Discussing Our Visit With The MENTAWAI TRIBE In Indonesia (Part 4)

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @mewarnaiindonesia
    @mewarnaiindonesia 11 місяців тому +176

    Terimakasih telah jujur dan mengatakan banyak hal dengan apa adanya, jika berbicara Wisata ya seperti itulah guys. Btw aku tunggu kalian di Pulau Nias, aku bisa membantu kalian explore Pulau Nias, jangan fikirkan bayarannya, gratis itu menyenangkan 🌞 huhuy

    • @HPsamsung123
      @HPsamsung123 11 місяців тому +6

      Nias memang baguss...

    • @C.U.X
      @C.U.X 11 місяців тому +8

      Trima kasih saudaraku...kamu cerminan orang² yang tulus dg apa yg kau tawarkan...aq tersanjung dan bangga padamu

    • @arfiyogi9448
      @arfiyogi9448 11 місяців тому +2


    • @siteguh
      @siteguh 11 місяців тому +1


    • @khoirulumam6539
      @khoirulumam6539 11 місяців тому +4

      Bukan wisata, lebih tepatnya mengenal suku dan keberagaman indonesia

  • @frdsdty
    @frdsdty 6 місяців тому +10

    tak banyak turis yang memiliki kesadaran akan problem-problem indonesian tourism seperti kalian, i really appreciate that. salut kepada lajet dan suku mentawai yang mau tetap tinggal di hutan dan melestarikan kearifan lokalnya.
    di indonesia ada banyak sekali suku yang tinggal di hutan, hidup dari apa yang disediakan oleh alam, memiliki adat budaya lokal dan itu sudah mereka lakukan secara turun temurun. keresahan yang dialami lajet adalah keresahan yang juga dirasakan oleh kebanyakan masyarakat adat di indo, dimana pemerintah dengan 'niat baik' nya untuk membangun pemukiman dan memodernisasi masyarakat adat, justru membuat masyarakat adat tercerabut dari tanah dan airnya, termasuk 'pemaksaan' untuk memilih agama yang hanya diakui oleh negara (soal ini, sekarang lajet sudah bisa mengganti kolom agama di ktp nya dengan "penghayat kepercayaan"). beberapa wilayah masyarakat adat yang sudah 'terkolonisasi' digunakan untuk kebutuhan mass tourism, deforestasi, perkebunan sawit, dan tambang, seperti apa yang terjadi dengan suku bajo dan masyarakat adat lain yang ada di kalimantan dan papua.

  • @discoveringlombokindonesia4223
    @discoveringlombokindonesia4223 11 місяців тому +55

    To give you a western insight and at the same time having the perspective of someone who lives in Indonesia. You guys did a great job of presenting the content. To many youtubers glorify their content making me feel like "look how cool my life is". I am 100% confident the Indonesian people appreciate the way you present your content. Westerners need to see how hard and real people live here. Keep up the great work.

    • @thelostboys.travel
      @thelostboys.travel  11 місяців тому +13

      Thanks so much for sharing this, we really appreciate it. Honestly, getting approval from westerners who live in Indonesia is the biggest form of reinforcement for us. When we hear positive comments from westerners who have been in Indonesia for 1, 5, 10, 20+ years, it’s uplifting. Of course we appreciate the support from Indonesians, but hearing from people like you who truly have an understanding of both sides is so important. Thanks for watching 🙏🏼

    • @mbahmarijan789
      @mbahmarijan789 10 місяців тому

      Dale Philip approve

  • @winanani6686
    @winanani6686 2 місяці тому +1

    Terimakasih saudara LDBY sudah menyuguhkan fidio yang selama ini kami blm paham..yang terpenting buat kalian adalah mengiyakan apa yg mereka lakukan dan ceritakan agar mereka tak tersinggung ya..semoga sehat selalu dan makin sukses

  • @antojabrig9027
    @antojabrig9027 11 місяців тому +13

    Kesimpulan dari apa yang mereka sampaikan
    Untuk para youtuber ayolah kalau mau explore atau mendokumentasikan sebuah suku, tempat, budaya,makanan, maupun kehidupan seseorang buatlah apa adanya agar penonton tau yg sebenarnya mau itu baik atau buruk itulah yg terjadi dan kalian juga akan merasakan dan memahami apa yg meraka lakukan dalam hidupnya.
    Sesungguhnya semua itu menyenangkan asal kalian bisa menikmati dari sebuah perjalanan.
    Memang semua ini membutuhkan energi maupun biaya tapi semua itu terbayarkan karna kalian juga mendapatkan informasi dari yg kalian cari .
    Untuk THE LOST BOYS terus lakukanlah seperti yang kalian lakukan selama ini karna penonton sangat menikmati apa yg sudah kalian lakukan dan itu sudah di jalur yang benar.

  • @AdrianJoeLukita
    @AdrianJoeLukita 11 місяців тому +15

    Oi dude, kalau lewat bangko/singgah di bangko, kalian bisa nginep di rumah saya disana terserah berapa lama, kalian bisa merasakan hidup di salah satu pedesaan di bangko tanpa tour guide, hanya kalian dengan penduduk desa, tidak ada jadwal kalian harus kemana atau harus apa. real 100% interaksi kalian dengan penduduk desa.

