Dealing With Discouragement Zechariah 1:1-6

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • The Jewish people had just returned to the promised land from Babylon, but were facing a long list of difficulties. Zechariah was one of two prophets that God sent to encourage them, and to challenge them to rebuild His temple. Join us as we study Zechariah's fascinating, challenging, and encouraging prophecy.
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    An excerpt from the transcript:
    The Sermon v. 2-6
    • God was very angry! v. 2. II Chronicles 36:15-17
    God was angry, very angry! The way it’s actually worded in Hebrew is, “Has been angry Yahweh with your fathers angry.” Why the repetition? To communicate “very angry!” The Greek translation of the Old Testament uses the word “mega”! God was angry with their fathers because they had rejected Him, and had mistreated the prophets He sent them. This is II Chronicles 36:15-17 [verse on screen].
    God’s grace comes through loud and clear in the next verse, but don’t skip ahead! The reality of God’s wrath, God’s righteous response to those who reject Him, needs to be a part of our understanding of God, or we aren’t understanding God the way He reveals Himself!
    • Return to Him v. 3 Compare Isaiah 31:6 & 44:22; Malachi 3:7.
    Zechariah’s first challenge, his first sermon, his first application point, wasn’t “get to work”, it was “Return to God!” And it wasn’t original with Zechariah, it was an invitation from God Himself. This is a frequent command in the Old Testament, and it applies to us in the New Testament, also.
    • He will return to you! Compare James 4:8.
    The challenge is also an invitation, God invites us to Himself, and He’s already met us more than half way, in Christ!
    • Beware of rejecting the call to repentance. v. 4
    Zechariah went on to remind the people of their ancestors’ stubbornness in rejecting God. Rejecting God’s invitation to be right with Him carries fearful consequences! And how, exactly, do we return to God? Look at the middle of verse 4.
    • Turn from sin, listen to God! v. 4
    We turn from sin to God, and we turn away from sin! Getting right with God includes bringing your lifestyle into conformity with God’s will.
    • People die; God’s Word endures. v. 5-6
    The prophet went on to highlight that even though the sinful generation, and even the prophets who had warned them, had all passed on, God’s Word was fulfilled, God’s Word endures.
    • They repented. v. 6b
    Zechariah was blessed in a way many of the earlier prophets were not; the people responded to his message! They repented. It’s a joy to a preacher when people respond by getting right with God!
    Remember the timeframe here; the people had been back in the land for about 20 years, they had built an altar and laid a foundation for the temple early on, but the project had been idle for sixteen years. Haggai challenged them and got them rebuilding again, and now, about two or two and a half months later, Zechariah came on the scene to challenge and encourage them. What message did they need to hear at that point? What message do you need to hear two and a half weeks into your new year, after your new year’s resolutions are already weakening? Return to God!
     Turning to God is the solution!
    Remember the list of their problems.
    • They were oppressed.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    It’s our solution when we are under oppression, too; Jesus came to set people free!
    • They were fearful.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind! Go to Him with your fears, go to Him for help overcoming your fears, go to Him for strength to do what He’s commanding you to do, even if you’re scared!
    • They were discouraged.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    In II Corinthians 7:6 the apostle Paul tells of a down time in his life, and notes that God comforts the depressed! Turn to God, receive His comfort!
    • They were complacent.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    In the James 4 passage, we are instructed to draw near to God, and to repent of our complacency!
    • They were poor.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    Jesus said He came to preach good news to the poor, and He promised heavenly riches! Turn to God!
    • They had recently re-started a daunting task.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    In chapter 4 we will see that wonderful prophecy about achieving what God wants by the power of His Spirit. But in order to be strong in the Lord, we need to turn to God!
    • They needed to escape the curse and return to the blessing.
     Turning to God is the solution!
    Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. His abundant grace is available to you, draw near to Him!


  • @4evrTexan
    @4evrTexan 16 днів тому

    I am grateful this sermon was posted on the website. I plan to share them with a homebound friend.