🚨 The Adobe Empire Has Fallen

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @graysonsgraphics
    @graysonsgraphics  3 місяці тому +44

    Will you still be using Adobe products after this?

    • @huymaivan8671
      @huymaivan8671 3 місяці тому +8

      You basically cant opt out though, the new term of use already demand you the right and license of your content for them to use anyway they like. If you dont agree with it, they'll cancel their cloud service and you lost all the file in their cloud.

    • @dreammix9430
      @dreammix9430 3 місяці тому +21


    • @mehow357
      @mehow357 3 місяці тому

      ​@@huymaivan8671just imagine you're in the middle of big commercial project and time is running. What would you do? To which software would you move? Can you renegotiate the contract with your BIG customer?
      ADOBE is a huge scam!
      Try to regularly opt-out from the subscription - you'll find their next scam. The software stops working immediately but you are obligated to pay till the end of the contract (it's a yearly subscription, even though there are monthly payments). They are scamming people.

    • @computernerd8157
      @computernerd8157 3 місяці тому

      ​@@huymaivan8671 LoL what a great company. I just dont trust adobe. I remeber when used windows and it automatically by default had my files on the cloud. That was the last time I used stuff from companies like this. I went to Linux and OpenSource and I am not looking back. If I need a new Software, I will invest the time to create the tool before surrending my rights to another crazy cooperation.

    • @mtallan
      @mtallan 3 місяці тому +11

      All the professional designers who have years worth of working files they still constantly access are not going to jump ship so quickly. If you just a photoshop casual user then sure but if you daily use photoshop, indesign, illustrator etc and the integration of all your working files then walking away is HUGE!!

  • @nicerides9224
    @nicerides9224 3 місяці тому +108

    Let me get this straight. You pay Adobe a hefty monthly fee to use their software to create art or edit your photos and they can also use what you created for profit?

    • @jay10242
      @jay10242 3 місяці тому +7

      If Adobe gets a money from your art work then they should only get some sort of finder's fee and you should get the rest of the profit.

    • @spudpud-T67
      @spudpud-T67 3 місяці тому

      They are using your images and data to develop a program that they will then sell to users to bypass the need to ever use your creative skills again. Not only that but they will be policing the data you have and may censor anything they deem a problem to them. That photo of your kid, deleted as it may be kiddy porn. Think of have ham fisted google is about censoring comments and videos on YT.

  • @DeanRockne
    @DeanRockne 3 місяці тому +64

    According to that new terms of service, they can also ignore your opt out sometimes, when they feel like it, without telling you.

    • @etc115
      @etc115 3 місяці тому +6

      Unbelievable. I will rob you, I have opted you in first - because good ux (for our shareholders). But even if you opt out, we will occasionally still rob you. thanks for paying us to do so. sincerely - Adobe (we will use you and your work to make you obsolete)

  • @gen-amb
    @gen-amb 3 місяці тому +21

    Divorced Adobe about 5 years ago. Hasn’t really been a bad thing for me.

  • @carylittleford8980
    @carylittleford8980 3 місяці тому +9

    There is a lot of talk about is being potentially illegal to use Adobe cloud if your under non-disclosure or local privacy laws etc. , not OK to give peoples image/art to Adobe if your collaborating with others etc.
    Makes me glad I chose to use apps from smaller businesses and a load of arts community driven open source. No AI.. No subscription. Happy clients.

    • @Yunhaisongtao
      @Yunhaisongtao 3 місяці тому +3

      Would you please share these apps, consider shifting away from Adobe here, thank you

    • @L31600
      @L31600 2 місяці тому

      Can you please share them?

  • @daelgus
    @daelgus 3 місяці тому +8

    I'll point out what I did on a similar video. Adobe is in violation of copyright law. If I buy copyright art for a project, Adobe can bypass the copyright by either scrapping from the creator or gathering data from someone inserting a copyright image or document into their ap from another source.

  • @captainkanji1
    @captainkanji1 3 місяці тому +7

    I had the photo plan for Lightroom, but I immediately canceled when I heard about this. Had to pay a $10 fee to cancel early. I'll just get Luminar the next time I need to edit photos.

  • @dr.timsmith5539
    @dr.timsmith5539 3 місяці тому +1

    they have been doing this for over a year, if you didnt know about it, it was set to default as an option to steal your content and feed their AI

  • @KennylexLuckless
    @KennylexLuckless 3 місяці тому +6

    When you generate AI images you can still get a watermark from the sites that the AI companies have ise, like ShutterStock and so on, so if all Adobe users came up with one and same logo they could place at the same spot on their images, like a logo saying "Adobe suck donkey balls", maybe then then "Creative fill" will just add that logo for users :-D

  • @egiptblackpearl
    @egiptblackpearl 2 місяці тому

    the exact way to return those terms: I reserve my self the right to use your software without paying in order to develop and improve my skills, so that later on i may buy your software.

