Been playjng Charvels since 1981 and could not be happier! For those that missed out on the originals from 80-83 the Custom shop has a few that come really damn close to the old ones!
Dream guitar. Perfect. Hats off to Rick's modesty for not putting a logo or signature. The egotistical John Petrucci signature ON THE FRONT OF THE HEADSTOCK and 1st inlay are the only things stopping me from buying a Music Man Petrucci. Charvel and Rick: BRAVO!
What a great guitar!!! Well done & congratulations, Charvel! I have ordered it and I love it from the first moment of unboxing! Perfect finish, top parts, so light to handle, amazing "best-feeling-neck", perfect sound, Yeah, that's it!!!
In Rick's hands, every guitar could be turned to beast, but this Charvel fits to his style so good! I Purchased my new Snow White DK24, but i must wait for 4-5 weeks for shipping to Europe. I'm counting days...hahaha
Mr Cameron "Charvel" Cooper.. When are Charvel going to get a sig guitar for you then. I think you must own one of each kind dont you..? It would be the C.C.C The Cameron Cooper Charvel.. 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸
It's not that much different from a regular DK24, but the price is actually quite nice considering the frets, pickups, etc. More than anything though, I'm really happy Rick got this opportunity, the dude is a monster, and I actually really love this and kind of want one. Very tasteful without the sig.
@@wallacebarnes2391 still unique enough because it's currently the only MJ stainless dk24 with gotoh 510. Also with BKP pickups, all things considered, based on where it's made, it's pretty good value, and despite being bland I like the simplicity. I think it's going to be great. Japanese JCF guitars were always the coolest.
The pick ups are each around 100-150 more expansive than the pro mod 24 charvel. So in combination with the production quality from Japan it makes up for the price
I have similar ive just bought but its a mexican made Pro mod Dk 2point in frost blue im just getting back into guitar and reviews on Charvel's were Awesome so i had to get 1 👍🤘🤘🤘
Ordered, mine should be at my house tommorrow! I have a MiM Chlorine burst DK24 CM QM with the carmelized neck, and love it....soooo this step up is going to be incredible, I already know it! Can't wait! Video to come soon! Here's a slow kind improv vid, with some wah, I was killing the bends....Hope y'all dig it! I'll be back with another vid of my RG Signature soon enough!
How does the rick graham compare to your pro mod dk24? I have a MiM dk24 too, and I can't lie when I tried Ricks signature in GuitarGuitar I could barely tell any difference whatsoever
@@whitebeardguitar Can’t blame you. I think for that price I’d want something more like the USA Guthrie Sig. At least that has enough better features to justify the higher price point. But even then I’d still choose the MiM model. IMO it’s one of the best value for money guitars ever.
For guys like me who want the true strat tones HSS is perfect. Shame this one does not have a pickgaurd like the So cal does then you could just buy a custom guard for H/S and put whatever pu's in you want.
Rick totally deserves this
A Virtuoso plays a killer guitar
Rick is so humble. He is so happy that he is a signature artist after so many years of hardwork ❤️
yeah so humble
get the f out
I felt that last sentence, absolutely 100% deserved Rick, heart & soul
Rick is an amazing player, an astounding musician and a beautiful soul! I felt so happy when I heard Charvel made him a signature guitar!
Smoothest left hand I've ever seen.
No one deserves a signature guitar more than Rick. One of the best guitarists of all time.
Rick is a true role model. Thanks for being such a humble being yet such a guitar MONSTER Rick!
Stainless steel frets is a huge plus for me :)
He’s an amazing modern guitar player! 🔥
Saw this guitar online and my heart dropped. Now I know who Rick Graham is 😊 fantastic artist
This man is one of the best musicians I know and he has a lovely heart. Thanks God for people like Rick Graham.
Rick is the man! This is wonderful news and well overdue. Congratulations and thanks for inspiring so many of us!
Congratulations Rick!
Been playjng Charvels since 1981 and could not be happier! For those that missed out on the originals from 80-83
the Custom shop has a few that come really damn close to the old ones!
I AGREE !!!!!! THE early Charvels are like the holy grail.. AS are the early JACKSONS.. fucking unreal.
Rick. You inspire me everyday. This is an amazing instrument. Thanks ❤️
A well deserved gorgeous signature guitar for one of the most talented and inspiring guitar player on this planet. I'm genuinely happy for you Rick !
I finally got one this year. New favorite guitar.
Dream guitar. Perfect.
Hats off to Rick's modesty for not putting a logo or signature.
The egotistical John Petrucci signature ON THE FRONT OF THE HEADSTOCK and 1st inlay are the only things stopping me from buying a Music Man Petrucci.
Charvel and Rick: BRAVO!
TOTALLY AGREE about the music man, BUT......I WILL get a BOOGIE JP2C someday !!!!
What a great guitar!!! Well done & congratulations, Charvel! I have ordered it and I love it from the first moment of unboxing! Perfect finish, top parts, so light to handle, amazing "best-feeling-neck", perfect sound, Yeah, that's it!!!
Excellent video, well done Charvel and Mr.Graham .
Oh my God, Rick look is wow .first time I'm seeing him in this look
Beautiful guitar. Congrats Rick!
The clean chordal work was beautiful
My dream guitar... One day!!!
Great move on Charvel. Rick is absolutely fantastic. DK24 is fantastic too. A match made in heaven.
In Rick's hands, every guitar could be turned to beast, but this Charvel fits to his style so good! I Purchased my new Snow White DK24, but i must wait for 4-5 weeks for shipping to Europe. I'm counting days...hahaha
You've got it man.....great
A really good guitar for the best player
Wow. That was awesome. Sweet guitar. Fantastic playing 🤘😊
Congrats Rick ! Well deserved !!
