First Time Reacting to Dimash Kudaibergen - SOS d'un terrien en détresse

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • First Time Reacting to Dimash Kudaibergen - SOS d'un terrien en détresse
    BizMatik Reviews and Reacts Dimash Kudaibergen - SOS d'un terrien en détresse
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  • @lilabhavya1396
    @lilabhavya1396 2 роки тому +24

    Hi! Thank you for the feedback on the Dimash. He is from Kazakhstan, one of the former 15 republics that was part of the former USSR. He speaks Russian perfectly and sings a lot in it, as well as performs in other languages of the world. He was born in 1994, his height is 192 cm. He has a very serious musical education, and both his parents are also professional, honored singers in the country. He has a younger brother and sister. Dimash since childhood is interested in Eastern philosophy and loves sports. He practiced swimming and martial arts. He has an incredibly fantastic technique, and a unique voice, covering over 7 octaves. When he left the music college he had 5, for the Singer competition he had reached just over 6 and now over 7. Even the legendary Peruvian singer Ima sumac had a voice of 5 octaves. The song "Unforgettable day" he wrote himself as a teenager. He is a very artistic person, and very talented and sensitive performs songs, and some bloggers because of this, for some reason decided that he has a deviation in orientation, and this is not so, he is a convinced straight man, and for himself categorically does not accept the other. For all his immense popularity, he is not a spoiled man. In personal life - very modest, educated, are a good and honest, never consumed nor tobacco, nor alcohol, and no drugs. His worldwide popularity began with the contest "I am a singer", which was held in China back in 2017, where he with the first song he performed "SOS" became incredibly popular, and immediately took first place in fans around the world. If you are interested in the work of Dimash, let me invite you to watch and listen to all his competitive performance in China 2017, as well as some of his performances in Bastau, Gakku, Vitebsk, Moscow, Sochi, and others. Below I offer links to this. The rest, if you wish, you will find on UA-cam. All the best to you, good luck!

    • @mjr6495
      @mjr6495 Рік тому +3

      Your comments were all fantastic… … all except the utterly irrelevant comments on his gender preference …. and then making judgment on it. I mean “deviation in orientation?!” seriously …SIYL

    • @lilabhavya1396
      @lilabhavya1396 Рік тому

      @@mjr6495 К сожалению, это надо было непременно уточнить по некоторым причинам. Я давно, начиная с 2017 года, смотрю реакции на Димаша, и много было таких ребят, которые реагировали на Димаша, и его умения брать высокие ноты, с мерзкой усмешкой, и намекали на его нетрадиционность, а некоторые даже в качестве примера, ставили аналогичных певцов с нетрадиционной ориентацией. Да, мне это очень не понравилось, и поверьте, когда я уточнила его традиционную ориентацию, много других мужчин, делающих реакцию на Димаша, благодарили меня за это уточнение. Поэтому я конечно выбираю ту сторону мужчин, кто этому рад. Это первая причина. А вторая причина очень сложная, потому что это исходит от моего знания энергетической Основы всего Мироздания, всего Творения. Да, вы взрослый человек, и ваше право принимать мою дальнейшую информацию, или нет, но я всегда предупреждаю, что такие отклонения, очень и очень опасны, особенно для тех, кто живёт таким образом. Ниже будет более подробное пояснение. Но сейчас кое что коротко напишу: надо простой логикой обладать, что бы реально видеть, что никакая толерантность не превратит место человеческого испражнения, в детородный орган, а все сексуальные искажения НИКОГДА и НИКОГО, ни к чему хорошему не приведут. Такие люди разрушают свою энергетическую инфраструктуру и губят свою собственную эволюцию. Пояснение: вот простой пример: все мы думаем своей головой, решаем ею различные задачи, но разве наша голова знает саму себя? Или разве мы управляем всеми функциям нашего организма? Оно полностью работает автономно. Так где мы, кто мы сами, и что это за сила, что полностью управляет нашим организмом вне нашего участия? Да, всё Творение, это Макрокосмос, но в каждом из нас, всё это повторяется как Микрокосмос, как наше тонкое, астральное тело, которое изначально находиться в каждом из нас как энергетическая инфраструктура, которая делает нас живыми, и управляет всем нашим организмом. Она состоит из энергетических центров и каналов, и располагается в местах наших нервных сплетений и субсплетений. Вы сами себя не знаете. А без САМОРЕАЛИЗАЦИИ, то есть, пробуждения своей собственной энергии Эволюции, не будет тонкого, высшего познания самой Истины. Без Самореализации, это как иметь компьютер, но без выхода в Интернет, такой компьютер будет всегда замкнут только на самом себе. Самореализация даёт личную связь с Творением, личный выход к самой Истине. Поймите, Истина НЕ может быть у каждого своя, она как была создана изначально со всеми своими правилами и законами, такой и будет всегда и даже если у неё не будет ни одного последователя, она никогда и не для кого не изменится. Источник Чистых Знаний может быть только один для всех, это само Мироздание, сам Абсолют, и познать Истину можно только САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО, и в наше время каждый желающий может стать более высокой личностью в эволюционном плане.

    • @lilabhavya1396
      @lilabhavya1396 Рік тому

      @@mjr6495 Unfortunately, this had to be clarified without fail for some reason. I have been watching reactions to Dimash for a long time, since 2017, and there were many guys who reacted to Dimash, and his ability to hit high notes, with a nasty grin, and hinted at his unconventionality, and some even set similar examples as an example. gay singers. Yes, I really didn’t like it, and believe me, when I clarified his traditional orientation, many other men who reacted to Dimash thanked me for this clarification. Therefore, of course, I choose the side of men who are happy about it. This is the first reason. And the second reason is very complex, because it comes from my knowledge of the energy Basis of the entire Universe, the entire Creation. Yes, you are an adult and it is your right to accept my further information or not, but I always warn that such deviations are very, very dangerous, especially for those who live this way. Below is a more detailed explanation. But now I’ll write something briefly: you need to have a simple logic in order to really see that no tolerance will turn a place of human excrement into a genital organ, and all sexual distortions will NEVER and ANYONE lead to anything good. Such people destroy their energy infrastructure and destroy their own evolution. Explanation: here is a simple example: we all think with our own head, we solve various problems with it, but does our head know itself? Or do we manage all the functions of our body? It works completely autonomously. So where are we, who are we ourselves, and what is this power that completely controls our body outside of our participation? Yes, the entire Creation is the Macrocosm, but in each of us, all this is repeated as a Microcosm, as our subtle, astral body, which is originally located in each of us as an energy infrastructure that makes us alive and controls our entire body. It consists of energy centers and channels, and is located in the places of our nerve plexuses and subplexuses. You don't know yourself. And without SELF-REALIZATION, that is, the awakening of one's own energy of Evolution, there will be no subtle, higher cognition of the Truth itself. Without Self-Realization, it's like having a computer, but without access to the Internet, such a computer will always be closed only on itself. Self-realization gives a personal connection with the Creation, a personal exit to the Truth itself. Understand that Truth can NOT be for everyone, it was originally created with all its rules and laws, it will always be like this, and even if it does not have a single follower, it will never change for anyone. There can be only one source of Pure Knowledge for everyone, it is the Universe itself, the Absolute itself, and one can cognize the Truth only INDEPENDENTLY, and in our time everyone can become a higher personality in the evolutionary plan.
      (Continued #1 in response to this comment)