  • @boxxidraws7690
    @boxxidraws7690 3 місяці тому

    Machine AI is the umbrella term and AI is the byproduct of said umbrella. Adobe is trying to hide the fact they’re using AI.

  • @moajrtoons
    @moajrtoons 3 місяці тому

    I just can't understand why are these companies doing this to us artist? Why can't they treat us artist with respect.

  • @RandyRanson-d5x
    @RandyRanson-d5x 3 місяці тому

    Adobe owes all those who've spent $ thousands of dollars on Adobe products PLUGINS and PRESETS, TEXTURES and other add ons, and the manufacturers of those add ons an apology and possibly some recompense.

  • @hellerart
    @hellerart 2 місяці тому

    Well that is actually great!!!! Why would we need any creatives that can be surpassed by a PC? As an artist would say: Fine this time is over.
    The steam machine replaced muscles, no brains. Whats the big deal? I will go spiritual path full time then. Great!
    We will only have to rethink the concept of money then. We will need a basic income. I have NO problem giving things up, AI is better at.
    Maybe the problem is more like we mix up artwork and boring stereotype illustration. AI is more replacing boring stereotype illustrations. And even there: will it be up to the quality of a real human?
    But I think it will be a long time until AI truely creates something new like Roberto Matta oder Picasso. Actually illustrators who copy an existing artstyle are stealing themselves already... AI will simply redffine the creative game in my opinion.

  • @SalticidaeFan
    @SalticidaeFan 3 місяці тому

    If you’re selling images using traditional license you need absolute control over their use. Cancelled my subscription today, been using photoshop over 20yr.

  • @kunfoopanda
    @kunfoopanda 2 місяці тому

    I have been using pirated version of adobe for decades now. I feel good about it. 😂

  • @thickymcghee7681
    @thickymcghee7681 2 місяці тому

    WTF is adobe thinking? In what world is this acceptable?

  • @rederickfroders1978
    @rederickfroders1978 3 місяці тому

    Affinity anyone?

  • @RobertMagnussen
    @RobertMagnussen 3 місяці тому

    life is hard, why not be a fisherman?

  • @LeandroAndrus-fn4pt
    @LeandroAndrus-fn4pt 3 місяці тому +126

    Adobe keeps finding new and creative ways to screw their legitimate customers, while we, the pirates, keep completely blocking all Adobe software from accessing Adobe and avoid all these problems…

    • @ghb323
      @ghb323 3 місяці тому +5

      you mean stopping phone homing?

    • @nikyabodigital
      @nikyabodigital Місяць тому

      I use paid adobe but im curious if there's already a way to gain access to AI features in your method.

  • @miki_wiki12
    @miki_wiki12 3 місяці тому +87

    I switched to Affinity because I didn’t like Adobe’s subscription model. It does everything I need it to do plus it’s super affordable.

    • @rocketmunkey1
      @rocketmunkey1 3 місяці тому +5

      Same would have carried on using Adobe CS5.5 but upgraded to an M1 ARM based mac which of course wont run older intel based software, Affinity needs some improvement, changing the colour of brushes and making gradients is unnecessarily complicated, also rather annoyingly all my old PS Layer styles wont translate into Affinity, which means Ive got to redo all that work, hope they get those things sorted as its a major part of my work flow. But theres no way in hell I'm ever going back to Adobe and there subscription model !

    • @jozsefk9
      @jozsefk9 3 місяці тому +2

      Affinity can produce way much better quality of PDF files for press than Adobe. Believe it or not.

    • @SurfandTurfJay
      @SurfandTurfJay 3 місяці тому +3

      Thanks I'll go have a look at this 👍🏻

  • @computernerd8157
    @computernerd8157 3 місяці тому +86

    Not only will I not use adobe, but If I ever decided to create a project, I am going to make sure nobody that works with me on those projects use it because this is not acceptable to me.

    • @Not_Even_Wrong
      @Not_Even_Wrong 3 місяці тому +10

      Many contracts probably prohibit use of Adobe products now, imagine working on an illustration that is of course to be EXCLUSIVELY licenced, if you're using Adobe you're giving them a licence as well which means by the contract you're prohibited from using Adobe.

    • @gandolfred
      @gandolfred 3 місяці тому

      I fully agree with you. Adobe must lose and lose customers, lose its share in the graphics software market, receive financial losses, and only this will begin to reach them. And only then will they start turning on the brain and thinking.

