To the girl who got pregnant by her best friend‘s fiancé: tell your best friend. She deserves so much better than to marry that man. If you let her marry him without her knowing the truth, this will be even a bigger betrayal than it already is. To be honest, I think you should’ve told her way earlier, regardless if you were gonna get pregnant or not. If you are religious, ask God for forgiveness and for his guidances. Also ask your friend for forgiveness. Tell your family about your pregnancy and take care of yourself and your baby. You can only look forward and pray that God‘s with you. A lot of people are gonna judge you in the comments, but that won’t help you so don’t listen to them. What you really have to do is take responsibility for your actions. Please try to make up for everything as much as you can. May God be with you!
yeah even if u can’t do anything pls don’t punish her by letting her to marry the guy who pragnanted u so dear ayzosh god has its own purpose berchi ❤️🩹❤️🩹
I appreciate your input and wise advice, Leyu & Mahi! I mostly agree with you comments and appreciate you both always. In today's first case story, I'm afraid I must disagree with your comment to the brother. His discussion to drop the marriage would be proper because his girlfriend does not respect his family. The idea of a man neglecting his parents once he married needs to be stopped. Especially in our brother's situation, his girlfriend's family is well off and may not need the attention to be supported financially, but that is not the case with his family. Love should never cancel out the need to give due attention, especially to parents who need assistance. Do your due diligence and help your parent; indeed, you will find someone who accepts your commitment to your parents soon. Keep it up Leyu & Mahi!
I know this may be toxic but, to the girl who gets pregnant from her bestfreinds bf, just boost your confidence and go forward to him then tell him that your pregnant. . Then if he tells you he will not acept it tell him that u will tell the whole family about this unless he start providing for his child. So about your bestfreind she did not deserve a husband that cheats on her with her best freind while he is telling her that he wants to marry her and a freind who is in touch with her bf.. Lancim bion fekregnaw lay mimaget wend mnm ayseralshm so Finantialy kedegefesh lelawn mewetat mokri.
The last girl. I don’t agree with what they said. The more u stay the more attached u get the harder the pain to leave. It will get toxic and leave u broken hearted. Believe me it’s not easy to hv your heart broken. If he wants you he has to man up and show it.
For the question, I believe you grew but she didn’t. She can have conversation how the future will be, but I believe it is good for your both to receive blessing from your parents who worked so hard to bring you this far. Set a budget monthly for your parents. Also ask God, pray about it Separation is an option unless you guys are married. Dating is season of learning about each other.
What do you mean introvert has work?🤔 Introverts charge or energized by being with themselves Extrovert charged being with others, socially Introvert doesn’t mean being quite of shy. Let’s not label people with knowing who they are.
ke best friends boy friend yaregezechiw indene yinegerat andegna isuma le tidar mihon wend ayidelem date iyaregech yalechiw isum yelij abat hone kemiyageba anchin yagiba beqa isuwa tiwxa mikiniyatum bitidebiqiyat iwinet tedebiqo ayiqerim so just do it sis
Heyy leyu and mahi betam nw mewedachu gn eyasdebrachun nw i think betam lazy eyehonachu nw followersachu still lewt yelwem me personally kezi belay endemtseru endemtchelu akalew gn sebeb tabezalachu ezi lay bedenb seru ena demo new idea add argubet only story becha atargut becha Please bedemb seru betam nw mekorabachu i known u can i swear etebkalew be adis idea endemtemetu becha u know love u guys so much thank u❤❤❤
For her, first she have to tell him first b/c he deserve to now the truth am not saying she should be with him, she shouldn't b/c he is not loyal person, but that doesn't change the truth,and then if he agrees both of you tell her the truth, if he says no u have to tell her, if u don't tell her u are an evil person b/c u don't send a friend to hell not even enemy. To let her married is man is the biggest mistake u can ever do, b/c if he can sleep with u he can sleep with anyone. I know it hard to admit that u do, if u can't tell her personally text her or send voice mail just tell her and then tell ur family, b/c u can't hide it forever. And then find a job not stop school. Ovbiously neseha gebi. God be with you.
