Yes. This was the secret video Vox made which was supposed to play after Clinton's victory--kind of like printing the favored team's Super Bowl t-shirts, only to have them lose.
At the time of November 8th 2016 most polls in the USA favored Hillary Clinton for the win. I think it came as a shock to most people even Trump himself that he won.
Foluke O. When the base line for other side is Ezra Klein's ridiculous double standard with demogogues only being on the right, as opposed to the constant bleating praise that Obama and Bernie get, there are no facts to argue against.
Give me a break. Did you support Obama? No? And you know Oligarchy runs on both sides right? If by your definition you think Hillary is an Oligarch, maybe you need to re-examine Trump's rise with GOP elites endorsing him. O maybe you didn't bother to self examine and/or understand the message behind this video.
It is a sliding scale. How much do you want power concentrated? Also do not forget that dictatorships are oligarchies underneath. The difference is one of marketing, not structure.
Davis Tran What scares me even more than his outrageous claim of "absolute authority" is that way too many of his supporters and Republican allies are willing to give him that kind of power.
thegatheringstorm they’re scared, insecure, delusional people. His voter base consists of xenophobic, homophobic, religious rural white people. They are people that are scared of anything different than themselves and are desperately afraid to lose power.
This is even more painful to watch now knowing Trump’s true authoritarian ambitions have come into fruition during the 2020 protests against police brutality
He’s going to end up like all authoritarians. The lone dictator/king hiding in a bunker/palace. Eventually the people who brought him to power (the ignorant masses) will realize how they were used and will turn against him.
@@0witw047 Barely, and no, they ain't mainly cracking down on protesters, they are mainly cracking down on rioters. I don't get where you get the false narrative that they called the federal government to oppress protests
lol I am so glad Trump won the election.I can already imagine how mad Vox is, it's so tasty. months of propaganda telling us how ''Hillary's debate left Trump's campaign in ruins'' and ''the election can't be rigged, you'll be a fool to believe that.'' and now guess what happened? MOST AMERICAN WANT TRUMP I am dying of laughter right now, I am not even American, I am just here to see Vox melting down. can't wait for their next video I wonder it's gonna be ''the problem with American citizens'' or ''the darkest election of the decade'' or ''why are Americans so selfish and ignorant?''
Well, till the very end a victory of Hillary seemed very plausible. During the time the videos were made, Hillary did lead the polls. Reagrding rigged election... thats not a thing in america so i cant understand your your last point. Lets just hope that Trump wont abolish the health Act and that he wont build a wall :x
well, although the outcome was different only thanks to the electoral college, i believe much of what was said still holds true ... we just have to wait a little bit longer to see the dissatisfaction of those who seriously misunderstand our democracy and who fear liberals the most play out; inevitably trump won't be able to make good on his "promises" without severe blowback to this country, which we frankly cannot handle alone right now (yeah, russia won't help ... and it really doesn't matter if you like that or not, it's reality.), and these extremists (most of whom couldn't recite the bill of rights, except for the 2nd amendment, and i say this out of experience speaking to many of them) won't be happy. we're either headed for corruption unlike anything we have EVER seen or (and i hope and lean toward the second) yet another "moderate conservative" who further divides the gop. if that makes room for a legitimate 3rd party, i'm all for it.
my biggest fear was him winning 2020 then his son in law running in 2024 then when his term limits hit trumps children running then boom america has a dynasty and they slowly expanded the federal govenment and they gave themselves some type of emergency powers and disbanded congress
Anthuan Leyva I, and many people would agree, didn't dislike it for the content in general, but because vox only makes videos against Trump. Those horrible candidates offer enough to make hundreds of videos against each, yet vox only reveals bad things about Trump, creating the impression Clinton would be a good choice, which is simply not true. Neither ist Trump, but it would be better if they showed both sides so everyone can make up his mind for himself. Then, at least from me, it wouldn't get disliked, because I despise both candidates.
I think this is for people who are undecided or people who are already voting for Trump. The less people vote for that scumbag the better. I don't care if they have ties with the Clinton campaign. As long as they're convincing people to not vote for Trump, that's a great thing.
@I couldn’t think of a name but didn't win enough States to get the electoral college, which is why she lost, and also the fact that America is a Democratic Republic. (P.S.) Key point on Republic not loudest mouth or group virtue signaling
In fairness, they published videos about both Trump and Clinton on election day, both tonally appropriate for if they won or lost. That's largely what makes this feel like a "bad prediction", when really it seemed they had prepared for either scenario.
@@caseykuilman9307 because he obtained most of the swing States and others many others that weren't Democratic States, because there is something called a Republic not just democracy
Pedro Aguilar Anthuan Leyva I, and many people would agree, didn't dislike it for the content in general, but because vox only makes videos against Trump. Those horrible candidates offer enough to make hundreds of videos against each, yet vox only reveals bad things about Trump, creating the impression Clinton would be a good choice, which is simply not true. Neither ist Trump, but it would be better if they showed both sides so everyone can make up his mind for himself. Then, at least from me, it wouldn't get disliked, because I despise both candidates.
This is election day. People have already made up their minds. And this video isn't attempting to convince anyone of anything. It is for people who already believe that Trump is a maniac, who want to understand what just happened.
Pedro Aguilar What you perceive you consider reality. Does this not mean we all have different realities? After all, we all have differrnt perspectives on life. Saying this, what say you about "reality" being biased or not?
I woke up in the middle of the night, and while still laying in bed, pick up my phone and scrolled through my UA-cam recommended videos, until I came across this one, and started watching It got really confusing, because he was talking as if Trump did not win, and I was like am I actually still asleep and dreaming? Or did I wake up in an alternate universe? What a strange feeling
"If this country were a Democracy, candidates would only have to focus on the needs of high population states." thats true but is not a democracy its a republic...
Not strictly true. A candidate could counter by focusing on low population areas, which would have less competition, allowing them to rise quickly. Its not about which states you focus on though. The President *should* theoretically act in the interests of the *people* of the United States, not the States themselves. (Likewise the States should act in the interests of the people, and not those of the POTUS). Therefore by proportional representation you would make it politically beneficial to represent people, rather than states.
Brandon Tran I don't understand. Vox claimed how trump is a threat to peace. Yet Hillary wants a 'no fly zone'. This can leans to and immediate war against the increasingly aggressive Russia and China. I would rather have a wall then a world war :)
Sir.Adam Dumas My point is that there is no "bug". Democracy has played it's role and it represents what the American people want. Liberals or progressives like Vox like to think there is something wrong, but are in denial that many Americans are actually conservative and narrow minded.
Cesar Galvez yeah that's right! And those branches are aka congress.Congress can attempt to override the veto, so there is mechanism in place to allow Congress to force its will in spite of an attempt by the Chief Executive to block it.