  • @PPNStudio
    @PPNStudio 3 місяці тому +159

    No one is talking about a big elephant in the room... As a GFX / creative service provider, you tend to work on someone else's IP, images, and content and then usually under a NDA.
    You legally do not have the authority or rights to grant Adobe a license to use those file/images/etc.
    Now what Adobe?

    • @kirilladamenya
      @kirilladamenya 3 місяці тому +8

      Exactly my concern!

    • @pedrob3953
      @pedrob3953 3 місяці тому +11

      How Adobe doesn't know this? How can they be so clueless about their own customers and their own product use cases?

    • @osier769
      @osier769 3 місяці тому +16

      Yep, that's my biggest issue. It's anti-contractor/business and leaves firms in a legal bind. For me, Adobe is now a brick and has to be removed from all pipelines. 😑

    • @GrymmsPlace
      @GrymmsPlace 3 місяці тому +9

      Exactly. And what if a user has NOT agreed to the new T&Cs and has moved to another platform. And then they find Adobe is already using it? Does that mean that they have stolen your work. Does that open them to litigation? Should be fun.
      ps: Adobe are so far behind the rest of the Big players re AI that they are doing everything they can do to get ahead. It won't work as they are too late. They should have said that 'Please let us use your content, and then we will add to the AI and we will give you a Huge discount on annual fees)

    • @PWingert1966
      @PWingert1966 3 місяці тому +5

      and if you do there is a precedent that suggests both you individually and the corporation may become liable.....Never mind military contractors and high-level security situations.

  • @LordHog
    @LordHog 3 місяці тому +60

    Blog post is not a legal document in a EULA. So, no matter what they say in a blog post means nothing

  • @simbarashekunedzimwe1372
    @simbarashekunedzimwe1372 3 місяці тому +33

    So we pay Adobe to train our replacement (A👁) using our data and content for free?

  • @ifilmic
    @ifilmic 3 місяці тому +107

    I am VERY MUCH DONE with Adobe

    • @MountainLWolf
      @MountainLWolf 3 місяці тому +5

      I barely just got started but I suppose I'll move on now...

    • @rederickfroders1978
      @rederickfroders1978 3 місяці тому +1

      ​​@@MountainLWolf Youre new so youre less rusted into the workflow and UI. I can really suggest trying something different. The older you get the harder it will be to get used to different work environments.

  • @TechXSoftware
    @TechXSoftware 3 місяці тому +33

    I have been using Affinity for years.
    I'm not even a Graphic Designer, I'm a Developer.

  • @kdw75
    @kdw75 3 місяці тому +33

    So when we are saving PDFs with medical records, they are saying they can take them and publicly release the patients info??? Or financial records??? Think of all the financial documents sent back and forth for signing using Adobe Acrobat.

    • @pedrob3953
      @pedrob3953 3 місяці тому +10

      It seems Adobe has no idea on how their own product is used.

    • @zeemon9623
      @zeemon9623 3 місяці тому

      ​@@pedrob3953 ... which is apparently why they are trying their best to find out, consent be damned.

    • @LV4EVR
      @LV4EVR 3 місяці тому

      If you work in/with medial anything, HIPAA is going to have legal departments everywhere are going to be forcing users off of Adobe IMHO.

    • @equinox6944
      @equinox6944 3 місяці тому +7

      Exactly ... Medical records, financial records, bank records .. I want to know the answer to this too. Terrifying.

    • @kdw75
      @kdw75 3 місяці тому

      @@equinox6944 If Adobe were smart they would clarify that they don't and CAN'T look at anything not stored to the cloud or using AI. If they need to for tech support it should ask and require the user to approve it.

  • @tomdaigon8707
    @tomdaigon8707 3 місяці тому +50

    As a professional high-end video editor for 35 years I was a real fanboy of Adobe after effects. Living in Vegas I went to every NAB and hung out at the Adobe area always excited to see what new developments were coming. The last NAB I went to was about 12 years ago around the time I retired. I learned from many folks in the crowd there was a rumor that Adobe would be changing all its software to subscription. I was shocked and quite angry about it. I kept asking Adobe employees whether this was true and they just kind of looked down at the ground . There was no way in hell I was going to continue supporting adobe. Years later I decided it would be fun to see where editing software was 10 years later so I discovered some wonderful alternatives to Adobe. Photo lab seven is a spectacular raw editor that blows away light room. Da Vinci resolve is another fine editor that competes very well with premier. I never found anything that really replaced after effects because there is a big difference between it and da Vinci Fusion. Adobe is a dirty word to me and I hope they rotten hell for all the greedy decisions they've made.

