This is terrifying. We have to acknowledge that much of The Federalist Society’s financial power emerges from the tax-exempt status of certain (NOT all) “religious” actors - which has always been a defect in the separation of church and state.
I don’t see how a group of people gathering together to advance their interests with the intent of protecting this county from Marxism could be terrifying. What’s terrifying is when countries reject religion and begin to worship climate, govt etc. Human atrocities are only the beginning.
There will never be a separation of church and state because we have no laws that prevent the closet control freak variety of believer from running for office. Bias is real and humans are very good at exercising them. It doesn’t matter how many times a believer (closet control freak) pinky promises to be neutral in an elected office, their belief and subsequent points of view will prevent that at some level.
There is no separation. And there never was. You seem to forget the original argument was whether the U.S. corporation had the power to create sub-franchise corporations, much less those that can operate outside D.C. Pro-Tip Hint: Until the Civil War...they couldn't. Not even to create state corporations. And until the early 1900's, states banned private corporations that were multi-state & multi-national (as they are not legal persons with natural powers or rights at all)...because the Constitution clearly states the Fed has no power to oversee religious corporations outside D.C. The only "separation" in law, is that the U.S. has no say in any of it at all. Not to create. Not to regulate. With exception...those corporations that charter in Delaware. And the 13th Amendment...which expanded the implied power to charter corporations inside D.C. territory to be recognized outside D.C. It now is somehow implied that all corporations that charter in any state, are assumed to be chartered under the U.S., and therefore, regulated by the U.S... which somehow includes religious corporations, TayZonday, my friend. Of which is strictly forbidden...unless the corporations in question voluntarily choose to incorporate. And because of money, they always do. Now...if you wish, I can take it up with Congress, and "fix the defect" that you consider to be defective. This will effectively remove the 2nd 13th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment. My question then is...with no Fed sub-franchise oversight power, how bad do you think it will be then? There were two internal wars already fought over this exact issue, if you will remember. We CAN do it again, but you won't enjoy the outcome. "“...the selfish spirit of commerce (that) knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain...I hope we shall crush… in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -Thomas Jefferson (the Association Inc., 1774 AKA- CEO of the United States corporation).
No, it's actually looking at the history of Constitution and the reason why certain things were written. It's a written document, words on paper do not change. Therefore, the Constitution should be looked at through the same lenses that it was looked at on the day it was written. Democrats hate originalism because it prevents them from giving themselves more power at the expense of the American people.
@@thomasprislacjr.4063 *conservative. Gotta remember they occasionally do name changes, like with the Southern Strategy. Can't let them behind technicalities.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith
America is a Republic, not a democracy.The constitution should be as originally meant, like the Ten Commandments, not "living", and changed with the whims of culture.
@@justifiedlife1595 Our Constitutional Republic *IS* a democracy. There are many ways of setting up a democracy, parliamentary, senatorial, direct, representative, etc. And no, there is a separation between church and state, and should always be. No country should be ruled or even influenced by mythological superstitious beliefs that have no evidence of ever being true or real.
America has people living in "pOvErTy" who are obese, have smartphones, air conditioning and wifi. Imagine what poverty looks like in communist, socialist countries. The poverty in America is not a result of the so-called evils of capitalism, but as a result of poor personal decisions, poor mental health, and poor work ethic of tue poor. I said what I said.
@@dbill49 ill just list a few. That local governments choose where highways, railroad, schools and infrastructure go often picking the cheapest land. The actual economic impacts from LBJs great society social programs or what it did to black families and the black community. Omitting which political party controlled the cities that choose to keep bloated social programs they couldn't afford until it bankrupted whole cities creating massive racial slums. Ie NYC bond crisis, white flight, etc. You can easily look at the history of American cities and see the pattern. The Democrat political philosophy is that minorities cannot think for themselves and need a nanny state to make better decisions for them. Yet every time it gets that power in any jurisdiction it makes those minorities lives worse. I could type a lot more about controlling unions teachers union, Uncle Tom politics Al Sharpton, wealth inequity, lack of opportunity in minority communities and liberal monopolies
I'm no fan of Ted Kennedy, but his words were 100% spot on for the Republican party as a whole. Remember they didn't just change for Trump, that 1791 control is exactly what they've been working toward for generations.
Who ended slavery? Who started the kkk? Who got the civil rights act through congress in the 60s? Who started him crow laws? Who said they were going to get the blacks to vote for them for 200 years? And why did he say it?
@Chris Griffith they're still trash and you know it. You're one of these people that'll complain this country is fundamentally broken when dems in power.but it's fine when Republicans are, with literally zero difference in actual domestic and foreign policy. You'll never have moral high ground on anyone to the left of hitler
@@chrisgriffith9252 Yes there was a time when the republican party fought for the rights of slaves... but the republican party if Abe Lincoln also stood for pro business, pro patriotism , pro industrialization, social conservatism and so on... The democratic party in its founding was about focusing on the working classes and social issues... as well as keeping slavery intact. Now that slavery was out of the way for good... the republican party's only appeal was pro big business and pro industrialization and hyper patriotism... and the democratic party's only appeal is solving social and working class issues. There was no party switch... merely an evolution. And now because of republican's pro big business stances... we have seen corporations grow into godless behemoths. And because human greed is a universal power, the corporate leaders became vulnerable to human greed. Now we are seeing a new form of "slavery"... one that uses neoliberal ideologies... Fraud, media manipulation, corporate collusion, mass consumerism, hyper materialism, commodification of interpersonal relationships, con artist schemes skyrocketing... and so on...
@@wiswc Within those status quo apologists has been sown a hatred for various types of minorities so aggressive, they're willing to throw away their own quality of life just to make sure those marked demographics' lives end up even worse.
Originalism is a stupid belief since Article V exists. For those who don't know, Article V is what allows the Constitution to be amended. The founders knew that times would change, so they wrote that in.
Yes, there is a very specific way to change the constitution. Via an amendment. Allowing judges with zero alternate means of accountability to have the power to legislate from the bench is not ok.
So they allowed it to be changed legally but we need it to be living so we can reinterpret the writings to fit the illegal changes we want to make to it. What brilliant WokeNazi logic 😂😂😂😂 but everyone else is the fascists 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@MrChristianDTI'll happily argue your argue against your WokeNazi logic at least until they censor me. WokeNazis need Censorship and paid Influencers to stay relevant because their ideas are moronic. That's why the Democrats destroyed the public school system
Article V's existence actually supports originalism. That there is a prescribed method to amend the Constitution means that the Constitution must otherwise be followed to the letter, as informed by it's original intent. Changing what the Constitution means and says is not something a few unelected judges have the authority to do. This is the basic idea behind originalism.
Ya he thinks his rich friends will save him, but once he has served his purpose he will be thrown out like so much teash. It's time the supreme court had to follow the same and stronger rules for the court. They have proven time and time again they cannot and have no wish to actually police themselves. They keep going back to the constitution, but here's the thing James Madison and others said time and time again that the constitution was meant to be fluid to grow and change with the times ahead. Also when you read everything about freedom of religion, they included other names of religions, including Muslims and stated including others that weren't listed. If they are going to bring religion into schools well the courts have actually backed themselves into a corner about much. If people like a bakery can refuse service to the LGBTQ community on religious grounds, then so can others refuse to serve christans on there own religious grounds. If a highschool football coach can do christian prayers on the football field and force his players into doing christian prayers then another of a different religion can do the same. And so on. When christans bring these cases to the court and the court sides with the christans, that means they are not following their own laws set forward. This would prove their total illegitimatmicy and would add to the fact that they can not be trusted or believed in anything. We are a country of laws yet the highest court in the land does not follow those laws and makes a mockery of them. I wish cases would be brought before them that actually challenge the laws they themselves have put into place. Here's what's really funny. I am Pagan and we have a small business. It like many others is based on our beliefs. Everything we sell has certain intentions put into it. From soaps, to bath salts, to candles and more. Yet we have customers that yell the loudest in their churches on Sundays yet buy our stuff every day of the week, and yet there has not been one of them try to come in preaching at us. Those that say things only do it on line because they are to much of a coward to say anything to our faces. So for now we will gladly take their money, but the first that comes in acting all stupid will not be served. Like the old saying goes what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Let’s not get caught in a Strong Man fallacy*. Leo is a member of the Federalist Society and an affective* agent of it, but every other person profiled and any other member unnamed did their part. Remove him and someone else will fill his role. The real problem is that the attitudes and worldview was able to coalesce into an affective movement. We need to root out that problem. Profiling movers like Leo is good to illustrate what to look for in order to stop others like him, but we can’t just focus on one person while ignoring the seedlings growing out of their bullsh!t. *Great Man Fallacy *effective There! Edited to correct terms.
