Biden vs Easter

  • Опубліковано 24 жов 2024


  • @405boy4
    @405boy4 6 місяців тому +5

    OMG John. I've seen this by like multiple ministers now and I think Biden has totally failed. Don't think I'll vote thim again. I mean he has absolutely no Christian views at all.. Downright abomination i tell you.. yeah I was waiting for you to respond as well..

    • @John2028Apologetics
      @John2028Apologetics  6 місяців тому +3

      A few has messaged me saying this has been the holiday the 31st for 15 years now, truth is, protestants catholics have celebrated when Easter falls on the 31st for nearly 2000 years (protestants since the reformation) so again that doesn't hold up, also God owns each and every day no government body can make such a claim

    • @405boy4
      @405boy4 6 місяців тому +1

      @@John2028Apologetics I already saw the signs of Biden not being a Born Again follower of Christ and now this confirms it All to me. For starters I think Biden is trying to get as much votes for lgbtq community as possible. Also I know believe that he was never Saved from the beginning. Downright shameful..

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 місяці тому

      aren't you supposed to keep politics out of religion? no one seems to care about the constitution until it's YOU that's in trouble.
      i have to point out that atheists are in fact allies, atheists just want christians to stop ranting
      about god but the other religions want to stop your god altogether, you might dislike the fact
      secularism doesn't favour christianity, but it also doesn't favour islam or hindu either. with islam
      the fastest growing religion and christianity the fastest dying out - you need all the help you can
      thing is you're afraid of atheists.

  • @JL46L88
    @JL46L88 6 місяців тому

    So hard to do. But we must remember:
    Romans 12:2
    New International Version
    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 місяці тому

      how many versions are there? and if god is "personal" why hasn't he even hinted at which is the one - and wouldn't god almighty insist you learn greek, aramaic and hebrew cos you really screwed up on the translations haven't you? and how can you say there are no contradictions when you yourself just said that you have a preferred version (of the truth lol).

    • @JL46L88
      @JL46L88 4 місяці тому


    • @John2028Apologetics
      @John2028Apologetics  4 місяці тому +1

      Why don't u come on here and we can debate the new Testament and its reliability would love to

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 4 місяці тому

    have you asked god if it's time you updated your dull and boring intro video, has he given a ruling? he's happy with it or does he agree with me that it's a crappy advert for god?

  • @samantha_tennessee
    @samantha_tennessee 6 місяців тому

    Good morning, first of all, I am a Christian as well. I read my Bible daily. So when I stroll through UA-cam and see other Christian individuals, taking one side or the other, I am baffled. What I mean is that no sin is greater than the other in my opinion Republican nor Democratic are the party of God. They both have their faults. I just hope that I see you call out Republicans this way as well. Because if not, then that means that you are a hypocrite. We have to be careful and do the right thing all across the board. That is why I think that politics is a dirty game and Christian should not dig deep into it. Our soul duty is to preach the word of God and the return of Jesus Christ.

    • @John2028Apologetics
      @John2028Apologetics  6 місяців тому

      This video was to address the blasphemous decision biden and his administration did. This video was not a distinction between rep and democrats or who is worse than the other I don't need to call out another opposite political opponent of biden for the point to be made he disrespected Jesus.
      2nd point Christians absolutely should get involved in politics we see in the Old Testament God wants His land governed a certain way, we see in the New Testament that the church overrides all. Your mentality that Christians should not get involved in politics is why degeneracy homosexuality, atheism, destruction of the necular family is on the rise Christians should be in power, if not then secularism is in charge of the land which always leads to judgment by God. I do appreciate your thoughts. Happy resurrection day, God bless.

    • @samantha_tennessee
      @samantha_tennessee 6 місяців тому

      Hello sir, I trust that all is well. I do not usually post on individuals videos. But it just bothers me when I see Kristin’s quoting one thing and dismissing another. But like I usually say, in the end, we all will know, who did the right thing when Christ returned. I just think that politics creates a lot of hatred. And we as Christians have to be very careful of that. But on the other hand, we all have to give an acount for what we have said and done. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I will not be commenting anymore on this topic.

    • @John2028Apologetics
      @John2028Apologetics  6 місяців тому

      @@samantha_tennessee God bless hope you have a good day as well again thank you for your comments

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 місяці тому

      if you're christian can you remind god he can't just go around killing people and burning
      them alive for eternity just because they disagree with him, we have rights. and while you're
      at it, cold fusion, if god isn't going to do anything about putin (heart attack or something
      that looks natural), if he's not going to stop the war, (when did he ever stop a war) then the
      least he can do is hint as to
      how to get cold fusion working - has he seen my electricity bills since the ukraine debacle
      started, there's a love eh. don't be pushy though, god has a short fuse.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 місяці тому

      @@John2028Apologetics lol, be dramatic why not. and once again i have to point out to point out that atheists are in fact allies, atheists just want christians to stop ranting
      about god but the other religions want to stop your god altogether, you might dislike the fact
      secularism doesn't favour christianity, but it also doesn't favour islam or hindu either. with islam
      the fastest growing religion and christianity the fastest dying out - you need all the help you can
      atheists are far nicer people than anyone with a religion.