Special ‘Mormon Land’ from Europe: The LDS Church isn’t dying here, but it is changing

  • Опубліковано 2 лип 2024
  • Born in West Germany, Ralf Grünke has been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for most of his life. But it was complicated. And, among his Catholic and Lutheran peers, that meant he sometimes keenly felt his “otherness.”
    Still, being “an ugly duckling between the swans,” Grunke has written, was a “blessing in disguise.”
    He studied his own faith deeply, reading everything he could find, pro or con, as well as other faiths, and developed a strong foundation spiritually and scholarly. He now enjoys a spectrum of friends and contacts among all religions, while representing the Utah-based church.
    Grunke is the church’s assistant communication director for Central Europe, headquartered in Frankfurt. He joined “Mormon Land” for a special on-location podcast in Hamburg about the faith’s status on the Continent.


  • @mathonitorke6764
    @mathonitorke6764 Місяць тому +1

    Come one. I am in Hamburg. Invite me for an interview

    @VAATAUSILI4139 Місяць тому +1


    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie Місяць тому

      O.k. if that is true and the Book of Mormon is true, then answer this question.
      Why isn't there any archeological evidence to support any stories that is in the Book of Mormon?
      To this day the Mormon church hasn't provided any kind of archeological evidence to support anything in Mormonism.
      If no archeological evidence, then all of Mormonism "falls apart" because it never existed in the first place. So, you're belting in nothing.

    • @VAATAUSILI4139
      @VAATAUSILI4139 Місяць тому

      @@AlbertJLouie Your comment perfectly reveal, your extreme lack of knowledge. You need to do your homework, you don't know what you're talking about, at all.

    • @MRRANDOMZ11
      @MRRANDOMZ11 Місяць тому

      ​@AlbertJLouie You are everywhere do the Bible-believing Christians have all physical evidence to back up the Bible ie the chariots in the red sea no so stop with the nonsense your lack of faith shows

  • @boysrus61
    @boysrus61 Місяць тому

    I thought the headline was going to say Europe: The LDS church isn't dying here, but it is on life support! LOL

  • @user-ux3vb5zg1p
    @user-ux3vb5zg1p Місяць тому

    I enjoyed this wonderful informative podcast excellant intetview i also love all religions thank you for your interfaith work im a latterday saint and suport you and the interviewer

  • @Deuteronomy_18
    @Deuteronomy_18 Місяць тому +2

    Both Roman catholic & Protestant Evangelical identify the Jesus of the Holy Bible as being the Eternal Word of the Creator.
    The Jesus of Mormon teaching is not eternal. 'As man is God once was' - is core Mormon doctrine. Which makes Mormonism a seperate religion altogether and unknown to the Word of God.

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 Місяць тому

      _"The Jesus of Mormon teaching is not eternal"_ That is completely false. We don't believe Jesus is a created being. D&C 93:29 “Man was also in the beginning with God. *Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.”* I think it is safe to say Jesus has intelligence so therefore He couldn’t have been created in our theology. Also in Abraham 3:18 “Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, *notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.”* So there are 2 of our own scriptures that completely contradict the idea of Jesus being a created being and saying that He has always existed, same as us.
      _" 'As man is God once was' - is core Mormon doctrine"_ Yea... even in your false unbiblical 3 person 1 being pagan view of god you too believe "As man is, God once was" with the personage of Jesus Christ. You believe Jesus (who is God) came down here and became man, died and then resurrected and is now in heaven as a resurrected being, with his body. Good luck trying to explain how Jesus is 100% man and 100% God but somehow refute "As man now is, God once was".

    • @Deuteronomy_18
      @Deuteronomy_18 Місяць тому

      @@dylanwilliams2202 Thus, a different Jesus. And therefore an entirely different religion.
      Which means by in no way can Mormonism be called Christian - as you would be misrepresenting and fooling yourself.
      Even a former LDS President admitted :
      President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ.’ ‘No, I don’t. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages.'” (LDS Church News Week ending June 20, 1998, p. 7).
      The Jesus of the Holy Bible is the eternal Word of the Creator of the Universe.
      Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
      Isaiah 43:10

    • @marilynwatene1480
      @marilynwatene1480 Місяць тому +1

      Not unknown to the WORD OF GOD but to the words across the pulpits of those who don't know him...From those who pontificate to be heard, but do not have the spirit. And those who lean on those (pontificated) words and don't study with the Holy Ghost are led into strange paths...Maybe if you prayed to the fountain of all truth, and actually READ the Book of Mormon...?

