafter upon his/her death if I'm not mistaken.
name of the books good sir?
@@Pseudometrik It's been a while but if I'm not mistaken the name of the book is "Hakikat Insan" by Haji Ahmad Laksamana. Tbh I don't know if that book had English translation or not because the book is published on the 80's
Sorcery is Haram in Islam ... dont become a slave of shaytan for momenary benefits... Dont lose your Akhira ..
I'm down wiv itt
100%. Keep away from magic and jinn.
im cracked at fortnite
Right 👍
TBH doing so-called magic is stupid and dangerous. Is like sticking your hand into a raging fire hoping to not get burned
My uncle inherited this book from his mother when she died. He used it a lot and my father found him dead 2 years after.
i heard this book has some sort of s contract where the learner must die after 2 years in order to learn it's properties
What about the scholar Dr Daesh? Didn't he gain the knowledge of this book as well and lived more than 2 years?
Stop the cap
I still would like to be able to read it for myself, but alas I only know English 🤔😔🤞🙏😉😬
I got a copy .
Keep posting fascinating videos like this.
Thank you so much 🙏
No, the restriction isn't because someone may summon something. But rather because it is an evil. Angels of Harut and Marut were sent to babylon with magic as a test.
Those who used it had no good in the hereafter. So we remain away from evil no matter how insignificant so as not to fall into it later. To explain easily would be to say, to prevent a cascading event one must stay away from something that begins the chain reaction with.
Ok, so if one is SHOWN and chooses not to use it so far or at least only in emergency, what do you reckon is awaiting?🤔😔🙏🤞❤️
Harut and marut shared the knowledge of magic to one individual or a tribe (I forget), and they used it for good for a long time until it somehow got used for evil (I think it was by jinn?). You are right, it was used as a test - but it wasn't inherently evil, it turned evil with people's intentions
@@zeecee1908nope your story is baseless, they said when they were teaching people "We are a trial so do not disbelieve"
@@WhiteBlack-ug2mz nope, you should read into it and understand how magic came down to people. Before you tell me my information is baseless 😂😂
@@zeecee1908 read into what? I am quoting from the quran
The original copy of the book is hidden, according to some, in the British Museum
Copies on the market are not original copies
Exactly they say that the western Satanism cult has added a lot of things to this book.
The jews.
Never approached magic without the protection of god. Whatever you do as a magician should only be destined to praise god and creation. You have free will to do what’s right exactly and kabbalah studies. There’s nothing satanic unless you workship the evil.
Magic is a sin if you are muslim. There is no good magic
A magician cannot be under the "protection of God" because he bows to the devils who are nothing but evildoers who command only evil
Your statement is a contradiction! Practice of magic is shirk and kufr so you cant be under the protection of God while fighting Him
Impressive explanation and illustrations, to date the best I've seen on youtube of this famous mysterious book. Most of the book seems like sufi and higher consciousness learning. Some of the ending chapters, like you said, dwelve into areas where the situation could become uncontrolable and a false sense of security or partnership with an entity could make the requestor go down an unfamiliar or unkown path. It's hard to trust other humans let alone trust unseen entities haha. But again, a knife could be used to put butter on toast or could be used to harm someone. All depends on usage I guess. But imo better to stay away from magic, pacts, partnerships with the unknown to protect one's life and sanity. But excellent video, much appreciated and many thanks.
My sister was given instructions to summon a jinn by a man in India. She needed to become vegan for 2 months before she could invoke the demon.
Did she do it?
Yes in many cultures an extended act of purification is needed just for what you are trying to summon to even pay attention to you. Even then they may not appear if they do not deem you worthy of an audience. Best case they show up. Worst case they show up to kill you. I would rather they not answer than to show up as something my mind couldnt process and then die a horrible death. Not for the novice indeed.
I had a friend who tried to practice what's in that book. 3 days later he turned into a 1991 Toyota Cressida
Those were beautiful cars, comfortable, strong and the ac was like a freezer 😅
I have a 100 version of the book, but only a few pages
I have and use this book all the time.. It's only dangerous to people who don't purify and can't contain or banish what they summon..
Please tell cure
@@HealthyLifeChoices-tg9fn cure?
@@4everseekingwisdom690 if jinn or evil spirit is after
That sounds reasonable...
Dangerous for those that lack discipline.
I am an Exorcist it is very dangerous I have seen a doctor life ruined because of this book the fact nothing happen yet does not mean it will not happen repent before I is too late.