    • @lilabhavya1396
      @lilabhavya1396 Рік тому

      (Continued #1)
      Unfortunately, this topic is very large, it is not for this format of comments, but I will try to explain something as briefly and simply as possible. And to understand, you will have to start from the beginning. Energy is at the heart of absolutely the entire Universe, the entire Creation. In all Creation, it is ENERGY that is PRIMARY, MATTER that is SECONDARY. Well, think for yourself, what does matter consist of? I believe that many people know that matter consists of molecules, molecules are made of atoms, and atoms are made of subatomic particles, and subatomic particles are in their pure form - energy. Yes, and whether someone believes in God or not, it will never change the fact that Divinity in its pure, unmanifested form is energy. It does not matter who and how they are addressed: God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Sabaoth, Sada-Shiva, Demiurge, Absolute, etc., all of this is essentially a Single Whole. All religions on earth are only fragments of a Single Whole. And all of them have undergone distortions by individual interpretations by various religious figures by virtue of their understanding, and besides, the distortions were deliberately made by other pigs preachers for the sake of the existing government and themselves. Religion was made politicized and dogmatized. They began to suppress it, instill fear, and destroy people. And dividing God into "one's own" and "someone else's", on this basis, to enmity and destroy each other, whereas True Religion is META-KNOWLEDGE, META-SCIENCE and META-RELIGION, which includes absolutely everything, everyone and everything! Yes, with the next awakening of Divinity, Divine Creation begins. Another Divine Game. And from the very beginning, the INITIAL ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE is being created (I'm omitting here the details of what it is, this is a big separate topic), which, to put it simply, in modern language, is the very MATRIX on the basis of which an unlimited number of physical and living forms are being created. In man, this energy infrastructure is almost completely (as a microcosm) reflected. Without energy, in principle, nothing alive would simply not exist. Without the energy built into every living being, all living things are a corpse. It is energy that controls all the functions of a living organism. Everyone can only use their physical body very temporarily, but not control it. If we knew how to control ourselves completely, wouldn't we have done so that we wouldn't get sick, wouldn't grow old, and would create the appearance to our liking. Isn't it? Understand, in being born only once, there would be no sense, no logic, no evolution of the Spirit in us. Even our own body does not belong to us, let alone owning something or someone. Dying, everyone will certainly lose their physical body, but the entire energy base remains alive and waiting for the next birth (how it is divided and where it goes, this is also a separate topic). And each new birth is just another individual lesson for everyone, and death is just a change. Without it, there would be neither renewal nor evolution as such. Life on earth, in principle, is not an end in itself. It is only a method, only a means of the evolution of the Spirit in us. And this process of evolution of each person begins from the very beginning, with one cell - with an amoeba. And then everything is already going on the ascent, where the physical forms of insects, animals, and higher animals pass through. And only then, as the highest stage of evolution, as its epitome - man. Thus, there is an evolutionary, energetic superstructure in a living form, which in a person already becomes almost completely identical to the Original Energy Basis. First of all, it is this Energy Basis that we are created in the Image and Likeness. Yes, a person does not come directly from a monkey, but an animal form in its evolution, necessarily passes. And it is not at all necessary that before the human incarnation, there must necessarily be a monkey. To deny this beginning is like believing that someone can be born immediately as an adult on Earth.
      Receiving an almost complete energetic identity with the Creation in human form, a person becomes responsible for its purity, since it consists of Divine forces expressed by three main energy channels and seven main energy centers (there are more of them, they are threefold, because they have left, right and central positions). All these channels and centers, being in the places of the nerve plexuses and subweaves, completely control the physical functions of the whole organism, and moral principles are rigidly fixed for all of them, violating which in the course of life, that is, dirtying them with negativity, a person gets various health problems, in accordance with the violations that he admits in my life. For any disease, you can clearly name which moral principles were violated by a person in past and present lives (yes, and this is a big topic), there is too little space for a more detailed explanation here. In fact, all living things around are stages of evolution. And in the whole Creation there are only TWO main types of energies - POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. All Creation is created by Positive, Divine energy. Negative energy is NOT Divine energy, and it is NOT created by Divinity. Negativity appears as a SLAG of vital activity of the Original Energy Infrastructure. Thus, duality appears in the Universe, i.e., duality. Yes, negativity is SLAG, but it is also energy, and what else! If positive energy is a Creative Force, then negative energy is destructive.
      (Continued #2 - in response to this comment)

