Electric Hob Installation How to install Electric hob in worktop & wiring

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jasonmorris3644
    @jasonmorris3644 2 роки тому

    Perfect very easy to follow but maby get electrician for insurance purposes. Good video my friend.

  • @mychoice33
    @mychoice33 4 роки тому

    I had no idea the hob sits above the cooker, set in the worktop! It was quite a revelation to see how easy it was to replace it following the instructions! But connecting the wires needs an electrician to do it ! Thank you !

  • @Chris-uu6dg
    @Chris-uu6dg 3 роки тому +18

    Great video thanks.
    Just one quick question why do you need a 40amp MCB isn't 32 amp enough?
    32 amp is good for up to 7.3kw and with diversity it will be no way near it?
    Thanks Chris

    • @MS-Patriot2
      @MS-Patriot2 2 роки тому +1

      The MCB needs to be rated at less than the cable capacity, allowing for its installation path, but higher than the load. A B32 would be fine in this instance.

    • @Dog-whisperer7494
      @Dog-whisperer7494 4 місяці тому

      @@MS-Patriot2the current rating of the circuit protection device should be equal to or greater than the design current, a 6.5kw(6500w) hob will only pull 27amp less when diversity is applied. So a 32amp MCB would be more than sufficient.

  • @wasimshafi7927
    @wasimshafi7927 Рік тому

    Excellent first time viewing but a concise video.

  • @kortrijk056
    @kortrijk056 11 місяців тому +2

    can the connection plate be installed upside down, with the cooker wire going up as my feed is coming from the bottom near the floor

  • @bkdgaming2209
    @bkdgaming2209 4 роки тому +6

    5:48 skip to the wiring part 👌

  • @mohammedpanju2236
    @mohammedpanju2236 Рік тому

    GREAT to watch an Expert at work.

  • @lendldaniels9304
    @lendldaniels9304 3 роки тому +5

    Great video it helped alot, thanks.
    But when you are doing the wiring, don't you think you should connect the earth wire just to be safe.

  • @emajon2585
    @emajon2585 4 роки тому +1

    Bardzo bardzo dobry video! Great detailed explanation and demonstration ! Finally think I know what I'm doing - Zrobie to sama! 😀
    Best on UA-cam for hob installation. Thanks!

  • @patricbrown8721
    @patricbrown8721 Рік тому +1

    Hello,good no nonsense informative video,but I think you meant cooker outlet instead of connection unit.

    • @samsonacc8081
      @samsonacc8081 6 місяців тому

      No he did not mean cooker outlet, they are called connection unit as he said.

  • @cygnus108
    @cygnus108 5 років тому +2

    Another excellent instructional video....thanks for posting

  • @abc53205
    @abc53205 7 місяців тому +2

    I have spent extra time in the market to buy the best hob brand, on march 2023, I bought AEG 90cm hk955070xb after six months the color of the right side eye later on one week i found that its cracked, the local seller confirm that its miss use!! I don't know how color change and self cracked is miss use!!?? I wondered how AEG seller try to escape from manufacturing deficiency responsibility. I wondered how AEG seller dont aware of two years warranty, every thing all image zero. great lesson i have from this brand

  • @gergelygergely6087
    @gergelygergely6087 2 роки тому

    Hi i have a question, the layout of my kitchen is the same. Where you connect the hob I have my oven , I recently bought a ceramic hob (is bigger then what you used it has 5 cooking areas and total 8200W) we had gas hob previously. Can I disconnect the oven and connect the ceramic hob where you connected yours and to buy a plug for the oven and plug it in the socket which is next to it? I would like to know if you think it will work and no issues? Also can you recommend what plug I should buy? Thank you

  • @samsonacc8081
    @samsonacc8081 6 місяців тому

    Hi will this type of connection unit accept 2 outlet 6mm cables at out terminals?

  • @Rocstoneau
    @Rocstoneau 4 роки тому

    I watched the IT add thinking it was a movie add and I wanted to watch it!

    • @andyxox4168
      @andyxox4168 2 роки тому

      Then you shouldn’t really be contemplating installing a hob!