Dears , I love your content but I don't think you are experienced in marriage. Cauz you haven't been in it. Its like to teach how to swim while you can't swim. It's just my sincere comment.
Guy's btam nw yemwedachu gen i have something to say about story 1 what if he's ur brother who's the only one support ur family so what u Guy's think & doing this kind of sister in law maybe u waiting for school payment or give for ur mom yebet asbeza so for me he's right 🙄
For him, as they say if her point of view is not to get what she deserve assure her u wouldn't do that, but if her point of view is disrespecting ur family don't married her b/c if she don't respect ur family she will not respect u & one thing l can say l am 100% sure if they is no respect in any relationship there wouldn't any relationship.
Ene baletedar negn wend lij yefelege biwedesh betesebun mateweji kehone ena enesu lay metfo amelekaket kalew lifetash hulu yechelal mknyatum be mistu ena be betesebu mehal ጸብ kale selamun yatal so saygebabu enadaygabu adera
To the girl who got pregnant by her best friend‘s fiancé: tell your best friend. She deserves so much better than to marry that man. If you let her marry him without her knowing the truth, this will be even a bigger betrayal than it already is. To be honest, I think you should’ve told her way earlier, regardless if you were gonna get pregnant or not. If you are religious, ask God for forgiveness and for his guidances. Also ask your friend for forgiveness. Tell your family about your pregnancy and take care of yourself and your baby. You can only look forward and pray that God‘s with you. A lot of people are gonna judge you in the comments, but that won’t help you so don’t listen to them. What you really have to do is take responsibility for your actions. Please try to make up for everything as much as you can. May God be with you!
ይህ እውነት አሪፍ መፍትሄ ነው እነዚህ ሁለቱ ዝርክር ግም ለግም አብረህ አዝግም ነው የሚባለው:: The innocent girl እውነታውን አውቃ የታመነ ባል ይሰጣታል :: ይህንን ውሳኔ ከወዲሁ ካሳወቁ ትክክለኛ ውሳኔ ነው
yeah even if u can’t do anything pls don’t punish her by letting her to marry the guy who pragnanted u so dear ayzosh god has its own purpose berchi ❤️🩹❤️🩹
😒አኦ እናድናት ከ ነዚህ ውስላታ የ ውዳጄ ጠላት በ ጀርባ የሚውጉት ናቸው 😒😒
The truth shall set u free,
አባቱ ትክክል ነህ ቤተሰቦችህን ባሉበት ማትቀበል ና መርዳትህን ማትቀበል ከሆነ ተዋት በጣም ሚያናደኝ ነገር ወንድ ልጅ ሲያገባ ቤተሰቡን የሚረሳው ነገር ነው እርዳ ግዴታህ ነው ። ባላንስ አድርገህ ተራመድ መቼም ቢሆን ግን ቤተሰብህን ከመደገፍ ወደኃላ እንዳትል
እኔ ቤተሰብን የማትቀበል ሚስት ዘላለም ፈተና ነው የምትሆነው::ወይ እስዋን ወይም ቤተሰብዋን መምረጥ አለበት:: ቤተሰብን የማትፈልግ ሴት የቤተሰብ ትርጉም ያልገባት ስለሆነ አሁኑኑ ውሳኔህን አስተካክል ወንድሜ:: እናንተ ስንቱ በእንደዚህ አይነት ማንነቱን አጥቶ እንደሚኖር አታቁም::
ከጓደኛዋ `ባል` ላረገዘችው ልጅ ..... እንዴትም ይፈጠር እንዴት፣ ሆኗልና እንደኔ መፍትሄ ሚመስለኝ ንስሀ ግቢ ከቻልጽ ጓደኛሽን ከባሉዋ ጭምር የጋራ የሀኡማኖት ኣባት ጋር ሄዳችሁ እንዲያስታርቋችሁ ለማድረግ ሞክሪ
ፈጣሪ ይቅር ስለሚልሽ ራስሽን ይቅር ለማለት ዝግጁ ሁኚ
የተፈጠረው ልጅ ላንቺ ስህተት ወይም ክስተት ያመጣው ቢመስልሽም ፈጣሪ ግን ያየው ነውና በልጁ ህይወት ጥሩ ማትሆኑለት ከመሰለሽ ለማደጎ ስጪው ሳያጣሽ ሚገባውንም ሳያጣ መኖር ሚችልበትን ሁኔታ ኣመቻቺለት። ታማኝ የሀይማኖት አባትጋ ከሄድሽ ለዚ ምክር ይሰጡሻል በርግጠኝነት!