It's oddly fitting you Trump Monkeys call him God-Emperor, the term is from the Dune Series and refers to Leto II who has the body of a giant worm. The similarities don't stop there you see because Leto II was a despotic tyrant who ruled with a cruel and repressive hand. When Leto II's rule ended it sparked a massive rejection of his policies. Unlike Trump, this was intentional, as the god-emperor was prescient and knew the only way humanity would survive would be by a complete rejection of his despotic agenda which would only happen if his despotism reached never before imaginable heights. Aside from the Prescience he differs from Trump in another way - he ruled for 3500 years and I doubt Trump will get 4.
Our democracy worked, the college did its job. It's the benefits and the weaknesses of democracy. Pretending that a democracy should always be a force for good is your own view. You cannot have a cake and eat it, you cannot demand democracy and reject what it gives.
No the college is used to give all a voice not just places with a large populace. If the only thing that mattered was populace size then large metropolitan areas would be the only focus of any politician which would throw rural places into the dust.
Travis Sanchez it still doesnt give much importance to smaller states because EC votes are proportionally based on the population of each states... lets face it, america keeps talking about democracy at a global scale yet the ec is one of the most undemocratic voting systems around....
The electoral college has nothing to do with swing states. If we didn't have party's then swing states wouldn't be a problem. Also the electoral college is a much better solution than popular vote where candidates would just focus on California, Texas, and New York. And if you look at this election states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania turned red showing that any state can become a swing state.
Not just Trump though. Clinton's success reveals just as much about the way America is run, what kind of leadership is sought in order to keep the status quo, and what values are most important to your country (ie. Wall Street, corporations, greed, etc). Neither are very good at all.
orangewedges Well it's a unique situation. You have people who hate trump and would rather have hillary with her flaws, and then you have people who hate hillary, and would rather resort to trump. I don't like either, but you gotta choose someone whether it be them or someone else.
What I learn from 2008 is if you want change, you inherently want the candidate with experience and connections. I'm still mad about how Obama didn't get to do much his first 2 years despite having Congress as Democrat.
At that level, it is less 'corrupt' and more 'pragmatic'. Governance at the highest levels is so far removed from what the bulk of the population interacts with, they are essentially two different worlds. One of the big flaws in a republic is that the leaders have to pretend to be in one world while actually working in a very different one, constantly changing what they show in order to match up with political ideas more rooted in bad movies and romantic speeches than actual politics.
who ever thought that Vox was influential on such a level? I guarantee you that most of their viewers are in California, New York, Washington, Massachusetts etc. Very safe liberal areas. Not so much in swing/battleground states.
Putin is not a Dictator, and Clinton and the Left are the most Authoritarian acting in reality. You are so out of touch with reality VOX! Oh thank atheism he won. You're brainwashing will not work on the people anymore.
Almost every news organization was saying he was going to lose all the way back 3 weeks before the election and onward. It was a huge amount of attempted voter manipulation, in my opinion.
Not only this video..hypocrites who dominate the media don't reflect realty on the ground.. just like Brexit they assumed UK would stay in EU just because they wanted so, no matter what people think
..... would've preferred it if you took a more unbiased approach tbh.... i'm not even a Trump supporter but i think a site like Vox should maintain some responsibility to its viewers
ProjektSHIN It's not about being unbiased, it's about getting your message across. An unbiased script would have had less impact, and let's be honest you are not gonna dissuade any Trump voters with this. Not even sexual assault could, so facts have no chance.
well first of all... the above video is NOT considered news.... it's clearly one sided propaganda....( I pray that you can tell the difference....) and that's exactly my point... as stated before.... Vox does indeed have a obligation to maintain some responsibility to its viewers... and once again... this is coming from a non Trump Supporter... if you think otherwise... grow up and get out of your bubble... there's more to life then Right vs Left
janissaryfilms I dont see it as a propaganda site. When you really begin to see into what Trump is really saying, you will begin to notice that he is aiming to put the establishment which every single intelligent and intellectual individual has been working on for years, to ruins. I know I will begin to receive many hate for this comment, but I hope that we could see into what's going on, and discuss the issue with an eye to different perspectives that we do not necessarily agree with.
Ahmad Bkira I don't disagree with your stance I disagree with the fact that vox only reports on one side of the election to the point where they've surpassed the title "left leaning" and have earned the title of propaganda.
if it is truly propaganda, state facts and cite sources-- construct an argument-- that expose the propaganda. otherwise, it's just lazy, even cowardly, to call a viewpoint propaganda simply because you disagree with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by over a million votes. We still have a few weeks before the electoral college votes. We don't know who will truly be elected just yet.
Honestly I used to like vox, this election has left me questioning everything about this channel. "He says he'll Jail Hillary Clinton if elected?" Do you honestly believe that? Trump said he'd appoint someone to look into her situation and later as a throwaway line he said "because you'd be in jail". That is a way of appealing to his supporter base who deeply believe that Hillary is a criminal and corrupt. Perhaps if the DNC hadn't chosen such a questionable candidate trump wouldn't able to credibly say such things. Most people with a brain know that Hillary won't be going to jail and for vox to state that as an absolute truth proves either that they are as biased as the rest of the media or they lack the intelligence to understand what was really meant by Trump's statement. I'm not a trump fan, i'm just not a fan of things being misreported either. Honestly the media misreporting probably influenced a lot of voters to either not vote or vote republican. Honestly well done vox
maybe, someday, propaganda and dishonesty from politicians, media sources, institutions of education etc.. would be so frowned upon that they wouldn't risk it and those that did would risk loss of job and possibly jail time
When a person says things, and that person is running for president, we have to take their words seriously. Especially when that person says things when being watched by 60 million people. His supporters take those words very seriously, try saying you support Hillary in rural Pa. be prepared to get your tires slashed. I also note you addressed none of the other points that the video put forward. Even if there was no hillary clinton lock her up BS, donald trumps many other statements have been demogoguery. A cancer on conservatism.
I don't disagree that Trump is cancer, but is it so far fetched for a candidate to say something to get elected and then not follow through? Like that hasn't happened before.
@why not ? and that is why America is a Democratic Republic ,so people elect people that vote on their behalf instead of everybody voting on everything which would take decades what takes the House of representatives and Congress and the Senate one year to vote on
Because all this video does is make you empathize with Hillary Clinton and not that the scandals could and some are true, like now with Jeffery Epstins case being reopened after his contracted killing. And Ghlane Maxwell's arrest and failure to be assassinated yet. And the judge that was assigned to the case, having her son murdered and her husband shot and in the hospital
I can not wait for this to be over, I am so sick of hearing about the american election, I mean you guys picked two unqualified candidates, whatever happens to America is your own fault at this point
Although I'm not from US, I got to say, it doesn't take a genius to know that Trump is talking bull. Come on, he says build a wall and make Mexicans pay, then next thing you know, he says he has great relations with Mexicans in biz. Says Chinese are stealing jobs, next thing you know, says he loves China, and that he has sold a property to a Chinese for a few million. Everything to him is business, and he doesn't have a real stand on the issues. Americans, please vote wisely.
