@@aidenchoe4971 Thank you for the comment. I think it helps me learn fast after getting familiar with the melody by listening this OP again and again. 1:14 is tough without doubt, it's a big jump with quick notes, but it's okay for me by taking few times practice. I just keep my muscle tight and move fast to make sure octave are played correctly. Instead, the most difficult one for me is the uncommon chord at 1:18. It needs to play four notes at the same time from a big jump. It's feel uncomfortable to play.
This is a week’s progress? Holy crap dude you’re insane. Well played.
Also, that jump at 1:14 seems pretty tough. Did that take you a while or did it come naturally for you?
@@aidenchoe4971 Thank you for the comment. I think it helps me learn fast after getting familiar with the melody by listening this OP again and again.
1:14 is tough without doubt, it's a big jump with quick notes, but it's okay for me by taking few times practice. I just keep my muscle tight and move fast to make sure octave are played correctly. Instead, the most difficult one for me is the uncommon chord at 1:18. It needs to play four notes at the same time from a big jump. It's feel uncomfortable to play.
Demn, thats fast :o Great work!!
Thanks, Kezzo. I was struggling on the speed and fast notes on left hand. XD
Love this!
Thank you so much. :)
:o 練真快,我 Hikaru nara 都還沒進 D段 ;)
加油~Hikaru naru是經典,練起來之後應該會很有成就感!(D段是進入主旋律了嗎?)
D段是主旋律沒錯,我發現我是還沒進的是 E 段,不是 D 段,E段之後感覺難度比較高,要花更多時間 😂😂@@weiyeng03
@@Eason_oofman A叔的曲子真的都需要全神貫注+長時間的練習,有些旋律聽起來簡單,但其實...練起來根本不是這樣呀!!! (譬如:左右手輪流穿插彈主旋律+另外一隻手配奏、琶音或一長串的音符、8或10度的音程...有太多可以說的了)
@@weiyeng03我手大小不夠彈十度,只能用滑的,還好 hikrau nara 的十度後面沒有快速的音群😂
快欸 我現在在練naruto silhouette 3 hand technique 那裏 然後這首只學了開頭很酷的那段😢
0:11 還有我覺得這裡左手的指法很麻煩☠️
@@d0ntcl1ckonmychanne1 Naruto silhouette 那首我只敢彈前面的部分 哈 (後面連練都沒練>
哈哈 我現在才快學完主旋律🥲
加油!!! 一點一滴累積,會看到成果的 :)
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