አንባቢ ናቹ ያስታዉቃል ! appreciate that !
እህ?....ሳላስበው ልወዳችሁ ነው እንዴ?...ሆ!...ገና ማዬት ከጀመርኩ 2ኛ ቀኔ ነው!....ማሂ; ያንቺን ነገር ግን አልቻልኩም; ማሪያምን!...ወደጎን ልዩን ስታያት የአይንሽ ውበት: your colour, free from any Artificial ቅራቅንቦ...n every thing. ❤❤❤
ማርገዛን ጎደኝዋ ማወቅ አለባት ከተጋቡ በውሀላ ካወቀች መፋታታቸው አይቀርም ስለዛ ቀድማ ትንገራቸው
የኃይጣት መጅመሪያ ወይንም ምክንያት መጠጥ እንደሆነ ማወቅ አለብን እስከ ምስክር መጠጣት ወይም እራስን እስከ መርሳት መጠጣት ውድቀት ነው አቅማችንን እንወቅ ሰለዚህ ከመደባበቅ ይልቅ ሳስታችሁም ተነጋግራቹ ፍርዱን ለሷ ተውላት ነው የምለው በእኔ ግምት ።
❤ ልዩ ማሂ ተናፍቃቹዋል እንኳ ደና መጣቹ ❤ ያረገዘቹ ሴት ግን እግዚአብሔር ይርዳሽ መቼም ምን ይባላል
የት ከርማቹ ነው ስራ አ እንዴ የያዝነው
ስወዳችሁኮ ቃላት የለኝም እናተን ሳይ እራሴን ና ጉዋደኛየን እንደማይ ነው ውስጤ የሚያምነው ክፉ አይንካችሁ የኔ ሉኡሎች❤❤❤
I appreciate your input and wise advice, Leyu & Mahi! I mostly agree with you comments and appreciate you both always. In today's first case story, I'm afraid I must disagree with your comment to the brother. His discussion to drop the marriage would be proper because his girlfriend does not respect his family. The idea of a man neglecting his parents once he married needs to be stopped. Especially in our brother's situation, his girlfriend's family is well off and may not need the attention to be supported financially, but that is not the case with his family. Love should never cancel out the need to give due attention, especially to parents who need assistance. Do your due diligence and help your parent; indeed, you will find someone who accepts your commitment to your parents soon. Keep it up Leyu & Mahi!
ለምን በ አማርኛ አትፅፉም እዉቀት አይደለም😮
Sorry, I wish I can write!@@mmn6040
@@mmn6040because its easy to articulate an idea and to write fast in smart phones my friend.
መጠጥ ድፍረት ብቻ ነዉ ሚሰጠው...... ሌላው ቀድሞ ዉስጣቸው የታሰበ ነዉ
አማራ ምን ይላል መሰለሽ ..... the way how Mahi said it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t
የአኔ አናት ነገሮች ጭራሽ አየባሱ ነው የሚሄዱት ባይጋቡ በፊት ሁሉንም ነገር ተናገሪ የሚወለደውም ልጅ ባላጠፋው ጥፋት መቀጣት የለበትም
እኔም ከስንት ጊዜ በኋላ መጣሁ i was ur loyal follower but u cant keep ur promises and ur not scheduled.....thats why follower የሚቀንሰው አስቡበት
እስቲ ስለ introvertoch አንድ አንድ በሉ በ love ዙሪያ 1 video ስሩ
I think she should tell her bestfreind...she deserves a better man and a better best freind
ግን ዝብላችሁ እያርገዛችሁ አማክሩኝ የምትሉት በጤናችሁ ነው እነማሂን እማክራችሁ አልተኛችሁ 😂
እንደቤተሰብ የኑሮ ደረጃ ይወሰናል ምንም አቅም ከሌላቸው ሙሉ ሀላፊነት የሱ ይሆናል
please ሴቶች ሁልግዜ የራሳችሁን ቤተሰብ ቢቻ መርዳት አታስቡ ባላችሁም ቤተሰብ አለው አሳድገውታል መርዳት ግድ አለበት ይህ ሴቶች የምታደርጉት መጥፎ ባህል ነው
😅egna ly tftatalachua ? yichamachu confidence 100%, I Like it.