    • @lilabhavya1396
      @lilabhavya1396 Рік тому

      (Continued #2)
      The duality that appeared in this way in the Universe was deliberately left by Divinity at certain levels of Creation, for the implementation of Its Divine Game. It's like in chess, where if there were no white and black pieces, there would be no game. In this case, there would be no trials, no overcoming them, no choice, no selection, there would be no set of different life experiences by the Spirit, and Its growth in these situations, there would be no evolution itself. After all, in reality, life and death are a MOMENT THERE and A MOMENT BACK. It's in our world that everything is stretched out in time. And since everything is based on energy, then our thoughts, our desires, our words, and our activities are also primarily energy. Only a person CAN choose which energy to apply (thinking, speaking and acting) in a particular situation in his life. And all this combination (of positive and negative) of the energies used by him, in the course of his whole life, is absolutely completely fixed on his own energy. And from yourself - where will you run away?! It is this combination of energies "recorded" in him that will give a person the next birth: at that time, in that country, in that nation or race, with those parents, and with all those practices that he "recorded" in the past. The person himself composes that horoscope, the whole combination of all astrological objects, under which he is born. It is not God who punishes a person for sins, but everything is energetically arranged in such a way, the person himself is so arranged that he involuntarily chooses for himself both subsequent tests and subsequent workings. What is commonly called "karma". In principle, nothing random exists. Absolutely everything has both cause and effect, no matter how sometimes it would be sometimes very sad to realize. But besides karma, there are also trials. And the most difficult trials are given to a person precisely: POWER, FAME and WEALTH. There are too many immoral temptations, and very low moral falls in these fields, which as a rule later leads to very, very hard work, and not in one life. Yes, everyone creates problems for themselves by choosing negativity in certain situations in life. But it dirties, it destroys all our divine essence, of which we are energetically composed, and without which we are a corpse. Therefore, children are sometimes born with those physical problems that they have created themselves strenuously in the past. I'm not saying in any way that they don't deserve compassion. We are human beings, and in the process of evolutionary growth, we all tend to make mistakes. Yes, everyone is wrong! And if we do not have compassion, we ourselves are also expected to be indifferent to our sufferings in the future. But it also happens that some people so diligently choose the negative, so dirty - distort their energy with negativity that they return themselves back to animal form. These are the animals that live next to a person, as a rule - cats, dogs, but there are also wild animals that a person has tamed. All of them work out their heavy mistakes in this way, sometimes even taking physical health problems of their owners on themselves. If you look closely at them, you can very well notice the characters of former people in them. I really do not advise them to offend, or even more so to mock them. Everyone will certainly take a similar lesson, that is, the same thing. Hunting for pleasure, and not out of necessity, will also give all hunters the same "pleasure" of being a similar prey! But it also happens that a person, having loaded himself with negativity, does not rise at all to the level where he can be born again (and evolution can ONLY go in physical form). These are the dead and stuck on earth purely in an energetic, full of negative desires, form, become DEAD ENTITIES relative to all living on earth. They can be seen by cats, dogs, horses and others. These dead entities, stuck on earth with all their desires (due to their lack of a physical body), suffer greatly from the inability to satisfy them and are looking for those who will be able to infiltrate in order to use someone else's physical form to control this person, to satisfy THEIR desires. And a person with weakened energy by alcohol, drugs, stress, severe shock, etc. (there may be many reasons), becomes a victim of the introduction of dead entities into them. Yes, this is how people become drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, lesbians, pedophiles, and various kinds of maniacs. Bipolar disorder belongs to the same category as all mental problems. And alas, all these problems can appear in a person at any age. I am not at all calling for offending homosexuals and lesbians. This is their free choice, they are already punishing themselves very much with this choice of the direction of their life.
      (The ending is in the response to this comment)

  • @robertodanielvargaspizurno4945
    @robertodanielvargaspizurno4945 2 роки тому +63

    Saludos desde Paraguay
    Reacciona a

  • @dear4dimash_lenka143
    @dear4dimash_lenka143 2 роки тому +92

    Believe it, he IS the BEST 😁😁😁😁 do not try to think much, he is unique and u will hardly find words to describe him 😁

  • @vickiroman189
    @vickiroman189 2 роки тому +61

    Yes! Dimash is a phenomenon. I loved watching your face -- I'm sure mine looked much like it the first time I heard this. He has so many amazing songs - one of my favorites is "Sinful Passion."

  • @dalb.790
    @dalb.790 2 роки тому +193

    You just heard the best singer ever in this world, he was 22 when he did this performance and overnight he became a star; needing body guards, responses to this song shut down the Chinese internet that night. A Legend was born then; but 5 yrs. later he is even better than this video shows ; as his legion of fans know already. He is singer, composer, dancer, multi-instrumentalist, actor, fashion model, martial arts belt holder, and I have probably left out some things he is. He is a humanitarian having donated 10 mill $$ for covid meds and food for those needing it. Near one concert a chemical plant exploded with some dead and several injured and he donate 4 mill $$ for victims and families. He donates to orphanages, nursing homes and hospitals also. A Russian multi billionaire came out of retirement to work with him in creating songs for his unique ability. His newest songs are even more amazing than this performance. He is called angel by some alien by others; he is gifted but also works very hard to keep making more beautiful music. Fans he calls "dears" number in tens of millions all over the world.

  • @BelleNewman
    @BelleNewman 2 роки тому +146

    Yes, Dimash has got the most beautiful and versatile voice - but on top of that, he communicates powerful emotions, too!
    He’s from Kazakhstan, born 1994, 6’3”, has sung in 13 languages, plays various instruments, is studying for his Doctorate in musicology, and has millions of fans around the world (known as Dears!)
    Greetings from the UK and please explore more - this performance was 5 years ago, and his voice has matured since then ...

    • @NndsBx
      @NndsBx Рік тому


    • @NndsBx
      @NndsBx Рік тому


  • @somosomo7735
    @somosomo7735 2 роки тому +64

    Dimash is a brilliant singer, he is a very versatile artist.
    His song always causes goose bumps! Its range is amazing. My endless inspiration !!!. Thank you for great reaction. Please react more Dimash performance. Greetings from Mongolia .”

  • @gracetrespeses2141
    @gracetrespeses2141 2 роки тому +68

    Im glad you gave a chance to listen to Dimash. He is to me the greatest vocalist on earth. Dimash sings in many styles and genres. His sweet, charming, and humble nature makes him even more appealing as an artist. Great reaction.

  • @dimashtastic
    @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +67

    Dimash is the greatest vocalist of our time in my opinion. A very worthy artist to react to. He masters everything he touches when it comes to music. If you love vocals then Dimash is your man (all of them in every register, lol).
    Dimash Kudaibergen, is a Kazakh singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He is university-trained in classical as well as contemporary music, and is known for his exceptionally wide vocal range. He has performed songs in fifteen languages.
    Although offered a position at the Astana Opera, he decided to carve out his career in contemporary music, mixing classical elements and traditional Kazakh music with pop music.
    He gained significant popularity in Kazakhstan and other post-Soviet countries in 2015 upon becoming the Grand Prix winner of Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk, Belarus. He rose to fame in China with his participation as a "wildcard competitor" in Hunan TV's Singer 2017 (Chinese: 歌手2017) finishing second overall.
    Welcome to the world of the DEARS (what Dimash named his fandom). #Dimashthevoice

  • @annmills3163
    @annmills3163 2 роки тому +63

    What? This is the first time you’ve heard him? Better late than never. There’s a little bit of an order to experience Dimash, Just when you think he can’t surprise you, he does ☮️💜

  • @kathyhorniman4702
    @kathyhorniman4702 2 роки тому +54

    there is NO ONE like Dimash.I've watched him for 5 years, now. He continues to grow, and amaze!!!

  • @bejewel4669
    @bejewel4669 2 роки тому +43

    This particular performance was in 2017 and Dimash is today a world super star who can command sold out concert performances world wide. This was at "The Singer" competition (for established star singers in China) and turned Dimash into a superstar in China overnight. He had to have bodyguards to go outside there were so many people mobbing him. He has been awarded every award the Chinese can give a foreign singer and is invited to every major event to perform with major Chinese stars or perform solo. He is listed to perform at the Beijing Winter Olympics with other stars. Not sure if it will be at the opening or closing ceremony or both.
    Check out Dimash's UA-cam channel to find all of his newest performances (most are live with a few fabulous music videos). The newest version of SOS was presented at his Jan 2021 Digital Show (online concert) due to the pandemic quarantine and is fantastic. Every year since 2017 Dimash's voice has gotten better and better as he matures. He is currently 27 yrs old and won't hit his peak for years yet. Listen to all of his 2021 performances and music videos. Fantastic.

