Spiced Bacon (A Farmhouse Recipe)

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Roughly this 700g loin made 30 slices at 5mm thickness.
    A fifteen-score pig
    Brown sugar
    Jamaica pepper
    Mixed spices
    Remove all bones and cut the sides into halves. Take about two pounds of salt and half an ounce of saltpetre and rub the skin until it sweats. Rub the bacon on the flesh side with the remaining saltpetre, especially in places from which the shoulder and loin bones have been removed. Cover the pork completely with salt, allowing about seven pounds to each piece, and lay it in the salting trough, one piece on top of the other. Leave for twelve days, turning every second day, and removing the top piece to the bottom each time. The salt should now be absorbed. Brush off any surplus and sprinkle with brown sugar, allowing half a pound to each piece. Leave for two days longer, when the bacon will be ready for rolling.
    Put into a dredger two ounces of Jamaica pepper and two ounces of mixed spice, including a proportion of cloves, and sprinkle the bacon, allowing two ounces of the mixture to each piece. Roll up and tie with strong twine or cord (not too thin) at intervals of two and a half inches, leavin a strong loop to hang the rolls up by. Let them hang for at least a week before use.