I know this may be toxic but, to the girl who gets pregnant from her bestfreinds bf, just boost your confidence and go forward to him then tell him that your pregnant. . Then if he tells you he will not acept it tell him that u will tell the whole family about this unless he start providing for his child. So about your bestfreind she did not deserve a husband that cheats on her with her best freind while he is telling her that he wants to marry her and a freind who is in touch with her bf.. Lancim bion fekregnaw lay mimaget wend mnm ayseralshm so Finantialy kedegefesh lelawn mewetat mokri.
Hateful comments are not acceptable in Liyu&Mahi community please leave us toxic people!
Mahi gn you so smart ❤
The besmam weweld wemenfes kdus...😮 part of leyu and amhara mn ylal...of mahi geday nw😂😂❤❤
ለማማከር ምን ያህል ብቁ ናቹህ ?????
ከአስር ስምንት እሰጣቹሀለሁ
ነፃነታቹህ ግን ከአስር አስር
Never never never never !!!!!! ሴት ነኝ ግን ልክ አደለችም ፌሚኒስት አትሁኑ ቤተሰብ ሁሌም መጀመሪያ ነው እንኳን በንቀት ቀርቶ አትርዳ ማለት አትችልም መርዳት ግዴታው ነው ቤተሰቡ ሀላፊነቱ ናቸው ገቢ ከሌላቸው
Mahi abhrot ga aychesh am afraid to say hi but u are so cute ✨😭
አባቴ ቤተሰብህን የማታከብር ሴት በፍፁም በሰላም አታኖርህም ዛሬ ነገ ሳትል ከልብህ አመስግነህ ተለያት። በግዜ ማነቱዋን ስላሳየችህ መመስገን አለባት። እሱዋም ሰላም አትሰጥህም ቤተሰቦችህም ሰላም አይሰጡህም። ቤተሰብህን የምትወድ እና የምታከብር ካገኘህ መልካም አለበለዚያ ግን ገና ልጅ ነህ ለቤተሰቦችህ ማድረግ ያለብህን ትንሽ ነገር አድርገህ ትዳር ላይ ትደርሳለህ ፣ ያኔ እግዚአብሔር የተባረከችውን ይሰጥሀል። ይቺ ሴት ተማሪ እያለህን ም አስከፍተሀታል ትቅርብህ። በሰላም ሸኛት
Egezaber ayeleyachu ❤
ብቀሩ እምትጎዱት እናተ ናቻሁ
ናቻሁ ሳይሆን ናችሁ በይ መጀመሪያ መፃፍ ቻይ 😒
@@hayusadiq3423 ደናቁርት አማረኛ ልታስተምሪኝ ነው ቅኔ ከሚዘረፍበት ነው የተወለድኩት አሺቃባጭ ምን ተሳሳትኩ ለራሳቸው ነው እሚቀርባቸው
Man eyachew tebalk/sh hoo
ይደብራል ሰው ጨንቆት solution ሲጠይቃቹ ጭራሽ maind torches ከምር ይደብራል፣ ካልሆነ እንደዚህ አይነት ላይ ባትሰሩ ካልሆነ Fairless ነው የምትናገሩት ማርያምን😮
ልዩየ በጣም ነው የማፈ......
the 2nd story if you regret, nisha gibi. beterefe gin your friend deserves to know everything. so, tell her.