Allah SWT. berfirman:
وَاتَّبَعُوْا مَا تَتْلُوا الشَّيٰطِيْنُ عَلٰى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمٰنَۚ وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيْمٰنُ وَلٰكِنَّ الشَّيٰطِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا يُعَلِّمُوْنَ النَّاسَ السِّحْرَ وَمَآ اُنْزِلَ عَلَى الْمَلَكَيْنِ بِبَابِلَ هَارُوْتَ وَمَارُوْتَۗ وَمَا يُعَلِّمٰنِ مِنْ اَحَدٍ حَتّٰى يَقُوْلَآ اِنَّمَا نَحْنُ فِتْنَةٌ فَلَا تَكْفُرْۗ فَيَتَعَلَّمُوْنَ مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُوْنَ بِهٖ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهٖۗ وَمَا هُمْ بِضَاۤرِّيْنَ بِهٖ مِنْ اَحَدٍ اِلَّا بِاِذْنِ اللّٰهِۗ وَيَتَعَلَّمُوْنَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمْ وَلَا يَنْفَعُهُمْۗ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمُوْا لَمَنِ اشْتَرٰىهُ مَا لَهٗ فِى الْاٰخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَاقٍۗ وَلَبِئْسَ مَاشَرَوْا بِهٖٓ اَنْفُسَهُمْۗ لَوْ كَانُوْا يَعْلَمُوْنَ
"Mereka mengikuti apa yang dibaca oleh setan-setan pada masa Kerajaan (Nabi) Sulaiman(Solomon). Sulaiman itu tidak kufur, tetapi setan-setan itulah yang kufur. Mereka mengajarkan sihir kepada manusia dan apa yang diturunkan kepada dua malaikat di negeri Babilonia, yaitu Harut dan Marut. Padahal, keduanya tidak mengajarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang sebelum mengatakan, “Sesungguhnya kami hanyalah fitnah (cobaan bagimu) oleh sebab itu janganlah kufur!” Maka, mereka mempelajari dari keduanya (malaikat itu) apa yang (dapat) memisahkan antara seorang (suami) dan istrinya. Mereka tidak akan dapat mencelakakan seseorang dengan (sihir)-nya, kecuali dengan izin Allah. Mereka mempelajari sesuatu yang mencelakakan dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Sungguh, mereka benar-benar sudah mengetahui bahwa siapa yang membeli (menggunakan sihir) itu niscaya tidak akan mendapat keuntungan di akhirat. Sungguh, buruk sekali perbuatan mereka yang menjual dirinya dengan sihir jika mereka mengetahuinya"(QS. Al-Baqarah : 102).
Semua orang agama apapun, jika terkena gangguan Jin maka bisa disembuhkan dengan ayat Alqur'an, tetapi jika disalahgunakan maka juga bisa mencelakakan manusia.
kemudian kenapa Dajjal nanti bisa memiliki kemampuan sihir, kekuatan & kecepatan seperti Mukjizat Nabi Sulaiman(Solomon) AlaihiSallam?...
Ada tertulis dalam suatu Hadits, Dajjal nanti memiliki lengkap Kitab/Sunduk/Tabut(ilmu2)Nabi Sulaiman yang dicuri Harut & Marut.
Kitab Shams Al-Ma'rif adalah bagian sedikit dari referensi Kitab Nabi Sulaiman.
Freemason/Illuminati/Yahudi/USA dari dulu memulai pencarian itu, lihat peta Timur Tengah : Irak, Afghanistan, Palestina, Suriah, Libanon, dan invasi negara selanjutnya....
Nusantara (Malays archipelago) people on 14-15th century has learned this (book) and made a their version book name called tajul muluk, even though its in islamic written and got medicine created, methodology, astrology and numerology people rely it on the shaman and talisman to create any desire they requested, therefore it will lead it to shirk (because they depend on the person who expertise with the book method) , so whatever you do (or learn) please rely it on Hadith s.a.w and Al-Quran, i think some of them learning (book in tajul muluk) has been mixed up with Hinduism magic too. So be careful. Don't lost faith and shirk to Allah. Because from Allah we seek help and guidance , Insya Allah brother and sister.
This is good Coz it highlights the dangers of doing things like delving into invoking Jinn
Pretty much just sounds like an Islamic version of The key of Solomon.
....would you believe that Solomon knew many Sufis?