This. Also, If you agree with the following, consider editing it into your comment: the real problem is campaign finance laws AKA "lobbying", every other country would call it "Legal Bribery"
@@rockstc955I agree, that’s bribery but legal in America. In Mexico they have anti-bribery laws that do little to nothing for politicians unless some of the opposition get caught on camera and exposed in the media. So it’s pretty much America with actual real tacos. FYI I’m a Mexican National so I’m pretty confident I can tell this joke.
Leonard Leo, Paul Weyrich, and Grover Norquist are probably the three most influential figures in American politics for the late twentieth and early 21st century. Hardly anyone's heard their names. A few lessons from this are: - Political fame and political power are two different things. - How democratic is the USA, in practical terms? (i.e., translating the preferences of most voters in policy) - If we want to undo these harmful changes, what can we learn from how these guys leveraged their connections into political change?
How you could ignore Hillary Clinton is insane... She literally owns the DNC still... She did the Russiagate coup attempt she's rigged 2 primaries and 1 general election that we know of. Dick Cheney should be up there too he created the King presidency. Kissinger normalized relations with China You have a very naive corporate fed list
This is why I despise the Supreme Court in its current form. It holds so much power that, funnily enough, it didn't have in 1791, and it can take away whatever rights it wants depending on whose stooges happen to be sitting on it and whose money is lining their pockets at any given moment. It doesn't matter anymore whether the Court is Conservative or Liberal -- it's gotten so far out of control that checks and balances are practically nonexistent. Furthermore, its position on any given topic changes whenever a Justice is replaced, so packing it would just be a temporary solution. The only way to fix this is to bulldoze the Court and salt the earth or fundamentally restructure it so that it can't abuse its self-given authority. Of course, you'd also have to make sure the people restructuring it are actually neutral, not political stooges, otherwise we'd be right back where we started. Great video, though, even if it is sad to see how a greasy little eel like this guy can gain power.
At this point, we firmly need the Democrats to have control over the other two branches in order to be able to stop them. Right now, we have one & a half & it's not enough.
Even if supreme court didn’t have all this power, the other two branches can’t decide what to do among themselves. Each presidential election the previous work is undone whether it was good or not simply because the “other side” made it.
@@popenieafantome9527 In that case, something needs to be done so the people, both private citizenry and candidates for office, no longer see elections like sports championships.
@@dominicfucinari1942 Ranked choice voting would be a good start. Our current voting system doesn't leave room for third parties, and that encourages polarization.
It's ironic that you say this because the left has used the Supreme Court to achieve all of its victories in the last hundred years, at the express opposition to what the larger legislative bodies would have actually done. that is, against the will of the people.
To be fair, if you're playing by the rules, how do you fight someone who gives zero fucks about the rules, will harness dark money from anonymous donors, and then re-writes the rules in their favour when they succeed? These "good Christian souls" will abandon all pretence of Christianity if it helps them win, then they'll claim they did it all because they're good Christian souls. They are the very definition of "the ends justifies the means". Loud-mouthed, self-aggrandising fools like Trump and DeSantis telegraph their malevolent intentions from space. It's those skulking about in the shadows, pulling strings and pushing buttons, that you really have to guard against.
They are people with an ideological goal. Oaths are simply words and when faced with actual belief the oath reveals itself for the empty words it always was. They outmaneuvered liberals because they actually have (irrational as they may be) beliefs, and are willing to take action to advance those beliefs
Very well produced and presented. It is rare that I find something I didn't already know in a UA-cam political video. Thank you. This helps me connect dots I never before could connect. God bless you!
This video shows how we live in a democracy by name only. We are ruled by the almighty dollar, and those who have the most dollars. We should all be outraged.
Anyone who knows anything about American political history knows we are not a democracy and never really referred to ourselves as such until relatively recently. We are a Constitutional Republic.
Great video, getting all of this tied together so succinctly. What McConnell and the GOP did to Garland was so infuriating to watch. Not that garland is some hero, but he's not FedSoc, and again, the process by which it all went down was infuriating.
Don't forget the cynical smirk with which McConnell said of course Barrett would be nominated to replace RBG, weeks before the 2020 election, and a fortnight after RBG's death. Direct contradiction of why he blocked Garland's nomination.
Leonard Leo is a monarchist. Leonard Leo is the reason why billionaires must be taxed out of existence. Coexistence with billionaires like Leonard Leo is not possibe.
It is clear that the guy is a right wing conservative, and has been aiding corporations to pave their way into power, but why do you say he's a monarchist?? That wouldn't surprise me either, after all, he's a very conservative catholic
@@anthonycesario4056the United States had next to nothing to do with the decline in power of the Catholic church or European monarchs. the United States is not, and never has been, a democracy.
VERY GOOD WORK I just realized I've seen this before yet I heard new stuff that I'd missed the first go-round Thank you for all you all do!! You ARE our "news"
People aligned with the powerful are well organized for a reason. Money keeps the lights on. The rest of us on the struggle bus cant even rent a club house for a birthday party.
Such is why the 1st world considers the risks of plutocracy and kleptocracy so grave. It's why the Louis / Lewis Powell Memo of '971 was considered an extinction level threat.
He really did do a good job. And if he'd just pull back a little bit more, I think he'd fully nail it. But the reality, the real reality - it's a tough pill to swallow. And not a thing that any individual will willingly open their eyes to. It isn't an easy thing to admit; that nobody 'in charge' of looking out for you, is looking out for you. Even when the evidence makes that totally clear.
@@joshuaonlyNobody is looking out for you, but as a country we have a government whether we like it or not, it's our job as the people to vote to favor the people by being woke, by not believing the words politicians spew but by their actions, so far the Democrats are for the people, Republicans are for for the wealthy and corporations.
It's WokeNazis propoganda watch some Thomas Sowell and get a clue. He omits facts and lies. Lacks a basic understanding of how the government works. It's misinformation designed to reinforce the WokeNazi brain wash. Let's overthrow the checks and balances of democracy to save democracy is the basic summary... It's dumb as dogshit
Stay Behind Network is the NATO equivalent they all went rouge and tried to overthrow their own governments with mixed success. In the US it's the continuity of government plan, the shadow governments or the deep state. They would never go rouge partner with monopolies to seize power create a fascist state and persecute their political opponents 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 But please keep repeating WokeNazi propoganda and think the National Socialist Workers Party is right wing or that Republicans run race ghettos....
WOW!!! Just WOW!!!! Thank you for sharing this information... I had never heard of this guy and his influence seems incomprehensible. How do we, The People, stop this madness? That is my burning question.
Fiq's little half smile when he says "you know, the good old days" just cracks me tf up. Some More News did an episode of Leonard Leo that people should check out. It's a little longer. Don't look at the time stamp.
Listening to this is depressing the hell out of me. Rehashing everything from when I was young I have everything taken away from us women and for people of color and everybody else it’s just horrendous.
Trust me you aren't alone, learning all this is usually very depressing. Just don't worry too much about things you can't control, it will only make you angry and apathetic. Do what you can and keep your head up ✊🏼
Lol what was taken away??? Try saying something factual. It's crazy people keep telling you your a victim you believe it then wonder why you accomplish nothing
Imagine believing that you have the rIgHt to murder a baby you conceived through the exercise of free will. Abortion as contraception is barbarically evil.
Some people have just always had too much money. Leonard Leo has always had too much money. He's always implemented his will with money, and he's just one of the rich Republicans of the Federalist Society. Imagine what they want, and it's probably already happened.
Imagine legally forcing your personal views on others, while aware that it will cause many to suffer. These are a group of people that wish to control and manipulate others to serve themselves. They don’t care about harming others because they can see us as inherently less valuable than them.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS I can’t think of anywhere in America that allows infanticide. I’m wondering exactly how you define a human. I imagine it would be a fertilized egg at the moment of conception. So of course preventing conception should be construed as murder of a human being. Deciding to wear a condom and deciding to murder a baby, what’s the difference?