  • @chelsea08FC
    @chelsea08FC 2 роки тому

    Beautiful work and example 👏🏾

  • @sosidanielt1548
    @sosidanielt1548 4 роки тому +2

    Please my cooker switch is single phase with earth and the hob is L1, L2 with neutral and earth can I still connect it

  • @mustafa72100
    @mustafa72100 5 років тому +2

    I don’t know if I am right but 6.5kw needs only 32am mcb !!why you use 40am .
    Many thanks

  • @ratchriat1716
    @ratchriat1716 5 років тому

    you mad it easy and simple installation enjoyed the video

  • @johnmagill3335
    @johnmagill3335 2 роки тому

    Very good. Thank you very much.
    Greatly appreciated

  • @aasiaJoasiaa
    @aasiaJoasiaa 3 роки тому +1

    Super 👍 wlasnie tego potrzebowalam 💪
    Pozdrawiam :)

  • @anathema2me4EVR
    @anathema2me4EVR 4 роки тому +1

    I just purchased an induction hob but the fitted cable is only two core with no earth yet it states it must be earthed. Why would they sell it like this?

  • @mango3586
    @mango3586 5 років тому +1

    what is the model number of your jigsaw and what kind of blade you are using thanks for the good video

  • @grolfe3210
    @grolfe3210 Рік тому +2

    Screw a bit of wood under the worktop to support the cut out.
    The hob should have some screws and brackets holding it in place.
    Trim the flex down as it is too long and the tails are too long and should be cut to the right length not just crammed in.
    As others have said, you can run most hobs plus two ovens off a 32a mcb and use 4mm cable.
    6mm is overkill and it then steps down to the flex on the appliance which looks to be 4mm. Should be the same size throughout.
    That cooker switch is from the 1950s they do nice standard size ones now.
    The wall socket to the right of the hob may be too close to it. Should be 100mm.
    Apart from that....

  • @friwan
    @friwan 10 місяців тому

    Thanks man. Good job in the videos

  • @gosiakr8572
    @gosiakr8572 2 роки тому

    Mogę zamontowac wtyczkę bo mam tak stary hob podłączony ?

  • @HamzaMirofficial
    @HamzaMirofficial 2 роки тому

    I bought a powerful job than our existing one. How to tell/replace of the pier is enough for the cable.

  • @josefshopovich7584
    @josefshopovich7584 Рік тому

    How come the induction doesn't have any fans?

  • @davidkuinov
    @davidkuinov 5 років тому +1

    your videos are great, thank you very much

  • @Walkerbait670
    @Walkerbait670 5 років тому +3

    Thank you! This is a great guide for me :)

  • @philipoakley5498
    @philipoakley5498 4 роки тому +2

    Need a video with extra guidance on getting the jig saw to do a nice straight cut (both along the line and keeping the blade vertical). I seem to always get some blade wander which can be a disaster!

    • @3rdeye399
      @3rdeye399 3 роки тому +3

      blade wander in my opinion always happens with inferior jig saws and that covers 95 percent of all models...you need a good quality machine with ample power of 500w or higher with a rigid blade set up. To be honest this can only be found out by experience... I can only recommend 2 makers as they are the ones that work for me but there will be others I have not tried...those 2 are Makita and Bosch. Make sure that the base plate is set at 90 degrees and that you have a sharp blade... while cutting do not force the blade forward but allow it to clear its own path..if you could also attach some guide to run the base plate along this would also help keep the saw and blade from steering away. My advice may be too late for others but I hope it helps others...

    • @marcarmstrong88
      @marcarmstrong88 3 роки тому

      @@3rdeye399 Yep

  • @ek6868
    @ek6868 5 років тому +1

    Excellent video how come you don't use a worktop jig to cut holes in worktops?

    • @how2d223
      @how2d223  5 років тому

      This will be in my next video.

  • @gedglynn2515
    @gedglynn2515 Рік тому

    Great video thanks a lot it really helped me.

  • @Deegee-tx5tk
    @Deegee-tx5tk 5 років тому

    Hi great video.
    could you tell me if the wires with clipped metal on the ends stays
    on or do you cut them off and feed in the bare wires to connect

  • @alanflinch9149
    @alanflinch9149 2 роки тому

    what type of cable do i need

  • @r-arts5628
    @r-arts5628 2 роки тому

    Helpful guidance boss

  • @balazsszabo470
    @balazsszabo470 5 років тому

    Hi, great video. I assumed that u make kitchen installation. Where are u locked?

