never work again

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • 21 Days to Know Your Divine Guidance
    * Sign up any time to join the program. We started on June 9, but you will get an email with the playlist that has all of the videos so far so that you can go at your own pace! 
    21 Days to Rewire Your Mind:
    * Sign up any day or time on the calendar 😊 You will receive a link with the private playlist of videos for the 21 days. See you soon!
    Work with me:
    #quantumleap #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #newearth #newparadigm #lawofattraction #manifestation #spiritualawakening
    Hello and welcome, I'm Araya and I am here to you remember who you are and to get what you want out of this human experience. In this space, we talk about all things spirituality, manifestation, consciousness, health, and wellness. I spent years and years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning how to heal my body from chronic illness, which ended up being my soul's chosen path to awakening and having me remember who I am. A new earth is here, and I am honored to be a guide as we shift into this new 5D world. Let's decondition our minds, leave the matrix behind, and celebrate our uniqueness and authentic truth. Namaste, my friends!
    Subscribe for more videos like this and for updates on my own personal and spiritual journey of solo traveling Europe with my dog, Arlo. We are currently doing van life and have plans to travel all over the EU this year. I'm on a path of leaving my old life and belongings behind to step into my own truth and to find where in this world I want to call home. Thank you for being here!


  • @AsterionH
    @AsterionH 3 місяці тому +576

    14 years ago, I was a college dropout working as a janitor. I felt like a slave. My life felt meaningless. Every day, I prayed to God and believed for my dream job, and visualized myself sitting in a cozy home office doing what I love. A year later, a job opportunity opened up on the other side of the country. I was underqualified but I took the leap of faith. They liked my work more than the people with degrees. I was hired. I met my wife at the new job, we got married, bought a house and had kids. Better opportunities opened up. And for the past decade, I've been working from my home office, making my own hours. Most weeks I only have to work 30 hours. This is all faith and prayer. It's not magic... God rains on the just and the unjust (See Matthew 5:45)

    • @heavencherry
      @heavencherry 3 місяці тому +11

      Congratulations 👏

    • @ninemindllc6441
      @ninemindllc6441 3 місяці тому +10

      I just finished reading that verse before seeing this video and your comment ❤

    • @medusa5400
      @medusa5400 3 місяці тому +3

      I'm crying reading this, thank you for sharing your story

    • @KingLyRiiix
      @KingLyRiiix 3 місяці тому +13

      Faith, prayer, manifestation, magic are all one of the same my guy…all one of the same

    • @nautica00
      @nautica00 3 місяці тому +5

      You’re amazing, thank you for sharing this

  • @austinlittle1638
    @austinlittle1638 3 місяці тому +428

    You had me at never work.

  • @Cuauhtemoc3
    @Cuauhtemoc3 3 місяці тому +320

    I like to think of it as programming were under. We as human beings are so powerful. We have no clue how powerful we are. We could do & have anything we want but somewhere along the way they hijacked us by putting all these fears, insecurities, doubts in us. We are truly infinite beings with infinite potential. We have to realize our potential and rise above all this confusion/BS.

    • @obedientfire
      @obedientfire 3 місяці тому +16

      I wish i could like this a million time

    • @SunShine_sublime
      @SunShine_sublime 3 місяці тому +4

      I so agree with you 😊

    • @paigenoelle8439
      @paigenoelle8439 3 місяці тому +3


    • @hala.h6281
      @hala.h6281 3 місяці тому +1

      How can i have everything i want

    • @nielsbarrezeele845
      @nielsbarrezeele845 3 місяці тому

      Hijacked indeed, through the stuff in the food, the toxins everywhere, and the jabs they forced.

  • @TheMirandalorian
    @TheMirandalorian 2 місяці тому +36

    As someone who has manisfested things beyond my imagination.. things that were UNFATHOMABLE a couple years ago. Trust me, this stuff is real. You can do whatever you want with the right intentions and the right vision! ❤ keep going!

  • @coolbaj
    @coolbaj 3 місяці тому +89

    Job “benefits” always felt off. Then I realized “benefits” tie you wayyyy more to a job, so if you lost the job you don’t just lose your salary, you lose your insurances etc.
    Do not put all eggs in one basket