@@rocklarsen228 What are you talking about, it was legal in all states (enforced by the Federal government) for the last 50 years. OK, let's take a look at the logic of your comment. In the first paragraph you talk about a fertilized egg. In the second, you equate murdering a child to wearing a condom, yet you mentioned a fertilized egg earlier. There is no fertilized egg yet at the point somebody decides to put a condom on. Logic like this is why nobody takes the left seriously anymore.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS I’m trying to follow your logic brother. So you define an infant as a fertilized egg. I’m not on the left. I think i probably value infants just as much as you do. I can’t think of a miracle of creation more special than that.
This is one of the most educating videos I've seen. I have a Masters Education and even with my education I only ever heard whispers. You have made a lot of things make sense. Thank you
You can't out maneuver a sociopath, because they have no boundaries whatsoever. However hard you try, you have a fence.. It doesn't matter how far the fence is, or how transparent or or how low,, you're still, even a little, hindered. It's not just that they would climb the fence, they simply do not have a fence.
Asymmetric offensive. Very hard to predict. And Worth fighting against. Classic Narc behavior- violate all boundaries- continually. Exhausting. #FederalistSociety Women's Rights Are #HumanRights
@Michelle Hettinger All of them. Sociopaths, as stated above, don't have boundaries. So they'll maneuver their way up, and then _write_ the laws that deregulate finances, that gut environmental protection, that allow for discrimination.
@@sstuff5217 This chick has wanted payback for a looong time. Normal people are capable of war, so we are capable of getting on their level when survival depends on it. Another thing to consider is that maybe it's just too easy? Is it psychopathy if the path is paved and it's as simple as spending money like on fast food? I think there's something to be said for how far removed power is from actual dirty work. Not too disimilar from being removed from the butchery of animals for meat consumption. Does a cow think humans are psychopaths? Maybe, but really it's just too easy and convenient. If you've socially engineered a human farm, how much psychopathy does it even take to work that farm to the bone? It just takes simple decision making, and from there flows the chain of servants towards that financial interest out of their own needs for survival. Systemic critiques like this help design new systems, rather than scapegoat individuals and minority groups. The conspiracy is that the psychopath is as powerful as we think, when really it's a psychological abberation across the general population. Systems are powerful, and individuals in those systems of power don't need to be psychopaths to enact harm.
This is so fucking scary. THIS is what should be taught in high schools across America. Term limits seem the only way forward. Clarence isn't the only we are learning. Great content, thank you.
Lol the Democrat party would collapse. Ron Paul can run a talk show how can the Pelosis, Clinton's, Kerry's, Bidens make money if it's not from Corruption?????
Sheldon Whitehouse has told you all about the dark money that the Koch bros has put into the surpreme court.If we don't fix this soon things are going to get bad.
Notice how none of the leftists in the comments are raging about the Supreme Court back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, when it was dominated by activist justices. But all of a sudden, now we need to change the rules in order to keep people with the wrong opinions out of power.
The curriculum is controlled by insiders at state capitals. The people must begin to care and to educate themselves and the youth the truth about their plight.
@@albirtarsha5370 the DNC controls the education system that's why they destroyed it so they have an uneducated base that will work against their own interests
One small note, Nebraska, where Thomas and his wife were wed, had legalized interracial marriage prior to _Loving,_ so they still would have been wed. However, he could easily have been arrested if he entered the South, as happened to Mrs. and Mr. Loving when they married in DC and were arrested on their return to Virginia. Notably, Thomas has a residence in Virginia (among others).
@More Perfect Union This is amazing. I knew none of this. Thank you for gathering this information and for presenting it in an easy-to-understand manner. Just subscribed and looking forward to more from you.
Although I hope our system can handle the current corruption of the court I believe it will take extrajudicial measures to clean it up. Since they use their power to protect themselves.
THIS video was hugely informative! I knew who Leonard Leo was & about his funding of the Federalist Society, but his backing of so many talking heads who ended up on Fux News was news to me. Someone needs to send this to Biden, lock him in a room & make him watch it until he agrees to expand the court.
First of all... what these people are is just the next step on the ladder of organised crime... and last I checked... Criminals take a shit on their victim's constitutional rights for their own pleasure.
This was very informative. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into sharing the truth. It's so necessary in today's political atmosphere. Thank you, sir.
no no no no no! smdh. For the love of God. People must recognize, they are NOT ON YOUR SIDE 😂 Either 'side', both 'sides', not on OUR side(s). They the hands that count the cash, and feed the mouth; top half. We the legs - bottom half, that carry the top. There's your 2 halves, "top", "bottom". Period. They SAY, right and left. If you buy it, that's how they get you.
Yep, the Federalist Society, but also the Heritage Foundation and DonorsTrust. Oh, and the Fellowship Foundation, too. If fact, the Fellowship Foundation may well be the insidious org underpinning them all.
These toxic collections of lawyers are the real Swamp. Draining them of their power and financial resources by removing Citizens United, would go a long way towards bringing some semblance of normality to US politics.
Great video. Love seeing F.D. Signifirer getting exposure. Definitely a channel worth your sub. Another media that can teach you about why the Superme court sucks is 5 to 4 podcast.
I can not imagine believing that 1791 was the countries perfect moment. ‘The good ol’ days ain’t what they used to be and probably never was’ ~Will Rogers
It's similar to the corporate capture of the system which brought about the Lockner (sp?) era. Except this time, it's mostly shareholders wielding these corporations' power.
@@Rays_Bad_Decisions You're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about if you think Leonard Leo's and Opus Dei's planted judges are anything heroic. At least we know whom Charles Koch, Farris Wilks, and Richard Uihlein (pron. like Euline) fund, and how evil their intentions are.
Thank you. Failing to report income ....from a supreme court judge and one who was so stupid consent confused his pea brain. And he , as the blight of fecal implant appointments by no body wants liar republican barf often are these days not experienced or accomplished when floated like a turd on pimp$, not merit, not qualification, not integrity.
Four boxes of democracy: 1. Soap 2. Ballot 3. Jury 4. Ammo "Conservative" fascists are trying their hardest to monopolize all four. They have long had major platforms on legacy media, and are now major players in social media. They are passing laws to disenfranchise voters and allowing their brownshirts to intimidate people at polling places. They have populated the courts with activist judges who support their bigotry and tyranny. They have convinced voters that Democrats want to ban guns completely. Reject oppression, arm minorities, fight fascism in every way.
If you look up "social murder" as a term, it ties in with the idea of taking resources, such as food and health care, from the people, particularly from the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder, so that they'll die younger.
@@dominicfucinari1942 It's class warfare, and we're losing hard because most of our fellow proles don't even realize it's going on while you can bet your ass all the oligarchs do.
The new lawyers and judges are the new priests. They want to get more power and wealth with their expectations that workers will be stupid to not notice. They are doing great job.
i hope this man has to flip every plug he uses 7 times before he gets it in i hope this man will get an itch on his dick at every innopportune moment possible and i hope this man starts fearing public speech
Not a Democracy and never were. We are a Constitutional Republic. I'd much rather have our laws be held in check by a document written to keep checks on power and recognize human rights than the opinions of some activist judge.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS Yes. If you look at the Federalist papers and other things the founders wrote they were explicit in the fact that the system they set up was intended to limit democracy and maintain the power of a landowning elite. Democracy is, however, the ideal that Americans hold dear and ought to be the goal to strive for. It is a mistake to think that originalism is not an activist position in itself, a bold faced attempt to lend conservative agendas an air of legitimacy by claiming the positions espoused were the intentions of the original Constitutional congress. The founders knew that they were not prophets, that their 18th century understand of the world would not be valid for all of time, and therefore included in that original document the very procedure to change that document.