sure, there's a weakness in American democracy. the weakness is, dumb people, vote for dumb people, for dumb reasons. and i do not mean dumb as stupid, but dumb as uninformed. to vote for someone cause you're angry at someone, is dumb. policy matters. choices matter. experience matters. TRUMP offered nothing, promised a lot, but did not tell you the voter, how he was going to get anything done, good, bad or indifferent. i still cannot get over he won, even in this loophole way that he did win.
bduhe219 the problem is children from single-parent households voting for more government instead of less government that's the problem they're turning us into communist and socialist instead of capitalist which is what the United States was based on all because you guys didn't have Dad's in the house when you were growing up and government had to be your daddy
These idiots are the reason Trump won. Every video confirmed their " media rigged system" theory...* Facepalm. Hey, I'm happy xD Supreme court on our side at last HAHAHA, BYE FELECIA TRANSGENDER RIGHTS>
Luis V the name of my nation is... who cares? we don't go around bombing children with signature strikes. we don't pollute the planet like Murica, we don't invade nations, in fact we got invaded by the greedy muricans once. we don't topple other governments. we don't rendition people. we didn't cause the 2008 global crisis... the list goes on.
But they downplayed the role of money intrests too much. On BOTH sides. Trump had the billionair Mercer family behind him, Goldman Sachs, City Bank, Exxon and once he won the primaries ALL big corporations put their bets on him as their posterboy for HUGE TAX CUTS. And Hillary had - among other sources, the Clinton Foundation, Goldman Sachs, City Bank, Exxon - media like VOX, MSNBC and CNN supporting her over Bernie Sanders. VOX is only socially left. Beyond that they are rich, neo-conservative libertarians who also want to stop Medicare For All and get rid of Social Security.
You should *never* underestimate the stupidity of 'mericans because they seem to be able to reach down deep... and pull out... just a little more... stupid.
No, you need to focus on removing all SJW-Fascist tendencies from the Media and Universities where people speak about Hurt feelings and Hate speech as either one of the two matters.
Maybe disbanding the parties altogether will ease tensions between their former members, but that's a maybe; tribalism is a powerful monster of the human mind that is impossible to slay.
In the wake of January 6th you only need to look hear for an explanation of how we got here. A group of radicals were so convinced that the other side would be so bad for the country that they would rather attempt an insurrection
This was uploaded on the day of the election and made the assumption that the US would vote sanely. Ezra got that wrong. But everything he predicted about how Trump would have behaved if he had been elected proves to be eerily prescient.
Or about the amount of PRIVATE money goes into the campaign.. "American people this, American people that..." Everybody knows already that USA is the birthgiver to the PLUTOCRACY the worlds is in right now. Talking about different things than economy or money is just stupid and polarizes everyone. It's all about the "haves and the havenots", the "poor and the rich". All the rest is just some great THEATRE.
A quote from Steve Schmidt, I am trying to locate the source: "I would no more engage in a serious policy debate with Trump than I would ask a dog to do my tax return."
At least the Vox editor is sticking to his spin even though it's been leaked he has colluded with the Hillary campaign. Way to stick to your paid principles instead of your journalist principles.
Hahahaha, yes, indeed! I'm sure it has also been extensively proven that the Pope, Satan, and every door which looks like you're supposed to pull but actually you need to push which makes you look silly in front of your friends, is also colluding with Hillary. Hell, she might even be the reason those Samsung phones started exploding! Maybe the whole field of chemistry is in collusion with her! Baaaaa, burn the witch!
There's a Podesta email where Clinton staff are discussing how to respond to the NYTimes Clinton private email server story in 2015. They discuss countering misinformation in that story by talking to a media figure "who would hold [a] journalist accountable". Ezra Klein is suggested as one such.
I think America is doomed no matter who gets elected (even so I think Trump is the slightly lesser evil), but it would be goddamn funny to see the reaction of all those biased news and UA-cam channels if Trump becomes president.
Samael Exorcist "lesser evil" (1) you mean less evil (2) so apparently sexual assault is an ok crime compared to lying BTW trump isn't going to win Hillary destroyed him during the debates. ;D
Repeat after me: republics are democracies. All that's needed to be a democracy is for there to be a popular vote. It doesn't require that we all vote on each law. Republics are just representative democracies
Streamers Playground we are watching a national tragedy unfold. It's like you are cheering Benedict Arnold on as he bombs Pearl Harbor with our own commercial jets. tRumptards are not patriots.
The USA required proportional representation a long time ago already. I hope it isn't too late to abolish distorted misrepresentation, but I fear it is. Americans aren't even talking about it. PR is the elephant in the room.
Don't get me wrong I hate trump. But to criticize a system which is 'more democratic' because it produces a candidate you don't like is wrong. The argument goes both ways. If a democratic candidate won despite the odds, they would be declared a hero
He manipulates the majorities religious sentiments to get supporters,he usually scapegoats groups of people who are hated by his supporters e.g. muslims pakistanis, his government censors and bribes the media and gives false reports about serious issues e.g. drastically reducing the actual covid deaths in the government's reports. Yet people blindly support him like many of my relatives and friends.
I bet you didn't know it's an official law that if a third party candidate gets more than 5% of the country's votes they get $10+ million dollars next time they run.
If you truly think people weren't listening as this rhetoric has been jammed down peoples throats for a number of months now you are the one who can't comprehend what has happened. Maybe Trump supporters understand the gravity of equitising government debt and large scale quantitative easing, maybe they believe illegal immigrants can impose danger, maybe they are even just over social justice warriors. The point is you should have taken Trump seriously, the left have taken Trump literally... but not seriously.
THATS NOT EVEN THE POINT OF THE VIDEO. YOU LITERALLY MISSED THE POINT OF THE DAMN VIDEO. All he said was that fear of the other party unites a party to vote for a candidate that wasn't necessarily what people wanted from the primary. IF YOU HAD WATCHED THE VIDEO YOU WOULD KNOW THAT.
That's fine and I understand that, nor do I think everyone who voted for trump is a racist. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THE VIDEO, ITS ABOUT HOW THE ELECTION PROCESS IS BROKEN AND UNITED BY FEAR. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO.
Nah, Republicans DEFINITELY voted for Trump in the second election... Had u put anyone else in it would've been over before it began... Now democrats did definitely vote against Trump..
Watching this in 2019 is like catching a glimpse of an alternate reality where he didnt win
I want to live in that alternate reality.
@@dgvigil wouldnt we be at war with Syria? I'd rather live in a reality where political in general weren't so corrupt
@@crowbrok.o.g.5574 we already are
Trump didn't win the election, did he?
Watching this in 2020 is like being hit with a truck. How did everyone not see all this coming? These were all obvious signs.
UA-cam's Recommendations saw it.
A lot of people saw it. They were dismissed as radical left trying to brainwash everyone.
@@etcollignon and it is still radical left brainwash. His policies are good.
The world saw it but to greedy to do something about it
Pastel__Rat definitely saw it, bout time someone said it. Just vote in November
Heartbreaking... they thought we had dodged a bullet.