  • @patriciaestrada9588
    @patriciaestrada9588 2 роки тому +59

    Bienvenido al mundo Dimash, el mejor vocalista e intérprete de todos los tiempos. Su música es alucinante y maravillosa. Reacciona a Stranger una de sus últimas canciones.

  • @KatteVergun
    @KatteVergun 2 роки тому +58

    Посмотрите последние выступления, он сильно улучшил свои навыки с тех пор, хотя казалось бы куда лучше)))

  • @terryallen7356
    @terryallen7356 2 роки тому +40

    It's so much fun to watch someone who scoffs at Dimash being called the best singer in the world, until they listen to him and then you see their face as they realize he IS the best singer in the world. Your reaction did not disappoint as a first time Dimash reactor and I look forward to you exploring more because every song will surprise you. I'm sure others gave you recommendations so I'll watch along if you do more Dimash. Cheers!

  • @doriscooper3150
    @doriscooper3150 2 роки тому +168

    Dimash is only 22 at the time of this performance, he is now 27. Yes, he sang a French song to a Chinese audience that had never heard him sing before. Now he is a Mega Star with millions of fans around the globe.

    • @dalb.790
      @dalb.790 2 роки тому +26

      Had sell out concerts before covid hit and will return to US to tour at more concerts when he comes back to America. More people came to his concert than did Beyonce's at same venue.

    • @ifyounotabarbzthenelectric8566
      @ifyounotabarbzthenelectric8566 2 роки тому +3

      @@dalb.790 Really talk about iconic.

    • @danieladalben3174
      @danieladalben3174 Рік тому

      E io lo amo. Mi fa bene. Grazie dimash.

  • @janestaab9843
    @janestaab9843 2 роки тому +36

    Welcome to the world of Dimash! The Singer competition was in 2017, he has made so many videos since then. My current favourite is Ikanaide, which he sang at The 20th Tokyo Jazz Festival. It’s just Dimash and a microphone, no orchestra or band, and no audience. Please check this out, as well as all his other songs. Being blown away by Dimash is quite normal! Another ‘Dear’ is born. Dimash calls his followers ‘Dears’, because they are dear to him. You will see what a humble, beautiful person he is, as well as having the best voice in the world 🌎 xx

  • @dimashtastic
    @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +33

    We understand why you couldn't find the words. Dimash's talent is so next level that it will break your brain. This is called being 'Dimashified'. We've all been there.
    Next check out Sinful Passions and then Stranger. Thank you for the reaction and take care.

  • @whatevs4314
    @whatevs4314 2 роки тому +37

    When you were searching for words to describe what you just saw, we call that the Dimash effect. He sings in 13 different languages, has absolute pitch, has multiple degrees in music and plays 4 musical instruments. He has been training since the age of 5 and lives, breathes and bleeds music. Believe it or not, this song just touches what he can do with his voice. I suggest you watch "Sinful Passion" Sochi 2018 next. Thanks for reacting to our Dimash.

  • @2010lunis
    @2010lunis 2 роки тому +39

    Hello, what is that? Well, it's Dimash, the best vocalist in the world. Tenor, Kazakh, 27 years old now, 7 octave vocal range. He interprets with her soul , he captivates us . That and much, much more is Dimash.

    • @dear4dimash_lenka143
      @dear4dimash_lenka143 2 роки тому +1

      HE and HIS, not SHE and HER. She is for a woman 🙂

    • @dimashtastic
      @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +5

      @@dear4dimash_lenka143 - People from many different countries do their best to translate into English. They do their best but translations are not always easy. Let's encourage our fellow DEARS. 😉

    • @dear4dimash_lenka143
      @dear4dimash_lenka143 2 роки тому +3

      @@dimashtastic I know, I was just trying to help her... There was no bad intention in my comment 😉

  • @martinhafner2201
    @martinhafner2201 2 роки тому +22

    Try Sinful Passion at the Sochi New Wave hall in 2018. That's with the original band that wrote the song and performed it in 1998 when Dimash was 4. So he grew up listening to this Kazakh band! It's a great performance from everyone. It's in Russian, which he is fluent in, so turn on captions and select the English subtitles. He's trained for over 17 years as of this performance in mostly classical techniques. One of the things they stress is that you become a better musician by performing the best music you can find. He's really good at selecting excellent music. Enjoy the ride!

  • @lauraalkhaz2163
    @lauraalkhaz2163 2 роки тому +29

    Tip of the iceberg. You have no idea what he can do with his vocals. From extremely deep, ( this was not his deep) to whistle, from pop, to opera, to rockish, to rap, to various instruments and in a host of different languages including his native Kazakh, Russian, English, Mandarin, Italian, French, Ukrainian, etc etc. One of his best and recent performances is in Japanese called Ikanaide. Just Dimash, in a studio singing for the Tokyo Jazz Festival due to covid restrictions. Welcome to Dimash.

  • @sheilajenkins8927
    @sheilajenkins8927 2 роки тому +26

    What?!?!? Was?!?!? That?!?!? Oh my goodness!!! Yeah, I have no idea what he was sangin but I felt every word!!! And I just have to point out possibly the most amazing moment of this video …. I have been with you for almost 2 years (since March or April 2020) and I have NEVER seen you get up out of your seat!!!!!! Wow!!!! These first time artist you have been checking out are killing it!!!
    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 review fam!!!!! Wow, just wow!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
    Thank you for introducing us to these amazing artists!!! I can’t wait to hear some more from this guy!!!
    Much love fam 💞

    • @Monica-sw9ld
      @Monica-sw9ld 2 роки тому +11

      That's what I said the first time I watched this performance (almost exactly 1 yr ago.. it's a day I'll never forget!). I've listened to him every day since then. I'm always excited for anyone hearing him for the first time. And this was from 2017... he's even better now!

    • @dimashtastic
      @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +9

      I found Dimash during COVID quarantine in September 2020 and haven't gone a day without listening to him since. A very worthy talent who will shake your soul in many different genres. I can't wait until you get to hear more of him. Hopefully 'Stranger' which is one of his newer songs and is most epic, but there is a long, long list of good songs.

    • @watchbizmatik
      @watchbizmatik  2 роки тому +9

      Yeah guy is something else, its crazy

    • @lauraderby8379
      @lauraderby8379 2 роки тому +2

      I heard him the first time (this song) and cried! It was like an out of body experience!