  •  3 місяці тому +41

    61-year-old man from Boston here. Dear, let me tell you how courageous you are. VERY, that's how much. I'm 61 and I still haven't figured out what I want to do with my life, nor have I ever had the backbone to do what you're currently doing. What I have known, however, is that our existence in this universe is not meant to be relegated to a 9-to-5 j-o-b. How petty a mindset it appears me to think we were created for such mundaneness. I believe we were meant to explore the world and ourselves to open ourselves to universal wisdom so that once we shed our flesh, we can ascend vibrationally higher than our previous lives here on earth. Each echelon brings us closer to the source of our magnificence. You have reached this plateau of your calling because you chose to break free of the bonds of lower vibration that keeps most of us in chains. People need to hear your message because you are the "doing" phase of wisdom where most simply dream while remaining sedentary. Thank you for your walk and your wisdom. We can all learn a lot from you. And yes, you are beautiful, but even more so inside than out. Stay safe out there, Araya. 😊😊

    • @carmelitajacobs5660
      @carmelitajacobs5660 3 місяці тому +4

      I agree, well said. I'm 50 and still finding myself at this age looking for a new career/job but my mind runs away at times and I feel like stepping out of my comfort zone.

    •  3 місяці тому +3

      @@carmelitajacobs5660 Sad isn't it, how we become so accustomed to living the lifestyles we were raised to believe are "the" way life is supposed to be lived. Then we'll turn around and feel guilty the second we try to think outside the societal box. People look at you cross-eyed like there's some mental issue you need to deal with for wanting to escape the 9-to-5 rat race. I recall a brilliant Psychologist who said that most Americans have been so brainwashed that most haven't an original thought of their own. *hand raised* Hello, Mr. Gotta Get Up And Go To My J-O-B. This young lady has it right. I'm proud of her.

    • @carmelitajacobs5660
      @carmelitajacobs5660 2 місяці тому

      We just have to push forward I guess but it's hard in today's times when you need money for things and you have to work.This girl right here is living her life and not conforming to what everyone thinks life should be.I can only dream of the day I just sit back and take a break from it all.

    •  2 місяці тому

      @@carmelitajacobs5660 100% agreed. I wage the internal battle all the time and that we've been raised in a society that forces a labored hand. You work in our system for the mighty $$$ or suffer the fate of impoverishment and homelessness. They're even assuring that being an entrepreneur is impossible for many. Shout out to the COVID plandemic for assuring millions went out of business while trying to feed their families via businesses that were laid to rest by a government that thought quarantining entire nations was the way to remedy what they initiated via gain of function. Shout out to genocidal maniac Anthony Fauci. Research Dr. David Martin to learn more about how it was planned back in 1965. Take care. 🙂

    • @rosemariebongiorno9025
      @rosemariebongiorno9025 2 місяці тому +1

      I'm 63 and as a 9-5 employee all my life, I finally found something that's worth being part of! I'm working with people my age and we are such a great community of like-minded entrepreneurs without being part of an MLM, I'd love to share if you'd like to check out what we're doing???!😊

  • @LionsLambano
    @LionsLambano Місяць тому +3

    God's blessed you, Period.

  • @cheftan888
    @cheftan888 3 місяці тому +37

    System taught us to work 9-5 , to be a slave of material stuff , which doesn't fulfill the person's soul , I agree with you 100%

  • @kindsaybennett
    @kindsaybennett 3 місяці тому +123

    i have full body chills by the fact that everything you are speaking to is exactly what i’m also experiencing. i sold my car bought a van quit my job without a plan or back up or savings and broke my lease because i too want to travel and help people in the same ways as you and it’s so impactful that i found this video because when you spoke on the parts when the universe will test your old beliefs im going through a period right now where that is happening so heavily lately and i just can’t thank you enough for making this video and for it being sent to me as confirmation to keep trotting to my dreams. you are inspirational. im sending you love and light. -kindz

    • @globetardnation
      @globetardnation 3 місяці тому

      yes truly am grateful for finding this video which then brought me to your 21 lessons vid.. loved that even though I've learnt them all the hard way already; it was a good reminder.

    • @gabrielalibanio
      @gabrielalibanio 2 місяці тому +1

      That is so brave.

    • @KingaGorski
      @KingaGorski 2 місяці тому +1

      Cheers to saying *YES* to living courageously! You have everything within you to succeed. Stay tenacious and leave room for magic to unfold because the choices you've made-and continue to make-are changing the very fabric of your space-time reality. Good things are waiting for you! 💫

    • @jeffreebailey4464
      @jeffreebailey4464 2 місяці тому

      You have realized that our world is not at all what we thought it was and that we are much more than we suppose ourselves to be...
      keep on keeping on

  • @ShanellandShalom
    @ShanellandShalom 3 місяці тому +31

    I've just left a 40 hour a week job and I was like how do people do this !!! I have zero time for my children and zero time for anything else... It wasn't the universe it was Jesus . When he grabs your heart your gonna look back and say wow you were always there .