  • @zidnayland3483
    @zidnayland3483 3 місяці тому +1

    Perspective yg jujur dam adil.. saya sebagai orang padang sangat suka dengan percakapan brainstroming yg kalian lakukan… percakapan ini lebih dari sebuah perjalanan vloger biasa.. kalian melihat nya dengan kejujuran dan penuh perhatian.. terimakasih kawan,, andai datang lagi ke Padang, kabari saya

  • @lizaburhan7806
    @lizaburhan7806 11 місяців тому +26

    Cara The lost boys yang selalu realistis, apa adanya, tapi penuh dengan kesopanan dan kerendahatian seperti ini yg menjadi alasan saya secara pribadi sangat menyukai dan selalu mengikuti setiap episode videonya.
    Pd dasarnya orang Indonesia bukanlah orang yang gila hormat dan gila pujian, akan tetapi kami akan sangat mengapresiasi dan menyayangi orang² yang mampu membawa dirinya dengan baik dimana pun dia berada. Sehingga mereka akan dibuat betah berada di mana pun mereka berada di Indonesia. Buat The Lost Boys, saya sangat sangat RESPECT! Sukses selalu dan sehat terus yaa Rob dan Cheyne..❤🎉 ❤

    • @lizaburhan7806
      @lizaburhan7806 11 місяців тому +5

      Sebab tidak bisa dipungkiri banyak para konten kreator Barat menjadikan Indonesia dan orang-orangnya hanya sebagai PASAR mereka dan untuk kepentingan dirinya saja. Tapi saya tidak melihat itu dari The Lost Boys, kalian tulus dan bukan untuk mencari ketenaran. Tapi ketulusan kalianlah yang membuat kalian jadi tenar/terkenal. Selamat yaa... 🎉👏😊😊 Dan selalu jujur dan rendah hati, itulah yang paling penting. ❤

  • @syukriaokta1842
    @syukriaokta1842 11 місяців тому +44

    Really appreciate what you've done for indonesia...
    Introducing the beauty of Indonesia to the whole world and you guyss...aren't stangers but indonesian as well by showing your pure love for indonesia.. !
    Thanks for that and keep it up 💪🔥

  • @JiwaZaman
    @JiwaZaman 10 місяців тому +5

    You guys got the point, most of tourism area lost their true identity, its a complex situation but we can prevent it, all we have to do is to change the system itself. For example, the Kanekes/Baduy, both Kanekes Dalem and Luar its a tourist area but Kanekes Dalem you can't use any technology like camera, phone, etc. So any tourist cannot make any content. This system has been there long way before youtube came. In fact before Merdeka, Dutch antrhopologyst said that Kanekes tribe will no longer exist in 100 years, but hey they're still there til now. So, I think we have to change the system itself. The tribes, government and tourist operator have to sit together to discuss this matter.

  • @hendysetiawann2035
    @hendysetiawann2035 11 місяців тому +31

    Sungguh suguhan yang berbeda yang kalian tampilkan...,kalian terlihat sangat mencintai originalitas kultur dan budaya suatu daerah.
    Ini bukan hanya tentang memperkenalkan tapi juga tentang bagaimana menghargai dan memahami keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia.
    Sukses selalu buat kalian 🎉

  • @asihlavivatyzain.5551
    @asihlavivatyzain.5551 2 місяці тому +1

    The truth is.... Like what you're discussing.... it's the reality, real happens in the field.
    Thank you guys, thanks for your attention and concern.
    Keep exploring the world with The Variety of uniques and amazing things every place has.... Keep healthy, keep smiling, happy always and stay away from trouble 😵‍💫😅....
    Be waiting for your other contents😊

  • @OurIslandLife
    @OurIslandLife 11 місяців тому +8

    Just finished watching your series here in Mentawai! This video is such a good ending to the series. It's such a difficult discussion to have but really admire that you guys are at least talking about it and aren't scared to open up the conversation. Living out here in Mentawai, it's so refreshing seeing a videos about Mentawai that aren't over cinematized or over romanticized (though these videos definitely have a time and place to exist and are beautiful too). But you guys actually take a critical look at where you are and what you do without disrespecting anyone.
    Tourism and making content about tourism is definitely a double edged sword. But as you say, we don't know for how much longer there will be people living like this or if the Mentawai culture will die out in a few generation so either way, videos like yours definitely contribute to keeping the traditional way alive! Even if it were only on the internet...
    So thanks for this and if you are keen to find out what life is really like in Mentawai, let us know! We'd be happy to offer some insights or answer some of your questions.

  • @PamrihCinta
    @PamrihCinta 11 місяців тому +9

    Rob...you already absorb the "nongkrong " style in the way how you sit...

