Parkzone micro Spitfire post crash and repair

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • This is shows my Parkzone micro Spitfire after its maiden flight(s). I made a major cock-up with the original repair in that the first CA glue I used was foam friendly but then I tried using a penetrating CA glue to reinforce what I'd done. It turned out that this was not foam friendly and melted things pretty badly.
    I managed to get the plane into what I thought was a flyable state but it kept going off to the left and ended up flipping upside down and nose diving into the footpath where the other wing broke off as well as the one that had previously been damaged.
    In order to try to rectify this I glued the newly broken wing with PVA and used CA on the tiny unmelted stub that was left. I then used Gorilla Glue mixed with water to try to fill all the gaps left from the foam being melted. The result isn't very pretty but I'm hoping that with some tweaking I'll be able to get it flying.
    One aileron seems to be hanging lower than the other and I'll see what brutish remedies I inflict to sort this out.