    • @earthangel2522
      @earthangel2522 3 місяці тому

      IJesus is the master I choose to align myself with. But he is not the only master who has appeared on the earth. "The Universe" is just a general term people often use to acknowledge that there is a POWER greater than themselves.
      Also, many people have been abused, tortured, manipulated and created cruelly by those who claim to be followers of Jesus (priests who have abused children, for example).
      So, when a person uses the term "universe," it is used so that it doesn't trigger hostility in those who either don't want to use the name Jesus or who have neve followed Jesus as a person. The CREATOR is known by MANY names by people from various cultures.
      Since I was raised Christian, and have developed my own personal relationship with Jesus, I am comfortable giving tribute to him.
      However, as a senior citizen who has had friends and acquaintances of MANY faiths, I KNOW that The ALMIGHTY GOD LOVES ALL his creations and ALL His children. And people of ALL faiths who HAVE faith have ALL had miracles and blessings showered upon them through prayer and trust in the Divine Power.
      A woman may have MANY children who she loves. Some may call her "Mother." Some may call her "Mama." Some may call her "Mommy." Some may call her "Mom." Some may call her "Ma.' She answers them ALL, because she loves them ALL.
      SHE may call them "Honey," "Sweetie," "Baby," etc. The NAMES don't have anything but love attached to them. So, the child answers to them ALL.
      A man and a wife may have "pet" names for each other, and they ALSO ANSWER each other by whatever name they are addressed by the loved one. The LOVE is what's important, NOT the name.
      I can make room in my mind and heart for those who acknowledge the Creator of us ALL by WHATEVER term or name they use.
      You are obviously young. With age and experience in life, you will learn that it is not necessary to chastise someone who chooses their own way of acknowledging their relationship with the Creator of us ALL.
      So, those of us who choose to pay tribute to Jesus are no better, no more correct, or NO MORE LOVED BY GOD than anyone who says "Universe."

    • @lhr_arms
      @lhr_arms Місяць тому +1


    • @TreasureForeverOfficial
      @TreasureForeverOfficial Місяць тому

      Preach ❤

  • @dmtdreamz7706
    @dmtdreamz7706 3 місяці тому +66

    What art tries to do is it tries to slap you awake by putting the beauty of infinite creation a little piece of it up on display for you on a pedestal so you can look at it and say oh yeah. Of course. Look there it is. It's so beautiful. It's so amazing and then that opens your eyes a little bit and you can say oh yeah look that thing's beautiful too and that's beautiful and that's beautiful and that person's beautiful and I'm beautiful. Oh my god it's all so beautiful and then that takes you to a whole new level as a human being and then you can delight in reality and you can enjoy everything as one giant work of art. Cosmic work of art.

  • @NorbertDz
    @NorbertDz 3 місяці тому +31

    I definitely relate with listening my soul and purpose in life to not waste it on something that drains me. it's a waste of time.

    • @Steve-jw6my
      @Steve-jw6my 3 місяці тому +3

      Ahhhh those precious Roto moments. ☺️ I think there are a lot of heart felt lessons to be had out on that farm. I would embrace it and feel into all of your gratitude there. It’s evident that your heart is open there and that’s a very strong place of empowerment and connection to the divine. 🙏❤️

    • @NorbertDz
      @NorbertDz 3 місяці тому

      @@Steve-jw6my thank you !

  • @KortneeLeFay
    @KortneeLeFay 3 місяці тому +34

    Totally crying ;; I just said today “I am so sick and tired of being a slave to my bills” ,,,, I have always had this inner calling for something else,,, ❤

  • @savannasmuaythai
    @savannasmuaythai 3 місяці тому +58

    The person who said that about you was jealous, your beauty is part of your message and gift you share to the world! And you are strong! Beautiful doesn’t equal weak, it’s the ones who bully those with that gift that are weak and ugly in spirit !

  • @candicegraham5331
    @candicegraham5331 3 місяці тому +39

    Omg this is where Spirit is leading me!!! I just told my parents I'm changing my entire life divorce move etc! They don't understand... but after talking to my Dad he feels better. It's strange some people don't alow God to guide. It's better this way for me!!! I'm trusting myself more n more. No settling!!+ lots of love!!! Thankyu for yur videos!!!

  • @StephenReynolds_MasterMind
    @StephenReynolds_MasterMind 3 місяці тому +48

    2000+ non fiction books, every book offering their solution. In the end the ultimate answer, the ultimate manifestation is to Be Like Jesus. As a seminar speaker my greatest desire was to help the people that came to my seminars, to give them what they needed. Jesus said something I did not understand he said "If you find your life you will lose it, if you loose your life for my sake you will find it" Stop trying to find your life in shallow things.. YOUR ABUNDANT LIFE is hidden in Christ.