Im pretty sure that was the point right?
you spelled hysterical wrong
@lioni It's a joke.
or just plain arrogant
But in reality we turned the gun to ourselves and blasted
This is such a sad prediction.
It's not a prediction anymore
well now it’s reality
And its finally happening
Here we are now...
Is this a video form a parallel dimension where Trump lost...?!?
ManicPandaz check the time
Yes. This was the secret video Vox made which was supposed to play after Clinton's victory--kind of like printing the favored team's Super Bowl t-shirts, only to have them lose.
At the time of November 8th 2016 most polls in the USA favored Hillary Clinton for the win. I think it came as a shock to most people even Trump himself that he won.
No they made it before hand under the assumption that he’d lose. They just have the guts to keep it up
If only
Dude, this is horrible to watch it's like it's from an alternative universe. THIS MAN SPOKE TOO SOON
No he jinx it
And then Fate took over
Or was it just Destiny
Or mabey even a divine hand at work
@@justinfredley4983 or maybe gods will
Instead of complaining about VOX being bias. Why don't you present facts that support what you believe?
Because then smarter people can argue against you and it is embarrassing.
Because facts and logic are their biggest weaknesses.
a trump supporter using a non sequitur. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?
Foluke O. When the base line for other side is Ezra Klein's ridiculous double standard with demogogues only being on the right, as opposed to the constant bleating praise that Obama and Bernie get, there are no facts to argue against.
I don't understand your argument.
We dodged a bulle...
*looks down*
Oh look We’ve been impaled!
Bryan Kayembe I agree Bryan. I agree. 😂
I am a leaf on the wi--.....
Yes with a syiring of healing medicine you were trying to denie
+1 for Frozen reference!
Very accurate prediction of 2020
so we have to pick from an oligarchy or a dictatorship?
its already a oligarchy its just how far do we want to go right now. How greedy, how scared how ugly is it going to be allowed to get?
Give me a break. Did you support Obama? No?
And you know Oligarchy runs on both sides right? If by your definition you think Hillary is an Oligarch, maybe you need to re-examine Trump's rise with GOP elites endorsing him. O maybe you didn't bother to self examine and/or understand the message behind this video.
lol since when were republicans the non-oligarchs?
It is a sliding scale. How much do you want power concentrated? Also do not forget that dictatorships are oligarchies underneath. The difference is one of marketing, not structure.
miguel since the democratic parties runner up is an ex republican and the republican is a wild card lol
Watching in 2020 and suddenly his “absolute authority” remarks makes me scared
Davis Tran
What scares me even more than his outrageous claim of "absolute authority" is that way too many of his supporters and Republican allies are willing to give him that kind of power.
thegatheringstorm they’re scared, insecure, delusional people. His voter base consists of xenophobic, homophobic, religious rural white people. They are people that are scared of anything different than themselves and are desperately afraid to lose power.
Davis Tran yeah, and that tweet where he said he will deploy the army against these protesters!
@@hilal_younus In wv alot people say if protestors come around their shot um in Grafton some people shot 6 protesters who burned down some houses
@@rocketfire6440 *rioters
This is even more painful to watch now knowing Trump’s true authoritarian ambitions have come into fruition during the 2020 protests against police brutality
He’s going to end up like all authoritarians. The lone dictator/king hiding in a bunker/palace. Eventually the people who brought him to power (the ignorant masses) will realize how they were used and will turn against him.
@@alexbeerune what did he do again?
The Generein Trump? Are you blind? Just look at the federal government cracking down on protesters rn as a simple example.
@@0witw047 Barely, and no, they ain't mainly cracking down on protesters, they are mainly cracking down on rioters. I don't get where you get the false narrative that they called the federal government to oppress protests
@@achannel6664 Lafyette park.
Wow. You guys really counted your chickens before they hatched, huh?
Thats the point
Turns out those eggs were turds.
Where do they say he wouldn’t be president?
Gotta admit, this experiment had a very nice run.
RIP America 1776-2016.
Nothingman76 well every kingdom must fall
we werent even a true democracy until 1960, if that
We live in a corporate plutocracy. Politicians should wear the logos of all the companys that donate to their campaigns like NASCAR drivers.
Nothingman76 that will be to much for there cloths they'll have to wear a cape
Nothingman76 😂😂😂
I like how most of this video assumes that Hillary will win. LOL. That's why you don't call things early.
Yeah.. The liberal man is going to be so disappointed....
Nicholas Steven Lol Vox thought.
I am so glad Trump won the election.I can already imagine how mad Vox is, it's so tasty.
months of propaganda telling us how ''Hillary's debate left Trump's campaign in ruins'' and ''the election can't be rigged, you'll be a fool to believe that.''
and now guess what happened?
I am dying of laughter right now, I am not even American, I am just here to see Vox melting down.
can't wait for their next video
I wonder it's gonna be ''the problem with American citizens'' or ''the darkest election of the decade'' or ''why are Americans so selfish and ignorant?''
Well, till the very end a victory of Hillary seemed very plausible. During the time the videos were made, Hillary did lead the polls. Reagrding rigged election... thats not a thing in america so i cant understand your your last point.
Lets just hope that Trump wont abolish the health Act and that he wont build a wall :x
"most americans"
No, the difference was just 1M, who voted for trump, that isn't as you said in caps "MOST AMERICANS".
Dodged a bullet? Oh dear.
Alfalfa Male: No America took the bullet
Alfalfa Male no you just nuked yourselves
Alfalfa Male yes we did.
Kind 24 Well it's easier to fix a broken country then a country which is destroyed in a "Hot" war.
well, although the outcome was different only thanks to the electoral college, i believe much of what was said still holds true ... we just have to wait a little bit longer to see the dissatisfaction of those who seriously misunderstand our democracy and who fear liberals the most play out; inevitably trump won't be able to make good on his "promises" without severe blowback to this country, which we frankly cannot handle alone right now (yeah, russia won't help ... and it really doesn't matter if you like that or not, it's reality.), and these extremists (most of whom couldn't recite the bill of rights, except for the 2nd amendment, and i say this out of experience speaking to many of them) won't be happy. we're either headed for corruption unlike anything we have EVER seen or (and i hope and lean toward the second) yet another "moderate conservative" who further divides the gop. if that makes room for a legitimate 3rd party, i'm all for it.
Ben Franklin: "A democracy, if you can keep it..."
Trump: *bet.*
my biggest fear was him winning 2020 then his son in law running in 2024 then when his term limits hit trumps children running then boom america has a dynasty and they slowly expanded the federal govenment and they gave themselves some type of emergency powers and disbanded congress
Guys, you may be from either side, but this video brings up good points. Disliking it just because you think is biased displays his point.
Anthuan Leyva
I, and many people would agree, didn't dislike it for the content in general, but because vox only makes videos against Trump. Those horrible candidates offer enough to make hundreds of videos against each, yet vox only reveals bad things about Trump, creating the impression Clinton would be a good choice, which is simply not true. Neither ist Trump, but it would be better if they showed both sides so everyone can make up his mind for himself. Then, at least from me, it wouldn't get disliked, because I despise both candidates.