@@stephenwilliams163 No, the intent was rather to limit democracy because democracy and liberty are not the same things. Tyranny of the majority is a concept that can easily exist. The Founders simply believed that most people are idiots. I used to doubt that, but the older I got, the more I realized they were correct. Most people are idiots, at least with regard to understanding governance. Therefore, the ideal form of government would be one with limited power to ensure liberty, a position that would not be changed even if the majority demanded it. No, I don't consider actually following what the document says to be an "activist position." For much the same reason why I wouldn't consider the directions for a new kitchen appliance to be "merely opinion." We have one school of thought that seeks to understand and follow the Constitution and another school of thought that takes very little from the Constitution in favor of modern social views. It's really not hard to see which of the two schools is full of activists. Yet, activists made no attempt to follow that procedure. Instead, they insist that what is already written "doesn't actually mean what we have thought it means for the last 230 years." We are not talking about adding new amendments to the Constitution, we are talking about forcefully changing the meaning of the Constitution without adding amendments. A right to abortion, for example, has no basis in the Constitution. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg admitted that the ruling was on extremely shaky ground and would likely be overturned in the future.
The supreme court should either be abolished entirely or made into a directly elected position with strict terms and term limits. Enough lifetime appointments.
One of the things that should be mentioned is the fact that three members of the ABA( American Bar Association) declared him unqualified. He has been doing everything he can to undo his predecessor. Thurgood Marshall. The most brilliant legal mind of the 20th century was replaced by a right-wing ideologue. " Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre Minds"- Albert Einstein
I swear this has happened in history before! I feel like history keeps repeating itself… different setting and characters but same plot and antagonist! Greed, Religion & money… do we remember what has to happen… WAR! Hopefully we can resolve this without war😞😩😞🤦🏽♀️
Does the left have a "federalist society" version? The long game played is actually amazing. Just like the Koch brothers suggested, to win state seats, county seats, school boards. Anything and everything possible to turn right in a wrong way.
History just keeps repeating itself… setting and characters keep changing but one thing is the same the plot and antagonists! Greed, religion and money!
As a Catholic I'm embarrassed to know what so called "Catholic" justices can not interpret the Constitution's words of " Separation of Church and State". #VoteBlue2024 #VoteBlue4Democracy
The words "separation of church and state" are not in the US Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is what the Constitution says. So give me an example of where you claim the Court violated the Constitution with regard to religion?
what do you think nationalism is? the whole chest thumping about patriotism is pretty much always going to go to nationalism then fascism... its a natural progression the fascists will always be the people obsessed with their country and threats to it... imagined or otherwise patriotism naturally divides the world in in-group and out-group... and thats nutrient soil for nationalism and fascism... thats why it is so dangerous to base ones identity in it
I LOVE how they complain about political donations being capped to low because of inflation while in the same breath say we don't deserve a living wage...
"outmaneuvered" 14:00 is the correct word. It's the word I want to hear more liberals say, to admit good intentions alone fail, to admit they failed, that it takes more than a dream to build a better future, in order for me to have faith in them again.
This is terrifying. We have to acknowledge that much of The Federalist Society’s financial power emerges from the tax-exempt status of certain (NOT all) “religious” actors - which has always been a defect in the separation of church and state.
I don’t see how a group of people gathering together to advance their interests with the intent of protecting this county from Marxism could be terrifying. What’s terrifying is when countries reject religion and begin to worship climate, govt etc. Human atrocities are only the beginning.
You don't seem worried about the tides foundation...
There will never be a separation of church and state because we have no laws that prevent the closet control freak variety of believer from running for office. Bias is real and humans are very good at exercising them. It doesn’t matter how many times a believer (closet control freak) pinky promises to be neutral in an elected office, their belief and subsequent points of view will prevent that at some level.
There is no separation. And there never was. You seem to forget the original argument was whether the U.S. corporation had the power to create sub-franchise corporations, much less those that can operate outside D.C. Pro-Tip Hint: Until the Civil War...they couldn't. Not even to create state corporations. And until the early 1900's, states banned private corporations that were multi-state & multi-national (as they are not legal persons with natural powers or rights at all)...because the Constitution clearly states the Fed has no power to oversee religious corporations outside D.C. The only "separation" in law, is that the U.S. has no say in any of it at all. Not to create. Not to regulate. With exception...those corporations that charter in Delaware. And the 13th Amendment...which expanded the implied power to charter corporations inside D.C. territory to be recognized outside D.C. It now is somehow implied that all corporations that charter in any state, are assumed to be chartered under the U.S., and therefore, regulated by the U.S...
which somehow includes religious corporations, TayZonday, my friend.
Of which is strictly forbidden...unless the corporations in question voluntarily choose to incorporate. And because of money, they always do.
Now...if you wish, I can take it up with Congress, and "fix the defect" that you consider to be defective. This will effectively remove the 2nd 13th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment. My question then is...with no Fed sub-franchise oversight power, how bad do you think it will be then?
There were two internal wars already fought over this exact issue, if you will remember. We CAN do it again, but you won't enjoy the outcome.
"“...the selfish spirit of commerce (that) knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain...I hope we shall crush… in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-Thomas Jefferson (the Association Inc., 1774
AKA- CEO of the United States corporation).
@@chrisgriffith9252 the switch happened
I thought we were bad in the UK. It blows my mind the level of political corruption that is allowed unfettered in the US.
You just aren't seeing behind closed doors in the UK.
@@MushookieMan True enough
Mostly contended. Good people have fought these traitorous monsters every step. These people get lots of foreign money.
Dem constituents sans 🥎🏈🏀
Dem constituents sans 🥎
"originalism" isn't a field of study, it's a seance where the spirits of the founders tell you what you want to hear
No, it's actually looking at the history of Constitution and the reason why certain things were written. It's a written document, words on paper do not change. Therefore, the Constitution should be looked at through the same lenses that it was looked at on the day it was written.
Democrats hate originalism because it prevents them from giving themselves more power at the expense of the American people.
😂Excellent comment!
like Reagan's presidency 😂
And if you are hearing these voices check yourself into the nearest hospital , you are not well, no matter what your little voice is telling you !
“Mankind will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest”-Denis Diderot
Was not thinking he was laying out a plan with that one.
Replace King with oligarch and priest with Republican and I think we can call this quote effectively updated.
@@thomasprislacjr.4063 *conservative. Gotta remember they occasionally do name changes, like with the Southern Strategy. Can't let them behind technicalities.
@magicdance4273 then we might just call them fascists.
@@thomasprislacjr.4063these days Republican and priest are synonymous.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior justification for selfishness."
John Kenneth Galbraith
Damn that's a good quote. ☠
I know someone who fits that description; he is a man-child.
@@maryhannah4462Donald Trump?
Spot on!
*That's an awesome quote and 12 months later even more pertinent.*
Its amazing you only got 4 other replies and 171 likes (now 172).
"We have a choice. We can have great wealth in the hands of a few, or we can have Democracy. But we can't have both. " - Louis Brandeis.
The problem is that no one actually wants real democracy, as that just causes instability and oppression by the majority.
America is a Republic, not a democracy.The constitution should be as originally meant, like the Ten Commandments, not "living", and changed with the whims of culture.
@@justifiedlife1595 Our Constitutional Republic *IS* a democracy. There are many ways of setting up a democracy, parliamentary, senatorial, direct, representative, etc.
And no, there is a separation between church and state, and should always be. No country should be ruled or even influenced by mythological superstitious beliefs that have no evidence of ever being true or real.
America has people living in "pOvErTy" who are obese, have smartphones, air conditioning and wifi. Imagine what poverty looks like in communist, socialist countries. The poverty in America is not a result of the so-called evils of capitalism, but as a result of poor personal decisions, poor mental health, and poor work ethic of tue poor.
I said what I said.
For all those uniformed folks who ask, "Why is this all happening now?", remember, this has been happening for decades.
The election of Obama certainly expedited white fragility as a political movement.
Don't take it too seriously the guy making the video omits a lot and will tell any lie to sell his religious like political beliefs
Please enlighten us. What information has been omitted?