    • @Deuteronomy_18
      @Deuteronomy_18 Місяць тому

      @@marilynwatene1480 Let me guess, and pray to receive a feeling to guide the reader to the truth impacting my eternity,
      Something that the Bible explicitly warns will lead to deception using this foreign method.
      The original attack was upon God's itself - (that it had become corrupted ) That's simply not true.
      If you care to do your own research you'll discover that the Bible has been proven to be accurate.
      When you're confident with this, then you can conduct the commanded Biblical testing method of any prophet! - The testing method that of course Mormon leaders like to avoid at all cost.
      Deuteronomy 18
      And then, by God's Word, not by subjective feelings, you will know the truth.
      Until then - your testimony is built upon subjective feelings, not upon the Word of God and you are being misled by a false spirit imitating the Holy Spirit .
      The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
      Jeremiah 17:9

    • @Deuteronomy_18
      @Deuteronomy_18 Місяць тому

      @@marilynwatene1480 Oddly - the channel moderator allows mormons to attack Christians - but won't allow Christians to answer your questions by deleting them

    @VAATAUSILI4139 Місяць тому

    Yes, JESUS & SATAN, are our Brothers, & the 3rd Host of the Heavens, are our families.

    • @boysrus61
      @boysrus61 Місяць тому

      But which of God's wives is our Heavenly Mother? Shouldn't we be calling each other Half brother and Half sister?

    • @VAATAUSILI4139
      @VAATAUSILI4139 Місяць тому

      @@boysrus61 Your comment perfectly reveal your extreme lack of knowledge, you have a lot to learn. Ask yourself these questions, what's the meaning of eternity? Are there worlds without numbers? Are there endless perfect couples who are in-charge of worlds without numbers? What's the meaning of the term Eternal life? Where did life start? You have a lot to learn. And yes, GOD the Eternal FATHER have a WIFE, who are in-charge of Planet or world earth. So, do your homework.

  • @canpow98
    @canpow98 Місяць тому

    Puff piece. Why not talk about the reasons for the marked shrinkage of LDS congregations in Europe in past decades?

    • @marilynwatene1480
      @marilynwatene1480 Місяць тому

      The trick is to endure to the end. There is apostasy all over. But the faithful stalwarts will always stick it through...Hopefully we can hold up the hands of the weak for support! Look on the bright side: Those who do hang on are the chosen and will win the prize!

    • @scotthullinger4684
      @scotthullinger4684 Місяць тому

      It really doesn't matter, because such a phenomenon is not unique to the LDS church. Europe in general, and also the world at large, has become much more atheist in recent decades. It has nothing to do with being LDS nor with being Christian.

    • @marilynwatene1480
      @marilynwatene1480 Місяць тому

      @@scotthullinger4684 Unfortunately Satan would have every soul. But he can't have mine! I know of whom I place my faith and trust. Now more than ever in history our faith in Jesus Christ is on the line, and if we choose HIM, we will have great joy in the eternities. These are the days envisioned by the prophets...we are in the last days. Good or bad, our eternal destiny is on the line, and if we choose the Good over EVIL, we will have the victory. I know Jesus is coming soon, very soon, and my desire is to be with him on that great and terrible day. (great for the faithful, terrible for the sinner) therefore, I encourage and warn all to come unto Christ.

    • @pascalfriedmann1479
      @pascalfriedmann1479 Місяць тому

      Is the Church shrinking in Europe though? Not quite my impression

  • @user-ux3vb5zg1p
    @user-ux3vb5zg1p Місяць тому

    You could hardly read let alone know what your talking about i just seen a podcast about the church growing in Germany im a very happy latterday saint

  • @AlbertJLouie
    @AlbertJLouie Місяць тому

    In sharp contrast to your Mormon theology, the Biblical witness is clear and convincing: Jesus is the ETERNAL CREATOR GOD (John 1; Colossians 1; Hebrews 1; Revelation 1).
    Paul explicitly taught that Jesus is the CREATOR of all, including the angelic realm to which Satan belongs (Colossians 1:15-16; cf. John 1:3).
    Jesus is thus Satan's Creator, not HIS spirit brother.
    [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through HIM and for HIM.
    Colossians 1:15-16

  • @AlbertJLouie
    @AlbertJLouie Місяць тому

    When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in: MATTHEW 24: 23-24
    "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..."
    Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
    So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in?
    A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan.
    B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.

    • @dylanwilliams2202
      @dylanwilliams2202 Місяць тому +1

      Omg, Albert does us all a favor and just stop. You get refuted all the time and I have personally refuted this specific copy and paste comment multiple different times. It's time to get a better hobby that you are actually good at.

    • @scotthullinger4684
      @scotthullinger4684 Місяць тому +1

      Convoluted contradictions & conclusions simply because YOU absolutely DO NOT understand, AlbertJLouie.
      Your analysis is balderdash. Which Jesus do we believe? Seriously?
      There is only ONE Jesus, otherwise known as Jehovah, who is the son of Elohim, who happens to be God the Father.
      Jesus of the Book of Mormon is the same exact being as in the Old and New Testaments.

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie Місяць тому

      Well, the Biblical and academic evidence provided says otherwise.

    • @giuliom3564
      @giuliom3564 Місяць тому

      ​@@AlbertJLouie Actually the Bible confirms The LDS doctrines. Baptism, faith, Salvation, leadership, and several ordenances.

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie Місяць тому