  • @portal.unique
    @portal.unique 11 місяців тому +2

    I remember when I was 6-8 years old (1991-1997), I lived in a little village in West Java, even on the deeper side there were so many villages that didn't have electricity. Back then I took poop at the fish pond on a boxy toilet made from bamboo, cooked things by using firewood, a CRT television was a fancy thing back then, and people mostly had a radio/tape, sometimes I used a lantern lamp when the electricity was off, use natural source water that unlimited from rivers or springs, the transportation we used was horse carts, bicycles, and Ankot. Motorcycle and car was rare back then.
    I saw Bandung as a big city like the jungle people see the village. Now villages in West Java are the most developed villages in Indonesia...

    • @portal.unique
      @portal.unique 11 місяців тому

      I think some villages in Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, and Pangandaran still keep the way of life like I experienced, the Sundanese way of life like you've seen in Baduy tribe in Banten or Kampung Gajah tribe in Tasikmalaya.

  • @iiichsaaan
    @iiichsaaan 10 місяців тому +6

    I really really appreciate how you guys break down your experience here. the fact that this conversation is uncut and raw is giving the authenticity of your experience without cherry-picking stuff on what you should or should not share, so I give you guys a huge kudos for doing that. as a West Sumatran myself, I learn a lot about how the Mentawai tribes live their dailies. hats off to you guys!!

    • @thelostboys.travel
      @thelostboys.travel  10 місяців тому

      Thanks for this comment we really appreciate it. Mean a lot 🙏🏼

  • @hengkyirawan4548
    @hengkyirawan4548 11 місяців тому +19

    It would be amazing if you summarized all your experiences while touring in Indonesia into a book

  • @hengkyirawan4548
    @hengkyirawan4548 11 місяців тому +9

    I agree with your opinions and conclusions in this video. Massive tourism in a place that is still primitive will change the situation.

  • @vickokoszka6836
    @vickokoszka6836 11 місяців тому +2

    WELL 4th time I have listened and watched your Dialouge and REFLECTIONS on what you experianced, what you observed and the understanding and insight you both have gained by THE EXPERIANCE YOU HAD.
    Wish I was there having this conversation with you.....and align with so much of what you believe and wish for.
    Your AMAZING grasp of Indonesian has OPENED so many doors that ALLOW you to STEP BEYOND what 98% of westerners could ever do.
    I think that that is what IMPRESSES ME MOST.....
    THANKS TLB...❤🙏👏👏👏

  • @syamilmahmudi6353
    @syamilmahmudi6353 11 місяців тому +7

    Bagai mendengarkan 2 mahasiswa S3 (doctoral degree) di bidang sosio antropologi yang sedang melakukan brain storming tentang research mereka sebelum menuliskannya ke dalam sebuah thesis (journal).

  • @LookAlikescollection
    @LookAlikescollection 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you guys it felt emotional for me it made me watering my eyes the first 3 vids i felt so connected with my people although i've never been to indonesia or the moluccas because of pricate reasons. im mixed race Indonesian and Moluccan and Dutch. Words really can't express what im feeling Im living my dream a bit through your documentaries. How did you learn the language actually ? i enjoyed it all watching it!

  • @ExploringSumatra
    @ExploringSumatra 11 місяців тому +9

    Wow guys - how incredibly refreshing to see this kind of thoughtfulness and discourse regarding travel and its impacts on local cultures and communities. As baby UA-camrs who fell in love with Sumatra a decade ago, we often talk about these kinds of things: the desire to support tourism and small communities but also preserve the way it is (which is what we fell in love with). Really nice to see this perspective on the Mentawais. Thanks for all the work you put into this series.

  • @ahmadtaruna6828
    @ahmadtaruna6828 11 місяців тому +6

    Teruskan mengexplor Indonesia ada banyak suku yg punya daya tarik tersendiri yg jarang di ketahui. Selama itu mengedukasi maka akan memberi nilai positif buat the lost boys dan masyarakat Indonesia itu sendiri..

  • @brandyalexander7858
    @brandyalexander7858 11 місяців тому +5

    I love your videos. I experience arm chair adventures that I would love to do but probably won’t. It lets me live the dream with a coffee and an open mind, without even getting on a plane or a motorbike. I watch you every weekend. 😀

  • @oktapianioktapiani692
    @oktapianioktapiani692 11 місяців тому +3

    Wow,you are amazing guys. I'm an Indonesian but I don't know got this kind of places in our country. Thank you so much and be safe. Take care you guys. ❤

  • @MrPapaiko
    @MrPapaiko 5 місяців тому +2

    bagi kebanyakan orang di seluruh dunia hanya mengenal Bali tidak Indonesia-nya dan TLB akan merubah perspective dunia tentang Indonesia secara keseluruhannya.
    teruslah membesar TLB
    sehat selalu Rob & Cheyne 👍🏼

  • @eltercalpar
    @eltercalpar 11 місяців тому +5

    Actually, it's only a scratch on the surface, there are a lot more tribes across this country, and if you do deep research and know where to go, you can find really virgin villages with less exposed or even untouched tribes, wait till you go deep into the wild of papua if you have the gut; however, imho, if you find one, then better keep it for yourself because once promoted publicly, soon or later their culture will be lost ❤

    • @misnawati1936
      @misnawati1936 5 місяців тому +1

      Exactly,mereka suka ketempat yg gak terekspos sama sekali tapi mereka sendiri datang ke tempat2 itu dengan buat video dan di publish ke publik. Jadi agak gmn gitu.