    • @ivan-_-8577
      @ivan-_-8577 3 місяці тому

      A good replacement for After Effects is Cavalry

    • @LV4EVR
      @LV4EVR 3 місяці тому +5

      @@ivan-_-8577 Never heard of Cavalry, but I see it's another RENTAL. So, hard pass here.

    • @Grapfy
      @Grapfy 23 дні тому

      After effects 👉🏽 Apple Motion & Jitter

  • @smartkitville7167
    @smartkitville7167 3 місяці тому +9

    As a former Macromedia Freehand user, I no longer trust Adobe for years. Adobe has always been an evil company that always abuses its position of power.

  • @KanoWhite53
    @KanoWhite53 3 місяці тому +19

    So glad I moved on from Adobe years ago.

  • @Stromboli15
    @Stromboli15 3 місяці тому +11

    I left them years ago after they specifically went to their “subscription model”….as soon as this occurred I ditched them like a bad habit. 💥👊😆💥

  • @HarryHardon-q2f
    @HarryHardon-q2f 3 місяці тому +40

    There is no reason to use Adobe given the access to so many free open source alternatives. There is nothing that Adobe can do that i cannot do in something else.. for free.. and nobody snooping around my box.

    • @JuhoSprite
      @JuhoSprite 3 місяці тому +4

      There is one, and that is lazyness of learning new software. Theres a ton of veterans, companies and regular users that just are too used to it and its hard to give it up. Also we have to wait till its not the industry standart anymore, because that stops ppl aswell from using smth else (this is the reason I still use it

    • @raymondlines5404
      @raymondlines5404 3 місяці тому +3

      Would you list the software you use?

    • @joemama1132
      @joemama1132 3 місяці тому +3

      list me free options for AE and Premiere that doesn't have a huge learning curve or does less than the adobe stuff can

    • @Dave102693
      @Dave102693 3 місяці тому

      @@joemama1132 DaVinci Resolve and Unreal Engine.

    • @FuckYouTubeForHandles
      @FuckYouTubeForHandles 3 місяці тому

      So, can you please list Adobe alternatives?

  • @Sparky3D
    @Sparky3D 3 місяці тому +10

    I can proudly state that I use no Adobe products. Used to use Photoshop and Premiere but not for the last 5 years. Affinity, Blender, Resolve and Nuke are my tools of choice now. Premiere sucks bigly anyways

  • @The.Sky.Driver
    @The.Sky.Driver 3 місяці тому +11

    The number and power of Adobe's competitors grows daily. Back to the good old days when You picked your favorite tools and made stuff that made you happy.

  • @mater5930
    @mater5930 3 місяці тому +7

    Adobe believes in creativity. See how creative they are at pulling one over artists.

  • @glasseffect
    @glasseffect 3 місяці тому +9

    Even the long standing Acrobat Reader looses to Sumatra PDF in ease of usability. Adobe is done.

  • @williamdavidson1490
    @williamdavidson1490 3 місяці тому +9

    As a Canadian photographer say I'm working on photo assignments for Tourism British Columbia. I take and edit images that I then upload to their platform. However, these images are not my personal content as I was hired under contract with Tourism British Columbia. Consequently, I, as the contracted photographer, do not possess the rights or authority to grant Adobe a license to use these images, videos, or files. I also refrain from using Adobe’s cloud services due to trust concerns. Additionally, I disagree with some comments below suggesting that creators with decades of experience using Adobe products are unwilling to switch to a new application. Batch editing and converting to a new file format can be done easily.

    • @mtallan
      @mtallan 3 місяці тому +2

      Do you mean there is a way to batch convert inDesign files to alternate software format that retains all global paragraph and character styles, all layers, master pages etc etc???

  • @scollins4436
    @scollins4436 3 місяці тому +7

    They have actually some of these terms before. I noticed a dangerous trend when they were working on their Ai. Maybe Adobe needs new leadership in the company. The good new is Affinity is having a flash sale.

  • @bubby372
    @bubby372 3 місяці тому +6

    I will be canceling my sub before my year sub is up.

  • @bgill7475
    @bgill7475 3 місяці тому +21

    The social media generation slowly realizing that agreements and privacy are actually important and that clicking yes and saying you have nothing to hide isn't very smart.
    Companies will always take advantage of people like you.

    • @freetibet1000
      @freetibet1000 3 місяці тому +1

      True! Taking the time reading the agreements will also paint a very stark image of what kind of a corporation it is behind the product you want to sign up for. In the case of Adobe it has become increasingly clear that they do everything in their power to screw their customers as much as possible. Of all the different directions they could have followed they chose to go for one of the most nefarious one possible! That never ends well in the long run.