    • @DioHard
      @DioHard 2 місяці тому +4

      So many people say this, but what does it mean? Imo it is realizing the one-ness of us all and the fact that we are basically all god's (god = unbound consciousness) children. People saying "find Jesus" are a bit irritating because they never seem to say anything more than that. And you after claiming reading 2000+ books and solutions and leading seminars? In the end you told people to "find Jesus" and sent them on their way? I really don't want to come off condensending, I want to understand.

    • @someoneelse6618
      @someoneelse6618 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@DioHardyeah, apparently you can quit your job and just tell people to find Jesus and make enough money to survive and actually you can have a lot of really nice things if you're good at it.
      Selling the free gift of salvation.
      I don't think I could sleep at night doing that.
      Also, I don't know who to be more upset with, the con artists or the gullible people who buy it.

  • @georgenasif9701
    @georgenasif9701 Місяць тому

    I'm with you all the way I've worked with and for the biggest backstabbers they were extremely jealous of my looks my maturity my work.ethic everything they cause alot of heartec and damage I've stayed away from jobs and working for long time now

  • @pznyc8529
    @pznyc8529 3 місяці тому +24

    this found me at exactly 3:33pm. I'm happy to see someone living a life that they truly desire, you have been an inspiration and this was my first time watching any of your videos. Thank you so much!

    • @IamOsunkemi
      @IamOsunkemi 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes exactly my thoughts as well my hearts filled with happiness for this young lady ❤

    • @KingaGorski
      @KingaGorski 2 місяці тому

      Love those numerology confirmations, and 333 is a potent one 👀✨

  • @andreso700
    @andreso700 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you. You are a pretty and amazing human being, not just a pretty girl… I recognize your absolute power and your complete divinity

  • @hbinfinity
    @hbinfinity 3 місяці тому +6

    Anyone that chill with spiders is legit. Subscribing.

  • @yunidelarte
    @yunidelarte 3 місяці тому +23

    The horses behind you = a DREAM. I love it.

  • @habibbdvs
    @habibbdvs 3 місяці тому +29

    Finding a job that aligns with your passion is truly liberating! It's inspiring to see how far you've come in just a year. 💪✨

  • @17701mtn
    @17701mtn Місяць тому +1

    I love this! I give thanks to God ❤

  • @me2609
    @me2609 3 місяці тому +16

    Yo, this is big FACTS
    This is highly relevant to me now.
    Life is a Dream, an extended dream. And it should be lived in a dreamlike state. You can’t control the outcome, but you can wish what you want to happen.. and it you just let go of control, still believing in the dream, it will come true.
    When you’re sleeping and you try to dictate what is going to happen next, you wake up, the dream ends, you can’t control it. Such should life be treated, never wake up (be too conscious/controlling), live your dreams (believe and go with the flow)

  • @nathmodell1
    @nathmodell1 Місяць тому

    I love every single thing you say, and just today after watching like four videos I realized how beautiful you are inside out. Haven’t watched your physical beauty until today.

  • @Fadwaspiritual
    @Fadwaspiritual 3 місяці тому +21

    Crying bc these are exactly the thoughts I was having as I’m driving a truck for work delivering packages 😭

    • @sammiekaymusic
      @sammiekaymusic 3 місяці тому +4

      I’m delivering as we speak for DoorDash wanting to be home sleeping

    • @alienspeaking3938
      @alienspeaking3938 3 місяці тому +8

      I am an Amazon delivery driver. They treat us like robots. I just want to live my life as a sovereign BEING. Manifesting the life of my dreams

    • @timmytainment
      @timmytainment 3 місяці тому +2

      at least you doing something good for community

  • @thetwistedhippie6219
    @thetwistedhippie6219 Місяць тому

    I just wanna say your beauty shines through, and it shows from much deeper than just the surface ❤ stay blessed 🙏

  • @jaggatjatt
    @jaggatjatt 3 місяці тому +15

    There is a magic to you. Guard it well.

  • @blc-x5m
    @blc-x5m 3 місяці тому +23

    Thank you! This video is right in time. I have been working on manifesting financial freedom, so I never ever "have" to work a job again. Most people think what I want is not possible. They believe working a job is the only way to have money.