  • @indikamahanayaka3111
    @indikamahanayaka3111 2 роки тому +18

    You were just watching the greatest singer ever. Love from SriLanka

  • @marlenemarenco9694
    @marlenemarenco9694 2 роки тому +26

    Soy de Costa Rica pura vida amo a dimash el es el mejor del mundo 🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷

  • @jjga2010
    @jjga2010 2 роки тому +45

    For others this appears impossible but to Dimash with the piano keyboard plus whistle tones vocal range, superb technique, phenomenal breath support, 22 years vocal training, and multiple music degrees, it’s just Tuesday.

  • @ОксанаГрінченко-ц2п
    @ОксанаГрінченко-ц2п 2 роки тому +65

    Поздравляю, вы уже на крючке невообразимого таланта Димаша и с него уже не сорваться! Стоить хоть раз услышать как поет ДИМАШ - все вы пропали в хорошем смысле слова! Нет у Димаша ни одной песни, в которую невозможно влюбится, которая бы не потрясла до глубины души! Поэтому у меня нет любимой песни, я все их люблю! Но он по особому исполняет песни на своем родном языке, потому, что очень любит свою родину!

    • @Nora2019
      @Nora2019 Рік тому +2

      Присоединяюсь, Казахстан впитаный с молоком матери ,манера народного пения, это идет от самой души Димаша, замечательный человек и Артист.

  • @DLCSTexas
    @DLCSTexas 2 роки тому +18

    First of all it was a “10” and you know it. So if he was perfect in 2017 at 22 yrs old. What do you think a “10” sounds like at 27 years old 5 years later. On his channel you can find sos from his digital concert January 16, 2021. Ave Maria and Stranger at new wave in Russia a few months ago. Not only does he get better he’s gets more original more surprising every single time. He’s on MTV and the Billboard top 100 too.

  • @sylvieschmidt311
    @sylvieschmidt311 2 роки тому +24

    You cannot find better. Keep on going . Next Sinfull passion. Best vocalist in the world. For sure

  • @alinamunteanu5187
    @alinamunteanu5187 2 роки тому +24

    Pop, rock, clasic, rap:pe toate le găsești în repertoriul lui Dimash!!

  • @dougfriendly7676
    @dougfriendly7676 2 роки тому +146

    His catalog is not only WORTH diving into, it is MANDATORY for any serious youtube reactor! I can't wait to see your reaction to wherever the spinning wheel lands among Dimash's 150 or so videos on his youtube channel. You will never be disappointed, always amazed, sometimes shocked. He's that good.

  • @momotachibana3557
    @momotachibana3557 2 роки тому +30

    Dimash is the best singer on the Planet 😄

  • @hollyhelmstetter4359
    @hollyhelmstetter4359 2 роки тому +18

    Yes, his ability makes him worth diving into. Not only does he have the greatest vocal talent in the world, but he is as nice and good and honorable as the angel that he sings like. Dimash Kuaibergen is as perfect as a person can be. His fans, who he calls his "Dears", adore him. Please, please don't ever say anything critical about Dimash in the presence of any of his Dears. We don't know why, but it inspires a rage in our hearts that may seem completely at odds with our usual gentle spirits. We ADORE Dimash. And yet, he's not a "goody-two-shoes." He likes to have fun. He likes to be silly. But most of all, he likes to sing. Dimash loves singing as much as we Dears love Dimash. He was born with perfect pitch, and he has been training to improve on that since before he was 3. He trains for at least 3 hours every day, and has done so since he was 5, when he started in the local Music Academy. He now is 6'3" tall, and as handsome as you see.

  • @animalsarefriends4342
    @animalsarefriends4342 2 роки тому +20

    Dimash is much much more than the high notes, he is the total package...handsome good looks, beautiful personality, charismatic, wide range magnificent voice, heartfelt emotions, superb showmanship & stage presence! He is a gift to humanity....I can't stop listening to him!!

  • @renesmythe3028
    @renesmythe3028 2 роки тому +21

    He IS the best in the world. This video recieved over 600 million views within 48 hrs in China. He was invited to this competition in China. He is from Kazakhstan. Hes 27 and has been in formal training since age 5! His voice is capable of anything because hes spent his lifetime training. He still trains everyday. He sings 7 octaves in 12 languages and plays 8 instruments. He played a sold out concert in NY in 2019 and fans came from 68 countries to see him! Theres no such thing as a bad performance from him. I suggest Stranger, his newest. Enjoy the ride.

  • @machelleswartz9746
    @machelleswartz9746 2 роки тому +169

    Dimash is the best vocalist and performer ever in history. And just when you think you've heard all the vocals he could ever do, he will shock you again.

    • @marisagettas
      @marisagettas 2 роки тому +11


    • @JustMyOpinion1010
      @JustMyOpinion1010 2 роки тому +4

      Let's keep in mind that statements should rather start with 'In my opinion he is...'

    • @machelleswartz9746
      @machelleswartz9746 2 роки тому +2

      No it's my opinion that I cam say it the way I said it! Since I'm the one saying it. Dimas is the best vocalist and performer to ever exist! Yeah I like that!

    • @JustMyOpinion1010
      @JustMyOpinion1010 2 роки тому

      @@machelleswartz9746 for you yes. For me yes. For others perhaps not. If you asked even someone like Marat Aitimov he will tell you that these things are subjective opinions. To get aggressive or defensive about it doesn't make any subjective opinion a fact. I do agree that in my humble opinion he is, but he will vehemently object to such a view.

  • @devhelen5895
    @devhelen5895 2 роки тому +19

    As fabulous as that was ?. It was five years ago. You should hear him now. That six octave voice, has become a 7 octave voice. And that technique you so admire?, has improved with every year.
    As an example of his current, (l suspect, it is still growing) range, check out " stranger ". My man?. Make sure you have a big chair because , if it's little, you're likely to fall off it.

  • @mstmy7082
    @mstmy7082 2 роки тому +14

    Welcome to the DEARdom, where we all discovered there is life before Dimash, and life after Dimash. Everything one thought to be true is turned upside down and shaken to the core, and from that experience a new concept of reality exists. And its wonderful 🥰
    Ps as this is his 'breakout' performance it would be sensible to continue on from here with his other performance on this show, and then to try to continue chronologically, as it really is the best way to watch him grow and improve. But it doesn't really matter that much, simply plug in and play, I'm sure you'll be blown away by whatever you chose. 😉

  • @BenEFTMeijer
    @BenEFTMeijer 2 роки тому +20

    Yes. This was a by invitation only competition for established singers.
    He was the first guy on stage. Imagine being after him....
    Yes, he has the ability to emote, to stir the soul. He has been training for 20 + years, since he was 5. He passed on a position he was offered in the Astana opera.....