    • @Darkparadox64
      @Darkparadox64 2 місяці тому +1

      Wth this good society move Yes 2000s internet is slowly coming back.

  • @PWingert1966
    @PWingert1966 3 місяці тому +5

    This is similar to the way they harvest mink. An electric cattle prod is inserted rectally to terminate the mink and harvest its fur without damage.

  • @huymaivan8671
    @huymaivan8671 3 місяці тому +8

    Or you can just use photoshop old version back then when Creative Cloud didn;t involved yet. ( the pirated one to be more specific)

    • @portersblackboard
      @portersblackboard 3 місяці тому

      @huymaivan8671 Or you can use a more up to date software. Affinity Photo. Right now they have a 50% off sale (in response to Adobe screwing up) you own this software and it is right now a one time fee of about $35. If you are nervous about trying it out, they have a free trial but it might not still be on sale after the free trial. The only downside is it doesn't have all of those A.I. features.

  • @immortalsaintgameplayenter9396
    @immortalsaintgameplayenter9396 3 місяці тому +4

    I switched to DaVinci resolve many years ago, best decision I ever made. It surpassed Adobe already and GPU rendering with 4090 rtx is just on a whole other level.

    • @tootall849
      @tootall849 3 місяці тому

      I’ve been considering this switch myself as well.

    @RICOFRITO 3 місяці тому +7

    Adobe will still dominate until companies stops using it, and opens up to other alternative programs.
    Adobe is so entrenched in so many places.
    The majority of job listings require you to know Adobe products.

    • @rhoansuede7938
      @rhoansuede7938 3 місяці тому +2

      This is what I'm saying, unless you're into freelancing good for you, but in big companies, Adobe is still the industry standard.

    • @potoo6122
      @potoo6122 3 місяці тому +1

      If companies leave its going to take at least a few years for them to do so as they update anything.

    • @annamarialocurtodesign
      @annamarialocurtodesign 18 днів тому +1

      That's true! In Italy many freelance use Adobe and pay much money in subscriptions and then they talk about the client that skip them because of their price'services!
      They don't save money on software, this is a no sense

  • @HumanMadeGlobal
    @HumanMadeGlobal 3 місяці тому +4

    Take control use Affinity !!!😎👍

  • @etc115
    @etc115 3 місяці тому +3

    They have lost their mind. Obviously I cancelled everything adobe.

  • @dvn.s_0069
    @dvn.s_0069 2 місяці тому +3

    Capture One, Affinity Pro, here I come! All in on those lifetime keys. Piracy on Adobe is justified to protect your art and IP.

    • @dvn.s_0069
      @dvn.s_0069 2 місяці тому +2

      Actually unsubscribing because I like C1 more already.

  • @junechevalier
    @junechevalier 3 місяці тому +3

    But what if Disney employees use Adobe?
    Will Adobe risk a lawsuit just for the sake of AI?
    Not to mention the opt out settings aren’t reliable in the courtroom. Imagine saying “you honor, I have opted out but still my artworks are used to train AI”
    “Have you?”
    “Yes your honor… here… WAIT…”
    Meanwhile Adobe at the back purposefully ticking the opt in settings while you’re not looking

  • @DerekDumas
    @DerekDumas 3 місяці тому +3

    I've been saying this for years. I own all my content. I use open source. Need to make .svg files? InkScape, Need photoshop? Gimp or Krita. All are free, and you OWN your content. Not to mention the opensource aspect allows you to add what features you want or plugins. For years I showed how to make skins avoiding Adobe and Corel. There is no reason to RENT software so it can be stolen. Adobe is NOT an Industry standard. Don't be a loaf. Use open source.

  • @LadyNoriko
    @LadyNoriko 3 місяці тому +3

    I hope adobe ends up leaking some disney product and get in a legal battle with them lol

  • @Saint_Rigal
    @Saint_Rigal 3 місяці тому +4

    Canceled my shit

  • @etc115
    @etc115 3 місяці тому +3

    If it is not about AI. Why the need to spy on your paying customers?

  • @swashbucklingmonkey
    @swashbucklingmonkey 3 місяці тому +2

    I just went ahead and cancelled Adobe. I'll figure out how I can do what I need to do without being spied on, stolen from, or financially abused.

  • @WyvernLord11th
    @WyvernLord11th 3 місяці тому +2

    So the tyrant has finally fallen...god damn

  • @LalliPallero
    @LalliPallero 3 місяці тому +2

    Feelsbadman. I've spent some money on plugins for the products and now I'm just throwing it all in the trash. Not going to continue using adobe products, unless they do a 180 like unity did after their fiasco. And even then the trust is damaged for sure.