There is nothing strange about the talismans if you actually study Shams Al-Ma'arif. They contain the divine names of Allah. Each Arch Angel is associated with a Jinn King and assists the Angels in their purpose from Allah. Yes, some associations with Jinn can be used for less than good purposes, but only with the blessing of Allah. Just as business, politics and education can be used for not entirely good purposes.
Very nice book. and shaik Ali Boone was a great aalam
‘Containing the Divine Names of Allah’ does not negate shirk (associating Allah with others). Mentioning Allah first and THEN mentioning the names of djinns/saints or others is a deception by Satan, to make it seem like it’s a valid invocation.
Allah has perfected the faith in the final scripture (Quran) and through his final messenger (prophet Muhammad), and what is permissible
/not permissible is only what has been clearly outlined in the Quran and Authentic Prophetic Narrations (Hadith).
Witchcraft is specifically prohibited in Quran, and Talismans specifically prohibited in the Hadith.
Praises, prayers, worhship, sacrifice and invocations are all only for Allah, and we can invoke His Divine Names. Allah may assist you however He wishes, be it trough angels, animals, djinn, humans of others. But only invoke Allah and Allah alone. This is the fundamental creed of tawheed and true monotheism that has existed since the beginning of time.
@@ameenkamal1691 How is using the Divine Names shirk? They are Allah's Divine names, not the names of intermediaries or other gods. It is only in your furtive imagination that Shams Al-Ma'arif requires the veneration of saints and jinn, it requires the veneration of Allah himself. It is also only in your imagination that people use Shams Al-Ma'arif for sorcery, yes it is possible, but it would take a lifetime of reading, understanding and practice to actually do so. I might add that as the publication is banned in much of the Arab world, so how would somebody who could comprehend classical Arabic even read the book?
Why are you invoking Christian notions borrowed from Milton's Paradise Lost to twist the divine words of Allah as found in Al-Qur'an? Your arguments can only make sense by a flight of fancy which includes notions of Iblis, hierarchies of Jinns, Jannah and Jahannam. In short it is your own shadow which is demonising this holy book.
@@TheMagicofJava did i say using Allah’s Divine Names as shirk? Read properly again what I wrote. I said ALONGSIDE other names. Who’s names are those? Are you denying that the conjuration methods do not involve mentionining names of beings other than Allah? The invocations involve veneration of names not known in the Quran or Sunnah (both of which you completely ignore, which is alarming), so the names mentioned have questionable meaning/source as there are no backing or references to the Quran and Sunnah. The fact that you mention ‘intermediaries’ and ‘other gods’ is also alarming as there are no intermediaries or other ‘gods’- there is only One and Only God. Allah state that He is closer to us that our own jugular vein so in Islam we have no intermediaries. Everyone has direct access to God- unlike other religions which as rabbis, priests, bishops, popes etc.
It is my imagination that the book is used for sorcery? Why are you assuming you know my imaginations? Look at other forums regarding this book and see what most questions are pertaining to? Most people are looking for ways to invoke beings in the unseen realm!
Also, what ‘Christian notion’ are you accusing me of? Me ‘twisting the divine names of Allah’ ? What are you going on about with these blind accusations. My comment can be read plain and simple. are you perhaps possessed by poor understanding that you cannot comprehend what I wrote?
As a Muslim, I merely state what Allah has said in the Quran that He has perfected the religion. I also state what the Prophet pbuh has said that we are to hold on only to the Quran and the Sunnah. There is nothing remotely Christian in this.
Also, the ‘notion’ of Iblis, Jins , Jannah, Jahanam are all mentioned in the Quran. If you say these are my ‘flight of fancy’ then you have strayed far. For none of this comes from my own imagination.
It is ok; by your answers, I know where you stand. May we all be guided aright by Him, and may we be saved from the plans and deception of Satan.
@@ameenkamal1691 1 Yes I am completely denying that other names are used in association with Allah, maybe with the exception of Malaikat.
2 I said it does not use intermediaries or other gods, please read what I write and not get so triggered.
3 Yes it is your imagination that the book is used for sorcery, it has been used as a devotional book by the majority of Muslims since it was written.
4 You have taken a few small parts of Al-Qur'an and convoluted these with a complex Christian demonology outlined in Milton's Paradise Lost. In short this is not Al-Qur'an, nor Islam, but a flight if sheer fancy.