@@dbill49 ill just list a few. That local governments choose where highways, railroad, schools and infrastructure go often picking the cheapest land. The actual economic impacts from LBJs great society social programs or what it did to black families and the black community. Omitting which political party controlled the cities that choose to keep bloated social programs they couldn't afford until it bankrupted whole cities creating massive racial slums. Ie NYC bond crisis, white flight, etc. You can easily look at the history of American cities and see the pattern. The Democrat political philosophy is that minorities cannot think for themselves and need a nanny state to make better decisions for them. Yet every time it gets that power in any jurisdiction it makes those minorities lives worse. I could type a lot more about controlling unions teachers union, Uncle Tom politics Al Sharpton, wealth inequity, lack of opportunity in minority communities and liberal monopolies
@@Rays_Bad_Decisions ignorant clown🤡
I'm no fan of Ted Kennedy, but his words were 100% spot on for the Republican party as a whole. Remember they didn't just change for Trump, that 1791 control is exactly what they've been working toward for generations.
Who ended slavery?
Who started the kkk?
Who got the civil rights act through congress in the 60s?
Who started him crow laws?
Who said they were going to get the blacks to vote for them for 200 years? And why did he say it?
@@chrisgriffith9252 Who forgets the southern switch happened and that it was more related to region...
@@chrisgriffith9252what ideologies were behind those various events
@Chris Griffith they're still trash and you know it.
You're one of these people that'll complain this country is fundamentally broken when dems in power.but it's fine when Republicans are, with literally zero difference in actual domestic and foreign policy. You'll never have moral high ground on anyone to the left of hitler
@@chrisgriffith9252 Yes there was a time when the republican party fought for the rights of slaves... but the republican party if Abe Lincoln also stood for pro business, pro patriotism , pro industrialization, social conservatism and so on... The democratic party in its founding was about focusing on the working classes and social issues... as well as keeping slavery intact.
Now that slavery was out of the way for good... the republican party's only appeal was pro big business and pro industrialization and hyper patriotism... and the democratic party's only appeal is solving social and working class issues.
There was no party switch... merely an evolution. And now because of republican's pro big business stances... we have seen corporations grow into godless behemoths. And because human greed is a universal power, the corporate leaders became vulnerable to human greed. Now we are seeing a new form of "slavery"... one that uses neoliberal ideologies...
Fraud, media manipulation, corporate collusion, mass consumerism, hyper materialism, commodification of interpersonal relationships, con artist schemes skyrocketing... and so on...
Leonard Leo has endangered democracy in the United States. He must be stopped.
You don't deserve to live here if that is your attitude. Get out, traitor. @PeterAlyesbury
We need to worry more about far left George Sorus foundation.
Sorus needs to be stopped.
@@randomguy7175I wish he was actually far left
He hasn’t even abolished private property
We need to break this cycle of a handful of people holding most of the power and money. It's obsolete and unnecessary. We need to break it NOW.
This has been happening since humans took over the world! Same story different antagonists!
We need to break this cycle of 46.8% of Americans having shit for brains
Yeah I feel like we're a bit to old to be doing this feudalism shit
But the people don't want tho, seriously ask them, they will defend the system, they love being powerless
@@wiswc Within those status quo apologists has been sown a hatred for various types of minorities so aggressive, they're willing to throw away their own quality of life just to make sure those marked demographics' lives end up even worse.
Originalism is a stupid belief since Article V exists.
For those who don't know, Article V is what allows the Constitution to be amended. The founders knew that times would change, so they wrote that in.
There is no point even arguing with it. The people who came up with the argument don't believe in it, it's just a tool for them.
Yes, there is a very specific way to change the constitution. Via an amendment. Allowing judges with zero alternate means of accountability to have the power to legislate from the bench is not ok.
So they allowed it to be changed legally but we need it to be living so we can reinterpret the writings to fit the illegal changes we want to make to it. What brilliant WokeNazi logic 😂😂😂😂 but everyone else is the fascists 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@MrChristianDTI'll happily argue your argue against your WokeNazi logic at least until they censor me. WokeNazis need Censorship and paid Influencers to stay relevant because their ideas are moronic. That's why the Democrats destroyed the public school system
Article V's existence actually supports originalism. That there is a prescribed method to amend the Constitution means that the Constitution must otherwise be followed to the letter, as informed by it's original intent.
Changing what the Constitution means and says is not something a few unelected judges have the authority to do. This is the basic idea behind originalism.
“Clarence probably thinks he’d be okay in the good ol days” 🤣💀
This perspective based on victimhood liberal revisionist history, is why a whole generation will effectively be debt slaves and accomplish nothing
Ya he thinks his rich friends will save him, but once he has served his purpose he will be thrown out like so much teash. It's time the supreme court had to follow the same and stronger rules for the court. They have proven time and time again they cannot and have no wish to actually police themselves. They keep going back to the constitution, but here's the thing James Madison and others said time and time again that the constitution was meant to be fluid to grow and change with the times ahead. Also when you read everything about freedom of religion, they included other names of religions, including Muslims and stated including others that weren't listed. If they are going to bring religion into schools well the courts have actually backed themselves into a corner about much. If people like a bakery can refuse service to the LGBTQ community on religious grounds, then so can others refuse to serve christans on there own religious grounds. If a highschool football coach can do christian prayers on the football field and force his players into doing christian prayers then another of a different religion can do the same. And so on. When christans bring these cases to the court and the court sides with the christans, that means they are not following their own laws set forward. This would prove their total illegitimatmicy and would add to the fact that they can not be trusted or believed in anything. We are a country of laws yet the highest court in the land does not follow those laws and makes a mockery of them. I wish cases would be brought before them that actually challenge the laws they themselves have put into place. Here's what's really funny. I am Pagan and we have a small business. It like many others is based on our beliefs. Everything we sell has certain intentions put into it. From soaps, to bath salts, to candles and more. Yet we have customers that yell the loudest in their churches on Sundays yet buy our stuff every day of the week, and yet there has not been one of them try to come in preaching at us. Those that say things only do it on line because they are to much of a coward to say anything to our faces. So for now we will gladly take their money, but the first that comes in acting all stupid will not be served. Like the old saying goes what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Clarence Thomas would not be ok in the Good Ole days because he is BLACK
Yeahhh... Clarence forgets that in the "good old days" he'd have been picking cotton. 🫤
This video is long overdue! Thank you for the brilliant video!
Please share and make this go viral!!
Let’s not get caught in a Strong Man fallacy*. Leo is a member of the Federalist Society and an affective* agent of it, but every other person profiled and any other member unnamed did their part. Remove him and someone else will fill his role.
The real problem is that the attitudes and worldview was able to coalesce into an affective movement. We need to root out that problem. Profiling movers like Leo is good to illustrate what to look for in order to stop others like him, but we can’t just focus on one person while ignoring the seedlings growing out of their bullsh!t.
*Great Man Fallacy
There! Edited to correct terms.
Thank you. I am a bit fatigued of all the overly optimistic folks that think "We'll be okay as soon as we get rid of this one person."
The real value of Trump is that he is merely an expendable distraction from the real forces at play.
Also, If you agree with the following, consider editing it into your comment: the real problem is campaign finance laws AKA "lobbying", every other country would call it "Legal Bribery"
@@rockstc955I agree, that’s bribery but legal in America. In Mexico they have anti-bribery laws that do little to nothing for politicians unless some of the opposition get caught on camera and exposed in the media. So it’s pretty much America with actual real tacos.
FYI I’m a Mexican National so I’m pretty confident I can tell this joke.
Leonard Leo, Paul Weyrich, and Grover Norquist are probably the three most influential figures in American politics for the late twentieth and early 21st century. Hardly anyone's heard their names. A few lessons from this are:
- Political fame and political power are two different things.
- How democratic is the USA, in practical terms? (i.e., translating the preferences of most voters in policy)
- If we want to undo these harmful changes, what can we learn from how these guys leveraged their connections into political change?
Their leverage isn't a thing that can be learned, they threw money at the problem and that works here
How you could ignore Hillary Clinton is insane... She literally owns the DNC still... She did the Russiagate coup attempt she's rigged 2 primaries and 1 general election that we know of.
Dick Cheney should be up there too he created the King presidency.
Kissinger normalized relations with China
You have a very naive corporate fed list
They have homes.
This is why I despise the Supreme Court in its current form. It holds so much power that, funnily enough, it didn't have in 1791, and it can take away whatever rights it wants depending on whose stooges happen to be sitting on it and whose money is lining their pockets at any given moment. It doesn't matter anymore whether the Court is Conservative or Liberal -- it's gotten so far out of control that checks and balances are practically nonexistent. Furthermore, its position on any given topic changes whenever a Justice is replaced, so packing it would just be a temporary solution. The only way to fix this is to bulldoze the Court and salt the earth or fundamentally restructure it so that it can't abuse its self-given authority. Of course, you'd also have to make sure the people restructuring it are actually neutral, not political stooges, otherwise we'd be right back where we started.