የፈጣሪ ሰጦታነው እውነቱን ይነጋገሩ እና ታሳድገው ሚሲቱም ማወቅ አለባት
mahiyeeeeee betam nw ymwdesh ymr astsasbesh erashu much love
ሲጀመር የጎደኛዋን ባል መጀመሪያም ትፈልገዉ ነበር ሰክሬ ምክንያት አይሆንም ሌባ በሎት ያረገችዉን እያወቀች አራትት ወር መጠበቅ ምን ይሉታል
ብዙ ሴቶች አሉ መረዳት የለበትን ቤተሰብ ቤቷ ባይጎልም የማትቀበል ስላወሩት ብቻ የሚፈታ ችግር አደለም መጀመሪያ የመስጠት ፐርሰናሊቲ ሊኖረን ይገባል
ገና ሳይጀመር አንደዛ ማለቶ ጥሩ አይደለም ከገባች በሆላ ከጎደልባት ያኔ ማስተካከልነው አኛ ሴቶች ከተላን ጠላን ነዉ
ስታምሩ ቀበጦች
እንዴት እዴት ነው ሚያረጋቹ
hulet meqemchiya yelachihum?
Jirtuu ijoolee bareeduu❤❤
The last girl. I don’t agree with what they said. The more u stay the more attached u get the harder the pain to leave. It will get toxic and leave u broken hearted. Believe me it’s not easy to hv your heart broken. If he wants you he has to man up and show it.
እንዴት ነቹ ሰወደቹ እኮ ዉዶቼ እሰት አንደ በሉኝ በጎደኝናት ቡዙም አልቆዬንም ethiopa እያለዉ አረት ወሪ በ አረት ወሪ ቡዙ ደሰ ያምል ግዜ አሰልፈናል ለግኝሺ በምለኝ ሰዓት አልገኝም በሰረ ምክንያት ሰለግንኙናት ፍቀደኘ አይደለዉም አዲካም ሴት ነሸ ይለኘል ሌላ ደግም ካ ሌሎች ሰት ገረ ያወደደረኛል ጨወተ ትችለለች ይለኘል ጨወተ ምን እንደ ሆኔ ግረ ገበኝ አንዲ በሉኝ ልተዎዉ ሰሊ አይተወኝ ነበረ እኔ ካ አንዲ አመት ቦሃለ መጋበት እፈልገለዉ ሰለዉ ማሰትሬቴን ማጨረሰ አለብኝ አሌኝ እሸ አልኩና ወደ አረብ ሀገረ መጠዉ እዘ ሆኜ ግን ካተወሰኔ ግዜ ቦሀለ ፀበዩ አየተቀያሬ ማጠ ምን የህል ግዜ ቀረሸ ይለኘል እሪግጥ ሁለት አመት ከ ሁለት ወሬ ነዉ አሁን የ ሆኔ ወረቀት ሰዎቼ ሰየሰሩልኝ ቆዩ 7 ወሪ ብቸ ጠብቀኝ ሰለዉ አግብቼ ጠብቅሸለዉ አለኝ ካ ዘገኝ አንደ ወሪ ይሆናል imo እንደሌ አፕልኬሸን እንደሌ ዲሌት አደረጌ ሁለት አመት ጠብቆ ትንሸ ወሪ ሰቀረ ዘገኝ ምን ትሉኘለቹ ዉዶቼ
እንደዉ እናንተ ምንድን ናችሁ በሞቴ በጣም ሙልቅቅቅቅ አላችሁ ይህንን ግንድላ የሚያክል ሰዉነት ፊሪዳ በለዉ
ልዩዬ 😊
Maryamn betam nw ymwdachu❤
Ye ewunet sis newu yehonachugn
Menednew ye hulu wefret ere dub dub belu tenkesakesu enji letenam true aydelum gena belejnetachu 🙏
ግብዝነት በዚህ ደረጃ ይገርማል::
ማሂ🍒 ልዩ ትዳር ተይዞ ቤተሰቤን አስተዳድር አለው አይሰራም ሁለቱም የምችሉትን ሊያደርጉ ይችላሉ እንጂ ማስተዳደር አይችሉም አለቀ በተረፈ ከፈቀዳቹልኝ ልሳማቹ🍇🍒
ye crushu part lmn tkorte ayy mahi sele keble 😅 kalsh behuala yelm😢
For the question, I believe you grew but she didn’t.