  • @renzocheesman6844
    @renzocheesman6844 3 місяці тому +1

    These companies have gotten too comfortable screwing their customers over. Lets go back to cracking software 🖕😂🖕

  • @Gadalac
    @Gadalac 3 місяці тому +16

    I opted out of paying adobe long ago via sailing the 7 seas

    • @simbarashekunedzimwe1372
      @simbarashekunedzimwe1372 3 місяці тому +2

      Lol. gotcha. No more walking the plank monthly.

    • @klaustrussel
      @klaustrussel 3 місяці тому


    • @musicalneptunian
      @musicalneptunian 3 місяці тому


    • @anisa2273
      @anisa2273 3 місяці тому

      lol same but i still have an adobe account so im afraid they can still have my stuff...

  • @ExpeditionAustralia
    @ExpeditionAustralia 3 місяці тому +1

    I just bought Affinity suite for 50% off. Bye Adobe!

  • @toifel
    @toifel 3 місяці тому +3

    "When companies think they have enough data" - as someone working in IT, hell will probably freeze before that ever happens.

  • @dimanatti
    @dimanatti 2 місяці тому +1

    Adobe got away with a lot to of trash for years because there wasn't proper competition. And as soon as people wanna leave Adobe is making it hard and finally the USA government is getting involved and suing them for what they was doing for years. Only way to fix their BIG problems is lowering their prices and listening to the end users.

  • @durpdurp0257
    @durpdurp0257 3 місяці тому +2

    i will not be renewing my subscription with them and the majority shouldn't!

  • @nathancombs11
    @nathancombs11 2 місяці тому +1

    I just stuck with cs3. My computer that i work on my photos with has NEVER been on line.

  • @jtoons99
    @jtoons99 3 місяці тому +2

    And don’t forget the constant updates, lengthy startup times, and ever-bloating program size for Adobe products. I switched to the Affinity Suite 2 years ago.

  • @philamavikane9423
    @philamavikane9423 3 місяці тому +1

    BEST WAY TO OPT OUT: Cancel subscription (include a lovely comment why you're unsubscribing)

  • @Cuttingtorch
    @Cuttingtorch 3 місяці тому +1

    Glad I've never used Adobe for anything other than reading .PDF's.

  • @Dexter101x
    @Dexter101x 3 місяці тому +1

    Even though I don't use the cloud service, I'm still on CS6 and AP.

  • @flaviomasson
    @flaviomasson 2 місяці тому +1

    Your thumbnail made me click but your backdrops made me stay 😅

  • @carylittleford8980
    @carylittleford8980 3 місяці тому +2

    There is an advantage of dumping Adobe. You loose the "Adobe look" that comes from their well guarded algorithms. Use other gfx apps and your work will appear less similar to that produced by the main apps and potentially stand out.

  • @UHF43
    @UHF43 3 місяці тому +1

    It seems to me that Adobe is commited to become the Boeing of creative software.

  • @RealOGfikey
    @RealOGfikey 3 місяці тому +1

    It's simply the continuing increase in tech fascism.
    If you're not supporting FOSS (Free Open Source Software) alternatives you really should think about it now. If they can get the funding they can be a realistic alternative so we can say "adios" to this nonsense. Unity had to learn the hard way. Adobe and everyone else will as well.

  • @elmasheavy89
    @elmasheavy89 3 місяці тому +1

    This AI technology has to be regulated asap

  • @stela_camera_girl
    @stela_camera_girl 3 місяці тому +1

    I personally stopped use any of adobe products about 2017. I use alternatives from Serif and edit my videos in alternative software to. And yeah, I am a professional and use it every single day. So is not to say that well I just don't use any software. I do it because of my work. I left adobe since they begin to force people for monthly subscription, instead of one-time payment. I truly believe that this approach is toxic and criminal.

  • @paulhiggins5165
    @paulhiggins5165 3 місяці тому +2

    Why is anyone worried about Adobe doing what Midjourney has already done on a massive scale?
    " David Holz, the founder of Midjourney, recently admitted something we’ve already assumed: the company’s AI was trained on hundreds of millions of images without consent from their authors."
    "Back in September, Holz gave in an interview to Forbes, revealing that his company didn’t seek consent from artists when using their work for AI training. He justified it with the lack of possibility to “get a hundred million images and know where they’re coming from.”
    What Adobe do or do not do in this regard is irrelevant because- as the video points out- it's Midjourney that won the race to become the dominant player in the image generation space- and they did it the old fashioned way- by cheating- simply helping themselves to the work of milions of creatives without permission.