Great video, though, even if it is sad to see how a greasy little eel like this guy can gain power.
At this point, we firmly need the Democrats to have control over the other two branches in order to be able to stop them. Right now, we have one & a half & it's not enough.
Even if supreme court didn’t have all this power, the other two branches can’t decide what to do among themselves. Each presidential election the previous work is undone whether it was good or not simply because the “other side” made it.
@@popenieafantome9527 In that case, something needs to be done so the people, both private citizenry and candidates for office, no longer see elections like sports championships.
@@dominicfucinari1942 Ranked choice voting would be a good start. Our current voting system doesn't leave room for third parties, and that encourages polarization.
It's ironic that you say this because the left has used the Supreme Court to achieve all of its victories in the last hundred years, at the express opposition to what the larger legislative bodies would have actually done. that is, against the will of the people.
"They outmaneuvered us" is a strange way to say "they committed perjury and violated their oaths of office".
To be fair, if you're playing by the rules, how do you fight someone who gives zero fucks about the rules, will harness dark money from anonymous donors, and then re-writes the rules in their favour when they succeed? These "good Christian souls" will abandon all pretence of Christianity if it helps them win, then they'll claim they did it all because they're good Christian souls. They are the very definition of "the ends justifies the means".
Loud-mouthed, self-aggrandising fools like Trump and DeSantis telegraph their malevolent intentions from space. It's those skulking about in the shadows, pulling strings and pushing buttons, that you really have to guard against.
Yeah, outmanuevered...
They are people with an ideological goal. Oaths are simply words and when faced with actual belief the oath reveals itself for the empty words it always was. They outmaneuvered liberals because they actually have (irrational as they may be) beliefs, and are willing to take action to advance those beliefs
outmaneuvered is the correct word, lets have an equally revealing report on George Soros and his impact on US polatics
Very well produced and presented. It is rare that I find something I didn't already know in a UA-cam political video. Thank you. This helps me connect dots I never before could connect. God bless you!
This video shows how we live in a democracy by name only. We are ruled by the almighty dollar, and those who have the most dollars. We should all be outraged.
Anyone who knows anything about American political history knows we are not a democracy and never really referred to ourselves as such until relatively recently.
We are a Constitutional Republic.
Great video, getting all of this tied together so succinctly. What McConnell and the GOP did to Garland was so infuriating to watch. Not that garland is some hero, but he's not FedSoc, and again, the process by which it all went down was infuriating.
Don't forget the cynical smirk with which McConnell said of course Barrett would be nominated to replace RBG, weeks before the 2020 election, and a fortnight after RBG's death. Direct contradiction of why he blocked Garland's nomination.
Leonard Leo is a monarchist. Leonard Leo is the reason why billionaires must be taxed out of existence. Coexistence with billionaires like Leonard Leo is not possibe.
It is clear that the guy is a right wing conservative, and has been aiding corporations to pave their way into power, but why do you say he's a monarchist?? That wouldn't surprise me either, after all, he's a very conservative catholic
Wealth has warped everything in directions I’d never have guessed.
For centuries, monarchs & the Catholic Church had absolute power; our democracy ended their power. Mr. Leo intends to right that wrong.
@@anthonycesario4056 Provided Leo's dream is indeed Vaticanese supremacy of the world. Which would figure.
@@anthonycesario4056the United States had next to nothing to do with the decline in power of the Catholic church or European monarchs. the United States is not, and never has been, a democracy.
I just realized I've seen this before yet I heard new stuff that I'd missed the first go-round
Thank you for all you all do!!
You ARE our "news"
People aligned with the powerful are well organized for a reason. Money keeps the lights on.
The rest of us on the struggle bus cant even rent a club house for a birthday party.
Such is why the 1st world considers the risks of plutocracy and kleptocracy so grave. It's why the Louis / Lewis Powell Memo of '971 was considered an extinction level threat.
That moment you realize all the monopolies only donate to the DNC.....
Hell, I'm a teacher and I can't even rent one of the thousands of empty 1 bedroom apartments to live in, much less a clubhouse for a birthday party.
Very well narrated and edited. Keep these coming!
Yes. Keep Shining the Light
He really did do a good job. And if he'd just pull back a little bit more, I think he'd fully nail it. But the reality, the real reality - it's a tough pill to swallow. And not a thing that any individual will willingly open their eyes to. It isn't an easy thing to admit; that nobody 'in charge' of looking out for you, is looking out for you. Even when the evidence makes that totally clear.
@@joshuaonlyNobody is looking out for you, but as a country we have a government whether we like it or not, it's our job as the people to vote to favor the people by being woke, by not believing the words politicians spew but by their actions, so far the Democrats are for the people, Republicans are for for the wealthy and corporations.
It's WokeNazis propoganda watch some Thomas Sowell and get a clue. He omits facts and lies. Lacks a basic understanding of how the government works. It's misinformation designed to reinforce the WokeNazi brain wash. Let's overthrow the checks and balances of democracy to save democracy is the basic summary... It's dumb as dogshit
The real shadow government
Stay Behind Network is the NATO equivalent they all went rouge and tried to overthrow their own governments with mixed success. In the US it's the continuity of government plan, the shadow governments or the deep state. They would never go rouge partner with monopolies to seize power create a fascist state and persecute their political opponents 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But please keep repeating WokeNazi propoganda and think the National Socialist Workers Party is right wing or that Republicans run race ghettos....
WOW!!! Just WOW!!!! Thank you for sharing this information... I had never heard of this guy and his influence seems incomprehensible. How do we, The People, stop this madness? That is my burning question.
The answer to your question is what made the u.s. it's own country
@@robdeskrdwhat does that mean? What are you saying? Please just say what you mean to say instead BS allegory.
@@DiscoDashcoWhat happened to all of the British soldiers enforcing King George's power here.
Hey, can you stop advocating for a civil war? Would prefer that my country does not turn into a bombed out wasteland. Thanks. @@robdeskrd
Fiq's little half smile when he says "you know, the good old days" just cracks me tf up. Some More News did an episode of Leonard Leo that people should check out. It's a little longer. Don't look at the time stamp.
Listening to this is depressing the hell out of me. Rehashing everything from when I was young I have everything taken away from us women and for people of color and everybody else it’s just horrendous.
We will win. Love always shine. But you gotta fight back! Even if it's through a meager donation or volunteering or commenting. Don't lose hope, sis.
Trust me you aren't alone, learning all this is usually very depressing. Just don't worry too much about things you can't control, it will only make you angry and apathetic. Do what you can and keep your head up ✊🏼
Lol what was taken away??? Try saying something factual. It's crazy people keep telling you your a victim you believe it then wonder why you accomplish nothing
@@Rays_Bad_DecisionsA tool and a troll. Hope you’re ~13 years old because that’s about the level of your idiotic statements.
Imagine believing that you have the rIgHt to murder a baby you conceived through the exercise of free will. Abortion as contraception is barbarically evil.
Some people have just always had too much money. Leonard Leo has always had too much money. He's always implemented his will with money, and he's just one of the rich Republicans of the Federalist Society. Imagine what they want, and it's probably already happened.
And now he has a billion dollar war chest
Supreme Court term limits are looking more and more like a good idea.
Clean out all Mosco Mitch and Donald Dumps Ill gotton Judges.
Term limits for all government positions.
Abolishing SCOTUS an even better one. Nobody should be as insulated from the slightest whiff of accountability as those "justices" are.
@@CatherineKimportterrifying how blatantly fascist the Democrats have become
Biden can't talk coherently for 3 minutes straight and your worried about the supreme court
Imagine legally forcing your personal views on others, while aware that it will cause many to suffer.
These are a group of people that wish to control and manipulate others to serve themselves. They don’t care about harming others because they can see us as inherently less valuable than them.
Imagine having no issues at all with killing infants.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS I can’t think of anywhere in America that allows infanticide. I’m wondering exactly how you define a human. I imagine it would be a fertilized egg at the moment of conception.