  • @dragulia_venaro
    @dragulia_venaro 11 місяців тому +2

    We're too happy living surrounded by modern facilities that we forget about something very important, which is survival instinct.
    I feel like myself is not different.
    So, I hope my son can watch your current videos in the future, so he can relate and understand what's been missing from being a human.
    If I'm not forget about it, I will def ask him to watch it.
    He's not born yet, but I really have a big hope for that.
    Maybe he can travel on his own and make a better understanding.
    Thanks to Mr. Rob and Mr. Cheyne for making this amazing journey.

  • @Gonyos
    @Gonyos 11 місяців тому +4

    Yang saya sangat sukai dari konten yang kalian buat adalah kalian berusaha lebih intim dengan orang lokal hingga mencoba memahami kehidupan mereka. Lebih menggali lagi tradisi lokal di daerah yang kalian kunjungi. Ini bukan hanya soal rekreasi semata, tapi lebih ke bule berkenalan dengan orang Indonesia yang sebenarnya tidak banyak terkespos. Ini poin yang yang esensial yang positif dan mungkin tidak dimiliki atau dilakukan oleh bule lainnya di Indonesia yang terlalu glorify dan self indulgence pada video mereka.

  • @hikenzy1160
    @hikenzy1160 11 місяців тому +1

    i alsoo think that the uma has become the main atraction of tourism. i've seen alot of videos about mentawai tribe....and almost all of them has the similarity. it is true...rata2 yang membuat konten ttg mentawai paling lama spent 5 hr disitu. tentu saja itu ga cukup klo ingin tau ttg mentawai lbh dalam. i hope lajet and all of his family selalu menjaga tradisi sukunya. it is one of the kekayaan yg indo punya. well once again...thank you for your videos about mentawai. you've had a great job about it. we really appreciate it. and thank you for your honest description about mentawai for this episode. it is show how much you love indonesian culture. not just making a content for viewers,..etc. just keep up the good job boys!!! we always support you guys!!

  • @ariskylar1110
    @ariskylar1110 11 місяців тому +3

    This is why i love TLB, thank you for everything you do for indonesian tourism.. Always keep it real guys🙏🤟

  • @teriskarahardjo3337
    @teriskarahardjo3337 11 місяців тому +4

    I like your episode of living in Mentawai which is a rare experience for most of Indonesian people too. Thank you so much that we could also learn the way of indigenious beauty of such remoted area in my country

  • @cusidamopoli7990
    @cusidamopoli7990 11 місяців тому +1

    I appreciate alot for u guys honest opinions..u guys to me r not tourists..ive watched ur vlogs n to me uve become one of us indonesians..u know..how u guys want us to preserve our nature n culture..u guys not just say what we wanna hear..n thats so cool..we need ur eyes to make us realize more how great indonesia is..n i couldnt be more proud..thank u Rob n Cheyne

  • @alsanto2124
    @alsanto2124 11 місяців тому +1

    I also get tired watching video about Mentawai tribe, due to all the reasons you've both mentioned here... and i think this the last time i watch about it. So thank you so much Rob and Cheyne for this warm and intimate discussion. It was such break through mindset for us.... (apologize if my words not properly discribed).

  • @stampeldewa
    @stampeldewa 11 місяців тому +1

    From all your contents so far I love Mentawai series

  • @rezadwisn1553
    @rezadwisn1553 11 місяців тому +2

    I like the way you do deep talking,and share how yours experience specially to give advice to others foreigners to come in and the locals

  • @flyla-vm1wq
    @flyla-vm1wq 11 місяців тому +3

    Wow you guys is awesome, that was true as i do i not believe what in Instagram because there so many edit but you do great job guys, keep in good health and let's explore more so we can see Indonesia in others eyes witch true eyes

  • @herlensimanjuntak2565
    @herlensimanjuntak2565 8 місяців тому

    You both so young yet have so deeply insight in such of short time in one place and the local communities. Even a social anthropologist very rarely have the insight in duch a short time. Thanks you both. Horas!

    @CIWARUWEL 11 місяців тому +1

    Aku baru beberapa hari menonton UA-cam TLB ga rugi aku menonton dan meng subscribe, terimakasih banyak sudah mengajak aku jalan"online 🙏🏻👍🏻😍

  • @user-pu2ql1nl7o
    @user-pu2ql1nl7o 11 місяців тому +1

    Indonesia big country, good people and thanks for your coming bro

  • @trieshayulius
    @trieshayulius 10 місяців тому

    Dude this mentawai episode opening my eyes about how simple life is..im looking forward ur documentary when visiting Lajet someday..hope he already being a shaman

  • @ivankandella8103
    @ivankandella8103 11 місяців тому +3

    Banyak suku suku unik indonesia yang bisa di explore seperti dayak iban yg fenomenal, suku Asmat , suku Dani di Papua, suku Nias di Sumut,

  • @Holeecrab
    @Holeecrab 11 місяців тому +4

    Been watching half of it and I fully agree with having the best experience as a tourist is when you feel it like the natives do, not from the beauty shots lol. Keep up with the great content!