  • @mauriciolee7349
    @mauriciolee7349 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank Grayson for being HONEST & COURAGEOUS to speak out against Adobe's SHADY practice. The saddest thing is as of today June 14th, 2024, approximately ONLY 13 UA-camrs including you have spoken out against Adobe. One of the reasons is, I believe, the users have to find alternative apps that work for them. Many of them now use Luminar Neo or Capture One instead. They are not perfect but they have perpetual license and subscription plans.

  • @Tubeytime
    @Tubeytime 3 місяці тому +2

    Clearly the solution is to give them the worst possible content to steal and waste their time filtering through it all

    • @fooficst
      @fooficst 3 місяці тому

      ...or everything on Behance

  • @elxero2189
    @elxero2189 3 місяці тому +1

    Unity ubi ea microsoft google adobe...literally every big coorp is doign this now

  • @johnblair8146
    @johnblair8146 3 місяці тому +1

    Adobe needs to go out of business.

  • @SM-cb9sz
    @SM-cb9sz 3 місяці тому +3

    Offer the spyware version at a discount

    • @huymaivan8671
      @huymaivan8671 3 місяці тому +2

      the adobe user basically must pay to install spyware into their computer. Such a genius business thinking

  • @ekids.bassment
    @ekids.bassment 3 місяці тому +2

    Bought Affinity V2 Universal License this morning

    • @LV4EVR
      @LV4EVR 3 місяці тому +2

      good move, everyone should do this. at the price, there's nothing to lose, and affinity is great.

    • @ekids.bassment
      @ekids.bassment 3 місяці тому

      @@LV4EVR exactly, I already used Davinci Resolve and now the last piece of the not-adobe-puzzle is solved. I looked at the upgrade prizes and I couldn't resist to hop on the Affinity train :)

    • @jay10242
      @jay10242 3 місяці тому

      Canva bought Affinity some time ago so let's see what happens

    • @ekids.bassment
      @ekids.bassment 3 місяці тому

      ​@@jay10242 I know the name Canva but I don't know anything about that company or their conduct. Can you tell me why you say that?

  • @claroschmidt9304
    @claroschmidt9304 3 місяці тому +1

    Adobe is trying to shortcut to enhance their AI products. They’re trying to gain an edge over competitors, which could even be their own users. Pretty scumbag of a move.

  • @primothegreat9022
    @primothegreat9022 3 місяці тому +1

    Hoping affinity designer can topple illustrator

  • @digidrawdude
    @digidrawdude 3 місяці тому +10

    Affinity Photo = Photoshop
    Affinity Designer = Illustrator
    Affinity Publisher = InDesign
    Same tools, you literally won't be missing out!
    Choose Affinity and never look back!
    -Happy Affinity User

  • @Masonicon
    @Masonicon 3 місяці тому

    Any Adobe product's alternatives for modding Friday Night Funken?

  • @nahCyzar0520
    @nahCyzar0520 3 місяці тому +1

    You forgot about possible Breaches in NDAs. If somebody is using Adobe (assuming after the change) and is working on something under an NDA, they have access to what you are working on (including the work) which could breach the NDA since Adobe has access to it at least from my understanding.

  • @anth5189
    @anth5189 3 місяці тому +3

    I dumped them when they went to subscriptions. There is better software out there. Nobody needs them.

    • @jimofmarseille
      @jimofmarseille 3 місяці тому +1

      what software are you talking about ? Affinity and Luminar can't be considered as alternatives, good softwares, sure, but not equivalent.

    • @anth5189
      @anth5189 3 місяці тому

      @@jimofmarseille Used Affinity for years and it does everything that I did in Photoshop. In some instances better. If that wasn't the case I would be using Photoshop still. Of course it isn't the same. Some things are done differently. Of course there are always those idiots who just whinge about doing something differently.

    • @jimofmarseille
      @jimofmarseille 3 місяці тому

      @@anth5189 anybody who starts to considers peaople that don't think like them as idiots or "whingers" has nothing interesting to say.

    • @anth5189
      @anth5189 3 місяці тому

      @@jimofmarseille Clearly you are one of them if you have taken offense, dopey.

  • @SendyTheEndless
    @SendyTheEndless 3 місяці тому

    Welcome to the New Age of the Robber Baron. If anything needs cancelling, it's this crap!