So of course preventing conception should be construed as murder of a human being. Deciding to wear a condom and deciding to murder a baby, what’s the difference?
@@rocklarsen228 What are you talking about, it was legal in all states (enforced by the Federal government) for the last 50 years.
OK, let's take a look at the logic of your comment. In the first paragraph you talk about a fertilized egg. In the second, you equate murdering a child to wearing a condom, yet you mentioned a fertilized egg earlier. There is no fertilized egg yet at the point somebody decides to put a condom on.
Logic like this is why nobody takes the left seriously anymore.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS I’m trying to follow your logic brother. So you define an infant as a fertilized egg.
I’m not on the left. I think i probably value infants just as much as you do. I can’t think of a miracle of creation more special than that.
@@rocklarsen228 And you equate wearing a condom to killing a child?
This is one of the most educating videos I've seen. I have a Masters Education and even with my education I only ever heard whispers. You have made a lot of things make sense. Thank you
The arrogance of this bunch astounds me; people who desperately want to control others! Makes me sick.
You can't out maneuver a sociopath, because they have no boundaries whatsoever.
However hard you try, you have a fence.. It doesn't matter how far the fence is, or how transparent or or how low,, you're still, even a little, hindered.
It's not just that they would climb the fence, they simply do not have a fence.
Asymmetric offensive. Very hard to predict. And Worth fighting against. Classic Narc behavior- violate all boundaries- continually. Exhausting. #FederalistSociety
Women's Rights Are #HumanRights
How many sociopaths would get what's coming to them without a system of law enforcement?
@Michelle Hettinger All of them. Sociopaths, as stated above, don't have boundaries. So they'll maneuver their way up, and then _write_ the laws that deregulate finances, that gut environmental protection, that allow for discrimination.
@@MichelleHell thanks, I've never thought it out that far.
@@sstuff5217 This chick has wanted payback for a looong time. Normal people are capable of war, so we are capable of getting on their level when survival depends on it.
Another thing to consider is that maybe it's just too easy? Is it psychopathy if the path is paved and it's as simple as spending money like on fast food? I think there's something to be said for how far removed power is from actual dirty work.
Not too disimilar from being removed from the butchery of animals for meat consumption. Does a cow think humans are psychopaths? Maybe, but really it's just too easy and convenient. If you've socially engineered a human farm, how much psychopathy does it even take to work that farm to the bone? It just takes simple decision making, and from there flows the chain of servants towards that financial interest out of their own needs for survival.
Systemic critiques like this help design new systems, rather than scapegoat individuals and minority groups. The conspiracy is that the psychopath is as powerful as we think, when really it's a psychological abberation across the general population. Systems are powerful, and individuals in those systems of power don't need to be psychopaths to enact harm.
Thanks for re-pushing this, Fiq. That was a hell of a lesson
This is so important and so well done. It should be re-titled, "How The Right Killed Roe."
And saved babies.
actually harry reid and joe biden killed roe
Best explanation, summary, and short form analysis of Leo I've seen. Thank you.
This is so fucking scary. THIS is what should be taught in high schools across America.
Term limits seem the only way forward. Clarence isn't the only we are learning.
Great content, thank you.
Lol the Democrat party would collapse. Ron Paul can run a talk show how can the Pelosis, Clinton's, Kerry's, Bidens make money if it's not from Corruption?????
Sheldon Whitehouse has told you all about the dark money that
the Koch bros has put into the surpreme court.If we don't fix this soon things are going to get bad.
Notice how none of the leftists in the comments are raging about the Supreme Court back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, when it was dominated by activist justices.
But all of a sudden, now we need to change the rules in order to keep people with the wrong opinions out of power.
The curriculum is controlled by insiders at state capitals. The people must begin to care and to educate themselves and the youth the truth about their plight.
@@albirtarsha5370 the DNC controls the education system that's why they destroyed it so they have an uneducated base that will work against their own interests
Love seeing FD on this channel. Really cool.
One small note, Nebraska, where Thomas and his wife were wed, had legalized interracial marriage prior to _Loving,_ so they still would have been wed. However, he could easily have been arrested if he entered the South, as happened to Mrs. and Mr. Loving when they married in DC and were arrested on their return to Virginia. Notably, Thomas has a residence in Virginia (among others).
Great video! It's insane just how much control the Legion of Doom now has on our government.
@More Perfect Union This is amazing. I knew none of this. Thank you for gathering this information and for presenting it in an easy-to-understand manner. Just subscribed and looking forward to more from you.
Although I hope our system can handle the current corruption of the court I believe it will take extrajudicial measures to clean it up. Since they use their power to protect themselves.
The addresses of most members of the government are publicly available. Just sayin'.
The only hope is a new huey long who can take over the military
@@porquee I disagree, but if I say why, I'm afraid my account will get banned, so I'll just casually mention the words "asymmetric" and "guerilla."
Thanks you for your well written summary and excellent delivery. Appreciate it. Keep up the good work.
THIS video was hugely informative! I knew who Leonard Leo was & about his funding of the Federalist Society, but his backing of so many talking heads who ended up on Fux News was news to me. Someone needs to send this to Biden, lock him in a room & make him watch it until he agrees to expand the court.
They must've forgotten the fact that the constitution is a "living document"... 🙄🙄
No kidding...
@JordannEdwards but many seem to treat it as if it's "set in stone" when it's not. That's all....
Have a great day ❤
Alzheimers is a part of life
If it's a living document they gotta acknowledge the 13th amendment, and they really don't want to do that.
First of all... what these people are is just the next step on the ladder of organised crime... and last I checked... Criminals take a shit on their victim's constitutional rights for their own pleasure.
This is an excellent presentation - so much better than the gossipy chat stuff - keep up.the good work!
And Show this widely and Often. #FederalistSociety #EndMinorityRule
If you like this, FD Signifier does lots of great content on his own channel as well :)
This was very informative. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into sharing the truth. It's so necessary in today's political atmosphere. Thank you, sir.
This all dovetails perfectly with the current scandal about Thomas and Gorsuch taking bribes while Roberts looks the other way.
Go figure.
This video is amazing! Thanks for exposing his power
Current law student here. My undergrad senior thesis was on how Leonard Leo and FedSoc basically fucked us all.
Thank you so much for shining this light on this awful darkness.
No hypocrite like a republican hypocrite. Voters beware!
Except for leftists...
They are worse
no no no no no! smdh. For the love of God. People must recognize, they are NOT ON YOUR SIDE 😂 Either 'side', both 'sides', not on OUR side(s). They the hands that count the cash, and feed the mouth; top half. We the legs - bottom half, that carry the top. There's your 2 halves, "top", "bottom". Period.
They SAY, right and left. If you buy it, that's how they get you.
What a stupid thing to say. The uniparty laughs at you and your false understanding
sounds like something a democrat would say >.>
@@milkpouch YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!
F. D. Signifier is a gem. Like is main YT and would love to see him also produce more work like this.
Signifier! My man! I thought I had clicked on the wrong video for a second. Love seeing you on this channel.
Originalism only works if time doesn't pass.
Originalism is outright nonsense. They flat-out lie about the original intent in order to push their current agenda.
Love this stuff. Thanks for your research and sharing what you know.
Yep, the Federalist Society, but also the Heritage Foundation and DonorsTrust. Oh, and the Fellowship Foundation, too. If fact, the Fellowship Foundation may well be the insidious org underpinning them all.
Don't forget ALEC (different branch but same sociopathy)
These toxic collections of lawyers are the real Swamp. Draining them of their power and financial resources by removing Citizens United, would go a long way towards bringing some semblance of normality to US politics.
Most of these organisations were funded by Koch Industries.
Great video. Love seeing F.D. Signifirer getting exposure. Definitely a channel worth your sub.
Another media that can teach you about why the Superme court sucks is 5 to 4 podcast.
I recognized his voice right away! No idea he was a contributor here! 💯
I can not imagine believing that 1791 was the countries perfect moment.
‘The good ol’ days ain’t what they used to be and probably never was’ ~Will Rogers
That rapper sure was right about "No one man should have all that power"
wow, this explains why supreme court lost the trust of american people
I've started calling them the supreme circus. Take it for a test drive, see if it suits you.