  • @mtcreations4218
    @mtcreations4218 2 роки тому +16

    Welcome to the world of Dimash. He is a phenomenon. He is everything in one beautiful package. Keep reacting to him. Every and any performance will do! Greetings from a Dimash dear (fan) in Texas, USA. I hope you are safe and well.

  • @lolawants2008
    @lolawants2008 2 роки тому +14

    I don’t know, is it worth going through his catalog..?? YES! He REALLY is the best in the world, this was 5yrs ago & no longer even my favorite version. This is only a fraction of what he can do, no lie. Buckle up

  • @cathyhahn6460
    @cathyhahn6460 2 роки тому +17

    Every reactor has had an experience with Dimash He can calm you, his lyrics will make you think, the emotions that he brings out STRANGER is one of his newest ones. He raps (victor ma/dimash) Mj song and several others Sings in French, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Kaza He plays 10 different instruments, He writes and direct some of his video. His concerts are always packed and he likes to get the audience to participate

  • @Лена-ь5ц6в
    @Лена-ь5ц6в 2 роки тому +21

    👉Дорогой друг ,позабодтесь пожалуйста о суббтитрах ,включите на всех языках ,так могут вас читать в.большое колличество зрителей👈 Спасибо большое 🤝Россия ❣Димаш король вокала 🤴Оставайтесь с нами 💑💑💑💑💑

  • @vickieray
    @vickieray 2 роки тому +14

    😳😳😳 I am hearing this guy for the first time right along with you!!! 😳😳😳 Wow 👀

    • @ssshadowwolf6762
      @ssshadowwolf6762 2 роки тому +5

      Seriously? I’m soooo jealous of you! I’m old school ( like 70’s old school ) R&B, Blues, Funk, Rock but this kid ? 🤯

    • @vickieray
      @vickieray 2 роки тому +2

      @@ssshadowwolf6762 I’m as old school as it gets! The 70’s is my favorite decade by far!! The music of my youth.

    • @dalb.790
      @dalb.790 2 роки тому +5

      @@vickieray DIMASH can sing every genre of music ; just check out his songs and every one will shock you. I am 5 years into my discovery of him and loving it. He sings, dances, composes songs, actor, fashion model, and is in textbooks in several countries as role model for children.

    • @dimashtastic
      @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +3

      I found Dimash during COVID quarantine in September 2020 and haven't gone a day without listening to him since. A very worthy talent who will shake your soul in many different genres. I can't wait until you get to hear more of him. Hopefully 'Stranger' which is one of his newer songs and is most epic, but there is a long, long list of good songs.

    • @teresaz-l2963
      @teresaz-l2963 2 роки тому +2

      @@vickieray Rock, Pop, Opera, Rap, Jazz, Balladen, das alles bekommst du in einer Person Dimash.

  • @rickyrheuark7989
    @rickyrheuark7989 2 роки тому +15

    That was the first Dimash song of the competition. Yes, they saw their hopes slipping away. 🇺🇸👍🔥💯⭐

  • @alinamunteanu5187
    @alinamunteanu5187 2 роки тому +16

    SOS este melodia care l-a făcut celebru, peste noapte, la propriu, în concursul I am singer 2017 din China! Următoarele melodii,, cap de listă "sunt Sinful pasion, Love is like a dream..... așa de multe!! Trilogia Stranger +Fly Away +Ave Maria a avut premiera la festivalul New Wave 2021, unde Dimash a făcut parte din juriu!! Trei genuri muzicale diferite, trei mesaje pentru omenire!! Dimash =cel mai bun dintre cei buni!!

  • @dennismcdonnell7853
    @dennismcdonnell7853 2 роки тому +15

    Dimash has a Masters Degree in musical composition and is studying for a Doctorate.
    You will begin to understand his gifting after a few songs...hop on the train! It is well worth it.

  • @Sleack70
    @Sleack70 2 роки тому +13

    Cuando yo empece a verlo comence con
    SOS (Montaña rusa)
    Synfull Pasion (variedad de registros) o stranger de sus ultimas canciones
    Opera 2 (Contraste)
    Ogni pietra (mas Operistica)
    Unforgettable Day festival de Gakku (la nota mas alta alcanzada por dimash hasta la actualidad)
    y despues segui con todas sus canciones en todas ellas sorprende y emociona por mas que esperes la sorpresa cuando llega no estas preparado para ella
    Ademas entre una actuacion y otra nunca son iguales siempre añade o cambia alguna parte no repite siempre parte por parte la misma cancion

  • @gregweatherup9596
    @gregweatherup9596 2 роки тому +13

    If getting to listen to the best singer on the planet requires joining a cult, then point me to the Koolaide. 😂 In seriousness though, this performance just scratched the surface of what he can do. He sings multiple genres, in multiple languages, across multiple octaves, and plays multiple instruments to boot!
    Edit, typo fix: joking -> joining

  • @petercutler7773
    @petercutler7773 2 роки тому +10

    Enjoy your journey with Dimash, and be prepared to be amazed time and time again !

  • @runtsgal
    @runtsgal 2 роки тому +14

    Hi from the UK. I loved your reaction. Don’t worry because a loss for words is a normal response to the first time watching Dimash 😄. If you want more I would recommend Stranger, Samaltau (2021 version has English subs), Hello (Lionel Richie cover), pretty much anything from his YT channel actually.

    • @watchbizmatik
      @watchbizmatik  2 роки тому +2


    • @Джейнджейн-д3л
      @Джейнджейн-д3л 2 роки тому +1

      @@watchbizmatik Thank you very much for the reaction to the amazing Dimash! My friends and I are flying to his solo concert, which will take place on March 25 in Dubai, and I wish you the same, this is our second concert with our favorite artist, we are waiting for you with any compositions of Dimash, we like everything, the range is not important to us, we just enjoy his voice! If you are interested, there is an interview on his channel -

  • @sharascarlethurtadogarcia3654
    @sharascarlethurtadogarcia3654 2 роки тому +14

    Excelente reacción más de Dimash Kudaibergen

  • @ДобрыйХондавод
    @ДобрыйХондавод 2 роки тому +7

    Dimash-Ave Maria 🔥 new new

  • @pwichpongs7463
    @pwichpongs7463 2 роки тому +14

    He's absolutely phenomenal.

  • @gilbertvigani3697
    @gilbertvigani3697 2 роки тому +13

    Join the club buddy you're not alone!! There's always a first time, and I can tell we've been through it the shock and the magical power of this amazing/unique artis in this planet!! Your journey has just began!