  • @adinata2888
    @adinata2888 11 місяців тому +1

    Mentawai tribe has been be a visiting tourist so many vlog about them.. this very good for all aspect and there so many tribes out there with different unique lifely never expose by media , thanks a lot to TLB and many foreigner friends vlogger for rise up and care ..ayo ayo.. Maju terus.. Gassss lagi bossss... Gasss.. Gasss...

  • @julesjuesimplecooking
    @julesjuesimplecooking 11 місяців тому +5

    Yeeeahh 👏👏 I've got a new video from Rob and Cheyne.
    I thought, the next video would be updated by tomorow. But finally I could watch it today 😃
    The Mentawai episode will be the best episode, and I learned a lot about the culture that I had never seen before, even though I'm Indonesian.
    Thanks a lot for your efforts guys. You guys are awesome 👍 keep up the good work.
    Take care, stay safe and stay healthy.

  • @user-jn2dv8tj8h
    @user-jn2dv8tj8h 10 місяців тому +1

    it is really interesting when you questioned 'who's gonna be living like this in the next decade?' :) no offense but the best way to keep the indigenous people living as they are is 'leave them alone'. so sad seeing Lajet wearing jam tangan, tas pinggang etc.

  • @blindspot9097
    @blindspot9097 11 місяців тому +2

    Im surprise you guys really put your thoughts into this.
    I thank you for this concern alone

  • @user-lh2gn6qh7j
    @user-lh2gn6qh7j 9 місяців тому +1

    The concern lies on the possibility that Lajet would be the last of his tribe, which I hope not. Yet, seeing the birth rate in the tribe is really sad that the culture will face a hard time to preserve when no more wants to stay in jungle.

  • @wahyukentjana7606
    @wahyukentjana7606 11 місяців тому +3

    The mentawai part is the ultimate series of the lost boy. Thumbs!

  • @j2k398
    @j2k398 5 місяців тому

    hows your toe's rob ? after kuki gave some medicine with small mantra ? lol
    inti obrolan ini adalah kepedulian rob tentang suku mentawai yang sudah mulai terkikis jaman, setelah mendengar cerita (whos the guy named ? kuki's grandson ?)
    setelah beberapa tahun bekerja di padang kemudian kembali ke suku nya dan ingin menjaga suku nya dan ingin menjadi shaman ...
    kepedulian rob terhadap orang itu sangat tinggi dan sangat menghargainya.. itulah yang akhirnya menginisiasi obrolan ini..
    rob peduli dan ingin membantu dia, tapi masih belum menemukan strategi yang tepat untuk melakukannya...
    i would love to discuss it more with u guys..
    n i gave my highly respect for TLB... TYVM

  • @danaandmusic
    @danaandmusic 10 місяців тому

    Really appreciate you guys discuss these things and sharing all the insight that you have after all these journeys here in Indonesia. Youre not that lost boys anymore, youre part of us now!

  • @argatejasukma7842
    @argatejasukma7842 11 місяців тому +2

    Saya iri pada para petualang seperti kalian. Banyak pengalaman menarik dalam hidup kalian. Bebas merdeka. Sy sebagai seorang karyawan swasta yg setiap hari dri pagi sampai menjelang malam harus berada di sebuah ruangan yg tdk besar, merasa terpenjara. Tapi apa boleh buat karena itu lah saya dan keluarga bisa makan...

    • @ekyrezky3214
      @ekyrezky3214 11 місяців тому

      Benar mas , saya pun merasa seperti, padahal kita warga asli indonesia tapi tidak bisa mendapat kesempatan seperti mereka,semoga suatu saat kita bisa seperti mereka yang keliling keindahan indonesia negara kita

  • @salmafarzana1595
    @salmafarzana1595 11 місяців тому

    Memang seperti itulah saat ada potensi untuk mendatangkan wisatawan dan pendapatan. Banyak suku pedalaman yang terlihat masih alami tanpa sentuhan banyak orang ternyata sudah tereksplor oleh para wisatawan. Seperti kamu ingin tau kehidupan mereka, maka orang lain juga berkeinginan yang sama

  • @MamaKia611
    @MamaKia611 10 місяців тому

    i agree with you two. all you guys said was it was actually feel. not a cinematic views... but the reality you guys see and hear and feel when u get into the tribe. great job cayne and rob..

  • @Ohyaniii
    @Ohyaniii 11 місяців тому +2

    يومكم سعيد دوما🎉

  • @darmastutidarmastuti
    @darmastutidarmastuti 10 місяців тому

    Definitely, the Lost boys is the best UA-cam channel made by foreigner about exploring Indonesia...
    Keren guys,,keep the good work.. you're guys amazing..