  • @JoeAUnCloneD
    @JoeAUnCloneD Місяць тому

    @arayaamenti I 💯 agree with you... Such a great day when I find awesome people even if it's the other side of the world. 👏 keep shining

  • @hellybu_7
    @hellybu_7 3 місяці тому +8

    I don’t have a job and this week I attended two interviews. Not only was I extremely anxious and nervous but I had this horrible soul crushing feeling that once again I was interviewing for jobs that I absolutely hate but I keep doing it because I don’t have the guts to once and for all change careers, life, etc. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m completely exhausted and depressed about this whole thing, but for some reason your video pop up whilst listening to music and I couldn’t believe it. I wonder if it’s a sign to just stop making what I really want my plan B and just dare to do it, make it my only plan. Thanks you so much for your video. I hope soon I can come back here and report to everyone that my life has completely changed for the best ❤

    • @sarahb7742
      @sarahb7742 Місяць тому +1

      Your comment hits me ! I'm quite in the same situation : stressed to find a new job which I know won't suit me at all... I wish you all the best ! I hope your life is changing as you want :D

    • @jowhit226
      @jowhit226 Місяць тому +2

      If you truly believe in yourself, you will make it.

  • @oni0917
    @oni0917 4 години тому

    Sometimes I have to let go of my ego and start living life you can't have everything

  • @anetahubalkova2008
    @anetahubalkova2008 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you for the love you're sharing, love. We truly are limitless, we are love itself. Let's realize - remember it anytime, everytime, every NOW. And relax into knowing, feeling that❤

  • @JoeAUnCloneD
    @JoeAUnCloneD Місяць тому

    Beauty is inside and out... Do you girl. I truly appreciate your lifestyle. What we are going thru is the same. I just didn't find my new spot to move

  • @Ascension-2020
    @Ascension-2020 2 місяці тому +1

    There are so many magical moments in life, people just have to open their eyes to the opportunities!

  • @1nnerAwareness
    @1nnerAwareness Місяць тому

    Universe is just trying to serve us what is optimal for our own expectations and current sense. Ultimately it doesnt matter at all, everything Will Change anyway, just observe, be happy and peaceful no matter what is being percieved. Law of Nature is Change, so just enjoy what is now, because it Will Change

  • @notestomyyoungerself5843
    @notestomyyoungerself5843 Місяць тому

    Thank you. I have so much dread and drain in 9 to 5 marketing jobs and don’t want to go back to that life of so much time and energy siphoned from me.

  • @RingingCedarSeedlings
    @RingingCedarSeedlings 3 місяці тому +9

    the desire to hug that little baby horse is so strong

  • @elvnprince
    @elvnprince 2 місяці тому +3

    You are beautiful, but you are also living boldly and speaking vulnerably and deeply as a friend. It's easy to feel connected to you because you are real.

  • @mikejones8134
    @mikejones8134 Місяць тому

    Great message thank you. You are awesome always remember that!❤

  • @biggazz1338
    @biggazz1338 3 місяці тому +21

    My mind wants what you have for everyone, it's the only future I recognize now, I flew through this reality the last 2 year and I learned everything, I want to wake them all up, change this reality.

  • @ageofalbion
    @ageofalbion Місяць тому

    Just found your channel, resonating so much with your message, and as somebody who is setting off in the van to travel soon, I'm practicing deep trust in myself and this is inspiring ❤

  • @nyanzijoseph8861
    @nyanzijoseph8861 Місяць тому

    Hey, I hope you match to the best..... Keep up I believe you are a miracle...

  • @savannasmuaythai
    @savannasmuaythai 3 місяці тому +9

    That baby horse is so healing to see thank you for sharing him with us ❤🐎✨

  • @johnanderson1254
    @johnanderson1254 3 місяці тому +8

    That’s crazy I was just thinking about how much I disliked my job, literally just had that thought and your video popped up. Either god or google but I needed to hear it. I’ve hated this job for the longest time but it pays a lot and gives me the freedom to go where I want when I want and I’ve just been compromising on it. It drains me and leaves my battery on empty and I know I’m supposed to be doing something else. Thank you. I love you ❤️

  • @Bryachyslav-cs7oo
    @Bryachyslav-cs7oo Місяць тому

    and its great,wish everyone this state !

  • @utaka78
    @utaka78 3 місяці тому +2

    A few years ago i bought this beautiful mural of a elephant.its hanging on my living room wall ever since and never,in my wildest dreams,thought i would ever see them in wildlife….but sure enough,i did a trip moreless on my own and went on a safari in africa 1 month ago🤩it was my subconcious mind that manifested it✨

  • @danieldonahue9336
    @danieldonahue9336 2 місяці тому +3

    You are an inspiration to many, keep telling us all until we get it and we grow and love the new life we have found! God bless you in all you do.