  • @damenkusainova4432
    @damenkusainova4432 2 роки тому +17

    Dimash the king vokal👍😍

  • @marie-joseepaulzak1936
    @marie-joseepaulzak1936 2 роки тому +16

    If you are not yet convinced that Dimash is the best singer in the world, please keep reacting to his very extensive catalog. This night was the night that Dimash became known to the world. I remember receiving this as a Facebook suggestion to listen to. I was impressed. And he can do so much more than what you just heard. You may want to jump to the present, And listen to stranger, which Dimash sang only a few months back. This time, not only will you hear his high notes, you will also hear his low notes, and everything in between! As you probably realize by now, Dimash has fans all around the world, which he calls dears, and they count in the millions. Happy listening!

  • @virginiagenereux7910
    @virginiagenereux7910 2 роки тому +15

    Subscribed for more Dimash

    • @watchbizmatik
      @watchbizmatik  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks for the sub and more on the way

  • @michaelgage9134
    @michaelgage9134 2 роки тому +12

    This is the starter song for Dimash, just wait till you hear more, no two songs are alike, all unique in all genre's of music, cant wait to see your next reaction to him, Sub'd to watch you go down this path.

  • @christiannebostaphbostaphb9034
    @christiannebostaphbostaphb9034 2 роки тому +12

    Thanks for your wonderful reaction. Dimash is incredible. Millions of people agree with the statement “the best in the world “. I myself am one of them. This performance was over five years ago, and his voice has matured, and he is even better now. Please continue to listen to more performances by this amazing young man. I promise you will not be disappointed.🎼🎶🎤🇰🇿🇺🇸❤️

  • @yleniadzjuba7099
    @yleniadzjuba7099 2 роки тому +6

    I listen to this song since 2017 and every time is like the first 😘♥️🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆Dimash, the best singer in the world without any doubt ♥️💗😘👍💯🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

  • @wbrenne
    @wbrenne 2 роки тому +7

    React to Sinful Passion and Stranger, two more of Dimash's masterpieces.

  • @СаулеСулейменова-ш9й

    Рахмет за реакцию.Димаш Супер ❤️👍😍🇰🇿

  • @alaricschenck8051
    @alaricschenck8051 2 роки тому +13

    For English covers see Dimash’s performances of “Hello” by Lionel Ritchie or “The Show Must Go On” by Queen. But usually reactors react to “Sinful Passion” next. You just heard about 2/3rds of his range. You will have to add some more keys to your piano to match his range so your comment about adding keys was not really a joke. He can go higher and he can go lower. And he is a master at each register that he can sing in. There is no preparing you for the next video; you will be shocked. He pushes the limits of what is humanly possible vocally with each new performance. Your playlist should include Dimash, Diana Ankudinova, Angelina Jordan and Daneliya Tuleshova. These are the vocalists to be watching and keeping an eye on.

  • @margiemcpeak9304
    @margiemcpeak9304 2 роки тому +4

    💯 I don't understand a word of this song; but, I'm overwhelmed with emotions‼Absolutely incredible‼Amazing, angelic, unearthly & so freaking special‼🔥❤

  • @cirleisilva6631
    @cirleisilva6631 2 роки тому +15

    Bem vindo ao mundo dimash 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @jrogersdal
    @jrogersdal 2 роки тому +4

    Welcome to the club. I’ve been in it for over 2 years. Almost 61 yo, my singing heroes were Elvis and Freddy Mercury. Now it’s Dimash.

  • @ripmod1
    @ripmod1 2 роки тому +11

    old. His vocal cords have received intense training for 20 yrs. He holds master's degrees in many different types of music. He is considered to be the best vocalist in the world and a master performer. He sings in 12 languages and plays many instruments. He is an exceptional singer and excels in martial arts. His mother is a world-class opera singer, and his father is also a well-known singer. He was raised by his grandparents, which is customary in his home country of Kazakhstan. He appears in front of crowds of hundreds of thousands of people and is known to give the proceeds to charity. He is a very humble and shy man. He stands at 6 ft. 3 1/2" tall and weighs 200 pounds. He was 22 yrs old at the time of this performance. His first album went platinum in 47 seconds.

  • @gerhardbraatz6305
    @gerhardbraatz6305 2 роки тому +7

    Any words? Nope!

  • @zgadgets
    @zgadgets 2 роки тому +12

    Hey that was just a taste of his God given Talent and Abilities even Wikipedia has a hard time keeping up with all his accolade's Keep going so much more to see and here from this Vocal genius :)

  • @lillikissa3121
    @lillikissa3121 2 роки тому +5

    Million Thanks from Europe Finland, amazing cool 😊😊👍👍

  • @chrishughes3422
    @chrishughes3422 2 роки тому +9

    You just got "Dimashified"... totally worth going through all of his performances.. only one thing you can count being totally blown away every single time..

  • @marinayan3247
    @marinayan3247 2 роки тому +4

    As a dear myself I suggest you a number of his performances "Opera 2 ", "Sinful passion", "Stranger", "Ave Maria", "Across endless dimensions". Just choose and enjoy! He is the best singer in the Universe! And I can't wait to watch your reaction!

  • @lizbrown4385
    @lizbrown4385 2 роки тому +4

    Dimash is only warming up with song, you’ve seen nothing yet except for THE best singer in the world. The next song is opera 2 which is just out of this world then adagio

  • @kirkp.8111
    @kirkp.8111 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you for your Dimash reaction. I think you should take the time to react to some of Dimash's earlier videos before jumping to his 2021 and 2022 videos. He has improved alot over the years, and what you reacted to shows only a small part of what he can do vocally.

  • @Tica..77
    @Tica..77 2 роки тому +11

    Subscribed.. welcome to the world of DIMASH ♥️ Dear. He’s music for ur ears, eyes but esp ur soul! THX’s Fire 🔥 Reaction, real talk!

    • @watchbizmatik
      @watchbizmatik  2 роки тому +4

      Thabks for the sub fam 🙌🏿🙌🏿

  • @addisonmcdorman7929
    @addisonmcdorman7929 2 роки тому +28

    You've just been introduced to probably the best vocalist, vocal technician and one of the best performers on Earth. Pick your genre from rap to Opera and everyone in between he does it all exceptionally well. This was in 2017 when he was 22 years old he will be 28 this may so you got about 5 years worth of performances to catch up on. Trust me it will be a fantastic ride.