  • @ratanasunheang6763
    @ratanasunheang6763 4 роки тому

    Dear brother, can you make a video about socket for refrigerator and washing machine ?

  • @mikebolt9753
    @mikebolt9753 4 роки тому

    Nice video 😊

    @RAAAYQQ 4 роки тому

    I have installed one today but it did not beep when I connected it to the electricity. I played with the on/off botton and can't figure out how to turn it on.

  • @douglasrussell1796
    @douglasrussell1796 3 роки тому

    Exactly what I needed, thanks!

  • @ralpha1
    @ralpha1 4 роки тому

    The part I wanted to see was how to change a double plug socket to cooker hardwired..

    • @MS-Patriot2
      @MS-Patriot2 4 роки тому

      @rALPHA. You will not be able to run a typical cooker rated at more than 3kW from an existing ring final outlet if wired in 2.5mm twin and earth cable. The cable to the new socket you propose must be of sufficient cross section area for the wattage of the cooker, and the circuit breaker rated at less than the cable capacity but more than the cooker.

    • @ralpha1
      @ralpha1 4 роки тому +1

      @@MS-Patriot2 I sorted it out a already had 6m cable and cooker switch. I replaced the double socket box with 1 socket and hardwired connection 45amp pretty easy to be honest . Thanks

  • @dk6343
    @dk6343 3 роки тому

    How can I contact you. I need my kitchen to be fitted.

  • @ooh1972
    @ooh1972 6 місяців тому

    Hello I need help

  • @lainaanial
    @lainaanial Рік тому

    Great videos.

  • @hinol3900
    @hinol3900 5 років тому

    Good job boss! 😀

  • @studiochap
    @studiochap 2 роки тому

    Thank you! 👍

  • @lilplinky
    @lilplinky Рік тому

    Mine has no lead ???

  • @paulinerixonrixon3667
    @paulinerixonrixon3667 5 років тому

    Can anybody tell my what's wrong with my hob it's installed but the rings are locked

    • @mychoice33
      @mychoice33 4 роки тому +1

      Did you install it yourself? You would need an electrician to help you out!

  • @billsbasementworkshop1902
    @billsbasementworkshop1902 Рік тому

    Got the maths wrong I think. 6.5Kw comes to 29 amps, and only needs a 32A MCB.
    Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @andyxox4168
    @andyxox4168 2 роки тому +1

    32A MCB is the adequate, the correct and recommended size … duh!

  • @markmcguigan4711
    @markmcguigan4711 2 роки тому

    Good vid mate

  • @jensschroder8214
    @jensschroder8214 9 місяців тому

    6500W a 240V = 27Ampere. a 32A MCB is enough for only 27A

  • @bobsian4665
    @bobsian4665 5 років тому

    Hi I dont have a wire that comes out of the hob. I connected a wire directly into it and now get an error E6 41 connected to one phase...any idea what that means ??

  • @primecabl4599
    @primecabl4599 2 роки тому

    I nede 1pace how mach

  • @JackElo7777
    @JackElo7777 2 роки тому

    Dzięki ziomek ❤️💪

  • @AoifeFia
    @AoifeFia Місяць тому

    Thank you!

  • @devlinmcgintybonnicicaruan7929

    Great thank you !

  • @mpoiya
    @mpoiya 5 років тому

    Dziekuje 👏👏

  • @waqasbtm1
    @waqasbtm1 2 роки тому

    32A 6mm

  • @yvonnevonjendraschek5099
    @yvonnevonjendraschek5099 3 роки тому

    No i dalam rade .Dzieki

  • @TheRobex55
    @TheRobex55 3 роки тому +1

    Gościu nie mogę słuchać Twojego angielskiego. Nie możesz mówić normalnie po polsku? Ogólnie filmik zajefajny.

  • @djlakota8907
    @djlakota8907 5 років тому

    Thanks 🙏🏽

  • @johno7808
    @johno7808 5 років тому


  • @TunaVEVO
    @TunaVEVO 6 місяців тому

    32A and 4mm is enough dont overkill learn and then post youtubes

  • @Prr-u9o
    @Prr-u9o Рік тому

    Effing music.

  • @studiochap
    @studiochap 2 роки тому

    Thank you! 👍