  • @LuckyDomino8888
    @LuckyDomino8888 Місяць тому

    7-23-24 Thank you for this message Divine Sister. I'm at that point right now deep in my shadow work and fighting every urge to just go back to familiarity for the sake of financial concerns in a state of extreme poverty. Learning very painfully to let go and JUST BE, without expectations or needing to control everything.
    One Love! ❤️‍🔥

  • 3 місяці тому +9

    Oh to live in that scene and serenity 🤌

  • @fooshpoof
    @fooshpoof 3 місяці тому +7

    this video just appeared for me and it's very synchronistic to what I'm going through so thanks for sharing. Also btw spiders are creatrixes- weavers of destiny.... showing you and confirming you are weaving yours with their appearance :)

  • @bill5742
    @bill5742 3 місяці тому +11

    Yesterday I dreamed about you without knowing you and today I saw your face on my recommended videos. I dont know what's happening

    • @schlumbl84
      @schlumbl84 3 місяці тому +6

      Its called synchronicity.
      You were MEANT to see her video. Your inner guidance lead you here so you can hear her words. Our guidance is very strong and always knows the right way for us.
      Somewhen in the end of january I stumbled across a video about changing your own timeline. It was fascinating and I followed what the video told me. On febuary 1st I woke up with a dream that sparked a fire and urge in me and gave me the idea to write a book. I totally forgot that I had it in me for almost 25 years. But that dream evoke something in me and I woke up as a different person.
      Only because I stumbled over that one video. I didnt even realize that my changed Me was connected to that video I watched, until I remembered.
      Im sure its the same with you and that youve been guided to see this.
      Much love ❤

  • @bbyangel333
    @bbyangel333 2 місяці тому

    Thank you sister 🤍🤍 we are all meant to be free may all beings be free 🤍🤍🤍

  • @ashleysloan6063
    @ashleysloan6063 2 місяці тому +2

    Wow. Your story resonates so deeply. My soul believes I can trust the leap into the unknown doing my dream job and be myself. But my mind panics and keeps trying to find "other" routes to lead into my dream life.

  • @108DarylTravelsTheWorld
    @108DarylTravelsTheWorld Місяць тому

    Don't worry soul, the Lord has a plan for you 🥰👏

  • @Uneek_05
    @Uneek_05 2 місяці тому

    Take good care of yourself and shoot such amazing content.. hi to your 🐎

  • @jez-bird
    @jez-bird 3 місяці тому +4

    If by saying "presented the opportunity to leave my house/relationship etc" are reframes, I love that. So powerful. See the good in everything, it's all an opportunity for growth and expansion - if we allow it to be. And if we do, that is a new skill and lesson learned - that perhaps we won't need to relearn.

  • @kaiakoloa9381
    @kaiakoloa9381 3 місяці тому +2

    Girl you are amazing, you were absolutely divinely placed on my timeline! Thank you for existing in your light and for sharing your truth and message!!! I am so thankful to have come across your channel 🤍

  • @AnitaPuksic
    @AnitaPuksic 2 місяці тому +1

    Girl, you are definitely super pretty, so hopefully some will start listening to you because of it and then receive the Beauty of what you are saying. I was almost in tears at moments, you are speaking with a calm manner, but there's intensity to what you are transmitting. Thank you for creating this video. It also so lovely to see how horses love you and how relaxed you are with them. Stay blessed.

  • @asarts1517
    @asarts1517 3 місяці тому +4

    I was living in this bliss a year ago no matter what how chaotic it got outside but deep down inside i was at peace i knew everything is just working out for good but then a narcissist entered my life they were everything that i ever wished for i had a feeling in the starting that somethings off about this person but I ignored my gutt feeling at that Time and now here I'm i felt like everything i had is stolen from me i felt betrayed but still life is beautiful there's so much to explore in this world.

  • @BbDaGoatttt
    @BbDaGoatttt 3 місяці тому +2

    Hi Roto ! You’re so adorable 💗 Great message ! I literally was just talking about not ever going back to a 9-5 today ! Thanks for the confirmation 💫

  • @RareAirTwo4
    @RareAirTwo4 2 місяці тому +1

    This video comes back to what one of my mentors taught me, "Don't ask how to make a million dollars, ask how you can change a million lives."

  • @tiffanysmith4046
    @tiffanysmith4046 2 місяці тому +1

    Dang... that bonus one though 😂 but my results didn't surprise me, its been something I've been actively working on. Olesya has been so helpful on this stage of my healing journey! I love her easy to digest size videos that are SO practical and can all literally be applied right away

  • @drdan4444
    @drdan4444 3 місяці тому +8

    THANK YOU! I’m in Southern California and am going through such a similar situation as we speak, where I’m feeling guided away from this 3d job and from SoCal (CA) where I’m born and raised. You’re so🎯🎯Only difference is that I’m looking at just going to Texas, not Italy 😂. But your messages were found at EXACTLY the perfect time for me. We’re all on this Source experiencing itself journey to together (Law of One audiobook is great btw lol). Just THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! 🙏 SO MUCH!! This one made me 😢 a little bit just bc it resonated SOO MUCH for me…. 3d 🌍 is so challenging right now. I’m SO GRATEFUL to have found your videos. You’re giving me strength to take my leap of faith except I don’t have to go across the planet while you did. You’re wonderful thank you so much! I found your channel at EXACTLY the perfect time!! 😁 😇 You’re AWESOME THANK YOU!!!!