5 I am a very devout Muslim from the Muslim majority and have no time for such politically inspired views from a relatively modern sect. Yes, I do pray to Allah five times a day and to Allah alone. I do not practice anything that could be described as sorcery, but believe that we all need to find our path not be bullied by members of your sect.
Thank You for this knowledge
it's not a book made by al buni.
it was made by kafir and sorcerers.
they slander al buni and want to destroy Islam from within
Fact check my comment after reading , i heard that al buni has 20+ religious books and non of them has to do with magic , so what you said makes sense , why would a muslim scholar all of a sudden write an evil occult book and sell his akhera?
Now it make sense
The most annoying thing ever is when you're trying to watch a profound video like this one, and then all of a sudden, a stupid YT ad comes on trying to sell you stupid crap! Ugh!
They want your concentration broken thats why they do it.
If youre watching on your phone though, switch it to Auto Play, and watch it from your feed, not clicking on the video. On the plus side, no ads and you can still fast forward or rewind to where you want. The downside is you cant pause it.
This book can only be read in arabic, u can NOT invoke jinns in other languages, from shams Al marif, these jinn u Summon are some of the most powerful in their world, it’s nothing to play with, when comparing to other books, it is the most powerful dangerous book in the world, when it comes to summoning jinn
What if I don't know arabic but I can read arabic
@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276Do not be stupid when a devil comes to you who will not be your servant. He will do you a favor in exchange for the many things you lose and do for it
I have to learn to read and speak Arabic then
Это не справедливо😨 Можно ли заставить джиннов изучать другие языки кроме арабского, например английский и русский?
@@МарсельСафин-т8жان الجن يستطيع التحدث بجميع اللغات تقريبا ولكن بعضهم لايتقن ذلك فيتحدث بلغة دولته
I have same knowledge of this book about shamsun ma all ma arif
The demons can help you but it will always ended very sinister for you …
This is kufur the messenger pbuh said anyone who dose or believes in magic has destroyed in what has been revealed to the messenger pbuh an well have no share olin the hearafter.
Where is your video about Dragons and mythological creatures. I can't find it on the channel.
Probably he's gonna remastered the videos
There is only one God ALLAH
I wonder what power the Jinn gets their power from or what power do they use, like ki or something else or is it like magic and texts that they recite that gives them the power? Or does it come from them? Their own life energy? I would like to know
Your comment is actually interesting. So according to folklore, they are born with these powers.. So yeah, its more of life energy or elemental nature
It is their nature as subtle interdimensional beings.
❤ their power is inherent. That is how Allah made them
Thank yourll for clearing that up, I always wondered how it would be in reality compared to movies and folk tales ect Allah really is magnificent in every way, he knew that if we possessed those kinds of abilities we would only fight and kill until the strongest is the king or ruler, instead the jinn worship Allah too and follow their own set of laws
Just imagen... there are so many things going on around us yet we know nothing of , jinn kings with their children inherenting their abilities and learning how to use them, it's like an enchanted Fairytale or something, there could be other universes with beings that have these powers but are like us, lol Allah said that we are ONE of the highest of his creations, not THEE HIGHEST
@@mohamedwasimparker9664that was wonderfully said
Thank you so muh for this Video😭😭😭😭🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
You're most welcome!
I want this book.where can i buy????
Bro I got a question for you, are you an Arab?
Because you speak Arabic very will dude
Maybe :D
He is tutkish or arab 100%
@@LetsTalkMythologyI assume you‘re a non muslim right? Because a muslim would warn from the sihr that this book contains. Because as you stated in the video sihr is one of the worst sins in islam. Are you christian or an atheist?
Where did you see those Jinn names? A translation of the book? around 7:34.
whips Marefat by Mufti Abdur Rahman
Written in Arabic or Urdu version
Old book, Banning British, plz make a video.
Most imams in kenyan coast posses the book and they say its for healing purpose
I would love to read the real book, the world is completely ruined now, what would be the worst to happen, reguardless of all the consequence's
@@iambadatnaming4731 it's a big sin to learn magic
Euh burning eternally in hell?? 😂 😂 Its a test from God. Two angels brought it to the jews in the times of prophet salomon. In islam its perfectly explained 'have a look for yourself
@@iambadatnaming4731If you are Muslim then I would say you are misguided. Learning sihr(magic) is kufr and practising it is even worse. Stop misleading others
u go to hell, that's the worse thing that can happen.
Why deal with the jinns?
Ok watched the video and my conclusion is that am the author is.mixing Islam with witchcraft. Does not go together no matter how much hypocrites sooth themselves with whitewashed lies. Thus , the bad luck.