Anthuan Leyva I biased fact is not a fact at all
Zach Mondial 3/10 troll. Troll harder next time
I think this is for people who are undecided or people who are already voting for Trump. The less people vote for that scumbag the better. I don't care if they have ties with the Clinton campaign. As long as they're convincing people to not vote for Trump, that's a great thing.
That's the thing samael. There was only one right answer. Only fear blinded you.
The sad thing about this is that they pretty much would've been right if it weren't for the electoral college
Don't hate the player hate the game
Although you are wrong. You're "logic" is illogical
@I couldn’t think of a name but didn't win enough States to get the electoral college, which is why she lost, and also the fact that America is a Democratic Republic. (P.S.) Key point on Republic not loudest mouth or group virtue signaling
@@emontibeller7156 and that's a bad thing it has worked for 44 presidents before Trump
So how do feel about it now? Should we not use the EC in 2020?
In fairness, they published videos about both Trump and Clinton on election day, both tonally appropriate for if they won or lost. That's largely what makes this feel like a "bad prediction", when really it seemed they had prepared for either scenario.
Election day is Nov 3rd I thought? This was posted on nov 7th
@@jraeflowers8300 it changes and this was posted before results came in at all
Vox on Election Day:
"Then he would've won"
"We dodged a bullet"
12 Hours Later:
Trump Wins
When most polls indicated the opposite, the tone of the video isn’t exactly irrational in its direction
Head shot lol
And balance was restored to the force
Wrong. Trump lost the popular vote - he just won the electoral college.
@@caseykuilman9307 because he obtained most of the swing States and others many others that weren't Democratic States, because there is something called a Republic not just democracy
Unrelated, but once you notice it you can't stop seeing it: this guy has some very fuzzy ears.
Lol, I have this same curse. I have to wax my ears every couple weeks or I start to look like a sasqwich. =/
THRILLHO can't unsee 😢
you're evil.
Dan-git mill-house...
I can't stop looking
hearing rand Paul say that about Trump and then to hear he endorsed him drives me crazy.
How about now ? Side by side trying to get the whistleblower and his family outed and hung.
Snowpine and now trying to attack and discredit the top virologist in the country
Russia hacked the RNC too.
This is reality. Reality is not biased.
Pedro Aguilar but people in reality can be biased
Pedro Aguilar
Anthuan Leyva
I, and many people would agree, didn't dislike it for the content in general, but because vox only makes videos against Trump. Those horrible candidates offer enough to make hundreds of videos against each, yet vox only reveals bad things about Trump, creating the impression Clinton would be a good choice, which is simply not true. Neither ist Trump, but it would be better if they showed both sides so everyone can make up his mind for himself. Then, at least from me, it wouldn't get disliked, because I despise both candidates.
This is election day. People have already made up their minds. And this video isn't attempting to convince anyone of anything. It is for people who already believe that Trump is a maniac, who want to understand what just happened.
Pedro Aguilar What you perceive you consider reality. Does this not mean we all have different realities? After all, we all have differrnt perspectives on life. Saying this, what say you about "reality" being biased or not?
Your wrong, Reality is always and will always be....biased
I woke up in the middle of the night, and while still laying in bed, pick up my phone and scrolled through my UA-cam recommended videos, until I came across this one, and started watching
It got really confusing, because he was talking as if Trump did not win, and I was like am I actually still asleep and dreaming? Or did I wake up in an alternate universe? What a strange feeling
So painful to watch. We all thought it would go the other way. And now seeing this... we misjudged by miles.
Brouhaha Ma Hilarious
Brouhaha Ma
Clinton won America by about 3,000,000 votes, so the bookies weren't wrong. However, she lost the White House. Some democracy.
how do you have 3 million more votes than registered voters in a four state area. why is the DNC funding voting rallies?
"If this country were a Democracy, candidates would only have to focus on the needs of high population states." thats true but is not a democracy its a republic...
Not strictly true.
A candidate could counter by focusing on low population areas, which would have less competition, allowing them to rise quickly.
Its not about which states you focus on though. The President *should* theoretically act in the interests of the *people* of the United States, not the States themselves. (Likewise the States should act in the interests of the people, and not those of the POTUS). Therefore by proportional representation you would make it politically beneficial to represent people, rather than states.
The "bug" in the system is the American people, lol.
Brandon Tran I don't understand. Vox claimed how trump is a threat to peace. Yet Hillary wants a 'no fly zone'. This can leans to and immediate war against the increasingly aggressive Russia and China. I would rather have a wall then a world war :)
Sir.Adam Dumas My point is that there is no "bug". Democracy has played it's role and it represents what the American people want. Liberals or progressives like Vox like to think there is something wrong, but are in denial that many Americans are actually conservative and narrow minded.
Brandon Tran It's only a bug when you disagree with the results.
Good ol' human nature :P
Ancile Agreed!
Well well well. This didn't age very well.
Like a gallon of milk in the desert.
Try to imagine coming out of a coma since 2016 and experiencing the world of 2019.
springbay1 underrated comment
I know. America is a million times better than it has ever been.
@@joshntn37111 How?
try 2020
Exactly what I was about to say.
well lucky that didn't happen right?
M A K O Thank god
M A K O lmao, when he said we "dodged that bullet" I was like, this is pretty much a chestwound buddy.
Phew, close one ':-)
lol people literally forgot about check and balances....
Daniel bruh why u so mad??😂 check and balances have existed for years man
kz h That doesn't apply to anything the video, you've obviously just learned what that means.
Daniel well do u even know what that means?
kz h It means that the 3 branches of Congress can limit each others power so neither if them become too powerful...
Cesar Galvez yeah that's right! And those branches are aka congress.Congress can attempt to override the veto, so there is mechanism in place to allow Congress to force its will in spite of an attempt by the Chief Executive to block it.
"To get this close to the presidency" lmao lmao lmao
The idea that they seemed so sure Clinton would win is just the cherry on top of the God-Emperor's triumph.
It's oddly fitting you Trump Monkeys call him God-Emperor, the term is from the Dune Series and refers to Leto II who has the body of a giant worm. The similarities don't stop there you see because Leto II was a despotic tyrant who ruled with a cruel and repressive hand. When Leto II's rule ended it sparked a massive rejection of his policies. Unlike Trump, this was intentional, as the god-emperor was prescient and knew the only way humanity would survive would be by a complete rejection of his despotic agenda which would only happen if his despotism reached never before imaginable heights. Aside from the Prescience he differs from Trump in another way - he ruled for 3500 years and I doubt Trump will get 4.
Josh Whaley
I love Dune, but most of us "Trump Monkeys" are Warhammer 40K guys.
Because sometimes it's just fun to be a screaming fanatic.
Josh Whaley high five to you, sir, for the clever and relevant comparison (and contrast) analysis
@Josh Whaley you'll find out soon enough. Good luck surviving.