  • @BblackSscorpion
    @BblackSscorpion 2 місяці тому +1

    I absolutely loved everything about this video. 🤓 Thank you.

  • @entropyfun
    @entropyfun 2 місяці тому

    Well I came here because of pretty girl, but I stayed because of substance. So the comment you got was just partially right.

  • @cindyp4553
    @cindyp4553 2 місяці тому +1

    Omg that baby horse is perfection!! 😍

  • @enchantress7
    @enchantress7 3 місяці тому +12

    I don't even know what I want to do anymore

    • @jowhit226
      @jowhit226 Місяць тому

      Maybe Araya can help you.

    • @jer.milasot95
      @jer.milasot95 28 днів тому

      I know exactly what i want to do, it's pretty simple. I want to LIVE LIFE.
      But my vision for what would make me happy DOESN'T include a job, and requires millions of money lol
      But it isn't possible so i will be miserable for the rest of my life working as a slave, with little free time and money

  • @theesilverghost
    @theesilverghost 2 місяці тому +1

    I used to live like this -- free. Now I am in a boring job, married, and caring for my parents.

    • @jowhit226
      @jowhit226 Місяць тому

      Maybe Araya can help you.

  • @IsraelCantuSalgado
    @IsraelCantuSalgado 3 місяці тому +1

    ❤ It's nice out there..Kool horses😊 love the message and , yes it's scary,yet fear is nothing but hold fear , easy toove forward😊

  • @Celest.ialPower
    @Celest.ialPower 3 місяці тому +1

    I can see your beauty from the inside. You are a starseed. This video was profound. Thank you, much needed 🙏

  • @daniellerice9204
    @daniellerice9204 3 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful story!! I'm on my way to my best timeline too!

  • @Osiris_Sophia111
    @Osiris_Sophia111 3 місяці тому +3

    Your name just called out to me, as it was suggested to me.
    “Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti,
    far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis,
    Halls of the Dead and halls of the living,
    bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.”

  • @RadiantGoddess_
    @RadiantGoddess_ 3 місяці тому +11

    I declare in decree being successful while writing children’s books, encouraging them to love each other from the inside and out I declare, and I decree been successful, living in a penthouse condo on the water in Hawaii, in Jamaica, the Bahamas, selling skin care products that is natural providing my music that I create my styles of fashion that I create around the world. It won’t be hard that’s easy it will be XYZ put up centers around the world put up to bless our children to bless our women to bless. Amen. Bless our elderly we will do that even if we’re just taking trash for them every week with the band at the school in Australia. I declare it I do create I feel it I see it I envision it I believe it and he’s here. Thank you Lord hallelujah to your name. I feel it in my belly. It is here. I know it. Thank you Jesus.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🪬🧿

  • @Positiveclimb01
    @Positiveclimb01 2 місяці тому

    Thankyou for the video! 🙏

  • @RaissaMarEnglish
    @RaissaMarEnglish Місяць тому

    Love your message and your horses are so cute omg

  • @amparopacheco2024
    @amparopacheco2024 3 місяці тому +3

    You are a true inspiration.

  • @williamcardwell4295
    @williamcardwell4295 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this video and everything that you talked about. I resonate with all of it and this is the path that I want to walk. Im in the middle of the USA and I will find my path eventually but I'm not there yet. I'm in a liminal period in my life and in the process. Im learning the importance of patience, acceptance and gratitude. Your energy is amazing. I need more energy like this in my life. It's hard to find where I'm at. Maybe that's everywhere. Very few and far between in America

  • @Darrick-f9d
    @Darrick-f9d 3 місяці тому +1

    I get so much good from these talks😊 thanks so much Araya❤ You are wise beyond your years, and beautiful.