  • @SekarAyunda
    @SekarAyunda 11 місяців тому

    Luar Biasa....Berasa ikut menikmati dan Air mata menetes. Negeriku itu masih Alami..

  • @TitinKartini-iz2pq
    @TitinKartini-iz2pq 10 місяців тому

    Hey guys, i'm shame of myself, i mean i am indonesian but i know a tribe culture from my own country just because watching youre videos... Man, you are should have an award or something from the ministry for taking part and promote about indonesian tourism and local expose...
    Thank you guys, cant wait to see another video from you 💯💯💯

  • @muhhamadhaikal8418
    @muhhamadhaikal8418 11 місяців тому +1

    This is the reel journey...thank for your program

  • @mayaibrahim93
    @mayaibrahim93 11 місяців тому +11

    Seharusnya kalian dapat Apresiasi dr pemerintahan setiap pulau yg kalian kunjungi,krna sudah memperkenalkan suku-budaya,keindaham alam,bahkan makanan khas dr daerah setempat,bisa menempatkan diri dgn baik pd masyarakat sekitar,Sopan,ramah,toleransi,dan menghargai..Kalian luar biasa TLB, next Sulawesi,Maluku,Papua,masih banyak suku-budaya,Alam yg luar biasa yg harus kalian kunjungi bro..Semoga Kalian selalu dlm lindungan TUHAN dimanapun kalian berada.

    • @idedisain
      @idedisain 11 місяців тому +1

      Mending gak usah...biarkan mereka bersenang" dengan cara mereka...dengerin tuh...pandanganya...sebetulnya ada sedikit sindiran halus....

    • @bubungunawan9768
      @bubungunawan9768 11 місяців тому

      lah kn udah di apresiasi oleh mentri pariwisata saniaga uno

    • @mayaibrahim93
      @mayaibrahim93 11 місяців тому

      @@idedisain iya jg sih kak..tp kan setidaknya lah ada sedikit perhatian,karna kan mereka dr luar,yg berani masuk pelosok,lebih mnjaga sj dr hal2 yg tdk di inginkan.

    • @mayaibrahim93
      @mayaibrahim93 11 місяців тому

      @@bubungunawan9768 yes benar kak diapresiasi sm bpk Sandiaga Uno..tp setidaknya pemerintahan setempat jg hrus mendukung sih..

    • @zahranie633
      @zahranie633 11 місяців тому

      krn mereka tulus mencintai Indonesia..dn memperkenalkan budaya indo ke mata dunia..
      seharusnya dpt dukungan dr pemerintah setempat..
      love TLB semangat terusss🎉

  • @flyla-vm1wq
    @flyla-vm1wq 11 місяців тому +2


  • @wiradewata
    @wiradewata 11 місяців тому +3

    honest opinions! thanks, bros

  • @silvercoins1678
    @silvercoins1678 11 місяців тому +2

    Di sini saya menemukan kalimat yg luar biasa
    ''Anda bisa focus pada pengalaman wisatawan atau Anda bisa focus pada tempat Anda berada"

  • @jellyboygaming4226
    @jellyboygaming4226 11 місяців тому +1

    Some of them are not tourist, some of them are scientist that visit the tribes for their studies. Maybe they are seeking for social study, culture, medical, or enviroment study. So much aspects why they are visiting isolated tribes in Indonesia.
    I know it because some of my friends did it for their scientific studies, because learn from experience are much accurate in result than learning from books.

  • @wenderis
    @wenderis 11 місяців тому +7

    1st thing 1st.. I feel this kinda dialogue is unique in travelvlogger channel and can be elucidating to many. You guys really are maturing with your viewers. Maybe sometime it would be great to do this live with your viewers and ask these difficulty questions.
    Me and a few other Indonesian friends are planning to go to Mentawai this Nov. Your videos convince us not to go to Siberut. Almost all of us worked or working in the tourism industry. Doing touristy things with another bule tourist or Jakartans are not what we're willing to pay for. Especially if we could come back with the feeling of 'near-exploiting' our fellow Indonesian. Having said that, your Mentawai series convince us to visit Tua Pejat tho. It looks like a place where we can learn so much.
    Of course, this is just a youtube comment. You can only go deep as much.
    One advice: if you're going to Bukit Lawang for the orangutan, maybe compare and contrast it with Ketambe. I know the two are in separate routes but Bukit Lawang is indeed becoming what you said. Ketambe, on the other hand, altho it receives some tourist, are nowhere near Bukit Lawang. The guides, wildlife, general surrounding, and the locals are so much different than in Bukit Lawang.