  • @vivienmc5983
    @vivienmc5983 2 роки тому +15

    Now that is the kind of reaction I expect after listening to the greatest singer in the world! 😂 This is just the tip of the iceberg. Classically trained since the age of 5 he sings all genres of music in 13 different languages. He’s a multi instrumentalist and composer and about to receive his PhD in musical composition. As well as all that he’s humble, kind and intelligent. Welcome aboard the Dimash roller coaster. Enjoy the ride! 😍💗🇬🇧

    • @dimashtastic
      @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +4

      Ikanaide at the Tokyo Jazz Festival was his first song in Japanese bringing the count to '14' different languages. 😉

    • @vivienmc5983
      @vivienmc5983 2 роки тому +4

      @@dimashtastic oh yes. Thank you. 15 if you count Angelic as a language!😍😇😉

  • @grafinlady6524
    @grafinlady6524 2 роки тому +5

    ”Love is like a dream” or ”Stranger” please!

  • @Ginger_Cat2604
    @Ginger_Cat2604 2 роки тому +11

    Thank you for your reaction to SOS! I am glad that you appreciated Dimash's emotional expression and vocal qualities.

  • @paullockyer7230
    @paullockyer7230 2 роки тому +4

    Oh man, have you got a ride ahead of you!

  • @adenahill8798
    @adenahill8798 2 роки тому +4

    You ask, "what is this?"This is a young man with an 8 octave vocal range, who sings in at least 6 languages, and .plays 10 instruments. Also this was in 2018. You have to check out some of his newer videos.He has gotten even better. Be careful. The rabbit hole is really deep.

  • @dianabunaciu9645
    @dianabunaciu9645 2 роки тому +6

    You have seen nothing yet...

  • @rose-maries7131
    @rose-maries7131 2 роки тому +12

    To me :
    This is The GOAT...! Hands down...
    AWESOME reaction! I have SOOO subscribed... 😅😅
    Peace and Love from Dimashfan in Sweden!

    • @dimashtastic
      @dimashtastic 2 роки тому +3

      Yesssss..I call him THE GOAT too (greatest of all time) and I don't say that lightly. #Dimashthevoice

  • @jim55price
    @jim55price 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you, BizMatik, for this thoroughly amusing and sincere initial reaction to Dimash. You were dead-on from the start : "best singer in the world" IS a huge claim. Having watched a lot of Dimash performances and reactions for several years, though, I have to ask you, or anyone, if he's not the best, who is? I would LOVE to hear an even better voice; after all, if someone gave me what they seriously & reasonably believed to be "the world's best ice cream", how could I go wrong eating that & then some other ice cream that's even better? The thing is, there hasn't anyone showed up to rival the claim. Watch (or react to) a bit more, and you'll see. He sings much lower AND much higher than he did in this song. Buckle up, my friend. It's going to be quite a ride. Cheers.

  • @gladysperalta7788
    @gladysperalta7788 2 роки тому +2

    Bienvenido al mundo DIMASH!!!!

  • @joselajara1037
    @joselajara1037 2 роки тому +3

    It was competición but not like the Voice...all contestants are profesional famous singers...and Dimash was invited and made crazy all the crowd during the whole show.

  • @marinadewil8959
    @marinadewil8959 2 роки тому +3

    He IS the BEST vocalist on earth,you ain't seen nothing yet 😂

  • @claudialucena7636
    @claudialucena7636 2 роки тому +1

    Dimash es de otro planeta !!!!!!!!! Mi ÚNICO ARTISTA CANTANTE N1 DEL PLANETA!!!!!!!!!!

  • @AbuQaysAlmadani
    @AbuQaysAlmadani 2 роки тому +3

    Congratulations you're officially has been dimashified 🎉🎉🎉

  • 2 роки тому +5


  • @n.a5917
    @n.a5917 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much for reaction, FYI, you didn’t even scratch the surface yet, he’s the best singer and vocalist on the planet and who knows maybe on other planets too

  • @pamscarr8696
    @pamscarr8696 2 роки тому +8

    Dimash (Coo die ber in) was age 22 in this video.
    He is from Kazakhstan, was singing a French song in a competition in China.
    This was their first time to hear him. This competition went on for weeks and weeks.
    Dimash did not win because he was not Chinese.
    He is now 27, has improved so much since this video it will shock and amaze you.
    He currently has a 7 octave 2 note range. Having sung higher the piano key board.
    He is also an athlete, male model, speaks in 4 languages. is a reader of deep books, Has completed 2 degrees including a Masters in Music Compositon and is at work on his Doctoral studies in music.
    He began is classical vocal training at age 5 and also Instrumental training as well.
    He continued his vocal and instrument training until age 25, but in reality, he still trains. He has also put in 6 hours of vocal and instrument rehearsal every day.
    He pushes himself to be the very best of the very best. No laziness, Almost no down time except to sleep at night.
    And yes, he is the greatest vocalist out there.

  • @edithtrejo6795
    @edithtrejo6795 2 роки тому +5

    Dimash es el mejor cantante del mundo y de todos los tiempos, sin duda alguna

  • @ceceliaoliveira4550
    @ceceliaoliveira4550 2 роки тому +14

    Excellent reaction! Dimash’s vocals are truly out of this world. I must say his voice is gorgeous! His voice just takes your breath away! 👍👍👍

    • @dalb.790
      @dalb.790 2 роки тому +5

      That is what happened to my breathing; DIMASH took it away.

    • @ceceliaoliveira4550
      @ceceliaoliveira4550 2 роки тому +4

      dal B. LOL 😆 For me too! I literally hold my breath at times just listening to him sing. Might sound crazy but true.

  • @weldonbailey1005
    @weldonbailey1005 2 роки тому +7

    Ty for finally getting to Dimash. I discovered him almost 5 years ago with this same performance. Please resist the urge to view his more recent videos for now and react to Sinful Passion from 2018. Trust me u wont regret it. Dimash is simply the most talented singer of our time. Looking fwd to more of your Dimash journey.

  • @irmaromeroll
    @irmaromeroll 2 роки тому +5

    Bienvenido al Mundo Dimash, el mejor cantante del mundo! Soy nueva suscriptora, y te recomiendo ver mas de Dimash! OLIMPICO, LATE AUTUMN, LOVE OF TIRED SWANS, KNOW, SINFUL PASSION, STRANGER, y la maravillosa canción, AVE MARIA. Actualmente esta en la lista Billboard con FLY AWAY Y BE WITH ME dos temas pop en inglés. Espero muchas reacciones mas!

  • @xstmglr1
    @xstmglr1 2 роки тому +3

    Greeting from Greece, Dimash is the best singer in the history of music , please react to Adagio , Hello , All by myself then you won’t stop .

  • @tahiannamelli9182
    @tahiannamelli9182 2 роки тому +8

    El 👑🎶🎤, después de escucharlo no hay manera no seguir su carrera ,se vuelve una adicción su voz .

  • @singingpurse
    @singingpurse 2 роки тому +4

    I just subscribed to watch your Dimash reactions. Love from a great grandma in Canada