“…recognized that.”
That’s the way,Charvel!👏👏👏
That tone is fantastic.
Rick's the man. Amazing player and a cool guy. Love the new sig. Time for me to start saving!
Rick is amazing, totally deserved
Such a sick player and humble guy. Congrats!
Love it!
Mr Cameron "Charvel" Cooper.. When are Charvel going to get a sig guitar for you then. I think you must own one of each kind dont you..? It would be the C.C.C The Cameron Cooper Charvel.. 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸
It's not that much different from a regular DK24, but the price is actually quite nice considering the frets, pickups, etc. More than anything though, I'm really happy Rick got this opportunity, the dude is a monster, and I actually really love this and kind of want one. Very tasteful without the sig.
Im sayin! It looks just like a regular DK24 to me!? I mean congrats, but some alterations to the DK would have been nice.
@@wallacebarnes2391 still unique enough because it's currently the only MJ stainless dk24 with gotoh 510. Also with BKP pickups, all things considered, based on where it's made, it's pretty good value, and despite being bland I like the simplicity. I think it's going to be great. Japanese JCF guitars were always the coolest.
The pick ups are each around 100-150 more expansive than the pro mod 24 charvel. So in combination with the production quality from Japan it makes up for the price
@@wallacebarnes2391 Stainless steel frets / different pickups / made in Japan
such a bad azz guitar for a great humble player. cheers rick !
Well deserved congrats Rick
Sick guitar. And Rick is an absolute badass.
awesomeness! Lovin the color
Hell yeah! So awesome and rightly deserved.
The best Sound Charvel and Fender ❤
Oooooo baby! Sounds and looks awesome!
Way out of my price range, even 2 years later, but gd do I wish it wasn’t. Looks fantastic.
I have similar ive just bought but its a mexican made Pro mod Dk 2point in frost blue im just getting back into guitar and reviews on Charvel's were Awesome so i had to get 1 👍🤘🤘🤘
Excellent video, love the guitar!
That's a beautiful looking and beautiful sounding guitar 😍
This makes my soul happy. 🖤🤘🏻
Well deserved Rick!
can we buy the pickups separately? whats bareknucles are those?
Well deserved. I already have my preferences and my custom guitar, otherwise I’d be tempted.
Love it. Well deserved. Watch those strings, though. Take your eye out ;)
SICK !!! I absolutely love it, the color is awesome.I want one!
Always a freaking awesome player. Congrats buddy! Sorry, but I can't afford it.
Fantastic guitar !!
I'm so glad he went with a HSS layout.
That is my favortie layout overall. gets me the true strat tones as well as the VH tones.
It's an excellent instrument. Can we get it in different color options, please?
That would be great honestly
Rick is a Genius
Good for you Rick. Great guitar for a great player. I would have gone for it if it had a thicker neck…
Can you order this guitar with small/medium frets?.......I cant play jumbo frets
How is the neck profile compared to the DK24 USA? It looks like the Rick Graham model has a more Narrow neck?
Want one ☝🏼
When will they be available to buy?
Ordered, mine should be at my house tommorrow! I have a MiM Chlorine burst DK24 CM QM with the carmelized neck, and love it....soooo this step up is going to be incredible, I already know it! Can't wait! Video to come soon! Here's a slow kind improv vid, with some wah, I was killing the bends....Hope y'all dig it! I'll be back with another vid of my RG Signature soon enough!
How does the rick graham compare to your pro mod dk24? I have a MiM dk24 too, and I can't lie when I tried Ricks signature in GuitarGuitar I could barely tell any difference whatsoever
@@alexjackson8841 I kind of agree...def not worth the extra (more than dbl almost triple the price, I returned it)
@@whitebeardguitar Can’t blame you. I think for that price I’d want something more like the USA Guthrie Sig. At least that has enough better features to justify the higher price point. But even then I’d still choose the MiM model. IMO it’s one of the best value for money guitars ever.
I want this guitar!!
Does anyone know the song Rick plays at 0.30sec??
Lands and grooves
can the gotoh 510 bridge on this guitar do a high pull-back ?
I honestly feel that he should went crazzy nuts in this and custom every inch of it he could but well...
Hey Charvel, could we please have a neon pink DK24/DK22 in 2021?
Rick you look GREAT!
Charvel this guitar looks great, but it's nearly $3k. What are the odds of getting a DK24 Pro Mod HSS with SS jumbo frets?
I'd play his guitar.
Well deserved - would snap it up in a heartbeat if only it was HS and not HSS
For guys like me who want the true strat tones HSS is perfect. Shame this one does not have a pickgaurd
like the So cal does then you could just buy a custom guard for H/S and put whatever pu's in you want.
… take it out then.
Damn I just bought a dinky hsh.👍🏿
Hey Charvel, why do the MADE IN JAPAN Charvels cost $1000 more IN JAPAN than they do in Europe?
Volume is too close to the strings :( otherwise it would be a defo purchase for me
Beautiful as fuck but slightly pricy.... God bless you all !
A guy who stays at home in a self-loathing heap wearing his permanently beer-soaked adidas tracksuit tells us what makes it a great stage guitar. look like Brock Lesnar
I’ve found a brand new guitar hero… together with my bass, which happens to be a Charvel
He doesn't even lift now
He's lifts beer kegs
Congratulations Rick! Now you just need to find an engineer who has a higher than a room temperature IQ.
Rick needs to get back in the gym
Yeah I noticed that, no disrespect to the guy but he’s getting big again
@@trendkill3333 you don’t know what’s going on in his life chill
Can't get rid of the feeling, that Rabea is the next one to come to Charvel!