Not an expert, just my 2 cents.
So It was banned for being effective?
That's right, it had something that would empower the public, but the elites don't want that, it must've contained something useful otherwise why banned.
If it was a useless book nobody would've cared about it.
There's one critical mistake. Angels are pure good by nature. They were created by God only to obey him. They have no will or independent deeds. They only take orders from God. They don't appear to or interact with humans without order from God. This is the Islamic understanding of angels.
In some sources (even islamic ones) there are fallen angels.
Examples: According to some scholars Iblees was actually a high ranking angel. There are also Haroot and Maroot, two angels who wanted to experience how living like humans would be.
According to what Iblis did and others they had free will, didn't they? It's just about melek what would he like to do. They do take orders from Allah but they have free will.
Iblees cannot be an angel. As a Muslim we believe that angels are pure and dont have their free will. Whereas Jinns do. Also it would be a major contradiction if Shaytaan was a jinn and he disobeyed Allah when asked to prostrate to Adam (AS). He was a high ranking Jinn in the company of angels. He refused to do sajdah because he had that free will. Angels dont have that. Also Iblees has his offspring while angels cannot procreate. 🤷🏻♀️@@LetsTalkMythology
@@LetsTalkMythologyas for Harut and Marut they were sent down to teach people magic and they made it clear to whoever came to them that this is a test from Allah. anyone who learns from them will be trading their after life.
where can i read this ?
for everyone who use this book, may Allah guided you. its haram brother
I had the book but it flew out my window and ive had to chase it. Sometimes, it returns when I'm asleep and flees again when I wake, tempting me to pursue it. Just kidding! If you want it, get it. No need for scary capping
I have a friend who has read it in Arabic and has taught others. Personally I need the translated copy to read. I have read many books including the Ghazal too. I have known my friend for 15 years and is still alive. I am searching for the translated copy.
Is your friend alive and WELL or alive and struggling and fighting demons?… genuine non religious/ nonjudgmental curiosity.
Other people in the comments said that you will die after 2 years when you read this book.
Is on Amazon now
Just visit the indian state of bengal specially in remote villages then u realised shams al marif was a book for kids.
Tell us more.
Are you an idiot? Baseless allegations without any proof
comes from someone who hasnt been to the middle east
How true is your claim
a topic about anything: exists
10 year old Indians in the comments: ThIs Is ChIlD's PlAy FoR uS eNdIaNs
Most of the relevant pages displayed in book are not from the same book
Al Buni was anything but a Muslim! Wa Allahu alem
Al Booni intentionally introduced errors into that book and it can’t be used. Anyone that says they used it is lying.
How do you know?
@@Salen0243 Every one that has translated it found the errors, if you know hissab the errors right in your face. I've sat in discussions and those people educated in hissab saidthe formulaeb were wrong. Most scholars actuallt feel a sense of relief lol. Why? because they know the book can't be used for anything nefarious.
Sir is it possible that there's a half human half jinn?
The answer is yes! At least according to Arabian folklore. The most famous examples I can recall are : Nasnas & Banu Si'lat
- jinnkind and mankind share this world.
jinnkind and mankind have certain aspects of compatibility.
jinn are the descendants of Iblis, after the destruction of their world,
As mann are the descendants of Nuh (SaW) after the destruction of their world.
The Religion of Truth,
and The Book to guide Universally - were given to man and jinn.
The supernatural entities such as "ghost" and "spirit" and "poltergeist" are jinn, and if someone want to know more about "supernatural entities", then learn about jinn, and you will find the explanation of what "supernatural entities" are.
Everywhere you go is haunted, because you bring at least one "demon" with you. 😉
No. No such thing
@@LetsTalkMythology no that's not true. You're not a practicing Muslim I see
where is the link
If it worked, every politician would be using it.
It got sell here in Malaysia about the book but im afraid to buy but i am so interested to it.. Can i read it as for information but not to worship it?
NOPE! Stay away from it bro
@@kipper188 😰 okay
Boleh tau nak beli dekat mana ?
You can read it and understand. The only problem is if you practice and implement
You will never enter heaven if you deal with magic. Major major sin. Keep away.
Angels cannot be misguided but only human and jinn are controlled and misguided
Without any protection, except from God, no magic circles.No charms , no emily's , and they still obey
Sounds like you have done it?
