Twisters | Official Trailer 2 Reaction!



  • @poeticnation6251
    @poeticnation6251 4 місяці тому +2

    Cool reactions and discussion (This looks really good - I REALLY loved the first part, from the 1990's). But to your question, no! There's no way to stop a tornado (at least not a way that's common knowledge). Trying to stop a tornado, is like trying to stop a volcano from exploding - That power is simply out of the hands of mankind.

  • @koragray4794
    @koragray4794 5 місяців тому +2

    I'm think the reason why they chasing tornadoes in this film is because of their goal is that they feeding bunch of sensors (aka drones) to the belly of the beast (which is the tornado) in order to develop a better advance severe weather warning system.
    However, in the original movie, the plot of the film is that the goal is ultimately to feed a bunch of sensors into the belly of the beast in order to develop a more advanced warning system. So, in this sequel, the new main characters are doing the same thing is deploy a scientific tornado instrument called Dorothy into a tornado and feed sensors into it to develop a better warning system. (Which is the same thing). 🌪🌀🌪