    • @thelostboys.travel
      @thelostboys.travel  11 місяців тому +8

      Although it is sad to hear that we convinced you not to go to Siberut, we totally understand and respect your decision. We’re assuming you guys probably already did your research and found out how much it costs to visit the tribe…so we understand if it’s a lot to spend on something that gives you the feeling of exploiting your fellow Indonesians. That being said, November is low season, so if you did go, it wouldn’t feel like a tourist trap with a bunch of bules.
      We’re happy that we were able to convince you to visit Sipura though! Seriously, some of the prettiest sites we’ve seen thus far in our travels in Indonesia. The beaches, blue water, landscapes…all insanely beautiful. Selamat Jalan!
      And yes we’ve heard Lawang is a tourist trap. I think most of you guys understand by now that we aren’t in search of those kinds of experiences. We have another place in mind that we might visit in North Sumatra to see the orangutans but we’ll also mark down Ketambe!

  • @wibugarislurus
    @wibugarislurus 10 місяців тому +1

    Semangat terus the lost boy

  • @niutto5910
    @niutto5910 11 місяців тому

    I love you two on this video sharing and express your experience about living with native tribes in Indonesia. Your channel is not just about travelling which is very awsome, but document your chats like this one make your channel more special. Please keep up your journey, hopefully you two will extend to Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. Good job lost boys!

  • @wenderis
    @wenderis 11 місяців тому +2

    36:00 about the religion. Very generally speaking, Catholicism like the one in Java, Flores and as you'll probably see later in small pockets of Samosir, doesn't really erode the local culture. Metaphorically speaking, it was built on top of the existing culture; using the spiritual foundation of the local belief system. To a lesser degree, old western europe's Protestantism does this too. But American Evangelism which came way after, just bulldozed everything on its path then make-a-new. To be 'born-again', so to speak.
    Siberut is mostly Catholic, Sipora mostly Protestant. Again, very generally speaking.

    • @thelostboys.travel
      @thelostboys.travel  11 місяців тому +2

      Thanks for sharing this. We have noticed some Seventh Day Adventist churches during our travels in West and North Sumatra. We even saw some in Bengkulu. We’re currently in North Sumatra now though and we must say that it’s interesting seeing the blending of Catholicism with Batak culture. We’ll share this in one of our future videos 👍🏼

  • @V_mas7943
    @V_mas7943 10 місяців тому

    Sekali2 ke pulau Nias sumatra utara...
    Banyak yg bisa di pelajari di sana..
    Situs kuno,selancar dan kehidupan sehari orng di sana...
    Dulu pernah kesana..
    Orang y ramah2...
    Nginap di rumah di sediakan makanan enak2...

  • @lilykarinda991
    @lilykarinda991 10 місяців тому

    Spoken like true locals.
    As a person living in a touristy place, yes, there's a difference between what the tourists see and what we see. The tourist attractions are beautiful, we love them. But we know the impact they bring: traffic jam, eroding local values just to cater to comfortability, the commercialization of culture etc etc.
    It's a difficult thing to balance & there's no pleasing everybody. I guess ensuring that nobody's a total loser in the situation is key.
    But the fact that only very few Mentawai people actually still uphold the tradition of living in the jungle is so eye-opening for me, of the price we have to pay to develop. As saddening it is to see a culture die, we must also respect people who (hopefully) made informed decision without too much pressure. Cultures come and go, but documenting them in their utmost pure state as much as possible, I think will be something future generations will appreciate. Just as people nowadays are looking back towards their ancestral culture long gone, at least future generations will also have that option thanks to documentation like this. Thanks for taking the time to do so. Stay safe and healthy!

  • @morinatarigan5585
    @morinatarigan5585 11 місяців тому

    Saya setuju akan pendapat mereka bahwa kedatangan banyak turis bisa sebagai pedang bermata dua, karena kalau masyarakat tidak tetap menjaga kebiasaan dan budaya mereka.bisa saja tergerus tapi dari manfaat yang lain bisa membantu perekonomian.Semoga masyarakat di Mentawai tetap dapat menjaga

  • @tedyindrasukmana1804
    @tedyindrasukmana1804 11 місяців тому +1

    Saya senang anda mengatakan ini

  • @acii_.
    @acii_. 11 місяців тому +2

    Always stay stuned for the newest content

  • @abdulkohhar4287
    @abdulkohhar4287 11 місяців тому

    it's fun you see the shadow move, behind Rob. slowly moving,, from beginning of the video til the end

  • @udaalul4711
    @udaalul4711 11 місяців тому +1

    Semoga di undang podcast densu ama dedy, TLB perfect

  • @mauveylovey2416
    @mauveylovey2416 11 місяців тому

    I like the views and opinions that you convey, criticize but very wisely. and I also agree with your thoughts.
    And i hope that doesn't reduce your love for Indonesia 😊

  • @tirta_s2
    @tirta_s2 10 місяців тому

    Nice... i follow your video's, Keep exploring guys. and i know really hard to upload video since in mentawai doesn’t have a good connections 😁

  • @lionparcel-el1lc
    @lionparcel-el1lc 10 місяців тому +1

    Kalian luar biasa

  • @andichandra937
    @andichandra937 11 місяців тому +1

    Baru gua subscribe, butuh 2 hari nonton semua vidio TLB dari bawah sampai atas 😂

  • @mourneey
    @mourneey 11 місяців тому +1

    maybe if u guys interesting, come visit bangka belitung islands near between south sumatra nor Palembang, theres a lot suku and culture to learn!