She can have conversation how the future will be, but I believe it is good for your both to receive blessing from your parents who worked so hard to bring you this far. Set a budget monthly for your parents.
Also ask God, pray about it
Separation is an option unless you guys are married.
Dating is season of learning about each other.
The first guy sounds like a mama's boy. He needs to man up. But i guess he is already a grown ass man so it's too late.
Leyu yne fikr selam nes
temechugnalachu betely leyu...😍
ልዮዬ ሁሌም ታንብብ 🎉
እሱ ወንድ ስለሆነ ቤተሰብ በሱ መጦር ይፈልጋሉ እስዋ ግን ብራዘሮቻ ይኖራሉ
አሁን እስኪ በኔ ሞት የናንተን ‘አለባበስ ‘ አይቸ እርግዝና ትዝ ሊለኝ ነው።
Wuyyy! esua bitaneb ayshalm ee
What do you mean introvert has work?🤔
Introverts charge or energized by being with themselves
Extrovert charged being with others, socially
Introvert doesn’t mean being quite of shy.
Let’s not label people with knowing who they are.
ke best friends boy friend yaregezechiw indene yinegerat andegna isuma le tidar mihon wend ayidelem date iyaregech yalechiw isum yelij abat hone kemiyageba anchin yagiba beqa isuwa tiwxa mikiniyatum bitidebiqiyat iwinet tedebiqo ayiqerim so just do it sis
የ 72 ሰዓቱን መርሳት ይከብዳል
እህት አማሞች ናቹ? የት አገር ናቹ? ድሪደዋ🤣🤣😂😂አልገባኝም
Ahun content keyeru selechen bekaaaaaa
Story ba mahi naw miymerwe setwera 😊😊
I want your meker please tell me were should i send my story
በመምከር ውስጥ ተመካሪውን ድካማ አድርጎ የማየት ስስ መታበይ አለ፤ ሲኖሩት ግን ሌላ ዓለም ነው፡፡
ማንም ሴት ከወላጆቼ በላይ ልትሆን አትችልም መረዳት ካለባቸው መረዳት አለባቸው ይህን አምና መቀበል አለባት ለዚህ ያደረሱኙ እነሱ እንጂ እሷ አይፈለችም ማንኛውንም ችግር እንደራሳችሁ አይታችው እኔስ ብሆን የኔስ ወላጆች ቢሆኑ ካላላችሁ በትክክል መፍረድ አትችሉም ወላጆቼ እየተራቡ እየተቸገሩ ምንም ነገር ሊሆን አይችልም ሲጀመር በችግሬ ከጎኔ የማትቆም ሴት ለምን አብራኝ ትጓዛለች ??? ለደስታ እና ለፈንጠዝያማ ማንም ይከተላል የትዳር አጋር ማለት ከችግሮች መሐል ተፈትና የምትወጣ እውነተኛ ሴት ናት ይቺ ግን ሚስት ልትሆነው አትችልም።
I wanna know his side of story to his planning marriage eko ke best friendua gar adro what's he think ?
ምንድነው ግን እንዲ የሚያደልባቹ?