Absolutely brilliant. And now 2020, four years of President Trump, its sadly absolutely true as well.
I pray for the USA.
It's cute how he's talking in the past tense.
He is talking abt the primaries.
Our democracy worked, the college did its job. It's the benefits and the weaknesses of democracy. Pretending that a democracy should always be a force for good is your own view. You cannot have a cake and eat it, you cannot demand democracy and reject what it gives.
Travis Sanchez except electoral college is a lesser form of democracy
Actually, the electoral college makes sure that democracy works for everyone and not just for a select group of people.
No the college is used to give all a voice not just places with a large populace. If the only thing that mattered was populace size then large metropolitan areas would be the only focus of any politician which would throw rural places into the dust.
Travis Sanchez it still doesnt give much importance to smaller states because EC votes are proportionally based on the population of each states... lets face it, america keeps talking about democracy at a global scale yet the ec is one of the most undemocratic voting systems around....
The electoral college has nothing to do with swing states. If we didn't have party's then swing states wouldn't be a problem. Also the electoral college is a much better solution than popular vote where candidates would just focus on California, Texas, and New York. And if you look at this election states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania turned red showing that any state can become a swing state.
Not just Trump though. Clinton's success reveals just as much about the way America is run, what kind of leadership is sought in order to keep the status quo, and what values are most important to your country (ie. Wall Street, corporations, greed, etc). Neither are very good at all.
to be president you need to be corrupt through and through.
orangewedges Well it's a unique situation. You have people who hate trump and would rather have hillary with her flaws, and then you have people who hate hillary, and would rather resort to trump. I don't like either, but you gotta choose someone whether it be them or someone else.
orangewedges Didn't you watch the video. Democracy is baaaaaaad
What I learn from 2008 is if you want change, you inherently want the candidate with experience and connections. I'm still mad about how Obama didn't get to do much his first 2 years despite having Congress as Democrat.
At that level, it is less 'corrupt' and more 'pragmatic'. Governance at the highest levels is so far removed from what the bulk of the population interacts with, they are essentially two different worlds. One of the big flaws in a republic is that the leaders have to pretend to be in one world while actually working in a very different one, constantly changing what they show in order to match up with political ideas more rooted in bad movies and romantic speeches than actual politics.
I'm here remembering how I used to laugh at him.
Until he threw America into a dumpster fire.
Donald Trump's success reveals that we at Vox are not as influential as we thought
who ever thought that Vox was influential on such a level? I guarantee you that most of their viewers are in California, New York, Washington, Massachusetts etc. Very safe liberal areas. Not so much in swing/battleground states.
Putin is not a Dictator, and Clinton and the Left are the most Authoritarian acting in reality. You are so out of touch with reality VOX! Oh thank atheism he won. You're brainwashing will not work on the people anymore.
killwize they're both terrible. How can you think Putin is not authoritarian when he targets rivals. The mess Putin will leave will be something else.
Citation needed. Who did he kill? to sound like a lefty.... Proof Please!
Actually they could be. This blatantly obvious propaganda rant video made more people vote for Trump than for anyone else.
oh my god i hate everyone now because of this election 😩😩😩
MakingSomeFilms Same I hate this kindergarten country of ours.
:( the worlds gonna end.....
We'll go out together. :)
WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? Just trow him away please
MakingSomeFilms Do you know any good snacks to try?
Why is this video assuming that he was going to lose?
The most favorable aggregate poll had him at a 1/3 shot. The thing about 1/3 odds is that they happen decently often.
Anne-Catherine Mulhern he did. He got less votes.
Almost every news organization was saying he was going to lose all the way back 3 weeks before the election and onward.
It was a huge amount of attempted voter manipulation, in my opinion.
Not only this video..hypocrites who dominate the media don't reflect realty on the ground.. just like Brexit they assumed UK would stay in EU just because they wanted so, no matter what people think
We didn't dodge the bullet, but at least we weren't shot twice
Think again.
Well we had a good run America. R.I.P 1776-2016
Lord Luke Lightbringer 240 that's long!
Rip in peace
everythings gonna be ok. you still have kanye west
If he stays in America
He doesn't become president until 2017 so it would be...1776-2017
..... would've preferred it if you took a more unbiased approach tbh.... i'm not even a Trump supporter but i think a site like Vox should maintain some responsibility to its viewers
ProjektSHIN theyve never claimed to be unbiased. whom cares
ProjektSHIN It's not about being unbiased, it's about getting your message across. An unbiased script would have had less impact, and let's be honest you are not gonna dissuade any Trump voters with this. Not even sexual assault could, so facts have no chance.
lindsay gammon .....? that level of ignorance is slightly scary... but... to each their own
ProjektSHIN Vox is a private institution. So is CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. They have no obligation to not present news a certain way.
well first of all... the above video is NOT considered news.... it's clearly one sided propaganda....( I pray that you can tell the difference....) and that's exactly my point... as stated before.... Vox does indeed have a obligation to maintain some responsibility to its viewers... and once again... this is coming from a non Trump Supporter... if you think otherwise... grow up and get out of your bubble... there's more to life then Right vs Left
I love vox it's my favorite propagan.... I mean news site!
janissaryfilms I dont see it as a propaganda site. When you really begin to see into what Trump is really saying, you will begin to notice that he is aiming to put the establishment which every single intelligent and intellectual individual has been working on for years, to ruins.
I know I will begin to receive many hate for this comment, but I hope that we could see into what's going on, and discuss the issue with an eye to different perspectives that we do not necessarily agree with.
Ahmad Bkira I don't disagree with your stance I disagree with the fact that vox only reports on one side of the election to the point where they've surpassed the title "left leaning" and have earned the title of propaganda.
All news is some form of propaganda in this day of age
The establishment is broken and no longer serves the people, it must therefore be destroyed.
if it is truly propaganda, state facts and cite sources-- construct an argument-- that expose the propaganda. otherwise, it's just lazy, even cowardly, to call a viewpoint propaganda simply because you disagree with it.
The next four years is going to be very nerve wrecking
the tone of this video implies Trump lost. funny isn't it.
I agree. I thought I was the only one with this impression
It's kind of like listening to an analysis of the election from an alternate universe.
Chickenfrend How do I enter this realm?
DoctorWeeTodd I wish I knew.
Trump lost the popular vote by over a million votes. We still have a few weeks before the electoral college votes. We don't know who will truly be elected just yet.
Honestly I used to like vox, this election has left me questioning everything about this channel. "He says he'll Jail Hillary Clinton if elected?" Do you honestly believe that? Trump said he'd appoint someone to look into her situation and later as a throwaway line he said "because you'd be in jail". That is a way of appealing to his supporter base who deeply believe that Hillary is a criminal and corrupt. Perhaps if the DNC hadn't chosen such a questionable candidate trump wouldn't able to credibly say such things. Most people with a brain know that Hillary won't be going to jail and for vox to state that as an absolute truth proves either that they are as biased as the rest of the media or they lack the intelligence to understand what was really meant by Trump's statement.