  • @elymasruchin7380
    @elymasruchin7380 11 місяців тому +3

    Very inspiration.. cocok diundang di acara @kick andy

  • @shinchan6982
    @shinchan6982 11 місяців тому +3

    Kurang lengkap dan kurang seru Klo TLB selama adventure di Indonesia belum ketemu " mahluk halus " sebangsa JIN dan teman2 nya! Di jamin viewers nya dalam 1 hari bisa 10 juta viewers ! 👻👻👻💀💀💀👽👽👽👽

  • @rizkycamelia-vk1mp
    @rizkycamelia-vk1mp 11 місяців тому +3

    Akhirnyaaa yg dinanti tiba🥰

  • @Levin_SF
    @Levin_SF 11 місяців тому

    Always.. espectacuker👍🏻👍🏻
    continue to be the TLB that we know and have followed all this time, who is natural and always wants to know more about our culture without exaggerating, because that's what we really like about you TLB

  • @reneanggraeni6735
    @reneanggraeni6735 11 місяців тому +1

    Are you all so amazing guy’s 👍👍👍👍

  • @vinofebiansah4787
    @vinofebiansah4787 11 місяців тому

    TErimakasih telah meluangkan banyak waktu berkunjung ke indonesia

  • @MrSudarwito
    @MrSudarwito 11 місяців тому +1

    Guys more you eat and drink Indonesian water, more love to Indonesia more difficult you leave this country, I am sure

  • @umbertoverbita6653
    @umbertoverbita6653 11 місяців тому +1

    You guys are awesome! You guys are so lucky!

  • @agungtvsatu715
    @agungtvsatu715 11 місяців тому

    You should try to visit taman batu purwakarta. There are so many water fall, camp area, natural pool with big black stone every where. The perfect place,

  • @user-lh2gn6qh7j
    @user-lh2gn6qh7j 9 місяців тому

    TBL ditunggu contentnya berkunjung ke kampung adat jawa di Banyumas.

  • @dianach-fl7fw
    @dianach-fl7fw 10 місяців тому

    You have to visit halmahera and join with native people's around there for hunting ikan paus.
    It'll be an amazing extraordinary journey such a mentawai

  • @RA.Official85
    @RA.Official85 11 місяців тому

    Hello The Lost Boys.. I am From Binjai Near Gunung Leuser nice meet you video

  • @AnteroDunia-yw5cj
    @AnteroDunia-yw5cj 10 місяців тому

    Next sumatera utara, you guys must visited this place : Lake toba, samosir island, pusuk buhit, batak tribe and karo tribe, aek sijornih, mursala island, sibolga etc.

  • @vickokoszka6836
    @vickokoszka6836 11 місяців тому

    Really believe that its important you also do this for you and sometimes these moments are so special that they ARE just for you.
    There is also a big difference between being a TOURIST and being a TRAVELER and even more so being an EXPLORER.
    They way things turned out from the first couple days to the couple days when extra people came in.
    It really gave you a greater perspective of what happens in the jungle.
    Great discussion, covered a lot of ground and feelings/thoughts of the dynamics at play.
    Had to laugh in the first episode where you went out to get the log.....
    I'm sure pure logistics came into play......THESE ARE STRONG FIT GUYS.....GOOD TIME TO GET THE LOG 😮😊

  • @LeniMarlina-oh4hy
    @LeniMarlina-oh4hy 11 місяців тому

    Saya sangat suka dengan semua video yang kalian perlihat kan,se andai nya saya bisa berpetualang dengan kalian itu sungguh mimpi indah bagi saya,menjelajah seluruh dunia

  • @nandastrand7918
    @nandastrand7918 11 місяців тому

    So happy listening all these deep conversation from you both. I really hope that you can travel across whole Indonesia even it takes a long time with Antonio. Hope to see you in Sabang ... sehat-sehat terus Mas Rob dan Cheyne

  • @baiqmaulizaadelia5629
    @baiqmaulizaadelia5629 11 місяців тому

    Thank you for the vlog that is making Indonesia popular

  • @shaneblackwell58
    @shaneblackwell58 11 місяців тому

    My wife and I are looking to retire in Indonesia. I've been here 10 times my wife 24 times. You guys are our most favourite content creators by far. Even better than Kritian Hansen. Keep up the great work. We'de love to know what your longterm goals are. Will you retire in indo? Also what has Antonio done with his bike. Talk logigistics. Logitics = reality. PEACE

  • @Eka_Budi
    @Eka_Budi 11 місяців тому +1

    Good experience ❤ I've watched all your video and i enjoy it.. Cheyne Rob & Antonio maybe on next video 😇 Jangan lupa makan pedas Rob..that's power 💪🏻

  • @suwarti.dubaiagent
    @suwarti.dubaiagent 11 місяців тому

    Sound to me that you guys having experiences with the feeling, spiritual and appreciate life. Blended with universe..
    It is deep level of conversation xx