ሲጀመር ይሄ የቤስት ፍሬንድ ነገር አሳሳቢ ደረጃ ላይ ደርሷል ብልግናቸውን ለመሸፈን ዘና ፈታ የሚያደርገውን መጠጥ እንደምክንያት መጠቀም ተገቢ አይደለም እና ዋናው ሀሳቤ ምንድነው ቢያንስ አንድ ጥሩ ነገር ስሪ ለጓደኛሽ ንገሪያት ያው ልትገልሽም ስለምትችል ንሰሀ ግቢ በተረፈ
ምንድን ነው ማስተማር የፈለጋችሁት🤔
ፓለቲካ ፈለክ?😂😁
@@mmn6040 ፖለቲካማ በገፍ አለኝ።
ለጥያቄ ቀና መልስ ስጥ/ጪ ካልቻክ/ሽ አይቶ ማለፍ ነው።
For the first guy, tell him to listen Justin Bieber "love yourself" 1000 times and decide
በቃ ትንገረው እና እሱን ያግባት ያችኛዋ ሌላ ታግባ ይሻላል😂
Yeturk filem meselesh ende 😂😂
He didn't talk about financial thing he said she didn't accept his family as they are mn eyawerachu nw hoooo
Heyy leyu and mahi betam nw mewedachu gn eyasdebrachun nw i think betam lazy eyehonachu nw followersachu still lewt yelwem me personally kezi belay endemtseru endemtchelu akalew gn sebeb tabezalachu ezi lay bedenb seru ena demo new idea add argubet only story becha atargut becha Please bedemb seru betam nw mekorabachu i known u can i swear etebkalew be adis idea endemtemetu becha u know love u guys so much thank u❤❤❤
For her, first she have to tell him first b/c he deserve to now the truth am not saying she should be with him, she shouldn't b/c he is not loyal person, but that doesn't change the truth,and then if he agrees both of you tell her the truth, if he says no u have to tell her, if u don't tell her u are an evil person b/c u don't send a friend to hell not even enemy. To let her married is man is the biggest mistake u can ever do, b/c if he can sleep with u he can sleep with anyone. I know it hard to admit that u do, if u can't tell her personally text her or send voice mail just tell her and then tell ur family, b/c u can't hide it forever. And then find a job not stop school. Ovbiously neseha gebi. God be with you.
ድርያ አትልበሱ Please
Maryamen endat endemewedachuu.chershe tefetachu demo vidiowen asaterachehut😢demo kahun behuwala leyuya tanebelen mahii demo eseske sament yaleshewen temechetognal
Dears , I love your content but I don't think you are experienced in marriage. Cauz you haven't been in it. Its like to teach how to swim while you can't swim.
It's just my sincere comment.
Yerasunim beteseb ena ahun yemeseretewinim beteseb meridat alebet betesebochu bayinorachew esum yihen yetesemaw silezih meridat alebet buhala yikochewal
ኪሏም የገና በሬ
መጀመሪያም ትፈልገው ነበር
ስወዳችሁ ❤❤❤
I like Mahi betam❤
Yeliju tiyake iko yenen family alitekebelechim new beka yemeridat guday bicha ayidel
እኔም ትዳር ፈላጊ ነኝ ግን ሁለታቹንም ማግባት ፈልጋለሁ መለያየት የለባችሁም ብዬ ስላማምን አይኑካዎቼ ናቹ :
ምን ታክላላቹ ውይ አረ ስፖርት ሰሩ
Guy's btam nw yemwedachu gen i have something to say about story 1 what if he's ur brother who's the only one support ur family so what u Guy's think & doing this kind of sister in law maybe u waiting for school payment or give for ur mom yebet asbeza so for me he's right 🙄
For him, as they say if her point of view is not to get what she deserve assure her u wouldn't do that, but if her point of view is disrespecting ur family don't married her b/c if she don't respect ur family she will not respect u & one thing l can say l am 100% sure if they is no respect in any relationship there wouldn't any relationship.
Kesira betame dekomogn letegna neber megibeya yetsafachut qsidegitogn layachu metew enatem ken belaye degitqchual
Aroget hula
ትውለደው የታባቷ
😂 sofa ❤❤❤❤
እናንተ ኣታገቡም እንዴ ለነገሩ ማን ደፍሮ ሊጠይቃቹ ይችላል
Ene baletedar negn wend lij yefelege biwedesh betesebun mateweji kehone ena enesu lay metfo amelekaket kalew lifetash hulu yechelal mknyatum be mistu ena be betesebu mehal ጸብ kale selamun yatal so saygebabu enadaygabu adera
ምንድነው እንትናችሁ ውስጥ ጉንዳን …..እንዴ??? ተወራጫችሁሳ ብርቃች