I'm not a trump fan, i'm just not a fan of things being misreported either. Honestly the media misreporting probably influenced a lot of voters to either not vote or vote republican. Honestly well done vox
very well put
maybe, someday, propaganda and dishonesty from politicians, media sources, institutions of education etc.. would be so frowned upon that they wouldn't risk it and those that did would risk loss of job and possibly jail time
When a person says things, and that person is running for president, we have to take their words seriously. Especially when that person says things when being watched by 60 million people. His supporters take those words very seriously, try saying you support Hillary in rural Pa. be prepared to get your tires slashed.
I also note you addressed none of the other points that the video put forward.
Even if there was no hillary clinton lock her up BS, donald trumps many other statements have been demogoguery.
A cancer on conservatism.
I don't disagree that Trump is cancer, but is it so far fetched for a candidate to say something to get elected and then not follow through? Like that hasn't happened before.
Operative34 that would be business as usual ;-)
“If you can keep it”
Guess we didn’t...
But we have because we have not become a Democracy or in some versions of this rule of government mob rule
@why not ? and that is why America is a Democratic Republic ,so people elect people that vote on their behalf instead of everybody voting on everything which would take decades what takes the House of representatives and Congress and the Senate one year to vote on
Just because she got more votes from highly populated areas does not entitle a win of the entire county
Justin Fredley no she literally has more vote. If the US is a true democracy she would have won.
Watching this after 4 years of Trump is just depressing. How people decided Trump would be a good idea boggles the mind
The people decided he wasn't he lost the popular vote never forget that
Bennett Carlson I still dont get the Electoral College
Because all this video does is make you empathize with Hillary Clinton and not that the scandals could and some are true, like now with Jeffery Epstins case being reopened after his contracted killing. And Ghlane Maxwell's arrest and failure to be assassinated yet. And the judge that was assigned to the case, having her son murdered and her husband shot and in the hospital
Damm you guys are all lost, prayers for you
I can not wait for this to be over, I am so sick of hearing about the american election, I mean you guys picked two unqualified candidates, whatever happens to America is your own fault at this point
Mathias Fraenkel I know
Mathias Fraenkel Hillary is not unqualified...
Although I'm not from US, I got to say, it doesn't take a genius to know that Trump is talking bull. Come on, he says build a wall and make Mexicans pay, then next thing you know, he says he has great relations with Mexicans in biz. Says Chinese are stealing jobs, next thing you know, says he loves China, and that he has sold a property to a Chinese for a few million. Everything to him is business, and he doesn't have a real stand on the issues. Americans, please vote wisely.
***** it's because Trump paints the world as a terrible place and himself as a representative of the common man, when neither is true...
I must say I have never been as happy to not be american as I am right now
sure, there's a weakness in American democracy. the weakness is, dumb people, vote for dumb people, for dumb reasons. and i do not mean dumb as stupid, but dumb as uninformed. to vote for someone cause you're angry at someone, is dumb. policy matters. choices matter. experience matters. TRUMP offered nothing, promised a lot, but did not tell you the voter, how he was going to get anything done, good, bad or indifferent. i still cannot get over he won, even in this loophole way that he did win.
bduhe219 the problem is children from single-parent households voting for more government instead of less government that's the problem they're turning us into communist and socialist instead of capitalist which is what the United States was based on all because you guys didn't have Dad's in the house when you were growing up and government had to be your daddy
The Reasonable One we are loosing your kind
If You Mean Dumb as Uninformed Why Didnt You Just Say Uninformed
Is it just me? or are all vox videos targetting trump?
Deci Mations naw they have two videos targeting Hillary and the Democratic Party as a whole.
These idiots are the reason Trump won. Every video confirmed their " media rigged system" theory...* Facepalm.
Hey, I'm happy xD Supreme court on our side at last HAHAHA, BYE FELECIA TRANSGENDER RIGHTS>
Could I ask why you don't agree with transgender rights?
TheUndefynd1 Oh I don't know why..because God makes you the way you are for a reason.
***** God doesn't exist to everyone though so using him as a basis for law is dumb. Church and State are separate for a reason.
Watching this in 2024. Is wild
Thank you Ezra for educating all of us! Our Country needs more people like you.
Although you underestimated the stupidity of the Murican people, you still gave a very good analysis of US politics.
AMERICAN ,what is the name of your nation ?>???
Luis V
the name of my nation is... who cares? we don't go around bombing children with signature strikes. we don't pollute the planet like Murica, we don't invade nations, in fact we got invaded by the greedy muricans once. we don't topple other governments. we don't rendition people. we didn't cause the 2008 global crisis... the list goes on.
Luis V
But they downplayed the role of money intrests too much. On BOTH sides. Trump had the billionair Mercer family behind him, Goldman Sachs, City Bank, Exxon and once he won the primaries ALL big corporations put their bets on him as their posterboy for HUGE TAX CUTS.
And Hillary had - among other sources, the Clinton Foundation, Goldman Sachs, City Bank, Exxon - media like VOX, MSNBC and CNN supporting her over Bernie Sanders.
VOX is only socially left. Beyond that they are rich, neo-conservative libertarians who also want to stop Medicare For All and get rid of Social Security.
You should *never* underestimate the stupidity of 'mericans because they seem to be able to reach down deep... and pull out... just a little more... stupid.
How about doing ranked-choice voting and ending winner-take-all?
that is how i want it to be
Proportional Representation!!!
That's assuming that the two biggest parties in America decides to change the voting system.
Maybe American need a third party to soft the tension between two parties.
spoiler vote
Kyle Lin we had a strong 3rd party ask Ross Perot. then ask Bill Clinton while he smiles?
No, you need to focus on removing all SJW-Fascist tendencies from the Media and Universities where people speak about Hurt feelings and Hate speech as either one of the two matters.
Maybe disbanding the parties altogether will ease tensions between their former members, but that's a maybe; tribalism is a powerful monster of the human mind that is impossible to slay.
Huh he won
And they're still rioting lol.
+damanwitdaplan Because they get payed to do it.
where do they get the days off?
The Reeper they don't have jobs, that's how.
damanwitdaplan ok makes sence
this is like watching a video from an alternate reality where we "dodged a bullet". Haha
haha... oh man. we are in this reality.
In the wake of January 6th you only need to look hear for an explanation of how we got here. A group of radicals were so convinced that the other side would be so bad for the country that they would rather attempt an insurrection
This was uploaded on the day of the election and made the assumption that the US would vote sanely. Ezra got that wrong. But everything he predicted about how Trump would have behaved if he had been elected proves to be eerily prescient.
1:20 but it's okay to praise Fidel Castro because he was a revolutionary
No Soldiers the prime minister of Canada pretty much gave the dead man a blow job
You need to snap out of the mentality that bad is justified by worse. It is not logical, and it is dangerous.
You might want to revisit this, seeing how Trump won the election.
Phil Heaton , you might want to revisit this since Trump won!