  • @Angus.MacGyver
    @Angus.MacGyver 3 місяці тому +1

    Can anyone tell me what the's latest versions of Adobe PS & LR are before they moved to a subscription model? Is it PS7 or the ones in CS2? I'm gonna torrent those standalone, offline versions from TPB and RARBG tonight. TIA

  • @Patheticbutharmless
    @Patheticbutharmless 3 місяці тому

    PEOPLE LIKE YOU...just kidding. Artists, like you, should check out projects like "nightshade"(and support them with public knowledge) which is specifically made to inject faint noise into images(before you post them online in any way shape or form) so tht ai cannot be trained with them/so that ai training on them are corrupted. Yihaaaaa!

  • @JorgeLopezMedia
    @JorgeLopezMedia 3 місяці тому

    If you have trouble logging in to CreativeCloud tomorrow morning, it’s cause Adobe watched this video

  • @TroyQwert
    @TroyQwert 20 днів тому

    I got rid of all Adobes more than a year ago. But even before that i hardly used any. Even knowing that their Photoshop was kinda top photo editing soft, i was never able to learn it in full because the soft is not user friendly. And I am not a dummy software user, i use tons on different products. I am a web designer and a youtuber.

  • @randomgrinn
    @randomgrinn 3 місяці тому

    I don't think they're spying on my Photoshop 6.0 from 2001. Remember when you could buy software? Crazy anyone would fall for that online subscription model. People are just sheep.

  • @GrymmsPlace
    @GrymmsPlace 3 місяці тому

    100% this was scraped years and years ago - look at what happens to company backup data. Even if you remove your data, it's still in the respective company data repositories. That ship, she has sailed :)
    Just opting out means that you don't want to let them use it - it does not stop the actual usage. Unless you catch them.
    Having worked in IT for a while, even some service providers (ISPs) share historic data with their affiliates. AI is here and was here almost a decade back, just under a different name and basically dumb. This has changed. Adobe has just been appallingly clumsy at playing catchup. I can only imagine how people in the industry are laughing.

  • @hagardeviking9314
    @hagardeviking9314 5 днів тому

    Adobe can spy my pc, I use there apps for years for free... as portable versions.

  • @Savage_D_777
    @Savage_D_777 3 місяці тому

    Don’t believe adobe’s new updated terms. They are using slick wording which you THINK you understand, you won’t! Scale back your plan and make plans to get out of adobe!

  • @alexnj0y
    @alexnj0y 3 місяці тому

    Whatever. You all still gonna use adobe products.

  • @normg2242
    @normg2242 3 місяці тому

    Hey guys, we all misunderstand Adobe. Adobe are trendsetters, pioneers and boldly pressing forward towards a future where EVERY software company would love to be but don't have the guts to do so yet. Adobe are the only ones who are sticking their necks out for all other software companies who will end up benefiting from the course Adobe is charting right now. I GUARANTEE that a couple of years from now, EVERY software company will have similar terms of service as Adobe is introducing right now, and we as consumers will have gotten so used to it so that we won't even care any more because we won't have a choice and there will be nothing we will be able to do about it. So, brace for a future set by Adobe. Adobe may be dead by then, but rest assured that their spirit will live on. It's the spirit of human nature.

  • @rafikR85
    @rafikR85 3 місяці тому

    Im at the end of my graphic design degree and I see in job market adobe product is required, looks like most companys get adict their products to adobe. I switch while ago to affinity and its not only procing but also stability (works way better not that havy on my intel i7 mac) less buggy and less tasks in background of my machine. As a student have school licence to use adobe so for now I learn both software- I hope job market trend will change and more profesiinals will switch 😊 Watching blender bussines model I think we need kind of open equivalent in design word (like blender, penpod, etc but proffesional way)😊seriously Im too busy with my artworks to constantly dealing with similar problems - I just want to work 😊

  • @marklucas8110
    @marklucas8110 3 місяці тому

    Why should you have to leave a note for spyware no to scan you files? Major red flag. I know a lot of Adobe users have been wedded to their software for years, but I wouldn't trust them anymore. All started to go downhill when they stopped older software from working and revoked licences. Then they brought out CC product line you had to subscribe to. Do we really think they've never trained their AI software on people's work in all this time?
    They should NEVER be using any work from users, as a lot of the content may be for clients and they would not be happy to know Adobe could be using product work to train AI on. If NDAs are signed on that work then Adobe would be in big trouble.
    It's a shameful, but unsurprising result in the AI race to get in front. I'm waiting for the AI poop to hit the fan when we find out that Nvidia has been harvesting 'everything' they can on the internet to improve their up and coming generative AI products.

  • @RandomNonsense1985
    @RandomNonsense1985 22 дні тому

    I still use Audition 1.5, but only because Cool Edit Pro doesn’t run VST effects.