Great Video
Thank you so much 🙏
I have this book but am afraid to read
am I tripping or his voice got weird ?? 9:07
I have the book Shams al-Maarif and hundreds of other books that are correct and I learned this science for a long time. Someone asked if I can talk with it and increase our knowledge. I learned this science secretly for several years, and I have discipline and austerity, and I could not finish it during the conquest stage, and I used it to a small extent. And if anyone, these books I have 2000 books that I share and this book is correct because I showed it to my professor at that time and he approved it.
So basically the books tells you the basic and nothing more.
You have to figure out how to use it+ how to separate good stuff and bad stuff. If you don't know how to protect your self then rip brother.
That's book for Tasawuf sessions, Mr. Ahmad Al Bunni it's describe that's could handle by human body and knowledge by the chosen one🎉isn't mirrored LHC CERN🎉?,
Why do they call it the book of the son of Moses if its evil? By the way these are not myths! I seen a half goat/bat mixed creature with red face standing on top of a portable toilet seat sleeping with its face down n eyes shut! The next time the kids opened the door it vanished! I still can't believe how it decided to reveal itself to us in iraq.
When you "climb the ladder", you can communicate with this. It is connected to here and is related to where you go when you dream. At first, you learn that it tugs on your emotional strings. The common belief is that people do rituals to bring these things into their life. What I experienced and think is that these individuals are already there from day one!!!! You have to climb that ladder and clip those strings. Essentially, you have to work hard to get your mind back.......or own it for the first time in your life. Thats what I did. Whatever this Satan thing is.....Im above it now. As we all know, dreams can be awkward and even nonsensical. Thats how this spiritual world operates. These worlds are definitely connected because climbing that ladder gives you powers here. I seem to have a martial art form where I dont have to fight. A very simple and routine life is essential. Peace.
I forgot to mention one important thing. This reality we live in seems to have been hijacked and turned into a playground for this other side. They hijacked something very beautiful and slowly turned it into the mess it is today. Get your mind back. Crowley was an idiot. He chose poorly. Everything with eyes here is extremely precious. Don't kill or harm my friends. I'm a vegan now because I'm convinced that if it has eyes, it is forbidden fruit.
@@michaelglendinning1738 how can i do it ? What are the books i have to read ?
@@kurosakiichigo2204 I don't think there is a book. And there is something else I can't rule out either. In 2008, I may have died in a car wreck between Peggs and Locust Grove Oklahoma. A part of me feels like it is free while still being in this weird place. Sometimes it feels like a glitch that has worked to my advantage. But, that could have been just a car accident that I survived. But it also could simply be a reward for my constant attention to that enemy we can't criticize. I never clock out!! I'll write the book when I know 100% how I did whatever the hell it was that I did. I only make decisions when I can prove something.....at least when it comes to this topic. I may have found the correct way to wage war.
@@kurosakiichigo2204 I started hearing voices in roughly September of 2008. I eventually followed those voices and let them tell me where to turn......random driving. It led me to the wreck in October. I don't know the day or the hour.....close to the 9th I think. My life has been very different from that point. I still hear the voices, but unlike those first years, it is much more manageable now. I didn't actually discover the enemy until 2014. That was like shifting gears. My focus from that point on has been to spread the awareness of that nasty group and all the sellouts. It's a big enemy. Rhymes with the word "chews". As time goes by, it feels like I keep getting faster. Currently, it is still unclear what exactly was the inciting incident was that caused this weirdness. But I feel that heart, crown, and forehead chakra on a daily basis without meditation at all.
@@kurosakiichigo2204 Everything you need to know but have never been told by David Icke is the book that you need, you can also search in UA-cam the keywords (David Icke - Remember Who You Are Session 1). it has 4 parts.
If someone could cause harm with this sinful book can't they harm the whole world?
Very good presentation of such a book of which I never knew about, however; Since the Author is from "Algeria" of which is considered to be in "TULTH-AL-KHALEE", there is great possibilities of the Author himself to have been possessed by a DJINN of TULTH-AL-KHALEE, referring to him as he spent his life in Egypt, Egypt is also knows for Sorcery, Black Magic and SIHR that is used and deployed negatively to harm others and therefore it is "SHIRK". It is great possibilities the Author attempt was simply to inform of the already Quranic existing knowledge of SIHR of which ALLAH warns his servants not use if they learn of it to harm others, and we also know that ALLAH gifts certain individuals with natural knowledge to counter and render SIHR null and void without even reading any other book except Quran. I will share a bit to confuse some readers more about Sufism also, consider these Two Empires "Fatimids Empire" & "Amazigh-Idris dynasty" and "ZAWYA" The Zawiya of Moulay Idris II is a zawiya (an Islamic shrine and religious complex, also spelled zaouia) in Fez, Morocco. It contains the tomb of Idris II (or Moulay Idris II when including his sharifian title. Secret knowledge is also passed on orally to those who are descendants of Sharifian "Sufi" families.