It's similar to the corporate capture of the system which brought about the Lockner (sp?) era. Except this time, it's mostly shareholders wielding these corporations' power.
Yet the supreme court's approval rating is double Bidens and the Democrats so I don't know wtf your talking about space cadet😂😂😂
@@Rays_Bad_Decisions You're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about if you think Leonard Leo's and Opus Dei's planted judges are anything heroic. At least we know whom Charles Koch, Farris Wilks, and Richard Uihlein (pron. like Euline) fund, and how evil their intentions are.
@@dominicfucinari1942 the Koch brothers create most of the renewable energy. Planted judges 🤡. Opus Dei 😂😂😂 you really are a space cadet
It's never been done before, but there must be a law somewhere, saying this man is unfit for office he has committed crime its called bribery.
Thank you. Failing to report income ....from a supreme court judge and one who was so stupid consent confused his pea brain. And he , as the blight of fecal implant appointments by no body wants liar republican barf often are these days not experienced or accomplished when floated like a turd on pimp$, not merit, not qualification, not integrity.
This video is like watching my country demolished in slow motion. But we can rebuild better from it.
He's using his power to enact negligent violence against the working class. We need to respond in turn.
yes, they went through the gutter, into the back door.
Four boxes of democracy:
1. Soap
2. Ballot
3. Jury
4. Ammo
"Conservative" fascists are trying their hardest to monopolize all four. They have long had major platforms on legacy media, and are now major players in social media. They are passing laws to disenfranchise voters and allowing their brownshirts to intimidate people at polling places. They have populated the courts with activist judges who support their bigotry and tyranny. They have convinced voters that Democrats want to ban guns completely.
Reject oppression, arm minorities, fight fascism in every way.
If you look up "social murder" as a term, it ties in with the idea of taking resources, such as food and health care, from the people, particularly from the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder, so that they'll die younger.
@@dominicfucinari1942 It's class warfare, and we're losing hard because most of our fellow proles don't even realize it's going on while you can bet your ass all the oligarchs do.
@@dominicfucinari1942you can't take something from someone who never had it
lets be real leo probably owns slaves in his american prisons
Thank you for an excellent coverage I've known most of this for a long time however thank you I'm sure other people will enjoy this
The new lawyers and judges are the new priests. They want to get more power and wealth with their expectations that workers will be stupid to not notice. They are doing great job.
Really loving these collabs with FDSignifier
I wish the worst things humanly posible on Leo and his family.
i hope he stubs his toe everyday and never gets a good parking spot.
i hope this man has to flip every plug he uses 7 times before he gets it in
i hope this man will get an itch on his dick at every innopportune moment possible
and i hope this man starts fearing public speech
Wish in one hand and arm yourself with the other and see which keeps you alive once these monsters finally try for it and find out.
@@thomasprislacjr.4063 sad. Let's work against that outcome.
Very informative and well narrated program. 😊
Great research & reporting!
always appreciate seeing FD on this channel
And centuries later, we have learned little from the warnings of Niccolo Machiavelli.
Can't think of a more undemocratic principle than Originalism
Not a Democracy and never were. We are a Constitutional Republic.
I'd much rather have our laws be held in check by a document written to keep checks on power and recognize human rights than the opinions of some activist judge.
@@ZIEMOWITIUS Yes. If you look at the Federalist papers and other things the founders wrote they were explicit in the fact that the system they set up was intended to limit democracy and maintain the power of a landowning elite. Democracy is, however, the ideal that Americans hold dear and ought to be the goal to strive for.
It is a mistake to think that originalism is not an activist position in itself, a bold faced attempt to lend conservative agendas an air of legitimacy by claiming the positions espoused were the intentions of the original Constitutional congress.
The founders knew that they were not prophets, that their 18th century understand of the world would not be valid for all of time, and therefore included in that original document the very procedure to change that document.
@@stephenwilliams163 No, the intent was rather to limit democracy because democracy and liberty are not the same things. Tyranny of the majority is a concept that can easily exist. The Founders simply believed that most people are idiots. I used to doubt that, but the older I got, the more I realized they were correct. Most people are idiots, at least with regard to understanding governance. Therefore, the ideal form of government would be one with limited power to ensure liberty, a position that would not be changed even if the majority demanded it.
No, I don't consider actually following what the document says to be an "activist position." For much the same reason why I wouldn't consider the directions for a new kitchen appliance to be "merely opinion." We have one school of thought that seeks to understand and follow the Constitution and another school of thought that takes very little from the Constitution in favor of modern social views. It's really not hard to see which of the two schools is full of activists.
Yet, activists made no attempt to follow that procedure. Instead, they insist that what is already written "doesn't actually mean what we have thought it means for the last 230 years." We are not talking about adding new amendments to the Constitution, we are talking about forcefully changing the meaning of the Constitution without adding amendments. A right to abortion, for example, has no basis in the Constitution. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg admitted that the ruling was on extremely shaky ground and would likely be overturned in the future.
Thank you for posting this video. Great work!
Really helpful. Sometimes I can't believe how naive I have been.
The supreme court should either be abolished entirely or made into a directly elected position with strict terms and term limits. Enough lifetime appointments.
One of the things that should be mentioned is the fact that three members of the ABA( American Bar Association) declared him unqualified. He has been doing everything he can to undo his predecessor. Thurgood Marshall. The most brilliant legal mind of the 20th century was replaced by a right-wing ideologue. " Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre Minds"- Albert Einstein
Nice to see someone finally paint the target on where the real problems come from.😲
Abolish corrupt SCOTUS, establish true court of JUSTICE! ⚖😢
Nice piece, great presentation - much thanks!
Cogent. I knew most things in this, but it's good to see it summarized together.
I absolutely adore FDSignifire's presentation style and abilities.
I swear this has happened in history before! I feel like history keeps repeating itself… different setting and characters but same plot and antagonist! Greed, Religion & money… do we remember what has to happen… WAR! Hopefully we can resolve this without war😞😩😞🤦🏽♀️
More FD videos please. Thank you.
Thank you for the update on Leo
Does the left have a "federalist society" version? The long game played is actually amazing. Just like the Koch brothers suggested, to win state seats, county seats, school boards. Anything and everything possible to turn right in a wrong way.
Just boggles one’s mind. Fascism is alive and well.
History just keeps repeating itself… setting and characters keep changing but one thing is the same the plot and antagonists! Greed, religion and money!
@@BlahblahblahblahblahblahblahFU No argument here.
Bork paved a way for these federalist society members to come up with the proper "spiel" in order to get nominated. 🙄😒🤦🏻♀️
Tax him down to size! No one should have the means to buy our highest court.
Many thanks to the narrator, and to the video editor, for their convincing account.
As a Catholic I'm embarrassed to know what so called "Catholic" justices can not interpret the Constitution's words of " Separation of Church and State". #VoteBlue2024
The words "separation of church and state" are not in the US Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is what the Constitution says. So give me an example of where you claim the Court violated the Constitution with regard to religion?
@willmont8258 You quoted it yourself. "Make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
@@Marie-r4i2u So give me an example of where the Court did that? Where did the Court establish a religion?
Time to openly equate maga with fash - everyone non-maga is aware that it is, but most maga think that its patriotism.
what do you think nationalism is? the whole chest thumping about patriotism is pretty much always going to go to nationalism then fascism... its a natural progression
the fascists will always be the people obsessed with their country and threats to it... imagined or otherwise
patriotism naturally divides the world in in-group and out-group... and thats nutrient soil for nationalism and fascism... thats why it is so dangerous to base ones identity in it
Patriotism and jingoism are there too elements of fascism!
Facism is simply a toxic, rotting, festering form of patriotism.
I LOVE how they complain about political donations being capped to low because of inflation while in the same breath say we don't deserve a living wage...
Damn. I thought the Koch network was bad…I think they also work with Leo.
Don't surprise me if they worked together.
They had to have to have been able to secure control of Texas.
"outmaneuvered" 14:00 is the correct word. It's the word I want to hear more liberals say, to admit good intentions alone fail, to admit they failed, that it takes more than a dream to build a better future, in order for me to have faith in them again.
Fascinating video, thank you for the great information
Already earned a 👍 once I seen @FDSignifire 😎
Boy, you do some incredible investigative work. Very well done.