Even though more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump
The fact that he won doesn't affect the truth of all the facts he's stating, in fact it makes it all worse
I hope you're being sarcastic
Streamers Playground
You call it democracy but the decisive winner in the popular vote lost. So democratic!
4:00 we also saw how he treated his power to pardon his 1st (only) term in office , helping known scumbags- rapists & war criminals
This aged very well
Ezra, how about we talk about how the media failed the public?
as someone who does not like trump i say talk about that
why would he talk about it? He's the exact same as all the biased media. Vox is part of the problem.
Or about the amount of PRIVATE money goes into the campaign.. "American people this, American people that..."
Everybody knows already that USA is the birthgiver to the PLUTOCRACY the worlds is in right now. Talking about different things than economy or money is just stupid and polarizes everyone. It's all about the "haves and the havenots", the "poor and the rich". All the rest is just some great THEATRE.
who else watching this as he already got elected again?
A quote from Steve Schmidt, I am trying to locate the source:
"I would no more engage in a serious policy debate with Trump than I would ask a dog to do my tax return."
Listening to this in 2022, he was literally describing Joe Biden’s administration
At least the Vox editor is sticking to his spin even though it's been leaked he has colluded with the Hillary campaign. Way to stick to your paid principles instead of your journalist principles.
has it beeb proven?? show me
Uncommon Sense_360 nice b8 m8
Hahahaha, yes, indeed! I'm sure it has also been extensively proven that the Pope, Satan, and every door which looks like you're supposed to pull but actually you need to push which makes you look silly in front of your friends, is also colluding with Hillary. Hell, she might even be the reason those Samsung phones started exploding! Maybe the whole field of chemistry is in collusion with her! Baaaaa, burn the witch!
That leak only showed that Clinten was interested in working with them, not that they did, you would now that if you read the dam email.
There's a Podesta email where Clinton staff are discussing how to respond to the NYTimes Clinton private email server story in 2015. They discuss countering misinformation in that story by talking to a media figure "who would hold [a] journalist accountable". Ezra Klein is suggested as one such.
Well I would like to point out Trump did not so much unite the party as the party united behind him.
That's exactly what he said in this video. 3:33
"things can go wrong" ....BOY and go wrong they did
"True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it" ~Karl Popper
The true story of the 2016 presidential race.
Would love to see a follow up to this video in autumn
I think America is doomed no matter who gets elected (even so I think Trump is the slightly lesser evil), but it would be goddamn funny to see the reaction of all those biased news and UA-cam channels if Trump becomes president.
i would like to see that too :)
Samael Exorcist me to
Samael Exorcist "lesser evil"
(1) you mean less evil
(2) so apparently sexual assault is an ok crime compared to lying
BTW trump isn't going to win Hillary destroyed him during the debates. ;D
Fr0st 101 I thought Bill Clinton raped women? (Probably did)
Parizar I wonder who she will be voting for
Repeat after me: republics are democracies.
All that's needed to be a democracy is for there to be a popular vote. It doesn't require that we all vote on each law. Republics are just representative democracies
This comment section is upsetting.
Jon Triebsch %%&&ginger&&%% dream on.
Streamers Playground we are watching a national tragedy unfold. It's like you are cheering Benedict Arnold on as he bombs Pearl Harbor with our own commercial jets. tRumptards are not patriots.
And we're back
And now we’re doomed.
The USA required proportional representation a long time ago already. I hope it isn't too late to abolish distorted misrepresentation, but I fear it is. Americans aren't even talking about it. PR is the elephant in the room.
Primaries aren’t democratized, they’re corporatized. Whoever makes media companies money, gets more coverage.
"A republic, if you can keep it"😥
I am not afraid of Trump. I am afraid of the man who will come after him.
Ahhh...back when we truly believed most of us possessed common sense, a nose for con men, & sanity.
Don't get me wrong I hate trump. But to criticize a system which is 'more democratic' because it produces a candidate you don't like is wrong. The argument goes both ways. If a democratic candidate won despite the odds, they would be declared a hero
Yeah, good thing he didnt win. What a close one.
Lone Wolf ROFL
Sadly, Narendra Modi in India is one of the disciplined demagogues.
He manipulates the majorities religious sentiments to get supporters,he usually scapegoats groups of people who are hated by his supporters e.g. muslims pakistanis, his government censors and bribes the media and gives false reports about serious issues e.g. drastically reducing the actual covid deaths in the government's reports.
Yet people blindly support him like many of my relatives and friends.
you've gotta trim your ear hair
Will Plu true
Will Plu great now I'm looking at it
Imagine watching this in 2021 but realize that this video is from 4 years ago
This aged well...
I like how everyone is complaining about Trump and Clinton, but most have never heard of third parties.
And they always take their right to vote so seriously yet they don't even know about it.
Third parties are a waste of vote.
No they're not
I bet you didn't know it's an official law that if a third party candidate gets more than 5% of the country's votes they get $10+ million dollars next time they run.
I don't want Trump, but I would love to see this baby cry in the next video.
News Flash: We didn’t dodge the bullet. This video came out Election Day not the day the results were revealed.
This video undermines American democracy.
So does the electoral college apparently. Sad times.
Yea, Hilary losing blue States is because the electoral college.
Do you guys really see the title to the video and then comment "propaganda" like you where surprised?
Trump is doing very well as president that I believe he should be president until he has health problems, he should be president until he's 90.
I'm crying about how many people here believe Trump isn't the president the world needs. I'm sorry for all these people and the future they dream of.
Thank God we don't have two party system in my country.
bimapringgo lol agreed
Multi party my dude
Kris Beckett they all have pros and cons you just cant make a statement like that kid lmao
I’d like to see him do an up to date response to this in today’s reality.
Tfw no one actually watched the video and listens to the points made
You can't argue with stupid, because they can't comprehend reason.
If you truly think people weren't listening as this rhetoric has been jammed down peoples throats for a number of months now you are the one who can't comprehend what has happened. Maybe Trump supporters understand the gravity of equitising government debt and large scale quantitative easing, maybe they believe illegal immigrants can impose danger, maybe they are even just over social justice warriors. The point is you should have taken Trump seriously, the left have taken Trump literally... but not seriously.
THATS NOT EVEN THE POINT OF THE VIDEO. YOU LITERALLY MISSED THE POINT OF THE DAMN VIDEO. All he said was that fear of the other party unites a party to vote for a candidate that wasn't necessarily what people wanted from the primary. IF YOU HAD WATCHED THE VIDEO YOU WOULD KNOW THAT.
That's fine and I understand that, nor do I think everyone who voted for trump is a racist. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THE VIDEO, ITS ABOUT HOW THE ELECTION PROCESS IS BROKEN AND UNITED BY FEAR. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO.
It has seemed that in the two elections, people weren’t voting for one candidate, but against the other.
Nah, Republicans DEFINITELY voted for Trump in the second election... Had u put anyone else in it would've been over before it began... Now democrats did definitely vote against Trump..
Last time I was this early, everyone thought Trump was joking about his presidential candidacy.