  • @claybeing
    @claybeing Місяць тому

    and without remind ourselves this every single day. Our safe mode feelings pop back up into your own situation haha

  • @JosefinasJardin
    @JosefinasJardin 3 місяці тому +2

    Gorgeous scenery and lovely animals, wow! Enjoy it thoroughly angel 👼 💕

  • @coolbaj
    @coolbaj 3 місяці тому +2

    These times now are about doing what you LOVE and following your highest excitement!! Work is meant to be play

  • @ankukreja7
    @ankukreja7 3 місяці тому +1

    You're beautiful inside and out! 💛

  • @KingaGorski
    @KingaGorski 2 місяці тому +1

    I know exactly the call you speak of to follow your intuition-the same courses of action won't be for everyone, but for me, I'm with you. I just quit one of my jobs 2 weeks ago in order to relaunch my YT channel (earlier today actually, bam!!), the next phase of my entrepreneurial journey. I held on for as long as I could and didn't even plan to quit that day-though it seemed that my trillions of cells were yelling at me that "now is the time to go". So I quit that day. It felt so natural, and I felt so liberated... and it was barerly 2.5 days before my brain was like: "Uhhhh are you sure this is a good idea? Let's search for back up plans, STAT..." Fortunately I know how the brain works and it's a trickster, all in the name of self-preservation. I chose to lean into courage. 🕊 Wish you the best of luck on your travels, and that land in Italy looks mystical! 💚

  • @vivislavidaa
    @vivislavidaa 3 місяці тому +4

    What you brought to my awareness that I needed in that moment of remembrance was when a comment is coming from another that is triggering that it too is for our benefit, will start looking at everything for my benefit because there is learning, more self knowing, questioning and the choice to agree or not and how to move forward from that! 🙏✨

  • @janisjekabsons6252
    @janisjekabsons6252 3 місяці тому +2

    You are pretty and you are also brave to share your wisdom/experience with others. A combination of beauty in different forms. We appreciate that. I can attest from my journey that shining your own light will trigger certain people, allowing them to acknowledge what they need to heal if they are ready to choose so. That's a true gift, even if it does not come pleasantly. Even some of the most respected spiritual teachers out there still get triggered comments on their videos or the work that they do. I find that a good indicator. We are not responsible for the resistance of others coming at our expressed inner truth.

  • @surivanhaeres
    @surivanhaeres 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm so glad your videos came up on my algorithm 💙 it's exactly what I needed to hear (you being pretty is just a bonus feature hah)

  • @CynthiaCaresse
    @CynthiaCaresse 3 місяці тому +3

    This is the first time coming across you and you’re beautiful messages! I deeply resonate with you and everything you spoke of, it feels like we’re riding the same frequency wave 💛 thank you soul sistar 🌞

  • @misslianash
    @misslianash 3 місяці тому +5

    Your content is so inspiring ❤

  • @rahulmanki7
    @rahulmanki7 Місяць тому

    No doubt that you are beautiful...
    But I don't listen to beautiful girls there are many beautiful girls on internet...
    I am impressed by your soul and the frequency you are releasing...
    Believe me...I usually don't subscribe to channels on UA-cam unless I find it super super aligned with my purpose...and soul..
    And I subscribed you... 😊

  • @SiyaTheCreative
    @SiyaTheCreative 3 місяці тому +2

    This video is so inspiring, thank you ❤

  • @spiritualqueen2745
    @spiritualqueen2745 3 місяці тому +3

    wow love hearing the story about your vision board. I need to redo mine. I am craving freedom on every level

  • @thegoldenlifeusa
    @thegoldenlifeusa 3 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for speaking out as humanity flourishes into
    awakening into higher state of being

  • @Symphonia1983
    @Symphonia1983 2 місяці тому

    If we just sat down for a moment and think who are we benefitting most when we go to work, 100% of the human population would stop go to work and the rich peaople who thrives because of our timeless jobs would become not that rich anymore and be forced to live as the rest.

  • @EloisaColquitt
    @EloisaColquitt 3 місяці тому +1

    That love between you and the horse 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰

  • @StanfordPladson
    @StanfordPladson Місяць тому

    This is so me🥲

  • @kellystorm6760
    @kellystorm6760 3 місяці тому +2

    I love your sharing, I feel like my life is changing now because of your message. ♥️💓🌸🌹🌷🎀

  • @kimberleeponce1665
    @kimberleeponce1665 3 місяці тому +1

    thanks for being such a strong amazing female leader i really needed to see someone like u around horses and being chill and talk about legendary life journey talks. u r brave girl, kudos and peace and blessings and much love. may u obtain everything ur heart desires

  • @user-pb3sb3un7n
    @user-pb3sb3un7n 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for the inspiration. This is right on time for me. 2 days ago I literally realized that I didn't want my life to be doing a job that is stressful, takes so much time that I get no overtime pay for, sitting 10 hours or more per day, gaining weight, getting insomnia, doing something that doesn't bring me joy because I've been afraid to do what I'd love to do. I realized I had been afraid to give myself permission to ask for the life I want.

  • @robstubbs2772
    @robstubbs2772 Місяць тому

    Love it ❤️🙏💚