It's all crap I have read this book .nothing like that,you people exaggerating
bec u read the fake one + u need old one and follow the steps how to summon jinn and i dont recommended to do that
@@giovannigiorgio2262why you talking like you know that this book really does that ?
@@Man-u-flexas fake as it sounds it is very real, it hard to believe something over a comment until you see and witness it yourself the books that are being sold nowadays are all fake they do not contain the dangerous parts, you will mostly find the REAL ones in old family hand downs.
Translate it or tell us how to use it
Its not for you belive me
@@imeprezime9831 oh. Why so?
@@chandraprabhaghosh1133 we don't want to loose you 🐅
@@chandraprabhaghosh1133 bro I know many people's are fearless and disbeliever and have curiosities to check whether it's true or not , but something is warned not to use so please don't , it's not a joke even don't use Ouija board, it's really a portal to the unseen world which might cause you severe damage and then you will do nothing even after regret, so keep distance from these things, and care for your life and live a happy life and forget all negative things , hope Allah protects you from all harm
this is not the most dangerous the most dangerous is hidden in a temple in egypt acording to a pharaon spirit
I do it with my mind no I do it with my mind. I can conjure up any demon I want to and it's like they come when I ask them.
Wannabe bomohs pawang or shaman can start looking for this book
this is pretty common in indonesia
I've heard about that actually.. That people study it without any problem.
before you ready syamsul ma'rif first you have to read dallail khairat to have better understanding
May Allah guide the people of indonesia
a book you should never read, the blind can't read
Excellent 💪💪
Ibn Sina was Persian
When i was 8 over 30 years ago i went to my dad's friends mum i had asthma i was in the children's hospital every other day one day my dad took me to his friends mon she made me a talisman the next week i won the cross country race my sister had warts on her hands the old lady got a eggplant put a seed in the egg plant for every wart once the seeds grew the warts disappeared
Where I can get this book
did you find ?
This book is totally prohibited to read because sorcery is a major sin in islam
Its sihir
Yes it is very haram and it’s sihir
@@Sara_CloudzYT the book warn us to not do it it's only for teaching porpoise because al buni didn't practice it.
I has downloaded this book from google. But i don't know if its real or fake.
Please share the link. Thank you🙏
@@xansas00 i have two pdf brother. But that have in my mobile. Maybe that link already not available.
knowing the knowlege of magic is not haram is ur intention on the knowlege that is haram.
Can I invoke Djinn to win the Lottery then repent by visiting the Kabaa ?
Haram الله لايقبل حجك لانه اتى من مال حرام باستخدام السحر الجن ياخذون الكنوز لكن يعطوك شيء
Okay how I get it please
I need PDF of this book how to get it please
Keep away. A magician or any one who practices this evil will NEVER enter heaven.
I have one but I don't know how to use it please I want to know
i know how to use it
You guys are insane. Allah literally says to not do this
the entity in the thumbnail 0_0
why is no one replying
@@alvianofresident what is it?
@@kawa9694 i mean THAT goat headed creature in the thumbnail
@@alvianofresident satan شيطان
Shayatin are demons not jinn
i have this book at home
It's fake, even the copies are fake🤣 the real book is hidden to the public
@@niklaus9678 where can I get the real shamsul maarif
@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276 it's been hidden so people do not get themselves into something sinister. Only witchcraft and devil worshippers, freemasons know the methods and practise it.
@NooOneAtAll the copies are fake to prevent general people from becoming involved within, there's certain societies and cults that engage with black magic and devil worshipping
C cc vr stars moons
This is shirk. Lanatullah upon anyone who does magic sihr voodoo or communicates with jinns
Sorry this is fearmongering. Many current Sufi teachings online teach this openly on UA-cam lol
Awzu billah mina shaitani razeem
why you say so
All I can say is that meditation exists, and it reacts like a sonar
Mediation will purify your qalb and will make connections with the divine. That's the real magic!
This dude is posting to much things that are not really true?
Have you tried it, my friend?